Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION"" "subject:"[enn] ASYMMETRIC INFORMATION""
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Finansiell teori i praktiken : En studie om finansiell teori och dess förmåga att förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag / Testing Financial Theory : A study of the ability of financial theory to predict capital structure in public SMEsSucasas Gottfridson, David Peter, Neumüller, Tomas Alexander January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie testas tio hypoteser som relaterar till finansiell teori för att se hur väl teorin kan förklara skuldsättningsgraden i små börsnoterade bolag. De teorier som testas är avvägningsteorin (trade-off theory), hackordningsteorin (pecking order theory) samt teorier relaterade till asymmetrisk information och agentkostnader. Testen genomförs med multipel linjär regressionsanalys och de undersökta bolagen är samtliga bolag med färre än 200 anställda på tre av de mindre börslistorna i Sverige. Resultatet visar stöd för åtta av de tio undersökta hypoteserna och är i flera avseenden tydligare än i tidigare studier som testar onoterade små bolag eller ett bredare urval av bolag. / This study tests ten hypotheses related to financial theory in order to determine how well the theory can explain capital structure in small public SMEs. The tested theories are trade-off theory, pecking order theory and theories related to asymmetric information and agent-principal costs. Multiple linear regression analysis is used to test the theories on SMEs with fewer than 200 employees listed on three of Sweden’s smaller stock-exchange lists. The results show statistical significant support for eight out of ten hypotheses, and these results are in many aspects clearer than in studies that test unlisted SMEs as well as studies with broader samples of listed firms.
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Comportamiento supervisor y beneficios privados de la propiedad accionarial: un análisis empírico para el caso españolDíaz Díaz, Belén 04 December 2000 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral consiste, en primer lugar, en investigar si la influencia de los accionistas principales sobre el valor de la empresa se encuentra condicionada por la existencia de conflicto de intereses entre accionistas y directivos, de manera que cuanto más alto sea el beneficio público esperado mayor será la disposición del accionista a asumir los costes derivados de la supervisión. Nuestro segundo objetivo consiste en analizar si en el mercado de capitales español la adquisición de bloques accionariales se encuentra condicionada por el beneficio público que puede derivarse de la supervisión o por la ventaja informativa que poseen los adquirentes, que pondría de manifiesto la necesidad de la aplicación estricta de los códigos de conducta y de un seguimiento más exhaustivo de las empresas con mayor asimetría informativa. El análisis empírico realizado, utilizando la metodología de datos de panel y la regresión logística, nos permite establecer las siguientes conclusiones. En primer lugar, el carácter supervisor de la propiedad accionarial es más intenso en aquellas empresas en las que el potencial conflicto de intereses entre accionistas y directivos es mayor. Asimismo, la existencia de mecanismos de gobierno alternativos en la empresa, que garanticen la supervisión de las decisiones directivas, resta significatividad a la función de vigilancia que ejercen determinados inversores. Por último, los inversores principales de la empresa tratan de compensar los costes de supervisión mediante transacciones en el mercado de control parcial, de manera que se observa un comportamiento comprador cuando se anticipa una mejora en la gestión empresarial derivada de un incremento en la supervisión y cuando existe una mayor asimetría informativa de manera que pueden beneficiarse de su posición de inversores mejor informados. / The aim of this thesis is, firstly, to analyse if the influence of majority shareholders over company value depends on the existence of conflict of interests between managers and shareholders. Therefore, the higher the expected social benefit is, the higher interest of shareholders to assume the costs derived form monitoring. The second aim of this study is to analyse if the purchase of share blocks in the Spanish capital market is motivated by the value creation derived from monitoring, or by the informative advantage of the acquirers and insider trading, which would highlight the need of an strict application of Governance Codes and vigilance of firms with asymmetric information. The empirical analysis is accomplished using panel data methodology and a logistic regression. Our empirical analysis allow us to conclude that the supervisory role of ownership is more intense in firms where the potential conflict of interest between shareholders and managers is greater, and therefore the value of the firm can be increased through a specific composition of its shareholders. Moreover, the existence of alternative governance mechanisms, that guarantee managerial decisions monitoring, reduce the importance of the investor's supervision role. Lastly, we observe a purchase behaviour when an improvement in managerial running is foreseen as a consequence of the supervision, and when there is more asymmetric information and therefore the acquirers can benefit from their position of better informed investors.
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Benägenheten att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer : En empirisk forskningsstudie utförd i Linköpings stad / The propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charity : An empirical research study conducted in Linkoping cityCollryd, Mattias, Lindau, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Antalet hemlösa EU-migranter har på senare år ökat kraftigt i Sverige, och närmare hälften av dem saknar inkomstkälla helt medan många andra försörjer sig genom tiggeri. Numera måste individer förutom att ta ställning till huruvida de ska ge pengar till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer även besluta om de ska ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter. Utifrån antagandet att det existerar asymmetrisk information, och institutionella faktorer som kan påverka individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet är det intressant att undersöka om det finns skillnader i benägenheten att ge till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer.Forskningsstudiens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka benägenheten hos individer att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. Vidare är syftet också att identifiera och analysera olika individspecifika egenskaper som tänkbart påverkar individers givande till respektive typ av välgörenhet. För att besvara syftet samlas primärdata in i Linköpings stad genom en enkätundersökning och analyseras sedan med hjälp av ekonometriska verktyg.Forskningsstudiens resultat indikerar att individer generellt är mindre benägna att ge pengar till tiggande EU-migranter jämfört med etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. De egenskaper som har betydelse för att förklara individers givande till tiggande EU-migranter är kön, ålder, härkomst, kunskap om tiggande EU-migranters livssituation och inställning till lagförslag att förbjuda tiggeri. I jämförelse till detta har ålder, utbildning, härkomst, äktenskap och sociala faktorer betydelse för att förklara givandet till etablerade välgörenhetsorganisationer. / In recent years, the number of homeless EU migrants has increased substantially in Sweden, and almost half of them lack an income whereas many others live by begging. Nowadays, individuals in addition to decide whether to give money to established charities also have to decide whether to give money to begging EU migrants. Based on the assumption that asymmetric information and institutional factors exists, which can affect each type of willingness to donate to charity, it is interesting to investigate whether there are differences in propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities.The purpose of the research study is to examine individual’s propensity to give money to begging EU migrants compared to established charities. Furthermore, the aim is also to identify and analyze various individual characteristics that conceivably affect individuals' donation to each type of charity. To answer the purpose of the research study primary data is collected in Linkoping city by a questionnaire and the material is analyzed with econometric models.The results of the study indicate that individuals generally are less likely to give money to begging EU migrants compared with established charities. Variables that affect individuals' willingness to give money to begging EU migrants are gender, age, descent, knowledge of begging EU migrants living situation and attitude towards banning begging. Compared to this, factors that affect the willingness to donate to established charities are age, education, descent, married and social factors.
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On capital structure and debt placement in Swedish companiesFarooqi Lind, Raana January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2008 Sammanfattning jämte 3 uppsatser
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Industrial organization, trade and social capitalVanin, Paolo 10 September 2007 (has links)
Esta tesis aplica herramientas de teoría de juegos a la investigación de los efectos dinámicos de distintas formas de externalidades, debidas a interacción localizada. Se compone de tres capítulos. El primero, "Competencia y reputación", estudia la interacción entre oligopolistas en mercados con información asimétrica. El segundo, "Política comercial y estructura industrial", se enfoca en la interacción entre empresas en competencia monopolística, expuestas a la competencia internacional, y en sus externalidades de aprendizaje. El tercero, "Crecimiento económico y desarrollo social", investiga los procesos de acumulación de capital privado y de capital social, que emergen de las decisiones individuales, en un contexto marcado por externalidades de interacción social. / This thesis applies game theoretic tools to the investigation of the dynamic effects of several forms of local interaction externalities. It consists of three chapters. The first, "Competition and Reputation", is devoted to study repeated interaction among oligopolits in markets with asymmetric information. The second, "Trade Policy and Industrial Structure", focuses on interaction among monopolistic competitors facing foreign competition, and on their learning externalities. The third, "Economic Growth and Social Development", investigates the patterns of private and social capital accumulation, arising from individual choices in an environment with social interaction externalities.
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La consolidation des politiques prudentielles en Europe face à l'interdépendance des différents métiers de la banque / Strengthening prudential policies in Europe in the face of the interdependency between different banking businessesZhang, Peixin 09 October 2013 (has links)
L’interdépendance entre les différents métiers de la banque s’est considérablement renforcée au cours des deux dernières décennies. En effet, la globalisation financière a accru la porosité entre les différents métiers bancaires notamment lors de chocs qui bien qu’initialement circonscrits sur un segment de l’activité des banques contaminent maintenant rapidement la santé financière globale des banques. Cet état de fait est étayé par la crise des subprimes. L’échec de la réglementation bancaire révélé à travers la crise financière globale nous oblige à réexaminer le régime réglementaire en vigueur et à accorder une grande importance aux réformes réglementaires dans le système bancaire. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’identifier les carences de la réglementation bancaire et d’analyser les pistes de réforme réglementaire pour remédier à ces lacunes du régime réglementaire actuel. Ce travail de thèse fournit des évidences empiriques sur le fait que la mise en œuvre conjointe d’une stratégie de levier élevé et d’une stratégie de liquidité risquée a déstabilisé les banques au cours des années récentes. Les réglementations futures doivent donc s’orienter vers la complémentarité entre la réglementation de la capitalisation et la réglementation de la liquidité. En accord avec ces résultats empiriques, ce travail de thèse propose finalement un cadre théorique pour montrer que la prise en compte de la réglementation de la liquidité en tant que le complément de la réglementation de capitalisation est socialement optimale. / The interdependence between different banking businesses has significantly increased over the past two decades. In fact, financial globalization increased the porosity between banking businesses in the case of shocks that rapidly infects the global financial health of banks, although they were initially limited to one segment of banking activities. That was shown by the Subprime crisis. The failure of banking regulation, as the global financial crisis demonstrated, is forcing us to review the existing regulatory regime and to pay attention to regulatory reforms in the banking system. This thesis aims to identify the flaws in the banking regulation and to analyze possible reform avenues. In this study, we provide empirical evidence on the joint use of risky leverage strategy and risky liquidity strategy by banks over the past years. Consequently, the future regulatory reforms have to shift towards the complementarity between capitalization regulation and liquidity regulation. In line with our empirical results, we finally propose a theoretical framework in order to establish that implementing liquidity regulation, as complement to the actual capitalization regulation is socially optimal.
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Avaliação microeconômica do aumento dos gastos nas empresas brasileiras de saúde suplementar – período de 2000 a 2009Schultz, Elza Maria Santos January 2010 (has links)
O aumento de gastos com a atenção à saúde apresenta-se como um fato econômico de merecida relevância no cenário internacional, sendo resultante da elevação progressiva de preços dos produtos e serviços deste mercado. Pela sua importância social e peculiaridades recebe um tratamento especial nos estudos econômicos. A economia da saúde avalia os fatores que influenciam demanda e oferta neste mercado, direcionando suas observações à interação entre seus agentes e atores, destacando seus comportamentos em relação às suas reações com o tratamento do risco de ficar doente. Possíveis falhas de mercado, envolvendo risco moral, assimetria de informação e seleção adversa, podem ser atribuídas como causas de uma demanda que foge às regras de equilíbrio econômico e favorece a elevação da oferta. Esses problemas remetem à discussão sobre como a mudança de incentivos pode acarretar aumento de gastos e perda de eficiência no provimento dos bens e serviços de saúde dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA) e no mercado de saúde suplementar brasileiro, levando em conta que a situação de elevação dos gastos com saúde, que se agrava no Brasil nos últimos dez anos, já vem sendo vivida há mais tempo em outros países e particularmente nos EUA, mostrando que o problema apresenta tendência de ser persistente. / The health care expenditure increase that presents itself as an economic fact of worldly relevance on the international scene, being the result of the gradual increase of prices of products and services in this market. Due to its social relevance and peculiarities it deserves a special treatment in economic studies. Health economics evaluates the factors influencing supply and demand in this market, directing its comments to the interaction between actors and their agents, highlighting their behaviors in relation to their reactions to the treatment of the risk of getting sick. Possible flaws in this market , involving moral hazard, information asymmetry and adverse selection can be attributed as causes of a demand that evades the rules of economic equilibrium and favors lifting the offer. These problems relate to discuss how changing incentives may lead to increased expenses and loss of efficiency in the provision of goods and services of health of United States of America (USA) and the Brazilian health plan market, taking into account the situation of rising health spending, which deepens in Brazil over the past ten years, as has been the longest lived in other countries and particularly the USA, showing that the problem shows a trend to be persistent.
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Profit-share bidding auctions: a theoretical approachSouza, Clara Costellini de 02 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Clara Costellini de Souza (costellini@gmail.com) on 2015-11-03T17:33:31Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-02 / In this paper, we study by means of a theoretical approach the Brazilian production sharing regime for oil exploration approved in Law No 12.351. We develop a model for production sharing to capture certain aspects of the Brazilian sharing model as compulsory participation of Petrobras, asymmetric information, and the presence of strategic participants. Using numerical solutions, we discuss the bidders’ strategies and their expected gains. Furthermore, we developed a model with heterogeneous costs to study the local content rules. / Neste trabalho, estudamos o regime de partilha de produção brasileiro, instituí do pela Lei No 12.351, para exploração de petróleo através de uma abordagem te orica. Desenvolvemos um modelo de partilha de produção a fim de capturar algumas características do modelo de partilha brasileiro como, por exemplo, a participação obrigatória da Petrobras, assimetria de informação e a presença de participantes estratégicos. Através de solução numérica, fazemos uma análise das estratégias dos participantes e dos ganhos esperados. Além disso, desenvolvemos um modelo de custos heterogêneos para estudar as regras de conteúdo local.
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The Brazilian credit market for small and medium-sized firms: an adaptive marketing approachZambaldi, Felipe 18 December 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-12-18T00:00:00Z / Neste trabalho, o mercado brasileiro de crédito para pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) é analisado sob a perspectiva do marketing adaptativo, em que se assume que atividades mercadológicas como segmentação, gestão de relacionamento com clientes, apreçamento e desenvolvimento de produtos, são determinadas pela utilidade obtida por agentes de mercado ao atenderem a demanda. Identifica-se que a existência de assimetria de informações e de custos de transação limita e direciona as atividades de marketing no mercado estudado. A partir de uma amostra com 65.535 propostas de crédito, recebidas e avaliadas por um grande banco brasileiro entre janeiro de 2004 e setembro de 2006, estima-se a utilidade do banco em operações de crédito. Adicionalmente, 17.149 transações de empréstimos concedidos pelo banco ao segmento de pequenas empresas entre abril de 2006 e março de 2007, são investigadas. Finalmente, um conjunto de dados com 1,636 registros obtidos pela junção das bases de dados de propostas e de transações mencionados, é analisado em termos das relações entre taxas de juros e os totais de cobertura oferecidas por meio de garantias de crédito. Os resultados revelam a existência de um ambiente de marketing adaptativo, em que os pequenos tomadores de crédito produtivo são racionados, e aceitam pagar taxas de juros mais elevadas do que outros segmentos. Produtos de créditos baseados em garantias líquidas e com altas taxas de juros são desenvolvidos para suprir de maneira oportuna este segmento racionado de pequenas empresas. Ademais, a utilidade do banco em operações de crédito é afetada pela informação privada que captura ao longo de relacionamentos mantidos com seus cientes. Os resultados implicam que o sistema de marketing financeiro brasileiro não desempenha papel formativo no desenvolvimento econômico, que seria de fomento ao crédito produtivo por meio de empréstimos a baixo custo para pequenas e médias empresas. Um sistema formativo de marketing é improvável em um ambiente com informação imperfeita, como o mercado de crédito brasileiro. O estudo traz informações úteis àqueles interessados no desenvolvimento de mercados de crédito produtivo, tais como profissionais de instituições financeiras; agentes responsáveis por políticas públicas e monetárias de fomento ao crédito; e empreendedores de pequeno e médio porte que necessitem de financiamento externo para seus negócios. / In this work, the Brazilian credit market for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is analyzed from an adaptive marketing perspective, in which marketing activities such as segmentation, customer relationship management, pricing and product development are determined by the utility that market players get when they satisfy the demand. The existence of information asymmetry and transaction costs is identified to limit and drive marketing initiatives in the studied credit market. From a sample of 65,535 credit proposals analyzed by a large Brazilian bank from January 2004 to September 2006, the bank’s utility in a credit transaction is studied. Additionally, 17,149 credit transactions provided by the bank to the small business segment from April 2006 to March 2007 are investigated. Finally, a data set with 1,636 registers, obtained from the merge of the mentioned samples of proposals and transactions, is investigated in terms of the relations between interest rates and the collateral committed in credit proposals. The results reveal the existence of an adaptive marketing environment, in which small business borrowers are credit rationed and accept to pay higher interest rates than other segments. Credit products based on liquid collateral and high interest rates are designed to opportunistically supply this rationed small business segment. Also, the bank’s utility from a credit transaction is affected by the private information it captures along its relationships with customers. Findings imply that the Brazilian financial marketing system does not perform a formative function in economic development, which would be to foster the demand for productive credit by means of low-priced loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. However, a formative marketing system is not likely to occur in an environment characterized by imperfect information, like the Brazilian credit market. This study provides relevant information to those who are interested in the development of productive credit markets, like professionals of financial institutions; public and monetary policy makers; and small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs whose businesses face the need for external funding.
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Os efeitos da governança corporativa sobre a informação assimétricaMoreiras, Luiz Maurício Franco 26 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:08:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-26T00:00:00Z / In December 2000, Bovespa created a list differentiating companies that voluntarily accepted corporate governance practices in addition to those required by the CVM. The purpose of the innovation was to develop the relationship between companies and their investors, reducing the asymmetry of information, giving greater certainty to investors and thereby encouraging the funds invested in capital market. This study assessed the initiative made by Bovespa, therefore was applied several statistical and econometric tests, that differentiate company as a governance policy adopted. The database has a total of 326 companies that were analyzed from 1996 to 2008. The tests indicate the existence of a clear relation between the governance and the asymmetry of information. Companies that belong to the markets with more restrictive governance policies (New Market, Level 2 and Level 1) have fewer information asymmetries. The results show the formation of a market with different characteristics to the traditional Bovespa. The companies that suffer major restrictions configure a more secure institutional environment. Therefore, the initiative of Bovespa to differentiate the market according to the degree of governance brought positive contributions to the improvement of access to information, which means a safer market for shareholders. / Em dezembro de 2000, a Bovespa criou uma listagem diferenciando as empresas que voluntariamente aceitassem práticas de governança corporativas adicionais àquelas exigidas pela CVM. A finalidade da inovação era estreitar a relação entre as empresas e seus investidores, diminuindo a assimetria informacional, dando maior segurança ao investidor e, dessa forma, fomentando os recursos aplicados no mercado de capital. Este trabalho procura avaliar a iniciativa feita pela Bovespa, para tanto foram aplicados vários testes estatísticos e econométricos, que diferenciaram as empresas enquanto a política de governança adotada. O banco de dados possui um total de 326 empresas que foram analisadas no período de 1996 à 2008. Os resultados apontam a existência de uma relação clara entre a governança corporativa e a assimetria de informação. Companhias que adotam políticas de governança mais restritivas (Novo Mercado, Nível 2 e Nível 1) possuem menos assimetrias de informação. Os resultados apontam para a constituição de um mercado com características distintas do tradicional da Bovespa. As companhias que sofrem maiores restrições configuram um ambiente institucional mais seguro, donde se conclui que a iniciativa da Bovespa em diferenciar o mercado conforme o grau de governança trouxe contribuições positivas para a melhora do acesso à informação, que se traduz em um mercado mais seguro para o acionista.
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