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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turismo de base comunitária : análise quanto às interferências do turismo de pesca no Baixo Rio Branco, Roraima, Brasil

Vitório, Luciana de Souza 05 November 2014 (has links)
A região do baixo rio Branco está localizada ao sul do município de Caracaraí, no estado de Roraima, onde há mais de uma década vem se desenvolvendo atividades de turismo de pesca, dentro da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Xeriuini. A vila Terra Preta está inserida nesta APA e tem seus moradores contratados para trabalharem como guias de pesca na atividade turística. Este estudo tem como objetivos: identificar o perfil dos moradores da comunidade de Vila Terra Preta; avaliar qual o estágio de desenvolvimento da atividade de turismo de pesca praticada na região do Baixo Rio Branco; identificar as interferências causadas pela atividade de turismo de pesca que afetam as condições de vida dos residentes da Vila Terra Preta; analisar a receptividade e o envolvimento dos autóctones em relação às atividades desenvolvidas pelos operadores de turismo na região. Fez-se uso de questionário como instrumento de pesquisa exploratória com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, chegando a resultados que mostram interferências positivas quanto à geração de empregos e complemento de renda, mesmo que esses postos de trabalhos sejam temporários. Mas, por outro lado interferências prejudiciais à população de peixes devido aos equipamentos usados por turistas/pescadores, percebidas por alguns moradores. Também o turismo não tem contribuído para melhorias na infraestrutura da comunidade e em relação à gestão os entrevistados consideram-se excluídos dos processos de decisão e participação na organização da atividade turística. / The region of the lower Rio Branco is located south of the city of Caracaraí in the state of Roraima, where for more than a decade has been developing fishing tourism activities within the Environmental Protection Area (EPA) Xeriuini. The Vila Terra Preta is inserted in this EPA and its residents have hired to work as fishing guides in tourist activity. This study aims to: identify the profile of the residents of the Vila Terra Preta; assess what stage of development of the activity of fishing tourism practiced in the Lower Rio Branco region; identify the interference caused by the activity of fishing tourism that affect the living conditions of the residents of Vila Terra Preta; analyze the responsiveness and involvement of indigenous in relation to activities undertaken by tourism operators in the region. Made use of a questionnaire as a tool for exploratory research with quantitative and qualitative approach, achieving results that show positive interference as the generation of jobs and income supplement, even if those jobs are temporary jobs. But, on the other hand harmful interference to fish population due to the equipment used by tourists/fishermen, perceived by some locals. Also tourism has not contributed to improvements in community infrastructure and the management respondents consider themselves excluded from decision- making and participation in the organization of tourism.

Desenvolvimento de estruturas monolíticas de guias de ondas acoplados a micro-cavidades / Development of monolithic structures with waveguides coupled to microcavities

Barêa, Luís Alberto Mijam, 1982- 10 April 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Newton Cesário Frateschi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T01:57:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barea_LuisAlbertoMijam_M.pdf: 3934128 bytes, checksum: 9cd5c7861ac2af0dc42057f7f99ef89b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: As micro-cavidades ópticas são componentes essenciais em sistemas ópticos integrados, pois elas permitem capturar seletivamente, liberar e armazenar fótons, além de promoverem suas interações. Como exemplo, os micro-discos e micro-anéis são elementos que proporcionam tempos de vidas fotônicos extremamente longos, que podem ser utilizados tanto para filtros espectrais quanto para interações de fótons com alta eficiência não linear. Seu pequeno volume e seu alto tempo de vida fotônico são importantes para promoção eficiente de efeitos ópticos não lineares e, especialmente, o processo de mistura de quatro ondas com uma única freqüência de bombeio. No entanto, acoplar luz em um ressonador ainda é realizado com integrações híbridas utilizando fibras estranguladas. Nesta dissertação, nós apresentamos uma nova técnica para a fabricação de estruturas com ressonadores integrados monoliticamente a guias de ondas planares estrangulados, baseados em camadas de Si3N4/SiO2 depositadas sobre silício. Para isto, foi utilizada uma técnica que combina a nano fabricação, baseada em corrosões com um feixe de íons focalizados (FIB), com a técnica convencional de micro fabricação. Utilizando esta combinação, foi possível fabricar ressonadores acoplados a guias de ondas estrangulados e caracterizá-los. Para finalizar, nós observamos a geração de fótons em uma ressonância de um micro-anel devido ao efeito não linear de mistura de quatro ondas gerada pelo bombeio em uma ressonância subseqüente do anel / Abstract: Optical microcavities are essential components in optical integrated systems for they provide selective capture, release, and storage of photons as well as interaction with matter and other photons. As an example, micro-disks and micro-rings are elements that provide extremely long photon lifetime that can be used for spectral filtering as well for highly efficient non-linear photon interaction. For instance, its small volume and the high photonic lifetime are very important for the efficient promotion of nonlinear effects and, specially, the four wave-mixing (FWM) process with a single pumping frequency. However, coupling light to and from the resonator is still achieved with hybrid integration using tapered silica fibers. But, in this dissertation, we present a new technique for the fabrication of structures with monolithically integrated resonators and planar tapered waveguides, all based in Si3N4/SiO2 layers deposited on silicon. We use an approach that combines nano fabrication techniques based on focused ion beam (FIB) milling and conventional micro fabrication techniques. Using this approach, we could fabricate resonators coupled to tapered waveguides and characterize them. Finally, we observed the photon generation at a micro-ring resonance due to four-wave mixing generated by pumping at a subsequent micro-ring resonance / Mestrado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Mestre em Física

Fabricação e caracterização de guias de onda para amplificadores ópticos curtos com vidros germano-teluritos / Production and characterization of waveguides short for optical amplifiers with germane-tellurite glasses

Garcia Rivera, Victor Anthony 19 August 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Barbosa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T20:34:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GarciaRivera_VictorAnthony_M.pdf: 15268986 bytes, checksum: 03f47604e1a522457d30d9fa547a024d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Neste trabalho de pesquisa, reporto a fabricação e caracterização de vidros germano-telurito para amplificadores ópticos curtos. Estes são fabricados em guias de onda planar e canal pela técnica de troca iônica e fibra em vidro, dopados com altas concentrações de íons de Er3+ cuja composição é: 75TeO2 ¿ 2GeO2 ¿ (10+x)Na2O ¿ (12-x)ZnO ¿ 1Er2O3 (mol%, onde x=0, 2 e 5). São preparados guias multímodos e monomodos, as profundidades dos guias podem ser controladas pela variação do tempo e da temperatura no processo da troca iônica. Com o vidro de maior índice de refração consegui fabricar fibra óptica (só nucleo) e solda com outro vidro de menor índice de refração, pela técnica de fibra em vidro. A preparação dos vidros foi feita pela técnica convencional de fusão à temperatura de 7500C. Encontrou-se grande estabilidade térmica nos sistemas vítreos. Realizou-se as medidas de espectroscopia Raman, absorção, emissão e tempo de vida, onde se mostra a maior largura de banda de emissão dos vidros germano-teluritos dopados com íons Er3+ quando comparado com amplificadores comerciais feitos à base de vidros silicatos. Os vidros já polidos passaram pelo processo de fotolitografía, durante a fabricação dos guias de ondas se empregou a técnica de troca iônica dos íons Ag+. Na+, processo tomando por base a temperatura de início de cristalização Tg; neste processo os vidros foram submergidos num banho de sais que continha 2AgNaO3 ¿ 49NaNO3 ¿ 49KNO3. Os índices efetivos dos modos foram medidos pela técnica de acoplamento por prisma com o equipamento Metricom. Foram determinados o perfil do índice de refração e os parâmetros da difusão: coeficiente de difusão efetiva De e a energia de ativação ED. Conseguiu-se fabricar guias de onda planar e canais monomodos e multímodos pela técnica de troca iônica em vidros germano-teluritos dopados com altas concentrações de íons de Er3+. Empregando a técnica de fibra em vidro, consegui fabricar um guia de onda. Método totalemente novo que consiste na solda de uma fibra óptica (núcleo) com um substrato de menor índice de refração que é a casca para esta fibra mediante esta técnica. Neste processo deve-se ter em conta a região de temperatura Tg ¿ Tx, para evitar possiveis processos de cristalização no processo de solda da fibra óptica com o substrato / Abstract: In this work the production and characterization of germane-tellurite glasses for small optical amplifiers are reported. These materials were applied in the manufacture of planar e channel waveguide using the technique of ionic exchange in glasses and fiber on glass, doped with high concentrations of ions of Er3+ whose composition is: 75TeO2 ¿ 2GeO2 ¿ (10+x)Na2O - (12-x)ZnO ¿ 1Er2 O3 (mol%, x= 0, 2 e 5). Multimode and monomode guides have been prepared, and the depths of the guide can be controlled for the time and the temperature variation in the process of the ionic exchange. With the glass of high refraction index, manufacture of the optic fiber (only nucleus), and welding this with another glass of smaller refraction index were carried out for the fiber technique on glass purpose. The preparation of glasses was made by the conventional technique of fusing at the temperature of 7500C and glasses of great thermal stability were obtained characterization Raman, optical absorption, light emission and lifetime measurements were performed. The optical absorption of glasses doped tellurite with ions Er3+ has been considerably broader than those of the amplifiers of glass base silicate glasses. The polishing of glasses was done using the photo-lithographical process during the construction of the waveguides. The technique of Ag+. Na+ ion-exchange was applied near Tg and below Tx. In this process, the glasses have been submerged in a bath of melted 2AgNaO3 ¿ 49NaNO3 ¿ 49KNO3. The effective refraction index was measured by the coupled prism technique using the Metricom equipment. The refraction index profile and the diffusion parameters as the diffusion effective coefficient De and the energy of activation ED were determined. Planar monomode and multimode waveguide channel was manufactured using the ion-exchange technique in germane-tellurite glasses doped with high concentration of Er3+ ions. A new method of glass fiber preparation is introduced and consists of the soldering of a fiber optic (nucleus) to a substrate of smaller refraction index. In this process the temperature region between Tg and Tx was avoided in order to prevent against any possible crystallization soldering process / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física

Guias de onda por troca iônica em vidros teluritos dopados com íons de érbio / Planar waveguides by ionic exchange in glasses tellurite doped with ions of erbium

Ramos Gonzales, Roddy Elky 17 September 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Barbosa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T18:46:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RamosGonzales_RoddyElky_M.pdf: 6808680 bytes, checksum: 483930056f42b4b00eb9026433b70044 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / Resumo: Este trabalho informa a preparação de guias de onda planar por troca iônica em vidros teluritos dopado com íons de Érbio cujas composições são, 14Na2O-25W O3 - 60TeO2 - 1Er2O3 (mol%) e 2GeO2 - 10N a2O - 12ZnO - 75TeO2 - 1Er2 O3(mol%), foram preparados guias multimodos e monomodos, as profundidades dos guias podem ser controladas pela variação da temperatura e o tempo da troca iônica. Os vidros foram preparados pela técnica convencional de fusão. Os vidros foram cortados e as duas superfícies maiores foram polidas para a caracterização e para a troca iônica. A troca iônica Ag + - Na + foi realizada submergindo as amostras de vidro num banho de sais que continha 2AgN O3 - 49NaNO3 - 49KNO3 (%peso). As temperaturas de difusão foram de 290°C até 360°C e os tempos de difusão de 1h a 24h, dependendo do vidro. Os vidros foram quimicamente estáveis durante o processo da troca iônica. Os índices efetivos dos modos foram medidos pela técnica de acoplamento por prisma em 632,8nm, 1305,4nm e 1536nm na polarização TE. O perfil do índice foi calculado usando o método de WKB inverso e o perfil assumiu-se como uma função gaussiana. Dos perfis medidos das amostras a varias temperaturas e tempos, foram calculados os parâmetros da difusão: coeficientes de difusão efetiva De e sua dependência da temperatura assim como a energia de ativação ED / Abstract: This work reports the preparation of planar waveguides by ionic exchange in glasses tellurite doped with íons of erbium whose compositions are, 14Na2O-25W O3 - 60TeO2 - 1Er2O3 (mol%) and 2GeO2 - 10N a2O - 12ZnO - 75TeO2 - 1Er2 O3 (mol%), have been prepared multi-mode and single-mode waveguides, the depths of the waveguides can be controlled by the variation of ion-exchange temperatures and times. The glasses were prepared by a conventional melting and quenching technique. The glasses were cut and the two larger surfaces were polished for the ion-exchange and characterization. The Ag + - Na + ion-exchange was performed by submerging the glass samples in a molten salt bath containing 2AgN O3 - 49NaNO3 - 49KNO3 (%wt). The diffusion temperatures had been of 290°C to 360°C and diffusion times from 1h to 24h, depending on the glass. The glasses were chemically stable during the process of ion-exchange. The effective mode indices were measured by the prism coupler technique at 632,8nm, 1305,4nm and 1536nm at TE polarization. The index profile was calculated using the inverse WKB method and the profile by assuming as a gaussian function. From measured index profiles for the samples at various temperatures and times, were calculated the diffusion parameters, effective diffusion coefficients De and its temperature dependence as well as the activation energy ED / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física

Propagação de ondas usando modelos de elementos finitos de fatias de guias de ondas estruturais / Wave propgation using finite element models of structural waveguide slices

Nascimento, Rangel Ferreira do 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Roberto de França Arruda / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T08:53:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nascimento_RangelFerreirado_D.pdf: 7547341 bytes, checksum: 0793f0ff7763f81b44868f59db73aab6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta tese estuda e investiga o problema de propagação de ondas em estruturas periódicas usando o método de elemento espectral, a relação entre a matriz dinâmica e a matriz de transferência é mostrada para alguns casos, tais como, viga, barra, placa de Levy e modelo de Minddlin Hermman. A partir destas teorias, o método de propagação de ondas usando um modelo de elementos finitos de uma fatia do guia de ondas, WFEM é apresentado e o problema de prever os modos de propagação e os números de onda correspondentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar que usando o método WFEM e uma fatia do guia de onda modelado com elementos finitos sólido é possível construir elementos finitos espectrais para ser usado em guias de ondas homogêneos sem precisar de malha de refinamento. Tais elementos podem ser usados para modelar guias de ondas com seção transversal constante. A matriz de rigidez dinâmica para o elemento de barra elementar e para o elemento de viga de Euler Bernoulli são obtidos usando a formulação espectral padrão e obtidas usando uma fatia do guia de onda modelado pelo método FEM, são mostrados resultados do método proposto. / Abstract: This thesis, studies and investigates wave propagation problem in periodic structures using the spectral element method, the relation between the dynamic matrix and the transfer matrix is shown for some cases, such as, beam, bar, Levy plate and Mindlin-Herrmann's model. From these theories, the Wave Finite Element Method, WFEM is presented and the problem of predicting the wave propagation modes and the respective wavenumbers. The purpose of this work is to show that using the WFEM method and a slice of the waveguide modeled with solid finite elements, it is possible to develop spectral finite elements to be used in long homogeneous waveguides without the need of mesh refinement. Such elements can be used to model waveguides with constant cross section and long spans. The dynamic stiffness matrix of a simple rod and Bernoulli Euler beam element obtained using the standard spectral formulation and obtained via the FEM model of a slice are shown to be similar, thus validating the proposed method. / Doutorado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Guias de atletas com deficiência visual: estudo exploratório de motivações presentes nesta relação / Guides of blind and visually impaired athletes: an exploiting study of motivations present in this relation

Perez, Francisco Conejero 12 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:40:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Conejero Perez.pdf: 801025 bytes, checksum: 3cba376048227ee43a980b83351de97a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-12 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The objective of this study is to know the motivational profile of the guides that work with blind and visually impaired athletes. It aims to identify, analyze and describe a specific relation in the work of these guides and the factors that support it. A research of qualitative nature has been made in order to make it possible for the researcher to be in direct contact with the guides and, therefore, obtain accurate data about their motivations. A semi-structured interview has been made with four volunteer guides that work with blind and visually impaired athletes. The data have been submitted to an analysis of content in order to characterize their motivational profile, as well as their aim to help athletes, the consciousness of facing high motivational situations and mostly the perspective of social recognition that they experience and share with the blind and visually impaired athletes. This study emphasizes that the personal valorization experienced is not related in any way to the view of negative aspects in the partners. On the other hand, they are extremely critics in relation to some prejudiced manifestations they have faced in situations of competitions. The data also show that the described difficulties are related exclusively to the corporal movements with synchronism, pointing, thus, a content related to the physical activity, present, objectively, in the sporting events. In a view that privileges elements of the psychological comprehension of the development of the blind and visually impaired, risks of the establishment of relational distortions that imprint a hyper-protective bond and, consequently, disfavor the most creative and adequately independent experience of the athlete they are guiding could also be observed in the data. / Este estudo tem como objetivo conhecer o perfil motivacional de guias de atletas com deficiência visual. Propõe-se a identificar, analisar e descrever, no trabalho desses guias, uma relação específica e os fatores que a sustentam. Para isso realizou-se uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, o que possibilitou ao pesquisador um contato direto e, conseqüentemente, a obtenção de dados fiéis à expressão dos guias participantes, acerca de suas motivações para desenvolver seu trabalho. Foi realizada uma entrevista semi-estruturada com quatro guias voluntários, que desenvolvem suas atividades junto a instituições de prática esportiva de deficientes visuais. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, permitindo, além de caracterizar seu perfil motivacional, destacar a vontade de ajudar, a consciência de vivenciar situações altamente motivadoras e, principalmente, a perspectiva de reconhecimento social que os guias experimentam e compartilham com o atleta com deficiência visual. Ressalta-se que a valorização pessoal experimentada em momento algum mostrou-se vinculada à visão de aspectos negativos em seu parceiro, sendo, ao contrário, extremamente críticos em relação a algumas manifestações preconceituosas que já vivenciaram em situações de competição. Os dados mostraram ainda, que as dificuldades descritas referem-se predominantemente à movimentação corporal com sincronia, destacando, portanto, um conteúdo vinculado à atividade física, objetivamente presente na prática esportiva. Em uma visão que privilegia elementos da compreensão psicológica do desenvolvimento da pessoa com deficiência visual, observaram-se riscos de estabelecimento de distorções relacionais que imprimam um laço superprotetor e, conseqüentemente, desfavorecedor da expressão mais criativa e adequadamente independente do atleta que estão guiando.


Corrêa, Nivea Fernanda 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-18T18:19:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nivea Fernanda Correa.pdf: 9488427 bytes, checksum: d432cb6753ed95396a5af400756eea91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / in chains of coupled guides. These chains can serve of model for the propagation of solitons optics in directional couplers or micro-structuralized optics fibers. Systems of linearly coupled non linear Schrödinger equations had been used as theoretical model for these chains. The used numerical methods had been the split- step Fourier method and the orthogonal collocation method. The process of transference of energy between guides was characterized by the transmittance in function of the coupling factor, length of the guide and the power of entrance. In the mapping of the transmittance the diverse regions of parameters with its different behaviors had been identified. The threshold of power and the length of coupling had been gotten. The conclusions on the chains had been made on the basis of the analysis of the results in function of the total number of guides, the number of intermediate and peripheral guides and of the arrangement of couplings. For coupling arrangement the changes in the transmittances had the same been significant when the total number of guides varies, therefore it diminished the coupling length and the power threshold increased with the number of guides. Chains with same total number of guides, but with arrangements of distinct couplings had presented transmittances with clear differences in the chains of the type opened in relation to too many. The increase of the number of couplings between the guides led to an increase of the value of the power threshold, while the values of coupling length had not presented significant variations. / ópticos em cadeias de guias acoplados. Essas cadeias podem servir de modelo para a propagação de solitons ópticos em acopladores direcionais ou fibras ópticas micro-estruturadas. Sistemas de equações não lineares de Schrödinger acopladas linearmente foram utilizados como modelo teórico para essas cadeias. Os métodos numéricos utilizados foram o método de Fourier com passo dividido e o método da colocação ortogonal. O processo de transferência de energia entre guias foi caracterizado pela transmitância em função do fator de acoplamento, comprimento do guia e da potência de entrada. No mapeamento da transmitância foram identificadas as diversas regiões de parâmetros com seus diferentes comportamentos. O limiar de potência e o comprimento de acoplamento foram obtidos. As conclusões sobre as cadeias foram feitas com base na análise dos resultados em função do número total de guias, do número de guias intermediários e periféricos e do arranjo de acoplamentos. Para o mesmo arranjo de acoplamento as mudanças nas transmitâncias foram significativas quando o número total de guias varia, pois diminuiu o comprimento de acoplamento e o limiar de potência aumentou com o número de guias. Cadeias com mesmo número total de guias, mas com arranjos de acoplamentos distintos apresentaram transmitâncias com nítidas diferenças nas cadeias do tipo aberta em relação às demais. O aumento do número de acoplamentos entre os guias levou a um aumento do valor do limiar de potência, enquanto os valores de comprimento de acoplamento não apresentaram variações significativas.

Technological support for graphical user interface development in large-scale enterprises

Sjelvgren, Helen January 2006 (has links)
The graphical user interface for a software system has several important roles to fulfill. It shall serve the end users in their interactions with the system and it shall act as a front for the system. It is an advantage if the graphical user interface gives the receiver confidence and inspiration to use the system. Consistency and usability in graphical and technical design are important qualities and aspects that influence the receiver’s opinion of a graphical user interface and additionally the whole system. Moreover when there is a suite of proprietary systems from one supplier, the different application user interfaces shall provide for a homogeneous and familiar impression. The graphical user interface gives furthermore a possibility to confirm brand recognition for the software producer. It is a great challenge for a large-scale enterprise to develop and deliver comprehensive software systems with a common expression and consistency in the different graphical user interfaces. In order for large-scale enterprises to succeed in such activities, it is necessary to coordinate and integrate the development of user interfaces. The focus of this thesis is, consequently, to investigate how technological support for graphical user interface development in large-scale enterprises can contribute to this and support user interface designers and developers in a large-scale enterprise when the product portfolio is widespread. The contributions of the thesis work are presented as a number of observations and the observations as such are summarized in a case study. Moreover, the thesis proposes a technological concept for a large-scale software enterprise, where the aim is to support a common and coordinated way of working with enterprise development of graphical user interfaces.

Lumière lente dans les guides à cristaux photoniques pour l'interaction renforcée avec la matière / Slow light in photonic crystal waveguides for reinforced interaction with matter

Zang, Xiaorun 29 September 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'impact considérable de désordre aléatoire sur le transport de la lumière lente dans les guides à cristaux photoniques 1D, c'est-à-dire la localisation de la lumière. Les mesures en champ proche, les simulations statistiques et le modèle théorique révèlent l'existence d'une limite inférieure de l’extension spatiale des modes localisés. Nous avons également présenté que le niveau de désordre et l’extension spatiale de mode localisé individuelle sont liés par la masse effective de photons plutôt que la vitesse de groupe considérant en général.Deuxièmement, les systèmes hybrides d'atomes froids et des guides à cristaux photoniques ont été reconnus comme un approche prometteuse pour l'ingénierie grande interaction lumière-matière au niveau des atomes et des photons individuels. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié la physique, à savoir le transport de la lumière dans des guides de nanophotonique périodiques couplées à des atomes à deux niveaux. Notre expression semi-analytique développée est générale et peut rapidement caractériser le couplage entre les atomes froids et les photons guidées. Pour surmonter les difficultés techniques considérables existent dans les systèmes hybrides atomique et photonique, nous avons conçu un guide nanophotonique qui supporte un mode de Bloch lente guidée avec grande queue évanescente dans l'espace libre pour les atomes froids de piégeage. Pour adapter précisément la région de fréquence de la lumière lente du mode guidé à la ligne de transition atomique, nous avons conçu la bande photonique et de la courbe de dispersion du mode guidé afin que la force de l'interaction est robuste contre imprévisible fabrication imperfection. / In this thesis, we firstly investigated the striking influence of random disorder on light transport near band edges in one dimensional photonic crystal wave guides, i.e. light localization. Near-field measurements, statistical simulations and theoretical model revealed the existence of a lower bound for the spatial extent of localized modes. We also showed that the disorder level and the spatial extent of individual localized mode is linked by the photon effective mass rather than the generally considered group velocity. Secondly, hybrid cold atoms and photonic crystal wave guides system have been recognized as a promising paradigm for engineering large light-matter interaction at single atoms and photons level. In this thesis, we studied the basic physics, i.e. light transport in periodic nanophotonic wave guides coupled to two-level atoms. Our developed general semi-analytical expression can quickly characterize the coupling between cold atoms and guided photons. Aim to overcome the significant technical challenges existed for developing hybrid atom-photonic systems, we designed a nanophotonic waveguide, which supports a slow guided Bloch mode with large evanescent tail in free space for cold atoms trapping (release the limitation imposed by Casmir Polder force and technical challenge of nanoscale manipulation of cold atoms). To match precisely the slow light region of the guided mode to the atomic transition line, we carefully engineered the photonic band and the dispersion curve (i.e.flatness) of the guided mode so that the interaction strength is robust against unpredictable fabrication imperfection.

SiGe/Si Microwave Photonic devices and Interconnects towards Silicon-based full Optical Links / SiGe / Si micro-ondes photoniques Phototransistors et interconnexions vers Silicon-base tous les liens optiques

Tegegne, Zerihun 11 May 2016 (has links)
Avec la croissance forte de ces dernières années des objets connectés les technologies de communication optique et radio voient davantage d’opportunités de s’associer et se combiner dans des technologies bas-couts Photoniques-Microondes (MWP). Les réseaux domestiques en sont un exemple. La bande millimétrique notamment, de 57GHz à 67GHz, est utilisé pour contenir les exigences des communications sans fils très haut-débit, néanmoins, la couverture de ces systèmes wireless est limitée en intérieur (indoor) essentiellement à une seule pièce, à la fois du fait de l’atténuation forte de l’atmosphère dans cette bande de fréquence, mais aussi de fait de l’absorption et de la réflexion des murs. Ainsi il nécessaire de déployer une infrastructure pour diffuser l’information au travers d’un système d’antennes distribuées. Les technologiques optiques et photoniques-microondes sont une des solutions envisagées. Les technologies MWP se sont également étendues et couvrent une gamme très large d’applications incluant les communications mobiles 5G, les analyses biomédicales, les communications courtes-distances (datacom), le traitement de signal par voie optique et les interconnexions dans les véhicules et aéronefs. Beaucoup de ces applications requièrent de la rapidité, de la bande-passante et une grande dynamique à la fois, en même temps de demander des dispositifs compacts, légers et à faible consommation. Le cout d’implémentation est de plus un critère essentiel à leur déploiement, en particulier dans l’environnement domestique ainsi que dans d’autres applications variées des technologies MWP.Ce travail de thèse vise ainsi le développement de composants photonique-microondes (MPW) intégrés en technologie BiCMOS ou Bipolaire SiGe/Si, à très bas coût, incluant les phototransistors bipolaires à hétérojonctions (HPT) SiGe/Si, les Diodes Electro-Luminescentes (LED) Si et SiGe, ainsi que l’intégration combinées des composants optoélectroniques et microondes, pour l’ensemble des applications impliquant des courtes longueurs d’ondes (de 750nm à 950nm typiquement).Ces travaux se concentrent ainsi sur les points suivants :La meilleure compréhension de phototransistors SiGe/Si latéraux et verticaux conçus dans une technologie HBT SiGe 80GHz de Telefunken GmbH. Nous traçons des conclusions sur les performances optimales du phototransistor. Les effets de photodétection du substrat et de la dispersion spatiale des flux de porteurs sont analysés expérimentalement. Cette étude aide à développer des règles de dessin pour améliorer les performances fréquentielles du phototransistor HPT pour les applications visées.Dans l’objectif de développer de futures interconnexions intra- et inter- puces, nous concevons des lignes de transmissions faibles-pertes et des guides d’ondes optiques polymères sur Silicium faible résistivité. Il s’agit d’une étape afin d’envisager des plateformes Silicium dans lesquelles les HPT SiGe pourront potentiellement être intégrés de manière performante à très bas coût avec d’autres structures telles que des lasers à émission par la surface (VCSEL), afin de construire un transpondeur optique complet sur une interface Silicium. Le polymère est utilisé comme une interface diélectrique entre les lignes de transmission et le substrat, pour les interconnexions électriques, et pour définir le gain du guide d’onde optique dans les interconnexions optiques.La conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation du premier lien photonique-microonde sur puce Silicium sont menées en se basant sur la même technologie HBT SiGe 80GHz de Telefunken dans la gamme de longueur d’onde 0,65µm-0,85µm. Ce lien optique complétement intégré combine des LEDS Silicium en régime d’avalanche (Si Av LED), des guides d’ondes optiques Nitrure et Silice ainsi qu’un phototransistor SiGe. Un tel dispositif pourrait permettre d’accueillir à l’avenir des communications sur-puce, de systèmes micro-fluidiques et des applications d’analyse biochimiques / With the recent explosive growth of connected objects, for example in Home Area Networks, the wireless and optical communication technologies see more opportunity to merge with low cost MicroWave Photonic (MWP) technologies. Millimeter frequency band from 57GHz to 67GHz is used to accommodate the very high speed wireless data communication requirements. However, the coverage distance of these wireless systems is limited to few meters (10m). The propagation is then limiting to a single room mostly, due to both the high propagation attenuation of signals in this frequency range and to the wall absorption and reflections. Therefore, an infrastructure is needed to lead the signal to the distributed antennas configuration through MWP technology. Moreover, MWP technology has recently extended to address a considerable number of novel applications including 5G mobile communication, biomedical analysis, Datacom, optical signal processing and for interconnection in vehicles and airplanes. Many of these application areas also demand high speed, bandwidth and dynamic range at the same time they require devices that are small, light and low power consuming. Furthermore, implementation cost is a key consideration for the deployment of such MWP systems in home environment and various integrated MWP application.This PhD deals with very cheap, Bipolar or BiCMOS integrated SiGe/Si MWP devices such as SiGe HPTs, Si LEDs and SiGe LEDs, and focused on the combined integration of mm wave and optoelectronic devices for various applications involving short wavelength links (750nm to 950nm).This research focused on the study of the following points:The better understanding of vertical and lateral illuminated SiGe phototransistors designed in a 80 GHz Telefunken GmbH SiGe HBT technology. We draw conclusions on the optimal performances of the phototransistor. The light sensitive Si substrate and two-dimensional carrier flow effects on SiGe phototransistor performance are investigated. This study helps to derive design rules to improve frequency behavior of the HPT for the targeted applications.For future intra /inter chip hybrid interconnections, we design polymer based low loss microwave transmission lines and optical waveguides on low resistive silicon substrate. It is a step to envisage further Silicon based platforms where SiGe HPT could be integrated at ultra-low cost and high performances with other structures such high-speed VCSEL to build up a complete optical transceiver on a Silicon optical interposer. The polymer is used as dielectric interface between the line and the substrate for electrical interconnections and to design the core and cladding of the optical waveguide.The design, fabrication and characterization of the first on-chip microwave photonic links at mid infrared wavelength (0.65-0.85μm) based on 80 GHz Telefunken GmbH SiGe HBT technological processes. The full optical link combines Silicon Avalanche based Light Emitting Devices (Si Av LEDs), silicon nitride based waveguides and SiGe HPT. Such device could permit hosting microfluidic systems, on chip data communication and bio-chemical analysis applications

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