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線性羅吉斯迴歸模型的最佳D型逐次設計 / The D-optimal sequential design for linear logistic regression model藍旭傑, Lan, Shiuh Jay Unknown Date (has links)
假設二元反應曲線為簡單線性羅吉斯迴歸模型(Simple Linear Logistic Regression Model),在樣本數為偶數的前題下,所謂的最佳D型設計(D-Optimal Design)是直接將半數的樣本點配置在第17.6個百分位數,而另一半則配置在第82.4個百分位數。很遺憾的是,這兩個位置在參數未知的情況下是無法決定的,因此逐次實驗設計法(Sequential Experimental Designs)在應用上就有其必要性。在大樣本的情況下,本文所探討的逐次實驗設計法在理論上具有良好的漸近最佳D型性質(Asymptotic D-Optimality)。尤其重要的是,這些特性並不會因為起始階段的配置不盡理想而消失,影響的只是收斂的快慢而已。但是在實際應用上,這些大樣本的理想性質卻不是我們關注的焦點。實驗步驟收斂速度的快慢,在小樣本的考慮下有決定性的重要性。基於這樣的考量,本文將提出三種起始階段設計的方法並透過模擬比較它們之間的優劣性。 / The D-optimal design is well known to be a two-point design for the simple linear logistic regression function model. Specif-ically , one half of the design points are allocated at the 17.6- th percentile, and the other half at the 82.4-th percentile. Since the locations of the two design points depend on the unknown parameters, the actual 2-locations can not be obtained. In order to dilemma, a sequential design is somehow necessary in practice. Sequential designs disscused in this context have some good properties that would not disappear even the initial stgae is not good enough under large sample size. The speed of converges of the sequential designs is influenced by the initial stage imposed under small sample size. Based on this, three initial stages will be provided in this study and will be compared through simulation conducted by C++ language.
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信用卡信用風險審核範例學習系統之研究 / Assessing Credit Card Risks Using Learning From Examples許愛惠, Ai-Huey Shu Unknown Date (has links)
範例學習審核模式之預測能力達72.58%,較 Logistic Re- gression 審
益。此乃由於本模式能有效辨識出不良客戶(命中率為 80.58%),因而
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海平面上升對土地利用變遷與人口遷移影響之研究─以台北都會區為例 / The influence of sea level rise on land use changes and population migration ─ A study of Taipei metropolitan area張伊芳, Chang, Yi Fang Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示,海平面上升之情形越嚴重,未來的都市建地發展會越趨向擴張的形式,對農林地產生變遷之壓力;而於同一海平面上升水平下,針對農林地進行管制,其建地之發展會較為集中於都市計畫地區範圍內,且多數人口亦將遷移至此,容易形成人口壓力。此外,土地利用變遷模擬所得之新增建地部分,於情境A、C下足以容納受影響之人口,但情境B、D則不足以容納,皆會對台北都會區產生容受力之問題,產生累計人口超過計畫人口之現象。因此,建議未來政府於都市發展上,可調整都市計畫內之土地使用強度或都市範圍,也可利用都市更新之方式減少新的土地開發;此外,從國家層級分析,未來的國土計畫法於立法上,亦可將更多氣候變遷相關影響因子納入四大功能分區,透過適宜性分析進行分類分級,以做為未來土地利用發展之引導。 / The 4th IPCC report simulated climate warming and predicted future sea-level rise scenarios. A sea level rise will have a great impact on the population of the Taipei metropolitan area, and it will also produce land-use changes. The purpose of this study is to research the impact of sea level change on land use changes and population migration in Taipei metropolitan, and the areas that will be immigrated by the flooded areas. The method used includes binary logistic regression model combined with Conversion of Land Use and its Effects Model (CLUE-s). Setting the sea-level rise and regulating agricultural land, forest land of the four simulated situations.
The results show that the higher sea level rises, the more transformation towards urban development in the future, and the higher sea level will also pressure agriculture and forestry changes. As a result of population pressure on Taipei metropolitan area, the same level of sea-level rise for the regulation of agriculture and forestry land, the development of building sites and population migration will be more concentrated on urban planning areas. In addition, the simulation of land use change generated new building sites, sufficient enough to accommodate the affected population under A and C simulated situations, but B and D couldn’t generate such results. Instead, it will generate a carrying capacity issue.
Therefore, this thesis suggests that the government adjust the intensity of land use in urban development, urban areas and urban renewal of urban planning. In addition, the analysis from the national level, the future legislation of Land Planning Act should include the relation of climate change impact factors as a consideration of future land use development.
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房屋抵押貸款終止行為之研究 / A study on the termination behaviors of residential mortgages賴景苑 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果:從機率模型配適度與解釋力之實證分析中,獲得一致結論,對於含有總體經濟因子-經濟成長率與CPI 年增率之模型,其所計算Cox & Snell及Nagelkerke之假 值分別為0.534及0.611,均大於0.5以上,其相對性與獨立性上,均具備較高的模型解釋力,為一較優之房貸違約與提前清償終止行為模型,其相關顯著影響因子如下:
一、對違約具有顯著影響之因子,包括:借款年限、初貸利率、LTV、保證人、次級房貸、部分提前清償、購屋投資、 PTI、DBR>22、軍警公教人員、設二胎、區域台北市、區域新北市及CPI年增率等14項。
本實證結果所建構含有總體經濟因子之房貸終止行為機率模型,以其顯著影響因子再深入探討提前清償-『出售』與『轉貸』之動機,使提前清償行為模式更精確性地呈現,有助於提供金融機構,在計算違約機率與提前清償機率之模型架構上及授信審核評估上,具貢獻價值之參考資訊。 / This research explores the default and prepayment on the termination behaviors of residential mortgages, as well as the motives of prepayment in house selling or refinancing. Mortgage data are collected from the H bank in Taiwan, using the multi-nominal logistic regression analytic method to explore the factors affecting the default and prepayment behaviors.
Empirical results show that loan period, initial mortgage rate, loan-to-value ratio (LTV), the existence of the guarantor, subprime mortgages, curtailment, investment purpose, payment-to-income (PTI), debt burden ratio exceeded 22 (DBR>22), government employees or teachers, second lien, location in Taipei city, the new Taipei city and CPI annual rate of increase are the significant factors of default behavior. As for the variables on prepayment, the initial mortgage rate, subprime mortgages, curtailment, investment purpose, residential use, DBR>22, the age of professional career, second lien, CPI annual rate of increase and economical growth rate are significant. For more detailed curtailment behavior, the empirical results show that house sale subprime mortgages, curtailment, residential investment purpose, second lien are significant factors. As for the variables in inter-bank refinancing initial interest rate, subprime mortgages, residential investment purpose, the age of professional career, second lien, CPI annual rate of increase and economical growth rate are significant factors.
Results of this research may provide financial institutions precious references on the mortgage default and prepayment behaviors. The mortgage industry can take into account of the significant results on the capital planning in the future.
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Towards establishing the equivalence of the IsiXhosa and English versions of the Woodcok Munoz language survey : an item and construct bias analysis of the verbal analogies scaleRoomaney, Rizwana January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study formed part of a larger project that is concerned with the adaptation of a test of cognitive academic language proficiency, the Woodcock Muñ / oz Language Survey (WMLS). The WMLS has been adapted from English into isiXhosa and the present study is located within the broader study that is concerned with establishing overall equivalence between the two language versions of the WMLS. It was primarily concerned with the Verbal Analogies (VA) scale. Previous research on this scale has demonstrated promising results, but continues to find evidence of some inequivalence. This study aimed to cross-validate previous research on the two language versions of the WMLS and improve on methodological issues by employing matched groups. It drew upon an existing dataset from the larger research project. The study employed a monolingual matched two-group design consisting of 150 mainly English speaking and 149 mainly isiXhosa learners in grades 6 and 7. This study had two sub aims. The first was to investigate item bias by identifying DIF items in the VA scale across the isiXhosa and English by conducting a logistic regression and Mantel-Haenszel procedure. Five items were identified by both techniques as DIF. The second sub aim was to evaluate construct equivalence between the isiXhosa and English versions of the WMLS on the VA scale by conducting a factor analysis on the tests after removal of DIF items. Two factors were requested during the factor analysis. The first factor displayed significant loadings across both language versions and was identified as a stable factor. This was confirmed by the Tucker&rsquo / s Phi and scatter plot. The second factor was stable for the English version but not for the isiXhosa version. The Tucker&rsquo / s phi and scatter plot indicated that this factor is not structurally equivalent across the two language versions</p>
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Revision Moment for the Retail Decision-Making SystemJuszczuk, Agnieszka Beata, Tkacheva, Evgeniya January 2010 (has links)
In this work we address to the problems of the loan origination decision-making systems. In accordance with the basic principles of the loan origination process we considered the main rules of a clients parameters estimation, a change-point problem for the given data and a disorder moment detection problem for the real-time observations. In the first part of the work the main principles of the parameters estimation are given. Also the change-point problem is considered for the given sample in the discrete and continuous time with using the Maximum likelihood method. In the second part of the work the disorder moment detection problem for the real-time observations is considered as a disorder problem for a non-homogeneous Poisson process. The corresponding optimal stopping problem is reduced to the free-boundary problem with a complete analytical solution for the case when the intensity of defaults increases. Thereafter a scheme of the real time detection of a disorder moment is given.
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Calculating control variables with age at onset data to adjust for conditions prior to exposureHöfler, Michael, Brueck, Tanja, Lieb, Roselind, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 20 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background: When assessing the association between a factor X and a subsequent outcome Y in observational studies, the question that arises is what are the variables to adjust for to reduce bias due to confounding for causal inference on the effect of X on Y. Disregarding such factors is often a source of overestimation because these variables may affect both X and Y. On the other hand, adjustment for such variables can also be a source of underestimation because such variables may be the causal consequence of X and part of the mechanism that leads from X to Y.
Methods: In this paper, we present a simple method to compute control variables in the presence of age at onset data on both X and a set of other variables. Using these age at onset data, control variables are computed that adjust only for conditions that occur prior to X. This strategy can be used in prospective as well as in survival analysis. Our method is motivated by an argument based on the counterfactual model of a causal effect.
Results: The procedure is exemplified by examining of the relation between panic attack and the subsequent incidence of MDD.
Conclusions: The results reveal that the adjustment for all other variables, irrespective of their temporal relation to X, can yield a false negative result (despite unconsidered confounders and other sources of bias).
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Risken för kolorektal cancer i förhållande till kostmönster, fysisk aktivitet och BMI i sydöstra Sverige : Analys av data från en fall-kontrollstudie / The risk of colorectal cancer in relation to dietary patterns, physical activity and BMI in southeastern SwedenWilzén, Josef, Lee, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har identifierat flera riskfaktorer, såsom kost, fysisk aktivitet och BMI, gällande kolorektal cancer. Att analysera kost utifrån kostmönster istället för enskilda livsmedel har visat sig vara effektivt för att undersöka risker för kolorektal cancer. Datamaterial samlades in med hjälp av en fall-kontroll studie med 257 fall och 805 kontroller. Syfte: Identifiera faktorer som ger en höjd eller sänkt risk för kolorektal cancer utifrån områdena kost, fysisk aktivitet och BMI. Metod: Faktoranalys användes för att upptäcka kostmönster. Logistisk regression användes för att skatta oddskvoter och 95 % konfidensintervall. Resultat: Tio stycken kostmönster erhölls från faktoranalysen. Kostmönstren ”Läsk, juice och mjölkprodukter” (OR=1,288; ORQ4=2,159), ”Te, men inte kaffe”(OR=1,228; ORQ3=1,891; ORQ4=1,668) och ”Fågel, rött kött och fisk”( ORQ4=1,724) gav alla en ökad risk. Däremot visade kostmönstret ”Mat från säd och ost”( ORQ2=0,546; ORQ4=0,592) en minskad risk. BMI för tio år sedan (OR=1,079; ORÖvervikt=1,491; ORFetma=2,260) identifierades som en riskfaktor. Att arbeta inom stillasittande (OR=0,975; OR>15 år=0,517) och mellanaktiva (OR=0,977; OR6-10 år=0,497;OR>15 år=0,565) yrken visade på en minskad risk. Slutsats: Flera kostmönster visade sig vara riskfaktorer, detta gäller även BMI för tio år sedan. Kostmönstret ”Mat från säd och ost” och att arbeta i fysiskt lätta till medeltunga yrken visade sig vara skyddande faktorer. / Background: Previous studies have shown several risk factors for developing colorectal cancer such as diet, physical activity and BMI. The method of analyzing diets based on dietary patterns, rather than individual food items, have been shown to be effective when investigating the colorectal cancer risk. The data was collected using a case-control study of 257 cases and 805 controls. Aim: Identify factors that cause increased or decreased risk in developing colorectal cancer based on diet, physical activity and BMI. Methods: Factor analysis was conducted to identify dietary patterns. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratio and 95 % confidence interval. Results: Factor analysis conducted ten dietary patterns, three of these patterns showed an increased risk “Soft drinks, juice and milk products” (OR=1,288; ORQ4=2,159), “Tea, but not coffee” (OR=1,228; ORQ3=1,891; ORQ4=1,668) and “Poultry, red meats and fish” (ORQ4=1,724).The dietary pattern “Food based on grain and cheese” (ORQ2=0,546; ORQ4=0,592) showed a decreased risk. BMI ten years ago (OR=1,079; OROverweight=1,491; ORObese=2,260) identified as a risk factor. To work in sedentary (OR=0,975; OR>15 years=0,517) or physically medium heavy (OR=0,977; OR6-10 years=0,497; OR>15 years=0,565) occupations indicated a decreased risk. Conclusions: Several dietary patterns has been identified as risk factors, this also includes BMI ten years ago. The dietary pattern “Food based on grain and cheese” and to work in sedentary or physically medium heavy occupations proved to be protective factors.
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Habitat relationships of seven breeding bird species in the Leon River Watershed investigated at local scalesJuarez Berrios, Edwin Alfredo 17 February 2005 (has links)
Over the past 100150 years Texas rangelands have dramatically changed from native open savannahs to dense woodlands. On the Edwards plateau, a major management concern is the increasing encroachment of Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei). Preceding an anticipated brush management program, I investigated the presence, co-occurrence, and habitat relationships of 7 breeding bird species in the Leon River Watershed in central Texas, USA: black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapillus), golden-cheeked warbler (Dendroica chrysoparia), northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), white-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus), Bells vireo (Vireo bellii), painted bunting (Passerina ciris), and brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Vegetation characteristics were compared between sites occupied by each species and unoccupied sites using univariate analysis. Models for predicting species site occupancy were developed (using logistic regression) based on habitat characteristics correlated with the presence of each species. Two species of special concern, the endangered black-capped vireo and golden-cheeked warbler occupied 5.6% of sites and 13.8% of sites respectively, while the brood parasite brown-headed cowbird was the most widespread, occupying 86.8% of sites. Species co-occurrence patterns revealed significant associations between the golden-cheeked
warbler and each of 5 other species. For most species, variables included in habitat models could be explained by knowledge of species known habitat associations. For example, the black-capped vireo was positively associated with increasing low-growing (<1.5 m) hardwood cover and with Low Stony Hill ecological sites. The golden-cheeked warbler was positively associated with increasing density of larger juniper trees, increasing variability in vertical vegetation structure, and decreasing midstory canopy of deciduous nonoaks (e.g., cedar elm [Ulmus crasifolia]). It also preferred Low Stony Hill and Steep Adobe ecological sites. Site occupancy seemed to be driven by variables that describe overall vegetation structure. In particular, cover of low-growing non-juniper vegetation and juniper tree density appeared to be important in determining site occupancy for several species. Although the models constructed were not very robust, resource managers can still benefit from such models because they provide a preliminary examination of important controlling variables. Managing rangelands to maintain or restore a mosaic of juniper patches and open shrublands are likely to help meet the habitat requirements of these bird communities.
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Modeling framework for socioeconomic analysis of managed lanesKhoeini, Sara 08 June 2015 (has links)
Managed lanes are a form of congestion pricing that use occupancy and toll payment requirements to utilize capacity more efficiently. How socio-spatial characteristics impact users’ travel behavior toward managed lanes is the main research question of this study. This research is a case study of the conversion of a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to a High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane, implemented in Atlanta I-85 on 2011. To minimize the cost and maximize the size of the collected data, an innovative and cost-effective modeling framework for socioeconomic analysis of managed lanes has been developed. Instead of surveys, this research is based on the observation of one and a half million license plates, matched to household locations, collected over a two-year study period. Purchased marketing data, which include detailed household socioeconomic characteristics, supplemented the household corridor usage information derived from license plate observations. Generalized linear models have been used to link users’ travel behavior to socioeconomic attributes. Furthermore, GIS raster analysis methods have been utilized to visualize and quantify the impact of the HOV-to-HOT conversion on the corridor commutershed. At the local level, this study conducted a comprehensive socio-spatial analysis of the Atlanta I-85 HOV to HOT conversion. At the general scale, this study enhances managed lanes’ travel demand models with respect to users’ characteristics and introduces a comprehensive modeling framework for the socioeconomic analysis of managed lanes. The methods developed through this research will inform future Traffic and Revenue Studies and help to better predict the socio-spatial characteristics of the target market.
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