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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"What type of person am I, Tess?": the complex tale of self in psychotherapy / Complex tale of self in psychotherapy

Henderson-Brooks, Caroline Kay January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Linguistics & Psychology, Department of Linguistics, 2006. / Bibliography: p. 319-326. / Introduction: the complex tale of self in psychotherapy -- Literature review -- Introduction to the corpora and general linguistic analysis -- Introduction to the lexicogrammatical analysis of scripts, chronicles and narratives -- Chronicles: this is my normality: the complex tale of the everyday -- Scripts: I am not normal: the complex tale of alienation -- Narratives: this is how I would like normal to be: the complex tale of normality as imagination and memory -- A complex tale of normality: lexicogrammatical features across scripts, chronicles and narratives -- The contexts of psychotherapy -- Generic structure -- A complex tale of self. / This thesis investigates the complex tales of self which emerge from conversations between psychotherapists and patients with borderline personality disorder. These patients struggle in establishing a border between themselves and significant others, which is itself fundamental to a deeper construal of their own existence. They are being treated within the Conversational Model of psychotherapy. The model is strongly oriented to techniques based on language and linguistic evidence and thus offers a linguistic site at which the study of the complex interaction of self and language can be made tractable.--Within a broad corpus of transcribed audio recordings of patient-therapist discourse, the principal focus of my linguistic study is the Conversational Model's claims about three conversational types-Scripts, Chronicles and Narratives. According to Meares, they present 'self as shifting state in the therapeutic conversation' (1998:876). The thesis investigates a selection of texts to represent these three conversational types, which I have chosen according to the claims in the Conversational Model literature. It tests the evidence of Meares' claims concerning the semantic characteristics which distinguish the three conversational types, as well as the linguistic evidence concerning the claims of change in the self in particular the presentation of 'self as shifting state' (1998:876). To achieve the levels of complexity required for this linguistic study of self, this thesis uses Systemic Functional Linguistics, which has a social, interactional orientation and a multidimensional and in particular, multistratal approach. The research demonstrates that therapeutically relevant aspects of the self can be productively described, across linguistic strata, in a consistent and reproducible way as a construction of meaning. The meanings which speakers offer in wordings can provide a reliable index for evaluating the emergence and maintenance of self. The Conversational Model's 'conversations' are confirmed as linguistically distinguishable text types and the research further shows that key terms of the Conversational Model can be defended theoretically on the basis of linguistic evidence, for example, the contrastive linearlnon-linear. Together the findings describe the complexity in the tale of self.--This investigation of the Conversational Model data also tests the claims of a functional linguistics at the same time that it evaluates the Conversational Model with respect to that model's consistent appeals to language as evidence. It establishes an opportunity to extend the dialogue between linguists and practitioners of the Conversational Model: the tools of the one group increase the reflective capabilities of the other. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xx, 385 p. ill

Dialogues et conversations dans l’œuvre des Goncourt / Dialogues and conversations in the Goncourt’s work

Zammartino, Luigi 14 October 2016 (has links)
En dépit de certaines idées reçues qui ont poussé longtemps la critique à étiqueter les Goncourt non seulement comme des représentants mineurs du réalisme et du naturalisme, mais aussi comme des écrivains renfermés trop dans leurs tics, ce travail propose de considérer à nouveaux frais l’œuvre des deux frères, à partir d’une interaction narrateur-lecteur et en se concentrant surtout sur ces deux figures de la communication littéraire. Tout au long de cette étude on va montrer que le lecteur est plongé d’emblée au cœur d’une dimension dialogique réelle, soit dans les œuvres romanesques, soit dans les récits intimes, soit dans les premières études historiques d’Edmond et Jules de Goncourt. Les dialogues et les conversations se succèdent dans la narration goncourtienne et le lecteur perçoit une polyphonie, un plurilinguisme de voix, qui lui permettront de participer à l’acte de l’écriture, à l’impliquer dans le texte dès son début. À travers diverses analyses des sténographies de dialogues et de conversations on va supposer qu’un véritable principe de «démocratisation littéraire » se fonde et trouve sa liberté dans l’émancipation du patronage narratif. / Although some ideas prompted for a long time critics to label Goncourt brothers not only as minor representatives of realism and naturalism, but also as writers retired in their hobbyhorses, this work proposes to consider Goncourt’s work beginning from the interaction narrator – reader focusing mainly on this two figures of literary communication. In this study it is possible to notice that the reader is suddenly plunged in a real dialogic dimension, in fiction works, in intimist stories and in Edmond and Jules Goncourt’s first historical studies too. Dialogues and conversations follow one another in the Goncourt’s narration and the reader perceives a polyphony, a multilingualism of voices, that permit him to take part in the act of writing and to involve in the text since the beginning. Through different analysis of the shortland of dialogues and conversations we suppose that a principle of « literary democratization » is based on and find its freedom in the emancipation of the narrative patronage.

Dimensions of embodiment : towards a conversational science of human action

Mills, David M. January 1996 (has links)
George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory, especially as subsumed within the “conversational science" paradigm developed by Thomas and Harri-Augstein, is fundamentally a framework for a geometry of personal meaning in which all of the dimensions of distinction within a person’s experience are like the dimensions of geometric space. A person's system of constructs is not just a framework for predicting the attributes of future events; it is a coordinate system for navigating the dimensionality of experience. The work of F. M. Alexander is primarily concerned with the "psycho-physical unity of the individual," and thus with the continuity of experience. The present work has two aims. The first, drawing on the work of Merleau-Ponty and John Dewey, and culminating in the concept of "Conductive Reasoning", is to lay a theoretical foundation for a synthesis of the practical work of Kelly and Alexander. The primary premise is that the act of comprehending is an embodied act, and as such is as subject to the conditions of the coordination of the whole person as is any other act. The second, practical, aim has been to develop a conversational methodology for dealing with learning in a more fully embodied way. This method of "conductive conversation," formally derived from the "Learning Conversation," evolved from the author's teaching experience with the Alexander Technique. Appendix 1, "A Conversational Introduction to Conductive Reasoning," is an interactive conversational structure which incorporates a development of these concepts in the context of personal experiments for generating the kinds of experiences from which the reader may draw something of the intended meaning, and some skill in using the conductive conversational tools for exploring embodied dimensions in their own meaning. It is intended as a piece that will stand on its own as a conversational research instrument for personal scientists.

"Rencontrer en devisant" : La conversation facétieuse dans les recueils bigarrés des années 1580 (Du Fail, Cholières, Bouchet) / "Rencontrer en devisant" : facetious conversation in the bigarré works of the 1580’s (Du Fail, Cholières, Bouchet)

Kiès, Nicolas 26 September 2015 (has links)
Autour de l’année 1585 paraissent en France des recueils dialogués cultivant l’hybridité formelle et le mélange des tons : les Contes et discours d’Eutrapel de Noël du Fail, les Matinées et les Apresdisnées de Cholières ainsi que les Serées du libraire-imprimeur poitevin Guillaume Bouchet. Exploitant une des potentialités du Décaméron de Boccace, ils mettent l’accent sur la pratique des « devis », c’est-à-dire sur les conversations nouées par des compagnies conteuses. Ces « contes et discours bigarrez » font alterner les bribes de nouvelles, les anecdotes plaisantes et les railleries avec les matières les plus graves, fiches historiques, apophtegmes édifiants et développements juridiques. En un curieux mélange, l’art de « rencontrer » (de dire des bons mots) s’y mêle à l’érudition la plus ostentatoire. Au carrefour de l’histoire des formes littéraires et de la sociabilité, les notions de « facétie » et de « devis » permettent d’interroger la singularité de ces textes, en termes à la fois poétiques et sociaux. Le genre de la facétie humaniste y est de mieux en mieux assimilé, tandis que le dialogue philosophique cède la place à de souples conversations, qui redéfinissent les rapports des plaisanteries aux savoirs. En décrivant les réactions des interlocuteurs, ces textes mènent aussi une réflexion sur la sociabilité et les normes de la civilité. Alors que le royaume est en proie aux guerres civiles, ces conversations facétieuses esquissent des modèles de coexistence originaux, valorisant la liberté de parole, les conflits ludiques et les ententes paradoxales. À la veille du Grand siècle se décide un tournant important de l’histoire de la conversation, entre urbanité et rusticité, politesse et gauloiserie. / Dialogued works, hybrid in form and presenting a variety of tone, make their appearance around the year 1585, in the Contes et discours d’Eutrapel by Noël du Fail, Cholières’ Matinées and Apresdisnées, and Serées, by Poitou-native printer and bookseller, Guillaume Bouchet. Inspired by a potentiality offered by Boccaccio’s Decameron, the authors place the accent on the practice known as “devis”, or conversations that are started up in a storytelling mode. These “contes et discours bigarrez” alternate snatches of novellas, pleasant anecdotes and teasing mockery with more serious material, including historical notes, edifying apophthegms and legal developments. In a curious mélange, the art of “rencontrer” (being witty) is offset by showy erudition. At the crossroads of the history of literary forms and sociability, the notions of “facétie” and “devis” enlighten the singularity of these texts, in both poetic and social terms. The genre of humanistic witticism is increasingly integrated, while philosophical dialogue gives way to agile conversation, which redefines the relation between joking and learning. In describing the reactions of the persons addressed, these texts also invite research into the sociability and the civility codes of the day. At a time when the kingdom is rife with civil wars, these facetious or witty conversations are original models for coexistence, where freedom of speech, playful clashes and paradoxical agreements play leading roles. Part urbane, part countrified, between courteous and bawdy, an important turning point in the history of conversation is reached here, on the eve of the Grand Siècle.

Le dialogue éducatif des Lumières : innovations, permanences et fantasmes (1754-1804) / The educational dialogue of the Enlightenment : innovations, permanencies and idealizations (1754-1804)

Chiron, Jeanne 02 July 2016 (has links)
La forme dialoguée a fait l’objet de réactualisations philosophiques et littéraires diverses au fil des siècles. Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, elle est réinvestie comme vecteur d’une nouvelle méthode éducative, qui affiche une conception renouvelée de l’enfant comme être singulier auquel il faut adapter la parole et les enseignements, afin de démontrer, par la « pratique », ce qu’est une éducation réussie. Prenant en compte la nature, l’âge et le caractère de l’enfant, ces mises en scène pédagogiques ont pour objectif de créer des modèles pour une éducation idéale, à la fois générale et raisonnée.Jouant sur la séduction d’une forme littéraire à la fois « totale », « nouvelle » et « naturelle », de nombreux auteurs recourent au dialogue pour présenter en détail des échanges éducatifs suivis : le dialogue permet en effet d’intégrer de nouvelles données dans l’éducation des enfants, par l’évocation vivante de la relation éducative, une temporalité enrichie et l’introduction d’éléments de réflexivité sur la pratique présentée. Les premières cibles de ces projets de rénovation éducative sont les jeunes filles, auxquelles sont dédiés des fictions spécifiques proposant une éducation domestique souvent ambitieuse.Situé au carrefour de deux questions cruciales, celle de la rénovation éducative du temps des Lumières, et celle de la constitution d’un champ littéraire – la littérature pour enfants, encore en gestation –, le dialogue éducatif de cette période se comprend mieux si l’on tient compte des stratégies rhétoriques et éditoriales de ses promoteurs. Celles-ci permettent de mieux percevoir et mesurer les ambitions et les résistances éducatives de cette période. L’illusion mimétique et pratique sur laquelle repose le dialogue éducatif donne accès à ce qui fait la doxa éducative des Lumières, prise entre pesanteurs, prétentions à la nouveauté et innovations effectives. / In the second half of the eighteenth century, the dialogic form has been used as a vehicle for a new educational methodology, which claims a renewed conception of the child as a unique being to which one must adapt one’s speech and teaching, in order to show, through “practice”, that which is a successful education. Taking into account the nature, the age and the character of the child, these pedagogical directions aim to create the models for an ideal education, both general and reasoned.Playing on the seduction of a literary form, at the same time “total”, “new” and “natural”, many authors resort to multi-faceted dialogue to present in detail some educational exchanges: indeed, dialogue permits the integration of new facts into children’s education, by the living reminder of the educational relationship, an enriched temporality and the introduction of elements of reflectivity on the presented practice. The first targets of these projects of educational reform are young girls, to which specific fictions are dedicated proposing an often ambitious domestic education.Situated at the intersection of two crucial questions, that of the educational reform of the Enlightenment, and that of the creation of a literary domain – children’s literature, still in gestation –, the educational dialogue of this period is best understood if one takes into account the rhetorical and editorial strategies of its promotors. These allow one to better perceive and measure the educational ambitions and oppositions of this period. The mimetic and practical illusion on which the educational dialogue is based gives access to that which makes the educational doxa of the Enlightenment, caught between ponderousness, ambitions to originality and effective innovation.

Age related hearing loss and conversation: before and after hearing aid fitting

Bredenkamp, Corné-Louise 22 October 2007 (has links)
People with presbyacusis commonly report difficulties in conversation in everyday settings. Although previous research has focused on self-report inventories concerning conversation difficulties in age related hearing difficulties, there is a lack of published work describing the interactions between people with presbyacusis and their conversational partners. The aim of this study is to describe conversational interactions between people with presbyacusis and their main everyday conversational partner and to determine whether there is evidence of change in interaction before and after the fitting of hearing aids. Ten participants recruited from a larger cohort were included in this study, consisting of 5 participants with diagnosed presbyacusis and 5 frequent conversation partners. A battery of audiological assessments was completed for each participant with presbyacusis. Each participant with presbyacusis was videotaped in conversation at home with their main everyday conversational partner: once before hearing aid fitting and once two months following hearing aid fitting. The conversational interactions before and after hearing aid fitting were analysed using Conversation Analysis. The results of the study revealed that both the people with presbyacusis and the conversation partners used patterns of interaction in instances of mishearings in conversation. The person with presbyacusis shifted gaze direction to show a need for repair. In addition, the conversation partner used physical prompting to gain gaze directed attention from the person with presbyacusis. The person with presbyacusis also made verbal requests for a repair as a result of mishearings. These patterns in interaction showed co-ordination and timing of the repair recognition, initiation and completion by both parties. The phenomena uncovered in this study indicate that the responsibility to monitor and maintain conversation was increasingly placed on the conversation partner of the person with presbyacusis. This could explain why people with presbyacusis and their conversation partners frequently complain of frustration in conversation activities. In the postamplification conversations, no mishearings occurred, suggesting a trend towards fewer mishearings on conversation as a result of amplification of hearing. The research findings contribute to the evidence base concerning the real benefit of digital hearing aids to these elderly clients. The findings of this study can be used to design assessment and intervention tools in the future. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / M (Communication Pathology) / Unrestricted

A Gricean analysis of a situation comedy

Taberski, Derrick James 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

La estructura lingüística del paréntesis en conversación informal: La conexión entre el contexto conversacional y el contexto situacional

Norgard, Christine A. 30 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Lärnade samtal i vården : En studie om lärande i interaktion på intensivvårdsronder / Learning through Communiacation in Healthcare settings : A studie of learning in interaction at Intensivcare rounds

Rydström, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna magisteruppsats varatt empiriskt studera och ökakunskapenom hur professioner lär inom vården. Den fokuserar pålärande som förändrat deltagande och förståelse i situerade aktiviteter. Mot bakgrunden av att samtal spelar en avgörande rollför lärande ocheffektivt interprofessionellt samarbete, har fyra ronder på en intensivvårdsavdelning studerats. Kommunikation anses ofta, inom hälso-och sjukvården,vara viktigförgod informationsöverföring. Den här studien fokuserar, förutom på detta, på kommunikation som en konstituerande, social aktivitet som bidrar till lärande genominteraktionellaprocesser. Den teoretiska och metodologiska hemvisten för denna studie ärden etnometodologiska traditionen där samtalsanalys (Conversation Analysis) har en framträdande roll för att analysera lärande i interaktion i vardagliga samtal.För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har empiriskt material från observationer, ljudinspelningar och dokument samlats in frånfyraintensivvårdsronder på ett sjukhus i Sverige. Analysernasfokus har varit mikroanalytisktdär uppmärksamheten riktats motatt fånga det lärande som uppstår i interaktion mellan ronddeltagarna.Resultatet visadehur professioner inom intensivvården lär i det vardagliga arbetet och hur de i interaktion skapaderelevant kunskap. Analysen visadehur deltagarna i teamet tillsammans skapadekategorier(topiker) och ett meningsfullt innehåll i dessa. Deltagarnasinbördes relationer framträdde genom attde uttrycktesina förväntningar på sin egen och andras kunskaper samtidigt sommotstånd och ifrågasättande kunde bidra till reflektion i teamen. / The aim of this master thesis is to empirically study and contribute to increased knowledge about how professionals learn in hospital settings. It focuses on learning as changing understanding in situated social activities. Four intensive care rounds are studied on the backdrop that conversations play a key role for effective interprofessional collaboration and learning. Communication is often listed as a key ingredient for effective interprofessional practice in health care but is often associated only with information transmission. This study discusses communication not only as information transmission but also as a constitutive, social action that allows us to understand learning as a process of collective sensemaking. The learning that takes place is studied through the theoretical and methodological framework of ethnometodology and Conversation Analysis (CA). Conversational Analysis enables to study learning in interaction. In order to answer the questions posed in the study, the study draws on observations, audio recordings and artefacts from four daily rounds on an intensive care ward in a university hospital in Sweden. The empirical analyse used CA methods, including detailed micro-analytic attention to the spoken interaction. The results show how intensive care professionals learn in their daily work and how they build relevant knowledge during interaction. The analysis is based on how topicalizations and collective meaningmaking produce contents of learning within the team. It also shows how the participants make relevant knowledge relations through their expectations of themselves and others. It also reveals how opposition and questioning can increase learning through reflection.

La portée argumentative du récit de la plainte pour harcèlement psychologique et ses impacts sur l’interrelation entre le plaignant et l’enquêteur

Pauzé, Marielle January 2014 (has links)
Depuis juin 2004, des dispositions législatives prévues par la Loi sur les normes du travail, visant à contrer le harcèlement psychologique au travail, reconnaissent à tout salarié le droit à un milieu exempt de harcèlement psychologique. Ce recours suscite de nombreuses attentes chez les travailleurs qui identifient, en toute bonne foi, leur souffrance au travail comme étant du harcèlement psychologique. Ces derniers doivent toutefois faire la démonstration que les problèmes vécus au travail s’associent clairement à des manifestations qui sont reconnues comme étant du harcèlement psychologique au sens de la loi. La présente recherche porte sur la rencontre de recevabilité, impliquant le plaignant et l’enquêteur en harcèlement psychologique de la Commission des normes du travail. Cette rencontre, qui amorce le processus du traitement de la plainte pour harcèlement psychologique, met en lumière des enjeux argumentatifs qui sont au cœur de nos préoccupations; d’une part, nous retrouvons un plaignant qui met tout en œuvre pour convaincre l’enquêteur du bien-fondé de sa démarche et, d’autre part, un professionnel qui a la responsabilité de conclure sur la nature des manifestations dénoncées par la possible victime. Le premier chapitre présente les éléments aidant à comprendre l’objet de la recherche et la perspective choisie. Par la suite, est décrit le cadre théorique de la recherche qui intègre la réflexion critique, soutenue par la philosophie et la sociologie. Au troisième chapitre, nous présentons la démarche de recherche appuyée sur une méthodologie pouvant répondre au besoin d’une meilleure compréhension des interactions en présence, soit l’analyse de conversation (Conversation Analysis). Le quatrième chapitre présente les résultats de la recherche basés sur la transcription attentive de l’enregistrement audio de quatre entrevues de recevabilité. Finalement, l’analyse des résultats permet de soutenir notre thèse sur la portée argumentative du récit de la plainte et de son impact sur l’entrevue. Trois stratégies argumentatives communes aux entrevues se révèlent : on observe la prudence de l’enquêteur, le souci du plaignant de présenter un ethos favorable et l’appel à l’émotion. Nous concluons ce chapitre en suggérant des pistes de réflexion et d’intervention pertinentes pour l’intervention spécifique de l’enquête en matière de harcèlement psychologique.

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