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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdet av ett veto : En samhällsekonomisk lönsamhetskalkyl för ett borttagande av närståendevetot vid organdonation

Hertzman, Lovisa, Nilsson, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Under tidig vår 2021 presenterade den svenska regeringen en proposition som skulle innebära ändringar i transplantationslagen. Eftersom det råder organbrist i Sverige är syftet med propositionen att fler donationer ska möjliggöras. Ett av förslagen är ett borttagande av närståendevetot vilket innebär att anhöriga inte längre har rätt att neka donation från en avliden närstående när donationsviljan är okänd, även kallat ett hard opt out-system. Sverige skulle då bli det tredje landet i världen att införa ett sådant donationssystem. Det finns få studier som undersöker effekten av ett borttagande av närståendevetot, framförallt ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Syftet med vår uppsats är att analysera en sådan systemförändring i Sverige genom en CBA. Som komplement till vår CBA genomför vi en enkätstudie för att analysera vissa icke-monetära effekter. Vi vill också undersöka om inställningen till organdonation har förändrats sedan den senaste undersökningen gjordes år 2015. Resultatet visar en mer positiv inställning till organdonation i vår studie jämfört med tidigare. I huvudkalkylen ger de monetärt värderade effekterna av ett borttagande av närståendevetot en nettobesparing på 427 miljoner kronor. Förutsatt att de icke-monetära effekterna inte uppgår till en kostnad på mer än 427 miljoner kronor är ett borttagande av närståendevetot en samhällsekonomiskt lönsam åtgärd. I känslighetsanalysen presenteras flera alternativa kalkyler där de monetära effekterna ger en positiv nettobesparing i samtliga vilket tyder på ett robust resultat i vår huvudkalkyl. Trots att våra beräkningar tyder på att ett borttagande av närståendevetot leder till en nettobesparing kan uppsatsen inte fastställa om det är den mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärden. Tidigare studier menar att det inte finns bevis för att borttagandet i sig leder till fler donerade organ och att strukturella förändringar kan vara minst lika betydelsefulla, om inte mer. Vi rekommenderar att fler jämförande studier görs med länder som har en hög andel donatorer för att kunna utvärdera vilka åtgärder som skulle vara mest kostnadseffektiva i Sverige. / In early spring 2021, the Swedish government presented a bill that would entail amendments to the Transplantation Act. Since there is an organ shortage in Sweden, the purpose of the bill is to enable more donations. One of the proposals is the removal of the family consent which means that relatives will no longer have the right to refuse donation from a deceased relative when the willingness to donate is unknown, also known as a hard opt out system. This would make Sweden the third country in the world to implement such a donation system. There are few previous studies which examine the economic aspect of removing the family consent. The purpose of our thesis is to analyze such a systemic change in Sweden through a CBA. In addition to our CBA, we conduct a survey to analyze certain non-monetary effects. We also seek to analyze whether the attitude towards organ donation has changed since the most recent survey was conducted in 2015. The results show a more positive attitude towards organ donation in our study compared to earlier research.  In the main calculation, the monetarily valued effects of a removal of the family consent presents net savings of SEK 427 million. Given that the non-monetary effects do not add up to a cost of more than SEK 427 million, a removal of the family consent is a profitable measure from a CBA perspective. The sensitivity analysis presents several alternative calculations where the monetary effects provide a net saving in all of them, which indicates a robust result in our main calculation. Even though our calculations indicate that a removal of the family consent leads to a net saving, we cannot determine if it is the most cost-effective measure. Previous studies suggest that there is no evidence that the removal itself leads to more donated organs and that structural changes can be at least as significant, if not more so. We recommend that additional comparative studies with countries that have a high proportion of donors should be conducted. This would help with the evaluation of which measures would be the most cost-effective in Sweden.

Multi-objective optimization strategies for design and deployment of hydrogen supply chains / Stratégies d'optimisation multi-objectif pour la conception et le déploiement de chaînes logistiques hydrogène

Ochoa Robles, Jesus 05 July 2018 (has links)
L'hydrogène est l'un des vecteurs énergétiques les plus prometteurs dans la recherche d'un mix énergétique plus durable. Plusieurs études et feuilles de route ont été réalisées sur le potentiel d'une économie « hydrogène » et ont identifié que même si de nombreuses technologies requisessont déjà disponibles aujourd'hui, le déploiement d'infrastructures hydrogène constitue la tâche la plus difficile de son développement, dont la mesure où on doit atteindre des coûts compétitifs et avoir l'acceptation du marché. La conception de la chaîne logistique de l’hydrogène (HSC), enparticulier à des fins de mobilité, implique une série de décisions importantes à différents niveaux (sources d'énergie, production, transport et stockage) et peut être considérée comme un problème multi-échelle et multi-période avec plusieurs parties prenantes. L'objectif de ce travail est de proposer un cadre méthodologique pour aborder le problème de conception de la HSC de manière complémentaire au travail proposé dans le travail de doctorat de (Sofia de Leon Almaraz, 2014) dans lequel une formulation multi-objectif a été mise en œuvre via la méthodologie - contrainte pour obtenir le front de Pareto, en optimisant trois objectifs en même temps : le coût journalier total, le potentiel de réchauffement global et un indice de risque de sécurité. Une analyse de sensibilité basée sur un plan d'expérience en utilisant les méthodes de plan factoriel et surface de réponse a été réalisée pour identifier les principaux paramètres (facteurs) et leur interaction affectant le critère économique, soit le coût journalier total (TDC) (réponse), englobant les coûts capitaux et opérationnels. Cette analyse de sensibilité souligne que la demande est de loin le paramètre le plus important qui conditionne fortement le critère TDC, de sorte que davantage d'efforts sont nécessaires pour modéliser l'incertitude de la demande de façon homogène. Dans la formulation initiale de la conception de la HSC, la taille du problème liée au nombre de variables binaires conduit souvent à des difficultés pour résoudre le problème. Dans ce travail, le potentiel des algorithmes génétiques (GA) via une variante de NSGA-II est exploré pour faire face à la formulation multi-objectif, afin de produire automatiquement le front de Pareto. La formulation du modèle a ensuite été étendue pour tenir compte de l'incertitude de la demande, ce qui donne plus de robustesse à l'approche proposée. Deux études de cas soutiennent cette analyse : d'abord au niveau régional, les résultats de la conception de la HSC pour l'ancienne région Midi-Pyrénées obtenus avec les deux modèles sont comparés. Les solutions obtenues par GA présentent le même ordre de grandeur que celles obtenues avec MILP (Programmation Linéaire en Nombres Entiers) dans le problème mono-critère, mais de meilleures solutions de compromis sont produites dans la formulation multi-objectif et des résultats plus flexibles sont obtenues avec la modélisation de l’incertitude de demande. Puis l’écosystème aéroportuaire, Tarbes-Lourdes, a été étudié : l'infrastructure aéroportuaire est une étude de cas intéressante, car un aéroport est une source d'émissions qui affectent le climat à cause des émissions générées par les activités faites à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du périmètre de l'aéroport, liées à l’opération et utilisation de l’aéroport. Enfin, une analyse post-optimale sur une solution de compromis de la HSC est réalisée sur la base d'une évaluation sociale, via deux analyses coûts-bénéfices (CBA) d'un point de vue social (SCBA) et gouvernemental (subventions et taxes), montrant que l'incorporation d'externalités aide à financer une proportion importante des coûts. L'approche SCBA pour le déploiement de l'hydrogène intègre les avantages sociétaux induits à travers la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, la réduction de la pollution atmosphérique mais aussi les coûts sociaux par l'augmentation de la consommation de platine. / Hydrogen is one of the most promising energy carriers in the quest for a more sustainable energy mix. Several studies and roadmaps have been carried out about the potential of a « hydrogen » economy and have identified that even if many of the required technologies are already available today, the deployment of hydrogen infrastructures constitutes the most challenging task for its development, so as to achieve competitive costs and mass market acceptance. The design of a hydrogen supply chain (HSC), in particular for mobility purpose, involves a series of important decisions at different levels, i.e. energy sources, production, transportation and storage and can be viewed as a multi-echelon, multi-objective and multi-period problem with multiple stakeholders. The objective of this work is to propose a methodological framework to tackle the HSC design problem in a complementary manner to the work proposed in the PhD work of (Sofia de Leon Almaraz, 2014) in which a multi-objective formulation was implemented via the -constraint method to generate the Pareto front, optimising three objectives at the same time, total daily cost, global warming potential and a safety risk index. A sensitivity analysis based on a design of experiments through the Factorial Design and Response Surface methods was carried to identify the major parameters (factors) and their interaction affecting the economic criterion, i.e., the total daily cost (TDC) (response), encompassing capital and operational expenditures. This sensitivity analysis highlights that the demand is by far the most significant parameter that strongly conditions the TDC criterion so that more effort is needed to model demand uncertainty consistently in HSC design, especially since a long horizon time is considered for hydrogen deployment. Besides, in the initial formulation of HSC design, the size of the problem related to the number of binary variables often leads to difficulties for problem solution. In this work, the potential of genetic algorithms (GA) via a variant of NSGA-II is explored to cope with the multi-objective formulation, in order to automatically produce the Pareto front. The model formulation has then been extended to take into account demand uncertainty, giving more robustness to the proposed approach. Two case studies support the analysis: first at regional level, the results of a HSC design for the former Midi-Pyrénées region obtained with both models are compared. The solutions obtained by GA exhibit the same order of magnitude as those obtained with MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) in the mono-criterion problem, but better compromise solutions are produced in the multi-objective formulation and more flexible ones are obtained with demand uncertainty modelling. Then an airport ecosystem, i.e. Tarbes-Lourdes has been studied: the airport infrastructure is an interesting case study, since an airport is a source of emissions that affect climate, including the emissions generated from activities occurring inside and outside the airport perimeter fence associated with the operation and use of an airport. Finally, a post-optimal analysis on a compromise solution of HSC configuration is carried out based via two cost-benefit analyses (CBA) from a social (SCBA) and governmental perspective (subsidies and taxes). The SCBA approach for hydrogen deployment integrates societal benefits for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, noise air pollution abatement and social costs for the increase in platinum consumption in the manufacture of fuel cells. By including external costs, economic benefits of the replacement of ICEV (internal combustion engine) by FCV (Fuel Cell Vehicles) were highlighted as well as the generation of positive social net present values

Hodnocení veřejného investičního projektu regenerace brownfields / Evaluation of Public Investment Project of Brownfields Regeneration

Bílá, Adéla January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of a public investment project for the regeneration of brownfields. The first part describes the issue of brownfields, causes of their occurrence and reasons for their regeneration from a theoretical point of view. It also defines public project and methods for its evaluation. The second part contains a cost benefit analysis of a public project of Central Polytechnic Workshops. These will be one of several projects within the renovation of the historic Winternitz Mills in Pardubice. The aim of the work is to determine indicators of economic efficiency based on socio-economic flows and assess the feasibility of this project‘s implementation.

Studie proveditelnosti investičního projektu veřejného investora / Feasibility Study of the Investment Project of Public Investor

Kroulíková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
A feasibility study is a technical-economic study, an essential tool for investment decisions. The study aims to provide technical, economic, financial and management information qualified for investment decisions. The theoretical section summarizes the purpose, process and structure of individual chapters of the feasibility study including cost-benefit analysis. In the practical part of the feasibility study is designed public project model and its alternative financing option by the grant program of the European Union.


Hanzelka, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to define methods for measuring CLV in the segment of internal customers of companies operating in the financial market. It's about finding such a method to determine the value of internal customers to predict and measure whether an internal customer pays off to the company. The standalone task is to quantify the internal customer's contributions to the overall value of the company. The area of CLV determination for internal customers of the company is not described in the literature. From this point of view, the determination of CLV internal customers in the strategic management system will be a major scientific achievement. Similarly to external customers (markets), as well as internal customers express greater or lesser affinities with their behavior and performance, in the first case the brand and in the latter case the employer. Therefore, CLV modeling for internal customers requires qualified predictions and expressions of a whole range of both hard (eg, cash flow indicators) and Soft (indicators of qualitative research such as loyalty) of indicators and their use in the calculation of CLV internal customers. An important prerequisite for CLV for both internal customers is their segmentation.

Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti projektů dopravní infrastruktury / Economic Efficiency Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure Projects

Vojdášová, Ivona Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of the economic efficiency of investment projects of transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic. These projekcts are evaluated according to the methodological documents of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure and thr Directorate of Roads and Motorways of the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis also deals with the comparison od individual methodological procedures and their influence on the resulting indicators of economic efficiency of transport infrastructure condtructions.

Reliability and Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Battery Energy Storage System / Tillförlitlighet och Kostnadsnyttoanalys av Batterienergilagringssystemet

Anggraini, Dita January 2023 (has links)
The battery energy storage system (BESS) is crucial for the energy transition and decarbonisation of the energy sector. However, reliability assessment and capital cost challenges can hinder their widespread deployment. Reliability and cost-benefit analysis help address these challenges and assess BESS adoption's feasibility and viability, which is the aim of this project. A BESS contains various components such as battery packs, inverters, a DC/DC converter, a Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS), electrical protection devices, a transformer, and an Energy Management System (EMS). All these fundamental components must be considered to obtain a complete reliability prediction. Most previous studies focused on the reliability analysis of individual components, but few consider all the abovementioned components in collective reliability analysis. In this thesis, each component is mathematically modelled to estimate failure rates and then used to predict the reliability of the overall BESS system. The model accuracy is verified by comparing the computed reliability indices with the values from standards/references, showing that the proposed reliability prediction methods provide reasonable outcomes. Different scenarios to enhance BESS reliability through component redundancy are explored in this project. It is proved that applying component redundancy can boost the overall BESS reliability at the price of an increased capital cost. However, the enhancement in reliability and lifespan due to component redundancy can also curtail maintenance costs. A cost-benefit analysis assesses each scenario's profitability, considering manufacturers' and owners' perspectives. It helps determine the optimal balance between reliability and profitability. Redundancy applied to components with higher failure rates and lower costs improves the reliability and profitability of the BESS. The finding highlights the importance of strategic component selection for enhancing BESS reliability. Careful reliability and cost analysis should be performed simultaneously to find the most optimised BESS scenario. / Batterienergilagringssystemet (BESS) är avgörande för energiomställningen och avkarboniseringen av energisektorn. Tillförlitlighetsbedömning och utmaningar med kapitalkostnader kan dock hindra deras utbredda användning. Tillförlitlighet och kostnads-nyttoanalys hjälper till att hantera dessa utmaningar och utvärdera BESS-antagandets genomförbarhet och genomförbarhet, vilket är syftet med detta projekt. Ett BESS innehåller olika komponenter som batteripaket, växelriktare, en DC/DC-omvandlare, ett Battery Thermal Management System (BTMS), elektriska skyddsanordningar, en transformator och ett energiledningssystem (EMS). Alla dessa grundläggande komponenter måste beaktas för att få en fullständig tillförlitlighetsförutsägelse. De flesta tidigare studier fokuserade på tillförlitlighetsanalys av enskilda komponenter, men få beaktar alla ovan nämnda komponenter i kollektiv tillförlitlighetsanalys. I denna avhandling modelleras varje komponent matematiskt för att uppskatta felfrekvensen och används sedan för att förutsäga tillförlitligheten hos det övergripande BESS-systemet. Modellens noggrannhet verifieras genom att jämföra de beräknade tillförlitlighetsindexen med värdena från standarder/referenser, vilket visar att de föreslagna metoderna för tillförlitlighetsprediktion ger rimliga resultat. Olika scenarier för att förbättra BESS-tillförlitligheten genom komponentredundans utforskas i detta projekt. Det är bevisat att tillämpning av komponentredundans kan öka den övergripande BESS-tillförlitligheten till priset av en ökad kapitalkostnad. Förbättringen av tillförlitlighet och livslängd på grund av komponentredundans kan dock också minska underhållskostnaderna. En kostnads-nyttoanalys bedömer varje scenarios lönsamhet, med hänsyn till tillverkarnas och ägarnas perspektiv. Det hjälper till att bestämma den optimala balansen mellan tillförlitlighet och lönsamhet. Redundans som tillämpas på komponenter med högre felfrekvens och lägre kostnader förbättrar tillförlitligheten och lönsamheten för BESS. Resultatet belyser vikten av strategiskt komponentval för att förbättra BESS-tillförlitligheten. Noggrann tillförlitlighets- och kostnadsanalys bör utföras samtidigt för att hitta det mest optimerade BESS-scenariot.

Att utforma detaljplaner för ett kostnadseffektivt byggande / To create a zoning plan for a cost-efficient construction

Steimert, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Detaljplaner sätter ramarna och förutsättningarna för vad som legalt kan byggas på en fastighet. Hur de förutsättningarna ser ut har en enorm inverkan på hur kostnadseffektivt det framtida bygget kommer att bli. Att i tidigt skede identifiera och påverka de faktorer som driver byggkostnaderna utan att skapa motsvarande mervärde för de framtida kunderna är en viktig uppgift. I den här studien kartläggs de planbestämmelserna och utformningarna, det ska dessutom inte vara självklart att det finns tillräckligt samhällsnytta för att väga upp kostnaderna. Litteraturen inom området är mycket bristande. Den huvudsakliga metoden för den här studien är intervjuer, totalt genomförs sjutton intervjuer med privata fastighetsutvecklare och kommunalt anställda inom markexploatering och detaljplanering. Det identifieras en rad detaljplansutformningar och fenomen kopplat till detaljplaneprocessen. Allt ifrån det optimala byggnadsdjupet och underjordiska garage till felaktiga betraktelsevinklar för arkitekturen och nya typer av kommunala särkrav som blir allt vanligare. Dessutom hanterar studien samarbetet inom detaljplaneprocessen mellan privata fastighetsutvecklare och kommunen med fokus på byggkostnader, lönsamhet och avvägningarna mellan det enskilda intresset hos fastighetsutvecklaren och allmänna intressen. Fastighetsutvecklare har inflytande under detaljplaneprocessen och kan bidra med mycket. Inom kommuner finns tankar kring vad som är den mest samhällsekonomiskt lönsamma avvägningen för planutformningar där projektets lönsamhet får väga tyngre, men än så länge gäller det främst fram tills en detaljplan är genomförbar och ibland för kommunens egna fastigheter eller bostadsprojekt.

Analysis of Information Security Risks and Protection Management Requirements for Enterprise Networks.

Saleh, Mohamed S.M. January 2011 (has links)
With widespread of harmful attacks against enterprises¿ electronic services, information security readiness of these enterprises is becoming of increasing importance for establishing the required safe environment for such services. Various approaches are proposed to manage enterprise information security risks and to assess its information security readiness. These approaches are, however, not adequate to manage information security risks, as all required information security components of its structural and procedural dimensions have not considered. In addition, current assessment approaches lack numerical indicators in assessing enterprise information security readiness. Furthermore, there is no standard approach for analysing cost versus benefit in selecting recommended protection measures. This thesis aims at contributing to the knowledge by developing comprehensive Enterprise Information Security Risk Management (EISRM) framework that integrates typical approaches for information security risk management, and incorporates main components of key risk management methodologies. In addition, for supporting phases of the proposed EISRM framework, analytical models for enterprise information security readiness assessment and cost-benefit analysis are developed. The practical evaluation, using the proposed enterprise information security readiness assessment model has been performed depending on a developed investigation form that used to investigate nine enterprises inside Saudi Arabia. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in assessing and comparing enterprises information security readiness at all levels of the model, using numerical indicators and graphical representations. The EISRM framework and the analytical models presented in this research can be used by enterprises as single point of reference for assessing and cost effectively improving their information security readiness.

Towards positive energy districts: assessing the contribution of virtual power plants and energy communities

Kondziella, Hendrik, Specht, Karl, Mielich, Tim, Bruckner, Thomas 12 October 2023 (has links)
The concept of positive energy districts (PED) encompasses a range of policies and strategies in response to climate protection targets in urban areas. Due to the limited potential of renewable energy in urban neighborhoods, broader definitions of PED are proposed that allow for energy exchange through the grid infrastructure. This study evaluates demand side management in combination with a virtual power plant (VPP) to assess the impact on the design of PED. In particular, the optimal customer behavior in response to flexible electricity tariffs is analyzed. A techno-economic energy system model is proposed for an urban area in Germany that optimizes the customer cost and the VPP’s margin. This includes electrical energy generation, storage, demand, and access to the short-term electricity market. Based on economic analysis, a dynamic market-based tariff allows the VPP to maximize profit margins. Consumers benefit when the local balances of renewable energy supply and demand are integrated into the dynamic tariff.

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