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Aplicación del Análisis Envolvente de Datos y Análisis Factorial Múltiple en el estudio del desempeño en las instituciones de educación superior públicas en Colombia y su implicación en la distribución de los recursosVisbal Cadavid, Delimiro Alberto 03 April 2020 (has links)
[ES] El establecimiento de estrategias y planes de mejora de todo sistema debe abordar como primera instancia el conocimiento del estado actual del mismo, lo cual se logra mediante la formulación, estudio y análisis de los indicadores de gestión de las dimensiones consideradas importantes para el logro de los objetivos, y ello se hace extensivo al Sistema Universitario Estatal (SUE) colombiano. En este contexto, los resultados de las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) están entre los desafíos y retos que tiene el sistema educativo en Colombia.
Con el presente trabajo se pretende realizar un análisis comparativo del estado actual de las IES públicas colombianas. Para ello, en primer lugar se realizó un estudio de eficiencia mediante el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA), para posteriormente hacer una propuesta de reestructuración del sector educativo superior público colombiano mediante la implementación del Análisis Envolvente de Datos Inverso en combinación con Algoritmos Genéticos (InvDEA - AG) a través de la identificación de posibles fusiones entre IES ineficientes en una única nueva IES resultante, de manera que esta última posea un cierto nivel de eficiencia técnica preestablecido. En una tercera etapa se realiza una caracterización de las mismas mediante el estudio de los indicadores de resultados establecidos en el Índice de Progreso de la Educación Superior (IPES) desarrollado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia utilizando como herramienta el Análisis Factorial Múltiple (AFM), y finalmente se va a proponer un Índice Sintético de Desempeño basado en los resultados del AFM (IAFM), índice que considera la estructura interna de los indicadores que conforman las dimensiones del sistema de indicadores de gestión de las IES.
Los resultados indican que, en términos generales, las universidades que exhiben más debilidades son: Pacifico, Chocó, UFPS-Ocaña, Guajira, Cesar, Amazonía, Sucre, Llanos, Pamplona y Cundinamarca.
Los resultados muestran que la dimensión Acceso es la más multidimensional, seguido por Calidad y Logro, siendo el más homogéneo el grupo Recursos.
El mejor desempeño en las variables de la dimensión Logro lo tiene la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), seguida por Universidad de Antioquia (UDEA). El mejor desempeño en la dimensión Calidad lo posee la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), mientras que la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional tiene el mejor desempeño en Acceso, y el segundo mejor desempeño en Calidad (compartido con la Universidad Militar). / [CA] L'establiment d'estratègies i plans de millora de tot sistema ha d'abordar com a primera instància el coneixement de l'estat actual d'aquest, la qual cosa s'aconsegueix mitjançant la formulació, estudi i anàlisi dels indicadors de gestió de les dimensions considerades importants per a l'assoliment dels objectius, això també és totalment cert en el Sistema Universitari Estatal (SUE) colombià. En aquest context, els resultats de les Institucions d'Educació Superior (IES) estan entre els desafiaments i reptes que té el sistema educatiu a Colòmbia.
Amb el present treball es pretén realitzar una anàlisi comparativa de l'estat actual de les IES públiques colombianes, per a això es duu a terme un estudi d'eficiència mitjançant l'Anàlisi Envolupant de Dades (DEA), seguidament es fa una proposta de reestructuració del sector educatiu superior públic colombià mitjançant la implementació de l'Anàlisi Envolupant de Dades Invers en combinació amb Algorismes Genètics (InvDEA - AG) a través de la identificació de possibles fusions entre IES ineficients en una única nova IES resultant, de manera que aquesta última posseïsca un cert nivell d'eficiència tècnica preestablit, també es realitza una caracterització de les mateixes mitjançant l'estudi dels indicadors de resultats establits en l'Índex de Progrés de l'Educació Superior (IPES) desenvolupat pel Ministeri d'Educació Nacional de Colòmbia utilitzant com a eina l'Anàlisi Factorial Múltiple (AFM), i finalment es proposa un Índex Sintètic d'Acompliment basat en els resultats del AFM (IAFM), índex que considera l'estructura interna dels indicadors que conformen les dimensions del sistema d'indicadors de gestió de les IES.
Els resultats indiquen que, en termes generals, les universitats que exhibeixen més debilitats són: Pacífico, Chocó, UFPS-Ocaña, Guajira, Cesar, Amazonía, Sucre, Llanos, Pamplona i Cundinamarca.
Els resultats mostren que la dimensió Accés és la més multidimensional, seguit per Qualitat i Assoliment, i el més homogeni és Recursos.
El millor acompliment en les variables de la dimensió Assoliment ho té la Universitat Nacional de Colòmbia (UNAL), seguida per Universitat de Antioquia (UDEA). El millor acompliment en la dimensió Qualitat el posseeix la Universitat Nacional Oberta i a Distància (UNAD), mentre que la Universitat Pedagògica Nacional té el millor acompliment en Accés, i el segon millor acompliment en Qualitat (compartit amb la Universitat Militar). / [EN] The establishment of strategies and plans for the improvement of any system should address as a first instance the knowledge of the current state of the same, which is achieved through the formulation, study and analysis of performance indicators of the dimensions considered important for the achievement of objectives, this is also totally true in the Colombian State University System (SUE). In this context, the results of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are among the challenges that the education system has in Colombia.
This work intends to carry out a comparative analysis of the current state of Colombian public HEIs. To do this, an efficiency study was first carried out using the Data Envelope Analysis (DEA), then a proposal is made to restructure Higher Public Education Sector in Colombia through the implementation of the Inverse Data Envelopment Analysis in combination with Genetic Algorithms (InvDEA -GA) by identifying possible mergers between inefficient HEI in a single resulting new HEI so that the latter fulfill a global predefined efficiency. In a third stage, a characterization of them is carried out by studying the outcome indicators established in the Progress Index of Higher Education (IPES) developed by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia through Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) as tool, and finally, a Synthetic Performance Index based on the results of the MFA (IMFA) is proposed, index that considers the internal structure of the indicators that compose the dimensions of the system of indicators of HEIs in Colombia.
The results indicate that, in general terms, the universities that exhibit the most weaknesses are: Pacifico, Chocó, UFPS-Ocaña, Guajira, Cesar, Amazonía, Sucre, Llanos, Pamplona y Cundinamarca.
The results show that the Access dimension is the most multidimensional, followed by Quality and Achievement, and the most homogeneous is Resources.
The best performance in the variables of the Achievement dimension is the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL), followed by the Universidad de Antioquia (UDEA). The best performance in the Quality dimension is held by the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD), while the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional has the best performance in Access, and the second best performance in Quality (shared with the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada). / Visbal Cadavid, DA. (2020). Aplicación del Análisis Envolvente de Datos y Análisis Factorial Múltiple en el estudio del desempeño en las instituciones de educación superior públicas en Colombia y su implicación en la distribución de los recursos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/140089
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台灣地區醫院效率與生產力變動之研究-非參數DEA方法之應用 / Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Hospitals in Taiwan: Nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis王媛慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對於醫療市場的生產績效研究,係由兩篇獨立的學術研究報告所組成,研究重點在於利用非參數資料包絡分析方法 ( nonparametric DEA approach ),估計醫院的生產技術,以衡量醫院的技術效率及不同年度間之生產力變動,進而分析不同醫院間,生產績效差異的主要原因。本論文所採用的研究方法與探討的主題,不同於國內既有的相關文獻。
本部分主要探討在醫院面對不確定性時的效率評估。一般而言,醫院有兩種生產上的不確定性來源:醫師或醫院的診療結果所導致的生產不確定性;及消費者對醫療服務需求的不確定性 (Arrow, 1963)。當醫院面對生產不確定性時,醫院效率將與廠商如何處理不確定性問題有關,亦即,當廠商事前規劃愈縝密,未來可能的產出失靈水準愈低,則其生產效率表現愈佳。本文利用民國 82 及 83 年(準)醫學中心與(準)區域醫院資料,模擬醫院在面對生產不確定性時,各種可能的產出失靈水準,以chance constrained DEA 模式 (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993) 估算醫院的隨機技術效率,並與傳統、確定性的DEA模式所得到之結果,做一比較。
Chance constrained DEA模式與傳統DEA模式的不同,在於前者估計出的生產前緣,並不總是包絡所有的樣本點,亦即,允許某廠商之產出超越生產前緣或說允許產出失靈可能性之存在,而後者則否。實證結果發現,在chance constrained DEA模式下,私立醫院的技術效率高於公立醫院,且呈現統計顯著性的差異,但兩者間的差異隨著醫院事前準備程度的提高而縮小;而傳統DEA模式也顯示,私立醫院的技術效率確實顯著地高於公立醫院。此外,若產出失靈水準夠低,則chance constrained DEA模式的效率值與傳統DEA模式的效率值,兩者間的分配會呈現統計顯著性差異。
全民健保實施後,民眾對醫療服務的可近性提高,醫院間的市場結構改變,因此,醫院生產力與效率的提升,成為眾所關切的焦點。為瞭解醫院在全民健保實施後,資源是否有效配置,本部分利用民國 82 至 86 年醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院等大小型醫院資料,以範疇DEA模式估計Malmquist生產力變動指標,並將之分解為技術變動、純技術效率變動、及規模效率變動等三項變動來源。
實證結果發現,從82至86年醫院整體平均效率而言,CRS(VRS)生產技術下的平均效率為 66.00%(74.87%),表示不論大小型醫院,平均而言,皆存在技術不效率的情形。再者,在民國84年,亦即全民健保實施的年度,其效率水準明顯較其他年度為低,其餘年度的效率水準都相對較高,此一結果意謂,政策干擾對於醫院效率表現的影響,是短期性的。另外,小型醫院皆較大型醫院不效率,兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性;以權屬別而言,不論是大型醫院或小型醫院中的私立醫院,其生產效率均優於公立醫院,且兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性。而透過迴歸分析顯示,全民健保實施、權屬別之虛擬變數、佔床率、平均住院日、及以醫院產出衡量的集中度指標等,是影響醫院生產效率的重要因素。
從Malmquist生產力變動( et al., 1994)來看,平均而言,82-86年間醫院生產力成長率約在 -3.06 % 左右。就生產力變動來源而言,技術成長率(-2.74 %)與整體效率成長率(-0.33 %)均為負,而技術變動則是阻礙生產力成長的主要原因。此外,若以醫院整體效率變動來源來看,平均而言,整體效率退步是由於規模效率變動所致(-0.74%)。
此外,本文著重在 et al.(1994)、Ray and Desli (1997) 及Grifell and Lovell (1998) 三種定義下的Malmquist生產力變動指標之比較。研究結果發現,Grifell and Lovell (1998) 的一般化Malmquist生產力指數,並沒有正確衡量廠商的生產力變動及其變動來源項。而利用Kruskal-Wallis檢定結果發現,三個模式中的生產力變動差異,並不具統計顯著性,而變動來源項(技術變動與規模效率變動)亦顯示相同的結果。 / This dissertation is focused on the efficiency and productivity studies of hospitals in Taiwan. It includes two independent academic papers. The primary intention is to introduce the newly developed ideas in the measurement of efficiency and productivity, rather than to create new ones. The utilization of these ideas has not, however, been discussion in print. And some of the arguments we used and brought together are new regarding to the literature of hospital efficiency and productivity measurement. Utilizing the non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches, efficiency scores and productivity change indexes were estimated. Efforts were made to explain the difference of productivity performance among individual hospitals. Nevertheless, the methods we used and the economic approach behind them distinguish this study from other empirical studies of the medical market.
Part I Market Uncertainty and Hospital Efficiency
This part of the dissertation is focused on the measurement of efficiency of hospitals, incorporating uncertainty. There are stochastic variations in production relationships for hospitals. Generally speaking, the uncertainty of hospitals comes from two major sources: the natural uncertainty of medical cares; and the uncertainty of demands for medical cares (Arrow, 1963). Given the uncertainty in the medical market, the efficiency of hospitals hinges on how decision-makers deal with it. Undoubtedly, an optimal planning of the output buffers improves the efficiency performance.
Using the hospital survey data in 1993 and 1994, and employing the chance constrained DEA model (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993), the stochastic efficiency indexes of public and private medical centers and regional hospitals were estimated. Compared with deterministic frontier enveloping a given set of sample observations all the time, the chance-constrained frontier envelops them most of the time. That is, the chance constrained DEA allows the possibilities of output failure. Imposing different values of output failure probability, the estimation results were compared with the traditional (deterministic) DEA models.
The empirical evidences of the chance constrained DEA model showed that, on average, private hospitals performed significantly better than public hospitals. This result matches with the result of the traditional DEA model. With Mann-Whitney U test, we compared the distributions of efficiency indexes under chance constrained DEA and deterministic DEA models. The test results showed that the difference between these two different models is statistically significant given a higher probability of output failure.
These results imply that the nature of risk and the manipulation for risk are different for public and private hospitals. We also find that that the efficiency performance of public hospitals could be improved by the increasing of its reserve capacity.
Part II National Health Insurance and Hospital Productivity Change
In this part of the dissertation, we examine the impact of NHI on hospitals, and trace the sources of hospital productivity growth in Taiwan. To pursue our goal, we employ a data consisting of 157 medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals over the period 1993 to 1997, and resort to the Malmquist productivity index to measure total factor productivity change. The index could be decomposed into three components: technical change, pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change. The estimation technique used in the study is the deterministic non-parametric DEA approach. The results we find are revealing and suggestive to the public and the government in order to promote and assure the efficient delivery of quality health care.
The average efficiency scores are 66.00% (74.87%) for CRS (VRS) technology and it means that there are substantial efficiency losses for the sample hospitals during the study period. The efficiency score of the hospitals as a whole in 1995 (the beginning year of NHI) was much lower than the other 4 years' efficiency scores. A censored Tobit regression analysis is used and identifies that NHI policy, ownership, rate of bed occupancy, average length of stay and the output-specific concentration level were all the significant determinants of technical efficiency.
Empirical results indicate that most medical care regions became more output-specific concentrated. Total factor productivity on average deteriorated at an annual rate of -3.1%, and it was dominated by substantial technical regresses at an annual rate of -2.74%. The small hospitals were severely affected by NHI. Furthermore, within large and small hospital groups, the difference in technical change was statistically significant, but the differences in TFP and the associated components between ownership were not.
Special attention was paid to compare et al.(1994), Ray and Desli (1997) and Grifell and Lovell (1998) approaches to decomposing the Malmquist productivity index. Empirical results indicate that the first 2 approaches yield accurate productivity changes, while GL doesn't. However, they produce almost the same magnitude of average TFP. In addition, no significant differences in the measured technical change and efficiency change were found among the three approaches.
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The managerial performance of mutual funds : an empirical studyBurrows, Tim January 2013 (has links)
For as long as managed mutual funds have been in existence there has been a desire to accurately assess their relative performance against each other, and also their respective performance in relation to an appropriate stock market index. There has been a specific interest in whether the expensive, professionally managed mutual funds can justify their high cost with respect to low cost, simple index trackers by producing superior, post-cost performance, and this proposition is implicitly tested within this thesis. The aim of this thesis is to undertake an empirical assessment of the managerial performance of mutual funds utilising a three-stage DEA-SFA-DEA methodology which combines linear mathematical programming (DEA) and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). Specifically, this thesis focuses on evaluating the managerial performance of UK domiciled open-ended investment companies (OEICs) and unit trusts (UTs) over a three year period from 1st January 2008 to 31st December 2010. Various DEA models are utilised including CCR, BCC and SBM DEA models with various orientations, and also versions of these DEA models which make use of the SORM procedure. These are used to carry out an initial evaluation of the managerial performance of the OEICs/UTs, before two of these DEA models are combined with SFA regression analysis in a three-stage DEA-SFA-DEA methodology to purge the influence of environmental factors and statistical noise, thus leading to a more robust evaluation of the true managerial performance of the OEICs/UTs under assessment. The results of this thesis extend support to the premise of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) that financial markets are information efficient , and thus it is not possible, given the information available when the investment is made, to consistently obtain returns in excess of the average market return on a risk-adjusted basis, and this thesis does so through the use of a novel approach.
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加入WTO後中國大陸產險市場經營效率之研究許仁榮, Hsu, Jen Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用資料包絡分析法進行效率值之計算,並使用大邊界法建構出單一效率邊界,探討大陸產險業在加入WTO前後的效率變動情形。本研究的結果如下:1.根據單變量無母數統計分析,整體產險業在加入WTO前後三個效率值雖呈正向關係但不顯著,表示階段性的開放是較理想的措施。2.非中資公司的整體技術效率值、純技術效率值與規模效率值均高於中資公司,顯示非中資公司其全球化的經驗較中資公司更好、更成熟。 / Mainland China reapplied in 1986 to join WTO, passed through 15 years long-term endeavor and negotiates in every way, and made the significant concessions after each industry, on December 11, 2001 officially became the 143rd official member nation. After joining the WTO, the mainland's financial market scale and rapid growth attract, opening of the market will attract a large number of international insurance industry to the mainland. Furthermore, with most developing countries in similar circumstances, the mainland's financial industry compared to other industries in terms of development is relatively slow industries, financial institutions stationed after the impact is inevitable, therefore, the mainland authorities should be prepared as early as possible and to respond.
This research applied Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure efficiency scores, and applied Grand Frontier to measure the trend of the efficiency change before and after joining WTO. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Based on the univariate statistical analysis, overall in the property insurance industry after joining the WTO three efficiency values have shown a positive relationship but not significant, said the gradual opening is a relatively ideal measures. 2. Non-Chinese company's overall technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency were higher than the value of Chinese-funded companies that show non-Chinese-funded companies in their global experience are better and more mature than those Chinese-funded companies.
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敵意併購目標公司經營效率之研究林芊芊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以1986年至2001年台灣的併購活動為研究對象,實證發現主併者在選擇善意或敵意併購目標時有所差異;主併者選擇在善意併購目標公司時,對於目標公司之經營績效並無特別偏好;但在選擇敵意併購目標公司時,則以經營效率不佳者為對象,並透過敵意併購改善其經營效率;此外,敵意併購目標公司在替換掉管理能力不佳的管理者後,其效率進步的程度大於善意併購目標公司。因此,本研究樣本顯示台灣敵意併購支持懲戒式接管的動機假設。 / / Many scholars did researches on merger and acquisition (M&A) before, and the research scope involved motives, types, performance, strategies and laws of M&A; however, few of them mentioned hostile takeovers. Besides, most of hostile takeovers researches focus on anti-takeovers defenses of target companies, only a few researches discussed about post-takeover performance after hostile takeovers. This research attempts to measure the efficiency change of target companies after hostile takeovers, and discuss the motives of hostile takeovers in Taiwanese enterprises.
The sample year includes Taiwan from 1986 to 2001. The research findings reveal that in the samples of friendly takeovers, there were no specific preference for choosing the targets companies. On the other hand, in the samples of hostile takeovers cases, the research findings denote that most of the target companies were underperformance, which triggers the takeover action. Moreover, the result demonstrates that hostile takeovers present better performance improvement than friendly takeovers do. The findings support hostile takeovers disciplinary motives implication in Taiwan.
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台灣地區有線電視系統業者經營效率分析—三階段法之應用 / Operational Efficiency Evaluation of Cable System Operators in Taiwan: A Three-Stage Approach張凱渟, Chang, Kai Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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臺灣證券業經營效率之探討楊家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1991年後,證券商為擴大市場占有率,紛紛以購併策略來擴展營業據點;此外,近年來證券商業務朝多元化發展,過去文獻鮮少探討新金融商品業務對證券商經營效率之影響,加上網路交易之興起,改變投資人之交易習慣。究竟大型證券商比小型證券商具有較佳競爭力與經營效率?影響證券商經營效率之因素又有那些?值得進一步探究。本文以1998至2007年家專業經紀券商276個樣本及綜合券商310個樣本資料,第一階段利用資料包絡分析法分別評估專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率值,第二階段利用Tobit迴歸模型探討可能造成專業經紀券商與綜合券商經營效率差異影響之因素。技術效率評估結果顯示:(一) 就專業經紀券商而言,低用人費率券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於高用人費率券商;(二)就綜合券商而言,具外國背景券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於上市櫃或具金控背景之券商。迴歸實證結果顯示:(一)股價指數對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具正向顯著關係;(二)開辦網路下單對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係;(三)專業經紀券商之營業據點數與技術效率具負向顯著關係;(四)綜合券商之營業據點數與技術效率具正向顯著關係;(五)業務愈集中、業務風險愈高、具金控體系及上市櫃背景則對綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係。
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政府持股比例與銀行經營效率之關聯性─DEA方法之應用張中勳 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 公股銀行平均技術效率値顯著優於民營銀行,主要來自於純粹技術效率的優勢。而資產品質主要對民營銀行產生規模效率之減損。
二、 100%公股銀行在純粹技術效率與技術效率,無論是否有考慮備抵呆帳皆顯著最佳,民營化銀行次之,民營銀行最差。然民營化銀行在無論有無考慮備抵呆帳的情形下,規模效率皆不如100%公股銀行或民營銀行。
三、 我國政府不同的持股比例對於公司經營效率之影響,可能並非單純線性關係。若政府低於33%,則持續降低政府對於經營之影響力,可能有助於公司經營效率。
四、 Malmquist生產力指數顯示100%持股公股銀行生產力因為生產技術的提升,累積後較民營化銀行為大,此與三類銀行間t-test之檢定結果相同。顯示政府持股較多的銀行可能有助於提升技術效率與純粹技術效率。
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A eficiência dos investimentos do Programa de Inovação Tecnológica em Pequena Empresa (PIPE): uma integração da análise envoltória de dados e Índice Malmquist / The efficiency of investment for innovation research program small business (PIPE): an integration data envelopment analysis and Malmquist indexAlmeida, Mariana Rodrigues de 31 March 2010 (has links)
A avaliação do investimento público pode ser um importante instrumento para nortear a destinação de recursos e, assim, obter melhor desempenho na promoção do desenvolvimento na economia de um país. Nesse sentido, são necessárias técnicas adequadas para avaliar o desempenho das empresas, sobretudo das pequenas empresas. Com base em novos procedimentos de avaliação, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar a eficiência dos investimentos públicos direcionados pelo Programa de Inovação Tecnológica em Pequenas Empresas (PIPE), do programa da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Estado de São Paulo, nas empresas financiadas pela FAPESP e conduzida, inicialmente, por meio de uma survey com o propósito de coletar dados necessários para alimentar as técnicas Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) e Índice de Malmquist. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, formulou-se um modelo conceitual composto por oito hipóteses. A pesquisa de campo contemplou uma amostra de 148 projetos vinculados a 113 pequenas empresas. Os resultados foram apresentados em cinco etapas: etapa I - a evolução dos recursos financeiros destinado ao programa PIPE durante o período de 1997-2008; etapa II - análise qualitativa dos projetos nos parâmetros sobre tipo, tipologia, modelo inovativo, estratégia e localização; etapa III - análise univariada e bivariada das variáveis; etapa IV - análise de eficiência dos projetos e empresas sob a perspectiva das áreas de conhecimento e setores econômico; etapa V - a integração do DEA-Malmquist para as empresas fomentadas na fase III do programa PIPE. Utilizou-se dois teses estatísticos para validar as hipóteses: o teste de Mann-Whitney e o teste do Qui-Quadrado. Os resultados possibilitam identificar, para o órgão fomentador, melhorias no processo de análise dos projetos e, ainda, para novos empresários, recomendações com base nos projetos de eficiência máxima. / Evaluation of public investment can be an important tool to guide correctly the allocation of resources and thus achieve better performance in promoting development in the economy of a country. Accordingly, appropriate techniques are needed to evaluate the performance of businesses, particularly small businesses. Based on recent evaluation techniques, this research aims at analyzing the efficiency of public investment targeted by the Programa de Inovação Tecnológica em Pequenas Empresas (PIPE), a program of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). The study was conducted in FAPESP financed companies of São Paulo and led initially by means of a survey in order to collect the data needed to feed the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index. To achieve this purpose, formulated a conceptual model composed with eight research hypotheses. The field research was performed with a sample of 148 projects linked to 113 small businesses. The results were presented in five stages: Stage I - the evolution of financial resources for the PIPE program during the period 1997-2008, stage II - qualitative analysis of project parameters on type, typology, innovation models, strategy and location; stage III - univariate and bivariate analysis of variables; stage IV - efficiency analysis of projects and companies from the perspective of knowledge areas and economic sectors; stage V - the integration of the DEA-Malmquist encouraged companies to phase III of the PIPE program. Used two test to validate the statistical assumptions: the Mann-Whitney and Chi-Square test. The results enable us to identify, for the national developers, improvements to the analysis of projects and also for new entrepreneurs, recommendations based on projects for maximum efficiency.
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Análise de eficiência em rotas de transporte de soja nos principais corredores brasileiros e norte-americanos utilizando Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) / Analysis of the efficiency of soybean transportation routes in the main Brazilian and American corridors using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)Melo, Isotilia Costa 02 August 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa está inserida na questão da infraestrutura logística para o transporte de carga a granel, especificamente a soja, a partir das principais mesorregiões produtoras dos dois maiores produtores mundiais, Brasil e Estados Unidos, até os principais portos exportadores. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a eficiência das rotas e corredores nacionais de transporte de soja, levando em consideração os três pilares da sustentabilidade (econômico, social e ambiental). O método parte de uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema, seguido de uma explanação sobre eficiência, por meio da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), e uma contextualização do cenário de escoamento em ambos os países. Foram determinadas 72 rotas brasileiras e 30 norte-americanas com diversas composições de modais. Os dados foram analisados por correlação e análise de componentes principais (PCA) e teste de Wilcoxon. Em seguida, as variáveis foram inseridas num modelo DEA de Slack-Based Measure (SBM), que minimiza os inputs (variáveis de entrada) e maximiza outputs (variáveis de saída) simultaneamente. Foi aplicado, como técnica quantitativa de desempate, o índice composto. Os resultados mostraram que as rotas norte-americanas foram as mais eficientes. Além disso, combinações de curtos trajetos de caminhão e longas rotas de modais hidroviários ou ferroviários estavam entre as eficientes. Ou seja, os resultados se mostraram coerentes com a literatura e a expectativa de especialistas. Em resumo, o uso da DEA pode notadamente fortalecer a análise de rotas e corredores domésticos nacionais usados para o escoamento produtivo da soja a granel e pode direcionar políticas de investimento públicas e privadas. / This research is focused on the logistics infrastructure issue used for bulk transportation, specifically soybeans, from the main producing municipalities of the world biggest producers, Brazil and USA, to the key exporting ports. This dissertation aims to analyze the efficiency of routes and corridors, taking into account the three pillars of sustainability (economic, social and environmental). The method starts with a literature review of corridor benchmarking, efficiency measurement through data envelopment analysis and contextualization of transportation scenarios in both countries. It was identified 72 routes in Brazil and 30 in the US, considering several combinations of transportation mode (road, inland waterway and rail). Data were analyzed through correlation, principal component analysis (PCA), and Wilcoxon Test. Subsequently, variables were inserted in Slack-Based Measure (SBM) DEA model. This model simultaneously minimizes inputs and maximizes outputs. It was applied the quantitative tiebreaking method of the compound index. The results showed that the American routes among the most efficient ones. In addition, the combinations of short trips of trucks and long trips of barges or trains were also among the most efficient. In other words, the results were coherent with literature and expectation of specialists. In summary, it is clear that the use of DEA can noticeably improve the strength of the analysis of national domestic routes and corridors used in the productive chain of bulk soybeans.
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