Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION"" "subject:"[enn] ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION""
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Why do peace negotiations fail? : a case study of the 2012-2015 peace talks between Turkey and the PKKYarali, Serkan 01 1900 (has links)
Pourquoi les négociations de paix échouent-elles? Pour répondre à cette question, ce mémoire synthétise la littérature sur les théories de la négociation et l’intervention de tierces parties dans les conflits intra-étatiques. À l’aide de la méthode de l’étude de cas, j’applique ce cadre théorique au troisième cycle de négociations de paix entre la Turquie et le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan, qui s’est tenu de la fin décembre 2012 à Juillet 2015. Le modèle de négociation de guerre met l’accent sur les problèmes d’information asymétrique et engagement crédible qui mènent à l’échec de négociations. Les problèmes d’information asymétrique et engagement crédible sont habituellement plus aigus dans les conflits intra-étatiques. Car il est plus difficile d’obtenir les informations sur les capacités militaires des groupes armés non-étatiques (GANE) et il y a généralement de grandes asymétries de pouvoir entre les États et les GANE. Cette étude de cas apporte ainsi quatre contributions à la compréhension du sujet. Premièrement, lors d’un processus de paix, les deux parties impliquées peuvent consciemment faire des choix qui ne leur permettront pas d’atteindre leurs objectifs. Deuxièmement, ces choix résultent des mesures mal-conçues dans les pratiques de négociation et/ou l’absence de tierce partie qui rétablirait l’équilibre relatif de pouvoir et qui le maintiendrait pendant les négociations de paix. En fin de compte, cela accentue les problèmes d’engagement crédible. Troisièmement, les changements exogènes perturbateurs en matière des capacités relatives, en particulier en faveur des GANE, peuvent produire les problèmes d’information asymétrique. Quatrièmement, certains conflits ne se prêtent pas à l’intervention de tierce partie. Il peut être très difficile ou lourd de conséquence pour les tierces parties de rétablir l’équilibre relatif des pouvoirs. / Why do peace negotiations fail? Answering this question, this dissertation synthesizes the literature on bargaining theory and third party involvement in intrastate conflicts. Using qualitative case study methods, I employ this theoretical framework to the third round of the peace talks between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which was held between December 2012 and July 2015. Bargaining model of war highlights the problems of information asymmetries and credible commitment that lead to bargaining failures. Information asymmetries and commitment problems are usually more severe in intrastate conflicts because it tends to be more difficult to obtain information about the military capabilities of non-state armed groups (NSAGs) and there tends to be larger power asymmetries between states and NSAGs. The case highlights four sets of implications. First, both sides in a peace process can willingly make choices that fail to achieve the ends to which they aspired. Second, these choices result from ill-designed measures in bargaining practices and/or the lack of a third party that would redress the relative balance of power and maintain it during the peace talks. This ultimately intensifies the problems of credible commitment. Third, disruptive exogenous shifts in relative capabilities, especially in favor of the NSAG, may produce asymmetric information problems. Fourth, some conflicts do not lend themselves to third-party involvement, as it may be too difficult or costly for third parties to redress the relative balance of power.
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La découverte du prix sur les marchés boursiers chinois / Price discovery in the Chinese stock marketsHua, Jian 01 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois essais autonomes sur le marché boursier chinois. Le premier essai examine le processus de la découverte du prix des actions A et H pour des sociétés chinoises double cotées à la fois sur les bourses de Shanghai/Shenzhen et de Hong Kong durant les sessions d'échange communes. Nous mettons en évidence une relation de long terme entre les prix des actions A et H. En appliquant la méthode de l'information partagée de Hasbrouck (1995), il apparaît, quand la Chine adoptait un régime de change fixe, le marché domestique contribuait plus d'information à la découverte du prix que le marché étranger; tandis que sous un régime de change flexible, c'est le marché étranger qui dominait dans la découverte du prix.Le deuxième essai prenant les réformes chinoises du régime de Juillet 2005 et de Juillet 2008 comme des événements spéciaux, il étudie si ces changements de régime de change affectent l'arbitrage entre les marchés des actions A et H. En comparant les niveaux des impacts des facteurs idiosyncratiques sur la décote de prix des actions A et H avant et après les changements de régime, les résultats montrent que la relaxation des contrôles des changes ne favorise pas l'arbitrage entre les deux marchés. Par ailleurs, ce changement de régime de change introduit un risque de change important dans la stratégie des arbitragistes.Le troisième essai aborde la transmission d'information en séance et hors séance de cotation en termes de rendements et de volatilités entre la Chine, l'Amérique et l'Europe. Le problème du synchronisme est considéré avec soin dans la modélisation bivariée avec la Chine comme référence avec des données journalières. / This thesis consists of three self-contained essays on the Chinese stock market. The first essay examines the price discovery process of Chinese dual-listed firms on the A-share and H-share markets during overlapping trading hours. We provide evidence that there exists a long-term relationship between the A- and H-share markets. By applying the information share model of Hasbrouck (1995), we find that: under a fixed exchange rate, the A-share market contributes more innovations in price discovery than the H-share market; while under a managed floating exchange rate, it is the H-share market that plays a dominant role in the price discovery process.In the second essay, by using the exchange rate regime changes of July 21, 2005 and July 01, 2008 of as special events, we examine whether changes in exchange-rate regime affect the intensity of inter-market arbitrage between A- and H-share markets. By comparing the significance of the impact of idiosyncratic factors on the H-share discount before and after the changes of exchange rate regime, the results show that the relaxation of exchange controls does not encourage inter-market arbitrage between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong markets. Further, the switch from a fixed to a floating exchange-rate regime introduces an important exchange rate risk to arbitrageurs.The last essay studies daytime and overnight information transmission in terms of returns and volatility between China, America and Europe. The asynchronicity issue is carefully considered in the bivariate modelling with China as benchmark with daily data.
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Convertible bonds financing : Shareholder wealth effects, Sequential Investments and Call Policies / Le financement par émission d'obligations convertibles : effets d'annonce, investissements séquentiels et politique de remboursement anticipéAdoukonou, Olivier Yvon 08 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse apporte une lumière sur divers aspects du financement par émission d’obligations convertibles sur le marché ouest européen entre 1994 et 2016. La première étude analyse la réaction du marché à l’annonce d’obligations convertibles en période de crise. Nos résultats montrent une réaction significativement plus négative en période de crise qu’en période normale. L’étude des déterminants de cette réaction indique que les investisseurs intègrent le potentiel des obligations convertibles à réduire les coûts de financement externes. Cependant, la réaction négative du marché est au moins partiellement due à la suspicion d’une possible surévaluation de l’émetteur et cette suspicion est exacerbée en périodes de crise financière. Par ailleurs, nous montrons qu’une part de la réaction négative enregistrée à l’annonce des convertibles est probablement due aux ventes à découvert opérées par les arbitragistes. La deuxième étude de cette thèse teste la théorie du financement séquentiel de Mayers (1998) qui prédit que le recours aux obligations convertibles permet de financer de façon optimale des investissements séquentiels. Nous évaluons l’importance du call émetteur dans la mise en œuvre optimale du financement séquentiel en comparant les activités de financement et d’investissement des firmes ayant rappelées par anticipation leurs obligations convertibles à celles d'entreprises du même secteur les ayant remboursées normalement à leur échéance. Nos résultats indiquent que la clause de rachat anticipé permet aux émetteurs de minimiser les coûts d’émissions et signale une stratégie de financement séquentiel sous sa forme « forte ». De plus, le modèle des doubles différences indique que les firmes ayant rappelées leurs convertibles par anticipation investissent plus que les entreprises les ayant remboursées normalement aux dates de rappel et ce en considérant les effets temporels et autres variables de contrôle. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse traite de la politique de remboursement anticipé des obligations convertibles. Nous montrons à l’instar des études précédentes que les firmes retardent le rappel de leurs convertibles par rapport au point optimal de rappel préconisé par Ingersoll (1977). L’analyse des différentes théories justifiant le rappel tardif des obligations convertibles débouche sur des résultats cohérents avec l’hypothèse de détresse financière mais rejette celles liées à l’existence de la période de notification. / This thesis focuses on three aspects of convertible bonds financing using a Western European sample between 1994 and 2016. The first study of this thesis is related to the shareholder wealth effects at the announcement of the convertible bonds issuance during financial crises. We find that the market reaction is more negative during crises’ periods compared to that in normal periods. Analysis of the determinant of this reaction indicates that the market recognizes the potential of convertible bonds to reduce agency and adverse selection costs. However, we also find that the signal of overvaluation sent by the issuance mitigates the investors’ optimism about the ability of the convertible bonds to alleviate external financing costs and this bad signal is exacerbated during the financial crises. Furthermore, we find that firms that are short-sale constrained incur less negative market reaction. The second study tests the sequential financing theory of Mayers (1998) which supports that firms issue callable convertible bonds in order to implement optimal sequential financing strategy. We point out in this study the importance of the call provision by comparing the investment and financing activities of Western European firms that early called their convertible bonds to those in the same industry that redeemed their bonds at maturity. We find that the inclusion of such provision allows firms (callable convertible bonds issuers) to better control issuance costs and signals a “strong” sequential financing strategy. We also find that the calling firms invest more than the non-calling firms at the call date and the difference-in-differences model shows that this difference is due to the call decision, after controlling for time fixed effects and other control variables. The last chapter of this thesis addresses the issue of convertible bonds call delay. As previous studies, we find that the companies do not call their bond at the optimum point identified by Ingersoll (1977). Unlike previous researches in the same area, our study considers the main theoretical rationales for convertible bonds call delay. We find strong evidence for the financial distress hypothesis, little evidence for cash flow advantage and signaling theories but no evidence for the notice period justification.
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Financing Real Estate Assets with Alternative Financial Vehicles : A Study About the Capital Structure of Swedish Real Estate Companies During Turbulent Times / Finansiering av fastighetstillgångar med alternativa finansieringsinstrument : En studie om svenska fastighetsbolags kapitalstruktur under turbulenta tiderSido, Roden, Larsson, Anders January 2024 (has links)
Using the optimal capital structure results in the lowest financing cost, the previous research literature of the subject is comprehensive. Trade-off, pecking order and market timing are the dominating theoretical models to find the optimal leverage ratio. In real estate firms, there are multiple types of equity and debt instruments. Hybrids can be classified differently by the different actors on the market. As the record-breaking low interest rates started to rise at a rarely seen pace, problems arose for real estate firms. The three theories could not explain what the optimal strategy would be during the years following the COVID-19 pandemic, making new studies necessary. The purpose of this study is to understand how Swedish real estate companies deal with their capital structure, and which strategies are used during different economic times, particularly when the macro economy is tightening. Additionally, the study aims to investigate how real estate firms adapt to and prepare themselves to come out stronger after an economic downturn. The aim is to identify the methods usable for real estate companies to maximize the risk adjusted return to shareholders, regardless of high interest and general slow-down of the economy. The work is divided into two parts. One quantitative part, based on regression analysis, and qualitative part, based on interviews with some of the most prominent people in different roles of the Swedish real estate industry. The result of the regression analyses should be interpreted with great caution as the amount of data is small and significant events affected the macroeconomy, leading to both quantitative easing and tightening, demanding more complex non-linear models. The qualitative result show that the symbiosis between different actors on the market has a huge impact on the performance of both the industry and individual companies. The Swedish culture with dedicated owners, finding solutions to most challenges and rarely defaulting makes personal relations and trust to the people significantly important in corporate analyses. Many companies avoid bankruptcy, even when it would be rational for the owners to declare bankruptcy and let creditors take a loss to save their own capital, which often is the case in many other countries. The Swedish model reduces risk for credit investors. / En optimal kapitalstruktur ger lägsta finansieringskostnad och det finns en omfattande forskningslitteratur om optimal kapitalstruktur. Trade-off, pecking order och market timing är de ledande teoretiska modellerna för att hitta den optimala hävstången. I fastighetsbolag finns flera typer av eget kapital och skuldinstrument. Hybrider klassificeras olika av aktörerna på marknaden. När de rekordlåga räntorna började höjas i en sällan skådad hastighet började fastighetsbolagen få stora problem. De tre teorierna misslyckas med att förklara vad som är en optimal strategi under den ekonomiska period som följt åren efter COVID-19-pandemin, vilket gör att nya studier krävs. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur svenska fastighetsbolag hanterar sin kapitalstruktur och vilka strategier de använder under olika ekonomiska tider, särskilt när makroekonomin är åtstramande. Studien syftar även till att utforska hur fastighetsbolag anpassar sig till, och förbereder sig för att komma ut starkare efter en ekonomisk nedgång. Målet är att identifiera de metoder fastighetsbolag kan använda sig av för att optimera riskjusterad avkastning till sina aktieägare, trots utmaningar som höga räntor och en allmän nedgång i ekonomin. Arbetet är uppdelat i två delar. En kvantitativ del som bygger på regressionsanalyser, samt en kvalitativ del som utgörs av en intervjustudie med några av de mest framstående personerna i olika roller i den svenska fastighetsbranschen. Resultaten från regressionsanalysen ska tolkas med stor försiktighet på grund av en liten datamängd och stora makroekonomiska händelser, såväl lättnader som åtstramningar, där det krävs mer komplicerade icke-linjära modeller. Det kvalitativa resultatet visar att symbiosen mellan marknadens aktörer har stor påverkan på hur såväl branschen som enskilda bolag presterar. Den svenska kulturen med hängivna ägare som hittar lösningar på de flesta utmaningarna och sällan drabbas av inställda betalningar gör att personliga relationer och förtroende för människorna utmärker sig som egenskap när bolagsanalyser genomförs. Många bolag undviker konkurs även när det hade varit rationellt för ägarna att begära konkurs för att låta fordringsägare ta en förlust och rädda sitt eget kapital, vilket ofta är fallet i andra länder. Den svenska modellen minskar riskerna för kreditinvesterare.
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Essays in Economic Designvon Negenborn, Colin 04 March 2020 (has links)
Diese Dissertation befasst sich in drei voneinander unabhängigen Kapiteln mit dem Forschungsfeld des ökonomischen Designs. Das "Design" von Situationen wirtschaftlicher Interaktion hat zum Ziel, den Verlauf und das Ergebnis der jeweiligen Interaktion zu steuern. In dieser Arbeit werden mathematisch-theoretische "Designs" zum einen formal entwickelt und diese zum anderen durch politische oder soziale Institutionen realisiert. Das erste Kapitel thematisiert die Implementierung von Sozialwahlfunktionen in einem kollusiven Umfeld. Es wird gezeigt, wie die gezielte Schaffung von asymmetrischer Information zwischen den kolludierenden Parteien deren Koordination erschweren und die Implementierung erleichtern kann. Im zweiten Kapitel wird dieser Ansatz im Kontext der Bestechlichkeit bei Finanzaudits angewendet. Korruption kann verhindert werden, wenn der bestechliche Akteure eine Warnung über anstehende Kontrollen erhält, nicht jedoch der bestechende Akteur. Das dritte Kapitel wiederum untersucht "Design" in Form von Markt- und Wettbewerbsregulierung. Eine Beschränkung des Wettbewerbs - durch eine Begrenzung der Zahl miteinander konkurrierender Firmen - kann entgegen der ökonomischen Intuition wohlfahrtsoptimierend sein. / This thesis contributes to the field of economic design in three independent chapters. Taking the perspective of a "designer", it derives formal solutions in the framework of economic theory and suggests political as well as social institutions to put these solutions to practice. The first chapter employs mechanism design to mitigate the problem of collusion. It shows how the implementation of social choice functions can be achieved by introducing asymmetric information into a system prone to collusion. In the second chapter, this methodology is applied to the context of corruption in auditing. Bribery is impeded by selectively warning one - and only one - of the corruptive parties about upcoming inspections. Finally, the third chapter studies market regulation as a means of "design". Contrary to economic intuition, it may be beneficial in terms of welfare to limit competition by restricting the number of firms allowed to enter a market.
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從資源依賴的觀點探討組織價值創新:全面解決方案提供者的個案探討 / Resource Dependence Perspective of Organizational Value Innovation: Case Study of a Total Solution Provider陳德川, Chen,Te-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
創業初期所面對的主要問題就是資源不足的問題,要如何獲取生存與發展所需要的資源是企業的重要課題。首先,企業必須分析內部環境,找出核心資源,並將之發揮在目標事業上,為企業奠定基礎。再者,企業必須分析外部環境,透過各種組織鏈結策略,重新調整與供應商、顧客、甚至是競爭者之間的關係成為策略夥伴關係,選擇並集中核心競爭強項,形成資源互補,提供給客戶一個全面解決方案(Total solution)的服務,以滿足甚至超過顧客預期的需求,使得顧客願意持續購買,企業藉此從環境中獲取關鍵資源並得以持續發展。
「TSP成長曲線 (TSP Growth Curve)」的形成過程,是在個案成長過程分析及探討後發現,組織要追求持續成長,單靠本身的資源是受限的,組織必須去整合內外部的資源,包括重新建構核心資源、組織並管理外部資源網絡,透過各樣的鏈結策略使得組織獲取成長所需要的關鍵資源,透過策略再思考重新組織企業架構,建構一個學習性組織平台,鼓勵在這個平台上的每一個人去創新思考,讓組織成員得以在非傳統性架構下去思考,在非秩序中去創新,讓大家願意去共創組織的價值。
大部分的企業皆無法規避「出生、成長、成熟、飽和、衰退」的命運,就如同生命會歷經「出生、幼年、青年、壯年、老年」的歷程一般,或許企業無法避免衰退或消失的命運,但是找出「延年益壽」方法來維持壯年期是一個可行的策略。「TSP成長曲線圖」以「TSP成長循環圖」即可以說明企業從「創業成功」到「維持成長」的策略歷程,可以作為企業經營發展的參考。 / The major problem in the early stage of entrepreneurship is the shortage of resources, so it is industries’ crucial mission to acquire the resources to sustain and develop its growth. First, industries must analyze its internal environment to identify the core sources and apply them into the target business, to lay the foundation for companies. Second, industries must conduct external analysis with organizations linkage mechanism to re-address the connection among suppliers, customers and even competitors, so that they can become the strategic partners, formulate complimentary resources, concentrate on their own core advantages in the competition. In this way, they can offer customers the service of Total Solution, to meet, even exceed customers’ expectation. Hence, this could sustain customers’ continuous purchase, and industries can keep developing its business by grabbing the crucial resources in the environment.
This research discovered that, due to the different merging processes between market powers and organizations power, there are five categorized patterns when organizations become Total Solution Provides (TSP): horizontal integration TSP, vertical integration TSP, horizontal-to-vertical integration TSP, vertical-to-horizontal integration TSP and simultaneously vertical and horizontal integration TSP. These five patterns basically outline the process of organization development and bring us more diverse pictures caused by different environmental and organizational causes.
After studying cases and formulating of the TSP Growth Curve, this research found out that it is limited to for organizations to pursue the growth by its own resources. Industries must integrate internal and external resources, re-construct the core resources, manage the external resource network, acquire all the necessary resources for further growth through linkage mechanism, rethink the structure of the business, establish the learning platform to encourage its member to jointly create the value for the organizations, contemplate beyond the boundary of tradition and innovate without order.
There are four steps for the organizations to acquire resources and formulate the TSP Growth Curve: 1. Constructing the core resources and capability of the organizations; 2.Acquireing the core resources from the environment; 3.Becoming TSP with value innovation and satisfy the customers; 4.Lowering the dependence on the environment and upgrading the Growth circle. Organizations can grow stronger, accumulate more resources with this benign circle and leave the dilemma of insufficient resources. In this way, organizations can receive more resources than ever; it can also turn the relationship between organizations and supplier from unilateral dependence to mutual dependence and TSP Growth circle will also be upgraded while they are growing bigger. This growth circle can continuously sustain its development by collecting different resources in different environments. Hence, the stage of growth will be prolonged, and the stage of recession will be avoided of delayed.
Based on the Resources dependence theory, this research has discussed how organizations obtain the crucial resources from the environment to generate growth, and also analyzed that when organizations obtain customers’ value innovation by playing TSP, organizations’ value will also raise consecutively.
Most industries can not avoid the linear destiny of establishment, growth, maturity, saturation and recession as well as human’s life stage of birth, child, youth, adult and aging. Industries may not genuinely ward off the consequence of decline or disappearance, but it’s still workable to figure out a strategy to prolong the period of maturity. TSP Growth Curve and TSP Growth Circle can well explain the industries’ process from the stage of “entrepreneurship” to “the maintenance of growth”, and also offer the positive example for business operation.
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