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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le crime d'honneur en droit pénal jordanien / Crime of honour in the jordanian criminal law

Abu Anzeh, Mohammed Bara 03 February 2015 (has links)
Phénomène tabou et peu étudié en droit pénal, le crime d'honneur au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde arabe ne cesse d'alimenter les unes de la presse dans le monde et de relever les antagonismes existant entre les juridictions occidentales et orientales. Souvent qualifié d'inhumain ou relevant de pratiques d'un autre âge, le phénomène du crime d'honneur figure en Jordanie parmi les crimes qui retiennent le plus l'attention publique. On estime qu'un homicide sur quatre est assimilable à ce crime, dans ce pays où l'honneur familial est considéré comme la clé de voûte de l'équilibre social. Toute menace à cet équilibre serait donc le signe d'une décadence à punir afin de rétablir l'ordre originel. Les circonstances du meurtre sont autant d’éléments qui génèrent condamnation ou indulgence de l’opinion publique et de la justice. La position délicate du législateur face au traitement des affaires de crimes d'honneur mérite des éclaircissements historico-culturels et un examen précis des résolutions et des recommandations internationales rendues à l'intention des juridictions jordaniennes. / As a taboo subject that has not been researched enough in the Criminal Law field, crime of honour in the Middle East and in Arab world continues to feed international press headlines and to raise up differences in views between Eastern and Western jurisdictions. Often described as inhuman or as a practice from another age, the phenomenon of honour killings appears among the crimes that attract the most public attention. In Jordan - where family honour is considered as the cornerstone of social balance - studies showed that one of four crimes is a crime of honour. Any threat to this social balance would be a sign of decadence to be punished in order to restore the original balance. The circumstances of honour murders are among elements that generate either conviction or indulgence from public and justice. The delicate legislature position to face up honour crime cases deserves cultural and historical clarifications and an accurate review of international resolutions and recommendations towards Jordan jurisdiction.

Pride and licensing effects: when being good gives us permission to be a little bad

Jiao, Jinfeng 01 July 2015 (has links)
The current research investigates how authentic and hubristic pride influence licensing effects in the context of indulgent behaviors. Previous research examining the influence of pride on consumption behavior has generally found that pride leads to both indulgence and self-control. The current research suggests that the reason for the conflict within the previous research stems from the fact that pride is not a unitary construct. Rather, the two distinct types of pride - hubristic and authentic - have different consequences on indulgence. Consistent with prior literature, the results from the first two studies suggest that authentic pride leads to more licensing in indulgence than hubristic pride. We further demonstrate how cognitive resources moderate the effect of pride on indulgence. By manipulating pride in different ways, using different measures of indulgent choice, and different manipulations of cognitive resources, the last three studies confirm that authentic pride leads to more indulgence than hubristic pride, especially when cognitive resources are available. However, when cognitive resources are limited, hubristic pride leads to more indulgence than authentic pride. This research contributes to our basic understanding of the dynamics of pride on licensing effects.

”Institutionaliserade former av relationer med Gud är helt enkelt inte flexibla nog” : Queerteologiska perspektiv på utanförskap och aktivism / ”The institutionalized forms of relations with God are simply not flexible enough” : Queer theological perspectives on exclusion and activism

Magnusson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore whether activism can counteract and prevent exclusion in Christian tradition and practice. The analysis is helped by queer theologian Marcella Althaus-Reid as a primary theoretical standpoint. The study is based on Petra Carlsson's exploration of the queer nuns and activists: The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and the movement will be elucidated and interpreted through queer theology as expressed by Althaus-Reid. The method used is a textual analysis, where the study will compare Althaus-Reid’s queer theology and Carlsson’s radical material theology; with the aim to present, analyse and discuss activism.  First, Althaus-Reid’s queer theology is systematized thematically based on the studies analysis points: the body, symbols and activism. Secondly, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are presented and depicted through Carlsson’s interpretation of the movement. After this the queer nuns are compared to Althaus-Reid's queer theology, followed by a comparison of Althaus-Reid’s and Carlsson’s theologies. Lastly, with the help of Erik Gyll, the study discusses the situation for LGBT people in religious environments, such as church, and possible consequences of queer activism- and theology in Christian communities.  Althaus-Reid emphasises the need to do theology from different bodies/parts, especially those that have been excluded. She wants to liberate theological concepts from a heteronormative framework, which she believes limits people’s understanding of and access to God. Multiplicity is also prominent with Carlsson. She advocates for a performative viewpoint, that through adding expressions and expanding the imagery, it is also possible to create and change reality. The analysis indicates a need for theology which can embrace real life and experiences. The research shows that for those who create and engage in alternative expressions or activism, such participation enables access to symbols and spaces from which they were previously excluded. Therefore, it is also reasonable to conclude that it is a relevant and fruitful approach as long as people are still excluded from Christian communities, and the church is not a safe place for everyone.

Are You Happy? The Relationship among Passion, Perseverance, Perceived Economic Mobility, and Cultural Indulgence Values

Himmelman, Christopher R., Himmelman January 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Soesilo, Primidya KM January 2014 (has links)
Envy, as a result of upward social comparisons, is an unpleasant emotion that occurs when a consumer sees others as being more advantaged than him- or herself, in terms of achievements and/or possessions. Envy may drive the envious consumer to 'compete' with the envied-target through purchase of similar or better products; for that reason, envy is frequently used in advertising to motivate consumers to buy better products. While envy may be good for businesses as it may promote economic growth through the “keeping up with the Joneses” mechanism, envy tends to bring destructive behavior to consumers, especially in the long run. Departing from the view to maintain consumer welfare, we argue that envy should be reduced or perhaps, temporarily deactivated. Through a series of studies, we attempt to see if envy, as an emotion, can be transformed into an object upon which physical actions can be performed to destroy it, which thus reduces or temporarily deactivates envy. Furthermore, we want to see if any of these actions, assuming that envy is reduced or temporarily deactivated as a result, would lead consumers to adopt more pro-social behavior, as opposed to typical destructive behavior of envy. / Business Administration/Marketing


Ellis, Virgilia K. 01 May 2016 (has links)
The artist describes the process and development of the work throughout her graduate career, relating them to the most recent works of her thesis exhibition. Topics discussed include experiences of beauty and themes of transformation. Contextual influences include the Rococo period as well as ideas and theories of Romanticism and the sublime. Histories and theories on representations of the body are also discussed. The artist discusses her MFA thesis exhibition Flushed, at the Tipton Gallery in Johnson City, Tennessee, from April 13th to April 24th, 2015. Two painting installations, a sculptural installation, and a number of collages are included. Media used to create these works include a range of wet and dry drawing and painting media, paper surfaces, and food.

由唐迄宋的迷樓研究──迂迴與幻象 / The Study of Milou: Detour and Fantasy

賀淑芳, Ho Sok Fong Unknown Date (has links)
從「迷樓」的敘事研究可投射出「享樂」與「匠藝」的兩大圖像。本論文的論述分成兩個層次,一個層次從唐宋期間各種不同類型的文本和文體來探討「迷樓」典故中的欲望與當時的話語現象的關係,涵蓋唐宋時二元對立的一系列價值如節制/放縱、儉/奢、自然/人工。另一個層次則是以「迷樓」的欲望與技術,來比擬文學創作意識中的欲望與技巧的問題,後者觸及詩學中的自然風格與人工技術或「工巧」之間的辯證關係。 迷樓不見於任何官方正史及私家撰述的史籍,它主要見於詩、詞、賦、小說逸史、方志和筆記或札記。根據方志,揚州被認為位於揚州,但在文學作品中,卻有迷樓位在揚州、長安、洛陽之說,本文認為,從唐宋詩詞的空間意象來看,迷樓其實更近於一種散佈於汴淮流域的想像空間,顯見「迷樓」有傳聞異辭的性質。雖然這篇論文有探究方志與文學文本中迷樓地點所在的問題,然而目的並非志在斷定迷樓「實體」存在與否、或存在於何處,而是在提供一種背景來理解唐宋時期人們對迷樓所在的認同差異與相關的空間敘述。 根據小說《迷樓記》的敘述,迷樓是煬帝所建的一座結構宛若迷宮的宮殿,它也是一個承載「極樂」想像的空間。「極樂」在宋代的養身論與主張節制的話語之中是需被抑制的一種禁忌。故此,有關「迷樓」中的「極樂」敘述是在尋回如同拉康所言的某種早已被排除出去的「愛欲」或原初已經失落的「歡爽」,人們對這種「極樂」的境界充滿想像,對於「極樂」的渴求威脅著主體賴以生存的經濟制度與權力體制乃至耗竭個人的身體。在此也參考巴塔耶的色情史理論,來說明主體也會渴求某種迷失自我的欲望。本文也將隋煬帝在迷樓內「浪費的技術」(即同時耗損自身精氣、浪費「發明」的技能、揮霍國家的財富)也延伸到詩學裡詩歌藝術裡一種創作技術上的魅力,來回扣宇文所安《迷樓:詩與欲望的迷宮》中以迷樓作為論述結構的「比擬」。本文也試圖以「迷樓」來「比擬」唐宋期間勾連自然與技巧的文學觀念,詩人為此心搖神馳,對文學技巧追求完美的「欲望」,使得欲望從現實空間「逃遁」到文學空間裡來,追求天工般技巧所造的詩境。 中國人傾向於將政權興亡與自然現象互比相連,使得興、亡循環成為必然發生且無可避免的現象,這種對於興亡循環有其必然性的觀念反而削弱了諷喻文學規勸帝王的實質功能。這正是迷樓作為諷喻的典故所盤結的重重矛盾與衝突之所在。意識到「諷喻」在啟悟他人功能上的侷限,詩歌作為高度創作與獨立自足的藝術性質更受重視,如唐宋詩學中有頗多詩話與詩評大量闡述詩歌創作的理想,崇尚以不鑿痕跡的技巧,來達到完美「自然」的詩境。 在唐宋兩代,可以發現在歷史處境的衝擊下,迷樓典故亦有所衍異,並被詩人加以部署以訴說個人的生命情境。唐宋兩代旅人在揚州岸外的長江與運河水道上曲曲折折的移動經驗,這種移動經驗也賦予迷樓遺址特殊的意象,無論是在遠離或接近揚州,蜀岡上的迷樓遺址都被包裹在迂回曲折的路線地圖裡,從迂迴到昇華,迷樓成為想像中登高地點的所在。在有意託諷之下,迷樓的敘事並不純粹只是過往歷史的回顧,同時也是當代歷史的指涉。 除了作為社會性敘事的諷喻功能之外,本論文最後也在兩個層次上回扣宇文所安以迷樓作為文學論述與詩學上的「比擬」:一、迷樓作為個體欲望縷織下與群體相隔離的藝術空間;二、傳聞中迷樓是一座在技術上巧奪天工的宮殿,在詩歌中「迷樓」經常被強調作為一種人工成果,與自然對立。通過這種自然──天工對比的論述,本文也嘗試指出迷樓足可比擬文學裡透過崇尚自然風格征服人工鑿痕的觀念。 / Through the variety of texts and genres from Tang to Sung, the narration of “Milou” had projected the figure of pleasure and exquisite craftwork. The inquisitions of this essay consist of two layers. First, to addresses the relation of the desire and the discursive phenomena at the time of Tang to Sung, especially on the binary aspect of temperance and pleasure, frugality and luxury, nature and craftsmanship. Secondly, to mate the dazzling craftwork of Milou correspondent with the desire and pleasure of the attentive craftwork in literary world, in which the dialectical relation between the Nature and craftsmanship was deeply concerned. Neither the official nor the private historical texts have any record on Milou. However, the allusion and narration of Milou was found in variety of texts including poets, rhapsodies, lyrics, novels, geographical documents and notes. According to the novel “The Tales of Milou”(Milou Ji, 迷樓記), Milou was a labyrinthine palace built by Shui Yang Ti, a space loaded with the imagination of “utmost enjoyment”(Ji Le, 極樂). The utmost enjoyment had been known as a forbidden state in the discourse on regimen, it was also considered as a dangerous force which threatening to the nation. The inquisition of “utmost enjoyment” has been linked to the “technique of waste”, which provoke the exhaustion of the King’s body, and also the waste of accumulative wealth of the kingdom, and brought huge chaos and doom to the dynasty. My argument of the “technique of waste” has extended to the discussion of creative technique involved in literary writing, which had been gaining a lot of attention in late-Tang and Sung, poets were aware of the poor efficacy of “critical allegory” (feng yu諷喻) due to the paradox of flourish and fading which had been seen as nature mechanism, as has been pointed out by Stephen Owen. Poetry had gained its own sovereignty; poetic commentators had discussed the technique of creation enthusiastically and pursued for the perfect poetic scene(境). There are two layers of discussion which closely interrelated with each other: 1. Milou was a symbol of pleasure and crafty achievement, and thus contradictory to the Nature. 2. This essay has further elaborated the relation of the crafty image of Milou with the “clever technique” (巧工) in the poetic notion from Tang to Sung. However, to achieve perfect work for poetry that look like the work of nature(天工), it definitely had to be created through superb technique that can smooth away any crafty traces.


JULIANA SALLES FARIAS 10 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo baseia-se numa abordagem intercultural para identificar a presença de reações de indulgência e restrição a transgressões na sociedade brasileira, de modo a confirmar ou refutar os índices encontrados na pesquisa intercultural de Geert Hofstede (2010 (1991)) de que a sociedade brasileira tende à indulgência. O ensino de língua estrangeira não deve estar dissociado do ensino de aspectos culturais, visto que a língua está associada à maneira de interpretar o mundo do povo que se comunica através dela. O ensino de aspectos culturais e interculturais faz-se ainda mais necessário no ensino de segunda língua que ocorre em contexto de imersão, visto que o aprendiz se insere na cultura da língua alvo e está sujeito a choques culturais. O Brasil é visto por vezes como um lugar onde as leis podem ser desrespeitadas e onde sempre se pode dar um jeitinho, logo, o comportamento da sociedade brasileira com relação às transgressões se faz importante para que o aluno estrangeiro desenvolva melhor convivência e interação com membros dessa sociedade, evitando visões estereotípicas. Para tal objetivo, foram analisados episódios da série televisiva A Grande Família, que busca representar a classe média brasileira. Dentre os casos de transgressão moral e legal encontrados, 54 porcento provocaram reação de indulgência, o que confirma os dados encontrados por Hofstede. Diferentemente do previsto pelas hipóteses, verifica-se que as reações indulgentes são motivadas, principalmente, por interesse próprio daquele que reage de forma indulgente e, em certa medida, pela proximidade com o indivíduo transgressor. / [en] The present study is based on an intercultural approach to identify the presence of reactions of indulgence and restraint to transgressions in Brazilian society, in order to confirm or refute the index found in the cross-cultural research by Geert Hofstede (2010 (1991)) that indicates that Brazilian society tends to indulgence. Foreign language teaching should not be dissociated from the teaching of cultural aspects, since the languages are associated to ways of interpreting the world of people who communicates through them. The teaching of cultural and intercultural aspects is even more necessary in second language teaching when it occurs in context of immersion, since the learner becomes part of the culture of target language and may be subject to culture shock. Brazil is sometimes seen as a place where the laws may be disregarded and where one can always use the jeitinho. Thus, the knowledge about the behavior of Brazilian society with respect to transgression becomes important for the foreign student to develop better coexistence and interaction with members of this society, avoiding stereotypical views. For such purpose, we analyzed episodes of the television series A Grande Familia, which seeks to represent the Brazilian middle class. Among the legal and moral transgression cases found, 54 percent provoked reaction of indulgence, which confirms the data found by Hofstede. Differently than predicted by chance, it turns out that the indulgent reactions are mainly motivated by self-interest and, to some extent, by the proximity to the individual who commits the transgression.

O processo de tomada de decisão temporal: o efeito do ego depletion e da vitalidade subjetiva

Rosa, Fernanda Teixeira da 04 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-08-07T16:53:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Teixeira da Rosa_.pdf: 1605905 bytes, checksum: 5cb877c9b680cc4ddb29a75154a95f95 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T16:53:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Teixeira da Rosa_.pdf: 1605905 bytes, checksum: 5cb877c9b680cc4ddb29a75154a95f95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-04 / Nenhuma / Não existe um processo claro de como as pessoas tomam decisões, além das particularidades no que tange à percepções, julgamentos e representações, a sensação de possuir energia disponível e a ativação de uma informação no momento da escolha pode impactar o processo decisório. Com o objetivo de preencher essa lacuna, o presente estudo buscou verificar se o distanciamento psicológico (temporal) afeta a tomada de decisão, bem como se a vitalidade subjetiva e o ego depletion podem alterar essas respostas. Para comprovar empiricamente esses argumentos, foram realizados três estudos experimentais. O Estudo 1 validou a hipótese de que a informação ativa (autocontrole e indulgência) tem influência nas decisões de um futuro próximo, não acontecendo o mesmo em um futuro distante. O segundo experimento buscou verificar se o modelo do Estudo 1 se altera quando o indivíduo está em um estado de ego depletion, a conclusão foi de que na condição de autocontrole o processo se modifica; quando a pessoa está com a informação ativa de autocontrole e logo após estiver em um estado de baixa energia (ego depletion) as decisões de um futuro próximo serão indulgentes e de um futuro distante as decisões serão controladas, logo, pode-se perceber que no Estudo 2 ocorreu o inverso do Estudo 1. Entretanto, no Estudo 2 não foi possível comprovar que as decisões de um futuro próximo e distante são diferentes quando a informação ativa é de indulgência. Por fim, no Estudo 3, os resultados encontrados demonstram que quando a informação ativa for de autocontrole ela irá se potencializar no futuro próximo, concluindo-se que quando a informação ativa for de autocontrole e após de vitalidade subjetiva as decisões de um futuro próximo serão mais conservadoras e de um futuro distante mais indulgentes, de maneira significativa. / There is no clear process to know how people take decisions despite the particularities regarding perceptions, judgments and representations, the sensation of having available energy and the information activation when choosing something can impact the decision process. Aiming to fulfill this gap, the present study sought to verify if the psychological distance (temporal) affects the decision making as if the subjective vitality and the ego depletion can modify those answers. It was made three experimental studies to empirically prove the arguments. The study number 1 confirmed the hypothesis that the active information (self-control and indulgence) has influence in a near future decisions but not happening the same in a distant future. The second experiment sought to check if the model of study 1 modifies when the person is in an ego depletion moment, being concluded that the process modifies when in the self-control condition. When the individual is with active information of self-control and if in the sequence falls in a state of low energy (ego depletion), the decisions in a near future will be indulgent while those of a distant future will be controlled, it can be perceived that the study number 2 demonstrated the opposite of what happened in the study number 1. Nevertheless in the study number 2 it was not possible to prove that the decisions of a near and a distant future are different when the active information is of indulgence. Finally, in the study number 3, the achieved results showed that when the active information is of self-control, it is going to be maximized in a near future, concluding that when the active information is of self-control and later of subjective vitality the near future decisions will be more conservative and of a distant future more indulgent in a significant way.

Protótipo para cirtometria torácica e abdominal instrumentalizada / Prototype for thoracic and abdominal instrumentalizeted cirtometry

Avila, Lutiane de Amorim 27 February 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:07:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PRE TEXTUAIS.pdf: 127112 bytes, checksum: 5eefcd8dfe8d7cdbbea6a7cc5e83298a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this work was to build and to validate an instrument to evaluate the breathing musculature through the difference of the thoracic and abdominal perimeter during the breathing and an evaluation procedure for the same. The study was characterized as experimental research and technological development. The collections were accomplished in the Laboratory of Biomechanics of CEFID/UDESC with 10 healthy individuals, students of CEFID, age between 20 and 30 years. Some of the procedures adopted for the process of validation were the theoretical validity, the experimental validity, the calibration of the sensor and the definition of the procedure to be used in the collections. The prototype was built being used a displacement encoder with digital processing and resolution of 5,9 points/mm. The acquisition of the data was made through the program AmLabII©, that is an acquisition system, processing and storage of signs and data, management events and it works in real time, availabling data in the digital and analogical form. Two collection procedures were accomplished, one in that the measures of PImáx. and PEmáx they were accomplished simultaneously with the measures of thoracic displacement, in spine decubitus, and other in that these measures were done separately, first the pressure measures, in the seated position, and after the displacement, in spine decubitus. To determine the validity and the trustworth of the equipment, being followed the principle of lineal measures; and to the measures of variation of the thoracic and abdominal perimeter obtained for the experimental validity, the descriptive statistics was used ( x , s and CV%). To verify if there was correlation among the measures of variation of the perimeter with the breathing pressures the correlation of Pearson it was applied, with p £ 0,05. The results found in the protocols 1 and 2 indicate that is necessary to reformulate the protocol that will be adopted, in way to optimize the method. In relation to the construction of the prototype, this met the expectations with relationship to the possibility of registering the variation of the width of the thoraco-abdominal movements for the difference of the perimeter. The system presented a high resolution and good linearity of the measures, however, it is needed to accomplish more tests to verify the repeatetibility of the measures and your consistence. With relationship to the procedures adopted in the protocols 1 and 2, it is believed that the instrument and the method are viable, however there is need to verify the number of repetitions adopted is enough and which assists the clinical needs better of the protocols. It was also observed the need of modifying the position adopted for collects of the measures of breathing pressures and of the variation of the thoracoabdominal perimeters, so that are possible more trustworthy comparisons with other methods of breathing evaluation. A correlation significant statiscly wasn´t obtained among the measures of breathing pressures with the variation of the thoraco-abdominal perimeter in the protocol 1, however, being traced the graphs of the pressure by the displacement obtained vii indications of the possibility of obtaining the indulgence. That idea was reinforced starting from the experimental calculation accomplished with a system that simulates the human breathing. However, it is needed more studies to arrive to the ideal number of repetitions and later how to obtain those parameters in humans. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir e validar um instrumento para avaliar a musculatura respiratória através da diferença do perímetro torácico e abdominal durante a respiração e um procedimento de avaliação para o mesmo. O estudo caracterizou-se como pesquisa experimental e de desenvolvimento tecnológico. As coletas foram realizadas no Laboratório de Biomecânica do CEFID/UDESC com 10 indivíduos saudáveis, estudantes do CEFID, com idades entre 20 e 30 anos. Alguns dos procedimentos adotados para o processo de validação do instrumento foram a validade teórica, a validade experimental, a calibração do sensor e a definição do procedimento a ser utilizado nas coletas. O protótipo foi construído utilizando-se um encoder de deslocamento linear com processamento digital e resolução de 5,9 pontos/mm. A aquisição dos dados foi feita através do programa AmLabII©, que é um sistema de aquisição, processamento e armazenamento de sinais e dados, gerencia eventos e trabalha em tempo real, disponibilizando dados na forma digital e analógica. Foram realizados dois procedimentos de coleta, um em que as medidas de PImáx. e de PEmáx foram realizadas simultaneamente com as medidas de deslocamento torácico, em decúbito dorsal, e outro em que estas medidas foram feitas separadamente, as medidas de pressão, na posição sentada, e em seguida as de deslocamento, em decúbito dorsal. Para determinar a validade e a fidedignidade do equipamento, seguindo-se o princípio de medidas lineares; e para as medidas de variação do perímetro torácico e abdominal, obtidas para a validade experimental, foi utilizada a estatística descritiva ( x , s e CV%). Para verificar se houve correlação entre as medidas de variação do perímetro com as pressões respiratórias foi aplicada a correlação de Pearson, com p £ 0,05. Os resultados encontrados nos protocolos 1 e 2 indicam que é preciso reformular o protocolo que será adotado, de forma a otimizar o método. Em relação à construção do protótipo, este correspondeu às expectativas quanto à possibilidade de registrar a variação da amplitude dos movimentos tóraco-abdominais pela diferença do perímetro. O sistema apresentou alta resolução e boa linearidade das medidas, contudo, necessita-se realizar mais testes para verificar a repetitibilidade das medidas e sua consistência. Quanto aos procedimentos adotados, acredita-se que o instrumento e o método são viáveis, porém há necessidade de verificar se o número de repetições adotado é suficiente e qual dos protocolos atende melhor as necessidades clínicas. Também se observou a necessidade de modificar a posição adotada para as coleta das medidas de pressões respiratórias e da variação dos perímetros tóraco-abdominais, para que sejam possíveis comparações mais fidedignas com outros métodos de avaliação respiratória. Não se obteve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre as medidas de pressões respiratórias com as de variação do perímetro tóraco-abdominal no protocolo 1, porém, traçando-se os gráficos da pressão pelo deslocamento obtivemos indícios da possibilidade de obter-se a complacência. Essa idéia foi reforçada a partir do cálculo experimental realizado com o sistema de simulação do sistema respiratório humano. Porém, necessita-se de mais estudos para chegar-se ao número ideal de repetições e posteriormente como obter esses parâmetros em humanos.

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