Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] HETERONORMATIVITY"" "subject:"[enn] HETERONORMATIVITY""
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Idrottsledare och HBTQ : Perspektiv på diskriminering, medvetenhet och normer i ungdomsidrottenByström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Many athletes experience homophobia in sport environments and lgbtq is a rather invisibletopic in organized sport. The purpose with the study was to investigate coaches’ perspective ondiscrimination and heteronormativity in youth sport. Another purpose was to examine howcoaches perceived their own awareness about lgbtq. The result is based on seven semistructuredinterviews with coaches from four different sports and five different sport clubs. Firstof all, results showed that the role as a coach involved two main tasks. These were, education inthe specific sport and social education. The result also showed that discrimination based onsexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression was said to be unusual from thecoaches’ perspective. One coach experienced that discrimination had occurred to one of theplayers in his team. The coach from the opposing team argued that the player in the girls’ teamwas actually a boy, because of the person’s appearance and skills in floorball. Coachesexperienced that their own awareness about lgbtq could improve and those with sometheoretical knowledge about heteronormativity hadn’t implemented that in the role as a coach.Regarding lgbtq, the result from the interviews also showed that coaches’ awareness wasinadequate in some aspects, which affected how situations were handled. For example ifnegative language about lgbtq occurred it was many times seen as harmless and didn’t result inconsequences from coaches. Negative languages about lgbtq were more or less normalized in allof the boy’s teams. At the same time lgbtq was not a subject that had been brought up in thetraining groups, between coaches, in the sport clubs or in coaches’ education. One possibleconclusion to the ”invisibility” of lgbtq in the sport environments may be highly connected to alack of awareness. For instance, problems in this context were principally connected to anindividual who was discriminated against or treated badly.
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Reinventando gêneros: uma cartografia da cena performativa-política de Fortaleza / Reinventing genders: a cartography of Fortaleza\'s performative-political scene.Farias Junior, Manoel Moacir Rocha 11 April 2019 (has links)
Este estudo busca analisar alguns trabalhos da cena contemporânea de Fortaleza, que discutem de algum modo as questões de gênero e reconfiguram seus padrões de representação. O foco da pesquisa é o que chamaremos de cena performativa-política, com suporte teórico dos estudos do teatro contemporâneo e da performance, da teoria queer e da filosofia. Nesse sentido procuraremos estabelecer relações entre nossos objetos e o pensamento de autores distintos dos campos dos estudos performativos e de gênero, como Taylor, Fischer-Lichte, Caballero, Dubatti, Turner, Butler, Preciado, Halberstam, Louro, Gadelha, Martins, Leal, Coelho; além de filósofos como: Foucault, Artaud, Agamben e Didi-Huberman, para citar alguns. Num primeiro momento, procuraremos situar nossa pesquisa a partir do que propõem alguns desses pensadores em relação ao contexto nacional e local, sobretudo a partir do diálogo com pesquisadores como Ramos, Fernandes, Mostaço, Yamamotho, Castro, Costa e Honório, por exemplo. Num segundo momento, analisaremos as \"respostas gays\" pelo teatro, sobretudo a partir dos anos 1970, com foco na análise do espetáculo Caio e Léo, encenado pelo Outro Grupo de Teatro. Em seguida, buscaremos ver como se desconstroem imagens do chamado \"universo feminino\" em algumas encenações e sobretudo no espetáculo Corpornô, da Cia. Dita. Por fim, observaremos a criação de \"transtopias\" e remixagens no trabalho do coletivo As travestidas, com foco na encenação de BR-Trans. Ao longo dos capítulos, teremos uma seção de provocações críticas e, ao final, buscaremos responder à questão sobre como esses processos (e os demais vistos brevemente) podem reagir à heteronormatividade / This study aims to analyze some works from the Fortaleza´s contemporary scene, which discuss gender issues and reconfigure its patterns of representation in any way. The focus of this research is what we will call a performative-political scene, with theoretical support from studies of contemporary theater and performance, queer theory and philosophy. In this sense, we will try to establish relations between our objects and the thought of different authors from the performative ande gender areas, such as: Taylor, Fischer-Lichte, Caballero, Dubatti, Turner, Butler, Halberstam, Louro, Gadelha, Martins, Leal, Coelho; and philosophers as: Foucault, Artaud, Agamben and Didi-Huberman. to name a few. At first, we will seek to situate our research from what some of these thinkers propose in relation to the national and local context, especially from the dialogue with researchers such as Ramos, Fernandes, Mostaço, Yamamotho, Castro, Costa and Honório, for example. In a second moment, we will analyze the \"gay answers\" by the theater, especially from the 1970s, focusing on the analysis of the play Caio and Léo, staged by Outro Grupo de Teatro. Then, we try to see how images of the so-called \"female universe\" are deconstructed in some scenarios and especially in the performance Corpornô, by Cia. Dita. Finally, we will observe the creation of \"transtopias\" and remixes in the work of the collective As travestidas, focusing on the staging of BR-Trans. Throughout the chapters, we will have a section of critical provocations and, in the end, we will try to answer the question about how these processes (and the others seen briefly) can react to heteronormativity.
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Impactos da heteronormatividade sobre a conjugalidade lésbica: uma análise psicanalítica a partir do relato de mulheres separadas / Not informed by the authorEsteca, Fabiana Mara 01 July 2016 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a compreender em profundidade o significado da imposição heteronormativa na constituição subjetiva de mulheres que se revelaram lésbicas, bem como as influências dessa interface sobre o estabelecimento e ruptura do vínculo conjugal homoafetivo, tendo como base os referenciais psicanalíticos e as teorias de gênero. Para tanto, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas, com paulistanas de classe média ou média alta, com idades variando entre 31 e 58 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de entrevistas semi-dirigidas, por meio de uma metodologia qualitativa. Observou-se que todas as entrevistadas foram vítimas de preconceitos e discriminações ao longo da vida e em maior intensidade dentro do núcleo familiar, situação que causou maior sofrimento. Das cinco entrevistadas, quatro relataram ter tido problemas de rejeição na família nuclear após a revelação da homossexualidade. Contudo, esta situação se reverteu após algum período de tempo, com exceção de apenas um caso. Pode-se destacar que a relação da família com a homossexualidade influenciou, direta ou indiretamente, decisões importantes na vida pessoal e amorosa, como por exemplo, a escolha por viver em grandes centros urbanos, na maioria dos casos longe da cidade natal ou da família. De acordo com o material analisado é possível perceber que a transmissão da herança familiar acerca dos valores e julgamentos prévios da homossexualidade, bem como da idealização da heterossexualidade, repercutem no processo de autoafirmação, nos modos de enfrentamento do preconceito e na conjugalidade. Observou-se que o preconceito representa um fator importante para compreender as especificidades da relação lésbica, ainda que não tenha sido referenciado como o causador direto de conflitos ou da separação. A principal queixa encontrada esteve na disparidade de autoaceitação entre as parceiras. A intensidade da reação da(s) mãe(s) frente à descoberta da homossexualidade da(s) filha(s) foi algo recorrente, por vezes envolvendo discriminação intensa, hostilidade e até violência física contra as filhas. Este fator despertou novas indagações e merece ser mais bem investigado, ficando enquanto sugestão para estudos futuros / This studys goal was to to understand in depth the meaning of the heteronormative imposition on the subjective constitution of women who revealed themselves as lesbians, as well as this interfaces influences on the establishment and rupture of homoaffective marital bond, based on the psychoanalytical references and gender theories. For that, five interviews were conducted with middle or upper middle class from São Paulo, aged between 31 and 58 years. Data collection was conducted using semi-structured interviews, with a qualitative methodology. It was observed that all interviewees were victims of prejudice and discrimination throughout their lives and more severe within their family, a situation that increased suffering. Of the five interviewees, four reported having had rejection issues in their nuclear families after the revelation of homosexuality. However, this situation was reversed after a period of time, except for one case only. It may be noted that the family relationship with homosexuality influenced, directly or indirectly, on important decisions in personal and love life, such as the choice to live in large urban centres, in most cases away from hometown or family. According to the analysed material, it is possible to conclude that the transmission of the family inheritance regarding values and previous judgments of homosexuality, as well as the idealization of heterosexuality, reverberate in the self-affirmation process, in ways of coping with prejudice, and conjugality. It was observed that prejudice is an important factor to understand the specifics of the lesbian relationship, even though it has not been referred to as the direct cause of conflict or separation. The main complaint found was in the disparity of self-acceptance between the partners. The intensity of the reaction from the mother(s) upon the discovery of the daughter(s)s homosexuality was recurrent, sometimes involving intense discrimination, hostility and even physical violence against the daughters. This factor conveyed new questions and deserves to be further investigated, featuring as suggestions for future studies
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"Allt annat än ett ja..." : En genusvetenskaplig analys av det sexuella samtyckets konstruktion i lagstiftningsprocessens publikationerBroqvist, Hilda January 2019 (has links)
In 2014, the Swedish Government decided to review the sexual offences legislation, in order to introduce a consent-based regulation. The main argument in support of a consent-based legislation is that it will change the norms and attitudes regarding gender and sexuality, thereby decreasing the occurrence of sexual violence in society. A consent-based legislation emphasizes the importance of sexual consent within sexual relations, thus giving such legislation a potential to construct a more just and gender-equal sexual culture. Sexual consent is, however, not reducible to a simply “yes” but rather consisting of different elements and dependent on the context in which it is communicated. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the sexual consent is constructed in the publications included in the legislative process and analyze this construction from a heteronormative perspective. Using the sexual script theory developed by John Gagnon and William Simon demonstrates how sexual consent is constructed in terms of which subject consents to what acts in what context and to what purpose. Analysing the construction of sexual consent from a heteronormative perspective demonstrates how the consent-based legislation both challenge and reproduce normative ideas of sex and sexual culture. Examining the construction of sexual consent through script theory demonstrates how heteronormative understandings of sexual acts and subjects influence the understanding of which subjects are able to consent to what actions. The construction of consent is characterized by a division between the legislative understanding of sexual offences as a crime against a genderless individual, and a gendered understanding of sexual violence as a part of men’s violence against women. In theory, there is a clear understanding of the difference between consensual and non-consensual sex, but when situated in a heteronormative context these two becomes harder to separate. Therefor, the potential of challenging normative understandings of sexuality of gender seems limited, even though it takes further research in order to establish the actual effects of the legislation.
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Homens parceiros de transexuais: diálogo fenomenológico de vivências afetivo-sexuais / Men in a relationship with a transsexual: a phenomenological dialogue of affective-sexual experiences.Soares, Milene 20 April 2012 (has links)
Na presente dissertação, buscamos situar e (re)conhecer as características típicas do cenário contemporâneo por acreditar que a visibilidade do fenômeno Como são as vivências afetivo- sexuais de homens parceiros de transexuais? encontrou possibilidade de manifestação no contexto da pós-modernidade. Em seguida, mergulhamos nos horizontes em que as diversidades afetivo-sexuais vêm sendo investigadas pelas diferentes áreas do conhecimento científico, tais como a psiquiatria, a sociologia, a psicologia etc. E, apoiadas nesse arcabouço de conhecimento, elegemos a perspectiva da fenomenologia merleaupontyana com o intuito de compreender o existir humano da perspectiva mundana da encarnação corporal e de intersubjetividade. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer a história de vida de homens que se relacionam com transexuais para compreender os significados atribuídos por eles às suas vivências afetivo-sexuais. Para realizar tal intento entrevistamos cinco homens que se relacionam com transexuais a partir da questão norteadora: Fale para mim acerca de seus relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais no decorrer de sua vida. Para a análise dos relatos, utilizamos a metodologia qualitativa fenomenológica, que consiste na leitura e releitura dos relatos, discriminação das unidades de significados, elaboração de categorias e identificação das convergências e divergências nos discursos. A compreensão dos relatos foi feita a partir da perspectiva merleupontyana num interdiálogo com perspectivas teóricas biológicas, psicológicas e sócio-culturais. Na análise dos relatos, foram destacadas as seguintes categorias de significados: 1) Nos horizontes da família; 2) Vivências heteroafetivas-sexuais; 3) Vivências homoafetivas-sexuais; 4) Transições e descobertas: orientação e identidade sexual; 5) Nos horizontes da homofobia; 6) A vivência afetivo-sexual com uma transexual; 7) Projeto de vida. Encontramos que a vivência de um relacionamento afetivo-sexual contribui para importantes esferas de produção de sentido existencial, como a construção de um modo conjunto de ver o mundo e se ver enquanto indivíduo. Dar voz aos parceiros de transexuais contribui para deslocar o paradigma da heteronormatividade responsável pelas angústias, medos e estigmas por eles vivenciados enquanto se possibilita a visibilidade das múltiplas possibilidades de vivência da sexualidade. / The present work seeks to locate and recognize/learn characteristics that are typical of the contemporaneity once we believe the visibility of such phenomena as What are the affective- sexual experiences of t-lovers? has been enabled in the post-modern scenario. We then dive into the horizons in which the affective-social diversities have been investigated by the various fields of knowledge, as psychiatry, sociology, psychology etc. Supported by such knowledge base, we elected the phenomenological perspective of Merleau-Ponty as to understand humane existence from the world perspective of body reincarnation and subjectivity. Therefore, we aim to learn the life history of those men who maintain a relationship with transsexuals with the objective of understanding the meanings they attribute to their affective-sexual experiences. We thus interviewed five men in a current relationship with a transsexual to report their views triggered by the following prompt: Tell me about your affective-sexual relationships along the years. We analyzed these mens reports through the qualitative phenomenological methodology, which consists of reading and rereading the reports, identifying the units of meaning, establishing the analysis categories and identifying the convergent and divergent aspects among our collaborators reports. The reports were analyzed through the perspective of Merleu-Ponty in an interdialogue with the biological, psychological and social-cultural theoretical perspectives, among others. The following units of meaning emerged from the reports: 1) In the familys horizon 2) Heteroaffective-sexual experiences; 3) Homoaffective-sexual experiences 4) Transits and discoveries: sexual orientation and identity; 5) In the horizons of homophobia; 6) The affective-sexual experience with a transsexual; 7) Life projects. We found that the experience of an affective-sexual relationship contributes to important spheres of production of existential meaning, such as the creation of a set of ways of regarding the world and oneself as an individual. Moreover, granting t-lovers a voice contributes to displacing the heteronormativity paradigm generator of the anguishes, fears and stigmas they experience as we enable the visibility of the multiplicity of sexual experiences.
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(AS)Sexualidades: processo de subjetivação e resistênciaSantos, Valéria Konc dos 03 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-11-29T11:28:42Z
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Valéria Konc dos Santos.pdf: 727860 bytes, checksum: 8d8b61e24491b13f861608825f5e02cc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-29T11:28:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The term asexuality is understood in this work as a sexuality array characterized by
the absence of sexual attraction or/and sexual activity. Asexuality has become of
popular interest over the last years as the mainstream media has given some
attention to the subject. Seen as a “novelty” in sexual multiplicities, it still needs
further research. This dissertation embraces a theoretical investigation, approaching
the locus of communities in virtual space and support forums. It addresses the
problem of conceptualization and apprehension of asexuality in a context which
many of its features are tangled in essentialist discourses (that define it as a fourth
sexual orientation), political and identity discourses (especially when it becomes a
movement fighting for recognition — observed in the major asexual communities), or
in subject's singular processes. On the other hand, it also can be problematized
through the queer approach directed at deconstructing and subverting heteronormative
sexuality, as asexuality phenomena also strengthens the struggle and
creation of that “new” that disturbs the status quo. People who think of themselves as
asexual are beyond the limits of normative sexuality. They affirm that their condition
is not a result of trauma, sexual repression, hormonal problems, religious choice, or
explained by any other regulatory discourse. Thus, the discussion proposed here
indicates that asexual people show rhizomatic and polymorphic sexuality. Although
asexuality is encompassed in historical and social conditions that still nourish
conservative and colonial thoughts, the conclusion of this work suggests that
sexuality may be viewed as a line of flight and, therefore, it entails a micro-political
force that struggles to prevent its own suppression as well as its weakening / humana caracterizada pela ausência de atração sexual e/ou ato sexual, vêm se
popularizando nas grandes mídias, causando curiosidade e estranheza. Por ser
considerada uma “novidade” dentro das multiplicidades sexuais, a assexualidade
ainda carece de estudos mais profundos sobre o tema. Esta dissertação faz uma
revisão bibliográfica, enfatizando o espaço virtual, lócus de comunidades e fóruns de
apoio entre seus membros. A análise sobre o tema, discute sua difícil conceituação
e entendimento, sobretudo porque vários aspectos se fundem a discursos
essencialistas (quando é caracterizada como uma quarta orientação sexual),
políticos e identitários (sobretudo quando se torna um movimento que luta por
reconhecimento, tal como observado nas principais comunidades assexuais), até
aos processos singulares do sujeito. Por outro lado, também pode ser
problematizada através da abordagem queer, que atua na desestabilização e
desconstrução da sexualidade heteronormativa, princípio que também se aplica a
assexualidade enquanto um fenômeno que atua na resistência e na criação de um
“novo” que perturbe o status quo. As pessoas que se autodenominam como
assexuais, fogem do padrão da sexualidade normativa e enfatizam que sua
condição como tal não está atrelada a traumas, repressão sexual, problema
hormonal, escolha religiosa ou qualquer outro discurso regulatório. Desse modo, a
discussão provocada sugere que os assexuais apresentam uma sexualidade
rizomática e polimorfa. E a conclusão compreende que a assexualidade, apesar de
estar elencado a fatores históricos e sociais de uma sociedade que ainda exibe
resquícios de um pensamento conservador e colonial, também é uma linha de fuga
e, nesse sentido, se modela como uma força micropolítica, que busca não permitir
seu esmagamento e tampouco seu esvaecimento
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Do glamour à política: Janaína Dutra em meandros heteronormativos / From glamor to politics: Janaína Dutra in heteronormative meandersSampaio, Juciana de Oliveira 13 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-08T18:30:04Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
JucianaSampaio.pdf: 10195695 bytes, checksum: d1cd06b6cf6f41e5a3d8b3f47216ff9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-08T18:30:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JucianaSampaio.pdf: 10195695 bytes, checksum: d1cd06b6cf6f41e5a3d8b3f47216ff9c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-07-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / This thesis focuses on the discussion of the constitution of travestis in the midst of the heteronormativity, analyzing social processes of development of knowledge, categorizations and practices aimed to summarize the experience of these subjects in their gender performances, with centrality in the life experience of Janaina Dutra (1960 -2004), an activist from Ceará considered the "first travesti lawyer in Brazil." Guided by the theoretical frameworks of gender, feminist and queer studies, I rebuild the life experience of this travesti in amid the analysis of normalization, which asks how is established the borders of difference. Understanding that the heteronormativity regulates the lives of individuals and that the social order is a sexual order, I call attention to the constitution of gender in the organization of social relations and how these differentiation axes are related to other social markers such as region, ethnicity, nationality, religion, social class. With this research, I intend to show, among other things, that the subjects are unstable and indeterminate, far from being fixed and self-evident. / Esta tese tem como foco a discussão sobre a constituição de travestis em meio à heteronormatividade, analisando processos sociais de elaboração de conhecimentos, categorizações e práticas direcionadas a encerrar a experiência desses sujeitos em suas performances de gênero, com centralidade na vivência de Janaína Dutra (1960-2004), ativista cearense considerada a “primeira travesti advogada no Brasil”. Guiada pelos referenciais teóricos de gênero, feministas e queer reconstruo a experiência de vida dessa travesti em meio a uma analítica da normalização, que interroga como se dá o estabelecimento de fronteiras da diferença. Entendendo que o padrão heteronormativo regula a vida dos sujeitos e que a ordem social é uma ordem sexual, chamo a atenção para a constituição do gênero na organização das relações sociais e para como esses eixos de diferenciação se relacionam com outros marcadores sociais, como região, etnia, nacionalidade, religião, classe social. Com essa investigação pretendo mostrar, entre outros elementos, que os sujeitos são construções instáveis e indeterminadas, longe de serem fixas e autoevidentes.
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Impactos da heteronormatividade sobre a conjugalidade lésbica: uma análise psicanalítica a partir do relato de mulheres separadas / Not informed by the authorFabiana Mara Esteca 01 July 2016 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a compreender em profundidade o significado da imposição heteronormativa na constituição subjetiva de mulheres que se revelaram lésbicas, bem como as influências dessa interface sobre o estabelecimento e ruptura do vínculo conjugal homoafetivo, tendo como base os referenciais psicanalíticos e as teorias de gênero. Para tanto, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas, com paulistanas de classe média ou média alta, com idades variando entre 31 e 58 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de entrevistas semi-dirigidas, por meio de uma metodologia qualitativa. Observou-se que todas as entrevistadas foram vítimas de preconceitos e discriminações ao longo da vida e em maior intensidade dentro do núcleo familiar, situação que causou maior sofrimento. Das cinco entrevistadas, quatro relataram ter tido problemas de rejeição na família nuclear após a revelação da homossexualidade. Contudo, esta situação se reverteu após algum período de tempo, com exceção de apenas um caso. Pode-se destacar que a relação da família com a homossexualidade influenciou, direta ou indiretamente, decisões importantes na vida pessoal e amorosa, como por exemplo, a escolha por viver em grandes centros urbanos, na maioria dos casos longe da cidade natal ou da família. De acordo com o material analisado é possível perceber que a transmissão da herança familiar acerca dos valores e julgamentos prévios da homossexualidade, bem como da idealização da heterossexualidade, repercutem no processo de autoafirmação, nos modos de enfrentamento do preconceito e na conjugalidade. Observou-se que o preconceito representa um fator importante para compreender as especificidades da relação lésbica, ainda que não tenha sido referenciado como o causador direto de conflitos ou da separação. A principal queixa encontrada esteve na disparidade de autoaceitação entre as parceiras. A intensidade da reação da(s) mãe(s) frente à descoberta da homossexualidade da(s) filha(s) foi algo recorrente, por vezes envolvendo discriminação intensa, hostilidade e até violência física contra as filhas. Este fator despertou novas indagações e merece ser mais bem investigado, ficando enquanto sugestão para estudos futuros / This studys goal was to to understand in depth the meaning of the heteronormative imposition on the subjective constitution of women who revealed themselves as lesbians, as well as this interfaces influences on the establishment and rupture of homoaffective marital bond, based on the psychoanalytical references and gender theories. For that, five interviews were conducted with middle or upper middle class from São Paulo, aged between 31 and 58 years. Data collection was conducted using semi-structured interviews, with a qualitative methodology. It was observed that all interviewees were victims of prejudice and discrimination throughout their lives and more severe within their family, a situation that increased suffering. Of the five interviewees, four reported having had rejection issues in their nuclear families after the revelation of homosexuality. However, this situation was reversed after a period of time, except for one case only. It may be noted that the family relationship with homosexuality influenced, directly or indirectly, on important decisions in personal and love life, such as the choice to live in large urban centres, in most cases away from hometown or family. According to the analysed material, it is possible to conclude that the transmission of the family inheritance regarding values and previous judgments of homosexuality, as well as the idealization of heterosexuality, reverberate in the self-affirmation process, in ways of coping with prejudice, and conjugality. It was observed that prejudice is an important factor to understand the specifics of the lesbian relationship, even though it has not been referred to as the direct cause of conflict or separation. The main complaint found was in the disparity of self-acceptance between the partners. The intensity of the reaction from the mother(s) upon the discovery of the daughter(s)s homosexuality was recurrent, sometimes involving intense discrimination, hostility and even physical violence against the daughters. This factor conveyed new questions and deserves to be further investigated, featuring as suggestions for future studies
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Queering the ABCs: LGBTQ Characters in Children’s BooksToman, Lindsay A. 01 May 2014 (has links)
Over the past 30 years, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups have called for children’s books to include LGBTQ characters and themes to help children understand our multifaceted social world. Few LGBTQ characters have appeared in children’s literature. This qualitative study analyzes the text and images of 29 children’s books published between 1972 and 2013 that have any LGBTQ characters. Books featuring lesbian and gay characters often presented them as conforming to heteronormative standards to find fulfillment. The majority of books with gender-deviant characters focused on boys harassed by other characters for their conventionally feminine behaviors. Surprisingly few books in this inclusive sample depicted any non-white characters. This study concludes by offering recommendations for how authors of children’s books could approach this genre without reinforcing other long-standing inequalities tied to gender, race, class, and sexuality.
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På andra sidan gatan : En kvalitativ studie om unga homosexuella män och deras upplevelser av att vara öppna med sin sexuella läggning i StockholmTolvgård, Viggo, Stanic, Tikki January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how seven homosexual men in the age between 18 and 26 years experience openness with their sexuality in Stockholm. We wish to investigate how these men experience and handle their everyday life in a community characterized by a heteronormative foundation. We will focus on how they handle their openness in an urban environment and if they experience any limitations dependent on the situation or surroundings they live in, and also how they handle these situations. The study is hermeneutically inspired where seven life story interviews are analyzed within the theoretical frameworks provided by Connell, Goffman, Foucault and Queer theory.</p><p>The results show that the respondents’ openness varies depending on a variety of factors where surroundings, situations and previous experiences are influential. In those cases where the openness was limited there appeared to be several different strategies to use. Furthermore feelings of many times being excluded and belonging to a different part of society were clear. These feelings have proven to be constantly present in the minds of the respondents. It is also clear that there is strength and solidarity to be found within their own group.</p>
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