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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Portugal de Lobo Antunes: uma terra em trânsito / Antunes\' Portugal: a moving land

Casemiro, Charles Borges 10 June 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar, compreender e explicar, sob a perspectiva de uma crítica marxista e de uma teoria estruturalista genética, a itinerância da voz narrativa de António Lobo Antunes (GOMES, 1993; SEIXO, 2001) na construção de uma forma contemporânea para o romance histórico português. Para tanto, apresenta o romance de Lobo Antunes como partícipe de uma poética do romance histórico português contemporâneo e, nesse sentido, como forma narrativa dinâmica (LUKÁCS, 2011/1.ed.1955; GOLDMANN, 1972; JAMESON, 2007; ANDERSON, 2007; EAGLETON, 2006; WATT, 2010) relacionada, dialeticamente, às condições históricas, geográficas e sociais impostas pela colonialidade portuguesa (WALLERSTEIN, 1983; QUIJANO, 2002; BRAUDEL, 2009; GROSFOGUEL, 2008), materializada, esteticamente, a partir de dois eixos construtivos: de um lado, a partir da mobilização e da ressignificação de recursos estéticos legados pelas vanguardas modernistas e, de outro lado, a partir da vocação para problematização das identidades e do pertencimento lusos. Esta proposição é demonstrada com uma análise compreensiva e uma explicação estruturalista genética da poética desenvolvida por Lobo Antunes para o romance histórico português contemporâneo e a sua aplicação na conformação de duas de suas obras epigonais: As Naus (1988) e Comissão das Lágrimas (2011). / The presented paper tries to analyze, comprehend and explain, under a marxist aesthetic and a genetic structuralistic theory, the moving of the narrative voice of António Lobo Antunes (GOMES, 1993; SEIXO, 2001) in the construction of a contemporary form to the Portuguese historical novel. Therefore, it presents Lobo Antuness novel as a participant in a poetics of contemporary Portuguese historical novel and, in this sense, as a dinamic narrative form (LUKÁCS, 2011/1.ed. 1955; GOLDMANN, 1972; JAMESON, 2007; ANDERSON, 2007; EAGLETON, 2006; WATT, 2010) related, dialectically, to the historical, geografical and social conditions imposed by the Portuguese coloniality (WALLERSTEIN, 1983; QUIJANO, 2002; BRAUDEL, 2009; GROSFOGUEL, 2008) and that materializes, thereby, from two constructive axes: in one hand, on the mobilization and on the resignification of aesthetic resources bequeathed by the modernist vanguards and, on the other hand, in the vocation for problematization of the luso identities and belongingness. It demonstrates this proposition, with a comprehensive analysis and with a genetic structuralistc explanation of Antuness poetics to the contemporary Portuguese historical novel and its application in the conformation in two of his ensuing works: As Naus (1988) and Comissão das lágrimas (2011).

La littérature malgache d’expression française, une littérature en exil, une littérature de l’exil, une littérature des exilés / Malagasy French language literature, a literature in exile, a literature on exile, a literature of exiles

Ramiandrarivo, Njaka Tsitohaina 07 May 2010 (has links)
Nombreux sont les écrivains malgaches francophones vivant en exil, tirant de cette expérience personnelle leur sujet ; un itinéraire culturel dont le point de départ est le bilinguisme et la volonté d’échapper à l’embrigadement que suggère l’insularité. Cela donne au texte le cachet de l’œuvre accomplie: liant à la fois la volonté d’aller à la rencontre de l’autre et la quête de soi, livrant de fait, l’intime, le profond à la surface, à l’universel. L’écriture est perçue et vécue en tant qu’acte cathartique contre l’égarement de l’ego sans doute mais surtout de l’environnement soumis, offert et dévoilé à l’écrivain ; une fin utopique peut-être, mais néanmoins essentielle pour celui qui entrevoit la création littéraire comme une épée pourfendant les faiblesses de la réalité, servant à se rapprocher, à entrevoir et à modeler les caractéristiques de son monde idéal. Avec, évidemment, la complicité du double imaginaire du créateur, ce jumeau sombre par lequel Faulkner désigne le narrateur. Se dégage la difficulté de vivre avec l’autre, une coexistence annonciatrice d’un phénomène de scission, d’assimilation, pour une mise en exergue de l’espace et de la psychologie des protagonistes: complexité et dialectique du caractère où révolte et soumission, héroïsme et apathie, s’entremêlent pour dévoiler l’itinéraire commun et le parcours individuel de leur créateur qui prend le choix de la réalité décadente comme matière de l’inspiration romanesque. En somme, si la littérature malgache d’expression française est fortement enracinée dans la culture malgache, elle met aussi face à une écriture qui constitue un espace de rencontre et de tension avec l’autre, où le français apparaît comme la langue de l’ouverture, salutaire ou non. / Many Malagasy French speaking authors live in exile and make their personal experience their topic ; their personal experience represents a cultural itinerary arising from their bilingualism and their will to escape from regimentation due to insularity. Their personal experience provides to their text the achieved work character, combining their will to meet the other and their will to look for themselves, therefore revealing their depths, their inmost being to the universe. Writing is perceived and experienced as a cathartic action probably against self distraction but chiefly against the distraction of the environment which has been submitted, offered and revealed to the author. This purpose may appear utopian, nevertheless it appears essential for the one who foresees literary creation as a sword assailing the weaknesses of reality in order to get closer, foresee and make the characteristics of his ideal world. This creation occurs obviously with the complicity of the author imaginary double, this dark twin [« jumeau sombre »] by which Mr Faulkner refers to the narrator. From all this it emerges a difficulty to live with the other, a coexistence that forewarns a splitting and assimilating phenomena tending to highlight the space and psychology of protagonists: the complexity and dialectic of the character intermixing rebellion and submission, heroism and apathy finally reveals the common itinerary and individual background of the author who decides to draw his romantic inspiration from the decadent reality. In short if the Malagasy French language literature is deeply rooted into Malagasy culture, it also offers a writing allowing to meet and interact with the other and therefore makes the French language an open-minded language.

Entre Hispanité et Caribéanité : les enjeux identitaires du roman historique / Between Hispanicity and Caribbeanity : the identity issues in the historical novel

Dauler, Clara 29 November 2018 (has links)
Le roman historique, genre littéraire à succès est fortement controversé par son caractère hybride entre Littérature et Histoire. D’une part, situé entre fiction et réalité, entre « vrai » et « faux », il suscite, la méfiance de certains historiens parce qu’il est capable de façonner la mémoire collective en exploitant les marges de l’Histoire officielle. D’autre part, classé au registre de la paralittérature par certains critiques littéraires, beaucoup de romanciers préfèrent nier l’existence du genre. Le roman historique n’en reste pas moins depuis son émergence au XIXe siècle, un support de lecture populaire qui assure des revenus encore très confortables aux maisons d’éditions. De plus, sous l’influence de la philosophie postmoderne, des « Subaltern studies » et des « Post-colonial studies », l’heure est à la vigilance face aux vérités établies et à la défense des identités menacées par les effets de la mondialisation. Le roman historique, positionné dans les marges de l’Histoire, offre alors l’opportunité de représenter les événements autrement en mettant en avant des voix subalternes que les élites de la société ont longtemps occultées pour favoriser une certaine vision de l’identité nationale et préserver ainsi des intérêts d’ordre le plus souvent politique.Cette étude propose une analyse comparée d’œuvres espagnoles et caribéennes afin de prouver l’existence du roman historique, réactualiser ses critères de définition en contexte postmoderne et décolonial et montrer son impact sur le processus de construction identitaire des sociétés espagnole et caribéenne. / The historical novel, a successful literary genre is highly controversial by its hybrid character between Literature and History. On the one hand, situated between fiction and reality, between "true" and "false", it arouses, the mistrust of some historians because it is able to shape the collective memory by exploiting the margins of the official History. On the other hand, classified as para-literature by some literary critics, many novelists prefer to deny the existence of the genre. The historical novel remains nonetheless since its emergence in the nineteenth century, a popular reading medium which still guarantees very comfortable revenues for publishers.Moreover, under the influence of Postmodern Philosophy, Subaltern Studies and Post-Colonial Studies, it is time to be vigilant in the face of established truths and the defense of identities threatened by the effects of globalization. The historical novel that is positioned in the margin of History, then offers the opportunity to represent history differently by putting forward the lower voices that the elites of society have long concealed to promote a certain vision of national identity and thus preserve interests of a mostly political order.This study proposes a comparative analysis of Spanish and Caribbean literary works in order to prove the existence of the historical novel, update its definition criteria in a postmodern and decolonial context and show its impact on the identity-building process of Spanish and Caribbean societies.

Pinheiro Chagas, um escritor olvidado / Pinheiro Chagas, a forgotten writer

Gandra, Jane Adriane 09 August 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo refletir sobre uma figura literária pouco estudada, Manuel Pinheiro Chagas (1842-1895), escritor português considerado pela crítica principalmente como romancista histórico. Ao eleger o romance histórico como narrativa romântica, parece que Chagas tenta disputar espaço com o romance realista/naturalista, mesmo depois da consolidação do Realismo. Por meio da análise de quatro de seus romances, A virgem Guaraciaba (1865), A máscara Vermelha (1873) e a sua continuação O juramento da Duquesa (1873), e A descoberta da Índia. Contada por um marinheiro (1890), verificamos como o projeto literário deste escritor, que se inicia com a efabulação da História, vai convergindo para um realismo pouco romantizado, que ele denominou de estudo histórico romântico. / This study is intended to reflect about the literary understudied character, Manuel Pinheiro Chagas (1842-1895), portuguese writer considered by public opinion mainly as historical novelist. Choosing the historical novel as romance narrative, seems that Chagas tries to establish space with the realistic/naturalist novel, even after the Realism consolidation. Analyzing four of his novels, A virgem Guaraciaba (1865), A máscara Vermelha (1873) and its continuation O juramento da Duquesa (1873), and A descoberta da Índia. Contada por um marinheiro (1890), we could verify how the literary project from this author, that initiates itself with the history creation, starts to converge to a type of less romanticized realism, that he defines as romantic historical study.


Souza, Marco Aurélio de 31 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:53:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Aurelio de Souza.pdf: 521253 bytes, checksum: 2ff72e71ada0017ad3682955b2ef70ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-31 / This research proposes, based on Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy, a rhizomatic reading of the historical novel Amar-te a ti nem sei se com carícias (2004), by the Paranaense writer Wilson Bueno. By reviewing the most relevant theoretical tendencies related to the fictional genre (HUTCHEON, 1991; MENTON, 1993;ESTEVES, 2010), I criticize the didacticism found in these theories. By the mapping of the incipient criticism works of Bueno’s novel, I present a deviation related to these preview works, aiming at a concept of literature closer to the cathartic and deterritorialization function of the esthetic text. To do that, I try to define the historical novel specificity, describing it as a private manifestation of the historical social imagination (BANN, 1994) that puts into practice images from the past (ANKERSMIT, 2001). In this perspective, however, the literary writing is characterized by the way a writer disconnects these images from the past and puts his reader in touch with a non-place, making it possible, through the use of language, a hollowing out experience. To promote this reading, I make use of rhizomatic perception of the literary phenomenon, such as Deleuze and Guattari present it in Mil Platôs (2011), identifying, in the novel, lines of hard, molecular and abstract segmentarity. So, I understand the images from the past to be mobilized in the fiction as components of the novel’s hard segmentarity line, placing, as a next step, the literary resources that work with what Deleuze and Guattary named quantums of deterritorialization. But if the fiction historical meaning is affected by the molecular segmentarity line, it is in the abstract segmentarity line that, with greater intensity, it disappears and leaves room for a dive in the other of all worlds (BLANCHOT, 1997; LEVY, 2011). Thus I identify the moment of the novel’s abstract segmentarity line when everything takes place in terms of a savage and implacable present. The abstract segmentarity line makes the historical novel an experiment about the limits of a historically determined society, showing the possible fissures on the subjectivity wall from a past time, deforming History, promoting the contact with its hollowing out. / Este trabalho propõe, a partir da filosofia de Deleuze e Guattari, uma leitura rizomática do romance histórico Amar-te a ti nem sei se com carícias (2004), do escritor paranaense Wilson Bueno. Revisitando as principais tendências teóricas ligadas à modalidade ficcional (HUTCHEON, 1991; MENTON, 1993; ESTEVES, 2010), realizo uma crítica ao didatismo presente nestas teorias. Mapeando a incipiente fortuna crítica do romance de Bueno, apresento um desvio em relação a este conjunto de trabalhos, visando uma conceituação de literatura que acena para a função catártica e desterritorializante do texto estético. Para tanto, procuro definir a especificidade do romance histórico, apresentando-o como uma manifestação particular da imaginação histórica (BANN, 1994) social que erige ou coloca em funcionamento imagens do passado (ANKERSMIT, 2001). Na perspectiva que proponho, contudo, a obra literária se caracteriza pelo modo como um escritor desarticula tais imagens do passado e coloca o seu leitor em contato com um nãolugar, possibilitando, através da linguagem, uma experiência do Fora. No intuito de operacionalizar tal leitura, recorro à percepção rizomática do fenômeno literário, tal como Deleuze e Guattari a apresentam em Mil Platôs (2011), identificando, no romance, linhas de segmentaridade dura, linhas de segmentaridade maleável e linhas de fuga. Deste modo, entendo as imagens do passado mobilizadas na ficção como constituintes da linha dura do romance, localizando, num segundo momento, os recursos literários que funcionam como aquilo que Deleuze-Guattari denominam quantas de desterritorialização. Mas se o significado histórico presente na ficção se abala com a linha maleável, é na linha de fuga que, com maior intensidade, ele se desfaz e dá lugar a um mergulho no outro de todos os mundos (BLANCHOT, 1997;LEVY, 2011). Identifico, deste modo, o momento da fuga no romance, quando tudo se coloca em termos de um presente selvagem e indomável. A linha de fuga faz do romance histórico um experimento acerca dos limites de uma sociedade historicamente determinada, mostrando as rachaduras possíveis no muro da subjetividade de um tempo passado, desfigurando a História, promovendo um contato com o seu Fora.

Franklin Távora e José de Alencar: duas visões brasileiras sobre o romance histórico / Franklin Távora and José de Alencar: two Brazilian points of view about the historical novel

Santos, Ricardo Russano dos 25 May 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho compara três romances históricos brasileiros do século XIX: Guerra dos Mascates (1873-4), de José de Alencar, O matuto (1878) e Lourenço (1881), ambos de Franklin Távora. Os três romances se ambientam na Guerra dos Mascates, conflito civil ocorrido em Pernambuco no início do século XVIII. Para o estudo comparativo de tais obras, levou-se em conta o interesse de cada um dos autores ao escrever os romances, bem como suas visões distintas a respeito de tal gênero, que ficaram bastante claras na polêmica das Cartas a Cincinato. Para melhor compreender as obras, este trabalho analisa não só as Cartas críticas de Távora a Alencar, mas a resposta altiva do segundo em seu prefácio Bênção paterna; esse debate será permeado neste trabalho por uma análise breve do contexto romântico do período e seus ideais e mudanças, especialmente no que tange ao romance histórico. Além disso, este trabalho tece uma breve apresentação da Guerra dos Mascates, bem como de sua historiografia, especialmente aquela a que Alencar e Távora podem ter tido acesso. / This paper compares three Brazilian historical novels from the 19th century: Guerra dos Mascates (1873-4), by José de Alencar, O matuto (1878) and Lourenço (1881), both by Franklin Távora. The three novels talk about Mascates War, a civil war that took place in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, in the early 18th century. To the comparative study of these novels, the interests of both of the writers were taken into consideration. Besides, their different points of view about the historical novel were also considered. These points of view became very clear after Cartas a Cincinato controversy. In order to better understand the books, this paper analyses not only the critical Letters from Távora to Alencar, but also Alencars haughty response called Benção Paterna; this debate will be followed by a short analysis of the Romantic period and its ideals and changes, especially about the historical novel. Furthermore, this paper will briefly present the Mascates War and the historiographical debate about it, especially those documents Alencar and Távora could have read.

A “missão” na literatura: a redução jesuítica em A fonte de O tempo e o vento

Ribeiro, Francisco Carlos 11 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jailda Nascimento (jmnascimento@pucsp.br) on 2016-10-06T20:14:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Carlos Ribeiro.pdf: 2009773 bytes, checksum: 0ea8c20c642699a86b846c32cf7adbd4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-06T20:14:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisco Carlos Ribeiro.pdf: 2009773 bytes, checksum: 0ea8c20c642699a86b846c32cf7adbd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / his work has as its central problem the analysis of the episode A fonte of the novel O continente, the trilogy O tempo e o vento Erico Verissimo, within the intellectual debate developed during the years 1930-1940 between the lusitanian matrix (Moisés Vellinho) and the platinum matrix (Manoelito of Ornellas) of the historiography “gaucha” on the importance of Sete Povos das Missões in the formation of Rio Grande do Sul. Its main objective is to examine the relevance of missionary region in the construction of ethno-cultural identity of South of Rio Grande territory from problematizations developed by Erico Verissimo in his novel. The relevance of this study is justified by the fact there are not many academic studies taking as a basis the specific episode A fonte inside context of the mentioned historiographical debate 30s. The theme was built in the first place, from the historical context in that Erico Verissimo lived and produced his trilogy, trying to show in this way the roots and soil characteristics and climate in which this “literary tree” was conceived, drafted, written and published. Secondly, we tried to explore the episode A fonte to establish a dialogue between the possible relationship of the fictional narrative text with the historiographical narrative text on the historical knowledge building development process / A presente dissertação tem como problemática central a análise do episódio A fonte, do romance O continente, da trilogia O tempo e o vento de Erico Verissimo, dentro do debate intelectual desenvolvido durante os anos de 1930-1940 entre a matriz lusitana (Moysés Vellinho) e a matriz platina (Manoelito de Ornellas) da historiografia gaúcha sobre a importância de Sete Povos das Missões no processo de formação do Rio Grande do Sul. Seu objetivo principal é examinar a relevância da região missioneira no processo de construção da identidade étnico-cultural do território sul-rio-grandense, a partir das problematizações elaboradas por Erico Verissimo em seu romance. A relevância desse estudo se justifica pelo fato de não existirem muitos estudos acadêmicos tomando como base específica o episódio A fonte dentro do contexto do já mencionado debate historiográfico dos anos 30. O tema foi construído, em primeiro lugar, a partir do contexto histórico em que Erico Verissimo viveu e produziu sua trilogia, procurando apresentar desse modo as raízes e as características do solo e do clima em que essa árvore literária foi concebida, esboçada, redigida e publicada. Em segundo lugar, procurou-se explorar o episódio A fonte visando estabelecer um diálogo entre as possíveis relações do texto narrativo ficcional com o texto narrativo historiográfico no processo de desenvolvimento de construção do conhecimento histórico.

A voz de Manuela sob discursos autoritários: uma abordagem de "A casa das sete mulheres", de Leticia Wierzchowski / Manuela's voice under authoritarian speeches: an approach from "The house of seven women", by Leticia Wierzchowski

Silva, John David Peliceri da [UNESP] 09 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by John David Peliceri da Silva null (johndavidbrother@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-20T16:00:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 minha dissertação.pdf: 896206 bytes, checksum: c98b03b23b36f05d437bf9c11c6282be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-22T20:12:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_jdp_me_assis.pdf: 896206 bytes, checksum: c98b03b23b36f05d437bf9c11c6282be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-22T20:12:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_jdp_me_assis.pdf: 896206 bytes, checksum: c98b03b23b36f05d437bf9c11c6282be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a voz da personagem Manuela de Paula Ferrreira do romance histórico contemporâneo A casa das sete mulheres (2002), de Leticia Wierzchowski (1972). A análise consiste numa reflexão sobre o posicionamento transgressor da personagem, que apresenta uma voz abafada e dissonante no contexto do romance, podendo significar uma resistência ao sistema patriarcal brasileiro do século XIX. Baseia-se nos estudos discursivos de Bakhtin (1988) para abordar o estado de prisão, os costumes e as regras, a política e a guerra, tendo como objetivo temático o amor por Giuseppe Garibaldi. Procura-se, assim, realizar um estudo detalhado do diário íntimo e crítico em que a personagem anotava suas confidências, a fim de se compreender a sua voz e seu comportamento social. Para a análise desse diário, recorre-se aos conceitos de narração (GENETTE, 1979) e de memória (SPERBER, 2009), que permitem abranger toda a matéria transgressora nele implicada, no plano da civilidade, da exclusão e da submissão social, que acentua possíveis identidades (DELEUZE, 1995) como resposta a discursos autoritários. Por fim, o trabalho pretende discutir a tradição popular “Noiva de Garibaldi”, que tomou corpo depois que Giusepe Garibaldi dedicou a Manuela algumas linhas de suas memórias. Espera-se com isso contribuir para a compreensão dessa figura histórica e de seu papel na Guerra dos Farrapos. / This research intention specifically examines the voice of the character Manuela Paula Ferreira in The House of the Seven Women (2002), a contemporary historical novel creation by the brazilian Leticia Wierzchowski (1972). This analysis in the related novel is a way to meditate the transgressor´s position of the focus character, who in the context presents a muted and dissonante voice, that could mean the patriarcal system resistance in the XIX TH Century. Bakhtin´s (1988) discursive studies is the generic basis of this research, so essential theory for the survey to reveal Manoela´s state of prison feelings also in her perspectives from the social reflections, the rules , the politics until in the War and her thematic objective reminiscences in love with Giuseppe Garibaldi character. So the research seeks to carry out a detailed study toward the inward and critical diary in which the character Manoela wrote her confidences in order to understand herself own voice and her social behavior. For the analysis of this diary, this search also supports in the concepts of narration (GENETTE, 1979) and the memory (SPERBER, 2009), which allow to cover all the transgressive matter implied in it; in terms of civility, of the exclusion and social possible identities emphasizes (DELEUZE, 1995) like an answer of the authoritarian discourses. Finally, this cooperation intends to discuss the popular tradition "Bride of Garibaldi", which took shape after Giusepe Garibaldi dedicated to Manuela some lines of his memories. Then this research expectancy is also to contribute with the understanding of this historical figure and her role in the War of the Clutches/ Guerra dos Farrapos.

Écrire l’histoire : savoir et fiction chez Patrick Modiano et Amir Hassan Cheheltan / Writing history : knowledge and fiction in works of Patrick Modiano and Amir Hassan Cheheltan

Hashemi, Elaheh Sadat 01 October 2018 (has links)
Adaptant la théorie d’Ivan Jablonka sur les rapports entre l’histoire et la littérature ainsi que la théorie de la micro-histoire de Carlo Ginzburg, ce travail se propose d’étudier l’écriture de l’histoire (au sens d’historiographie) dans l’œuvre de deux écrivains contemporains issus de deux aires culturelles et géographiques différentes : l’écrivain français Patrick Modiano et le romancier iranien Amir Hassan Cheheltan. L’étude se concentre sur un choix sélectif des textes des deux auteurs. Le corpus des textes de Modiano est formé par les œuvres suivantes : La Place de l’étoile (1968), La Ronde de nuit (1969), Les Boulevards de ceinture (1972) et Dora Bruder (1997) ; de Cheheltan sont abordées les œuvres suivantes : La Salle des miroirs (Talâr-e aïné, 1990), La Mandragore (Mehr-e giâh,1998), Téhéran, ville sans ciel (Tehran, shahr-e bi asséman, 2001) et L’Aube iranienne (Sépidédam-e irani, 2005). Notre étude démontre que malgré l’omniprésence de l’histoire dans ces textes, ils ne respectent pas les critères du traditionnel roman historique et se rapprochent plutôt d’une littérature science-sociale qui, au moyen du raisonnement et de la narration, vise à dire la vérité sur le monde sans pour autant vouloir représenter ou recréer les grands événements historiques ou mettre en scène ses personnages notoires. « Romans-Histoire », ils invitent le lecteur à réfléchir sur les versions officielles de l’Histoire. Quant à Dora Bruder, il s’identifie plutôt à un « texte-recherche » (Jablonka) ou à une enquête micro-historique sans toutefois que la quête modianesque aboutisse à une réponse définitive. Une analyse de nature thématique montre que les deux auteurs s’intéressent à des figures problématiques ou marginalisées dans deux métropoles qui sont le théâtre de l’histoire : Paris (Modiano) ou Téhéran (Cheheltan). En dernier lieu, nous nous penchons sur l’aspect formel et esthétique des deux œuvres pour montrer la diversité des formes mobilisées par les deux auteurs, chacun à l’intérieur de son œuvre et l’un par rapport à l’autre. Il s’agit donc de comparer le traitement thématique, formel, esthétique mais aussi épistémique que ces écrivains réservent à l’Histoire et d’analyser les principales modalités de son inscription dans leurs œuvres. / Adapting Ivan Jablonka’s theories on the relationship of history and literature, and Carlo Ginzburg's notion of “microhistory”, this work aims at studying how two contemporary writers from different cultural and geographical spheres—the French author, Patrick Modiano and the Iranian novelist, Amir Hassan Cheheltan—set about writing history, in the historiographic sense of the term. With a particular focus on Modiano’s La Place de l'Étoile (Place de l'étoile, 1968), The Night Watch (La Ronde de nuit, 1969), Ring Roads (Les Boulevards de ceinture, 1972) and Dora Bruder (1997) and the novels The mirror room (Talar-e aineh, 1990), Mandragora (Mehr-e giah, 1998), Tehran, city without sky (Tehran, shahr-e bi asseman, 2001) and Iranian Dawn (Sepidedam-e irani, 2005) by Cheheltan, this study demonstrates that, despite the omnipresence of history in these texts, none of them actually respect the criteria of the traditional historical novel genre. Rather, it will be suggested, they approach something akin to social-science literature; that is, their narratives endeavor to tell the truth about the world without explicitly representing or re-creating great historical events or portraying great historical figures. Instead, as “Novel-Histories”, these works invite the reader to think about the nature and status of official History. As for Dora Bruder, it can be viewed as “text-search” or a “micro-historical inquiry”; but unlike its more traditional counterparts Modiano’s quest never offers a definitive answer. A thematic analysis will illustrate that the two authors are particularly interested in writing about problematic or marginalized figures in the two metropolises that feature in their work—Paris (Modiano) and Tehran (Cheheltan)—, geographical spaces which are also the theater of history. Finally, the formal and aesthetic aspects of the two works will be explored, with a view to demonstrating their literary and artistic diversity. So, it is a question of comparing how both authors engage with history from a thematic, formal, aesthetic but also epistemic perspective and analyzing the main modes by which history is inscribed in their works.

Wirklichkeit und Fiktion : Alfred Döblins „Tatsachenphantasie“ in seinem historischen Roman „November 1918“

Cutieru, Adriana F. 05 1900 (has links)
Avec la conscience grandissante de la constructibilité de l’histoire, l’historiographie et les sciences littéraires se sont beaucoup rapprochées dans les dernières années. Hayden White a montré, dans son livre Metahistory (1973), que dans la construction de l’histoire, les historiens utilisent, pour construire leur récit, des techniques de narration semblables à celles utilisées par les écrivains. La narratologie devient ainsi une discipline qui rend possible le dialogue entre l’historiographie et les sciences littéraires. Par ce dialogue entre les deux disciplines, les théories (post)modernes de l’historiographie et les concepts de la métafiction dans la littérature s’influencent réciproquement. Dans ce contexte, il est d’autant plus intéressant d’analyser le roman Novembre 1918 de l’écrivain allemand Alfred Döblin (1878-1957), qui anticipe sur cette évolution de l’historiographie et de la littérature, mais qui, malgré sa modernité, reste paradoxalement très peu connu et quasiment ignoré par la critique littéraire. Dans son roman historique, Döblin combine le récit épique des faits historiques avec l’analyse existentielle des protagonistes, en vue de décrire l’histoire comme procès. Du point de vue formel, il combine les moyens narratifs expérimentaux et avant-gardistes, avec la conviction traditionnelle de l’auteur réaliste, c’est-à-dire qu’un récit de fiction puisse dire la vérité sur la réalité et l’histoire. Ainsi il crée une forme singulière de récit entre tradition et innovation, forme qu’il caractérise dans ses essais poétologiques à partir de deux concepts clés : « modernes Epos » et « Tatsachenphantasie », « épopée moderne » et « fantaisie de la réalité ». Dans ma thèse, j’entends définir ces concepts clés de la poétique d’Alfred Döblin pour ainsi établir le cadre théorique de l’interprétation du roman Novembre 1918. L’auteur lui-même définit dans ses essais esthétiques la « fantaisie de la réalité » comme union entre des faits réels et des faits fantastiques. C’est pourquoi ma thèse se concentre sur ce jeu fictionnel entre réalité et fantaisie, entre les éléments du récit réaliste et ceux du récit fantastique. « L’incursion de la démonie » et « le narrateur démiurge » sont deux concepts innovateurs de ma thèse qui aideront à mieux comprendre et définir la poétique du roman d’Alfred Döblin. / As a result of the acute understanding of the constructibility of historical writings, the historiography and the literary sciences have come closer in the last few years. Hayden White shows in his book Metahistory (1973) that the narrative techniques historians use in their historical writings are similar to those used by the authors of literary writings. The narratology has also become a discipline, which allows the dialogue between historiography and literary sciences. Thus, the (post)modern theories of historiography and the concepts of metafiction in literature have an impact on one another. In this context, it is more than challenging to analyse the historical novel November 1918 written by the German author Alfred Döblin (1878-1957), as he already anticipates in the 1920es this evolution of historiography and literature. His historical novel November 1918 is, despite its modernity, a relatively unknown novel, not only to the public, but also to the literary critics. Döblin combines in this novel the monumental realistic description of historical events with the existential analysis of his protagonists. As far as the formal aspects are concerned, he combines the experimental narrative techniques of the avant-garde with the traditional elements, thus unveiling the conviction of the traditional realist author that a fictional literary work can bring out a hidden truth about history and reality. Therefore, he creates a unique form of literature linking tradition and innovation. He caracterises this form, in his poetological writings by means of two key-concepts: “modernes Epos” and “Tatsachenphantasie”: “modern epos” and “fantasy of the real”. In my dissertation I intend to define these key-concepts in Alfred Döblin’s poetics with a view to establish the theoretical setting for the interpretation of his novel November 1918. Since Döblin himself defines in his theoretical essays the “fantasy of the real” as portrayal of both real and fantastic elements, my dissertation focuses on this fictional tension between reality and fantasy, between the elements specific to the realist writings and those specific to the fantastic ones. The “incursion of the demonic” and “the narrator demiurge” are two innovative concepts I present in my dissertation. These concepts should lead to a better definition and understanding of Döblin’s novel poetics. / Die Historiographie und die Literaturwissenschaft haben sich in den letzten Jahren sehr viel angenähert. Durch sein bahnbrechendes Buch Metahistory (1973) bringt Haydn White ans Licht, dass sowohl die Schriftsteller als auch die Historiker sich ähnlicher narrativer Verfahren bedienen, um die Wirklichkeit zu beschreiben. Durch dieses Bewusstsein der Konstruktivität und Narrativität von Geschichte ist die Narratologie zur verbindenden Wissenschaft geworden. Darum ist es interessant, sich Alfred Döblins historischem Roman November 1918, einem der großen historischen Romane der deutschen Literatur, zuzuwenden, weil er vieles davon vorwegnimmt, was die (post)modernen Theorien der Historiographie und die metafiktionalen Konzepte der Literatur ins Blickfeld rücken. Aufgrund unglücklicher Rezeptionsbedingungen wurde Döblins Roman bis heute kaum beachtet, sowohl vom Publikum als auch von der literarischen Kritik. In seiner Darstellung der deutschen Revolution verknüpft Döblin die experimentell-avantgardistischen Erzählverfahren und das Misstrauen gegenüber der Erzählbarkeit der Geschichtsprozesse mit der traditionellen Einstellung, dass eine fiktive Erzählung die Wahrheit über Wirklichkeit und Geschichte sagen kann. Dementsprechend schafft er eine einzigartige Erzählform zwischen Tradition und Innovation, die er bereits in seinem Berliner Programm anhand von zwei Schlüsselbegriffen definiert: „modernes Epos“ und „Tatsachenphantasie“. Meine Arbeit versucht, Döblins Geschichtsepos November 1918 im Lichte dieser zwei Begriffe zu analysieren und zu zeigen, wie Döblin sein ästhetisches Postulat der „Tatsachenphantasie“ in seinem Roman literarisch realisiert. Da Döblin selbst die „Tatsachenphantasie“-Ästhetik als Verbindung der wirklichen und der phantastischen Fakten und Elementen definiert, befasse ich mich in meiner Arbeit mit diesem Zusammenspiel zwischen den narrativen Formen der realistischen Erzählung und denjenigen Motiven und Elementen, die in den phantastischen Erzählungen vorkommen. „Der Einbruch des Dämonischen“ und „der Erzähler als Demiurg“ sind zwei innovative Schlüsselkonzepte meiner Arbeit, die zu einer besseren Begriffsbestimmung von Döblins „Tatsachenphantasie“-Ästhetik führen werden. / Thèse réalisée en co-tutelle avec l'Université Libre de Berlin, Institut für Deutsche und Niederländische Philologie

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