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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Absolute quantification in brain SPECT imaging

Cot Sanz, Albert 17 December 2003 (has links)
Certes malalties neurològiques estan associades amb problemes en els sistemes de neurotransmissió. Una aproximació a l'estudi d'aquests sistemes és la tomografia d'emissió SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) com a tècnicano-invasiva que proporciona imatges funcionals representatives de l'activitat neuronal. Aquesta tècnica permet la visualització i l'anàlisi de diferents òrgans i teixits dins l'àmbit de la Medicina Nuclear.Malgrat que la inspecció visual de la imatge a vegades és suficient per establir el diagnòstic, la quantificació dels paràmetres de la imatge reconstruida poden millorar la fiabilitat i exactitud del diagnòstic precoç de la malaltia. En particular, la quantificació d'estudis de neurotransmissors de dopamina pot ajudar a detectar els estadis inicials de malalties com el Parkinson. Així mateix, la quantificació permet un seguiment més acurat de l'evolució de la malaltia i una evaluació dels efectes de la terapèutica aplicada.La quantificació es veu afectada pels efectes degradants de la imatge com són el soroll estadístic, la resposta del sistema col.limador/detector i l'efecte de dispersió i/o atenuació dels fotons en la seva interacció amb la matèria. Alguns d'aquests efectes poden ser corregits mitjançant l'ús d'algoritmes de reconstrucció iteratius.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aconseguir una quantificació tant absoluta com relativa dels valors numèrics de la imatge reconstruida de manera que reprodueixin la distribució d'activitat real del pacient en el moment de l'adquisició de l'estudi de SPECT. Per aconseguir-ho s'han desenvolupat diferents codis i algoritmes per millorar els mètodes de reconstrucció existents i validar-ne els seus resultats.La validació i millora dels algoritmes s'ha basat en l'ús de tècniques de simulació Monte Carlo. S'han analitzat els diferents codis Monte Carlo disponibles en l'àmbit de la Medicina Nuclear i s'ha escollit SimSET. La interpretació dels resultats obtinguts i la comparació amb els resultats experimentals ens van dur a incorporar modificacions en el codi original. D'aquesta manera vam obtenir i validar SimSET com a generador d'estudis de SPECT a partir de pacients i objectes virtuals.La millora dels algoritmes es va basar en la incorporació de models analítics de la resposta del sistema col.limador/detector. La modelització del sistema es va implementar per diferents configuracions i energies de la font amb la utilització del codi Monte Carlo PENELOPE. Així mateix es va dissenyar un nou algoritme iteratiu que incorporés l'efecte 3D del sistema i es va tenir en compte la valoració de la imatge en tot el seu volum.Finalment, es va proposar una correcció de l'scattering utilitzant el simulador SimSET modificat per tal d'accelerar el procés de reconstrucció. Els valors reconstruits de la imatge ens han permès recuperar més d'un 95\% dels valors originals, permetent per tant la quantificació absoluta de les imatges de SPECT. / Many forms of brain diseases are associated with problems in the neurotransmission systems. One approach to the assessment of such systems is the use of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) brain imaging. Neurotransmission SPECT has become an important tool in neuroimaging and is today regarded as a useful method in both clinical and basic research. SPECT is able to non-invasively visualize and analyze different organs and tissues functions or properties in Nuclear Medicine.Although visual inspection is often sufficient to assess neurotransmission imaging, quantification might improve the diagnostic accuracy of SPECT studies of the dopaminergic system. In particular, quantification of neurotransmission SPECT studies in Parkinson Disease could help us to diagnose this illness in the early pre-clinical stages. One of the main research topics in SPECT is to achieve early diagnosis, indeed preclinical diagnosis in neurodegenerative illnesses. In this field detailed analysis of shapes and values of the region of interest (ROIs) of the image is important, thus quantification is needed. Moreover, quantification allows a follow-up of the progression of disease and to assess the effects of potential neuroprotective treatment strategies. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to achieve quantification of both the absolute activity values and the relative values of the reconstructed SPECT images.Quantification is affected by the degradation of the image introduced by statistical noise, attenuation, collimator/detector response and scattering effects. Some of these degradations may be corrected by using iterative reconstruction algorithms, which thus enable a more reliable quantification. The importance of correcting degradations in reconstruction algorithms to improve quantification accuracy of brain SPECT studies has been proved.Monte Carlo simulations are the --gold standard' for testing reconstruction algorithms in Nuclear Medicine. We analyzed the available Monte Carlo codes and we chose SimSET as a virtual phantom simulator. A new stopping criteria in SimSET was established in order to reduce the simulation time. The modified SimSET version was validated as a virtual phantom simulator which reproduces realistic projection data sets in SPECT studies.Iterative algorithms permit modelling of the projection process, allowing for correction of spatially variant collimator response and the photon crosstalk effect between transaxial slices. Thus, our work was focused on the modelling of the collimator/detector response for the parallel and fan beam configurations using the Monte Carlo code PENELOPE. Moreover, a full 3D reconstruction with OS-EM algorithms was developed.Finally, scattering has recognized to be one of the most significant degradation effects in SPECT quantification. Nowadays this subject is an intensive field of research in SPECT techniques. Monte Carlo techniques appear to be the most reliable way to include this correction. The use of the modified SimSET simulator accelerates the forward projection process although the computational burden is already a challenge for this technique.Full 3D reconstruction simultaneously applied with Monte Carlo-based scattering correction and the 3D evaluation procedure is a major upgrade technique in order to obtain valuable, absolute quantitative estimates of the reconstructed images. Once all the degrading effects were corrected, the obtained values were 95\% of the theoretical values. Thus, the absolute quantification was achieved.

"England expects..." and all that : the visual memory of Horatio Lord Nelson

Ward, Brigid Clare Fitzgerald 16 June 2008 (has links)
The project of this thesis has been to examine the results of the development of the reputation and concept of the historical figure of Horatio Nelson as symbol of masculinity from nearly the beginning of the myth-making and mythologizing in the nineteenth century to the present. There have been several studies recently that examine Nelson the myth, Nelson as legend, Nelson as hero: they study the process of the development of this character. As a result of the mythologizing the history of Horatio Nelson is likely lost. However the memory of Nelson a very different thing and the focus of this thesis has been reinforced through commemoration throughout the two centuries since his death coming to a logical conclusion in 2008. This was done in both the public sphere (in the form of monuments) and in the private sphere (Nelson was merchandised) with the logical result in the first part of the twenty-first century being a manifestation of Nelson in fan culture on the internet. He has now been essentialised, extrapolated, and used in a wide variety of ways to navigate masculinity by both genders.

Architecture stratigraphique et flux sédimentaires sur la marge Sud du golfe de Corinthe (Grèce) : Analyse de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et numériques (Thèse soutenue le 2 février 2007)

Rohais, Sébastien 02 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est de caractériser l'évolution du flux sédimentaire sur la marge sud du golfe de Corinthe, avec un aller-retour entre données de terrain, modélisations expérimentales et modélisations numériques. L'acquisition de données de terrain a permis d'établir l'évolution tectono-sédimentaire du rift de Corinthe dans le contexte climatique et eustatique bien contraint du Plio-Pléistocène. Les simulations numériques stratigraphiques (DIONISOS) ont ensuite permis de valider ce modèle d'évolution, de quantifier les flux sédimentaires et de discuter des facteurs de contrôle de l'architecture stratigraphique à différentes échelles de temps et d'espace. Les modélisations expérimentales ont enfin permis de discuter des facteurs de contrôle des flux sédimentaires et de leurs enregistrements dans les corps sédimentaires.

Pleins étiquetages et configurations équilibrées : aspects topologiques de l'Optimisation Combinatoire

Meunier, Frédéric 15 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse traite principalement des contreparties combinatoires et constructives de certains théorèmes d'optimisation combinatoire qui font appel à des outils de topologie algébrique. Des généralisations des lemmes de Sperner et des formules combinatoires de Ky Fan sont proposées, ainsi que des applications à la coloration des graphes de Kneser et au célèbre problème du partage équitable du collier. Un problème d'ordonnancement lié à ce dernier problème est également abordé. Enfin, le dernier chapitre contient des résultats nouveaux pour les sigma-jeux (jeux de lampes) sur la grille.

Shelf-edge deltas : stratigraphic complexity and relationship to deep-water deposition

Dixon, Joshua Francis 08 November 2013 (has links)
This research investigates the character and significance of shelf-edge deltas within the sedimentary source-to-sink system, and how variability at the shelf edge leads to different styles of deep-water deposition. Because the shelf-edge represents one of the key entry points for terrigenous sediment to be delivered into the deep water, understanding of the sedimentary processes in operation at these locations, and the character of sediment transported through these deltas is critical to understanding of deep-water sedimentary systems. The research was carried out using three datasets: an outcrop dataset of 6000 m of measured sections from the Permian-Triassic Karoo Basin, South Africa, a 3D seismic data volume from the Eocene Northern Santos Basin, offshore Brazil and a dataset of 29 previously published descriptions of shelf-edge deltas from a variety of locations and data types. The data presented highlight the importance of sediment instability in the progradation of basin margins, and deep-water transport of sediment. The strata of the Karoo Basin shelf margin represent river-dominated delta deposits that become more deformed as the shelf-edge position is approached. At the shelf edge, basinward dipping, offlapping packages of soft-sediment-deformed and undeformed strata record repetitive collapse and re-establishment of shelf-edge mouth bar packages. The offlapping strata of the Karoo outcrops record progradation of the shelf margin through accretion of the shelf-edge delta, for over 1 km before subsequent transgression. The Eocene Northern Santos Basin shelf margin, in contrast, exhibits instability features which remove kilometers-wide wedges of the outer shelf that are transported to the basin floor to be deposited as mass-transport packages. In this example, shelf-edge progradation is achieved through „stable. accretion of mixed turbidites and contourites. The data also emphasize the importance of the role of shelf-edge delta processes in the delivery of sediment to the basin floor. A global dataset of 29 examples of shelf-edge systems strongly indicates that river domination of the shelf-edge system (as read from cores, well logs or isopach maps) serves as a more reliable predictor of deep-water sediment delivery and deposition than relative sea level fall as traditionally read in shelf-edge trajectories or sequence boundaries. / text

Energieffektivisering av luftbehandlingsaggregat : En kartläggning och energieffektivisering av luftbehandlingsaggregat

Mooshtak, Mohsen, Ekström, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport kommer att undersöka elanvändningen på ventilationsaggregaten i R-huset på Mälardalens högskola och även undersöka om byte av fläkt och motor i ventilationsaggregat vid eventuellt hög elanvändning är ekonomisk lönsamt. R-husets byggår är 1993 och har de mest uråldriga ventilationsaggregaten av skolans fastigheter. Ett ventilationsaggregats livslängd kan uppskattas mellan 20-30 år. Enligt undersökningar finns det stora möjligheter till energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i sektorn bostäder och service där ventilationsaggregat med föråldrad teknik och komponenter kan vara miljöbovar med hög elanvändning. En avgränsning i arbetet är att ventilationsaggregatet med högst specifik fläkt effekt (SFP) ska undersökas noggrant i form av energieffektivisering. Energieffektiviseringen kommer att begränsas till luftbehandlingsaggregatets fläktar och motorer. Kartläggning genomfördes med tryckmätningar på ventilationsaggregaten i R-huset och även el mätningar. El mätningarna behövdes för att beräkna den aktuella elanvändningen för fläktarna. Resultatet av den beräknade elanvändningen för vardera fläkt visade sig vara hög. Tryck mätningarna utfördes för att få fram tryckuppsättningen för fläktarna i aggregaten och vid beräkning av till- och frånluftsflöde. Tryckuppsättningen och flöde över fläktar behövdes vid val av ny fläkt och motor. Resultatet av kartläggningen visar att det totala SFP-värdet som står för den specifika fläkteffekten är höga i jämförelse vid nyproduktion där boverkets byggregler har krav på SFP-värde under 2,0 kW/(m3,s). Högsta SFP-värdet ligger på 4,4 kW/(m3/s) och en livscykelkostnad (LCC) utfördes för detta ventilationsaggregat. LCC-kalkylen baseras på en kalkylperiod på 10 år då på befintliga fläktar och motorer bedöms ha den livslängden. Kalkylräntan är satt till 9 %, energiprisökningen 5 % och detta ger en real kalkylränta på 4 %. Elpriset är valt till det aktuella på 0,80 kr/kWh. LCC-kalkylen visar att det inte är lönsamt att byta till nya fläktar och motorer. Payback metoden gav 12 års återbetalningstid vilket är länge i jämförelse med studerad litteraturstudie. En känslighetsanalys utfördes med ett fördubblat elpris och då blev det ekonomiskt lönsamt att byta befintliga fläktar och motorer till nya. / This report will examine the electricity consumption of the ventilation units in the R building at Mälardalen University and also investigate whether replacing the fan and motor in the ventilation unit with new combined fan and engine units in the event of high electricity consumption is economic profitable. The building was built in 1993 and has the oldest ventilation units of all properties at the university. A ventilation unit’s life can be estimated to last for 20-30 years. According to studies, there are major opportunities for energy efficiency measures in the residential and service sector, where ventilation systems with outdated technology and components can be energy wasters with high electricity consumption. A limitation of this work is that the ventilation unit with the highest Specific Fan Power (SFP) should be examined carefully in terms of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency will be limited to the air handling fans and motors. Mapping was conducted with pressure measurements in the ventilation units and also electrical measurements were done. Electricity measurements are needed to calculate the current electricity consumption of the fans. The result of the estimated power consumption of each fan was found to be high. Pressure measurements were performed to obtain the pressure of the fans in the units and to calculate supply and exhaust air flow. The pressure rise and flow of the fans are needed in order to select a new fan and motor. The result of the survey shows that the total SFP value is high in comparison with the new construction where Boverkets regulations requirements for SFP value is below 2.0. The highest SFP-value is 4.4 kW / (m3 / s) and a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) calculation was performed for that ventilation unit. The LCC calculation is based on a calculation time period of 10 years, where the existing fans and motors are predicted to last for 10 years. The discount rate is set at 9%, energy with a price increase of 5% and this gives a total discount rate of 4%. Electricity prices are up to date and are 0.80 SEK / kWh. LCC calculation shows that it is not profitable to switch to new fans and motors and as payback method gave a 12-year repayment period. A sensitivity analysis was performed with a redoubled electricity price and it then became economically viable to replace existing fans and motors with new ones.

The gossip industry : producing and distributing star images, celebrity gossip and entertainment news 1910-2010

Petersen, Anne Helen 02 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the industrial history of American-based celebrity gossip over century, beginning with the first Hollywood stars in the 1910s and reaching into “celebrified” culture of the 2010s. Gossip, broadly defined as discourse about a public figure produced and distributed for profit, can operate within the star’s good graces or completely outside of the Hollywood machine; it can be published in “old media” print and broadcast forms or online and on a phone. Regardless of form, tone, and content, gossip remains a crucial component of the ways in which star images are produced and consumed. The dissertation thus asks: how has the relationship between the gossip industry and Hollywood in general changed over the last century? And what implications do those changes have for stars, those who exploit their images, and media industries at large? / Not available / text

The Politics and Pedagogy of Young People's Digital Media Participation

Burwell, Catherine 05 January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I survey the terrain of digital interactions between youth, corporations and pop culture texts in order to complicate current visions of participatory culture. I argue that popular images of the empowered young users of a new digital democracy need to be complicated by asking questions about the politics of digital participation: about whose voices are heard, about where attention is centred, about how interactivity is defined, about who is rewarded for creative labour. The opening chapter introduces key issues within a critical examination of digital participation, including commodification, user agency and intellectual property. It also outlines my methodologies and my choice of research site – namely internet television, and the proliferation of corporate and youth practices around digitized television texts. The next two chapters provide case studies that identify and evaluate not only the interactions between corporate producers and young users, but also the power relations between the two. First, I analyze young women‘s video remixes of the program Gossip Girl. I consider the remixes as gendered texts that contribute new aesthetics and concerns, even as they reproduce dominant interpretations of contemporary girlhood. I also consider the distribution of the videos on YouTube, noting how their circulation simultaneously challenges corporate ownership and creates profit and promotion for those same corporate owners. Next, I examine interactions around the The Colbert Report. Focusing on the program‘s official discussion boards, I demonstrate how young fans have taken up Stephen Colbert‘s invitation to join in the parody by creating a vibrant, dialogic and rowdy community that has frequently come into conflict with Comedy Central producers. In their attempts to address these conflicts and create alternative spaces of their own, these young people gesture towards larger tensions over the control of public digital dialogue. The final chapter draws on my research and experience as a teacher to consider how these case studies might help us to frame our own educational projects. I call for a digital literacy curriculum that provides both a place for students to reflect on their daily activities within mediated environments and the opportunity to experiment with digital production.

Young Adult Literature 2.0: Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight and Digital Age Literary Practices

Skinner, Leah C. M. Unknown Date
No description available.

The Politics and Pedagogy of Young People's Digital Media Participation

Burwell, Catherine 05 January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I survey the terrain of digital interactions between youth, corporations and pop culture texts in order to complicate current visions of participatory culture. I argue that popular images of the empowered young users of a new digital democracy need to be complicated by asking questions about the politics of digital participation: about whose voices are heard, about where attention is centred, about how interactivity is defined, about who is rewarded for creative labour. The opening chapter introduces key issues within a critical examination of digital participation, including commodification, user agency and intellectual property. It also outlines my methodologies and my choice of research site – namely internet television, and the proliferation of corporate and youth practices around digitized television texts. The next two chapters provide case studies that identify and evaluate not only the interactions between corporate producers and young users, but also the power relations between the two. First, I analyze young women‘s video remixes of the program Gossip Girl. I consider the remixes as gendered texts that contribute new aesthetics and concerns, even as they reproduce dominant interpretations of contemporary girlhood. I also consider the distribution of the videos on YouTube, noting how their circulation simultaneously challenges corporate ownership and creates profit and promotion for those same corporate owners. Next, I examine interactions around the The Colbert Report. Focusing on the program‘s official discussion boards, I demonstrate how young fans have taken up Stephen Colbert‘s invitation to join in the parody by creating a vibrant, dialogic and rowdy community that has frequently come into conflict with Comedy Central producers. In their attempts to address these conflicts and create alternative spaces of their own, these young people gesture towards larger tensions over the control of public digital dialogue. The final chapter draws on my research and experience as a teacher to consider how these case studies might help us to frame our own educational projects. I call for a digital literacy curriculum that provides both a place for students to reflect on their daily activities within mediated environments and the opportunity to experiment with digital production.

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