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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ricardo Quintana Vallejo (8722203) 17 April 2020 (has links)
<p><i>Children of Globalization: Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels in Germany, England, and the United States </i>is an exploration of contemporary Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels written in the context of globalized and de facto multicultural societies. Framed in the long tradition of <i>Bildungsroman </i>studies, this study illuminates the structural transformations that the coming-of-age genre has undergone in contemporary diasporic communities. <i>Children of Globalization</i> analyzes the complex identity formation of first- and subsequent-generation migrant protagonists in globalized rural and urban environments and dissects the implications that these diasporic formative processes have for the tercentennial genre. While the most traditional iteration of the <i>Bildungsroman </i>genre follows male middle-class heroes who forge their identities in a process of complex introspection to become citizens and workers, contemporary Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels represent formative processes that fit into, resist, or even disregard, narratives of nationhood. Recent changes in the global genre are the direct consequence of the intricacies of the formative processes of culturally-hybrid protagonists who must negotiate their access into adulthood and citizenship, and puzzle over sexuality and gender identity, in host societies that at times regard them with contempt and distrust. The study spans three centuries as it traces both perennial and volatile elements of the genre through its contemporary state. In doing so, it identifies thematic and structural seeds which, planted through the centuries in varied locations, have bloomed into nuanced explorations of the self in an interconnected world where regional and national definitions of identity are increasingly contested and in flux.</p><p>In order to contextualize the genre and provide evidence of its enduring malleability, the study begins in Germany, tracing what I term Proto-<i>Bildungsromane, </i>long medieval narrative poems that follow the formative processes of knights and heroes in grandiose style. Wolfram von Eschenbach’s thirteenth-century poem <i>Parzival </i>and the coeval Gottfried von Straßburg’s <i>Die Geschichte der Liebe von Tristan und Isolde </i>ponder the development of the self but too heavily rely on destiny to be considered <i>Bildungsromane. </i>Still in Germany, I illustrate the fundamental characteristics of the genre in Wolfgang von Goethe’s <i>Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. </i>In order to showcase the flexibility of the genre, I analyze its early transformations in England in prominent works by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and E. M. Forster. The last four chapters focus on the exciting development of Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels in England, the United States, and Germany. Despite the stark differences between these societies and the particular cultural wealth of diasporic groups that have migrated there, the Diasporic Coming-of-age Novel has enabled sophisticated explorations of identity and belonging in all three countries. As the chapter summaries show, contemporary writers have used the Diasporic Coming-of-age Novel to untangle complicated formative processes, understand the expectations of their social environments, and achieve different levels of belonging and maturity.</p><p>With <i>Children of Globalization, </i>I seek to deepen our understanding of the exciting influence that contemporary diasporic movements have on the coming-of-age genre in particular and literary studies in general. Additionally, it is my hope that the exploration of Diasporic Coming-of-age Novels contributes to a capacious understanding of the important role of literature in the study of migration.</p>

Geografia de la brisa marina a Mallorca

Alomar Garau, Gabriel 12 July 2012 (has links)
El fenomen atmosf��ric de les brises marines adopta a l���illa de Mallorca caracter��stiques protot��piques, i la seva efectivitat permet una f��cil constataci�� com�� i la subseq��ent verificaci�� cient��fica. Operant simult��niament des de les diferents costes, les brises adquireixen un car��cter unitari i centr��pet que ocasiona converg��ncies d���aire a ��rees de l���interior, a on la precipitaci�� estival tendeix a focalitzar-se. L���espai agrari de Mallorca s���ha conformat hist��ricament amb el massiu desplegament territorial d���infrastructures de base cereal��stica, fonamentalment eres de batre. El principal factor de la seva localitzaci�� ��s la disponibilitat de vent, tot constituint unitats de significaci�� e��lica susceptibles d���interpretar-se en clau clim��tica. La seva georeferenciaci�� per fotointerpretaci�� de l���ortofotografia de l���any 1956 s���ha tradu��t en un mapa sint��tic d���eres, m��s una metodologia in��dita per a determinar indirectament les direccions del vent a cada empla��ament. El model ���anemogr��fic��� resultant s���ajusta amb relativa bondat amb les simulacions del sistema de brises precedents. / El fen��meno atmosf��rico de las brisas marinas adopta en la isla de Mallorca caracter��sticas protot��picas, y su efectividad permite una f��cil constataci��n com��n y la subsiguiente verificaci��n cient��fica. Operando simultaneamente desde las diferentes costas, las brisas adquieren un car��cter centr��peto que ocasiona convergencias de aire en ��reas del interior, donde la precipitaci��n estival tiende a focalizarse. El espacio agrario de Mallorca se ha conformado hist��ricamente con el masivo despliegue territorial de infraestructuras de base cereal��stica, fundamentalmente eras de trillar. El principal factor de su localizaci��n es la disponibilidad de viento, constituyendo unidades de significaci��n e��lica susceptibles de interpretarse en clave clim��tica. Su georeferenciaci��n por fotointerpretaci��n de la ortofotografia del a��o 1956 se traduce en un mapa sint��tico de eras, m��s una metodolog��a in��dita para determinar indirectamente las direcciones del viento en cada emplazamiento. El modelo ���anemogr��fico��� resultante se ajusta con relativa bondad con las simulaciones del sistema de brisas precedentes. / In Mallorca, sea breeze presents prototypical characteristics. It is so consistent that its effectiveness allows for easy common as well as scientifc verification. Daytime breezes operate simultaneously from different coasts, and penetrate inland. Its centripetal nature causes wind convergences in certain inland areas, where summer rainfall tend to focus. The agricultural area has historically made with massive territorial deployment of cereal production infrastructure, mainly threshing floors, the main factor of its location being the quantity of the wind resources available. These are small circular spaces that can be interpreted in relation to climate. A synthetic chart of threshing floors and a methodology designed to indirectly determine the dominant wind directions at each site have been developed, based on their geo-referencing by photo-interpretation of the ortho-photographs of 1956. The resulting ���anemographic��� model fits nicely with the main features of the sea breezes identifed by the theoretical-experimental and numerical simulations already tested.

Ecoturismo e Culturas Tradicionais Estudo de Caso: Martim de Sa

Sinay, Laura Unknown Date (has links)
Enquanto alguns paises tem o ecoturismo como a sua principal fonte de renda, o Brasil nao explora a atividade de forma planejada, o que resulta, muitas vezes, na degradacao do meio ambiente e na descaracterizacao da diversidade cultural local. Assim sendo, este estudo pretende contribuir para a compreensao do processo de adaptacao de uma comunidade tradicional ao fenomeno do ecoturismo e dar um alerta para a necessidade de considerar a identidade cultural das populacoes locais como bem patrimonial e como elemento de risco no planejamento da atividade. Com esse intuito, foi realizado um Estudo de Caso, durante os anos de 2000 e 2001, com uma familia residente na praia de Martim de Sa, caracterizada como caicara. Essa comunidade foi escolhida, pois reside em um local onde o ecoturismo esta apenas comecando, fato que permitiu refletir a respeito das consequencias da atividade. Martim de Sa, apesar de estar inserida nos limites de duas Unidades de Conservacao da Natureza, esta sobre forte ameaca de degradacao ambiental devido a especulacao imobiliaria incentivada pelo crescimento do fluxo turistico sem planejamento e facilitado pela falta de fiscalizacao dos orgaos ambientais responsaveis por essas areas. Para o desenvolvimento do Estudo de Caso foram utilizadas nesta pesquisa a Observacao Participante e as entrevistas estruturadas com a finalidade de caracterizar a comunidade local e os turistas e, a Historia de Vida, para a reconstituicao da historia do nucleo receptor.

Ecoturismo e Culturas Tradicionais Estudo de Caso: Martim de Sa

Sinay, Laura Unknown Date (has links)
Enquanto alguns paises tem o ecoturismo como a sua principal fonte de renda, o Brasil nao explora a atividade de forma planejada, o que resulta, muitas vezes, na degradacao do meio ambiente e na descaracterizacao da diversidade cultural local. Assim sendo, este estudo pretende contribuir para a compreensao do processo de adaptacao de uma comunidade tradicional ao fenomeno do ecoturismo e dar um alerta para a necessidade de considerar a identidade cultural das populacoes locais como bem patrimonial e como elemento de risco no planejamento da atividade. Com esse intuito, foi realizado um Estudo de Caso, durante os anos de 2000 e 2001, com uma familia residente na praia de Martim de Sa, caracterizada como caicara. Essa comunidade foi escolhida, pois reside em um local onde o ecoturismo esta apenas comecando, fato que permitiu refletir a respeito das consequencias da atividade. Martim de Sa, apesar de estar inserida nos limites de duas Unidades de Conservacao da Natureza, esta sobre forte ameaca de degradacao ambiental devido a especulacao imobiliaria incentivada pelo crescimento do fluxo turistico sem planejamento e facilitado pela falta de fiscalizacao dos orgaos ambientais responsaveis por essas areas. Para o desenvolvimento do Estudo de Caso foram utilizadas nesta pesquisa a Observacao Participante e as entrevistas estruturadas com a finalidade de caracterizar a comunidade local e os turistas e, a Historia de Vida, para a reconstituicao da historia do nucleo receptor.

Quand l'aéroport devient ville : géographie d'une infrastructure paradoxale / When an airport becomes a city : geography of a paradoxical infrastructure

Drevet-Démettre, Lucie-Emmanuelle 11 September 2015 (has links)
L’aéroport est un objet géographique protéiforme, caractérisé par son « obsolescence accélérée » (BANHAM, 1962). Depuis les années 1990, son ultime mutation s’articule autour d’un processus de diversification fonctionnelle engendré par l’injection d’activités nouvelles, parfois éloignées du transport aérien, dans l’objectif d’accroître les profits et la rentabilité de l’infrastructure dans un contexte de privatisation généralisée. Cette évolution concerne les plus grands hubs mondiaux, notamment Paris-CDG, quatrième aéroport du monde selon le trafic passagers international. Cette tendance, qui a donné naissance au concept opérationnel d’airport city, tel qu’il est désigné par les observateurs et opérateurs anglo-saxons, attise doublement la curiosité géographique. En premier lieu, parce qu’elle interroge la fonction première de l’infrastructure de transport qu’est l’aéroport, qui devient alors un objet spatial non identifié qu’il convient de redéfinir. En second lieu, parce que cette désignation d’airport city, traduite par les opérateurs francophones par ville aéroportuaire, interroge la ville et surtout ce qui fait la ville dans ses dimensions matérielle et idéelle, c’est-à-dire l’urbanité et la citadinité. Suffit-il d’injecter des fonctions urbaines dans un espace pour en faire de la ville ? La ville aéroportuaire n’est-elle qu’une ville fonctionnelle ? En s’efforçant d’évaluer la pertinence géographique de la notion d’airport city, cette thèse impose de faire de l’urbanité et de la citadinité des concepts opératoires afin de les confronter au terrain aéroportuaire. Elle s’efforce également de replacer l’aéroport au centre de l’étude géographique en proposant un ajustement de l’échelle d’observation à l’ensemble de la zone aéroportuaire, évitant ainsi la synecdoque particularisante réduisant l’aéroport au terminal. Dans l’évaluation de la citadinité, elle a également pour objectif de saisir les spatialités de l’ensemble de la société aéroportuaire (passagers, employés, accompagnants, SDF, etc.). / Airports are protean geographical objects characterized by their « accelerated obsolescence » (BANHAM, 1962). Since the 1990s, their final transformation has been structured around a process of functional diversification engendered by new activities, which are sometimes very different from air transport, in order to increase the infrastructures’ profits and profitability in a context of widespread privatization. The world’s largest hub airports are concerned by this evolution, especially the Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport, the world’s fourth busiest airport by international passenger traffic. This trend, which has given birth to the operational concept of airport city, as the Anglo-Saxon operators and observers call it, stirs up the geographical curiosity in two ways. Firstly, it questions the primary function of airports, which become unidentified spatial objects that need to be redefined. Secondly, the concept of airport city questions the city itself. Indeed, what makes a city a city on a material (urbanity) and conceptual (“citadinity”) level? Can a space with urban functions be considered as a city? Is the airport city only a functional city? By assessing the geographical relevance of the concept of airport city, this thesis aims at making the concepts of urbanity and “citadinity” operational concepts, so as to compare them with the airport ground. By adjusting the observation scale to the whole airport area, it also replaces the airport at the centre of the geographical study. Thus, the airport is not simply viewed as a terminal. Finally, this thesis aims at understanding the whole airport society’s spatiality (passengers, employees, accompanying people, homeless people…) by assessing the concept of “citadinity".

Prioritising indigenous representations of geopower : the case of Tulita, Northwest Territories, Canada

Perombelon, Brice Désiré Jude January 2018 (has links)
Recent calls from progressive, subaltern and postcolonial geopoliticians to move geopolitical scholarship away from its Western ontological bases have argued that more ethnographic studies centred on peripheral and dispossessed geographies need to be undertaken in order to integrate peripheralised agents and agencies in dominant ontologies of geopolitics. This thesis follows these calls. Through empirical data collected during a period of five months of fieldwork undertaken between October 2014 and March 2015, it investigates the ways through which an Indigenous community of the Canadian Arctic, Tulita (located in the Northwest Territories' Sahtu region) represents geopower. It suggests a semiotic reading of these representations in order to take the agency of other-than/more-than-human beings into account. In doing so, it identifies the ontological bases through which geopolitics can be indigenised. Drawing from Dene animist ontologies, it indeed introduces the notion of a place-contingent speculative geopolitics. Two overarching argumentative lines are pursued. First, this thesis contends that geopower operates through metamorphic refashionings of the material forms of, and signs associated with, space and place. Second, it infers from this that through this transformational process, geopower is able to create the conditions for alienating but also transcending experiences and meanings of place to emerge. It argues that this movement between conflictual and progressive understandings is dialectical in nature. In addition to its conceptual suggestions, this thesis makes three empirical contributions. First, it confirms that settler geopolitical narratives of sovereignty assertion in the North cannot be disentangled from capitalist and industrial political-economic processes. Second, it shows that these processes, and the geopolitical visions that subtend them, are materialised in space via the extension of the urban fabric into Indigenous lands. Third, it demonstrates that by assembling space ontologically in particular ways, geopower establishes (and entrenches) a geopolitical distinction between living/sovereign (or governmentalised) spaces and nonliving/bare spaces (or spaces of nothingness).

<b>Literary Kinship: An Examination of Black Women's Networks of Literary Activity, Community, and Activism as Practices of Restoration and Healing in the 20th and 21st Centuries</b>

Veronica Lynette Co Ahmed (18446358) 28 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation is a Black feminist qualitative inquiry of the interconnections between Black women, literary activity, community, activism, and restoration and healing. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance and the Black feminist movement converged to create one of the richest periods in Black women’s history. Black women came together in community, through the text, and through various literary spaces–often despite or even because of their differences–to build an archive that articulates a multivocal Black women’s standpoint which many believed to be monotonously singular. During this period, for example, Black women writer-activists wrote more novels, plays, and poetry in these two decades than in any period prior while also establishing new literary traditions. These traditions included the recovery of previously published yet out of print Black women writers, the development of the Black Women Anthology era, the creation of Black women writer-activist collectives, the founding of bookstores, as well as the development of Black Women’s Studies and Black feminist literary criticism in the academy. In the dissertation, these traditions are intrinsically tied to the articulation and definition of the theoretical concept of literary kinship. Conceptually, relationally, and materially literary kinship is the connection generated by the intergenerational literary activity between Black women and girls. In the dissertation, I use literary activity in slightly different ways including to denote community-engaged oral practices, publication, relationships defined around literary sites, and the practice of reading. Literary kinship provides access to community based on and derived from a connection to the literary that is often marked by intergenerational activity. I argue that Black women writer-activists during the period of the BWLR articulate and define literary kinship as a practice of communal restoration and healing for individuals and the collective.</p><p dir="ltr">Literary kinship is explored in four interrelated, yet distinct ways in the dissertation. In chapter two, literary kinship is located in and operationalized through Black women’s literary kinship “networks” founded during the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance. In chapter three, the focus is on the Black Women’s Anthology era that begins in 1970 and becomes a pipeline for the development of the interdisciplinary field of Black Women’s Studies in the 1980s. The fourth and fifth chapters shift the impact of the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance to the 21st century and examines how literary kinship is rearticulated or re-visioned a generation later. The fourth chapter, in this vein, uses autoethnography and literary analysis to illuminate the interconnections between Black girlhood, geography, and my concept of literary kinship. The chapter explores my experience of literary kinship at the kitchen table, in public libraries, and in secondary and higher education as transformative opportunities that fostered my love for reading, engaging in literary community, and developing reading as a restorative and healing practice. In the final chapter, the rapid reemergence of Black women booksellers and their bookstores in the last five years (2018-2023) become integral to a contemporary rearticulation of literary kinship.</p><p dir="ltr">The Black Women’s Literary Renaissance is a significant period of literary output by Black women writer-activists that has had intergenerational impact in the lives of Black women. During the Renaissance, Black women writer-activists were catalysts for critical and necessary literary interventions, strategies, and methods that supported their sociopolitical activism, the development of a rich Black feminist and literary archive, and that manifested community functional practices of restoration and healing. Black women’s articulation, definition, and utilization of literary kinship in the 20th and 21st centuries has supported their literary labors as activists, as intellectuals, and as community members, and is therefore a practice of community restoration and healing.</p>

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