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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Нова метода за повећање ефективне резолуције стохастичких мерних инструмената високих перформанси / Nova metoda za povećanje efektivne rezolucije stohastičkih mernih instrumenata visokih performansi / A Novel Method for increasing the Effective Resolution of High Performance Stochastic Measuring Instruments

Gazivoda Nemanja 12 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Дисертација истражује утицај примене дитерског сигнала (дискретног аналогног униформног шума) генерисаног новом методом на повећање ефективне резолуције мерних инструмената базираних на стохастичкој дигиталној мерној методи. У дисертацији је дат преглед досадашњих решења базираних на стохастичкој дигиталној мерној методи у циљу сагледавања потребе и оправданости истраживања. Предложено решење представља комбинацију псеудослучајног и истински случајног генератора и као такво задржава најбоље особине из обе области. Дaт je прeдлoг нoве методе гeнeрисaњa шумa унифoрмнe рaспoдeлe aмплитудa. Умeстo уoбичajeнoг нaчинa гeнeрисaњa кoришћeњeм гeнeрaтoрa псeудoслучajних брojeвa и Д/А кoнвeртoрa, oвдe сe прeдлaжe гeнeрисaњe зaснoвaнo нa нeунифoрмнoм одабирању тeстeрaстoг или троугаоног нaпoнa. Oсим уштeдe збoг нeкoришћeњa Д/А кoнвeртoрa, дoбит je и мoгућнoст гeнeрисaњa нaпoнa из кoнтинуалнoг, умeстo дискрeтнoг скупa aмплитудa. Вeћинa дaнaшњих хaрдвeрских гeнeрaтoрa псeудoслучajнoг нaпoнa, сe бaзирa нa употреби микрoкoнтрoлeра и Д/A кoнвeртoра, пa je нa тaj нaчин рeзoлуциja гeнeрисaњa псeудoслучajнoг нaпoнa oгрaничeнa резолуцијом Д/A кoнвeрторa. Одабирањем тестерастог или троугаоног напона предложеном методом се остварује готово неограничена резолуција. Употреба овако генерисаног дитерског сигнала доводи до повећања ефективне резолуције код стохастичких мерних инстурмената. Симулацијом је одређена оптимална структура генератора на основу предложене методе. Експериментална мерења су изведена помоћу развијеног прототипа хардверског генератора.</p> / <p>Disertacija istražuje uticaj primene diterskog signala (diskretnog analognog uniformnog šuma) generisanog novom metodom na povećanje efektivne rezolucije mernih instrumenata baziranih na stohastičkoj digitalnoj mernoj metodi. U disertaciji je dat pregled dosadašnjih rešenja baziranih na stohastičkoj digitalnoj mernoj metodi u cilju sagledavanja potrebe i opravdanosti istraživanja. Predloženo rešenje predstavlja kombinaciju pseudoslučajnog i istinski slučajnog generatora i kao takvo zadržava najbolje osobine iz obe oblasti. Dat je predlog nove metode generisanja šuma uniformne raspodele amplituda. Umesto uobičajenog načina generisanja korišćenjem generatora pseudoslučajnih brojeva i D/A konvertora, ovde se predlaže generisanje zasnovano na neuniformnom odabiranju testerastog ili trougaonog napona. Osim uštede zbog nekorišćenja D/A konvertora, dobit je i mogućnost generisanja napona iz kontinualnog, umesto diskretnog skupa amplituda. Većina današnjih hardverskih generatora pseudoslučajnog napona, se bazira na upotrebi mikrokontrolera i D/A konvertora, pa je na taj način rezolucija generisanja pseudoslučajnog napona ograničena rezolucijom D/A konvertora. Odabiranjem testerastog ili trougaonog napona predloženom metodom se ostvaruje gotovo neograničena rezolucija. Upotreba ovako generisanog diterskog signala dovodi do povećanja efektivne rezolucije kod stohastičkih mernih insturmenata. Simulacijom je određena optimalna struktura generatora na osnovu predložene metode. Eksperimentalna merenja su izvedena pomoću razvijenog prototipa hardverskog generatora.</p> / <p>The dissertation investigates the impact of the application of the dithering signal (discrete analogue uniform noise) generated by the new method for increasing the effective resolution of measurement instruments based on the stochastic digital measurement method. The dissertation provides an overview of the existing solutions based on the stochastic digital measurement method in order to understand the need and justification of the research. The proposed solution represents a combination of a pseudorandom and truly random generator and as such holds the best features in both areas. А suggestion of a new way of generating the noise of the uniform distribution of amplitudes is presented. Instead of the usual way of generating using a pseudorandom number generator and a D/A converter, the generation based on the nonuniform sampling of sawtooth or triangle voltage is proposed. In addition to the savings due to the non-use of a D/A converter, the possibility of generating voltages from a continual instead of a discrete amplitude set is also obtained. Most of today&#39;s hardware pseudorandom voltage generators are based on the use of a microcontroller and D/A converter, so in this way the resolution of the pseudorandom voltage generation is limited by the resolution of the D/A converter. By sampling the sawtooth or triangle voltage using the proposed method, almost unlimited resolution is achieved. The use of this generated dither signal leads to an increase in effective resolution in stochastic measuring instruments. The simulation determined the optimal structure of the generator based on the proposed method. Experimental measurements were made using developed hardware.</p>

Soustava hodnocení tepelného stavu prostředí a analýza jejich nejistot měření / Evaluation System of Thermal Condition Environment and his Measurement Uncertainties Analyze

Košíková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of indoor thermal environment in which people are located. A great attention is paid to the thermal comfort. If a person in a given environment does not feel well, then makes mistakes. Thermal comfort is created many parameters that can be monitored and managed. These parameters include not only temperature but also other parameters such as the mean radiant temperature, operative temperature, humidity and air velocity and the draft. All these parameters can be measured. The standard ČSN EN ISO 7726 is written how and what the parameters are measured. Furthermore, this standard provides requirements for measuring equipment. There are many professional measuring devices. Unfortunately, these devices are very expensive. Therefore are within the project GACR 101/09/H050 - Research on energy- saving equipment to achieve the quality of the indoor environment at our faculty developed sensors for thermal comfort, which have showed comparable accuracy measurements as a professional , but it will be cheaper than professional. Knowledge of real parameters of the developed sensor thermal comfort environment is important, as with any other measurement devices, and also need to verified whether it has the required accuracy. In order to objectively sensors testing were developed two chambers - the testing and calibration chamber. The developed sensors were tested both in the open laboratory, and also in the test chamber. Then uncertainties measurement were calculated from the results of measurements This work deals with the evaluation of thermal comfort, the measurement of parameters of thermal environment, the evaluating the results of measurements and determining the measurement uncertainty of the sensors. In this thesis, based on these results, were recommended suitable sensors for measuring various parameters environment.


PEDRO LINCOLN DE SOUZA FILHO 10 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação visa a aplicar uma metodologia para avaliar as diferenças máximas permissíveis nas operações de transferência de custódia de GLP para cada operação em particular, utilizando testes de hipóteses baseados na incerteza de medição, em contraponto à utilização de valores pré-estabelecidos em normas e regulamentos técnicos metrológicos. Tais documentos propõem um valor único de incerteza máximas nas medições de transferência de custódia, sem estabelecer diferenças máximas permissíveis nas operações entre dois sistemas, cabendo aos fornecedores e clientes negociar este parâmetro, o que frequentemente causa disputas. Os resultados mostraram que, em um sistema isolado, ao contrário de outros métodos, as condições ambientais não influenciam o método de medição de massa e sua incerteza. Nenhuma diferença máxima permissível de massa transferida de GLP entre caminhões-tanque e estações de medição excede 1,0 porcento; em contraste, quando uma esfera de armazenamento é parte de um dos sistemas de medição, este parâmetro depende completamente das condições operacionais e definitivamente um valor único não deve ser considerado. / [en] This dissertation aims to apply a methodology to assess the maximum allowable differences in LPG custody transfer operations for each particular operation, using hypothesis tests based on measurement uncertainty, as opposed to using pre-established values in metrological standards and technical regulations. Such documents propose a single value for maximum uncertainty in custody transfer measurements, without establishing maximum permissible differences in operations between two systems, leaving it up to suppliers and customers to negotiate this parameter, which often causes disputes. The results showed that in an isolated system, unlike other methods, environmental conditions do not influence the mass measurement method and its uncertainty. No maximum permissible difference of transferred mass of LPG between tank trucks and measuring stations exceeds 1.0 percent; in contrast, when a storage sphere is part of one of the measuring systems, this parameter completely depends on the operating conditions and definitely a single value should not be considered.

Vad är god praxis för kalibrering och funktionskontroller av vågar inom läkemedelsindustrin / What is the best practice for calibration and routine testing of balances in the pharmaceutical industry

Gourie, Roberto January 2022 (has links)
I denna studie så ville AstraZenecas dispenseringsfunktion, som arbetar med att finfördelamaterial från sin bulkförpackning undersöka hur och med vilka frekvenser kalibreringar ochfunktionskontroller för deras vågar bör göras. Detta i hopp om att harmonisera en uppdateradoch förbättrad standard mellan siterna Gärtuna och Snäckviken. Standarder inom mätningslära är inget som läkemedelsföretag själva investerar resurser i, utanföljer det som farmakopéerna världen över publicerar i sina böcker. Däri återfinns allt som kantänkas behövas för tillverkning och utformning av läkemedel. Syftet med att kalibrera ochgenomföra funktionskontroller så ofta som AstraZeneca gör i dagsläget är för att vara förenligamed regelverk för att bli godkända vid inspektioner. Däremot finns risken attfunktionskontroller och kalibreringar genomförs med högre eller lägre frekvens än vad de bordegöras samt att irrelevanta tester vid dessa kontroller får alltför hög prioritering för att påvisa envågs förmåga att fungera som den ska. För att undersöka detta genomfördes det en kartläggning av hur AstraZeneca arbetar idag medvågkalibreringar och funktionskontroller. Denna behandlade både hur arbetet sker internt viaegna funktioner, men också externt via vågtillverkaren och valideringsfirmor. Dennainformation tillsammans med vad farmakopéerna och vågtillverkaren själva påstår är korrektarbetssätt blev ett tydligt och effektivt sätt att sålla bort överflödiga och i vissa fall irrelevantametoder som används på AstraZeneca idag. Utöver dessa finns det fenomen såsommätosäkerhet och störningselement som kan påverka varje vägning till den grad där resultatenär fullständigt missvisande, och i läkemedelsindustrins fall är dessa oacceptabla. Vid studiens slut kunde flera systematiska brister identifieras och rekommendationer för attmotverka eller lösa dessa gavs i enlighet med syftet om att nå god praxis för våganvändningen isamband med dispenseringsprocessen. Framtida förbättringsarbeten hade förenklats ocheffektiviserats till stor del om en fullständig digitalisering och övervakning avstörningselementen möjliggörs. / In this study that was commissioned by AstraZeneca's dispensing function that worksmainly by sub-dividing materials from its bulk packaging. They wanted to investigatehow and with what frequencies calibrations and routine testing for their balances shouldbe performed. This, with the purpose of harmonizing an updated and improvedstandard between the sites Gärtuna and Snäckviken. Measurement theory standards are not something that pharmaceutical companiesthemselves invest resources in but rather follow what pharmacopoeias around the worldpublish in their books. The books contain everything that may be needed for themanufacturing and design of medicines. The purpose of calibrating and performingroutine testing as often as AstraZeneca does today is to comply with regulations to beapproved during inspections. However, there is a risk that routine testing andcalibrations are performed at a higher or lower frequency than they should be, and thatirrelevant tests at these routine tests are given too high a priority to demonstrate abalances ability to function properly. To investigate this, a survey was conducted of how AstraZeneca works today withbalance calibrations and routine testing. The survey considered both how the work isdone internally via AstraZeneca’s own employees, but also externally via the balancemanufacturer and validation companies. This information, in combination with whatthe pharmacopoeias and the balance manufacturer themselves claim is the correct wayof operating, became a clear and effective way of sifting away superfluous and in somecases irrelevant methods used in AstraZeneca today. In addition to these, there arephenomena such as measurement uncertainty and external disturbance elements thatcan affect any weighing to the extent that the results are completely misleading, and inthe case of the pharmaceutical industry, such results would be unacceptable. At the end of the study, several systematic flaws or shortcomings could be identified andrecommendations to counteract or solve these were given in accordance with the aim ofachieving best practice for the use of balances in connection with the dispensingprocess. Future improvement work would have been greatly simplified and streamlinedif complete digitization and monitoring of the disturbance elements were made possible.

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