Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] INTEROPERABILITY"" "subject:"[enn] INTEROPERABILITY""
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Etude de l'approche de l'interopérabilité par médiation dans le cadre d'une dynamique de collaboration appliquée à la gestion de crise / Mediation information system to support interoperability and collaborative behaviors in a context of crisis managementTruptil, Sébastien 24 January 2011 (has links)
Les collaborations inter-organisationnelles relèvent généralement de circonstances opportunistes et s’avèrent par conséquent éphémères. Les organisations doivent alors être disposées à s’intégrer dans ce type de collaboration tout en gardant leur identité propre. Ce constat est le point de départ du projet MISE (Mediation Information System Engineering), qui aborde cette notion de collaboration d’organisations selon l’angle du système d’information, en proposant une démarche de conception d’un SIM (système d’information de médiation). Ce SIM constitue un système tiers, médiateur des SI des diverses organisations, destiné à prendre en charge, d’une part la coordination des actions des partenaires (orchestration de la dynamique collective) et d’autre part, de gérer la circulation de l’information au sein de la collaboration (acheminement et traduction des données). La conception du SIM repose sur une démarche d’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM). Par ailleurs, la notion de crise, reposant par définition sur la sollicitation d’acteurs hétérogènes concernés par une collaboration opportuniste (qui plus est dans le cadre d’un phénomène évolutif d’une durée indéterminée), fait du domaine de la gestion de crise un parfait cas d’étude pour le projet MISE. Ces travaux de thèse, liés au projet ANR-CSOSG ISyCri, présentent cette démarche de conception du SIM appliqué au domaine de la gestion de crise. Le manuscrit parcourt la démarche MISE appliquée au domaine de la gestion de crise depuis la définition conceptuelle jusqu’à la réalisation technique selon les trois étapes de cette démarche IDM : (i) au niveau « métier » : l’utilisation d’une base de connaissance, représentée par une ontologie, permet, à partir des caractéristiques de la situation de crise et du savoir-faire des partenaires de la collaboration, de définir le processus collaboratif représentatif de la succession des activités à exécuter dans le cadre de la réponse à la crise. (ii) au niveau « logique » : une transformation de modèle permet de construire, à partir du modèle de processus collaboratif obtenu au niveau « métier », une architecture logique du SIM (orientée service, selon les préceptes SOA). (iii) au niveau « technique » : une deuxième transformation de modèles permet de générer les éléments nécessaires à la configuration du SIM, notamment le fichier BPEL. L’agilité du SIM ainsi déployé constitue une exigence incontournable. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit proposent donc d’intégrer ces différentes étapes de conception du SIM sous la forme de composants logiciels indépendants, sollicités à loisir au sein d’une architecture orientée service. Cette solution apporte une grande flexibilité structurelle à la démarche, en autorisant la reconfiguration partielle du SIM à partir du niveau adapté à la situation. / Organizations should be able to take part into opportunistic and brief collaborative networks. However, they should also control their identity. The MISE project (Mediation Information System Engineering) aims at dealing with that issue from the information system point of view. The main principle is to design a specific third part mediation information system (MIS) in charge of, first, orchestrating the collaborative workflow of the collaborative network and, second, managing information (carrying and translating data). Designing such a MIS is based on a model-driven engineering approach (MDE). Considering crisis management field, it is obvious that such a domain requires opportunistic collaboration of heterogeneous partners involved in the crisis response (furthermore, crisis management is a very dynamic process where agility is a crucial point). Directly linked to the French funded ISyCri project, this PhD research work presents the overall approach for MIS design in a crisis management context.That MDE approach is based on three steps: (i) “Business” level: a collaborative process model is deduced from a knowledge base represented through an ontology. (ii) “Logical” level: an abstract service-oriented architecture of MIS is built, based on a model transformation from the previously obtained collaborative process model. (iii) “Technical” level: all the required deployment files are generated (including BPEL file), based on another model transformation, from the logical architecture. Besides, agility is a strong requirement for such a MIS. Therefore, these three steps are integrated, as independent software components, in a service-oriented architecture of a MIS-design tool. This solution brings structural flexibility to the overall approach by allowing partial redesign of the MIS (at theexpected step)
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Du système d'information clinique au système d'information épidémiologique : apport de l'intéropérabilité sémantiqueAvillach, Paul 27 September 2011 (has links)
Les informations médicales recueillies dans le cadre du soin doivent être utilisables pour répondre à d’autres objectifs plus collectifs. Dans ce contexte de réutilisation des données d’un système d’information clinique pour de la recherche en épidémiologie, l’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier l’apport de l'intéropérabilité sémantique à travers un certain nombre de situations concrêtes que nous avons rencontrées et étudiées et qui illustrent la nature des problèmes de cohérence sémantiques liés au traitement des données médicales et de santé.La coexistence, à un moment donné, de plusieurs référentiels sémantiques ne doit pas être considéré comme un obstacle à l'interopérabilité. Des outils génériques peuvent être conçus et développés pour passer de façon transparente d'un composant à un autre avec aussi peu de perte d’information que possible. L’Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) est un de ses outils d’intégration sémantique. Son usage dans le cadre de ces travaux montre le caractère général de cette méthode et son potentiel pour résoudre cette classe de problèmes d’intéropérabilité sémantique.La richesse de chacune des terminologies permet, lorsqu’elles sont associées dans un même référentiel sémantique pivot, d’enrichir l’ensemble des terminologies prises individuellement pour une meilleur représentation des connaissances.L’interopérabilité sémantique améliore la disponibilité et la qualité des données réutilisables pour des recherches en santé publique. Elle permet d’enrichir les données existantes. Elle fournit les moyens d'accéder à de nouvelles sources de données, agrégées de manière valide, permettant des analyses comparatives ou des analyses plus riches. / Medical information collected during clinical care must be re-used to address other more collective goals. In this context of re-using data from a clinical information system for epidemiological research, the objective of this work is to study the contribution of semantic interoperability across a number of practical situations we have met and discussed which illustrate the nature of semantic consistency problems associated with processing of medical data.Coexistence at a given time, of several semantic repositories should not be considered as an obstacle to interoperability. Generic tools can be designed and developed to move seamlessly from one component to another with as little loss of information as possible. The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is one of the semantic integration tools. Its use in this work shows the generality of this method and its potential for solving this class of semantic interoperability problems.The richness of each of the terminology can, when combined into a single pivot semantic repository, enrich the set of terminologies individually for a better representation of knowledge.Semantic interoperability improves the availability and quality of reusable data for public health research. It also enriches existing data. It provides access to new sources of data, aggregated in a valid manner, allowing benchmarking or richer analysis.
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Towards interoperable IOT systems with a constraint-aware semantic web of things / Vers une gestion intelligente des données de l'Internet des ObjetsSeydoux, Nicolas 16 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le Web Sémantique des Objets (WSdO), un domaine de recherche à l'interface de l'Internet des Objets (IdO) et du Web Sémantique (WS). L’intégration des approche du WS à l'IdO permettent de traiter l'importante hétérogénéité des ressources, des technologies et des applications de l'IdO, laquelle est une source de problèmes d'interopérabilité freinant le déploiement de systèmes IdO. Un premier verrou scientifique est lié à la consommation en ressource des technologies du WS, là où l'IdO s’appuie sur des objets aux capacités de calcul et de communication limitées. De plus, les réseaux IdO sont déployés à grande échelle, quand la montée en charge est difficile pour les technologies du WS. Cette thèse a pour objectif de traiter ce double défi, et comporte deux contributions. La première porte sur l'identification de critères de qualité pour les ontologies de l'IdO, et l’élaboration de IoT-O, une ontologie modulaire pour l'IdO. IoT-O a été implantée pour enrichir les données d'un bâtiment instrumenté, et pour être moteur de semIoTics, notre application de gestion autonomique. La seconde contribution est EDR (Emergent Distributed Reasoning), une approche générique pour distribuer dynamiquement le raisonnement à base de règles. Les règles sont propagées de proche en proche en s'appuyant sur les descriptions échangées entre noeuds. EDR est évaluée dans deux scénario concrets, s'appuyant sur un serveur et des noeuds contraints pour simuler le déploiement. / This thesis is situated in the Semantic Web of things (SWoT) domain, at the interface between the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Semantic Web (SW). The integration of SW approaches into the IoT aim at tackling the important heterogeneity of resources, technologies and applications in the IoT, which creates interoperability issues impeding the deployment of IoT systems. A first scientific challenge is risen by the resource consumption of the SW technologies, inadequated to the limites computation and communication capabilities of IoT devices. Moreover, IoT networks are deployed at a large scale, when SW technologies have scalability issues. This thesis addresses this double challenge by two contributions. The first one is the identification of quality criteria for IoT ontologies, leading to the proposition of IoT-O, a modular IoT ontology. IoT-O is deployed to enrich data from a smart building, and drive semIoTics, our autonomic computing application. The second contribution is EDR (Emergent Distributed Reasoning), a generic approach to dynamically distributed rule-based reasoning. Rules are propagated peer-to-peer, guided by descriptions exchanged among nodes. EDR is evaluated in two use-cases, using both a server and some constrained nodes to simulate the deployment.
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Interoperabilité des applications d'entreprise dans le domaine technique / Interoperability of technical enterprise applicationsFigay, Nicolas 27 November 2009 (has links)
Dans le contexte économique actuel, les entreprises font face à de nouveaux problèmes en termes d’interopérabilité, du fait de besoins croissants de collaboration eBusiness dans les écosystèmes numériques auxquels elles appartiennent. Elles ont également besoins de pouvoir rentabiliser et faire évoluer les applications internes existantes. De plus, l’établissement rapide d’une collaboration numérique avec un membre de leur écosystème, limitée dans le temps, ne devrait pas nécessiter de modification de leurs infrastructures de communications et de leurs applications pour pouvoir échanger information et connaissance. D’un côté, les solutions actuelles sont de moins en moins adaptées pour faire face ni aux besoins croissants d’interopérabilité dans des environnements de plus en plus complexes. D’un autre côté, il n’est pas envisageable de remplacer les standards et les cadres d’interopérabilité actuellement utilisés en proposant des innovations de rupture. Les travaux de recherches réalisés dans le cadre de la thèse « Interopérabilité des applications techniques d’entreprise » concernent le développement d’une approche innovante pour construire un cadre d’interopérabilité des applications d’entreprise basé sur l’utilisation simultanée et cohérente des standards d’interopérabilité d’un écosystème et des technologies associées. L’objectif est l’interopérabilité « pragmatique ». L’approche innovante propose s’appuie sur les apports conjugués de l’ingénierie par les modèles, de la modélisation d’entreprise, des ontologies et des architectures orientées services. Elle promeut l’utilisation des commodités du WEB, basées sur des standards ouverts et gouvernés. Ce faisant, la préservation sémantique entre les standards de l’écosystème considéré, les artefacts d’ingénierie des applications et les infrastructures de communication est cruciale. Aussi l’approche innovante proposée inclut-elle le concept “d’hyper modèle étendu”, qui a été développée dans le cadre de cette thèse, et dont l’usage est illustré dans le cadre particulier des applications de gestion du cycle de vie des produits industriels, au sein de l’entreprise étendue. / Within the current economic context, enterprises are facing new interoperability issues due to increasing needs of eBusiness Collaboration within the emerging digital ecosystems they belong to. They also need to be able to keep in pace with their heterogeneous internal legacy systems. In addition, they should not have to modify their infrastructure or applications for fast and short collaboration implying information and knowledge interchange with new partners of their ecosystem. In one hand, current solutions are less and less adapted to face increasing needs and complexity in term of interoperability. In the other hand, legacy interoperability standards and frameworks can’t be replaced as it can be imagined to propose new disruptive approach and technologies. The research work undertaken for the thesis “Interoperability of Technical Enterprise Interoperability” consists in proposing an innovative approach allowing a given and mature ecosystem to build an enterprise application interoperability framework based on simultaneous and coherent usage of eBusiness standards used by a given ecosystem, combining usage of the different relevant frameworks supporting these standards. The goal is achievement of "pragmatic" interoperability. Proposed innovative approach takes advantage of simultaneous usage of Model Driven Engineering, Enterprise Modeling, Ontology and Service Oriented Architecture. It promotes systematic usage of commodities on the WEB based on open and governed standards. Doing so, semantic preservation between ecosystem’s standards, application engineering artifacts and communication infrastructures is crucial. To support semantic preservation within the context of the innovative proposed approach, the concept of “extended hypermodel” is developed and demonstrated within the context of Product Lifecycle Management within networked organizations.
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A Formal Framework for Process Interoperability in Dynamic Collaboration Environments / Un cadre formel pour l'interopérabilité des processus dans les environnements collaboratifs dynamiquesKhalfallah, Malik 03 December 2014 (has links)
Concevoir les produits complexes tels que les avions, les hélicoptères, et les lanceurs requière l'utilisation de processus standardisés ayant des fondements robustes. Ces processus doivent être exécutés dans le contexte d'environnements collaboratifs interorganisationnels souvent dynamiques. Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons un cadre formel qui assure une interopérabilité continue dans le temps pour les processus inter-organisationnels dans les environnements dynamiques. Nous proposons un langage de modélisation déclaratif pour définir des contrats qui capturent les objectifs de chaque partenaire intervenant dans la collaboration. Les modèles de contrats construits avec ce langage sous-spécifient les objectifs de la collaboration en limitant les détails capturés durant la phase de construction du contrat. Cette sous-spécification réduit le couplage entre les partenaires de la collaboration. Néanmoins, moins de couplage implique l'apparition de certaines inadéquations quand les processus des partenaires vont s'échanger des messages lors de la phase d'exécution. Par conséquent, nous développons un algorithme de médiation automatique qui est bien adapté pour les environnements dynamiques. Nous conduisons des évaluations de performance sur cet algorithme qui vont démontrer son efficience par rapport aux approches de médiation existantes. Ensuite, nous étendons notre cadre avec un ensemble d'opérations d'administration qui permettent la réalisation de modifications sur l'environnement collaboratif. Nous développons un algorithme qui évalue l'impact des modifications sur les partenaires. Cet algorithme va ensuite décider si la modification doit être réalisée à l'instant ou bien retardée en attendant que des conditions appropriées sur la configuration de l'environnement dynamique soient satisfaites. Pour savoir comment atteindre ces conditions, nous utilisons l'algorithme de planning à base de graphe. Cet algorithme détermine l'ensemble des opérations qui doivent être exécutées pour atteindre ces conditions / Designing complex products such as aircrafts, helicopters and launchers must rely on well-founded and standardized processes. These processes should be executed in the context of dynamic cross-organizational collaboration environments. In this dissertation, we present a formal framework that ensures sustainable interoperability for cross-organizational processes in dynamic environments. We propose a declarative modeling language to define contracts that capture the objectives of each partner in the collaboration. Contract models built using this language under-specify the objectives of the collaboration by limiting the details captured at design-time. This under-specification decreases the coupling between partners in the collaboration. Nevertheless, less coupling leads to the creation of mismatches when partners’ processes will exchange messages at run-time. Accordingly, we develop an automatic mediation algorithm that is well adapted for dynamic environments. We conduct a thorough evaluation of this algorithm in the context of dynamic environments and compare it with existing mediation approaches which will prove its efficiency. We then extend our framework with a set of management operations that help realize the modifications on the collaboration environment at run-time. We develop an algorithm that assesses the impact of modifications on the partners in the collaboration environment. Then, this algorithm decides if the modification can be realized or should be postponed to wait for appropriate conditions. In order to figure out how to reach these appropriate conditions, we use the planning graph algorithm. This algorithm determines the raw set of management operations that should be executed in order to realize these conditions. A raw set of management operations cannot be executed by an engine unless its operations are encapsulated in the right workflow patterns. Accordingly, we extend this planning algorithm in order to generate an executable workflow from the raw set of operations. We evaluate our extension against existing approaches regarding the number and the nature of workflow patterns considered when generating the executable workflow. Finally, we believe that monitoring contributes in decreasing the coupling between partners in a collaboration environment
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Upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet : Analys rörande interoperabilitet och data portabilitet / Procurement of cloud services within municipal activities : Analysis of interoperability and data portabilityKullman, Rasmus January 2019 (has links)
Molntjänster erbjuder skalbara IT-resurser på begäran över internet, där molntjänstanvändaren endast betalar efter förbrukning. Dessa resurser kan variera mellan allt från processorkraft till lagring (Amazon, 2019). Digitaliseringen av samhället har bidragit till en ökad efterfrågan på innovativa lösningar. Detta har resulterat i att molntjänster har ökat i popularitet inom offentlig sektor, exempelvis inom kommunal verksamhet där trenden pekar på att efterfrågan på molntjänster samt användning av molnlösningar fortsätter att öka. När offentliga aktörer väljer att implementera molntjänster så är det viktigt att den information som hanteras av en molntjänst bibehåller en hög nivå av informationssäkerhet (Hellberg, Islam, & Karlsson, 2018). Viktiga aspekter som kommunal verksamhet bör beakta är funktionalitet och juridiska krav. Förutom dessa aspekter så bör molntjänstkunder även ställa tydliga krav på de tekniska utmaningar som existerar för att kunna säkerställa att lösningen som tillhandahålls uppfyller verksamhetens kriterier rörande interoperabilitet och dataportabilitet. Denna studie har till syfte att utveckla en checklista som kan användas vid upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet. Studien ämnar även till att analysera det eventuella gap som existerar mellan leverantör och köpare. Studien utförs genom att använda en kvalitativ metod. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från ett urval av IT-avdelningar från kommuner inom Västra Götalands län och representanter från molntjänstleverantörer, samlas information in som sedan analyseras och används för att utveckla en checklista som kan användas vid upphandling av molntjänster inom kommunal verksamhet. Befintlig bakgrundslitteratur har även beaktats och analyserats under studien. Resultatet visar att samtliga kommuner involverade i studien använder sig av upphandlade molntjänster i någon utsträckning och är dagsläget i behov av de positiva egenskaper som molntjänster bidrar med till verksamheten. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett visst gap mellan leverantör och kommunal verksamhet när det kommer till vad som anses vara tydlig kravställning på interoperabilitet. / Cloud services offer scalable IT resources on demand over the Internet, where the cloud service user only pays for consumption. These resources can vary between everything from processing power to storage (Amazon, 2019). The digitization of society has contributed to an increased demand for innovative solutions. This has resulted in cloud services increasing in popularity in the public sector for example in municipal activities where the trend indicates that demand for cloud services and the use of cloud solutions continue to increase. When public actors choose to implement cloud services, it is important that the information handled by a cloud service maintains a high level of information security (Hellberg, Islam, & Karlsson, 2018). Important aspects that municipal activities should consider are functionality and legal requirements. In addition to these aspects, cloud service customers should also set clear requirements for the technical challenges that exist in order to ensure that the solution provided meets the operational criteria for interoperability and data portability. The purpose of this study is to develop a checklist that can be used in the procurement of cloud services within municipal activities. The study also aims to analyze the possible gap that exists between the supplier and the buyer. The study is performed using a qualitative method. Through qualitative interviews with representatives from a selection of IT departments from municipalities within the county of Västra Götaland, information is collected then analyzed and used to develop a checklist that can be used in procurement of cloud services within municipal activities. Existing background literature has also been considered and analyzed during the study. The result shows that all municipalities involved in the study make use of procured cloud services to some extent and are currently in need of the positive properties that cloud services contribute to the business. The result also shows that there is a certain gap between supplier and municipal activity when it comes to what is considered to be clear requirements regarding interoperability.
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Uma abordagem baseada em ontologias e conectores para a integração semântica de ferramentas de análise de expressão gênica / An Approach Based on Ontologies and Connectors for Semantic Integration of Gene Expression Analysis ToolsMiyazaki, Flavia Akemi 15 December 2011 (has links)
As pesquisas em biologia molecular têm produzido uma grande quantidade de dados, os quais embutem informações sobre diferentes fenômenos biológicos. Neste sentido, a bioinformática se destaca como uma área de pesquisa multidisciplinar que visa, principalmente, o desenvolvimento de ferramentas (sistemas) computacionais para auxiliar na descoberta de conhecimento a partir de dados biológicos. Dentro da bioinformática, a área de genômica funcional procura estudar as funções gênicas através da medição simultânea e em larga escala dos níveis de expressão gênica de um genoma. Diferentes ferramentas são utilizadas no processo de análise de expressão gênica, cada qual provê suporte a uma atividade de análise específica. Embora alguns ambientes de descoberta de conhecimento ofereçam suporte integrado a este processo de análise e exploração de dados, a maior parte das ferramentas de análise é desenvolvida independentemente de outras ferramentas e ambientes de descoberta de conhecimento. Este cenário representa um desafio para biologistas que precisam combinar e integrar diferentes ferramentas, muitas vezes de forma ad hoc, custosa e sujeita a erros. Modelos conceituais, tais como ontologias, têm contribuído para o sucesso do desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais em diferentes domínios de aplicação. O desenvolvimento de tais modelos tem por objetivo representar corretamente, em alto nível de abstração, conceitos e situações pertinentes a um dado domínio de interesse. Esta representação abstrata facilita não apenas o entendimento de um dado domínio, mas também serve como base para o processo de desenvolvimento do sistema como um todo. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o desenvolvimento e o uso de modelos conceituais em geral e ontologias em particular, na integração de ferramentas na área de análise de expressão gênica. De forma específica, este trabalho tem por objetivo propor uma abordagem para a integração semântica de ferramentas de análise de expressão gênica a partir do uso de conectores e de uma ontologia de domínio. Essa abordagem foi aplicada no desenvolvimento de estudos de caso envolvendo a criação de diferentes ambientes integrados para a análise de expressão gênica e mostrou-se eficaz. / Molecular biology researches are increasingly producing large amounts of data regarding underlying biological phenomena. Bioinformatics is a multidisciplinary research field whose main objective is the development of theories and information systems to help the process of knowledge discovery from biological data. Functional genomics is a field of study bioinformatics concerned with the study of gene function through parallel and large scale expression measurements of a genome. A variety of software tools are usually combined and used in a knowledge discovery process, each providing support for a specific data analysis task. Although some tools are already provided as part of an integrated knowledge discovery environment, most of them are developed independently of other software tools and knowledge discovery environments. This scenario poses a problem and a challenge for biologists that need to combine and integrate different tools in an ad hoc, time consuming and error prone process. Conceptual models, such as ontologies, have contributed to the successful development of information systems in different application domains. The development of such models aims at creating a clear and precise description of the elements of a given domain at a high abstraction level. This abstract and high level description not only promotes a shared understanding of the domain, but also serves as basis for the development process of supporting applications in the domain. This work aims at investigating the development and use of conceptual models in general and ontologies in particular to support the integration of gene expression data analysis systems. Specifically, this work proposes an approach for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools using connectors and a domain ontology. This approach was applied in the development of a number of case studies aiming at creating integrated environments for gene expression analysis and proved its effectiveness.
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IEC-61850: interoperabilidade e intercambialidade entre equipamentos de supervisão, controle e proteção através das redes de comunicação de dados / IEC-61850: interoperability and interchangeability between supervision, control and protection equipment using data communication networksMiranda, Juliano Coêlho 27 April 2009 (has links)
Os sistemas de comunicação de dados sempre foram considerados um fator crítico na operação em tempo real do sistema elétrico de potência, devido a necessidade de decisões rápidas e precisas em pontos geograficamente distribuídos, desde usinas geradoras de energia até interfaces de usuários. Com a tecnologia digital, as medições, sinalizações e comandos são encapsulados em pacotes de dados que trafegam na rede da subestação, utilizando protocolos que estabelecem os formatos, as regras, os métodos, negociando e concordando no uso de parâmetros, que assegurem o transporte de informações entre dois ou mais dispositivos do sistema de automação da subestação. Uma vez que o número de protocolos de comunicação tem se tornado um desafio para usuários e fabricantes, criando ilhas de informação, o padrão IEC-61850 busca harmonizar a diversidade de equipamentos e fabricantes, e possibilitar a integração de dados para que o máximo dos benefícios possa ser extraído. Como proposta que principia esta dissertação, ambiciona-se expor a implementação no Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia Elétrica, da Universidade de São Paulo, de uma infra-estrutura de comunicação de dados e redes de computadores, Intranet, que possibilita experimentação, medição, analise e avaliação da interoperabilidade de informações, e intercambialidade de equipamentos com supervisão, controle e proteção, essencialmente, reles digitais comerciais, aqui denominados equipamentos eletrônicos inteligentes. Com o intuito de desenvolver aplicações focadas ao estudo da automação de subestações entre os níveis de processo e bay, utilizando a infraestrututa supracitada, apresenta-se neste trabalho uma lógica para controle de um bay típico de saída de linha, dispondo de meios de comunicação de dados, e uma lógica para comutação entre fontes de alta tensão em uma subestação industrial. Estes casos oportunizaram a realização de testes quanto a troca de informações adotando o padrão IEC-61850 como protocolo de comunicação, e a rede Ethernet em substituição a fiação paralela, freqüentemente utilizada como canal de comunicação, alem da intercambialidade entre dispositivos eletrônicos inteligentes de fabricantes distintos. Houve em 100% dos casos evidenciados, correta recepção dos comandos via fiação paralela ou mensagens GOOSE. Através dos resultados obtidos, percebeu-se a estabilidade e eficiência das lógicas implementadas e uma redução nos tempos necessários para troca de informações após migração para o padrão IEC-61850. Neste ínterim, busca-se avaliar o comportamento no tempo de mensagens do tipo GOOSE, Generic Object Oriented Substation Event, em condições distintas de trafego e de configuração da topologia lógica da rede de comunicação, monitorando um possível extravio entre as mensagens geradas por um emissor e aquelas recebidas por um ou mais destinatários. Em todas as aplicações foi utilizada uma metodologia para especificar a automação das lógicas discretas mediante emprego do padrão IEC-61850, caracterizando conceitos, como, por exemplo, a especificação funcional das aplicações, o mapeamento das informações enviadas e recebidas, a definição do tipo de no lógico utilizado, a configuração do serviço de mensagens GOOSE e, a atribuição da estrutura de dados de cada no lógico aos pontos pertinentes dentro das lógicas preestabelecidas. Os resultados obtidos refletiram no ambiente laboratorial demandas reais solicitadas pelo sistema elétrico de potência. / Data communication has always been considered as a critical factor in real time operation of electric power systems. This is due to the need for fast and accurate decisions at different locations, from power generation to the user interfaces. With the digital technology, measurement, signals and commands are encrypted into data packets that travels on the substation network, using protocols that provide the format, rules, methods, dealing with parameters which ensure the traffic of information between two or more devices in the substation automation system. Since the number of communication protocols has become a challenge for users and manufacturers, creating islands of information, the IEC-61850 standard seeks for harmonization of the different equipment and manufacturers, enabling the integration of data for maximum performance. The proposal of this work is the actual implementation, at the Energy Systems Laboratory from the University of Sao Paulo, of an infrastructure of data communication network, which allows experimentation, measurement, analysis and assessment of information, interoperability and interchangeability of supervision, control and protection equipment, especially Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). In order to develop applications focused on the study of automation of substations between the process and bay levels, using the infrastructure mentioned above, a logic to bay control using data communication, as well as a logic for high voltage source switching are presented. These situations test information exchange using the IEC-61850 standard as a communication protocol, and the Ethernet network replacing parallel wiring. It also tests the interchangeability amongst IEDs from different manufacturers. There were in 100% of the cases tested, correct reception of commands using parallel wiring or GOOSE messages. From the results, the stability and efficiency of the implemented logic can be observed as well as a reduction in time required to exchange information in the system. Moreover, a behavior evaluation in time of GOOSE messages was implemented for different traffic and topology conditions, monitoring possible loss of messages. In all applications a methodology to specify the automation of discrete logic using the standard IEC-61850 was implemented, featuring concepts, such as the functional specification of the applications, data mapping, the definition of the type of logic node used, the configuration of GOOSE, as well as the allocation of data structure for each logical node. The results reflects in the laboratory environment the demands requested by an actual electric power system.
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[pt] O compartilhamento de dados é um fator crítico para o
sucesso das
organizações devido à emergente necessidade de comunicação
com seus parceiros
de negócios. Porém, a heterogeneidade das fontes de dados
é uma das barreiras
para a efetiva interoperabilidade entre sistemas de
informação. Esta dissertação
inicialmente introduz o conceito de Catálogo de Objetos
baseado em Ontologia
(OnOC) como uma estratégia para endereçar o problema de
entre diferentes fontes de dados. Um OnOC oferece recursos
para definir e manter
um vocabulário comum, chamado ontologia de referência, que
facilita o
intercâmbio de dados entre diferentes fontes. Em seguida,
propõe uma arquitetura
para OnOCs que combina conceitos tais como catálogos de
metadados, servidores
de ontologias, mediadores e federações de bancos de dados. / [en] Data sharing is a critical factor for the success of
organizations due to the
increasing need to facilitate communication with business
partners. However, data
source heterogeneity proved to be a barrier for the
effective interoperability
between information systems. The concept of an Ontology-
based Object Catalog
(OnOC) is first introduced as a strategy to address the
interoperability problem
between heterogeneous data sources. An OnOC offers support
for the definition
and maintenance of a common vocabulary, called a reference
ontology, that
facilitates data interchange among different sources.
Then, an architecture for
OnOCs is proposed that combines concepts such as metadata
catalogs, ontology
servers, mediators and database federations.
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Algoritmos para Interoperabilidade entre Ontologias / ALGORITHMS FOR ONTOLOGIES INTEROPERABILITHinz, Verlani Timm 06 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-06 / Nowadays the interest for the theme ontologies has steadily increased, as it aims at to
capture consensual knowledge between people and applications, allowing reusing and sharing
information. With this purpose, mechanisms are demanded to guarantee semantic
interoperability, that is, the identification and compatibility of information. The present study
proposes to development the algorithms to interoperability among ontologies. Hence, it
intends to obtain more semantic flexibility and to reach better levels of description in the
information that characterize the context of a computational environment. Initially, a basic but
deep study, was done about the ways of interoperability among ontologies and its applications
in different environments. Formality of specification as grammatical of graphs and matrix of
adjacencies to represent ontologies and the use of parsers for conversion of code OWL in
representation of matrices had also been studied. The patterns Dublin Core and FOAF, were
studied and used in order to address the issue of reconciliation of vocabularies. For
verification of the applicability of the measure, it was shown to an example of dynamic
interoperability of ontologies and an algorithm that can be applied in several scenes / Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse sobre o tema Ontologias, pois estas objetivam
capturar conhecimento consensual entre pessoas e aplicações, permitindo o reuso e
compartilhamento de informações. Para estes propósitos, são necessários mecanismos que
garantam a interoperabilidade semântica e compatibilidade de informações. O presente
trabalho propõe desenvolver algoritmos para interoperabilidade entre ontologias, utilizando
operadores relacionais. Para isso, inicialmente foi feito um estudo básico, mas aprofundado,
sobre as formas de interoperabilidade entre ontologias e sua aplicação em diferentes
ambientes. Foram estudados também formalismos de especificação como gramática de grafos
e matriz de adjacências para representar ontologias, assim como, a utilização de parsers para
converter ontologias no formato OWL em representação de matrizes. Os padrões Dublin Core
e FOAF, foram estudados e utilizados a fim de tratar a questão da conciliação de
vocabulários. Como verificações da aplicabilidade da medida foram demonstrados dois
exemplos de interoperabilidade dinâmica de ontologias aplicadas a domínios específicos
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