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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systém pro správu IT projektů / IT Projects Management System

Dobiáš, Richard Unknown Date (has links)
This MSc Thesis focuses on software development management. It describes the importance of project management in IT fields and mentions its significant standards. Thesis devotes some chapters to software project life cycle models. Another part of this thesis compares instruments supporting project management and analyzes system requirements of IT project management. A part of thesis implements the designed system concerning its real use in the future. Due to the web application form, the implementation phase focuses on keeping today's standards of accessible quality website, good usability. Conclusion of this thesis evaluates reached outcomes and mentions possible solution enhancement.

Movimento (socio)ambientalista e o processo de estruturação da política ambiental no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : em busca da gênese do socioambientalismo

Souza, Dina Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
O socioambientalismo é uma vertente recente do movimento ambientalista no Rio Grande do Sul, com grande expressão em países com vasta biodiversidade como o Brasil. As características deste país, que associa a existência da expressiva biodiversidade com a presença de povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais, evidenciam a necessidade de desenvolverem-se mecanismos de gestão ambiental que considerem tanto a sociobiodiversidade como as atividades produtivas. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, constou de pesquisa documental e levantamento de dados primários. Partindo de um estudo exploratório, com a intenção de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a história do (socio)ambientalismo no Estado. A pesquisa documental foi realizada a partir de documentos técnicos, normativos e regulatórios, e pesquisa nos sites das ONGs ambientalistas do Estado, documentários e entrevistas de rádio, que foram veiculados desde 1990. Partindo de uma leitura da ecologia política, objetivou-se compreender o processo de construção do socioambientalismo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do estabelecimento da gestão socioambiental, resultante da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado. Para tanto, foram traçados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar os atores e sua contribuição para a construção do socioambientalismo no Estado; b) periodizar o processo de evolução das políticas ambientais, a partir da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado; c) analisar o processo de construção do socioambientalismo, a partir da implementação da gestão socioambiental. Para tanto, dá-se destaque às políticas ambientais, analisando se essas se revelam com enfoque protecionista ou se foram elaboradas considerando os aspectos sociais, de modo a abranger um caráter socioambientalista. Esta pesquisa assume um caráter interdisciplinar, no escopo da ecologia política, em diálogo com a sociologia ambiental e a gestão socioambiental, buscando entender as transformações da política e da gestão ambiental no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de uma periodização. Nesse contexto, as categorias analisadas foram: movimento ambientalista, movimento socioambientalista, períodos, manejo florestal, gestão socioambiental e política pública ambiental. Foram identificados três períodos, evidenciando a estruturação da política ambiental do Estado relacionada às transformações do movimento ambientalista e à incorporação de uma perspectiva socioambientalista nas políticas. O primeiro período, intitulado Protecionista - Intelectual, está demarcado entre os anos 1940 a 1979; o segundo período, Institucional – Imobilizado, está demarcado entre os anos de 1980 a 1999; o terceiro período, intitulado Regulamentário – Extensionista, está demarcado entre os anos 2000 a 2015. Ele é caracterizado pelo reconhecimento de diferentes visões de sociedade-natureza, em algumas das quais o homem se identifica enquanto natureza. Considera-se que o socioambientalismo no Estado não avançou em processos de inclusão da sociobiodiversidade na pauta ambiental, como em outras regiões do país. Entretanto, constituiu-se um movimento com perspectiva socioambiental, o qual contribuiu para a estruturação da política ambiental florestal, por meio de processos pioneiros de manejo florestal, aproximando a gestão socioambiental do manejo da propriedade rural, imprimindo um caráter de extensão ambiental. Este trabalho avança na direção da aceitação da gestão socioambiental nas esferas de governo e na conservação ambiental como uma dimensão do desenvolvimento rural. / Socioenvironmentalism is a recent strand of the environmental movement in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), greatly relevant in countries with vast biodiversity such as Brazil. The characteristics of this country, which combines the existence of significant biodiversity with the presence of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, demonstrate the need to develop environmental management mechanisms that consider both socio-biodiversity and productive activities. The study applied a qualitative method comprising documentary research and primary data collection. It started from an exploratory study aimed at deepening the knowledge about the history of the (socio)environmentalism in the state of RS, Brasil. Documentary research included technical, normative and regulatory documents, as well as research on websites of environmental NGOs working in the state, documentaries and radio interviews broadcasted since 1990. Based on political ecology theories, the objective was to understand the construction of socioenvironmentalism in RS, through the establishment of socio-environmental public policies, resulting from the interaction between the (socio)environmentalist movement and the state structuring process. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: a) characterizing the actors and their contribution to the construction of socio-environmentalism in RS; b) to establish chronological frameworks for the process of evolution of environmental policies, based on the relationship of the (socio)environmentalist movement with the structuring of the state; c) to analyze the process of construction of socio-environmentalism, through the implementation of socio-environmental public management. To this end, emphasis is placed on environmental policies, by examining whether they carry a protectionist approach or were formulated considering the social aspects, so that to cover a socio-environmentalist character. This research takes an interdisciplinary approach, within the scope of political ecology, in dialogue with environmental sociology and social and environmental public management, seeking to understand the transformations of politics and environmental management in Rio Grande do Sul, through chronological frameworks. In this context, the analyzed categories were: environmental movement, social-environmentalist movement, time-frames, forest management, socio-environmental management and environmental public policy. Three periods were identified, evidencing the structuring of the state's environmental policy related to the transformations of the environmental movement and the incorporation of a socioenvironmental perspective in the policies. The first period, named Protectionist - Intellectual, is delimited between the years 1940 to 1979; the second period, Institutional - Immobilized, between 1980 and 1999; the third period, named Regulatory - Extensionist, between the years 2000 to 2015. It is characterized by the recognition of different views of society-nature, in some of which human being equates to nature. Findings show that socio-environmentalism in the state did not advance in including socio-biodiversity into the environmental agenda as occurred in other regions of the country. However, a socio-environmental perspective was created, which contributed to the structuring of the forestry environmental policy, through pioneering processes of forest management, bringing socio-environmental management closer to rural activities, ascribing a character of environmental extension. This work advances towards the acceptance of socio-environmental management in the spheres of government and environmental conservation as a dimension of rural development.

Estudo da relação da Demonstração do Fluxo de Caixa (DFC) com o estágio do ciclo de vida das organizações nas instituições de ensino com capital aberto listadas na BM&F/Bovespa

Gonçalves, Aguinaldo Aparecido 20 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aguinaldo Aparecido Goncalves.pdf: 10709055 bytes, checksum: 7b093c8603ce56830214acc0b7822a91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-20 / This work aims to study the relationship between Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) and the life cycle of organizations chart in Educational Institutions listed publicly traded on the BM & FBovespa. Initially we seek to demonstrate the importance of these institutions in the economy and their representation in the teaching of Brazil, since although they are few who participate in this market are extremely significant, given its scope and number of students. Furthermore, the authors discuss briefly the history of the entry of such institutions in the Brazilian market. Then many of Organizational Life Cycle in the literature are presented. The study shows that, although they are named differently, they all, in essence, show that the evolutionary process models have similar characteristics, however, emphasis was placed on models that emphasize the use of SCF in setting the stage lifecycle. In this sense, the work was to support the work of research Borinelli (1998), who studied the relationship lifecycle of small businesses through its financial statements, but have not used the SCF in their analysis, dealing with companies not required of preparation and publication. The study used quantitative research methodology of secondary data. Statements of Cash Flow, the financial statements and management reports of the institutions of education participating in this research, focusing mainly on the SCF were surveyed. The results demonstrated that it was possible to establish a relationship through the use of SCF in determining the stage of the life cycle / Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a relação da Demonstração do Fluxo de Caixa (DFC) com o gráfico do Ciclo de Vida das instituições de ensino com capital aberto listadas na BM&FBovespa. Discute-se sucintamente a história da entrada dessas Instituições no mercado acionário brasileiro. Em seguida, são apresentados os diversos modelos de Ciclo de Vida Organizacional encontrados na literatura. O trabalho evidencia que, mesmo sendo denominados de forma diferenciada, todos, em sua essência, demonstram que os modelos de processo evolutivo têm características semelhantes. Neste estudo, a ênfase foi atribuída aos modelos que enfatizam a utilização da DFC na definição do estágio do ciclo de vida. Inicialmente a pesquisa teve por objetivo demonstrar se seria possível fazer uma análise combinada entre a DFC e o Ciclo de Vida das Organizações. Num segundo momento, o foco foi pesquisar a relação entre a DFC e o Ciclo de Vida das Organizações nas instituições de ensino superior listadas na BM&FBovespa. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa teve como suporte as obras de Borinelli (1998) e os trabalhos de Stickney e Weil (2001), Alves e Marques (2007), Málaga (2009) e Mueller et al. (2013). O estudo utilizou como metodologia a análise quantitativa de dados secundários. Foram avaliadas as demonstrações financeiras e os relatórios da administração das instituições de ensino participantes dessa pesquisa com ênfase na Demonstração de Fluxo de Caixa (DFC). Os resultados demonstraram que foi possível fazer análises com base na DFC para identificar relações com os estágios do Ciclo de Vida das Organizações, mas não foi possível estabelecer essa relação com todas as instituições de ensino listadas na BM&FBovespa

Gestão costeira integrada - estudo de caso do projeto ECOMANAGE na região estuarina de Santos - São Vicente, SP, Brasil / Integrated Coastal Management - Study Case of the ECOMANAGE Project in the Estuarine Region of Santos - São Vicente, SP, Brazil

Belchior, Constança Carvalho 25 March 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a análise do processo de gestão costeira no Brasil, ao acompanhar e analisar a implementação de um projeto local de gestão costeira integrada - o projeto Ecomanage, que está sendo desenvolvido na região estuarina de Santos - São Vicente, SP (em fase final) e que pretende fornecer ferramentas gerenciais práticas e eficientes para auxiliar na tomada de decisão. A gestão costeira integrada, atual paradígima da gestão costeira mundial e cujos princípios foram incorporados pelo Programa Nacional de Gerenciamento Costeiro do Brasil, é um processo interativo que vai se redefinindo ao longo do tempo e de acordo com a experiência. Para tal, é necessário que se concretizem avaliações quanto às dificuldades e oportunidades encontradas, de maneira a que os seus procedimentos sejam retificados de acordo e suas metas sejam cumpridas para se concretizar o seu objetivo maior, o de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável das zonas costeiras. Na avaliação efetuada do projeto Ecomanage verificou-se que a sua implementação foi fortemente influenciada por condicionantes de natureza político-institucional, técnico-administrativo e sócio-cultural, em muito comuns aos que têm sido apontados para o gerenciamento consteiro nacional e também mundial. No entanto, apesar das dificuldades, foi possível estabelecer uma importante colaboração com atores locais da região, tendo sido, inclusive, firmado parcerias com atores governamentais que irão possibilitar continuar o trabalho iniciado pelo projeto. / The present work intends to promote the debate about coastal management in Brazil by analyzing the implementation of a local project of integrated coastal management - the Ecomanage project, that is being developed in the Santos - São Vicente estuarine system, SP, Brazil, (in its final phase), which main goals are to provide effective and practical management tools to assist in decision-making. Integrated coastal management is the actual paradigm in coastal management and its principles have been incorporated to Brazil\'s National Coastal Management Programme. Being an iterative process that redefines itself as it is developed and practice is acquired, evaluation of its main difficulties and opportunities is essential to guide its procedures in order to achive its main objective, the sustainable development of coastal zones. The evaluation made to project Ecomanage showed that there were important political, institutional, technical and socio-cultural obstacles to its implementation and that these were at a large extent similar to those that have been identified in coastal management practiced in Brazil and in the world. Nevertheless, important cooperation relationships with local parties could still be established and partnerships carry on the work initiated by the Ecomanage project in the region.

Contingency variablernas påverkan på ett styrsystem hos småföretag / The impact of contingency variables on management control system as a package in small businesses

Sjöqvist, Christoffer, Said, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Reflecting on a period of change in a governmental development agency : understanding management as the patterning of interaction and politics

Mukubvu, Luke January 2012 (has links)
Management was once described as the art of getting things done through the efforts of oneself and other people (Follett, 1941) and is functionalised through acts of planning, organising, leading and controlling tasks and people for pre-defined objectives. These four cardinal pillars of management are translated into various models, tools and techniques of best practice of how to manage. While acknowledging that the substance of the current management models, tools and techniques have for years broadly contributed to how organisations are run, my research sheds more light on the shortcomings underlying some of the assumptions and ways of thinking behind these models and tools. My research findings based on my experience in working for the Department for International Development suggests that management practice and organisational change occur in the context of human power relationships in which people constrain and enable each other on the basis of human attributes such as identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations, motives and interests. I argue that these human attributes, human power relations and the totality of human emotions arise in the social, and understanding the ways in which these attributes shape local interaction and daily human relating is critical in making sense of the reality of organisational change and management. I suggest that management practice occurs in the context of everyday politics of human relating. It is that type of politics that takes place within families, groups of people, organisations, communities, and indeed throughout all units of society around the distribution of power, wealth, resources, thoughts and ideas. This way of thinking has enormous implications for the way we conceptualise management theory and practice. I am suggesting that managers do not solely determine, nor do employees freely choose their identities, attitudes, values, perceptions, emotions, fears, expectations and motives. These human dimensions arise from social relationships and personal experiences. As such, it is simply not for a manager to decide or force other employees on which of these human attributes to influence their behaviour. I am arguing that the social nature of management practice and role of human agents is inherently complex and cannot, in the scientific sense, be adequately reduced to discrete, systematic, complete and predictive models, tools and techniques without losing some meaning of what we do in management.

An environmental management framework for DWAF related projects / Valerie du Plessis

Du Plessis, Valerie January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to revise the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's (DWAF's) current Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) procedure and to develop an Environmental Management Framework (EMF), so as to ensure that the environment is considered in a structured, formal manner at each decision-making stage of the projects development business process. The proposed EMF provides process diagrams that align the IBM principles, the environmental assessment and management tools, and the engineering business process with the project life cycle approach for DWAF's water sector functional areas. Key decision-making points are introduced to the business process to ensure that all the specific requirements have been met before continuing to the next engineering stage of the business life cycle. Auditing nodes were identified within the life cycle approach and complement the decision-making points and strengthen the evaluation of environmental compliance and performance. These process diagrams is designed to prompt development planners and implementers to consider the environment at all stages of the business life cycle and practice sound environmental management. The EMF is based on international best practice and follows the Deming model philosophy as well as principles and elements of an environmental management system. The EMF must be an integral part in the way the department conduct its business and not seen as an ad hoc function and the duties of the environmental officer. To conclude, the EMF is the building block and interim management plan for an appropriate environmental management system in the future and the first step towards business excellence for the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography and Environmental Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

An environmental management framework for DWAF related projects / Valerie du Plessis

Du Plessis, Valerie January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to revise the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's (DWAF's) current Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) procedure and to develop an Environmental Management Framework (EMF), so as to ensure that the environment is considered in a structured, formal manner at each decision-making stage of the projects development business process. The proposed EMF provides process diagrams that align the IBM principles, the environmental assessment and management tools, and the engineering business process with the project life cycle approach for DWAF's water sector functional areas. Key decision-making points are introduced to the business process to ensure that all the specific requirements have been met before continuing to the next engineering stage of the business life cycle. Auditing nodes were identified within the life cycle approach and complement the decision-making points and strengthen the evaluation of environmental compliance and performance. These process diagrams is designed to prompt development planners and implementers to consider the environment at all stages of the business life cycle and practice sound environmental management. The EMF is based on international best practice and follows the Deming model philosophy as well as principles and elements of an environmental management system. The EMF must be an integral part in the way the department conduct its business and not seen as an ad hoc function and the duties of the environmental officer. To conclude, the EMF is the building block and interim management plan for an appropriate environmental management system in the future and the first step towards business excellence for the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Geography and Environmental Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Les effets systémiques d'un ensemble d'outils de gestion dans les pratiques de pilotage des organisations : le cas d'une entreprise européenne de transport ferroviaire / The systemic consequences of a management tools package in an European railway company’s management control practices

Duan, Yuewu 15 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à combler une lacune de la connaissance sur les effets systémiques des outils de contrôle de gestion dans son acception de pilotage organisationnel. Elle se repose sur une étude ethnographique longue de plus de 3 ans, réalisée dans une direction de ligne d'une entreprise européenne de transport ferroviaire Eurorailway. Elle montre qu'une direction de ligne a utilisé successivement deux ensembles d'outils de pilotage pour gouverner, conduire et animer les entités internes contributrices à la production ferroviaire. D'abord un ensemble d'outils de la contractualisation dans une relation horizontale avec ses entités internes; ensuite un autre ensemble d'outils de pilotage par la hiérarchie dans une structure verticale. Leurs cohabitations, concurrences et affrontements ont généré des effets systémiques complexes sur les individus, les processus et pratiques organisationnels et in fine sur la performance: des effets de congruence bénéfiques dans certaines pratiques, absence d'effets dans d'autres pratiques et des effets néfastes par leurs interactions. Éclairée par la théorie de la pratique de Schatzki qui contourne l'opposition gênante entre le déterminisme fonctionnaliste et les critiques psycho-sociologiques, notre recherche montre que leurs effets réels ne peuvent se comprendre qu'en lien avec la pratique de gestion qui les mobilise. / This dissertation contributes to the limited body of knowledge on systemic consequences of management control tools, also to the limited body of research on management control as system by mobilizing management tools as an analyzer of organizational phenomena. Based on an ethnography case study in a large European railway company, this research finds that this organization utilizes successively two packages of management tools for the governance of internal entities involved in the production of services delivered ta passengers: the first one based on the levers of customer/supplier relationship, the second one by hierarchal levers. The systemic effects generated by these packages of management tools are complex, some are beneficial, other are neutral, and some are even harmful to the performance. By applying Schatzki's practice theory which circumvents the unhelpful opposition between the functionalist determinism and the sociological/psychological critical approaches, we argue that the systemic consequences of management tools can only be apprehended in the practice where they are used. Mobilizing management tools as an analyzer of organizational phenomena offers a new vista to study management control as a system.

Movimento (socio)ambientalista e o processo de estruturação da política ambiental no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : em busca da gênese do socioambientalismo

Souza, Dina Ferreira de January 2017 (has links)
O socioambientalismo é uma vertente recente do movimento ambientalista no Rio Grande do Sul, com grande expressão em países com vasta biodiversidade como o Brasil. As características deste país, que associa a existência da expressiva biodiversidade com a presença de povos indígenas e comunidades tradicionais, evidenciam a necessidade de desenvolverem-se mecanismos de gestão ambiental que considerem tanto a sociobiodiversidade como as atividades produtivas. A metodologia, de natureza qualitativa, constou de pesquisa documental e levantamento de dados primários. Partindo de um estudo exploratório, com a intenção de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a história do (socio)ambientalismo no Estado. A pesquisa documental foi realizada a partir de documentos técnicos, normativos e regulatórios, e pesquisa nos sites das ONGs ambientalistas do Estado, documentários e entrevistas de rádio, que foram veiculados desde 1990. Partindo de uma leitura da ecologia política, objetivou-se compreender o processo de construção do socioambientalismo no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a partir do estabelecimento da gestão socioambiental, resultante da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado. Para tanto, foram traçados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar os atores e sua contribuição para a construção do socioambientalismo no Estado; b) periodizar o processo de evolução das políticas ambientais, a partir da relação do movimento (socio)ambientalista com o processo de estruturação do Estado; c) analisar o processo de construção do socioambientalismo, a partir da implementação da gestão socioambiental. Para tanto, dá-se destaque às políticas ambientais, analisando se essas se revelam com enfoque protecionista ou se foram elaboradas considerando os aspectos sociais, de modo a abranger um caráter socioambientalista. Esta pesquisa assume um caráter interdisciplinar, no escopo da ecologia política, em diálogo com a sociologia ambiental e a gestão socioambiental, buscando entender as transformações da política e da gestão ambiental no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de uma periodização. Nesse contexto, as categorias analisadas foram: movimento ambientalista, movimento socioambientalista, períodos, manejo florestal, gestão socioambiental e política pública ambiental. Foram identificados três períodos, evidenciando a estruturação da política ambiental do Estado relacionada às transformações do movimento ambientalista e à incorporação de uma perspectiva socioambientalista nas políticas. O primeiro período, intitulado Protecionista - Intelectual, está demarcado entre os anos 1940 a 1979; o segundo período, Institucional – Imobilizado, está demarcado entre os anos de 1980 a 1999; o terceiro período, intitulado Regulamentário – Extensionista, está demarcado entre os anos 2000 a 2015. Ele é caracterizado pelo reconhecimento de diferentes visões de sociedade-natureza, em algumas das quais o homem se identifica enquanto natureza. Considera-se que o socioambientalismo no Estado não avançou em processos de inclusão da sociobiodiversidade na pauta ambiental, como em outras regiões do país. Entretanto, constituiu-se um movimento com perspectiva socioambiental, o qual contribuiu para a estruturação da política ambiental florestal, por meio de processos pioneiros de manejo florestal, aproximando a gestão socioambiental do manejo da propriedade rural, imprimindo um caráter de extensão ambiental. Este trabalho avança na direção da aceitação da gestão socioambiental nas esferas de governo e na conservação ambiental como uma dimensão do desenvolvimento rural. / Socioenvironmentalism is a recent strand of the environmental movement in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), greatly relevant in countries with vast biodiversity such as Brazil. The characteristics of this country, which combines the existence of significant biodiversity with the presence of indigenous peoples and traditional communities, demonstrate the need to develop environmental management mechanisms that consider both socio-biodiversity and productive activities. The study applied a qualitative method comprising documentary research and primary data collection. It started from an exploratory study aimed at deepening the knowledge about the history of the (socio)environmentalism in the state of RS, Brasil. Documentary research included technical, normative and regulatory documents, as well as research on websites of environmental NGOs working in the state, documentaries and radio interviews broadcasted since 1990. Based on political ecology theories, the objective was to understand the construction of socioenvironmentalism in RS, through the establishment of socio-environmental public policies, resulting from the interaction between the (socio)environmentalist movement and the state structuring process. Thus, the following specific objectives were defined: a) characterizing the actors and their contribution to the construction of socio-environmentalism in RS; b) to establish chronological frameworks for the process of evolution of environmental policies, based on the relationship of the (socio)environmentalist movement with the structuring of the state; c) to analyze the process of construction of socio-environmentalism, through the implementation of socio-environmental public management. To this end, emphasis is placed on environmental policies, by examining whether they carry a protectionist approach or were formulated considering the social aspects, so that to cover a socio-environmentalist character. This research takes an interdisciplinary approach, within the scope of political ecology, in dialogue with environmental sociology and social and environmental public management, seeking to understand the transformations of politics and environmental management in Rio Grande do Sul, through chronological frameworks. In this context, the analyzed categories were: environmental movement, social-environmentalist movement, time-frames, forest management, socio-environmental management and environmental public policy. Three periods were identified, evidencing the structuring of the state's environmental policy related to the transformations of the environmental movement and the incorporation of a socioenvironmental perspective in the policies. The first period, named Protectionist - Intellectual, is delimited between the years 1940 to 1979; the second period, Institutional - Immobilized, between 1980 and 1999; the third period, named Regulatory - Extensionist, between the years 2000 to 2015. It is characterized by the recognition of different views of society-nature, in some of which human being equates to nature. Findings show that socio-environmentalism in the state did not advance in including socio-biodiversity into the environmental agenda as occurred in other regions of the country. However, a socio-environmental perspective was created, which contributed to the structuring of the forestry environmental policy, through pioneering processes of forest management, bringing socio-environmental management closer to rural activities, ascribing a character of environmental extension. This work advances towards the acceptance of socio-environmental management in the spheres of government and environmental conservation as a dimension of rural development.

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