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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A pris?o civil como meio de efetividade da jurisdi??o no direito brasileiro

Brenner, Ana Cristina 04 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:33:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 410179.pdf: 210259 bytes, checksum: abefc6f51a0779f19c500084382eba19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-04 / A proposta deste trabalho ? demonstrar a subsist?ncia de fundamento jur?dico para decreta??o da pris?o civil do devedor de alimentos e do deposit?rio infiel (no caso de dep?sito t?pico e na hip?tese de dep?sito judicial), mesmo ap?s a ratifica??o pelo Brasil de dois dos mais importantes tratados internacionais de prote??o dos direitos humanos, quais sejam, o Pacto Internacional dos Direitos Civis e Pol?ticos e a Conven??o Americana sobre Direitos Humanos (tamb?m chamada de Pacto de San Jos? da Costa Rica). Trar-se-? ? discuss?o, inicialmente, o alcance da express?o d?vida, prevista na norma do art. 5?, LXVII, da Constitui??o Federal, para estabelecer o conceito de pris?o civil e sua natureza jur?dica. As origens hist?ricas do instituto tamb?m ser?o revisitadas, merecendo aten??o, no particular, o tratamento conferido ? pris?o civil pelos diversos textos constitucionais brasileiros, a partir da Constitui??o Federal de 1824. Tamb?m ser? objeto de an?lise a rela??o existente entre a pris?o civil e os Pactos Internacionais sobre direitos Humanos, quando, ent?o, o foco estar? centrado na forma como as normas enunciadas nesses tratados se incorporam ao direito interno e qual o status que lhes ? conferido. Defender-se-? a id?ia de que os tratados ou conven??es internacionais, uma vez regularmente incorporados ao direito interno, e sem que se sujeitem ao processo legislativo das emendas constitucionais (art. 5?, ? 3?, da CF), situam-se, no sistema jur?dico brasileiro, nos mesmos planos de validade, efic?cia e de autoridade em que se posicionam as leis ordin?rias. Na seq??ncia, fixar-se-? o exato alcance da norma do art. 5?, ? 2?, CF, a qual estabelece que os Direitos e garantias expressos nesta Constitui??o n?o excluem outros decorrentes do regime e dos princ?pios por ela adotados, ou dos tratados internacionais em que a Rep?blica Federativa do Brasil seja parte. Procurar-se-? demonstrar, a partir da interpreta??o dessa norma, que a tese da equipara??o entre os direitos fundamentais decorrentes dos tratados internacionais e aqueles direitos com sede na Constitui??o formal, por for?a do art. 5?, ? 2?, da CF, n?o se harmoniza com o novo ? 3?, introduzido no aludido art. 5?. Sendo assim, ? constitucional, segundo a tese aqui defendida, a pris?o civil nos casos de dep?sito genu?no (o dep?sito cl?ssico previsto no CC) e, tamb?m, na hip?tese de inadimplemento volunt?rio e inescus?vel de d?bito alimentar. Para chegar-se a tais conclus?es, ser?o diferenciadas, primeiramente, as diversas esp?cies de dep?sito, com vista a estabelecer um conceito para a express?o deposit?rio infiel, contemplada no texto constitucional. Depois, diante da possibilidade da pris?o para o inadimplente de d?bito alimentar, defendida neste trabalho, o estudo voltar-se-? para as v?rias classes de alimentos e os meios coercitivos previstos na legisla??o constitucional e infraconstitucional para constrang?-lo ao cumprimento de sua obriga??o. Seguindo no exame do tema, a preocupa??o direcionar-se-? a evidenciar que o deposit?rio judicial (que assume um munus p?blico, como auxiliar da justi?a), ao descumprir o compromisso assumido perante a autoridade judicial, relativo ? restitui??o da coisa depositada, estar? sujeito ? pris?o, a qual poder? ser decretada nos pr?prios autos da execu??o, sem que tal medida represente qualquer afronta ?s normas inseridas nos tratados internacionais ratificados pelo Brasil, ou mesmo viola??o ao princ?pio do due process of law. Por fim, o procedimento para imposi??o da pris?o civil, nos dois casos em que se admite a sua constitucionalidade, n?o ficar? ? margem desta exposi??o, merecendo especial destaque as quest?es de natureza processual mais controvertidas, quer na doutrina, quer na jurisprud?ncia, tais como a apresenta??o da resposta, contradit?rio, a ampla defesa, a resolu??o do incidente que decreta a pris?o, os recursos cab?veis, os efeitos da decis?o, o prazo da pris?o e o seu regime de cumprimento.

Caracterização dos fluidos associados à paragênese mineral dos albititos uraníferos e encaixantes gnáissicas da jazida Lagoa da Rabicha, Província uranífera de Lagoa Real, Bahia / CHARACTERIZATION OF FLUIDS ASSOCIATED TO MINERAL PARAGENESIS OF URANIFEROUS ALBITITES AND THEIR GNEISSIC EMBEDDING ROCKS FROM LAGOA DA RABICHA URANIUM DEPOSIT, LAGOA REAL, BAHIA.

Lucilia Aparecida Ramos de Oliveira 12 March 2010 (has links)
O Brasil possui atualmente a sétima maior reserva de urânio do mundo. A Província Uranífera de Lagoa Real (PULR) está localizada na região centro-sul do estado da Bahia. Ao longo de uma estrutura helicoidal, com orientação norte-sul, de aproximadamente 33 km de extensão, estão concentradas mais de 30 anomalias de urânio. A anomalia 03 (AN03), denominada Lagoa da Rabicha, está localizada na região centro-sul dessa estrutura e foi descoberta e mapeada pela NUCLEBRÁS (Empresas Nucleares Brasileiras), na década de 80. A Mina da Cachoeira (AN13), localizada na região norte da PULR, é atualmente a única jazida de urânio em fase de produção no Brasil e na América do Sul. Tendo em vista o crescimento da demanda energética no Brasil e no mundo, estudos e pesquisas petrogenéticas aplicadas ao estudo de jazidas de urânio são relevantes tanto para que se possa aumentar seu potencial de prospecção quanto para auxiliar na possível descoberta de futuras ocorrências. Nos últimos anos, análises de inclusões fluidas (IF) vêm sendo amplamente utilizadas no estudo da gênese das jazidas de urânio da PULR e ainda assim existem dúvidas sobre a metalogênese das mineralizações uraníferas. Nesse contexto este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar os minerais e fluidos associados a um setor representativo dos albititos uraníferos (rochas portadoras de mineralização uranífera) e rochas encaixantes gnáissicas da Jazida Lagoa da Rabicha. Dessa forma, procurou-se elaborar um quadro geral dos fluidos encontrados nesse setor, estabelecendo uma comparação com estudos realizados por diversos autores em outros setores de Lagoa Real, tentando-se mostrar a evolução das soluções, ao tempo que ocorria a precipitação de uraninita. As metodologias de trabalho utilizadas foram petrografia, a microssonda eletrônica (ME), a ablação a laser (LA-ICP-MS) e os estudos de inclusões fluidas (IF). Foram estudados os fluidos presentes no piroxênio, granada e plagioclásio, constituintes da sequência mineralógica dessa jazida. O fluido mais antigo foi encontrado no piroxênio aegirina-augita, de composição aquo-salina (sem fases carbônicas) contendo Ca, Fe e Mg, salinidades de 9-13 wt% NaCl e temperatura de homogeneização entre 220 e 290 C. Concomitantemente ocorreu uma remobilização e precipitação de uraninita. Essa remobilização e precipitação de urânio também foi registrada nas granadas, originadas a partir de fluidos aquo-salinos com Na, Mg, Sr, Ba e Pb, sob condições de temperatura e salinidade próximas as do piroxênio. Nas amostras estudadas não foi encontrado o piroxênio diopsídico precoce (magmático), com fluidos aquo-salinos [H2O + Na, Rb, Ba (16%wt NaCl)], estudado por Chaves et al (2007) na Jazida da Cachoeira (Anomalia 13, norte de Lagoa Real). Isto provavelmente é consequência de que a intensidade do metamorfismo no setor da Rabicha foi maior do que na Cachoeira, preservando assim muito pouco da textura magmática pré-existente. Salienta-se que é notória a ocorrência de uma diluição dos fluidos, presentes nos minerais piroxênio e granada, quando se observa as jazidas no sentido N→S (AN13→AN09→AN03). Também foi verificado que o volume de anfibólios aumenta no centro e norte de Lagoa Real. A precipitação do plagioclásio (que forma a estrutura dos albititos) ocorreu posteriormente, a partir de um fluido bem menos salino, provavelmente com pouco ou nenhum CO2 associado. Uma remobilização e precipitação de urânio também esta associada a esta fase. Nas amostras estudadas não foram encontrados carbonatos. Portanto, não foi possível cruzar dados com dados preliminares obtidos por Fuzikawa (1982) em fluidos primários de carbonatos, que evidenciaram a presença de soluções aquo-carbônicas (H2O + CO2 +CH4), que sugerem condições redutoras para essa fase evolutiva. O estudo de inclusões fluidas nas encaixantes gnáissicas dos albititos foi focado nos plagioclásios, com o intuito de comparar as soluções associadas ao metassomatismo sódico que teria afetado corpos mineralizados e rochas hospedeiras. Nos gnaisses foi registrada a presença de fluidos aquo-carbônicos precoces de salinidade intermediária, associados aos plagioclásios precoces. Entretanto, as soluções que precipitaram os plagioclásios tardios eram de composição aquo-salina de baixa salinidade, equivalentes aquelas encontradas nos plagioclásios dos albititos. Fluidos tardios aquo-carbônicos foram encontrados em alguns cristais de quartzo da matriz gnáissica. A presença de CO2 foi verificada sistematicamente no quartzo de veios formados tardiamente, que cortam gnaisses e albititos, revelando condições oxidantes para os últimos estágios de precipitação mineral no setor da Rabicha. Sobre a presença de fluidos em todas as fases minerais estudadas os dados apresentados demonstram que o Evento Brasiliano não obliterou os fluidos pré-existentes. Entretanto, com exceção do plagioclásio precoce do gnaisse encaixante dos albititos, os fluidos aquo-carbônicos não são facilmente encontrados nos minerais precoces da paragênese. Isso pode ser explicado pelo fato de esse fluido ser anterior ao evento de deformação Brasiliano. Durante esse evento as inclusões contendo o CO2 dos minerais precoces poderiam ter crepitado devido à diferença de pressão, restando poucas evidências deste fluido nas rochas. Isto, aliado ao fato de não se ter encontrado um fluido característico associado ao Brasiliano, sugere que este evento deformacional deve ter sido predominantemente térmico, uma vez que fluidos anteriores ao evento foram preservados. / Brazil has now the seventh largest uranium reserve in the world. The Lagoa Real Uranium Province (PULR) is located in central-south region of Bahia State. Along a helical structure, north-south oriented, with approximately 33 km long, there are 34 known uranium mineralized areas. In its central-south portion is located anomaly 03 (AN03), named Lagoa da Rabicha, discovered and mapped by NUCLEBRÁS (Brazilian Nuclear Enterprises), in the 80s. The Cachoeira Mine (AN13), located in northern PULR, is currently the only uranium mine in production in Brazil and even in South America. Nowadays it is observed a growth in energy demand in Brazil and also worldwide and studies and research applied to the petrogenetic uranium deposits are relevant both to be able to increase their potential for exploration and to assist in the possible future occurrences discovery. In recent years, fluid inclusions analysis (FI) have been widely used to study the genesis of uranium deposits in PULR and even thought there are still doubts about the uranium mineralization metallogenesis at Lagoa Real. Therefore, this work aimed to study the minerals and fluids associated with Lagoa da Rabicha albitites uraniferous and gneissic host rocks. In this way it was prepared an overview of the fluids found in this sector, establishing a comparison with several authors studies in this and others Lagoa Real anomalies, trying to show the solutions evolution, at the same time that happened the uraninite precipitation. Petrography, electronic microprobe, laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) and fluid inclusion studies were the applied methodologies. The fluids inclusions assemblages present in pyroxene, garnet and plagioclase, the main mineralogical constituents, were studied. The older fluid was found in aegirine-augite pyroxene and had aquo-saline composition (without carbonic phases) with Ca, Fe and Mg, 9-13 wt% NaCl salinities and homogenization temperatures between 220 and 290 C. Concomitantly, occurred a uraninite remobilization and precipitation. This uranium remobilization and precipitation was also registered in garnets, formed from aquo-salines fluids with Na, Mg, Sr, Ba and Pb, under temperatures and salinities conditions close to those of pyroxene. In the studied samples it was not found the precocious diopsidic pyroxene (magmatic), with aquo-salines fluids [H2O + Na, Rb, Ba (16%wt NaCl)], studies by Chaves et al (2007) in Cachoeira Mine (Anomaly 13, north of Lagoa Real). This is probably a consequence of a more intense metamorphism in the Rabicha sector when compared to Cachoeira Mine region, preserving very little the pre-existing magmatic texture. It is worthy to note that occurs a dilution of the fluids present in pyroxene and garnet, when the uranium occurrences are observed in the N→S direction (AN13→AN09→AN03). It was also observed that the amphibole volume increases in the center and north portion of Lagoa Real. The plagioclase precipitation (which forms the albitite structure) occurred lately from a less saline fluid, probably with little or no associated CO2. One uranium remobilization and precipitation is also associated to this phase. In the studied samples carbonate was not found. It was not possible to compare data with some preliminary data from Fuzikawa (1982) in primary fluids from carbonate, where the presence of aquo-carbonic solutions (H2O + CO2 +CH4) suggest reducing conditions for this evolutionary phase. The fluid inclusion studies in albitites host rocks were focused in plagioclase, in order to compare the solutions associated to the sodium metassomatism that would have affected the mineralized bodies and host rocks. In the gneisses it was registered the presence of precocious aquo-carbonic fluids with intermediate salinities, associated do precocious plagioclases. However, the solutions that precipitate the late plagioclase had aquo-saline composition with low salinity, similar to those found in plagioclase from albitites. Late aquo-carbonic fluids were found in some quartz grains in the gneissic matrix. The CO2 occurrence was systematically verified in lately formed quartz veins that cut gneisses and albitites, showing oxidizing conditions for the last mineral precipitation stages in the Rabicha sector. About the presence of fluids in all the studied mineral phases, the shown data demonstrate that the Brasiliano Event (Pan African Event) had not obliterated the pre-existing fluids. However, with exception to early plagioclase from gneiss albitite host rock, the aquo-carbonic fluids are not easily found in precocious minerals. This might be explained by the fact that this fluid is previous to the Brasiliano deformation event. During this event the inclusions containing the CO2 from the precocious minerals may have crepitated due to the pressure difference, remaining little evidence of this fluid in the rocks. This observation, associated to the fact that no characteristic fluid was found related to Brasiliano, suggest that this deformation event must have been predominantly thermal, since previous fluids were preserved.

De l’acte d’abandon des déchets vers un partage des responsabilités dans la gestion des résidus solides au Brésil : Application à la ville de Fortaleza / The abandonment of waste for a sharing of responsibilities in the management of solid stocks in Brazil : Application to the city of Fortaleza

Araujo, Maria Eulaidia de 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à mieux comprendre ce que signifie le déchet pour les personnes qui le créent, le génèrent et le gèrent. A partir de l’étude d’un double système, formel et informel, de production et de gestion des déchets ménagers, il s’agit de questionner notre responsabilité et nos actions (ou absence d’action) et d’interroger la cohérence entre penser, sentir et agir. À partir de ce lien entre pensée, sensation et action, un changement de comportement est-il possible chez chaque individu face au déchet, et en parallèle et par conséquent dans la façon d’aborder sa gestion. Ce questionnement se matérialise par la mise en évidence du concept « d’acte d’abandon du déchet » dans les espaces urbains, avec un regard sur les « dépôts sauvages ». L’analyse est centrée sur le cas de la ville de Fortaleza au Brésil, ville touristique, capitale de l’État de Ceará, connue pour sa beauté mais aussi ses disparités sociales. Au-delà de l’objet déchet en lui-même, l’approche considère l’ensemble des acteurs, des fonctions et espaces impliqués dans sa production et le partage de sa gestion. S’appuyant par une méthodologie combinant approche interprétative, psychologie de l’environnement, rudologie et cartographie croisée des dépôts sauvages ( révélateurs de l’acte d’abandon) des caractéristiques des acteurs. La recherche interroge les évolutions des politiques de gestion des déchets au Brésil dans leur complexité. Dans le sillage de l’établissement de la Politique Nationale Brésilienne sur les Résidus Solides en 2010, de nouvelles potentialités émergent et permettent d’entrevoir un cercle vertueux autour du déchet comme vecteur de transformation sociale et environnementale, ce qui constitue l’envers des significations et des perceptions aujourd’hui attachées au déchet. Les disparités infra-urbaines reflètent en effet cette mise à l’écart du déchet et demeurent fortes, avec des déchets rejetés des zones patrimoniales et touristiques, et relégués dans les quartiers périphériques précaires. Cependant, l’étude fine du circuit du déchet et des acteurs sociaux qui y sont impliqués, comme les catadores, deposeiros et les habitants, permet de mettre en évidence une valorisation potentielle par une gestion partagée, sur les plans de la politique publique, économique, environnemental et social incluant, entre autres le comportemental et l’éducation environnementale, et fondée sur l’existant. / This dissertation aims to better understand what the meaning of waste is, for people who create, generate and manage it. From the study of both formal and informal systems of production and waste management, it is an invitation to question our responsibility and our actions (or absence of action) in relation to waste. Besides, it questions the coherence between feeling, thinking about and acting for waste. From this link between thought, sensation, and action, is a change of behaviour possible in each individual towards waste and, consequently in the way of dealing with the management of waste? This question is analyzed by highlighting the concept of “act of abandonment of waste” in urban spaces, as well as “wild deposits” within these same spaces. The analysis centers in the case of the city of Fortaleza in Brazil, which is a touristic area. It is the capital of the State of Ceará, recognized for its beauty but also for its social disparities. Beyond waste in itself, the approach considers all the involved ones (stakeholders), functions, and spaces, implied in waste production and its shared management. The research questions the evolution of waste management policies in Brazil in their complexity. This is done through a methodology that combines the interpretative approach, psychology of the environment, “garbology” and cartography combining dumps (symptomatic of waste dumping) and the actors’ characteristics. Since the establishment of the 2010 Brazilian Policy of Solid Residues, new potentialities have emerged and allowed to glimpse a virtuous circle around waste : as a vector of social and environmental transformation, which turns around current meanings of and perceptions waste. Indeed, the infra-urban disparities reflect this sidelining of waste and remain strong, with waste rejected by the patrimonial and tourist zones, and relegated to precarious suburbs. However, the detailed study of the circuit of waste and of related actors, allows us to highlight a potential valuation for their shared management, on the economic, environmental, and social (social including, among other elements, behaviours and environmental education), level based on the existing.

La consignation / The consignation

Touzain, Antoine 04 December 2018 (has links)
La consignation, malgré ses origines romaines, est peu étudiée en doctrine. La construction de son domaine par sédimentation a conduit à un éclatement des hypothèses : la consignation peut poursuivre une finalité libératoire, conservatoire ou de sûreté.Il est pourtant possible de vérifier que la consignation présente un caractère unitaire. Elle peut être définie comme le mécanisme par lequel une chose, objet d’un droit potentiel, est remise entre les mains d’un tiers et affectée à la satisfaction de la personne qui sera finalement reconnue attributaire de l’objet. Cette figure originale répond à un état d’incertitude en organisant une situation d’attente.Mais la consignation ne se limite pas à cette procédure. Que l'on songe à la consignation obligatoirement versée par la partie civile, à celle dans la procédure de saisie-vente. Mais que l'on songe aussi à la vente avec consignation, ou au consignataire en matière maritime !Partant de ce constat d'une notion originale et éclatée, la thèse vise à déterminer précisément une définition de la consignation, par une étude globale de celle-ci, et par une comparaison avec d'autres notions connues du droit privé, tels le gage, le paiement, le séquestre, ou encore la fiducie. Cette comparaison faite, et la notion identifiée, l'élaboration d'un régime propre à la consignation n'en sera que plus aisée.Au-delà de l'intérêt théorique d'une telle construction, cette thèse a l'ambition d'apporter des solutions pratiques, afin d'apporter plus de sérénité dans l'utilisation de ce mécanisme. / The consignation, despite its Roman origins, remains largely under-studied by authors. The development of its field by way of sedimentation has led to a scattering of hypothesis. The consignation may serve a specific purpose : to discharge the debtor, to safeguard or to guarantee.However, it is possible to verify that the consignation presents a unitary nature. It can be defined as the mechanism by which a thing, object of a potential right, is entrusted to a third party and assigned to the satisfaction of the person who shall eventually be recognized as the beneficiary of such thing. This original figure, answers to a state of uncertainty with a situation of expectancy.

Bioremédiation des rejets de poissons par un polychète détritivore en vue d’un système aquacole intégré multi-trophique / Bioremediation of fish solid wastes by a polychaete detritivore in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture context

Lopes Galasso, Helena 29 March 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes intégrés d’aquaculture multi-trophique (IMTA) proposent de limiter les rejets dans l’environnement en associant la culture d’espèces de niveaux trophiques différents et le recyclage des déchets. Les détritivores sont un groupe trophique intéressant car ils permettent l’extraction de matière organique particulaire. Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor est un polychète qui connait un intérêt croissant du fait de sa capacité de bioturbation dans les sédiments et de sa haute valeur commerciale en tant qu’appât et nourriture potentielle pour animaux. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’évaluer le potentiel d’ H. diversicolor dans la bio-remédiation des rejets solides en système IMTA. Plus spécifiquement, l’étude a eu pour objectifs : i) de calibrer une nouvelle méthode de mesure des composés organiques des rejets (azote, carbone, phosphore, lipides), ii) d’évaluer l’activité métabolique (respiration) d’H. diversicolor nourries aux fèces de Dicentrarchus labrax en fonction de leur taille et de différentes températures, et iii) d’utiliser un modèle bioénergétique pour simuler croissance, respiration et excrétion d’H. diversicolor selon différents scenarios IMTA.Pour obtenir une caractérisation rapide des composés organiques, une méthode novatrice (NIRS) a été calibrée. Les composés des rejets ont varié entre 44-77% de matière organique, 2-5% d’azote organique total, 11-51% de carbone organique total, 9-26 de rapport carbone/azote, 1-3% phosphore total and 2-12% de lipides (% de matière sèche).Les taux métaboliques de H. diversicolor nourries aux fèces ont été estimés par consommations d’oxygène à différentes températures (11, 17, 22 and 27°C). Les effets de la température et de la taille du ver sur les consommations en oxygène ont été significatifs, mais ces niveaux de respiration (12.3 µmol g-1 de poids sec h-1 à 20°C) correspondaient probablement à un métabolisme basal dû aux conditions expérimentales (jeun et obscurité).Les simulations du modèle DEB H. diversicolor ont été comparées aux données expérimentales de taux de croissance, de respiration et d’excrétion, ce qui a permis de corroborer les prédictions du modèle. Le modèle DEB a permis de tester différents scenarios pour prédire les réponses métaboliques, la croissance, la maturité et la reproduction d’ H. diversicolor à différentes températures (5 à 25°C) et disponibilité alimentaire (f variant de 0.5 à 1, correspondant à la disponibilité des fèces). Le modèle DEB s’est avéré être un outil utile pour prédire les réponses physiologiques sous différentes conditions environnementales dans un contexte IMTA. / Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems are based on the concept of limiting aquaculture discharges associating species of different trophic levels to reuse wastes. Deposit-feeders are one trophic group that has gained attention for the extraction of particulate organic matter. Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor is a polychaete species that has gained increasing interest for its bioremediation capacity through bioturbation activity in sediments, and high commercial value as fish bait and animal food sources. The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the fish waste bioremediation capacity of polychaete H. diversicolor in IMTA context. More specifically, i) to predict organic compounds (nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, lipids) in marine fish waste, ii) to evaluate the metabolic responses - respiration - of H. diversicolor fed with solid waste of seabass Dicentrarchus labrax at different temperatures and body size, and iii) to use a bioenergetic model (DEB) to simulate growth, oxygen consumption and excretion in different IMTA scenarios.To provide fast characterization of organic compounds we used an innovative method based on near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). Chemical content of the waste measured by NIRS models after calibration, ranged from 44-77% organic matter, 2-5% total organic nitrogen, 11-51% total organic carbon, 9-26 carbon/nitrogen ratio, 1-3% total phosphorus and 2-12% lipids (% of dry matter).Fish waste fed H. diversicolor metabolic rates were evaluated through oxygen consumption at different temperatures (11, 17, 22 and 27°C). The effect of temperature and worm body size was significant on oxygen consumptions, however these respiration measures (12.3 µmol g-1 of dry weight h-1 at 20°C) may represent basal metabolic rate due to experimental conditions (starvation, darkness).DEB model of H. diversicolor was compared to experimental data on growth, respiration and excretion rates, which corroborated DEB model predictions. DEB was then applied to test different scenarios predicting metabolic responses, growth, maturity and reproduction of H. diversicolor at different temperatures (5 to 25°C) and food levels (f varying from 0 to 1, corresponding to fish waste loading). DEB revealed to be a useful tool in IMTA context, predicting physiological responses in different environmental conditions.

Compreensão da evolução das encostas do médio vale do rio Marrecas (planalto basáltico - SW PR) através da caracterização de depósitos de colúvio / Understanding the evolution of hilllside middle river valley Teal (plateau basalt - SW PR) through the characterization of colluvial deposits

Geremia, Francielli 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francielli Capa.pdf: 196798 bytes, checksum: 632195ca474fed051f976290ba0da6a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / The object of this research is to understand the evolution of the slopes of the middle valley of Marrecas River, established in basaltic rocks, located in southwestern of Paraná state, through the characterization of two colluvial deposits. Colluviums deposits are set on the slopes of the urban area in Francisco Beltrão, one of them located in the Hill of Calvary and the other one in the hill of São Cristóvão district. Descriptions were carried out of stratigraphic sections and analysis of granulometry, mineralogy of fractionated clay and micromorphological (micro factory ). In the neighborhood of São Cristóvão three colluvial units were identified: i) Unit I, located at the base of the section, massive crushed rock mud ii) Unit II, massive muddy gravel and iii) Unit III massive crushed rock mud. On the other hand, on the section of the Hill of Calvary four colluvial units were identified: i) Unit I, muddy gravel with supported matrix and massive structure and ii) Unit II, muddy gravel with massive structure, iii) Unit III, muddy gravel with massive clasts supported and iv) unit IV, similar to Unit II. It is suggested that the colluvial units were generated by movements of mass like landslides / slips, with flows of high concentration of water and sediment. Two types of mass movements were individualized: a) the flow of land for units I and III of the section São Cristóvão and units II and IV of the section Hill of Calvary, and b) flow of debris for unit II of Sao Cristóvão section and unit I of the Hill of Calvary. The analysis of the micro factory / micromorphology of the colluvial units exhibited predominantly porphyritic matrix with microstructure on cracks and locally in blocks. It is suggested that the slope of the neighborhood of São Cristóvão, it was exposed for a significant time, the weathering causing the lateritic soil profile (ferruginous or fersialitico) to develop. On the slope of the Hill of Calvary the superficial surface is shallower due to the higher frequency of action of the superficial runoff before the mass movements. Both the colluvial deposits of the slopes studied record the prevalence of events of morphogenesis in the last stages of evolution, thus promoting the retreat of the slopes due to exceptional rainfall events. The study of evolutionary phenomena in two slopes of the middle valley of Marrecas River suggests that the morphogenesis appeared in the scale of the middle valley of Marrecas River, being the last events associated with the expansion of valleys and retreat of slopes. The question is whether other slopes had also experienced the environmental instability and presented superficial formation correlated to the slopes studied / O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é compreender a evolução das encostas do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, estabelecida em rochas basálticas, localizada no sudoeste do Paraná, através da caracterização de dois depósitos de colúvio. Os depósitos de colúvios são estabelecidos em encostas do sítio urbano do município de Francisco Beltrão, uma localizada no Morro do Calvário e outra em morro do bairro São Cristóvão. Foram realizadas descrições de seções estratigráficas e análises granulometria, mineralogia da fração argila e micromorfológica (microfábrica). Na seção do morro do bairro São Cristóvão foram identificadas três unidades coluviais: i) unidade I, localizada na base da seção, lama cascalhenta maciça; ii) unidade II, cascalho lamoso maciço e iii) unidade III lama cascalhenta maciça. Já na seção do Morro do Calvário identificou-se quatro unidades coluviais: i) unidade I, cascalho lamoso com matriz suportada e estrutura maciça; ii) unidade II, lama cascalhenta com estrutura maciça; iii) unidade III, cascalho lamoso com clástos suportados maciça; e iv) unidade IV, semelhante a unidade II. Sugere-se que as unidades coluviais foram geradas por movimentos de massa do tipo deslizamentos/escorregamentos, com fluxos de alta concentração de água e sedimentos. Foi individualizado dois tipos de movimento de massa: a) fluxo de terra para as unidades I e III da seção São Cristóvão e as unidades II e IV da seção Morro do Calvário; e b) fluxo de detritos para a unidade II da seção São Cristóvão e unidade I da seção Morro do Calvário. A análise da microfábrica/micromorfológia das unidades coluviais exibiu predominantemente matriz porfírica com microestrutura em rachaduras e, localmente, em blocos. Sugere-se que a encosta do bairro São Cristóvão, foi exposta, durante um tempo significativo, ao intemperismo fazendo com que o perfil de solo laterítico (ferruginoso ou fersialítico) se desenvolvesse. Na encosta do Morro do Calvário a cobertura superficial é mais rasa, devido a maior frequencia de ação do escoamento superficial antes dos movimentos de massa. Ambos os depósitos colúvio das encostas estudadas registram o predomínio de eventos de morfogênese nos últimos estágios evolutivos, promovendo assim, o recuo das encostas em decorrência de eventos pluviométricos excepcionais. O estudo dos fenômenos evolutivos em duas encostas do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, sugerem que a morfogênese atuou em escala do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, sendo os últimos eventos associados a expansão do vale e recuo das encostas. Resta saber se outras encostas também passaram por instabilidade ambiental e apresentam formações superficiais correlacionáveis as encostas estudadas

Compreensão da evolução das encostas do médio vale do rio Marrecas (planalto basáltico - SW PR) através da caracterização de depósitos de colúvio / Understanding the evolution of hilllside middle river valley Teal (plateau basalt - SW PR) through the characterization of colluvial deposits

Geremia, Francielli 18 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francielli Capa.pdf: 196798 bytes, checksum: 632195ca474fed051f976290ba0da6a9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-18 / The object of this research is to understand the evolution of the slopes of the middle valley of Marrecas River, established in basaltic rocks, located in southwestern of Paraná state, through the characterization of two colluvial deposits. Colluviums deposits are set on the slopes of the urban area in Francisco Beltrão, one of them located in the Hill of Calvary and the other one in the hill of São Cristóvão district. Descriptions were carried out of stratigraphic sections and analysis of granulometry, mineralogy of fractionated clay and micromorphological (micro factory ). In the neighborhood of São Cristóvão three colluvial units were identified: i) Unit I, located at the base of the section, massive crushed rock mud ii) Unit II, massive muddy gravel and iii) Unit III massive crushed rock mud. On the other hand, on the section of the Hill of Calvary four colluvial units were identified: i) Unit I, muddy gravel with supported matrix and massive structure and ii) Unit II, muddy gravel with massive structure, iii) Unit III, muddy gravel with massive clasts supported and iv) unit IV, similar to Unit II. It is suggested that the colluvial units were generated by movements of mass like landslides / slips, with flows of high concentration of water and sediment. Two types of mass movements were individualized: a) the flow of land for units I and III of the section São Cristóvão and units II and IV of the section Hill of Calvary, and b) flow of debris for unit II of Sao Cristóvão section and unit I of the Hill of Calvary. The analysis of the micro factory / micromorphology of the colluvial units exhibited predominantly porphyritic matrix with microstructure on cracks and locally in blocks. It is suggested that the slope of the neighborhood of São Cristóvão, it was exposed for a significant time, the weathering causing the lateritic soil profile (ferruginous or fersialitico) to develop. On the slope of the Hill of Calvary the superficial surface is shallower due to the higher frequency of action of the superficial runoff before the mass movements. Both the colluvial deposits of the slopes studied record the prevalence of events of morphogenesis in the last stages of evolution, thus promoting the retreat of the slopes due to exceptional rainfall events. The study of evolutionary phenomena in two slopes of the middle valley of Marrecas River suggests that the morphogenesis appeared in the scale of the middle valley of Marrecas River, being the last events associated with the expansion of valleys and retreat of slopes. The question is whether other slopes had also experienced the environmental instability and presented superficial formation correlated to the slopes studied / O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é compreender a evolução das encostas do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, estabelecida em rochas basálticas, localizada no sudoeste do Paraná, através da caracterização de dois depósitos de colúvio. Os depósitos de colúvios são estabelecidos em encostas do sítio urbano do município de Francisco Beltrão, uma localizada no Morro do Calvário e outra em morro do bairro São Cristóvão. Foram realizadas descrições de seções estratigráficas e análises granulometria, mineralogia da fração argila e micromorfológica (microfábrica). Na seção do morro do bairro São Cristóvão foram identificadas três unidades coluviais: i) unidade I, localizada na base da seção, lama cascalhenta maciça; ii) unidade II, cascalho lamoso maciço e iii) unidade III lama cascalhenta maciça. Já na seção do Morro do Calvário identificou-se quatro unidades coluviais: i) unidade I, cascalho lamoso com matriz suportada e estrutura maciça; ii) unidade II, lama cascalhenta com estrutura maciça; iii) unidade III, cascalho lamoso com clástos suportados maciça; e iv) unidade IV, semelhante a unidade II. Sugere-se que as unidades coluviais foram geradas por movimentos de massa do tipo deslizamentos/escorregamentos, com fluxos de alta concentração de água e sedimentos. Foi individualizado dois tipos de movimento de massa: a) fluxo de terra para as unidades I e III da seção São Cristóvão e as unidades II e IV da seção Morro do Calvário; e b) fluxo de detritos para a unidade II da seção São Cristóvão e unidade I da seção Morro do Calvário. A análise da microfábrica/micromorfológia das unidades coluviais exibiu predominantemente matriz porfírica com microestrutura em rachaduras e, localmente, em blocos. Sugere-se que a encosta do bairro São Cristóvão, foi exposta, durante um tempo significativo, ao intemperismo fazendo com que o perfil de solo laterítico (ferruginoso ou fersialítico) se desenvolvesse. Na encosta do Morro do Calvário a cobertura superficial é mais rasa, devido a maior frequencia de ação do escoamento superficial antes dos movimentos de massa. Ambos os depósitos colúvio das encostas estudadas registram o predomínio de eventos de morfogênese nos últimos estágios evolutivos, promovendo assim, o recuo das encostas em decorrência de eventos pluviométricos excepcionais. O estudo dos fenômenos evolutivos em duas encostas do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, sugerem que a morfogênese atuou em escala do médio vale do Rio Marrecas, sendo os últimos eventos associados a expansão do vale e recuo das encostas. Resta saber se outras encostas também passaram por instabilidade ambiental e apresentam formações superficiais correlacionáveis as encostas estudadas

Approche quantitative par spectrométrie Vis-NIR des minéraux argileux et uranifères dans les sables du gisement de Tortkuduk, Kazakhstan / Quantitative approach using Vis-NIR spectrometry of clay and uranium-bearing minerals in the sands of the Tortkuduk deposit, Kazakhstan

Hebert, Benoit 17 May 2018 (has links)
Les gisements de type roll-front du Kazakhstan représentent près de 13% des réserves mondiales en uranium en 2015. Les minéraux argileux, présents à chaque étape du cycle minier, ont récemment suscité l’intérêt des exploitants. L’étude de la distribution et des proportions de ces minéraux dans les sédiments à l’échelle d’un gisement permettraient d’améliorer à la fois l’exploration, l’exploitation et la réhabilitation de ce type de gisement.Différentes méthodes ont été développées pour identifier et quantifier les minéraux d’intérêt à partir de la spectrométrie infrarouge (IR), une technique instrumentale rapide, adaptée à une utilisation sur le terrain. Ces méthodes ont été calibrées à l’aide d’une large base de données de spectres IR et la préparation de sables artificiels.Il est possible d’obtenir, à partir d’une seule mesure spectrale, la teneur en argiles des sables et particulièrement celle en smectite afin d’identifier les zones les plus riches et adapter l’extraction de l’uranium. L’ensemble de ces méthodes permettent de réaliser des cartographies de la répartition des minéraux argileux à l’échelle du gisement pour comprendre sa géométrie et sa mise en place.La migration des corps minéralisés à l’échelle régionale a été mise en évidence par spectrométrie de résonance paramagnétique, avec l’étude des défauts structuraux engendrés par la proximité des minéraux argileux avec les minéraux uranifères. / Uranium roll-front type sandstone-hosted deposits from Kazakhstan account for about 13% of the worldwide uranium reserve in 2015. Clay minerals occur at every step of the mining cycle and recently begun to be considered by mining companies.The proportions and distribution of these clay minerals in the sediments at the roll-front deposit scale could improve the exploration, exploitation and rehabilitation of such uranium deposits.Several methods were developed to identify and quantify minerals using a portable near-infrared spectrometer, a convenient and fast analytical tool for use in the field. These methods were calibrated with the help of a wide spectral database and the conception of artificial sands.The clay mineral content, and more importantly, the smectite content can be obtained from a single spectral measurement. It enables the detection of smectite-rich areas to optimise the uranium extraction process where they occur. Combination of the methods provide a mapping tool for clay minerals at the ore deposit scale, yielding information about its actual geometry and formation.Uranium ore bodies migration was observed at the ore deposit scale with the use of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Crystalline radiation induced defects in clay minerals that were in close contact with uranium showed records of the past migration.

Denudation evolution and geomorphic context of supergene copper mineralization in Centinela District, Atacama Desert, Chile, from thermochronology and cosmogenic nuclides / Évolution de la dénudation et contexte géomorphologique des minéralisations cuprifères supergènes dans le district Centinela, désert d'Atacama, Chili, à partir de la thermochronologie et des nucléides cosmogéniques

Sanchez, Caroline 29 June 2017 (has links)
Pendant l'Eocène Moyen, dans la région du désert d'Atacama, Nord Chili, la mise en place de porphyres et la déformation synchrone de la Précordillère aboutissent à la formation de clusters importants de dépôts de cuivre supergènes et exotiques, actuellement en cours d'exploitation. La formation de ces dépôts métallifères résulte de l'interaction entre la tectonique, l'érosion et le climat. La nature et la chronologie de ces interactions sont encore débattues. Ce travail de doctorat se concentre sur la quantification des processus géomorphologiques, tectoniques et érosifs, sur le versant ouest des Andes, autour de 23°S dans le District minier Centinela situé dans la Précordillère. Vingt-neuf nouvelles données thermochronologiques basse-température et leur modélisation indiquent que les porphyres cuprifères mis en place à faible profondeur durant l'Eocène moyen étaient déjà exhumés près de la surface à l'Oligocène moyen. Il existe un intervalle de temps de cinq millions d'années entre l'exhumation du porphyre qui constitue la source primaire de cuivre et le dépôt secondaire de cuivre dans le district de Centinela daté par les méthodes 40Ar/39Ar et K/Ar. Cette relation suggère que les dépôts de cuivre secondaires ont eu lieu lorsque les reliefs étaient déjà aplanis. Un dépôt exotique cuprifère syn-sédimentaire s'est formé dans le bassin continental du district Centinela. Des échantillons de sable ont été prélevés entre 135 et 13 mètres de profondeur dans les mines El Tesoro et Mirador. Les concentrations en 10Be et 21Ne de quatorze nouveaux échantillons ont permis de déterminer l'âge du dépôt et de contraindre les paléo taux de sédimentation des derniers 14 Ma. L'étude permet de dater le dépôt exotique à ~12 Ma et suggère qu'il a eu lieu lors d'une quiescence des taux d'érosion, confirmant l'idée que les dépôts supergènes de cuivre en milieu aride ont lieu après l'aplanissement des reliefs. Ces résultats confirment aussi que les taux d'érosion ont drastiquement chuté après 10-12 Ma, quand l'hyperaridité s'est établie. Ce travail de thèse illustre la balance nécessaire entre l'exhumation et les taux de précipitation pour former des minéralisations secondaires de cuivre et les conserver. / During the Middle Eocene in the Atacama Desert region (northern Chile), the intrusion of porphyries and the synchronous deformation of the Precordillera resulted in the formation of important clusters of supergene and exotic copper ore deposits that are currently exploited. Such metal ore deposits result of the interaction of tectonics, erosion and climate, for which both timing and relations remain debated. This PhD study focuses on the quantification of geomorphological, tectonic and erosive processes to understand their relationship in the Andean western slope around 23°S in the Centinela district in the Precordillera. Twenty-nine new low-temperature thermochronological data and their modelling indicate that shallow porphyry copper emplaced during mid-Eocene were quickly exhumed near the surface by the early Oligocene. There is a five million years-long time gap between the exhumation of primary source of copper and the ~25-12 Ma range of existing 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar ages of secondary mineralization in the District. This suggests that supergene copper related deposits occurred when the reliefs where already flattened. A syn-sedimentary exotic copper mineralization was deposited in an intra-mountainous basin in the Centinela District. We sampled sand at different depths between 135 and 13 meters in the Tesoro and Mirador open-pit mines, one of them including this exotic deposit. The 10Be and 21Ne concentrations of fourteen new samples were used to determine the exotic deposit age and to constrain the paleo-sedimentation rate for the last 14 Ma. The study dates the exotic deposit at ~12 Ma and suggests that this mid-Miocene exotic layer occurred during an erosive quiescence, confirming the view that supergene copper mineralization occurs during a stage of slower geomorphic activity in arid environments. The results also confirm that the erosion rates drastically dropped after 10-12 Ma, when the hyperaridity was established. This study highlights the necessary balance between exhumation and precipitation rates required to form secondary copper.

運用選擇權訂價模型評估存款保險差別費率之合理性 / Using the Option Pricing Model to Evalation Rationality of Risk- based Variable Rate of Deposit Insurance

胡慧珠, Hui-Chu Hu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果的重點如下:一、各樣本金融機構經由模型計算出的費率差異 頗大,顯示財務結構的不同,確實應課收不同保費。而現行的單一費率對 於好壞金融機構收取的費率一視同仁無法反應金融機構其經營風險的差異 ,也就無法避免低風險金融機構補貼高風險金融機構的弊病。因此應實施 差別費率較為合理。二、根據研究結果顯示,若以金融機構性質為分類, 其費率估計負擔由低至高依序為:一般民營銀行、國家行局、省市屬行庫 、民營中小企業銀行、信託投資公司、外商銀行、信用合作社、漁會信用 部、農會信用部。而此法的一大優點在於可對個別機構評估其相對風險性 的高低,即可依各自經營情況、組織結構分別評估其風險,以達精算上的 合理性。三、由各家樣本金融機構應負擔之估計存保費率可知,只要金融 機構資產結構稍有不同,便會使存保公司的負擔不同。換言之,因金融機 構體質的互異,其為存保公司所帶來的承保風險也有別,為避免資源配置 不當的缺失,實施以個別金融機構風險為基礎的差別費率是較公平、合理 的方式。四、承保比率亦是影響費率估計的一項因素,由實證可知承保比 率對費率估計有顯著的影響。即承保比率高的金融機構,其估計費率與全 部承保時的差異較小;承保比率低者,其估計費率與全部承保時的差異較 大。

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