Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EBITDA"" "subject:"[enn] EBITDA""
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Relativvärdering som investeringsstrategi tillämpat på nordiska verkstadsföretag : En kvantitativ studie på nordiska börser mellan 2012–2022 / Relative valuation as investment strategy applied on Nordic manufacturing companiesSkarfors, Andreas, Thunberg, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De senaste åren har svenska privatpersoner aktiehandel ökat markant. Det låga ränteläget tillsammans med lägre entrébarriärer har resulterat i att ett stadigt inflöde av nya användare har tillkommit till plattformar för aktiehandel. Det är dock ingen lätt uppgift att skapa överavkastning. Föreliggande studie ämnar undersöka om det med hjälp av relativvärdering kan skapas en strategi som konsekvent kan skapa en riskjusterad överavkastning. Studien har valt att fokusera på den nordiska verkstadsindustrin, som historiskt har gett en stabil avkastning och innehåller flera väletablerade företag. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera om man med hjälp av nyckeltalen P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/S och förändring av Cash Conversion Cycle kan skapa riskjusterad avkastning på nordiska verkstadsföretag som är högre än jämförelseindex under perioden 2012–2022. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats använts. Ett urval ur Nasdaqs listade industriaktier med rensade från producerande och finansiella företag har använts för att skapa portföljer baserade på P/E, P/B, EV/S, EV/EBITDA och ΔCCC. Totalt 10 portföljer skapades, 5 baserade låga respektive 5 på höga nyckeltal. Portföljerna har sedan ombalanserats årligen, den observerade avkastningen har sedan riskjusterats och satts emot ett jämförelseindex. Resultat: Höga EV/EBITDA-, höga EV/S-, låga EV/EBITDA-, låga EV/EBITDA- och störst negativ ΔCCC-portföljerna presterade överavkastning under den aktuella perioden mellan 2012–2022 för verkstadsföretag i Norden. Portföljen som bestod av höga EV/EBITDA-aktier skapade högst riskjusterad avkastning. Totalt presterade 50% av portföljerna högre riskjusterad avkastning än jämförelseindex. Ingen av de överpresterande portföljerna visade sig vara signifikanta. / Background: In recent years, Swedish private equity trading has increased markedly. The low interest rate in addition to fewer entry barriers have resulted in a steady influx of new users of stock trading platforms. However, creating excess returns is no easy task. This study intends to investigate whether, with the help of relative valuation, a strategy can be created that can consistently create a risk-adjusted excess return. The study has chosen to focus on the Nordic manufacturing companies, which has historically provided a stable return and includes several well-established companies. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze whether the key figures P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/S and Changes in Cash Conversion Cycle can create a risk adjusted return on Nordic manufacturing companies that is higher than the comparable stock index during the period 2012–2022. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a quantitative study with a deductive approach has been used. A sample of Nasdaq listed industrial shares cleared of non-producing and financial companies has been used to create portfolios based on P/E, P/B, EV/S, EV/EBITDA and ΔCCC. A total of 10 portfolios were created, 5 based on low and 5 on high key figures. The portfolios have since been rebalanced annually, the observed return has since been risk adjusted and compared against a comparable index. Result: High EV/EBITDA-, high EV/S-, low EV/EBITDA-, low EV/EBITDA- and the largest negative ΔCCC portfolios achieved excess returns during the period between 2012–2022 for manufacturing companies in the Nordic countries. The portfolio consisting of high EV/EBITDA stocks created the highest risk-adjusted return. In total, 50% of the portfolios performed higher risk adjusted return than the benchmark index. None of the overperforming portfolios proved to be significant.
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CSR - med SME:s överlevnad som insats : En kvantitativ studie om svenska små och medelstora IT-företag / CSR - the survival of SMEs at stakeJoona Hammas, Astrid, Lindgren, Clara January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: CSR är ett omdiskuterat ämne som har blivit mer närvarande i dagens affärsvärld. Fler företag anammar CSR i deras verksamhetsstrategi men detta antas främst gälla för de större företagen. Det råder större okunskap om små och medelstora företagens CSR-arbete och den strategiska betydelsen av CSR för dem, speciellt för IT-företag som innehar en central roll i det svenska samhället. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga huruvida CSR appliceras i verksamheten hos svenska små och medelstora IT-företag. Vidare består syftet av att analysera om det förekommer samband mellan CSR och den subjektiva samt finansiella prestationen, för att således få en djupare förståelse för dessa företagens CSR-arbete. Metod: Studien har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod och med en deduktiv ansats. Studiens population består av 241 svenska små och medelstora IT-företag, varav 35 företag svarade på studiens enkätundersökning. Företagsinformation hämtades från databasen Amadeus och finansiella data om företagen blev inhämtad från årsredovisningar. Studien har använt sig av subjektiva såväl som objektiva mått. De statistiska dataanalysmodellerna som studien har använt sig av är bivariat analys, Friedmans ANOVA och PLS-SME. Slutsats: Studien resultat visar att svenska små och medelstora IT-företag arbetar mest med de affärsmässiga dimensionerna som är den ekonomiska dimensionen och dimensionen om ansvar gentemot intressenterna, och få företag väljer att kommunicera ut deras arbete. Signifikanta samband hittades för både den ekonomiska och humanitära dimensionen i de två subjektiva prestationsmåtten. Studien bidrar med kunskap om små och medelstora IT-företagens CSR-arbete och den strategiska betydelsen av CSR för dem. / Background: CSR is a controversial topic that has become more present in today's business world. More companies are adopting CSR in their business strategy, but this is assumed to apply to larger companies mainly. There is greater ignorance about small and medium-si]ed companies' CSR work and the strategic importance of CSR for them, especially for IT companies that play a central role in Swedish society. Purpose: This study aims to map whether CSR is applied in the operations of Swedish small and medium-sized IT companies. Furthermore, the purpose consists of analyzing whether there is a connection between CSR and subjective and financial performance to gain a deeper understanding of these companies' CSR work. Methodology: This study has used a quantitative method and a deductive approach. The study population consists of 241 Swedish small and medium-sized IT companies, of which 35 companies responded to the study's survey. Company information was retrieved from the Amadeus database, and the companies' financial data was retrieved from annual reports. The study has used subjective as well as objective measures. The statistical data analysis model's bivariate analysis, Friedman's ANOVA, and PLS-SME were applied. Conclusion: The results show that Swedish small and medium-sized IT companies work primarily with business-like CSR, including the financial dimension and stakeholder dimensions, and few companies choose to communicate their work. Significant correlations were found for both the economic and philanthropic dimension in the two subjective performance measures. The study contributes knowledge about small and medium-sized IT companies' CSR work and the strategic importance of CSR for them.
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Multiplar – en vinnande investeringsstrategi? : En studie om multipelstrategiers förmåga att överavkasta S&P 500 / Multiples – a successful investment strategy?Pripp, Emil, Lindberg, Harald, Palm, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Background: In recent years, the interest in investing has increased, and a growing number of people want to put their money into assets that are expected to increase in value. This is usually easier said than done, and it requires the investor to use a solid strategy. Because there are many methods of making an investment decision, this process can appear to be complicated. Multiple strategy is a well-known type of strategy that aims to build a portfolio based on different multiples. As a result, it is interesting to analyze what types of multiples perform best and worst when using a multiple strategy. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the multiples EV/S, EV/EBITDA and P/E as a basis for a multiple strategy for companies found in the index S&P 500 to see if these can generate excess returns. Methodology: A quantitative method with a deductive approach was best suited to fulfill the purpose of the study. Based on a selection of 411 companies through the period 2003 – 2021 twelve portfolios have been created with the 20 highest and lowest EV/S, EV/EBITDA or P/E multiples, with holding periods of either three or twelve months before rebalancing. Results: The study results show that all multiples managed to outperform the benchmark index over the study period. Six out of the twelve portfolios were also able to show a significant return. The portfolio with low EV/S multiples and 12-month holding period generated the highest risk-adjusted return. / Bakgrund: På senare år har investerarintresset ökat och allt fler vill in och placera sitt kapital i tillgångar som förväntas öka i värde. Detta är något som oftast är lättare sagt än gjort och det krävs att investeraren använder sig av en tydlig strategi. Att det finns många olika sätt att komma fram till ett investeringsbeslut gör att denna process kan uppfattas som mycket komplicerad. En känd typ av strategi är multipelstrategi, som ämnar att bygga portföljen utifrån bolagens olika multiplar. Vilket gör det intressant att analysera vilka typer av multiplar som fungerar bättre respektive sämre vid användning av en multipelstrategi. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera multiplarna EV/S, EV/EBITDA och P/E som grund till en multipelstrategi för bolag som återfinns i indexet S&P 500 för att se om dessa kan generera överavkastning. Metod: En kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats var bäst lämpad för att uppnå studiens syfte. Utifrån ett urval av 411 bolag under perioden 2003 – 2021 har 12 portföljer skapats med de 20 högsta respektive lägsta EV/S-, EV/EBITDA- och P/E-multiplarna med innehavsperioder på antingen 3 eller 12 månader innan rebalansering. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar på att samtliga multiplar lyckades överavkasta jämförelseindexet över studiens period. 6 av 12 portföljer visade på en statistiskt signifikant avkastning. Portföljen med låga EV/S-multiplar och 12 månaders innehavsperiod genererade högst riskjusterad avkastning.
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Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? : En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolagZuif, Maximilian, Svedberg, Theodor January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? - En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolag Författare: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg Handledare: Urban Österlund Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle har fenomenet pilotskolan blivit ett allt hetare samtalsämne inom aktieanalys. Teorier på ämnet menar på att en VD som innehar en betydande andel aktier i det egna bolaget kommer att ha ett större intresse av att bolaget presterar så bra som möjligt. Samtidigt kan tidigare studier anses oense om huruvida ett stort insiderägande hos VD:n har en positiv eller negativ effekt på dess prestation. Ett vanligt nyckeltal som används av investerare för att bedöma hur verksamheten presterar är EBITDA, vilket mäter ett företags vinst före räntor, skatter, ned- och avskrivningar. Under kortare perioder kan det förekomma en stor diskrepans mellan ett bolags aktiepris och hur den underliggande verksamheten presterar. Däremot brukar aktiepriset vara tätt sammanlänkat med bolagets prestation sett över längre tidsperioder. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling, samt huruvida det finns något samband mellan EBITDA-utveckling och aktiekurs hos svenska börsnoterade bolag. Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv forskningsansats använts för att samla in och bearbeta data om bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid och Large Cap. Den kvantitativa forskningsmetoden bygger på data kring bolagens ägarstruktur och finansiella prestation för åren 2017 till 2023. Utifrån data har multipla regressionsmodeller skapats för att kunna besvara studiens två forskningsfrågor. Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan EBITDA-tillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Vidare uppvisade den multipla regressionen ett signifikant negativt samband mellan omsättningstillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Regressionsmodellen som utformades för att undersöka sambandet mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling klarade inte Ramsey’s RESET-test, varpå modellen inte kunde anses adekvat. Således hittades i studien inget statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling. Nyckelord: Pilotskolan, VD-ägande, EBITDA, Avkastning, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap / Title: Flight skills in the business management? – A quantitative study on ownership structures in Swedish listed firms Authors: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg Supervisor: Urban Österlund Background: In today’s society, the pilot school phenomenon has become an increasingly hot topic of conversation in stock analysis. Relevant theories suggests that a CEO who holds a significant part of the shares in his own company will have a greater interest in the company performing as well as possible. At the same time, previous studies can be considered divided on whether a large insider ownership of the CEO has a positive or negative effect on its performance. A common ratio used by investors to assess how the business is performing is EBITDA, which measures a company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. For shorter periods, there may be a large discrepancy between a company’s share price and how the underlying business is performing. In contrast, the share price is usually closely linked to the company’s performance when looking over longer periods of time. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine if a relationship exists between CEO stock ownership and growth in EBITDA, as well as whether any relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price for Swedish listed firms. Method: In the study, a quantitative method and a deductive research approach have been used to collect and process data on companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid and Large Cap. The quantitative research method is based on data about the companies’ ownership structure and financial performance for the years 2017 to 2023. Based on the data, multiple regression models have been created to be able to answer the two research questions in the study. Results: The results of the study indicate that a significant positive relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price. Furthermore, the multiple regression performed in the study showed a significant negative relationship between growth in revenue and stock price development. The regression model designed to examine the relationship between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA did not pass Ramsey’s RESET-test, whereupon the model could not be considered adequate. Thus, no statistically proven relationship was found between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA. Keywords: CEO stock ownership, EBITDA, return on investment, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap
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EBITDA: sua utilização e interpretação no contexto da qualidade das informações contábeis na visão dos analistas de mercado de capitaisMomose, Carlos Isao 04 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-04 / EBITDA ( earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ) is a non-accounting
indicator. Its first records appeared in the decade 60, but became well-known only as from the
decade 80 with the development of mergers and acquisitions occurred at the time. It was a
way of how to measure companies with high amounts of amortizations and depreciation. At
present the use of EBITDA is largely widespread in the capital market, but its efficacy and
preparation are constantly called into question. The problem of the research arose therefrom.
The main purpose of such research is to clarify, by means of the conceptual structure of the
accountancy, more specifically by the qualitative characteristics of the accounting
information, the reason of the use of EBITDA. The secondary purposes are: to identify
amounts relating to EBITDA, its identity as an operational cash flow, tendency of the future
and comparative research of indicators. To structure the research, a questionnaire and
structured interviews were adopted as an instrument. In the questionnaire 50 valid answers
were obtained and 3 participants, all of them acting directly or indirectly in the capital market,
were interviewed. With the results obtained from the research, it can be concluded that: the
comparability is the major quality of EBITDA s information; it is very good as an
operational indicator; it is not identified as an operational cash flow and tends to continue to
be used in the future / LAJIDA ( lucro antes de juros, impostos, depreciação ou amortização ) ou EBITDA (
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ) é um indicador não contábil.
Seus primeiros registros surgem na década de 60, mas só tomou notoriedade a partir de 80
com o movimento de fusões e aquisições alavancadas que ocorreu na época. Foi uma forma
de medir empresas com grandes valores de amortização e depreciação. Atualmente o uso do
EBITDA é largamente difundido no mercado de capitais, mas a eficácia e a elaboração são
constantemente questionadas. Desse questionamento surgiu o problema da pesquisa. O
objetivo principal desta pesquisa é elucidar, por meio da estrutura conceitual da contabilidade,
mais especificamente pelas características qualitativas da informação contábil, o porquê do
uso do EBITDA. Os objetivos secundários são: identificar importância relativa do EBITDA,
a identidade dela como fluxo de caixa operacional, tendência do futuro e pesquisa
comparativa de indicadores. Para a estruturação da pesquisa, foi adotado como instrumento
um questionário e entrevistas estruturadas. No questionário foram obtidas 50 respostas válidas
e foram entrevistadas 3 participantes, todos atuantes direta ou indiretamente no mercado de
capitais. Com os resultados obtidos pela pesquisa, pode-se concluir que: a comparabilidade é
a principal qualidade da informação do EBITDA; é ótimo como indicador operacional; não é
identificado como fluxo de caixa operacional e tende a continuar sendo utilizado no futuro
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Análise crítica da relação entre endividamento oneroso, Ebitda e cobertura de juros para empresas de capital aberto do setor industrial de atividade cíclicaSilva, Sandra Egydio Pereira da 29 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-12-13T09:11:48Z
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Sandra Egydio Pereira da Silva.pdf: 1194786 bytes, checksum: 714efba5369f24814c39b458a0e4ea66 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-13T09:11:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-11-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between onerous
indebtedness, Ebitda and interest coverage to verify if, in fact, there is the true fiscal
benefit for public companies in the industrial sector of cyclical activity, especially in this
moment of crisis, namely 2015 and 2016. The sample for this analysis was composed
of seven industrial companies in the cyclical sector, listed on BM & FBovespa. For this
purpose, the annual balance sheets for 2007 to 2016 of these selected companies
were observed in order to verify the behavior of short and long term indebtedness,
Ebitda in relation to financial expenses, tax benefit (income tax with and without
inclusion of financial expenses in the calculation basis). The results of these analyzes
showed that, in the crisis years 2015 and 2016, companies tended to raise more shortterm
debt, that Ebitda in most companies covered financial expenses, and that the tax
saved on financial expenses occurred even when there was loss. Dependent and
independent variables through Stepwise statistics were also analysed in order to verify
the degree of dependence of Ebitda, income tax and financial expenses. The main
results of the statistics showed that the variable Ebitda has a positive dependence on
income tax and financial expenses. Income tax was dependent on Ebitda and, finally,
financial expenses were dependent on short-term loans, net indebtedness and Ebitda.
Even in the face of a systemic crisis, through the satisfactory management of
indebtedness, it is possible for companies to present positive operating results, fully
covering financial expenses / O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a relação entre endividamento oneroso, Ebitda e
cobertura de juros para verificar se, de fato, há a ocorrência do verdadeiro benefício
fiscal para empresas de capital aberto do setor industrial de atividade cíclica,
principalmente, neste momento de crise – 2015 e 2016. A amostra, para esta análise,
foi composta por sete empresas industriais do setor cíclico, constantes na
BM&FBovespa. Para isso, os balanços anuais de 2007 a 2016 dessas empresas
selecionadas foram observados a fim de verificar o comportamento dos
endividamentos de curto e longo prazo, o Ebitda em relação as despesas financeiras,
o benefício fiscal (imposto de renda com e sem a inclusão das despesas financeiras na
base de cálculo). Os resultados dessas análises demonstraram que, nos anos de crise
2015 e 2016, as empresas tenderam a captar mais dívidas a curto prazo, que o Ebitda
na maioria das empresas cobriu as despesas financeiras e que o imposto economizado
com as despesas financeiras ocorreu mesmo quando houve prejuízo. Também foram
analisadas variáveis dependentes e independentes através da estatística Stepwise
para verificar o grau de dependência dos seguintes itens: Ebitda, imposto de renda e
despesas financeiras. Os principais resultados da estatística mostraram que a variável
Ebitda tem dependência positiva para imposto de renda e despesas financeiras. O
imposto de renda apresentou dependência para o Ebitda e, por fim, as despesas
financeiras apresentaram dependência para os empréstimos a curto prazo,
endividamento líquido e o Ebitda. Portando, mesmo diante de crise sistêmica, por meio
da gestão satisfatória do endividamento, é possível que as empresas apresentem
resultados operacionais positivos cobrindo plenamente as despesas financeiras
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Förvärvad goodwill och rörelseförvärv : En kvantitativ studie om företagens redovisade goodwill, investerarnas värdering samt dess koppling till lönsamhetBoquist, Emelie, Britz, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Regelverk för redovisning utvecklas och harmoniseras ständigt, men den komplexa värderingen av goodwill samt rörelseförvärv består. Förvärvad goodwill är ofta en betydande komponent och förväntas generera framtida ekonomiska fördelar. Tidigare studier som utifrån redovisning- eller kapitalmarknadssyn uträtt förvärv och dess lönsamhet har fått tvetydiga svar. Studien ämnar till att belysa värderingsproblematiken vid rörelseförvärv med fokus på goodwill då den förväntas generera framtida ekonomiska fördelar. Syftet är att avgöra huruvida den redovisningsmässiga och marknadsmässiga värderingen av ett rörelseförvärv samverkar samt se hur väl de kan förklara företagskombinationens framtida lönsamhet. Studien utfördes genom en kvantitativ metod där data samlades in från databaserna Zephyr, Retriever Business samt Nasdaq Nordic. För att undersöka marknadens värdering tillämpades eventstudiemetodik. Data analyserades med hjälp av en korrelationsanalys samt multipel regressionsanalys. Korrelationsanalysen visade att det förelåg ett negativt samband mellan förvärvad goodwill samt investerarnas värdering vid förväntad ekonomisk förlust. Studien visade att lönsamhet efter förvärv påverkades av variablerna goodwill samt immateriella övervärden. Investerarnas värdering kan hjälpa till att förklara lönsamhet bättre vid förväntad ekonomisk förlust.
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O impacto potencial do desenvolvimento dos portos do Arco Norte na valorização das fazendas de SINOP-MT: uma análise do corredor da BR-163Silva, Marcel Agar 08 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marcel Agar Silva (marcel_agar@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-24T18:29:32Z
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Dissertação Final_MPAGRO_Marcel Agar_Vf.pdf: 1544764 bytes, checksum: 87bee525bc1dd09e38bf1a1413ea8f66 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Fabiana da Silva Segura (fabiana.segura@fgv.br) on 2017-02-24T18:52:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Final_MPAGRO_Marcel Agar_Vf.pdf: 1544764 bytes, checksum: 87bee525bc1dd09e38bf1a1413ea8f66 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-02T16:14:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Final_MPAGRO_Marcel Agar_Vf.pdf: 1544764 bytes, checksum: 87bee525bc1dd09e38bf1a1413ea8f66 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-08 / The state of Mato Grosso stands out as the main grain producer in Brazil, however its outstanding growth as a producer was not followed by logistics projects that allowed the production to be properly exported. Grains are mainly transported through the South and Southeast ports which are far away from the North and Central North, two important producer regions in the state. The grains production travel long distances through highways, which is not appropriated to low added value products. It affects directly the grower profitability since high freight costs impact both revenue, decreasing, and input costs, increasing. To improve this current scenario many logistics projects are under development in order to allow the grain to be exported through the northern ports. Those ports tend to reduce the freight costs impact in the growers profitability. This paper aims to analyze the logistical improvements impacts in the cash generator asset, the farm. To accomplish this goal two methodologies, based on cash generation, were used: Dicounted Free Cash Flow and Ebitda Multiple. The methodologies were applied in two different moments the current one and the one after the logistical improvements impact. The comparison between the two moments will show the asset appreciation that stems from the logistical improvements. The asset appreciation variated between 29% and 81% in the discounted free cash flow methodology and between 26% and 68% in the Ebitda multiple methodology, depending on the scenario under analysis. / O Estado do Mato Grosso destaca-se por ser o principal produtor de grãos do Brasil, no entanto seu rápido crescimento como Estado produtor não foi acompanhado por melhoras logísticas que permitissem o escoamento de sua relevante produção. O escoamento de grãos no Brasil é feito principalmente pelos portos do Sul e Sudeste que são muito distantes de alguns dos principais municípios produtores do Estado, muitos dos quais localizadas nas regiões norte e médio-norte mato-grossense. Além disso, as grandes distâncias são percorridas na maioria das vezes pelo modal rodoviário, pouco apropriado para cargas de baixo valor agregado como soja e milho. O frete impacta a rentabilidade do produtor tanto do lado da receita, no valor das sacas de soja e milho em R$/saca, quanto do lado do custo dos insumos, principalmente fertilizantes que têm como matéria-prima produtos importados. Para melhorar essa situação vários projetos de escoamento através dos portos do Arco Norte estão sendo desenvolvidos. Tais projetos diminuiriam o impacto do frete na rentabilidade dos produtores, tornando-os mais rentáveis. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o impacto das melhoras logísticas no valor do ativo gerador de caixa, a fazenda. Para tanto foram utilizadas duas metodologias de avaliação financeira de ativos, ambas pautadas em geração de caixa, a de fluxo de caixa descontado e a de múltiplos de Ebitda. Esta última é uma medida que mostra de maneira simplificada, a geração de caixa de um ativo. As metodologias foram aplicadas em dois momentos: o atual e o pós-melhorias logísticas. O incremento no valor do ativo apresentado após a comparação dos dois momentos indica a valorização imobiliária decorrente das melhorias logísticas. Os resultados mostram que a maior geração de caixa pela fazenda, em decorrência das melhorias logísticas, se traduz em valorização do ativo. Tal valorização variou de 29% a 81% na metodologia de fluxo de caixa descontado e de 26% a 68% na metodologia de múltiplo de Ebitda, nos diferentes cenários analisados.
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Ekonomická analýza podniku / Economic analysis of the companyDiblík, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to elaborate an economic analysis of the company LUKROM, spol. s.r.o. for period 2008 -- 2012. Theoretical and methodological part of the thesis defines and explains terminology and instruments of economic analysis which are used in the analysis of the company. At first the reader will learn the basic information about the company and its activities. Then we'll focus on the market development, supplier-customer relations and sales structure of the company. Continue with analysis of the financial statements, assessment of compliance of the balance sheet rules, analysis of financial ratios, decomposition of ROE and EVA calculation. The company will pass through bankruptcy and creditworthy models evaluation and outputs of this evaluation will be compared with credit rating of one of the financing banks. Based on knowledge of interim financial results will outline development of the company for 2013. The analysis also includes an assessment of the economic development of the whole group LUKROM. The entire group is compared with a similarly focused business entity. The thesis is concluded with a SWOT analysis and summary of the obtained results.
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Estudo de como a geração de caixa operacional pode ser útil para a gestão de empresasNuñez, Nicolás Alvarez 23 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-01T13:12:24Z
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Nicolás Alvarez Nuñez.pdf: 1366671 bytes, checksum: 1d597429e888af5b6c22e190092ef99c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-01T13:12:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nicolás Alvarez Nuñez.pdf: 1366671 bytes, checksum: 1d597429e888af5b6c22e190092ef99c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-23 / The metric EBITDA – Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (Lajida in portuguese) has been much discussed in both the academic and professional fields. Authors have raised pros and cons to their use because, they consider that the metric does not reflect the Cash Flow, since it is calculated under the aegis of the accounting principle of the accrual regime basis. The Competence and Cash Regimes basis are approached to subsidize the use of the EBITDA metric in the construction of what is called, in this master's thesis, Operating Cash Generation - OCG. Adding to the OCG the figure that represents the destination to be given to the resources generated, "cash outflows", we have the Operating Cash Flow, inspired by the idea developed by Brigham & Ehrhardt (2016, pg.464) Free Cash Flow - FCF. This results in a model, considered as a management tool and applied to this research directed to a single case study. The entity where the research is developed is the São Paulo Foundation, a philanthropic entity, maintainer of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUCSP. The data were collected in published documents-balance sheets and administrative documents and analyzed through the graphical-behavioral observation technique, which when related to each other indicate possible imbalances of the operational activities, and the trend analysis of costs and revenues, allow to assess the situation in that the entity is. Therefore, with these techniques of analysis, the following steps were considered: assessing the current situation, identifying measures for course correction and analyzing their impacts. Hence the proposal is suggested, which, approved and applied by the Administration, helped to maintain the continuity of its operational activities. The Operating Cash Flow model, based on the OCG or EBITDA, plus the vision of how resources were or will be applied, is understood as being a management tool of great utility for managers to plan and follow the strategic decisions of their companies / A métrica Ebitda – Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization, em inglês, ou Lajida – Lucro Antes de Juros, Impostos, Depreciação e Amortização, tem sido muito discutida tanto no campo acadêmico como profissional. Autores têm levantado prós e contras ao seu uso, pois, escrevem que a métrica não reflete o fluxo de caixa, uma vez que é apurado sob a égide do princípio contábil do regime de competência. Os regimes de competência e de caixa são abordados para subsidiar o uso da métrica Ebitda na construção do que se denomina, neste trabalho, geração de caixa operacional – GCO. Adicionando-se à GCO a figura que representa a destinação a ser dada aos recursos gerados, “saídas de caixa”, tem-se o fluxo de caixa operacional, inspirado na ideia desenvolvida por Brigham e Ehrhardt (2016, p. 464) com seu fluxo de caixa livre – FCL. Disso resulta um modelo, tratado como uma ferramenta de gestão e aplicado a esta pesquisa, direcionada a um estudo de caso único. A entidade cuja pesquisa se desenvolve é a Fundação São Paulo, entidade filantrópica, mantenedora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC-SP. Os dados foram coletados em documentos publicados-balanços e documentos administrativos e analisados através da técnica da observação gráfico-comportamental, que, quando relacionados entre si, indicam eventuais desequilíbrios das atividades operacionais e da análise tendencial dos custos e receitas, permitindo, desse modo, avaliar a situação em que a entidade se encontra. Portanto, com essas técnicas de análise, as seguintes etapas foram consideradas: avaliar a situação atual, identificar as medidas para correção de rumo e analisar seus impactos. Daí se sugere a elaboração de proposta, a qual, aprovada e aplicada pela administração, ajudou a manter a continuidade de suas atividades operacionais. O modelo de fluxo de caixa operacional, fundamentado na GCO ou Ebitda, e considerando a visão de como os recursos foram ou serão aplicados, entende-se como sendo uma ferramenta de gestão de grande utilidade para os gestores planejarem e acompanharem as decisões estratégicas de suas empresas
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