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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural Crossing and Diversity Ideologies: Three Essays on the Identity Politics of Cultural Accommodation and Integration

Cho, Jaee January 2017 (has links)
My dissertation explores people’s responses to cultural crossing, exploring when and why it is admired or admonished. One form of crossing is cultural accommodation, which occurs when a recently arrived foreign visitor behaves like a local, adhering to host-country norms of behavior rather than those of his/her heritage country. The second is cultural borrowing, which occurs when ideas from multiple cultural traditions are integrated into a product, performance or activity. I propose that people’s background beliefs about cultural differences (i.e., diversity ideologies) influence their evaluations of the actions of other people who cross cultures, as well as their own decisions to cross cultures. My studies consider two well-studied diversity ideologies—colorblindness and multiculturalism. In addition, I also consider polyculturalism, a more novel ideology that, like multiculturalism, celebrates cultural differences. However, polyculturalism differs in that it embraces cultural change. I develop novel methods for empirically distinguishing consequences of the mindset of polyculturalism as opposed to classical multiculturalism. In Chapter 1, I explore how diversity ideologies affect people’s acceptance of foreign visitors’ accommodation to the local culture. Multiculturalism, which holds cultural traditions to be separate legacies that should be preserved, was associated with negative evaluations of high accommodation. When polyculturalism (vs. multiculturalism) was experimentally primed, high accommodation was evaluated more positively. Further, I examine the underlying effects of diversity ideology on evaluations by focusing on trust judgments and find that multiculturalists’ distrust of high accommodators involves judgments of low ability and of identity contamination. In Chapter 2, I develop the argument that diversity ideologies guide people’s first-person decisions about whether to accommodate when entering a new cultural context. Polyculturalism facilitated cultural accommodation and longer-term cultural adjustment by reducing concerns about contamination of heritage identity, whereas colorblindness and multiculturalism had no consistent effects. In Chapter 3, I theorize and demonstrate that diversity ideologies also affect how people draw upon knowledge from foreign cultures in their problem-solving. Polyculturalism encouraged participants’ inclusion of foreign ideas when solving problems, which enhanced their creativity. However, colorblindness, which views ethnicity/culture as a mirage that is best ignored, inhibited participants’ incorporation of foreign ideas, thereby reducing creativity. No effect was found for multiculturalism. Taken together, the chapters of my dissertation contribute to a more nuanced understanding of cultural crossing: when people do it, and when people admire or admonish others for doing so. Also, these empirical findings advance research on polyculturalism and spark future research questions.

Hållbarhet och tillväxt i medier : En diskursanalys av två svenska dagstidningar under 2016

Radloff, Albrecht January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys hur tillväxt och hållbarhet beskrivs i medier. Den bygger på en analys av 34 artiklar från två svenska dagstidningar under året 2016. Slutsatsen är att begreppen ”hållbarhet” och ”tillväxt” fylls med olika betydelser och att medietexter oftast saknar en helhetsbild. Det finns skillnader beroende på vem som skriver tidningsartikeln respektive vem det är som får komma till tals. Artiklarna är skrivna av olika författare, såsom journalister, forskare, politiker, företagare och samhällsdebattörer. Detta bidrar till mångfalden i definitioner av begreppen ”tillväxt” och ”hållbarhet” samtidigt som det finns vissa ramar som skribenterna förhåller sig till. Dessa ramar kan utgöras av till synes självklara idéer som att en nation eller ett företag behöver tillväxt för att kunna konkurrera med andra. Hållbarheten kan då ses som en bromsande kraft, men också som en chans till nya och konkurrenskraftiga produkter. En slutsats är att många av de undersökta artiklarna hade tjänat på en granskning och komplettering av en forskare eller hållbarhetsjournalist.

Vad gör det för skillnad? : Fyra organisationers integrerade arbete med kvalitativ jämställdhet / What difference does it make? : Four organizations integrated work with qualitative equality

Andersson, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
Det finns väldigt många sätt att arbeta både med jämställdhet i stort och med kvalitativ jämställdhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur fyra olika verksamheter integrerar arbetet med kvalitativ jämställdhet i verksamheten. Utifrån detta arbetades det fram en frågeställning om hur jämställdhetsarbetet beskrevs, motiverades och vad det visade på för förståelse av genus och jämställdhet. Metoden jag använt mig av är semistrukturerade intervjuer. I själva analysen har jag utgått från teorier om jämställdhet och jämställhetsarbete, makt, genus och perspektiv på organisationer. Resultatet visar på att det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med jämställdhet och också flera olika anledningar som motiverade till ett jämställdhetsarbete. De offentliga organisationerna framhävde motiv om rättvisa och demokrati medan de privata organiastionerna dessutom lyfte fram ett ekonomiskt perspektiv som viktigt. Alla informater menade att det fanns en stor fördel att arbeta med kvalitativ jämställdhet. Slutsatsen blir att det finns många olika sätt att arbeta integrerat med kvalitativ jämställdhet, men för att det ska få någon genomgripande effekt måste det vara ett långsiktigt arbete.

Jag kan, jag ska : En kulturanalytisk studie om hur könsnormer skapas och bekräftas inom fitness- och styrketräning / I can, I will : A cultural study on how gender norms are created and confirmed in fitness and strenght training

Grindefors Sponton, Mathilda, Alexandersson, Sissela January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och problematisera hur könsnormer uppstår och reproduceras inom fitness- och styrketräning (FOS). Vår studie tar sin utgångspunkt i sex stycken bilder som hämtats från hashtagen #IcanIwill, varav tre bilder föreställer män och tre föreställer kvinnor. #IcanIwill är en hashtag som återfinns på det sociala mediet Instagram och är kopplat till FOS. För att analysera och problematisera hur könsnormer bekräftas och reproduceras bland bilderna från #IcanIwill har vi genomfört tre olika metoder, bildanalys, fokusgrupp och observation. Vi ansåg att en kombination av de metoderna kunde bidra till olika perspektiv i vår analys. I vår analys kom vi fram till att det finns många skillnader mellan män och kvinnor vad gäller normer om FOS-utövarnas kroppar, vilket bland annat tog sig uttryck i förväntningar om hur män och kvinnor tillåts röra och uttrycka sig olika inom FOS menäven hur gymmiljö kan komma att påverka människor.

Juventude trans-viada : identidades marcadas invadem a rua

Silva, Thais Coelho da January 2008 (has links)
Esta Dissertação está ancorada no campo dos Estudos Culturais e tem como objetivo investigar e mostrar práticas culturais que funcionam entre um grupo de jovens homoafetivos – que trocam afetos com pessoas de mesmo sexo – num espaço urbano de Porto Alegre – RS. Analiso os modos através dos quais tal grupo vem lugarizando o espaço e como tais práticas atuam como possibilidade de resistência em sua constituição identitária. Os jovens se referem a este lugar como point, um ponto de encontro, onde se reúnem, conversam, namoram, ‘desfilam’ efusivamente, onde podem – e fazem questão de – ver e serem vistos, sugerindo um modo singular de ser jovem, que não somente transita por um espaço, mas ocupa, trans-figura e, muitas vezes, incomoda. O grupo é composto, predominantemente, por jovens da periferia urbana de Porto Alegre, que se encontra nos finais de tarde de domingo, nos arredores do Shopping Nova Olaria, no bairro Cidade Baixa. A entrada e freqüência de tais jovens nas dependências do Shopping vêm sendo barradas, justificadas pelo não consumo e comportamentos considerados inadequados, levando-os, então, a ocuparem a rua, marcando-a fortemente com performances homoafetivas, utilizando-se das paredes das casas, dos carros estacionados, do ponto de ônibus, do meio-fio das calçadas. Ficam expostos sob as luzes dos postes públicos, dos faróis dos carros, alvo de olhares passantes: palco perfeito para uma juventude trans-viada. No estudo, trato tais jovens sem a idéia de uma cultura juvenil universal e homogênea, mas, sim, juventudes plurais, fluidas e transitórias que, ao expressarem publicamente seus homoafetos, acabam trans-viando, de várias formas, as configurações espaciais, criando um novo lugar. As análises – compostas por observações, diários de campo, fotografias, imagens, sons, músicas, vestimentas, adereços, conversas, documentos, materiais impressos diversos – indicam que tais jovens utilizam-se de performances homoafetivas lugarizantes para demarcar um território, como forma de resistência à ordem heteronormativa e de consumo instituída. Forma-se uma comunidade de resistência a tal ordem, um grupo específico de jovens que adota e compartilha práticas, não necessariamente criando um novo modelo de juventude, mas, outras formas de fazer e viver no espaço instituído, para produzirem outros caminhos. / This Dissertation is anchored in the field of Cultural Studies and aims to know and show cultural practices that run between a group of young homoafetivos - that exchange affection with people of same sex – in an urban area of Porto Alegre – Brazil. I analyze the ways by which this group comes lugarizando the space and how such practices can act as resilient in its constitution identity. Young people refer to this place as point, a meeting point, where they meet, talk, date, 'parade' extend warm, where they can - and are keen to - see and be seen, suggesting a natural way of being young, that not only passed by a space, but occupies, trans-figure and often uncomfortable. The group is composed, predominantly by young people in the urban periphery of Porto Alegre, which is in late-afternoon on Sunday, on the outskirts of Shopping Nova Olaria in the Cidade Baixa neighborhood. The entry and frequency of such couples in dependencies of Shopping have been barred, not justified by consumption and behaviour deemed inappropriate, causing them then to occupy the streets, marking it with strong performances homoafetivas, using the walls of the houses, of parked cars from the bus, from the mid-wire of sidewalks. They exposed under the lights of public posts, the headlights of cars, bystanders target of eyes: perfect stage for a youth trans-viada. In the study, treatment such young people without the idea of a youth culture universal and homogeneous, but youths plural, fluid and transitory that by publicly expressing their homoafetos, end trans-viando, in many ways, the settings space, creating a new post. The analyses - composed of comments, diaries, field, photographs, images, sounds, music, clothing, props, conversations, documents, materials printed matter - indicate that these young people are using performance homoafetivas lugarizantes to demarcate a territory, as form of resistance to the order established heteronormative and consumption. Form is a community of resistance to such a specific group of young people who adopts and share practices, not necessarily creating a new model for youth, but other ways of living in space and set up to produce other ways.

Cultural entrepreneurship : unlocking potential through value creation

Peterson, Meghan January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the challenges and opportunities of cultural entrepreneurship, exploring current conceptualisations of cultural entrepreneurs and to find new perspectives and recommendations for cultural entrepreneurs of the future. Cultural entrepreneurship is a contested, yet essential aspect of the growth of artists and arts organisations globally. Though there are similarities, this research demonstrates that cultural entrepreneurs from different backgrounds, industries and of varied sizes need different things and have different barriers so cannot be understood in the same way. Digital technologies and local networks do offer new possibilities for innovation however these are limited in scope and require further investigation and investment. Despite psychological, political and financial barriers to entrepreneurship in the creative industries, finding a balance between artistic, social, economic and institutional innovation for the various actors throughout the arts offers key insights to how artists and arts organisations can be more entrepreneurial. Through a grounded theory approach, this research connects previously disparate fields of cultural policy, social entrepreneurship and business model innovation to derive new perspectives of how cultural entrepreneurs can survive and thrive in the dynamically shifting world. Themes that emerged through the data analysis connect in new ways to Cohendet et al.’s (2012) ‘Anatomy of a Creative City’, outlining the underground, middleground and upperground actors; Albinsson’s (2017) theories of the quadruple bottom line in the creative industries; and a value ecosystem’s approach with a focus on value creation (Allee, 2002; Curtis, 2017). From this combination of literature and data collected, a novel approach to understanding cultural entrepreneurs emerges, creating a model to understand more holistically how value is created and captured for the artist or arts organisation. This model has a range of practical approaches intended to provide tangible pathways into combining the concepts of the quadruple bottom line, value ecosystems and different conceptualisations of cultural entrepreneurs, offering a novel contribution to all of these fields in addition to, and most significantly the topic of cultural entrepreneurship.

Indians Illustrated: The Image of Native Americans in the Pictorial Press

Coward, John M. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Book Summary: In Indians Illustrated, John M. Coward charts a social and cultural history of Native American illustrations--romantic, violent, racist, peaceful, and otherwise--in the heyday of the American pictorial press. These woodblock engravings and ink drawings placed Native Americans into categories that drew from venerable "good" Indian and "bad" Indian stereotypes already threaded through the culture. Coward's examples show how the genre cemented white ideas about how Indians should look and behave--ideas that diminished Native Americans' cultural values and political influence. His powerful analysis of themes and visual tropes unlocks the racial codes and visual cues that whites used to represent--and marginalize--native cultures already engaged in a twilight struggle against inexorable westward expansion. Fascinating and provocative, Indians Illustrated reopens an overlooked chapter in media and cultural history. / https://dc.etsu.edu/alumni_books/1022/thumbnail.jpg

Appalachia and the World: Comparative Cultural Studies and the Fulbright Experience

Olson, Ted 23 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond public health : the cultural politics of tobacco control in Hong Kong

CHAN, Wai Yin 01 January 2009 (has links)
This work provides cultural and political explanations on how and why cigarette smoking has increasingly become an object of intolerance and control in Hong Kong. Since the 1980s, the smoking population has been falling. Smoking behavior, sales and promotion of cigarette products have been under close surveillance by the government, medical experts and society at large. Cigarette smoking, as well as smokers, has increasingly been rejected and demonized in the public discourse. What are the conditions that make the growing intolerant discourses and practices against cigarette smoking possible and dominant? Why and how has the tobacco control campaign become prevalent as a governmentalist project, which is strong enough to tear down the alliance of tobacco industry giants? Why is tobacco singled out from other legal but harmful substances, such as alcohol, as an imperative object of intolerance and control? This work tackles these questions by adopting a Foucauldian discursive approach and the theory of articulation developed in cultural studies. By considering tobacco control as a historical and contextual practice, it traces the specific trajectory of tobacco control in Hong Kong, maps the cultural and political contexts that make it possible, and considers its consequence regarding the complex relationship among control, construction of risk, identity and freedom in society.

Take a chill pill: a cultural history of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Hansen, Jonathan Herbert 01 August 2014 (has links)
During the last thirty years, millions of Americans have come into contact with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), if not through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a friend or family member, then through the perennial and occasionally passionate debate this behavioral disorder has inspired in U.S. popular culture since its inauguration in 1980. The competing claims of this debate are many and varied, and they revolve around a number of subtle distinctions that have emerged from diverse discourses and institutional histories. It is among the aims of this project to excavate and clarify these multiple, often contradictory and disjunctive claims by resituating them within their disparate (indeed, still emerging) rhetorical and historical contexts. The central questions animating this debate tend to advocate for one position or another, within the limitations of a single field and its defining questions, making it nearly impossible to gain a balanced or nuanced understanding of ADHD. Moreover, dominant accounts fail to consider the diagnosis within a wider socio-cultural and historical context. This project therefore analyzes this under-theorized behavioral disorder from a rhetorical and cultural perspective. In doing so, it aims to go further than other critiques or defenses of the diagnosis and its chemical therapies. It does so by bringing discourse analysis to bear on ADHD, thereby illuminating how this assemblage of rhetorics and questions - centered as they are on the Mind/Body continuum - constitute what Michel Foucault refers to as biopower - or a process of social control exercised on and through the technological manipulation of life itself. Considering it from such a perspective will allow us to situate ADHD within modern debates over the definition of consciousness, a debate that is inseparable from the history of technology and the technological systems in which minds and bodies are thoroughly implicated. This dissertation demonstrates that a biopolitics of consciousness structures the emergence of and the debate surrounding ADHD and the administration of stimulant drugs for the purpose of managing attensity.

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