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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence de la fréquence de chargement sur la résistance à l'amorçage et la croissance des fissures de fatigue dans des aciers utilisés dans des applications mécaniques exigeantes / Influence of cycling frequency on fatigue strength and crack growth of engineering steels for demanding applications

Ouarabi, Mohand Ouramdane 25 May 2018 (has links)
Les essais de fatigue peuvent être effectués dans une gamme de fréquences similaire, mais les fréquences les plus élevés sont généralement préférables afin de réduire le temps de test et d'obtenir des résultats dans une période raisonnable. La question reste à savoir si un effet de fréquence existe. Cette étude traite de l'effet de la fréquence de chargement sur la résistance à l'amorçage et à la propagation des fissures sur 3 matériaux (M800HY, CP1000 et DP1180) utilisés dans le domaine automobile. Deux rapports de charge (R=-1 et 0.1) et cinq fréquences de chargement (25 Hz, 30 Hz, 150 Hz et 20 kHz) ont été étudiés. Tout d'abord, nous avons réalisé des calculs par élément finis en dynamique pour dimensionner les éprouvettes et calculer l'étendue du facteur d'intensité de contrainte durant la propagation de la fissure de fatigue. Ensuite, nous avons réalisé des essais d'amorçage et de propagation. Indépendamment de la fréquence de chargement,l'amorçage de la fissure de fatigue est toujours surfacique à cause des concentrations de contraintes dues au processus de laminage ou de l'électro-galvanisation. L'observation des faciès de rupture sur éprouvettes testées à 30 Hz et 20 kHz montre que le mode de propagation est transgranulaire avec quelques localisations de rupture intergranulaire ou par clivage sur la nuance DP1180. Les stries de propagations sont présentes sur les faciès d'éprouvettes M800HY et absentes sur les faciès des deux autres nuances. La nuance DP1180 présente une meilleure résistance à l'amorçage et à la propagation de la fissure de fatigue. Concernant l'effet de la fréquence de chargement, globalement l'amorçage de la fissure de fatigue est dépendante de la fréquence de chargement, par contre, la propagation est indépendante de la fréquence. / Fatigue tests can be performed in a similar frequency range, but the higherfrequencies are generally preferable to reduce the test time and obtain results within areasonable time. The question remains whether a frequency effect exists. This study dealswith the effect of the loading frequency on fatigue strength and crack growth of 3 steels(M800HY, CP1000 and DP1180) used in automotive industry. Two load ratios (R = -1 and0.1) and five load frequencies (25 Hz, 30 Hz, 150 Hz and 20 kHz) were studied. First, weperformed dynamics finite element method to calculate the dimensions of the specimens(to vibrate with a resonance at 20 kHz), and, the stress intensity range as a function of the length of crack. Then, we have done some test on fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Whatever the loading frequency, the initiation of the fatigue crack is always on the surfacebecause of the stress concentrations due to the rolling process or the electro-galvanization.The observation with SEM of fracture surface of the specimens tested at 30 Hz and 20 kHzshows that the mode of propagation is transgranular with some locations of intergranularfailure or by cleavage on DP1180 grade. The fatigue striation on fracture surface arepresent on the M800HY and absent on the other two materials. The grade DP1180 has abetter resistance to the initiation and propagation of the crack. Regarding the effect ofloading frequency, overall the initiation of the fatigue crack is dependent on the loadingfrequency, however, the propagation is independent of the loading frequency.

Resistência à fadiga de tubo API 5L X65 cladeado e soldado circunferencialmente com eletrodos de Inconel® 625 / Fatigue strength of API 5L X65 cladded pipe girth welded with Inconel® 625 electrodes

Elielson Alves dos Santos 06 April 2016 (has links)
As recentes descobertas de petróleo e gás na camada do Pré-sal representam um enorme potencial exploratório no Brasil, entretanto, os desafios tecnológicos para a exploração desses recursos minerais são imensos e, consequentemente, têm motivado o desenvolvimento de estudos voltados a métodos e materiais eficientes para suas produções. Os tubos condutores de petróleo e gás são denominados de elevadores catenários ou do inglês \"risers\", e são elementos que necessariamente são soldados e possuem fundamental importância nessa cadeia produtiva, pois transportam petróleo e gás natural do fundo do mar à plataforma, estando sujeitos a carregamentos dinâmicos (fadiga) durante sua operação. Adicionalmente, um dos problemas centrais à produção de óleo e gás das reservas do Pré-Sal está diretamente associado a meios altamente corrosivos, tais como H2S e CO2. Uma forma mais barata de proteção dos tubos é a aplicação de uma camada de um material metálico resistente à corrosão na parte interna desses tubos (clad). Assim, a união entre esses tubos para formação dos \"risers\" deve ser realizada pelo emprego de soldas circunferenciais de ligas igualmente resistentes à corrosão. Nesse contexto, como os elementos soldados são considerados possuir defeitos do tipo trinca, para a garantia de sua integridade estrutural quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, é necessário o conhecimento das taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga da solda circunferencial. Assim, neste trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga na região da solda circunferencial de Inconel® 625 realizada em tubo de aço API 5L X65 cladeado, utilizando corpos de prova do tipo SEN(B) (Single Edge Notch Bending) com relações entre espessura e largura (B/W) iguais a 0,5, 1 e 2. O propósito central deste trabalho foi de obter a curva da taxa de propagação de trinca por fadiga (da/dN) versus a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (ΔK) para o metal de solda por meio de ensaios normatizados, utilizando diferentes técnicas de acompanhamento e medição da trinca. A monitoração de crescimento da trinca foi feita por três técnicas: variação da flexibilidade elástica (VFE), queda de potencial elétrico (QPE) e análise de imagem (Ai). Os resultados mostraram que as diferentes relações B/W utilizadas no estudo não alteraram significantemente as taxas de propagação de trinca por fadiga, respeitado que a propagação aconteceu em condições de escoamento em pequena escala na frente da trinca. Os resultados de propagação de trinca por fadiga permitiram a obtenção das regiões I e II da curva da/dN versus ΔK para o metal de solda. O valor de ΔKlim obtido para o mesmo foi em torno de 11,8 MPa.m1/2 e os valores encontrados das constantes experimentais C e m da equação de Paris-Erdogan foram respectivamente iguais a 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/ciclo)/(MPa.m1/2)m] e 4,15. A propagação de trinca no metal de solda deu-se por deformação plástica, com a formação de estrias de fadiga. / Recent oil and gas discoveries in the Pre-Salt layer represent a huge exploration potential in Brazil, however, the technological challenges for the exploitation of these mineral resources are immense and therefore have motivated the development of studies looking for efficient methods and materials for their productions. The oil and gas pipellines, called risers, are elements that are necessarily welded and have fundamental importance in the production chain, since they transport oil and natural gas from the sea bed to the platforms and are subject to dynamic loads (fatigue) during operation. Additionally, one of the central problems in the production of oil and gas in the Pre-Salt reserves is directly associated with a highly corrosive media, such as H2S and CO2. A cheaper way to protect the pipelines from these medias is applying a protective layer of a corrosion resistant metal on the inner diameter of these pipes, creating a cladded pipe. Thus, a joining process of these pipes to form the risers must be carried out by the use of girth welds with a corrosion resistance material similar to the clad metal. As the welded structures are seen as potential location of \"crack like\" defects, to ensure the structural integrity of such component when subjected to repetitive loading conditions, it is necessary to know the fatigue crack growth rates for the girth weld. Therefore, in this work it was carried out fatigue crack propagation tests in the weld region of an API 5L X65 cladded pipe with Inconel® 625, girth welded using Inconel® 625 electrodes. From the welded region, Single Edge Notch Bending specimens, SEN(B), were removed with different thickness and width ratios (B/W= 0.5, 1, and 2). From the fatigue tests, the crack propagation rates (da/dN) as function of the variation of the stress intensity factor (ΔK), were determined for the weld metal, using different crack size measurement techniques: the elastic compliance (EC), electric potential drop (EPD) and image analysis (IA). The results showed that the different B/W ratios used in study did not modified significantly the fatigue crack growth rates, considering that crack propagation took place under small scale yielding conditions. The results of fatigue crack growth tests allowed to obtain the regions I and II of da/dN x ΔK curves for the weld metal. The ΔKth value obtained for the weld metal was around 11,8 MPa.m1/2 and the found values of the experimental constants C and m of Paris-Erdogan\'s equation were respectively equal to 1,55 x10-10 [(mm/cycle)/( MPa.m1/2)m] and 4.15. The micromechanism of fatigue crack growth took place by plastic deformation, with the formation of fatigue striations.

Estudo da propagação da trinca por fadiga em um aço microligado com diferentes condições microestruturais / Fatigue Crack Growth behavior of a Microalloyed steel with distinct microtructural conditions

Denise Ferreira Laurito Nascimento 30 July 2010 (has links)
Aços microligados pertencem à classe dos aços ARBL contendo baixa ou média quantidade de carbono e pequena adição de elementos de liga tais como Mn, Nb, Mo, V e Ti. A variedade microestrutural desses aços pode ser obtida dependendo da temperatura de conformação, taxa de resfriamento e composição química. Os tratamentos intercríticos e isotérmicos produzem microestruturas multifásicas com diferentes quantidades de ferrita, martensita, bainita e austenita retida. A presença de diferentes fases nestes materiais, com morfologias distintas, pode afetar de modo significativo seu comportamento mecânico, afetando, por exemplo, o fechamento da trinca e resultando em mudanças na taxa de crescimento da mesma. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as propriedades de tração e a resistência ao crescimento da trinca por fadiga de um aço microligado RD 480 com 0.08%C-1, 5%Mn (p), correlacionando-as com suas características microestruturais. Esse aço, desenvolvido recentemente pela CSN (Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional), é considerado promissor como alternativa para substituir o aço de baixo carbono utilizado em componentes de rodas na indústria automotiva. Distintas condições microestruturais foram obtidas por meio de tratamentos térmicos seguidos de resfriamento em água. As condições de tratamento intercrítico e têmpera simples foram escolhidas para se avaliar a resistência à propagação da trinca por fadiga. Os resultados dos ensaios foram sintetizados em termos da taxa de crescimento da trinca (da/dN) versus a variação do Fator Intensidade de Tensão (_K) no ciclo de carregamento. Para descrever o comportamento das trincas foram utilizados dois modelos: a equação convencional de Paris e um novo modelo exponencial que mostra o comportamento não linear das curvas de fadiga. Os resultados mostraram que uma microestrutura combinando ferrita de aspecto acicular e fases duras (martensita/bainita) resultou em menores taxas de crescimento da trinca. No entanto, a melhor combinação entre as propriedades de tração (limite de escoamento, resistência e ductilidade) e fadiga foi obtida com uma microestrura bifásica contendo martensita dispersa em uma matriz ferrítica. Observou-se uma transição nas curvas de crescimento da trinca para todas as condições tratadas termicamente e, por conta disto, as curvas das condições microestruturais bifásicas e multifásicas foram melhores modeladas quando divididas em duas regiões. As superfícies de fratura dessas amostras, bem como o caminho percorrido pela trinca, foram analisados via MEV e MO. / Microalloyed steels are a class of HSLA steels with low or medium carbon content and small additions of alloy elements such as Mn, Nb, Mo, V and Ti. A variety of microstructures in microalloyed steels can be obtained depending on the deformation temperature, cooling rate and chemical composition. Heat treatments and isothermal transformation on these materials, with various temperatures and holding times, produce multiphase microstructures with different amounts of ferrite, martensite, bainite and retained austenite. These different phases, with distinct morphologies, are determinant of the mechanical behavior of the steel and can, for instance, affect crack closure or promote crack shielding, thus resulting in changes on its propagation rate under cyclic loading. The aim of this study is to evaluate the tensile properties and resistance to fatigue crack growth in a microalloyed steel RD 480 with 0.08%C-1, 5% Mn (wt), correlating with their microstructural characteristics. This steel, recently developed by CSN (Companhia Siderurgica Nacional), is being considered as a promising alternative to replace low carbon steel in wheel components for the automotive industry. Distinct microstructural conditions were obtained by means of heat treatments followed by water quench. The intercritical treatment and quenching conditions were chosen to evaluate the strength to crack propagation. The crack propagation test results were summarized in terms of FCG rate (da/dN) versus stress intensity factor range (?K) curves. In order to describe the FCG behavior, two models were tested: the conventional Paris equation and a new exponential equation developed for materials showing non-linear FCG behavior. The results showed that a microstructure combining aspect acicular ferrite and hard phases (martensite / bainite) resulted in lower rates of crack growth. However, the best combination between the tensile properties (yield stress, tensile strength and ductility) and fatigue was obtained with a dual phase steel microstructure containing martensite dispersed in a ferrite matrix. It was observed a transition in the crack growth curves for all heat treated conditions, so the curves of the dual and multiphase microstructural conditions were better modeled by dividing them in two regions. The fracture planes of the fatigued specimens, as well as the crack path, were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical micrography (OM).

Modélisation de la fatigue des systèmes de forage de puits à trajectoire complexe / Fatigue modelling of drilling systems applied to complex trajectory wells

Dao, Ngoc Ha 13 February 2014 (has links)
Face à la complexité croissante des trajectoires et des conditions opérationnelles des forages pétroliers et géothermiques, le phénomène de fatigue est devenu la cause principale de rupture des garnitures de forage. La fatigue des tiges est essentiellement liée à leur flexion cyclique due à leur rotation dans une section courbe du puits. L'objectif de ce travail est d'élaborer une méthodologie ainsi que les modèles numériques nécessaires pour évaluer la fatigue des tiges au cours du forage de puits à trajectoire complexe. Pour ce faire, nous proposons d'abord de choisir parmi les approches existantes de prévision de la durée de vie en fatigue d'une structure celles qui nous ont semblé les plus pertinentes pour le problème de fatigue des systèmes de forage. Puis, ces approches (qui comprennent les théories de la fatigue et de la rupture ainsi que des lois empiriques), et des logiciels de calcul de structures sont ensuite intégrés dans des algorithmes de calcul incrémental de la fatigue d'un système en fonction de l'évolution de l'opération du forage. Du fait que les contraintes dans les tiges restent souvent dans le domaine élastique, deux modèles de fatigue des tiges sont développés : un premier est basé sur le calcul du cumul de fatigue et un second sur le calcul de la propagation de fissure par fatigue. Ces deux modèles peuvent être utilisés dans la phase de conception de la trajectoire du puits et de la garniture pour le forer, de même qu'en opération pour prédire les risques de rupture par fatigue du train de tiges. Ceci permet à l'opérateur de planifier la gestion des tiges et leurs inspections en fonction de l'historique de leur utilisation. / Facing the growing complexity of trajectories and operating conditions of oil and geothermal drillings, the fatigue phenomenon has become the main cause of drill-string failure. The fatigue of drill-pipes is essentially due to their cyclic bending caused by their rotation in a curved section of the well. The objective of this work is to develop a methodology and the necessary numerical models to assess the fatigue of drill-pipes during drilling operations of complex trajectory wells. For this purpose, we propose firstly to choose among the available approaches for structure fatigue life prediction those that seem most relevant to drill-string fatigue problem. Then, these approaches (which include the fatigue and fracture theories as well as empirical laws), and structural calculation software are then integrated into incremental computation algorithms of drill-pipe fatigue in function of drilling operation evolution. Since the stresses in drill-pipes remain often within the elastic domain, two fatigue models for drill-pipes are developed: the first one is based on the cumulative fatigue calculation and the second one on the fatigue crack growth calculation. These models can be used in the well and drill-string design, or in real time during drilling to predict the fatigue failure in the drill-string. This allows the drill operator to plan the management of drill-pipes and their inspections depending on their usage history.

Analyse des fissures elliptiques en statique et en fatigue par hybridation de fonctions de Green / Analysis of elliptical cracks in static and fatigue by hybridiization of Green's functions

Hachi, Brahim El Khalil 22 June 2007 (has links)
Une méthode améliorant le calcul des facteurs d’intensité de contrainte en mode I par hybridation de deux fonctions de poids est présentée et appliquée aux cas de fissures elliptiques sous différents chargements. L'hybridation consiste à utiliser l'une ou l'autre des deux fonctions dans la zone de la fissure où la fonction est la plus efficace. La délimitation des zones est faite après optimisation des paramètres géométriques de la fissure. Afin d’étendre l’utilisation de cette approche à la modélisation des fissures semi-elliptiques, son couplage avec la PWFM (Point Weight Function Method) pour tenir compte de l’effet de la surface libre a été réalisé. L’utilisation des lois de propagation de fissure (de Paris et de Sih) a permis l’extension de l’application de l’approche d’hybridation aux problèmes de fatigue. La qualité des résultats trouvés pour les fissures elliptiques et semi-elliptiques est bonne aussi bien pour les chargements quasi-statiques que pour ceux de fatigue. / A method improving the evaluation of the stress intensity factor by hybridization of two weight functions is presented and applied for embedded elliptical cracks under various loadings. The hybridization consists in using one or another function in the zone of the crack where it is the most efficient. The delimitation of the zones is achieved after optimizing the geometrical parameters of the crack. In order to extend the use of this approach to the modeling of semi-elliptical surface cracks, its coupling with the PWFM (Point Weight Function Method) to take account of the free edge effect were carried out. The use of the fatigue crack growth laws (Paris law and Sih law) allowed the extension of the application of the hybrid approach to the fatigue problems. The quality of the results found for the elliptical and the semi-elliptical cracks is good for the static loads as well as for the fatigue ones.

Initiation and early crack growth in VHCF of stainless steels : Experimental and theoretical analysis

Tofique, Muhammad Waqas January 2016 (has links)
Mechanical fatigue is a failure phenomenon that occurs due to repeated application of mechanical loads. Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is considered as the domain of fatigue life greater than 10 million load cycles. Increasing numbers of structural components have service life in the VHCF regime, for instance in automotive and high speed train transportation, gas turbine disks, and components of paper production machinery. Safe and reliable operation of these components depends on the knowledge of their VHCF properties. In this thesis both experimental tools and theoretical modelling were utilized to develop better understanding of the VHCF phenomena. In the experimental part, ultrasonic fatigue testing at 20 kHz of cold rolled and hot rolled stainless steel grades was conducted and fatigue strengths in the VHCF regime were obtained. The mechanisms for fatigue crack initiation and short crack growth were investigated using electron microscopes. For the cold rolled stainless steels crack initiation and early growth occurred through the formation of the Fine Granular Area (FGA) observed on the fracture surface and in TEM observations of cross-sections. The crack growth in the FGA seems to control more than 90% of the total fatigue life. For the hot rolled duplex stainless steels fatigue crack initiation occurred due to accumulation of plastic fatigue damage at the external surface, and early crack growth proceeded through a crystallographic growth mechanism. Theoretical modelling of complex cracks involving kinks and branches in an elastic half-plane under static loading was carried out by using the Distributed Dislocation Dipole Technique (DDDT). The technique was implemented for 2D crack problems. Both fully open and partially closed crack cases were analyzed. The main aim of the development of the DDDT was to compute the stress intensity factors. Accuracy of 2% in the computations was attainable compared to the solutions obtained by the Finite Element Method. / Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is considered as the domain of fatigue life greater than 10 million load cycles. Structural components that have service life in the VHCF regime include wheels and axles of high speed trains, gas turbine disks, and components of paper production machinery. Safe and reliable design, and the longevity, of these components depends on the knowledge of their VHCF properties. The overall aim of the experimental portion of this thesis was to gain in-depth knowledge of the VHCF properties of stainless steels. Fatigue test data in the VHCF regime was generated for different stainless steel grades using ultrasonic fatigue testing. The mechanisms for fatigue crack initiation and short crack growth were investigated using electron microscopes. Theoretical modelling of complex crack geometries involving kinks and branches was carried out by using the Distributed Dislocation Dipole Technique (DDDT). The main aim of this development was to compute the stress intensity factors and to analyse the stress state around the cracks. The results showed that accuracy of 2% was attainable compared to the solutions obtained by Finite Element Method (FEM). / <p>Artikel 4 publicerad i avhandlingen som manuskript</p>

Numerical Simulation And Experimental Correlation Of Crack Closure Phenomenon Under Cyclic Loading

Seshadri, B R 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Étude expérimentale des mécanismes d’endommagement par fatigue dans les élastomères renforcés / Fatigue damage mechanisms in filled rubber

Muñoz-Mejia, Luisa 25 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte une étude expérimentale sur la dynamique de croissance par fatigue d’une fissure dans un caoutchouc naturel renforcé avec des nanoparticules (silice, noir de carbone). Elle s’inscrit dans un cadre industriel visant à mieux comprendre si l’amélioration des performances apportée par la silice dans les caoutchoucs synthétiques est transposable au caoutchouc naturel qui cristallise sous contrainte. L’objectif est de comprendre comment la rupture en fatigue dépend de la nature du matériau et des paramètres de contrôle de l’expérience. La dynamique de croissance de la fissure est suivie à l’aide d’une caméra optique et une caméra infrarouge permet d’évaluer l’auto-échauffement. La morphologie des faciès de rupture est caractérisée par observation post mortem (MEB, profilométrie optique). L’influence de la température, de la fréquence, de la nature et du taux de charge a été étudiée. Dans tous les cas, la croissance de la fissure devient instable à partir d’un certain niveau de déformation. Cela se traduit sur les courbes de l’énergie de déchirure en fonction de la vitesse de la fissure par l’existence de deux branches distinctes : une branche à vitesse basse où une morphologie de rupture très rugueuse, pouvant présenter des signes de cavitation, est observée ; une branche à haute vitesse où la surface de rupture présente des stries dont la taille croît avec la vitesse. En contraste avec les données de la littérature, nous démontrons qu’il faut au minimum deux cycles de fatigue pour former une strie. Le seuil d’apparition des instabilités et le seuil de rupture catastrophique dépendent de la nature des renforts et des conditions expérimentales / In this thesis, we present an experimental study on fatigue crack growth dynamics in a natural rubber filled with silica or carbon black nanoparticles. This work has been developed in an industrial context aiming to transpose the qualities of silica filler on synthetic rubber to natural rubber, which has a strain induced crystallization behavior. The main research objective is to understand the influence of material and test parameters on fatigue fracture of rubber. Crack growth dynamics is followed by video tracking using optical and thermo-graphic cameras. The later allows us to measure the heating build-up of specimens due to cyclic loading. The morphology of rupture surfaces is characterized by post mortem observation (SEM, optical profilometry). The influence of temperature, frequency, kind of filler and filler rate has been studied. Whatever the compound or test conditions, crack growth becomes unstable starting at a certain strain level. This behavior is clearly visible on the curves of tear energy vs. crack growth rate, where two branches of crack velocity appear. In the low velocity branch, the roughness of rupture surfaces is very important because of cavities formation. In the high velocity branch, the morphology of rupture surfaces is characterized by sawtooth striations; their size increase with velocity. We demonstrate that, in contrast with literature data, at least two fatigue cycles are needed to form one striation. The instability occurrence and catastrophic rupture thresholds depend on filler type and test conditions

Fatigue life evaluation of A356 aluminum alloy used for engine\'s cylinder head / Avaliação da vida em fadiga de liga de alumínio A356 utilizada em cabeçote de motor

Mauricio Angeloni 27 April 2011 (has links)
In order to characterize mechanical components used in high responsibility applications, the knowledge of chemical composition and results from regular experiments such as traction, impact and hardness tests is important, but not sufficient. They cannot supply the necessary information that permit anticipating, in a reliable way, the components behavior in actual working conditions. As an example, there are engines cylinder head submitted to mechanical and thermal tensions that are relatively high during the in service use, and very high in same very demanding condition. During long run times and any failure in the cooling and/or lubrication the temperature may reach 300ºC. This temperature variation causes thermal shocks which may generate cracks and/or a wide ranging of plastic deformation in regions close to the pistons. Even not considering the thermal shock effects caused by failure, even so, a short number of start-up and shutdown cycles of engine, are considered the main cause of small cracks. This indicates that the generation of cracks in cylinder head may be considered as low cycle thermomechanical fatigue problem. Another problem is the microstructure heterogeneity in the component due to the casting process, leading to different physical and mechanical properties in the same piece. Besides the presence of porosity generated by gas bubbles and voids of solidification, which may be as great as short crack, reducing the nucleation life and changing the problems focus for the fatigue crack growth. The purpose of this study was to determine the isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue property through low cycle fatigue, as well as the fatigue crack growth, relaxation, microestrutural characterization and modeling of mechanical behavior by finite element for the aluminum alloy employed in the manufacture of engine cylinder head by the national automotive industry. Isothermal fatigue experiments were carried out at temperature of 120ºC and 280ºC and the thermomechanical performed in phase between the temperatures of 120ºC and 280ºC. The relaxation experiments were performed at some temperatures with trapezoidal wave loading, whereas the experiments of fatigue crack growth carried out at temperatures of 120ºC, 200ºC and 280ºC for sine and trapezoidal wave loading in displacement and load control. The microstructure analysis was also made in the specimens after the fatigue test by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy SEM. The results of these experiments showed that the casting defects and materials inhomogeneities, coupled long run times in high temperatures and loads, are a critical factor in the component performance. These results help us to establish accurate models for life prediction of the engine cylinder head. / Para caracterizar componentes usados em aplicações de alta responsabilidade não basta apenas conhecer a composição química e os resultados de ensaios de tração, impacto e dureza, pois estes podem não fornecer os subsídios necessários que permitam prever, de maneira confiável, o comportamento dos componentes nas condições reais de trabalho. Exemplo disto são os cabeçotes de motor automotivos, submetidos a tensões térmicas e mecânicas relativamente altas durante seu uso normal e altíssimo em condições extremas. Durante longos tempos de funcionamento e eventuais falhas na refrigeração e ou lubrificação a temperatura pode chegar a valores próximos de 300ºC. Esta variação de temperaturas provoca choques térmicos que podem gerar trincas e/ou uma grande quantidade de deformação plástica em regiões próximas aos pistões. Desconsiderando a presença de choques térmicos provocados por falhas, ainda assim, uma pequena quantidade de ciclos de acionamento e parada do motor, é considerada como os principais causadores de pequenas trincas. Isso indica que o surgimento de trincas em cabeçotes de motor deve ser considerado um problema de fadiga termomecânica de baixo ciclo. Outro problema é a heterogeneidade microestrutural no componente devido ao processo de fundição, levando a propriedades mecânicas e físicas diferentes em uma mesma peça. Além da presença de porosidade gerada por bolhas de gás e vazios de solidificação, que podem adquirir tamanho tal que se aproximem de pequenas trincas, diminuindo a vida para a nucleação e assim mudando o foco do problema para o de propagação de trinca por fadiga. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de determinar as propriedades de fadiga isotérmica e termomecânica através de ensaios de fadiga de baixo ciclo, bem como as propriedades de propagação de trinca por fadiga, relaxação, caracterização microestrutural e modelagem do comportamento mecânico por elementos finitos para a liga de alumínio utilizada na fabricação de cabeçotes de motores automotivos pela indústria nacional. Os ensaios de fadiga isotérmica foram realizados nas temperaturas de 120ºC e 280ºC e os ensaios termomecânicos foram realizados em fase entre as temperaturas de 120ºC e 280ºC. Os ensaios de relaxação foram realizados em várias temperaturas com carregamento de onda trapezoidal, enquanto que os ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga foram realizados nas temperaturas de 120ºC, 200ºC e 280ºC para carregamentos de onda senoidal e trapezoidal em controle de carga e de deslocamento. Foi feita também análise microestrutural nos corpos de prova, após os ensaios de fadiga, por microscopia óptica e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura MEV. Os resultados destes ensaios mostraram que os defeitos de fundição e a falta de homogeneidade no material, aliados a longos tempos de exposição a carregamentos e em altas temperaturas, constituem um fator crítico no desempenho do componente. Estes resultados ajudarão a estabelecer modelos precisos de previsão de vida para os cabeçotes de motor.

Fatigue crack growth under non-proportional mixed-mode loading in rail steel : From experiment to simulation / Fissuration par fatigue en mode mixte non proportionnel des rails de chemins de fer : De l’étude expérimentale à la mise en œuvre d’un modèle

Bonniot, Thomas 18 November 2019 (has links)
Les rails de Chemins de fer sont soumis à de la fatigue de roulement due au passage répété des roues de train, ce qui induit différents types de fissures, telles que les Squats. Ces fissures sont soumises à un chargement de mode mixte non-proportionnel I + II + III, dans des proportions variables le long du front, avec des phases de compression, ce qui rend la prédiction de leur trajet et de leur vitesse délicate.La cinétique de fissuration en mode I a été déterminée dans de l’acier à rail R260, pour des rapports R positifs et négatifs, ainsi que la cinétique de mode mixte II & III corrigée des effets de frottement. Les Facteurs d’Intensité des Contraintes (FICs) effectifs ont été obtenus à partir des sauts de déplacements dans le plan et hors plan mesurés en surface, le long de la fissure. De ces lois cinétiques, il ressort que ni le mode I seul, ni les modes de cisaillement seuls ne peuvent expliquer la fissuration des rails. C’est donc la combinaison des trois modes, suivant des trajets de chargement complexes, qui en est responsable.Des essais de fissuration par fatigue en mode mixte non-proportionnel I + II ont ensuite été réalisés, suivant des trajets de chargement représentatifs de ceux subis par les squats. La stéréo corrélation d’images a été utilisée pour obtenir les champs de déplacements en pointe de fissure. Les méthodes classiques de mesure des FICs à partir de champs de déplacements n’étant pas adaptées, du fait des efforts de contact et frottement entre les lèvres de fissure, de nouvelles méthodes ont été développées. Les trajets et vitesses de fissuration ont été étudiés au regard de ces FICs effectifs. Il apparait que la prédiction du trajet à partir du critère de la contrainte tangentielle maximale n’est pas très fiable, mais peut être améliorée par la prise en compte de la plasticité en pointe de fissure ainsi que des efforts de contact/frottement entre les lèvres de fissure. Les vitesses de propagation obtenues se corrélèrent bien avec une combinaison des trois FICs effectifs dans une loi de type « Paris ».De ces essais, il ressort que du fait de la rugosité de la fissure, l’enchevêtrement d’aspérités et le frottement réduisent considérablement les FICs effectifs. Et cela même en l’absence de compression normale, ce qui ne peut être modélisé par une simple loi de Coulomb. De plus, l’usure des lèvres de fissure a aussi une forte influence sur les FICs effectifs. Le challenge pour les applications structurelles est donc non seulement de choisir le critère de bifurcation et la loi cinétique les plus appropriés, mais également de prendre en compte la rugosité et l’usure des lèvres de fissure, afin d’estimer correctement les FICs effectifs à utiliser dans ces modèles.Pour les applications industrielles, une approche d’ingénieur, simplifiée, a été proposée afin de prendre en compte le frottement induit par la rugosité dans l’estimation des trajets de chargements effectifs à partir des trajets nominaux. Cette approche a été validée sur des essais de mode mixte séquentiel I + II & III. / Rails are submitted to Rolling Contact Fatigue due to repeated passages of train wheels, which induces several types of cracks, such as Squat-type cracks. Those cracks undergo non-proportional mixed-mode I + II + III loading, including compression phases, in variable proportions along the crack front, making the prediction of their paths and growth rates a challenge.Mode I crack growth kinetics, for positive and negative R ratios, were first determined in R260 steel, as well as friction-corrected crack growth kinetics for fully-reversed combined mode II and III. The effective Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) were deduced from the measured in-plane and out-of-plane crack face sliding displacements. From those kinetic laws, it was deduced that neither pure mode I, nor pure shear mode loadings can explain the crack growth rates observed in rails. A combination of those three loading modes, according to complex loading paths had thus to be prospected.Non-proportional mixed-mode I + II fatigue crack growth tests were then performed, following representative loading paths. Stereo digital image correlation was used to measure the near-tip displacement field. Post-treatment methods generally used to deduce the effective SIFs from these fields were inappropriate because of contact and friction stresses along the crack face. New methods were thus developed. The crack paths and growth rates were analyzed, using the effective SIFs. Crack path prediction by the maximum tangential stress criterion was found not to be very reliable, but substantially improved when crack tip plasticity and the presence of contact and friction stresses along the crack faces were taken into account. The measured crack growth rates correlated well with a combination of the three effective SIFs in a Paris-type law.From these experiments, it appears that due to crack face roughness, asperities interlocking and friction substantially reduce the effective SIFs, even without any normal compression, which cannot be captured by a simple Coulomb’s law. Besides, crack faces wear also has a large influence on the effective SIFs. The challenge for structural applications is thus not only to choose the most appropriate bifurcation criterion and crack growth law, but also to take crack face roughness and wear into account, in order to estimate the correct effective SIFS to use in these models.For industrial applications, a simple engineering approach was proposed to integrate roughness-induced friction in the estimation of the effective loading path from the nominal one. This approach was validated on sequential mixed-mode I + II & III experiments.

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