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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on the political-economy of large-scale land deals

Harris, Anthony January 2014 (has links)
The thesis consists of a short introduction and three self-contained analytical chapters on land policy in developing countries. Chapter 1 examines the agricultural investment choices of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia whose land will be expropriated to provide space for a large factory. I use data from a survey of households conducted before expropriation occurred, but after the policy was announced. I identify the anticipation effects of land expropriation using variation in whether households own plots located inside or outside the proposed project boundary. Households facing immediate expropriation hedge against future income risk by using less fertilizer on their plots, and and growing less risky crops. These households are more likely to grow sorghum (a safe crop) and less likely to grow wheat (a relatively riskier crop). Households also respond to the threat of expropriation by reducing long-term investments in soil quality. Using two-stage least squares I show that subjective beliefs about the likelihood of expropriation act as a channel through which the threat of expropriation affects investment decisions. The results are robust to a number of other specifications, including some that account for unobservable geographic variation in plot characteristics. Chapter 2 explores the consequences of land expropriation for small-scale farmers in Ethiopia. Expropriation of farmland is used by all levels of government in Ethiopia as a tool for providing new land for industrial investors, commercial agriculture and expanding cities. Farmers usually receive a cash payment in exchange for their land based on a fixed formula to establish the price of land. I evaluate the impact of such a policy on a group of small-scale farmers and assess the extent to which they make the transition to new livelihoods. On average, households lose 70% of their land and receive compensation payments that are about 5 times the value of their annual consumption expenditure. Using data collected before and after the intervention I examine the impact of expropriation and compensation on household consumption, productive assets, livestock holdings, savings and labour market participation. Households in the treatment group increase their consumption, start more businesses and participate more in non-farm activities than households that do not lose farmland. These households also reallocate livestock portfolios away from oxen and towards small ruminants and cattle, reflecting a shift away from growing crops. However, these shifts to new livelihoods are relatively small compared to the amount of compensation kept as savings: with the exception of a few households, most of the compensation payment is left in commercial banks earning a negative real return. Chapter 3 focuses on the recent increase in large-scale agricultural land deals across Africa and the nature of the contracts reached by governments and foreign investors. In recent years, multi-national firms and foreign governments have entered into long term contracts with host countries in which large tracts of land are purchased or leased for commercial agricultural production in exchange for promises of infrastructure development, job creation and rural infrastructure improvement. The profitability of these projects is uncertain, especially at a time of increased agricultural commodity price volatility in world markets. Based on stylized facts about land deals I present a theoretical model of land contracts reached by host governments and foreign investors that explains the policy tradeoff between investment timelines, revenue generation and uncertainty. When agricultural projects require fixed infrastructure investment and yield uncertain payoffs, firms benefit from being able to complete the fixed investment in stages. If firms can learn more about payoffs by holding off on investment, they effectively hold an option to abandon the project. The value of this option provides a channel by which uncertainty affects the terms of the land contract. When host governments determine the terms of the contract by setting an income tax, a royalty rate and an investment timeline, the value of this option will affect government's optimal policy choice. In particular, I find that if governments benefit a great deal from investment spillovers the optimal contract will be designed to encourage firms not to abandon a project. But, if governments benefit relatively little from investment spillovers, governments will choose contract parameters to extract the value of the firm's option to abandon the project. I end by examining the effect of increasing uncertainty on the government's optimal policy choice.

Koloniseringen av Fröer: En studie av de globala frösystemens effekt på det thailändska jordbruket

Bergenheim, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar hur de globala frösystemen kan ses som en typ av kolonisering av fröer. Uppsatsen utgår från Sarah Radcliffes definition av kolonialismen och menar att man inte endast kan se kolonialismen som en enskild händelse i tiden, utan att det är en pågående händelse som fortfarande äger rum och påverkar den värld vi lever i. Uppsatsen undersöker främst hur koloniseringen pågår i kunskapsproduktionen. Den gör sig tydligt i de globala frösystemen som är starkt påverkade av diskursen om modernitet som definierar vetenskaplig kunskap som modern och därför önskvärd, medan traditionella kunskaper ses som bakåtsträvande och därmed icke önskvärda. Detta visar sig i de globala frösystemen där allt fler stater övergår till ett jordbruk som är exportinriktat och där ”moderna” jordbruksmetoder används, på bekostnad av traditionella jordbruksmetoder som är anpassade till det lokala klimatet. Det gör att bönder hamnar i en utsatt situation då de ”moderna” jordbruksmetoderna kräver dyra resurser för att upprätthållas, samt att miljön degraderas då metoderna som nämndes inte är anpassade till den lokala miljön. Uppsatsen använder sig av kontraktsteori för att belysa hur frösystemen innebär en maktassymetri genom att de kontrakt som skrivs inom de globala frösystemen endast skrivs av en minoritet som sedan påverkar majoriteten som måste följa kontraktet. Därför krävs det att kontrakten inom de globala frösystemen skrivs om med en större inkludering och därmed ge utrymme för andra typer av kunskaper än endast den vetenskapliga. / This essay will discuss how the global seed systems can be viewed as a form of colonization of seeds. It will be based on Sarah Radcliffe’s definition of colonialism and suggests that you cannot only view colonialism as a separate event in time, but an on-going process still taking place, affecting the world we live in. The essay will mainly examine how the colonization is at work in the knowledge production. This is evident in the global seed systems that are strongly affected by the discourse of modernity that defines scientific knowledge as modern and therefore desired, while traditional knowledge is viewed as backwards and therefore non-desirable. This is showcased in the global seed systems where an increasing number of states move from an agriculture that is export-oriented and where “modern” agricultural methods are used, at the expense of traditional agricultural methods that are adapted to the local climate. This exposes the farmers to a situation where the “modern” agricultural methods demand expensive resources to maintain, while the environment suffers since the methods mentioned are not adapted to the local climate. The essay will make use of contract theory toilluminate how the seed systems means a power asymmetry through the contracts written within the global seed systems that are only written by a minority, which then affects the majority that must follow the contract. Therefore it is necessary for the contracts within the global seed systems to be rewritten, with a larger inclusion, and hence grant space for other forms of knowledge than merely the scientific.

L'après-contrat / The post-contract

Kassoul, Hania 10 November 2017 (has links)
Après le contrat, que reste-t-il ? La réponse la plus spontanée est qu'il ne reste rien, sinon un souvenir évanescent et le retour à la liberté. Pourtant, l’étude du droit des contrats montre le contraire. L’extinction laisse subsister des intérêts économiques qui doivent être protégés. Il n’est d’ailleurs pas anodin de constater une prise de conscience des parties et des rédacteurs d’actes : un regain de prudence a commandé le développement des clauses postcontractuelles. Mais, même en l’absence de telles stipulations, une régulation existe, formant des après-contrats standardisés par le législateur, ou encadrés par le juge. Une véritable optimisation du droit de l’extinction est observable, dont le but est de maximiser les bénéfices apportés par l’exécution ou par l’effet extinctif, mais aussi de minimiser les risques succédant à l’extinction. Le contrat apparaît ainsi sous la forme d’une institution sociale devant prendre en compte le contexte dans lequel l’opération économique se développe, au service de la relation inter partes, laquelle transcende la seule durée de la convention. Soulignant la dimension relationnelle de la convention, l’après-contrat permet de remettre le contrat en perspective dans sa somme existentielle, c’est-à-dire en tant qu’expérience totalisant la période précontractuelle, l’exécution et le temps postcontractuel. Dans la compréhension de cette trilogie, le terme extinctif marque un repère qui tire son utilité d’une double nature : il clôt une durée (critère temporel) et signe un ordre de bouleversement dans le sort des obligations (critère substantiel). / Does anything remain after the end of a contract? Generally, we easily believe that the relationship between economic partners and the duration of their contract stop at the same time. But this belief is built on a simplistic vision of the real economic world. When the contract duration is over, some economic interest must be preserved. That is why wise partners anticipate a follow-up to the extinguished contract, by stipulating postcontractual obligations. But, even if there is no anticipation, a regulation does exist with standard legal rules or judges’ framework. A real optimization of the contract law is expanding, to maximize the benefits arising from the contractual experience and minimize the risks led by the postcontractual freedom. That is how the Contract shows a specific aspect: it becomes a social institution which considers its economic context, serving the relational dimension of the partnership. Definitely, the relationship between the partners can last above the duration of the contractual instrument. By this way, the post-contract put into perspective the contract in an existential addition which is composed of three parts: the precontractual, the execution and the postcontractual time periods. In this configuration, the term is seen as a mark which encloses a duration (temporal criterion) and turns the contractual obligation (substantial criterion). Indeed, the post-contract nature is dual, contractual and extracontractual at the same time. That is why we will treat our subject from both and complementary criterions, saying that the post-contract is a time period out of the contract, whereas it shows concurrently the contract out of its own duration.

Optimization of Commercial Retail Leases – A New Model

Gallosti, Lorenzo January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Nyttomaximering av samverkansprojekt ur ett kontraktteoretiskt perspektiv / Utility maximizing within partnering projects

Persson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Målet med rapporten är att utreda hur samverkansprocessen kan genomföras på ett sådant sätt att nyttan kan maximeras för alla parter inom projektet. Detta görs genom att fokusera på tre delar; samverkan som definition och uppfattning på marknaden, upphandlingsfasen hur skall upplägget inom denna utformas för att anbud med rätt incitament för projektet skall bli antaget, samt hur kontraktet skall utformas för att få samtliga parter att vilja jobba tillsammans mot ett gemensamt mål, vilket ska gagna alla engagerade och därmed projektet. Dessutom skall undersökas hur kontraktsteoretiska risker uppmärksammas och behandlas i dessa situationer. Teorin tydliggör att de faktorer vilka främst är av vikt för en lyckad samverkan är förtroende, uppföljning och kontroller. Dessa styrmedel kan beskrivas som mjuka parametrar varför frågor till stor del har designats för att utreda hur projektet har utformats för att höja kvaliteten på de mjuka parametrarna. Utredningen sker genom att hålla 14 intervjuer, inkluderande beställare, huvudentreprenörer samt underentreprenörer. Vad som kan konstateras är att uppfattningen om vad samverkan är och hur det bör användas är relativt enhetlig på marknaden. Det som uppkommit som en av de största skillnaderna mellan projekt är om de integrerar eller inte integrerar underentreprenörer. Vid upphandling har det diskuterats hur lagen om offentligupphandling kan påverka resultatet samt vikten av ett genomtänkt bedömningssystem av anbudsunderlag. Dessutom tydliggörs vikten av varje individs engagemang under denna typ av samarbete vilket också lyft frågan om hur organisationen skall väljas ut. När det kommer till kontraktet har det konstaterats att incitament inte används eller uppskattas i någon större utsträckning, dock kan bonus vara ett bra medium för att styra kvaliteten på de mjuka parametrarna. Om bonus eller incitament används är det av vikt att dessa har ett tydligt utvärderingsystem vilket håller parterna ständigt uppdaterade om hur de ligger till för att erhålla en utbetalning av eventuell bonus. Vidare kan kontraktet hjälpa till att tydliggöra samarbetet, detta genom att strukturera varje parts ansvarsområde samt tydliggöra respektive parts förväntningar på varandra. Detta kan reducera missförstånd och eventuella konfliketer längre fram. Vilket leder till ett bättre arbetsklimat och förhoppningsvis bättre slutresultat. Vidare är ett riktpris vilket är rimligt för alla parter direkt nödvändigt för ett lyckat projekt. När det kommer till kontraktsteoretiska risker har det uppmärksammats att det inte är något som diskuteras i någon större utsträckning. Det finns en mindre medvetenhet om dess existens men fokus ligger på de ekonomiska- och tidsrelaterade risker vilka kan föreligga. / The goal with the report is to investigate how the partnering process can be performed to maximize the satisfaction of all engaged actors within the project. This will be done by focusing on three main parts; partnering as definition and the markets perception of the concept. The procurement phase, how should it be constructed in order to be able to select the tender which will provide the highest satisfaction for the project in total? The contract, how should it be formed to make all parts engaged and strive together for the same goal, which benefits all actors and the project as a whole? Besides these questions it will also be investigated how risks which stems from contract theory are noticed and dealt with. Theory suggests that the main factors behind a successful partnering project are; trust, monitoring and controls. These instruments could be described as soft parameters, therefore questions has been constructed to investigate how projects are planned in order to increase the quality of the soft parameters. The investigation is performed by holding 14 interviews including clients, contractors and subcontractors. From the interviews it can be concluded that the markets conception of partnering is relatively uniform. What has turned out to be the biggest difference between the projects is if they choose to include the subcontractor within the partnering contract or not. When it comes to the procurement it has been discussed how the law of public procurement could affect the result. The importance of a well-functioning grading system for the tenders has also turned out to be of key importance. Furthermore the individual’s importance within the project has been voiced, which increases the importance of how to select the project organization. When it comes to the contract the conclusion is that incentives is neither being used to any extent, nor is it appreciated when used in partnering. But bonus on the other hand, is said to be a good medium to govern quality when discussing the soft parameters. If bonus or incentives are used it is of importance that the parameters who are connected to them are clear, and that the system which decides if the goals for the bonus is reached is well-functioning and continuously updated. This is important in order for the contractors to know how close they are of reaching the goals. Furthermore the contract could help clarify the cooperation, by structuring every actor’s responsibility and clarify the actor’s expectations of each other, this is important to reduce misunderstandings and eventual conflicts further on in the project. This leads to a better working climate and hopefully a better end result. It is also a direct necessity to reach a target price which is reasonable for all parts in order to achieve a successful project. When it comes to risks within contract theory it has been observed that is it not discussed at any further extent. There is a minor awareness of its existence but focus is on economic and time related risks.

Könskontraktsteorin förklarar värderingsskillnader : en granskning av värderingsskillnader mellan kvinnliga studenter med olika social bakgrund

Parshagen, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Students with parents with different levels of education motivate their choice of Växjö University differently. They who have parents with at least three years academic studies motivate more frequently their choice with the program they are studying while those who have parents with lower studies are more inclined to motivate their studies with contacts and nearness to their hometown. I found this in a survey study with 201 respondents involved. The result was followed by interviews on respondents from the survey study. The interviewees were four women whose parents had different levels of education, two with parents with higher education and two with parents with lower education. The interviews were in this way limited to female students only. The conclusion is that the difference in how the students motivate their choice of Växjö University can partly be explained by the theory called “könskontraktet” which says, women from higher social classes want to brake out from the old gender roles, and that makes them value education and carrier, while those who are from lower social classes accept the old traditions between genders which makes them value family and safety. This don´t need to lead to reproduction of social classes and that it goes from parents to children if there is good accessibility to the universities and you can get higher education without moving a long distance.

<b>The Practical Problem of Implementation of Human Rights Norms: An Analysis Through the Explanatory Role of Social Contracts</b>

Ana Carolina Gomez Sierra (18433761) 27 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">I investigate how we can make the content of international instruments on human rights, such as covenants and treaties, frequently applicable in all contexts. Further, I argue that the problem of widespread implementation of human rights norms is two-fold insofar as it concerns (i) recognition of their content, which is often difficult due to cultural or political disputes, and/or (ii) the enforcement of related policies through administrative institutions. After laying out the scope of the project, I propose to use the causal and explanatory properties of social contract theory to elaborate on the relationship between informal (cultural) and formal (legal) norms of human rights. Indeed, I maintain an interpretation of this theory that combines its justificatory powers, like traditional contractarians, and its explanatory role, like contemporary contractarians have done, and I suggest that there is a third, namely, the causal role. From that conceptual framework, I show a successful case of implementation of human rights norms in Colombia, which was one of the countries participants of the Latin American wave of constitutionalism in the 1980s and 1990s. This intense period of constitutional changes in the region allowed for an openness towards international human rights norms in dialogue with national experiences and customs. The relevance of this case study is that it will help me identify lessons and strategies potentially applicable on a global scale. Indeed, I show how a reconsideration of the national political pact contained in political constitutions may be a successful strategy to strengthen the incorporation of human rights norms into the legal domestic sphere. The last part of the dissertation project surveys one possible external solution for the problem of implementation: military humanitarian interventions. I conclude that military interventions do not fit within the model of social contract theory and the justification of its employment in difficult cases may proceed only with certain conditions extracted from the contract.</p>

Decision-making Processes in Impact Investing : European and Brazilian Perspectives

Lukács, András, Bezerra de Mello de Vasconcelos Berggren, Gustavo January 2024 (has links)
Impact investing is an important theme in the financial industry because it seeks to achieve both financial returns and positive social and environmental impacts. The purpose of this study is to investigate the decision-making processes of impact investing firms in Europe and Brazil, focusing on asset allocation and the complexities of achieving dual returns. The study was based on multitask contract theory and followed a qualitative methodology, including interviews with key personnel from impact investing firms. Organizations can use these findings to improve decision-making, enhance business operations, and manage risks effectively.

A performance-oriented account of money awards for breach of contract

Winterton, David Michael January 2011 (has links)
It is generally accepted that the award of contract damages in English law is governed by the expectation principle. This principle provides that following an actual or anticipated breach of contract the innocent party is entitled to be put into the position that he or she would have occupied had the contract been performed. There is significant ambiguity over what ‘position’ means in this context. The conventional understanding of the expectation principle is that it stipulates the appropriate measure of loss for an award of compensation. This thesis challenges this understanding and proposes a new performance-oriented account of awards given in accordance with the expectation principle. The thesis is in two parts. Part I outlines and challenges the orthodox understanding of awards given in accordance with the expectation principle. Chapter One outlines the orthodox account, and explains the traditional interpretation of loss in this context. Chapter Two mounts a doctrinal challenge to the orthodox account, demonstrating the existence of many awards for breach of contract that do not reflect the actual loss suffered by the innocent party. Chapter Three highlights the conceptual difficulty of the orthodox account and outlines the problems with conventional terminology, proposing stable definitions for important legal concepts. Part II advances an alternative account of contract damages that draws a distinction between two different kinds of money awards. The first is an award substituting for performance. The second is an award compensating for loss. Chapter Four outlines the account’s foundations by defending the existence of the right to performance and the existence of the proposed distinction. Chapter Five explains the quantification and restriction of money awards substituting for performance. Chapter Six explains the nature of money awards compensating for loss. Finally, Chapter Seven defends English law’s preference for awarding monetary substitutes for performance rather than ordering specific performance.

“Fake it till you make it” : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare bedömer personligheter och hanterar utmaningar vid chefsrekrytering

Nilefrii, Melina, Persson, Ludvig January 2019 (has links)
In order to be hired, an applicant is expected to possess and live up to a variety of requirements. Though competences such as previous work experience and levels of studies are easily presented and measurable, this presumably may not be the case of more inexplicit information such as people's personalities and attitudes. The purpose of this study is to understand how recruiters value and determine personalities of candidates applying for executive positions. Furthermore it seeks to examine how recruiters handle potential challenges with trying to determine these personalities. Addressing these questions, we integrate semi-structured interviews with recruiters and an analysis of 100 job advertisements for executive positions. The interviews were performed with 6 highly qualified recruiters possessing substantial experience in recruitment regarding executive positions. Found was that recruiters do not seek to determine personalities, but rather personality traits relevant to the job position in question. These personality traits were something that recruiters argued being taken highly in to consideration when determining who to hire. In order to determine these traits, recruiters proposed several methods. Usually, a personality test filled by the applicant set the tone for the rest of the recruitment process. The recruiters alleged that the result of the test formed behaviour related questions during the job-interview regarding the personality traits of interest. Another method used, which had a clash of believed validity, was the estimation of applicants personality traits by looking at their behaviour during the actual interview. The challenges with trying to determine these personality traits proved to be 1) Misunderstandings between applicants and recruiters 2) Differences in applicants love of ease and skill regarding the job interview as a format 3) Candidates telling outright lies. In order to avoid misunderstandings recruiters asked candidates to give examples from real life experiences. To handle the risk of candidates being skillful in doing interviews a trial of employment was used so that the recruiter had a chance to evaluate the candidate in its executive position. The risk of applicants telling lies was resolved by either a) Trying to explain as little as possible regarding the job, so that the applicant would not be able to form their answers b) By asking follow up questions regarding the personality traits of interest without revealing what was looked for.

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