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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inhaltsbasierte Erschließung und Suche in multimedialen Objekten

Sack, Harald, Waitelonis, Jörg 25 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Das kulturelle Gedächtnis speichert immer gewaltigere Mengen von Informationen und Daten. Doch nur ein verschwindend geringer Teil der Inhalte ist derzeit über digitale Kanäle recherchierbar und verfügbar. Die Projekte mediaglobe und yovisto ermöglichen, den wachsenden Bestand an audiovisuellen Dokumenten auffindbar und nutzbar zu machen und begleiten Medienarchive in die digitale Zukunft. mediaglobe hat das Ziel, durch automatisierte und semantische Verfahren audiovisuelle Dokumente zur deutschen Zeitgeschichte zu erschließen und verfügbar zu machen. Die Vision von mediaglobe ist ein web-basierter Zugang zu umfassenden digitalen AV-Inhalten in Medienarchiven. Dazu bietet mediaglobe zahlreiche automatisierte Verfahren zur Analyse von audiovisuellen Daten, wie z.B. strukturelle Analyse, Texterkennung im Video, Sprachanalyse oder Genreanalyse. Der Einsatz semantischer Technologien verknüpft die Ergebnisse der AV-Analyse und verbessert qualitativ und quantitativ die Ergebnisse der Multimedia-Suche. Ein Tool zum Rechtemanagement liefert Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit der Inhalte. Innovative und intuitiv bedienbare Benutzeroberflächen machen den Zugang zu kulturellem Erbe aktiv erlebbar. mediaglobe vereinigt die Projektpartner Hasso-Plattner Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik (HPI), Medien-Bildungsgesellschaft Babelsberg, FlowWorks und das Archiv der defa Spektrum. mediaglobe wird im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms »THESEUS – Neue Technologien für das Internet der Dienste« durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie gefördert. Die Videosuchmaschine yovisto hingegen ist spezialisiert auf Aufzeichnungen akademischer Lehrveranstaltungen und implementiert explorative und semantische Suchstrategien. yovisto unterstützt einen mehrstufigen 'explorativen' Suchprozess, in dem der Suchende die Möglichkeit erhält, den Bestand des zugrundeliegenden Medienarchivs über vielfältige Pfade entsprechend seines jeweiligen Interesses zu erkunden, so dass am Ende dieses Suchprozesses Informationen entdeckt werden, von deren Existenz der Suchende bislang nichts wusste. Um dies zu ermöglichen vereinigt yovisto automatisierte semantische Medienanalyse mit benutzergenerierten Metadaten zur inhaltlichen Erschließung von AV-Daten und ermöglicht dadurch eine punktgenaue inhaltsbasierte Suche in Videoarchiven.

Da tomada à retomada : origem e migração do cinema doméstico brasileiro / De la prise à la reprise : origine et migration du cinéma amateur au Brésil

Continentino Blank, Thais 21 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat est consacré au cinéma amateur produit au Brésil entre les années 1920 et 1965. Notre recherche a été développée à partir d'un corpus constitué par des films produits par cinq familles. Dans une première partie, nous revenons sur l'origine et le développent de cette pratique au Brésil en nous basant: l'étude des disputes commerciales qui ont marqué l'arrivée sur le marché des équipements dédiés exclusivement à l'usage amateur; les publications des années 1920 et 1930 consacrées à ce public et sur la récupération du contexte de production des images qui forment notre corpus. Dans cette première partie nous discutons aussi les expressions « film de famille» et «cinéma amateur» en proposant un dialogue avec le théoricien Roger Odin. Dans une deuxième partie, nous suivons l'itinéraire migratoire de ces images jusqu'à leur entrée dans les archives et leur reprise dans les documentaires contemporains. Pour reconstruire ce chemin migratoire nous nous inspirons des méthodes de recherché proposées par l'historienne Sylvie Lindeperg. Cette recherche a pour objectif principal de discuter des procédures de publicisation du cinéma domestique. En suivant le parcours migratoire des images qui forment notre corpus nous affirmons la thèse que les films réalisés dans un contexte familier ne gagne une dimension public et politique que lorsque qu'ils sont soumis à un processus de «montage», un concept que nous travaillerons à partir de la pensée de l'historien de l'art Georges Didi-Huberman. / The present doctoral thesis' research object is home movies created in Brazil between years1920 to 1965. This research developped itself into two branches of work and is focused onhome movies produced by five families. In a first branch we explore the origins and laterdevelopment of home-moviemaking since 1920 in Brazil. For such study, we evoke analisyson the commercial dispute that followed the commercial debut of domestic use purposed exclusive equipment, on the propaganda prints from the 1920's and 30's which where destined to amateur film-making public, and also by the understanding of this image production context that constitutes our work's core purpose. In this first part, we also debate expressionssuch as "family film" and "amateur cinema" as an introductive dialogue for the theorist RogerOdin. As a second part of our work, we follow the home movies migratiory path, to theirentry in the cinemathèques and their use in contemporary documental film-making. To retrace this migration course, we inspired on a research method proposed by historian SylvieLindeperg. The present work's main purpose is to discuss the publication procedures ofdomestic films. By understanding the migratory course of the images in our interest, weaffirm the thesis that films made in a family context only gain on a public and political dimention after being submitted to an "montage" process; it is a concept that we develop on the trails of art-historian Didi-Huberman's propositions. / O trabalho realizado no âmbito do doutorado tem como objeto de pesquisa filmes domésticosproduzidos no Brasil entre os anos 1920 e 1965. A pesquisa se desenvolveu em duas vertentestendo como foco de estudo um corpus constituído por filmes caseiros produzidos por cincofamílias. Na primeira vertente, nos debruçamos sobre a origem e o desenvolvimento daprática do cinema doméstico a partir dos anos 1920, no Brasil. Para esse estudo nos baseamosna análise das disputas comerciais que marcaram a entrada no mercado dos equipamentosvoltados exclusivamente para uso caseiro; nas publicações dos anos 1920 e 1930 dirigidas aopúblico amador e na recuperação do contexto de produção das imagens que formam nossocorpus. Nessa primeira etapa problematizamos também as expressões “filme de família” e“cinema amador” propondo um diálogo com o teórico Roger Odin, responsável pelainstitucionalização desse campo de estudos na França. Na segunda vertente, acompanhamos opercurso migratório dos filmes domésticos, seu ingresso nas cinematecas e sua retomada emdocumentários contemporâneos. Interrogamos as estratégias empregadas na incorporação deregistros familiares em centros de preservação de documentos audiovisuais e os diferentesgestos de reapropriação e ressignificação por parte de artistas que os retomaram em suasobras. Para rescontruir esse caminho migratório nos inspiramos no método de pesquisapromovidos pela historiadora Sylvie Lindeperg, que nos últimos dez anos vem realizando umestudo em torno a migração das imagens da Segunda Guerra Mundial. O presente trabalhotem como objetivo principal discutir os procedimentos de publicização dos filmes domésticos.Seguindo o caminho migratório das imagens que constituem nosso corpus afirmamos a tesede que os filmes realizados dentro do contexto familiar apenas ganham uma dimensão públicae política quando submetidos a um processo de “montagem”, conceito que trabalhamos apartir das proposições do historiador da arte Georges Didi-Huberman.

Leitura de arquivo e espaços de legitimação : o discurso jornalístico produzido a partir do Wikileaks

Salvagni, Caroline Foppa January 2017 (has links)
Ancrée sur les apports de l’Analyse du Discours, cette recherche cherche à analyser comment les documents réunis et fuités anonymement par l’organisation WikiLeaks ont été travaillés par le journalisme brésilien. Le matériel utilisé par les journaux est formé par des télégrammes, des rapports, des correspondances entre des ambassades et des représentants du gouvernement américain et leurs impressions, considérations et prises de décision concernant le Brésil. Notre objet est constitué par des nouvelles publiées par le journal de circulation nationale Folha de São Paulo, produites à partir des documents fournis par cette organisation pendant la période entre novembre 2010 et mars 2011, à travers un partenariat entre le WikiLeaks et ce périodique. Nous concevons l’espace du Wikileaks comme un archive, c’est-à-dire un espace capable de générer des possibilités, puisque c’est à partir de la lecture d’archives que notre analyse se développe. À partir du discours journalistique, nous regardons comment en essayant de valider le processus d’interprétation le sujet-journaliste s’empare de la responsabilité du dire et explicite le processus même de textualisation dans son discours. En identifiant des régularités, nous délimitons les mouvements que nous observons dans ce que nous appelons formation discursive journalistique de politique internationale. En traçant les matrices de sens du discours en analyse, nous percevons comment le discours journalistique produit à partir du WikiLeaks renforce la vision apportée par les documents selon laquelle le pouvoir politique et économique exercé par les États Unis en relation au Brésil, parmi les questions les plus diverses, peut être conçu comme pression, ainsi que les intérêts de ce pays-là sont toujours privilégiés, en rendant n’importe quelle difficulté ou obstruction une crainte qui représente un préjudice politique et financier. De la même façon, nous observons l’essai de nier ou délimiter de possibles effets de sens qui pourraient produire de la polémique ou de la mésentente. Le Wikileaks a représenté l’émergence d’un nouveau lieu de mémoire pour le discours de la formation discursive journalistique de politique internationale , ce qui a permis des changements dans la conjoncture des dires, ce qui auparavant n’était pas possible. En apportant à la discussion la notion de fuite et en observant comment le discours journalistique dans un milieu numérique apporte, d’une certaine façon, une relation différente de celle de l’imprimé, nous développons ce qui est devenu l’axe de notre recherche: la dispute pour des espaces de légitimation. Le WikiLeaks prend une position de contrôle de l’information, alors que nous savons bien que cela n’est qu’un effet, puisqu’il occupe une position intermédiaire entre celui qui la révèle et le journalisme; en même temps, le journalisme cherche à légitimer les dires qui viennent du WikiLeaks à travers son profil pédagogique en tout expliquant et éclaircissant. Face au caractère politique et idéologique du WikiLeaks, nous le concevons à partir de son fonctionnement comme fuite, comme une façon politique d’accès, puisqu’il représente une nouvelle possibilité de lecture et d’interprétation dans le journalisme. / Ancorada nos aportes da Análise do Discurso, esta pesquisa busca analisar como os documentos reunidos e vazados anonimamente pela organização WikiLeaks foram trabalhados pelo jornalismo brasileiro. O material utilizado pelos jornais é formado de telegramas, relatórios, correspondências entre embaixadas e representantes do governo americano e suas impressões, considerações e tomadas de decisões relacionadas ao Brasil. Nosso objeto constitui-se de notícias publicadas pelo jornal de circulação nacional Folha de São Paulo, produzidas a partir de documentos fornecidos pela organização no período entre novembro de 2010 e março de 2011, por meio de uma parceria entre o WikiLeaks e o periódico. Concebemos o espaço do WikiLeaks como um arquivo, um espaço capaz de gerar possibilidades, já que é a partir da leitura de arquivo que nossa análise se desenvolve. A partir do discurso jornalístico, vemos como, na tentativa de validar o processo de interpretação, o sujeito-jornalista toma para si a responsabilidade do dizer e explicita o próprio processo de textualização em seu discurso. Identificando certas regularidades, delimitamos as movimentações que observamos dentro do que chamamos de formação discursiva jornalística de política internacional. Ao traçarmos as matrizes de sentido do discurso em análise, percebemos como o discurso jornalístico produzido a partir do WikiLeaks reforça a visão trazida nos documentos, de que o poder político e econômico exercido pelos Estados Unidos em relação ao Brasil, nas mais diversas questões, pode ser concebido como pressão, assim como são sempre privilegiados os interesses daquele país, tornando qualquer dificuldade ou impedimento um temor que representa prejuízo político e financeiro. Do mesmo modo, observamos a tentativa de negar ou delimitar possíveis efeitos de sentido que poderiam causar polêmica ou desentendimento. O WikiLeaks representou o surgimento de um novo lugar de memória para o discurso da formação discursiva jornalística de política internacional, o que permitiu alguma mudança na conjuntura dos dizeres, a qual antes não era possível. Ao trazermos para a discussão a noção de vazamento e observarmos como o discurso jornalístico para o meio digital traz, de certa forma, uma relação diferente daquela do meio impresso com o arquivo, desenvolvemos o que se tornou o cerne de nossa pesquisa: a disputa pelos espaços de legitimação. O WikiLeaks toma uma posição de controle da informação, enquanto sabemos que isto é apenas um efeito, já que ocupa uma posição intermediária entre quem revela e o jornalismo; ao mesmo tempo, o jornalismo busca legitimar os dizeres que vêm do WikiLeaks por meio de seu perfil pedagógico, de tudo explicar e esclarecer. Considerando o caráter político e ideológico do WikiLeaks, o concebemos, a partir de seu funcionamento como vazamento, como uma forma política de acesso e circulação, já que representa uma nova possibilidade de leitura e interpretação no jornalismo. / Based on the Discourse Analysis theory, this research seeks to analyze how documents gathered and anonymously leaked by the WikiLeaks organization were treated by Brazilian journalism. The material used by the newspapers includes telegrams, reports, correspondence between embassies and representatives of the American government, and their impressions, considerations and decisions concerning Brazil. Our object consists of news stories published by the national newspaper Folha de São Paulo that were written based on the documents provided by the organization in the period between November 2010 and March 2011, through a partnership between WikiLeaks and the newspaper. We conceive WikiLeaks space as an archive, a space that is able to generate possibilities, since it is through the archive reading process that our analysis is developed. Through journalistic discourse we can see how the journalist, as a subject, takes responsibility for what he says and makes the textualization process explicit in his writing. Identifying certain regularities, we limited the movements observed inside what we called journalistic discursive formation of international politics. Tracing the meaning matrices, we observed how the journalistic discourse based on WikiLeaks reinforces the vision present in the documents, that the political and economic power exercised by the United States over Brazil, in many different areas, can be conceived as pressure. The same way, we were able to observe how American interests are always privileged, turning any difficulty or impediment into fear, which represents political and financial loss. We also identified the attempt to deny or limit possible meaning effects that could be responsible for causing controversy or misunderstanding. WikiLeaks represented the emergence of a new place of memory for the discourse of the journalistic discursive formation of international politics, which allowed some change in its conjuncture that was not possible until then. We also discussed the notion of leaking and noticed how the online journalistic discourse presents a different relationship with the archive, when compared to the printed version, bringing us to develop the notion that became the core of our research: the dispute for spaces of legitimation. WikiLeaks takes a position of controlling the information, while we know that this is just an affect, since it occupies an intermediary position between those who reveal the information and journalism. At the same time, journalism seeks to legitimate the discourse that comes from WikiLeaks through its pedagogic approach, of explaining and clarifying things. Considering the political and ideological character of WikiLeaks, we conceived it, as it works through leaking, as a political form of access and ciculation, since it represents a new reading and interpreting possibility in journalism.

Usuários da informação jurídica: quem são e como funciona o fluxo informacional no Arquivo da Justiça Federal da Paraíba (JFPB)

Andrade, Wendia Oliveira de 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T15:23:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 13099117 bytes, checksum: b38009e40bd6dacc391fab1eefcaef0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the informational units is common to have users who make use of several types of services and / or products offered by them . In the specific files case, the presence of users is not always constant to be easily observed. In the Judicial Archive of the Federal Court of Paraíba (JFPB) we can note this difference, the existence of users in bigger quantity than most legal files of the capital of Paraíba , and it is for this reason that we are in a search of exploring , investigate and meet those who seek information in the Judicial Archives environment. We aim to meet these users and describe the types that exist, their needs and search strategies for the information contained in the documents that are in the Archive Judiciary. Therefore it was used methods that were beyond numbers, because our research is characterized by the use of phenomenology as a methodology to obtain, describe and analyze the information through interviews with the subjects of the research and Verbal Protocol , used to describe the face to face interaction of the user and professional /manager of Archive information. The use of the Information Science (IS) of the Librarianship and Archivology served as the basis for all the informational construct of the meanings and significance of the research. Emphasis was given to the user, but also the key role of information for him/her , as active subjects to access and use this process. / Nas unidades informacionais é comum a presença de usuários que fazem uso dos mais diversos tipos de serviços e/ou produtos por elas oferecidos. No caso específico dos arquivos, a presença de usuários nem sempre é uma constante facilmente observada. No Arquivo Judicial da Justiça Federal da Paraíba (JFPB) observamos este diferencial, a existência de usuários em maior quantidade do que a maioria dos arquivos jurídicos da capital paraibana, e é por esse motivo que buscamos explorar, investigar e conhecer aqueles que buscam a informação no ambiente do Arquivo Judicial. Objetivamos conhecer esses usuários e descrever os tipos existentes, suas necessidades e descrever suas estratégias de busca pela informação contida nos documentos que encontram-se no Arquivo Judicial. Para isso, fizemos uso de métodos que fossem além de números, pois nossa pesquisa caracteriza-se pelo uso da Fenomenologia, como metodologia para obter, descrever e analisar as informações obtidas através da entrevistas com os sujeitos da pesquisa e do Protocolo Verbal, utilizado para descrever a interação face a face do usuário e do profissional/gestor da informação do Arquivo. O uso da Ciência da Informação (CI), da Biblioteconomia e da Arquivologia nos serviu de base para toda a construção dos sentidos e significados informacionais da pesquisa. A ênfase foi dada ao usuário, mas também no papel fundamental da informação para ele, enquanto sujeito ativo neste processo de acesso e uso.

Leitura de arquivo e espaços de legitimação : o discurso jornalístico produzido a partir do Wikileaks

Salvagni, Caroline Foppa January 2017 (has links)
Ancrée sur les apports de l’Analyse du Discours, cette recherche cherche à analyser comment les documents réunis et fuités anonymement par l’organisation WikiLeaks ont été travaillés par le journalisme brésilien. Le matériel utilisé par les journaux est formé par des télégrammes, des rapports, des correspondances entre des ambassades et des représentants du gouvernement américain et leurs impressions, considérations et prises de décision concernant le Brésil. Notre objet est constitué par des nouvelles publiées par le journal de circulation nationale Folha de São Paulo, produites à partir des documents fournis par cette organisation pendant la période entre novembre 2010 et mars 2011, à travers un partenariat entre le WikiLeaks et ce périodique. Nous concevons l’espace du Wikileaks comme un archive, c’est-à-dire un espace capable de générer des possibilités, puisque c’est à partir de la lecture d’archives que notre analyse se développe. À partir du discours journalistique, nous regardons comment en essayant de valider le processus d’interprétation le sujet-journaliste s’empare de la responsabilité du dire et explicite le processus même de textualisation dans son discours. En identifiant des régularités, nous délimitons les mouvements que nous observons dans ce que nous appelons formation discursive journalistique de politique internationale. En traçant les matrices de sens du discours en analyse, nous percevons comment le discours journalistique produit à partir du WikiLeaks renforce la vision apportée par les documents selon laquelle le pouvoir politique et économique exercé par les États Unis en relation au Brésil, parmi les questions les plus diverses, peut être conçu comme pression, ainsi que les intérêts de ce pays-là sont toujours privilégiés, en rendant n’importe quelle difficulté ou obstruction une crainte qui représente un préjudice politique et financier. De la même façon, nous observons l’essai de nier ou délimiter de possibles effets de sens qui pourraient produire de la polémique ou de la mésentente. Le Wikileaks a représenté l’émergence d’un nouveau lieu de mémoire pour le discours de la formation discursive journalistique de politique internationale , ce qui a permis des changements dans la conjoncture des dires, ce qui auparavant n’était pas possible. En apportant à la discussion la notion de fuite et en observant comment le discours journalistique dans un milieu numérique apporte, d’une certaine façon, une relation différente de celle de l’imprimé, nous développons ce qui est devenu l’axe de notre recherche: la dispute pour des espaces de légitimation. Le WikiLeaks prend une position de contrôle de l’information, alors que nous savons bien que cela n’est qu’un effet, puisqu’il occupe une position intermédiaire entre celui qui la révèle et le journalisme; en même temps, le journalisme cherche à légitimer les dires qui viennent du WikiLeaks à travers son profil pédagogique en tout expliquant et éclaircissant. Face au caractère politique et idéologique du WikiLeaks, nous le concevons à partir de son fonctionnement comme fuite, comme une façon politique d’accès, puisqu’il représente une nouvelle possibilité de lecture et d’interprétation dans le journalisme. / Ancorada nos aportes da Análise do Discurso, esta pesquisa busca analisar como os documentos reunidos e vazados anonimamente pela organização WikiLeaks foram trabalhados pelo jornalismo brasileiro. O material utilizado pelos jornais é formado de telegramas, relatórios, correspondências entre embaixadas e representantes do governo americano e suas impressões, considerações e tomadas de decisões relacionadas ao Brasil. Nosso objeto constitui-se de notícias publicadas pelo jornal de circulação nacional Folha de São Paulo, produzidas a partir de documentos fornecidos pela organização no período entre novembro de 2010 e março de 2011, por meio de uma parceria entre o WikiLeaks e o periódico. Concebemos o espaço do WikiLeaks como um arquivo, um espaço capaz de gerar possibilidades, já que é a partir da leitura de arquivo que nossa análise se desenvolve. A partir do discurso jornalístico, vemos como, na tentativa de validar o processo de interpretação, o sujeito-jornalista toma para si a responsabilidade do dizer e explicita o próprio processo de textualização em seu discurso. Identificando certas regularidades, delimitamos as movimentações que observamos dentro do que chamamos de formação discursiva jornalística de política internacional. Ao traçarmos as matrizes de sentido do discurso em análise, percebemos como o discurso jornalístico produzido a partir do WikiLeaks reforça a visão trazida nos documentos, de que o poder político e econômico exercido pelos Estados Unidos em relação ao Brasil, nas mais diversas questões, pode ser concebido como pressão, assim como são sempre privilegiados os interesses daquele país, tornando qualquer dificuldade ou impedimento um temor que representa prejuízo político e financeiro. Do mesmo modo, observamos a tentativa de negar ou delimitar possíveis efeitos de sentido que poderiam causar polêmica ou desentendimento. O WikiLeaks representou o surgimento de um novo lugar de memória para o discurso da formação discursiva jornalística de política internacional, o que permitiu alguma mudança na conjuntura dos dizeres, a qual antes não era possível. Ao trazermos para a discussão a noção de vazamento e observarmos como o discurso jornalístico para o meio digital traz, de certa forma, uma relação diferente daquela do meio impresso com o arquivo, desenvolvemos o que se tornou o cerne de nossa pesquisa: a disputa pelos espaços de legitimação. O WikiLeaks toma uma posição de controle da informação, enquanto sabemos que isto é apenas um efeito, já que ocupa uma posição intermediária entre quem revela e o jornalismo; ao mesmo tempo, o jornalismo busca legitimar os dizeres que vêm do WikiLeaks por meio de seu perfil pedagógico, de tudo explicar e esclarecer. Considerando o caráter político e ideológico do WikiLeaks, o concebemos, a partir de seu funcionamento como vazamento, como uma forma política de acesso e circulação, já que representa uma nova possibilidade de leitura e interpretação no jornalismo. / Based on the Discourse Analysis theory, this research seeks to analyze how documents gathered and anonymously leaked by the WikiLeaks organization were treated by Brazilian journalism. The material used by the newspapers includes telegrams, reports, correspondence between embassies and representatives of the American government, and their impressions, considerations and decisions concerning Brazil. Our object consists of news stories published by the national newspaper Folha de São Paulo that were written based on the documents provided by the organization in the period between November 2010 and March 2011, through a partnership between WikiLeaks and the newspaper. We conceive WikiLeaks space as an archive, a space that is able to generate possibilities, since it is through the archive reading process that our analysis is developed. Through journalistic discourse we can see how the journalist, as a subject, takes responsibility for what he says and makes the textualization process explicit in his writing. Identifying certain regularities, we limited the movements observed inside what we called journalistic discursive formation of international politics. Tracing the meaning matrices, we observed how the journalistic discourse based on WikiLeaks reinforces the vision present in the documents, that the political and economic power exercised by the United States over Brazil, in many different areas, can be conceived as pressure. The same way, we were able to observe how American interests are always privileged, turning any difficulty or impediment into fear, which represents political and financial loss. We also identified the attempt to deny or limit possible meaning effects that could be responsible for causing controversy or misunderstanding. WikiLeaks represented the emergence of a new place of memory for the discourse of the journalistic discursive formation of international politics, which allowed some change in its conjuncture that was not possible until then. We also discussed the notion of leaking and noticed how the online journalistic discourse presents a different relationship with the archive, when compared to the printed version, bringing us to develop the notion that became the core of our research: the dispute for spaces of legitimation. WikiLeaks takes a position of controlling the information, while we know that this is just an affect, since it occupies an intermediary position between those who reveal the information and journalism. At the same time, journalism seeks to legitimate the discourse that comes from WikiLeaks through its pedagogic approach, of explaining and clarifying things. Considering the political and ideological character of WikiLeaks, we conceived it, as it works through leaking, as a political form of access and ciculation, since it represents a new reading and interpreting possibility in journalism.

Pour une culture de la participation des publics : les stratégies médiatiques d’Al Jazeera. Étude sémiotique des vidéos promotionnelles et du site web participatif Sharek : Al Jazeera face à la guerre de Gaza (2009) et aux révolutions arabes (2011) / For a culture of public participation : media strategies of Al Jazeera. Semiotic studies of promotional videos and of the platform Sharek : Al Jazeera during the Gaza war (2009) and arab revolutions (2011)

Mansour, Dana 04 April 2018 (has links)
Dans le monde arabe comme partout dans le monde, le numéro d’utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux ne cesse de croître reléguant ainsi le vieux media au second plan. Ce nouveau media par son accessibilité, est devenu le nouveau lieu de pèlerinage où se rencontre tout chercheur de la vérité. Or, malgré l’absence d’une vraie crédibilité des institutions médiatiques arabes, Al-jazeera était la seule chaîne qui a su gagner la confiance des spectateurs et qui a réussi à regrouper autour d’elle des millions de fidèles arabophones. Durant les révolutions arabes, le quêteur de la vérité a été témoin d’une concurrence de taille entre ces deux sacrées plates-formes, imposés comme alternatif susceptible de satisfaire la soif de l’homme pour la liberté longuement absente dans le media tout comme en société. Cette étude a donc pour ambition d’étudier la rivalité et puis la réconciliation entre « vieux media » en l’occurrence la chaîne satellitaire et les nouveaux medias (les réseaux sociaux) durant le printemps arabe. Il s’agit également d’analyser l’analogie entre la révolution en terre arabe et celle en ligne et d’examiner le potentiel de chacun à provoquer un changement sociopolitique commun. / The co-production of information with the Arab viewer has always been the directive editorial line that distinguished the Qatari channel Al Jazeera since its creation in 1996. Over the years, the recipe has paid off, making Al Jazeera the most watched international news channel in the Arab world. The strategic choice of the channel to make the Arab spectator, long marginalized in the media, an ally is explained by a desire for legitimacy by the emir Hamad ben Khalifa al-Thani especially after the coup against his father in 1995. Nevertheless, cutting off from the old regime imposes substantial changes. With the first political debates on Al Jazeera, the status of the Arab viewer changes dramatically. They become actors and participate with their questions and comments at the cost of a simple phone call. But at the same time, Al Jazeera becomes the enemy of the Arab regimes. Over the years, the Qatari channel won the trust of many viewers, especially during its coverage of major crises in the Arab world, like the second Intifada in 2000 and the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Through its media coverage from the ground in hot zones, it differentiates itself from other news channels. The year of 2011 was a major turning point in the history of the channel. From day one, Al Jazeera covered the rising demonstrations in the Arab countries. The declared war of autocratic regimes against Al Jazeera does not prevent it from covering stories. Aware of the contributions of digital media, the channel gives spectators the means to participate in the creation and circulation of information. The promotional videos of Al Jazeera are a concrete example. Throuh their short form which enables them to travel from one medium to another; they become an object of media activism. As for the digital platform Sharek, it shows how the channel involves the Arab spectator in the process of spreading and archiving information.

ValidAX - Validierung der Frameworks AMOPA und XTRIEVAL

Berger, Arne, Eibl, Maximilian, Heinich, Stephan, Herms, Robert, Kahl, Stefan, Kürsten, Jens, Kurze, Albrecht, Manthey, Robert, Rickert, Markus, Ritter, Marc 03 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das Projekt „ValidAX - Validierung der Frameworks AMOPA und XTRIEVAL“ untersucht die Möglichkeiten die an der Professur Medieninformatik der TU Chemnitz erstellten Softwareframeworks AMOPA (Automated Moving Picture Annotator) und Xtrieval (Extensible Information Retrieval Framework) in Richtung einer wirtschaftlichen Verwertbarkeit weiterzuentwickeln und in Arbeitsprozesse praktisch einzubinden. AMOPA ist in der Lage, beliebige audiovisuelle Medien zu analysieren und Metadaten wie Schnittgrenzen, Szenen, Personen, Audiotranskriptionen und andere durchzuführen. Xtrieval ist ein hochflexibles Werkzeug, welches die Recherche in beliebigen Medien optimal ermöglicht. Für die Durchführung des Projekts wurden insgesamt drei mögliche Einsatzszenarien definiert, in denen die Frameworks unterschiedlichen Anforderungen ausgesetzt waren: - Archivierung - Interaktives und automatisiertes Fernsehen - Medizinische Videoanalysen Entsprechend der Szenarien wurden die Frameworks optimiert und technische Workflows konzipiert und realisiert. Demonstratoren dienen zur Gewinnung weiterer Verwertungspartner. / The project "ValidAX - Validation of the frameworks AMOPA and XTRIEVAL" examines the possibilities of developing the software framework AMOPA (Automated Moving Picture Annotator) and Xtrieval (Extensible Information Retrieval Framework) towards a commercial usage. The frameworks have been created by the Chair Media Informatics at the TU Chemnitz. AMOPA is able to analyze any audiovisual media and to generate additional metadata such as scene detection, face detection, audio transcriptions and others. Xtrieval is a highly flexible tool that allows users to search in any media. For the implementation of the project a total of three possible scenarios have been defined, in which the frameworks were exposed to different requirements: • Archiving • Interactive and automated TV • Medical video analysis According to the scenarios, the frameworks were optimized and designed and technical workflows were conceptualized and implemented. Demonstrators are used to obtain further commercialization partner.

Framework für Ingest mit Annotation technischer Randbedingungen

Herms, Robert, Manthey, Robert, Eibl, Maximilian 25 January 2013 (has links)
Dieser Artikel stellt ein Framework zur Generierung von Metadaten der technischen Randbedingungen eines Ingests vor, welches an der Professur Medieninformatik im Rahmen des Projektes ValidAX zur Digitalisierung verschiedener Videokassettenformate entwickelt wurde. Insbesondere werden hierbei die Architektur und der Einsatz näher beleuchtet. / The process of introducing media into an IT-based system during acquisition is called ingest. The appropriate handling of media requires the extraction of additional metadata being realized by automatic extraction and analysis as well as manual annotation. We assume, that metadata about technical constraints of the ingest process itself implies a benefit for the media lifecycle. In this context the challenge is the automation.

Populärkultur und Archiv: Social Networking als Archivpraxis

Wagner, Meike 26 May 2010 (has links)
Das Populäre und das Archiv sind zwei sich gegenseitig ausschließende Gegenstandsbereiche, wenn man ersteres mit den Kennzeichen Allgemeinverständlichkeit und Allgemeinzugänglichkeit bei gleichzeitiger affektiver Verankerung (Williams 1976) verbindet, und letzteres in erster Linie als Selektionspraxis und normative Wissensformation versteht (Foucault 1969, Derrida 1995). Mit Urs Stäheli (in Pompe, Scholz 2002) lässt sich hier ein Paradox aufzeigen: das allgemein Verständliche zu archivieren hieße, nur das, was schon überall vorhanden ist zu verdoppeln. Das Populäre der Archivordnung zu unterwerfen, hieße jedoch auf der anderen Seite, es zu ‚entpopularisieren’, den Zugang zu selegieren. In der jüngsten Vergangenheit nun werden wir mit fluktuierenden Archivstrukturen konfrontiert, die sich via Internet und Netzwerk-Konfigurationen als dynamisch veränderbares Bilderkonvolut und als selbstreflexive Medienpraxis präsentieren. Wikipedia und YouTube drängen sich heute als dominante Bildarchive auf, die als populäre Medienpraxis die archivarische Arbeit am Bild beständig weitertreiben und umbauen. Es wäre nun zu fragen, ob nicht gerade hier eine Archivpraxis bereitstünde, die das Populäre nicht in statuarischen Ordnungssystemen tot stellt, sondern Selektions- und Ordnungsprozesse als performative Praxis offen hält. Vielleicht wäre es möglich, hier das Bild eines ‚Archiv-Dunkels’ und einer offenen Oberfläche des Populären zu einem hybriden Konzept zu verschränken.

Arkiv till salu – nu och i framtiden : En intervjustudie om svenska och brittiska arkivinstitutioners roll som marknadsaktörer. / The Archive Market - its Current Nature and Future Implications : An Interview Study on the Role of Swedish and British Archive Institutions as Market Players.

Elofsson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
This research thesis explores the evolving nature of institutional archival acquisitions, emphasizing the economic and symbolic value of archives. Despite it being relatively underexplored and its status as a niche market, the market concerning private archives bear real effects on donor choices and interinstitutional competition, and no less holds the potential for expansion. This study aims to investigate how the market influence public archive institutions' capacity to acquire new archive materials, as well as the economic and cultural resources they possess to compete as go-to repositories and market players. The objective is realized through semi-structured interviews conducted in Sweden and the United Kingdom. The respondent from The National Archives (TNA) of the United Kingdom contributes unique insights through the institution's specific efforts to strengthen the position of archival institutions in the market. E-mail interviews with respondents from several of Sweden's major archival and manuscript institutions also contribute to this dataset. Data collection occurred in September 2023, with on-site interviews at TNA facilitated by Uppsala University's generous support. Results indicate that institutions face consequences regarding access to material, due to new wealthy market stakeholders, an increase in price, and sellers’ opportunism. A proposed paradigm shift calls for revised guidelines to secure the long-term mission of archival institutions, coupled with increased research to understand the evolving forces affecting them. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Archival Science.

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