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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A lágrima de um caeté, de Nísia Floresta, como corpus sensível e possível para o 9º ano

Pereira, Waldemar Valença 05 August 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In Brazil and Europe, after knowing the production of literary works, of Dionysia Gonçalves Pinto (1810-1885), better known as Nísia Floresta, which along with various books published, also wrote a epic poem indianista and indigenous, in the nineteenth century, entitled A lágrima de um Caeté (1849). We decided to produce a scientific research, professional perspective, to make better education and learning in Portuguese Language, with one literary text. So we decided to develop studies A lágrima de um Caeté of Nisia Floresta as one sensitive and possible corpus for a education or as way to mediate literary text reading times among young people 13-17 years old. Then our pedagogical action ran a critical way, we base ourselves in scientific research of Anazildo Vasconcelos da Silva and him theory known as Literary Semiotization of Discourse, later developed also by the writer Christina Ramalho, and literary historiography studies of Constance Lima Duarte. Other intellectuals like Tzvetan Todorov, Umberto Eco and Roland Barthes, added to Romero, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman and Antonio Candido, among others. Our pedagogical and literary project entitled "Poetry ilustrations 2015" to show for classroom that learn about skills and competencies for identify the "epic heroism" in epic poems. We promote a production illustrations, created from stanzas or episodes in A lágrima de um Caeté. We published and illustrated two versions of A lágrima de um Caeté: one e-book, available on our website on the Internet; otherwise it was a printed book for to restore the collections in school library. Therefore, to strengthen our teaching practices to encourage reading, we perform one ludic game: "Ask and you will know". Then, we aim to contribute to a critical review on school debates, especially of equal rights issues, related to culture and your ethnics problems in Brazil. / Após conhecermos a produção literária da escritora brasileira Dionísia Gonçalves Pinto (1810 – 1885), mais conhecida como Nísia Floresta, que, além de vários livros publicados, escreveu, também, um poema épico indianista e indigenista, em pleno século XIX, intitulado A lágrima de um Caeté (1849), sentimo-nos inclinados a produzir uma pesquisa científica, de cunho profissional, para fortalecer o ensino de Língua Portuguesa, através do texto literário. Sendo assim, resolvemos desenvolver estudos sobre “A lágrima de um Caeté, de Nísia Floresta, como um corpus sensível e possível para o 9o ano”, resultado do desejo de mediar momentos de estímulo à leitura do texto poético, no Ensino Fundamental, entre jovens de 13 a 17 anos de idade. Para que a nossa ação pedagógica funcionasse de um modo crítico, fundamentamo-nos em pesquisas de Anazildo Vasconcelos da Silva, sobre a semiotização literária do discurso, posteriormente desenvolvidas, também, por Christina Ramalho, e em estudos de historiografia literária de Adauto da Câmara e, também, de Constância Lima Duarte. Outros(as) intelectuais, como Tzvetan Todorov, Umberto Eco e Roland Barthes, somados a Sílvio Romero, Marisa Lajolo, Regina Zilberman e Antônio Cândido, entre outros(as), auxiliaram-nos nessa pesquisa. Nosso projeto pedagógico e literário, intitulado “Poesia ilustrada 2015”, proporcionou momentos de mediação, com a juventude, dotando-a de habilidades e competências linguísticas, para uma possível aprendizagem sobre “heroísmo épico”. Promovemos, assim, uma produção de ilustrações, tanto de estrofes quanto de episódios do poema, e publicamos duas versões ilustradas de A lágrima de um Caeté: uma digital, disponível em nosso site, na internet, e a outra, impressa, para compor o acervo da nossa biblioteca escolar. A fim de reforçarmos nossas práticas didáticas de estímulo à leitura, aplicamos outra atividade lúdica: “Pode perguntar”. Com isso, visamos colaborar para a criticidade dos debates escolares, principalmente no que tange a questões de igualdade de direitos e de convívio pacífico entre diversas etnias culturais.

Quatro representações de Zumbi dos Palmares em cordel épico

Mendonça, Luciara Leite de 23 February 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Starting from the idea that, in postmodernity, the epic genre receives a new look, which also suggests extension to the string, we will investigate the mythico-historical representation of Zumbi dos Palmares in the face of the dialogue between the epic and the string in the opening of alternatives for the insertion of other discourses (the silenced ones) in History. In view of this, the theme of this work is the study of Zumbi dos Palmares' epic-heroic representation, in cordel, accompanied by reflections on the insertion of this hero in the historiography of the nation and how it appears portrayed in the various literary works. The research aims to focus the historical and mythical treatment given to the heroic figure of Zumbi dos Palmares in string poems that build the representation of this hero, and therefore, are configured as expressions of a popular epic. For this, the discussion will be developed in three stages. In the first stage, we will explore the issues related to the incorporation of Zumbi dos Palmares into historiography. In this stage, we will reflect on the insertion of Zumbi dos Palmares in History (AUGEL, s / a; MOURA, 1972; REIS, 2004; GOMES, 2011; SANTANA, 2012; ARAÚJO, 2015), considering the dislocations of hegemonic discourses. We will reflect, mainly, on the transformations that led the historical discourse to be renewed to recover the forgotten subjects of history, those who came to have the space denied. In the second moment, we will highlight the theoretical aspects about cordel literature and the epic genre. Initially, we consider the study of the theoretical reference contained in History of the Brazilian epic (2007), by AnazildoVasconcelos da Silva and Christina Ramalho, and Christina Ramalho's epic poems: reading strategies (2013) in order to present a synthesis of the the epic theoretical categories formulated to then relate them to the cordel genre itself (Peregrino, 1984, CAVIGNAC, 2006, CURRAN, 2003, LUCIANO, 2012 and ZUMTHOR, 2010). In the last stage, we will analyze the selected works Zumbi, a dream of equality (s / a), by the Sergipe writer JosineideDantas (Gigi), Zumbi dos Palmares Black hero of Brazil (2007) by Fernando Paixão, Zumbi symbol of freedom ) by Antônio Carlos de Oliveira Barreto and Zumbi dos Palmares In Cordel (2013) by Madu Costa, who contemplate the figure of Zumbi dos Palmares, with a view to the confluence between the aesthetic and the ideological. The third moment, therefore, refers to the study of the epic heroism present in the chosen works, since the approach recognizes the double existential condition of the hero: the historical and the mythical. We will take into consideration the following questions: how is Zumbi described?; What historical events are focused ?; How is the insertion of Zumbi in the wonderful plan? Are there differences between the works under the historical record?; How does the narrative voice fit? How is the linguistic apparatus configured in each poem? The final question will be: can each of these string poems be considered a popular epic manifestation? / Partindo da ideia de que, na pós-modernidade, o gênero épico recebe um novo olhar, que também sugere a extensão ao cordel, investigaremos a representação mítico-histórica de Zumbi dos Palmares face ao diálogo entre o épico e o cordel na abertura de alternativas para a inserção de outros discursos (os silenciados) na História. Em vista disso, o tema deste trabalho é o estudo da representação épico-heroica, em cordel, de Zumbi dos Palmares, acompanhado de reflexões sobre a inserção desse herói na historiografia da nação e o modo como ele aparece retratado nas diversas obras literárias. A pesquisatem por finalidade enfocar o tratamento histórico e mítico dado à figura heroica de Zumbi dos Palmares em poemas de cordel que construam a representação desse herói, configurando-se, por isso, como expressões de uma épica popular. Para isso, a discussão será desenvolvida em três etapas. Na primeira etapa, exploraremos as questões ligadas à incorporação de Zumbi dos Palmares à historiografia. Nessa etapa, refletiremos sobre a inserção de Zumbi dos Palmares na História (AUGEL, s/a; MOURA, 1972; REIS, 2004; GOMES, 2011; SANTANA, 2012; ARAÚJO, 2015), considerando os deslocamentos dos discursos hegemônicos. Refletiremos, principalmente, sobre as transformações que levaram o discurso histórico a ser renovado para recuperar os sujeitos esquecidos da história, aqueles que passaram a ter o espaço negado. No segundo momento, destacaremos os aspectos teóricos sobre a literatura de cordel e o gênero épico. Inicialmente, consideramos o estudo do referencial teórico contido em História da epopeia brasileira (2007), de Anazildo Vasconcelos da Silva e Christina Ramalho, e Poemas épicos: estratégias de leitura (2013), de Christina Ramalho, de modo a se apresentar uma síntese das categorias teóricas épicas formuladas para, em seguida, relacioná-las ao próprio gênero cordel (PEREGRINO, 1984; CAVIGNAC, 2006; CURRAN, 2003; LUCIANO, 2012; ZUMTHOR, 2010).Na última etapa, analisaremos as obras selecionadas Zumbi, um sonho da igualdade (s/a), da escritora sergipana Josineide Dantas (Gigi), Zumbi dos Palmares Herói negro do Brasil (2007), de Fernando Paixão, Zumbi símbolo de liberdade (2008), de Antônio Carlos de Oliveira Barreto e Zumbi dos Palmares Em Cordel (2013), de Madu Costa, que contemplam a figura de Zumbi dos Palmares, com vistas à confluência entre o estético e o ideológico. O terceiro momento, portanto, se refere ao estudo do heroísmo épico presente nas obras escolhidas, pois o enfoque reconhece a dupla condição existencial do herói: a histórica e a mítica. Levaremos em consideração as seguintes questões: Como Zumbi é descrito?; Que eventos históricos são enfocados?; Como se dá a inserção de Zumbi no plano maravilhoso? Há diferenças entre as obras no âmbito do registro histórico?; Como a voz narrativa se configura?; como se configura o aparato linguístico em cada poema? A questão final será: cada um desses poemas em cordel pode ser considerado uma manifestação épica popular? / São Cristóvão, SE

Use of factorial biostatistical methods to investigate the relation between nutrition and cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study / Exploitation de méthodes biostatistiques factorielles pour l'investigation de la relation nutrition-cancer dans la cohorte Européenne sur le Cancer et la Nutrition (EPIC)

Assi, Nada 19 October 2016 (has links)
La nutrition est un facteur de risque modifiable pour le cancer puisqu'environ un tiers des cas pourraient être évités en adoptant une meilleure alimentation. La relation entre nutrition et cancer est complexe, et son étude est enrichie par de nouveaux défis apportés par les récentes avancées technologiques dans le domaine des « -omiques ». Cette thèse a pour but de développer de nouvelles approches biostatistiques afin d'étudier la relation entre nutrition et cancer au sein de la cohorte EPIC. Pour ce faire, l'applicabilité de nouvelles méthodologies multivariées dans le domaine de l'épidémiologie nutritionnelle a été étudiée.Une nouvelle méthode multivariée pour la réduction de la dimensionnalité, le Treelet Transform (TT), a été examinée afin d'extraire des patterns de nutriments issus de questionnaires. Les patterns ainsi obtenus par le TT étaient plus facilement interprétables que par les méthodes classiques. Ensuite, un cadre analytique pour implémenter le concept du « meeting-in-the-middle » (MITM) a été développé et appliqué dans 2 études cas-témoin nichées sur le cancer hépatocellulaire avec des données métabolomiques. Le MITM cherche à identifier des biomarqueurs qui soient à la fois des marqueurs de certaines expositions passées et des prédicteurs de maladies. L'implémentation s'est focalisée sur l'application de la PLS et de l'analyse de médiation.Enfin, nous avons examinés la relation entre les niveaux plasmatiques de 60 acides gras issus de biomarqueurs et le risque de cancer du sein dans une étude cas-témoin nichée dans EPIC.Cette thèse servira de base pour des applications épidémiologiques futures examinant la relation nutrition-cancer / Diet is a modifiable risk factor for many cancers. It has been estimated that about a third of cancer cases can be prevented by complying with a healthy diet and adhering to the recommendations in terms of nutrition. The nutrition-cancer relationship is a complex one, and its study is currently at a turning point with the opportunity and challenges brought by the recent technological advances in the fields of « -omics ».This thesis aims to develop new biostatistical approaches to investigate the nutrition-cancer relation within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC) study. To do so, the applicability of new methodologies in the field of nutritional epidemiology has been examined.First, a new multivariate dimension reduction method, the Treelet Transform (TT) was applied to extract nutrient patterns relying on questionnaire data. The extracted patterns were more easily interpretable than those obtained with more classical methods.Then, an analytical framework was conceived for the « meeting-in-the-middle » (MITM) principle and applied to two nested case-control studies on hepatocellular carcinoma, with targeted and untargeted metabolomics data. The MITM aims to identify overlap biomarkers of certain exposures that are at the same time predictive of disease outcomes. The implementation focused on the application of partial least squares and mediation analyses. Last, the association between 60 plasma fatty acids levels assessed from biomarkers and breast cancer risk was examined in a nested case-control study in EPIC. This thesis will serve as a basis for future epidemiological applications looking into the nutrition-cancer relation

Beyond the plausible: On the relationship between history, tragedy and epic poetry in Corneille, Voltaire, and Schiller

Moraes Ferreira, Caio January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation explores the intersection between three different literary genres – historiography, tragedy, and epic poetry – in the neoclassical period, taking as its central problem the way said genres set out to represent strange and even unintelligible moments in the past. It is based on a case study of four canonical works that, contrary to what is expected of neoclassical literature, represent historical figures seen by audiences of the time as too disturbing or too farcical to be intellectually or artistically “useful”: the violent Roman hero Horace (the protagonist of Corneille’s eponymous tragedy), the Swedish king Charles XII (who anchors Voltaire’s first historical biography) and finally Joan of Arc (who appears in Voltaire’s comical epic La Pucelle d’Orléans, and in Schiller’s tragedy Die Jungfrau von Orléans). In exploring these texts, I set out to show that, while neoclassical poetics deeply emphasized the importance of representing the past in a plausible and dignified manner (be it in histories or in poetry), authors of the time were also aware that the past could be the domain of the uncanny and the fabulous, and that representing the implausible required different kinds of textual experimentation and different ways of playing with genre norms.

Das Rolandslied = La Chanson de Roland : éléments de comparaison

Lemoine, Normand Guy. January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

'Us poor singers' : Victorians and The Earthly Paradise : audience, community, and storytelling in William Morris' first success

Doucet, Emily Rose January 2014 (has links)
The Earthly Paradise was William Morris’s first real success, and it remained his best-known work even after his death. It has not fared as well since the mid-twentieth century, when it became overlooked and problematic, as the Morris of The Earthly Paradise years became coextensive with a portrait of Victorian middle-class myopia. This verdict has been brought to the doors of the poem’s first readers, who are imagined to have liked it for uncomplicated reasons of fashion and entertainment. I reconsider these assumptions by returning to the contemporary reception of the poem to ask what audiences thought about Morris as a public figure, what it was that they so responded to in his work, and what the poem itself says about reception—the relationship between story, audience, and speaker. I argue both within the text and in the reception of it, such relationships are nearly always understood as communal, as storytellers—Morris and those in his text—address audiences as collective publics, and speak on behalf of them. Moreover, this speech is always marked by a mutually inclusive relationship with text, so that stories are properly understood as arising from the discursive field established through the participation, both textual and vocal, of anyone who understands himself or herself addressed by the discourse.

Impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur les terrains de golf dans la région du sud du Québec

Tapes, Victor January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Word Salad

Liberto, Anthony 01 January 2007 (has links)
I've always considered myself a serious person who understood the meaning of labor. I am determined to labor over my ideas, and to labor seriously. The problem, and by "problem," I mean, "best thing" about this is that no one takes me seriously. Ever. They seem to like my work anyway. Apparently, I'm more funny than I am serious. But that's okay, because, secretly, I think I've always tried to be serious because I never thought I was smart enough to be funny. I often misunderstand things. Sometimes I mishear or wrongly attribute or think that facts are a metaphors or that metaphors are facts. Then I take this (mis)information back to my studio and playing Cosmic Matchmaker, yoking together seeming disparate elements to create a visual vocabulary. And then I labor over it. Very seriously.


Gardner, Phillip Matthew 01 January 2006 (has links)
In its contemporary incarnation the Epic, an artistic endeavor that has historically sought to encompass all other forms in a single seamless story line, can only fully command the realm of the internal. It demands the creation of a personal, metaphysical journey of self-revelation, and the fictionalization and itemization of the psychological players. This project, a narrative under the direction of combative philosophical leanings, attempts to reconcile the fundamental dichotomies that govern my existence and consolidate them into a cohesive conceptual and concrete form.

Ideál rytířského panovníka na příkladu alexandrovské epiky českého středověku / The Ideal of Chivalrous Sovereign. The Case of Czech Medieval Alexandrian Epic

Rajterová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
My final thesis, based on study of primary and secondary sources, is focused on the idea of sovereign around 1300 AD. Old-Czech poem Alexandreida and German version Alexander of Ulrich von Etzenbach are used as primary repository of information. Thesis follows both of them and in their comparison shows, how the idea was formulated. Final thesis deals also with works of historians, literary historians and German studies related to its topic. The goal is not an linguistic analysis but to evaluate the poems as an historiographic source, on which we can study medieval notions of rulers and their role in society. Second main task for this final thesis is to reconstruct niveau of bohemian court surrounding King of Bohemia at the end of 13th century, where the poems were originally written. In the end, thesis describes so called "court culture" in the relation to both of Alexandrian poems and their influence in bohemia society.

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