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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“But as a deeper dive, I want to focus on this” : Discourse reflexivity in TED talks

Poškė, Eidvilė January 2023 (has links)
Metadiscourse, or discourse about discourse, manifests itself in both spoken and written genres. However, the focus of existing studies of spoken metadiscourse remains mainly on academic speaking (Hyland, 2017), whereas research on metadiscourse in spoken non-academic genres is much less common. The present study thus investigates, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the use of metadiscourse in TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talks, which are primarily monologic speeches aiming at knowledge dissemination among a lay audience. The corpus for this exploratory study comprises the top 20 most viewed speeches (49,000 tokens and 286 minutes of presentation time) presented in English at an official TED conference in 2019. This study attempts at shedding light on how TED speakers use metadiscourse from the perspective of the discourse functions by applying Ädel’s (2023) taxonomy of reflexive metadiscourse. The results reveal that TED speakers demonstrate a high level of audience orientation. The findings also indicate a strong focus on discourse organization, which underlines the importance of making this explicit in TED talks, thus providing guidance for the audience. One of the key observations of this study is that the audience in the genre of TED talks is complex, as talks are not only presented live when recorded, but also made available to a global, online audience. The thesis aims to contribute insights to TED talks as a genre, enhance the taxonomy development for metadiscourse, and suggest potential pedagogical implications for teaching public speaking.

Análisis comparativo de las estrategias metadiscursivas en el género del debate electoral en España y Estados Unidos

Albalat Mascarell, Ana 17 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] Entendida como la disciplina que aborda el estudio de los usos comunicativos del lenguaje, la pragmática ha sido uno de los centros de la investigación en lingüística de las últimas décadas (Escandell Vidal, 2013). En línea con esta orientación teórica eminentemente funcional que otorga preeminencia tanto a la interacción emisor-receptor como al contexto de enunciación, el metadiscurso (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018) se erige como un paradigma de análisis fiable en la medida en que proporciona un marco conceptual para comprender las diversas estrategias interpersonales que atienden al modo en el que el hablante organiza su discurso y se relaciona con su destinatario, desvelando, por tanto, las prácticas retóricas propias de diferentes comunidades lingüísticas y culturales. La presente propuesta busca examinar estos rasgos y patrones metadiscursivos en el discurso político hablado de las elecciones en España y los Estados Unidos, estableciendo así las bases para una investigación de las estrategias del discurso que acompañan y refuerzan al acto de habla. En este sentido, se pretende avanzar en una doble dirección epistemológica, revelando por un lado las estrategias interpersonales arriba citadas que expresan la función de persuasión en una modalidad concreta, la política, y por otro descubriendo la variabilidad interlingüística e intercultural de estas marcas persuasivas y de adecuación a las exigencias del contexto comunicativo. Todo ello se consigue al estudiar, desde una óptica comparativa, los debates electorales destinados a las comunidades española y estadounidense, aplicando los presupuestos teóricos y metodológicos ya mencionados sobre una gran base documental, es decir, avalada por procedimientos propios de la lingüística de corpus (Baker, 2010). / [CA] Entesa com la disciplina que aborda l'estudi dels usos comunicatius del llenguatge, la pragmàtica ha estat un dels centres de la investigació en lingüística de les últimes dècades (Escandell Vidal, 2013). En línea amb aquesta orientació teòrica eminentment funcional que atorga importància tant a la interacció emissor-receptor com al context d'enunciació, el metadiscurs (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018), s'erigeix com un paradigma d'anàlisi fiable en la mesura en què proporciona un marc conceptual per comprendre les diverses estratègies interpersonals que atenen la manera en què l'autor organitza el text i es relaciona amb el destinatari, desvetlant, per tant, les practiques retòriques pròpies de diferents comunitats lingüístiques i culturals. La present proposta busca examinar aquests trets i patrons metadiscursius en el discurs polític parlat de les eleccions a Espanya i els Estats Units per tal d'establir les bases per a una investigació de les estratègies del discurs que acompanyen i reforcen l'acte de parla. En aquest sentit, pretenem avançar en una doble direcció epistemològica, examinant d'una banda les estratègies interpersonals adès citades que expressen la funció de persuasió en una modalitat concreta, la política, i d'altra descobrint la variabilitat interlingüística i intercultural d'aquests marcadors persuasius i d'adequació a les exigències del context comunicatiu. Tot això ho aconseguim arran d'estudiar, des d'una òptica comparativa, els debats electorals destinats a les comunitats espanyola i nord-americana, aplicant els pressupostos teòrics i metodològics ja esmentats sobre una gran base documental, és a dir, avalada per procediments propis de la lingüística de corpus (Baker, 2010). / [EN] Characterized as the discipline that focuses on the research of the communicative uses of language, pragmatics has been one of the main areas of linguistics in the last few decades (Escandell Vidal, 2013). In line with this functional orientation that gives prominence to both speaker-hearer interactions and the broad socio-cultural context, the interpersonal metadiscourse model (Hyland y Tse, 2004; Hyland, 2018) emerges as a reliable analytical framework since it provides a way to understand the diverse interpersonal strategies addressing the way in which speakers can organize their own discourse and engage with audiences, thus revealing diverse persuasive resources embedded in particular linguistic and cultural communities. The present proposal seeks to explore these metadiscursive traits and patterns in speeches belonging to the political election campaigns taking place in Spain and the United States, thus establishing the foundations for an investigation of the metadiscourse features that serve and reinforce the speech act. In this sense, it is intended to advance in a two-fold epistemological direction, signalling, on the one hand, the interpersonal strategies that accomplish the role of persuasion in a particular modality, the political one, and, on the other hand, exploring the cross-linguistic and cross-cultural variability of these persuasive markers adapted to the characteristics and demands of a given communicative context. This can be achieved by analizing, from a comparative perspective, the election campaign debates addressed to the Spanish and North-American communities, adjusting to the theories and analytical methods endorsed by corpus linguistics (Baker, 2010). / Albalat Mascarell, A. (2021). Análisis comparativo de las estrategias metadiscursivas en el género del debate electoral en España y Estados Unidos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166438

A corpus linguistic investigation into patterns of engagement in academic writing in Swedish and English higher education settings

Almerfors, Håkan January 2018 (has links)
Over the last few decades, the interpersonal dimensions of academic writing have received growing attention in the field of applied linguistics. As an important concept in academic writing, engagement has been a topic of interest to reveal how writers interact with readers to, for example, guide reasoning through arguments and to abide by conventions of politeness. Previous research has suggested that the higher students’ academic level is, the more similar their use of engagement elements in writing will be. Previous research has also suggested that for non-native speakers, cultural factors as well as interlanguage, influence how engagement features are used in written English. The primary aim of this study was to investigate which engagement patterns could be found in L1 Swedish and L1 English students’ academic writing in English, with the focus on linguistics as a subject. Using the methods of corpus linguistics, this project also strove to identify the ways patterns of engagement differed between L1 Swedish and L1 English students, and in what ways patterns of engagement varied between the students at B-levels and C-levels in written English of linguistics studies. The data for the study came from SUSEC, which is a corpus of written English that consists of texts collected at Stockholm University in Sweden and at King’s College in England. In line with previous research, the results indicate that the L1 Swedish students use more elements of engagement than the L1 English students. Results also suggest that C-level students use fewer reader pronouns than B-level students, and that Swedish C-level students use more directives than Swedish B-level students. Overall, the comparison of students with two different first languages revealed several differences on how engagement is used, which can serve to inform future research on academic writing.

hedges in research articles: a contrative studie based in corpora / Marcas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica:um estudo contrastivo com base em corpora.

EdnÃsia Pinto de Carvalho 29 June 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / This thesis investigates, from a rhetoric-contrastive perspective, the uses and functions of rhetoric mitigation metadiscursive marks (here hedging devices) in research articles produced by Brazilian and German authors and understood as specialized texts (HOFFMANN, 1998), inserted in the expert-expert communicative context (PEARSON, 1998). To achieve this goal, the present study aims at answering the following questions: (a) how often are hedging strategies employed in the introduction and conclusion sections? (b) what is the relationship between the number of hedges in each subcorpus and the rhetorical characteristics of each analyzed section? (c) how often do the lexico-grammatical items performing the role of hedges appear in each subcorpus? The starting point for the investigation was the assumption that texts belonging to the same genre but written in different languages present striking rhetorical distinctions. Such differences in academic writing can be described by the use of hedges as discourse-pragmatic elements which characterize the "modus dicendi" of a given knowledge area; in the present case, Medicine. A corpus of 120 research articles from national and international medical journals was built, including texts written in German and Portuguese; the articles were collected from the CAPES periodics website. This corpus consists of 60 Medicine articles written in Portuguese and 60 articles written in German, divided into two subcorpora, namely, Corpus 1: Medicine-German and Corpus 2 : Medicine-Portuguese. The former is made of two subcorpora, (i) German Medicine Introduction (MAI) and (ii) German Medicine Discussion (MAD); the latter is also subdivided into two parts, (i) Portuguese Medicine Introduction (MPI) and (ii) Portuguese Medicine Discussion (MPD). The data were analyzed and processed in accordance with the Corpus Linguistics methodological principles, in an instrumental application of its methods. The data were treated with the help of a linguistic analysis software called WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 1997), version 3.0, especially the Wordlist and Concord tools. In order to investigate and analyze the uses and functions of the hedges, from the Interactional Metadiscourse (HYLAND, 2005) and Intercultural Rhetoric (CONNOR, 2008) perspectives, given the corpora collected, we have proposed a classification model, in accordance with the taxonomies proposed by Hyland (2005), Cabrera (2004) and MartÃn-MartÃn (2008). The results of the analysis have pointed to the occurrence of a largest number of hedges, in both languages, in the discussion section of the articles, followed by the introduction section. Both present a high number of occurrences of indetermination devices (epistemic expressions, such as modal verbs, lexical verbs, semi-auxiliary verbs, and modal adjectives / adverbs) and disagentivization (impersonal expressions, passive voice).We can therefore conclude that the authors of the Medicine research articles, both those in Portuguese and in German, employ the same amount of hedges in order to achieve the communicative purposes of the research paper genre, given the position the authors occupy in the academic community and the interpersonal relationship they wish to establish with the audience. This research contributes to minimize the gap in the studies on hedging under a contrastive perspective, based on corpora of scholarly texts in Portuguese and German in the Medicine area. / Esta tese investiga sob uma perspectiva retÃrico-contrastiva, os usos e as funÃÃes das marcas metadiscursivas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica (hedges), em artigos de pesquisa, considerados, aqui, textos especializados (HOFFMANN, 1998), pertencentes ao contexto comunicativo: especialista-especialista (PEARSON, 1998), produzidos por autores (as) brasileiros (as) e alemÃes (as). Para cumprir tal objetivo, a pesquisa intenciona responder aos seguintes questionamentos: (a) qual a freqÃÃncia das estratÃgias de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica utilizadas nas seÃÃes introduÃÃo e conclusÃo? (b) qual a relaÃÃo existente entre o nÃmero de marcas metadiscursivas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica em cada subcorpus e as caracterÃsticas retÃricas de cada seÃÃo em anÃlise? (c) qual a freqÃÃncia dos itens lÃxico-gramaticais que realizam as marcas metadiscursivas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica em cada subcorpus. Para tanto, parte-se do pressuposto de que textos pertencentes a um mesmo gÃnero discursivo, porÃm escritos em lÃnguas distintas apresentam diferenÃas retÃricas marcantes. Tais diferenÃas no discurso acadÃmico escrito podem ser descritas pelo uso das marcas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica como elemento discursivo-pragmÃtico caracterizador de um âmodus dicendiâ de uma determinada Ãrea do conhecimento, no caso, a Medicina. Para a investigaÃÃo dessas marcas de atenuaÃÃo, selecionamos um corpus composto por 120 artigos de pesquisa em Medicina de periÃdicos nacionais e internacionais, coletados, no site de periÃdicos da CAPES, escritos em lÃngua alemà e em lÃngua portuguesa. O referido corpus de estudo compÃe-se de: 60 artigos em Medicina escritos em portuguÃs e 60 artigos escritos em lÃngua alemÃ, divididos em dois subcorpora, a saber, Corpus 1- Medicina AlemÃo, composto por dois subcorpora: (i) Medicina AlemÃo IntroduÃÃo (MAI) e (ii) Medicina-AlemÃo DiscussÃo (MAD) , Corpus 2- Medicina PortuguÃs, com dois subcorpora: (i) Medicina PortuguÃs IntroduÃÃo (MPI) e (ii) Medicina PortuguÃs DiscussÃo (MPD). Na anÃlise e tratamento dos dados, utilizamos os princÃpios metodolÃgicos da LingÃÃstica de Corpus, aplicando seu carÃter instrumental. Para avaliar os dados dessa pesquisa, utilizamos o programa computacional de anÃlise lingÃÃstica, WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 1997), versÃo 3.0, as ferramentas Wordlist e o Concord. Para investigar e analisar os usos e as funÃÃes das marcas metadiscursivas de atenuaÃÃo, sob uma perspectiva do Metadiscurso Interacional (HYLAND, 2005) e da RetÃrica Intercultural (CONNOR, 2008), tendo em vista os corpora em anÃlise, propomos um modelo classificatÃrio, em conformidade com as taxonomias propostas por Hyland (2005), Cabrera (2004) e MartÃn-MartÃn (2008). Conforme os resultados, a seÃÃo de discussÃo concentra o maior nÃmero de ocorrÃncias das marcas de atenuaÃÃo retÃrica nas duas lÃnguas, seguida da seÃÃo de introduÃÃo. Ambas apresentam um elevado nÃmero de ocorrÃncias das estratÃgias de indeterminaÃÃo (as expressÃes epistÃmicas, como verbos modais, lexicais, semi-auxiliares) e os adjetivos/advÃrbios modais,) e desagentivaÃÃo (as expressÃes impessoais, voz passiva). A partir desses resultados, conclui-se que os autores tanto em portuguÃs como em alemÃo nos artigos de pesquisa na Medicina fazem uso na mesma proporÃÃo de estratÃgias de atenuaÃÃo para atender aos propÃsitos comunicativos do gÃnero textual-artigo de pesquisa, como tambÃm pela posiÃÃo que ocupam na comunidade acadÃmica e pela relaÃÃo interpessoal que desejam estabelecer com a audiÃncia. Essa pesquisa contribui para minimizar a lacuna existente com relaÃÃo aos estudos sÃcio-retÃricos das marcas metadiscursivas de atenuaÃÃo, sob uma perspectiva contrastiva, em corpora escritos em portuguÃs e alemÃo de artigos acadÃmicos na Medicina.

L'invention de l'écran. De l'écran de cheminée aux écrans connectés interactifs. Enjeux communicationnels et culturels dans le contexte de la globalisation / The practice of the screen

Martin, Cécile 16 January 2017 (has links)
Au cours du XXème siècle, les domaines autrefois distincts de la communication, de l'information et du divertissement ont peu à peu convergé, sous l'influence de la numérisation des données, du développement d'infrastructures en réseau et de la généralisation du recours à des terminaux dont la caractéristique commune est d'être munis d’écrans. L'écran est donc au centre des bouleversements qui affectent notre rapport au monde puisqu'il est devenu l'intermédiaire essentiel dans un nombre croissant d’interactions humaines, au sein de la « société de l'écran » et même au-delà. En effet, en participant activement à rendre la « fracture numérique » manifeste, l'écran joue un rôle aussi bien par sa présence que par son absence, et la généralisation de son utilisation semble même être une étape cruciale pour concrétiser le projet du « village global ». Par ailleurs, le terme écran étant entendu à la fois comme un ensemble de dispositifs – récepteur de télévision, ordinateur, tablette, téléphone – et comme hyperonyme pour chacun d'entre-eux pris individuellement, il nous paraît nécessaire de nous inscrire dans une démarche transdisciplinaire pour pouvoir appréhender le phénomène écranique dans toute sa complexité. Ainsi, après avoir traité de l'aspect terminologique et des racines culturelles de l'écran, nous nous pencherons sur l'analyse des multiples représentations de l'écran pour pouvoir alimenter une réflexion autour du futur de l'écran, des formes qu'il pourrait prendre dans un avenir proche et de leur impact sur nos interactions. En menant une étude autour de l'invention de l’écran et en mettant à jour ses propriétés spécifiques, nous souhaitons contribuer à définir la place qu'il occupe dans la culture globale. Notre ambition, en élaborant une taxinomie des écrans, est de permettre de mieux connaître la variété des écrans et la « culture de l’écran », afin de disposer des outils nécessaires à une meilleure compréhension des évolutions de nos modes de communication. / During the XXth century, communication, information and entertainment fields converged, under the influence of data digitalisation, network infrastructure development and widespread use of terminal whose common characteristic is to be fitted with screens. It is a fact that might be well observed: screens are everywhere in our everyday life, in public spaces and private areas since at least a few decades, and it generates different reactions, as fear or enthusiasm. In making the "digital divide" manifests, the screen plays a role not only by his presence but although through its absence, and its generalization even seems to be a crucial step to achieve the "global village" project. So it can't be an overstatement arguing that the screen has become a social topic. As a matter of fact, screen's presence is remarquable in at least two different ways. First of all, it is part of our lives in a technical and practical way cause it now frames most of our interactions. Also it has spread to our lives as it has become a very fashionable key word in the discourse about communication crisis. The use of the screen word not only increases during all the last century, but in addition its semantic field has become more complex. Sometimes it is refering to a set of devices, sometimes to an hypernym for each of them. Considering these elements, this research aimed to analyse these different aspects of the screen, first through the help of linguistic tools, then with picture analysis, in order to reflect about the future of the screen. When does the screen has been invented? What are its characteristics? These are the questions we will try to answer, so as to define the part played by the screen in culture. The aim of this study is to elaborate a screen taxonomy, to enlight our knowledge about the diversity of screens and offer a documented definition of the “screen culture” topic, in order to improve our knowledge of the changes that affect the communication field.

Marcadores metadiscursivos, fluidez y participación conversacional en español L2 : La evolución de la competencia comunicativa durante la estancia en una comunidad de la lengua meta / Metadiscourse markers, fluency and conversational participation in L2 Spanish : The development of communicative competence during the stay in a target language community

Lindqvist, Helena January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates the acquisition and use of metadiscourse markers in learners/users of L2 Spanish and the role these markers play in the development of fluency and conversational participation during a five-month stay in Spain as exchange students of business administration. The study has been conducted in three steps. The first part focuses on the theory and categorization of metadiscourse markers, followed by an analysis of the use and development of these markers in learners of L2 Spanish. The second part deals with the categorization and operationalization of aspects of fluency and conversational participation that can be associated with the use of metadiscourse markers; followed by an analysis of these aspects in the performance of the learners. The third part of the study is a summary of the results obtained and a discussion of the relationship between the use of metadiscourse markers and the development of fluency and conversational participation. The data underlying the current study consists of a selection of 17 recorded conversations between learners of L2 Spanish and native speakers of Spanish taken from the AKSAM database. The conversations belong in two activity types: discussions and simulated negotiations. The selected sample has a duration of approx. 10 hours and comprises 87 683 words. The study focuses on nine learners who have been recorded at the beginning and at the end of their five month study-abroad stay. Results show that frequency of use of metadiscourse markers has increased considerably at the end of the stay in the majority of the learners under study. A qualitative development can also be found, through which the metadiscourse markers that characterize the learners’ L1 and/or interlanguage have been substituted by more target-like expressions. Furthermore, both their fluency and level of conversational participation have generally increased. Within this development, however, a notable individual variation can be found. The learners who show the strongest development as regards fluency and conversational participation are also found to exhibit the most salient development of metadiscourse markers. Since disfluency is reduced to a lesser degree in those participants who also exhibit a less developed use of metadiscourse markers, it is argued that the development of metadiscourse markers in the L2 learner runs parallel to the development of discourse skills, but also that acquiring an adequate use of metadiscourse markers helps developing these skills.

Linguistic processes for content condensation in abstracting scientific texts

Chuah, Choy-Kim 04 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l’Université de Montréal / While content selection has been intensively explored in the sentence extraction approach to automatic swnmarization, there is generally little work on the other process of content condensation. To understand this process of condensation, we propose a partial typology based on whether a linguistic unit is replaced, deleted, compressed into fewer essential units, or combined with another unit. Four important categories of condensation processes: generalization, deletion, compression, and aggregation, including their inverse processes, e.g. insertion, and expansion, which were occasionally observed, are proposed. To guide the usage of the same tenu for similar operations, we borrow definitions from linguistics. The type and function of the linguistic units involved are also discussed. We carried out an empirical analysis of 57 author-written abstracts of on-line journal articles in entomology, tracing each abstract sentence back to the plausible source sentences in the corresponding full text. Unlike other studies which focus on the resultant abstract, our study focuses on the processes leading to the production of abstract sentences from corresponding full-text sentences. We do not, however, propose an algorithm for abstracting, or account for all the conditions under which individual condensation operations may apply. While a range of substitutes were used in abstracting, about half of the stems of lexical units in our abstracts share the same stem as their source words, or are their derived forms. Only a small proportion of substitutes were synonyms, and the rest were (quasi-)synonyms, or imprecise equivalents. Authors tend to use less technical forms in abstracts possibly in anticipation of non-specialist abstract readers. Numerical expressions are rendered less precise although no less accurate: absolute numbers and decimals are rounded off, and percentages replaced by ratios or fractions. These observations are consistent with the "new" context of an abstract where only the gist of a document s content need be re-conveyed. Among the linguistic units commonly deleted are metadiscourse phrases, and segments of text (e.g. parenthetical texts, and apposed texts), which provide details and precision in the full text, but are out of place in an abstract. Redundancies inserted for various reasons, or units deemed to be implicit to the comprehension of targeted readers are also often removed. While deletion is an important sub-process of condensation, we observed some instances of adding experimental and other details to compact more information into abstract. The expansion or "unpacking" of compact linguistic units was also observed. The secondary role of inverse processes observed calls for a review of the meaning of condensation from "not giving as much detail or using fewer words" to include the adding of information in order to make a unit of text informatively compact. Among the linguistic units compressed are verbal complexes containing a support verb, or a catenative. Like semantically empty support verbs (e.g. X caused decreases in Y = X reduced Y), some catenatives too may be deleted without significant changes in meaning to the verbal complex (e.g. X was allowed to hatch E-e X hatched). Redundancy in meaning between an adjective and a noun in a noun phrase, e.g. functional role, may be removed, and the phrase compressed to just the stem of the adjective, i.e. function. While not frequently occurring in the corpus studied, the compression of such units may be described by rules, and hence, might be operationalized for automatic abstracting. Aggregation, the combining of units of text within or between sentences, is an important sub-process of condensation. Two-thirds of sentences in abstracts studied were written using multiple sentences, and more sentences were combined without than with the use of an explicit sign, such as a connective, a colon or a semi-colon. If research in summarization is to progress beyond sentence selection, then we must work towards: (a) a clear distinction between operations that are condensation processes, and those that are not; (b) bringing operationally similar processes together under the same designation, and (c) a greater understanding of sub-processes constitutiiig condensation. To this end, our provisional typology for condensation, the range of type of linguistic units involved and their functions sets the first step to advance research into content condensation. We have only just begun to identify the condensation sub-processes in operation during abstracting. The factors that are critical on the interplay of these processes still need to be investigated.


BROGGINI, SUSANNA 05 May 2017 (has links)
Questa tesi riflette l’attuale interesse per il dibattito educativo sul ruolo e sull’uso dell’inglese come lingua veicolare in ambiente accademico. I programmi che utilizzano l’inglese come Medium of Instruction (EMI) sono al centro dell’attenzione di questo studio, che si compone di una parte quantitativa e una parte qualitativa. Attraverso un’analisi aggiornata dei dati raccolti da Costa e Coleman nel 2012, la prima parte descrive i risultati di un questionario spedito a tutte le università italiane; la parte qualitativa descrive l’utilizzo dei marcatori metadiscorsivi impiegati da quattro docenti dell’Università Cattolica di Milano. A tale scopo, è stata adottata una versione semplificata del modello di Ädel (2003), proposto da Nobles (2010), e applicato in questa sede al discorso accademico orale. L’aumento del numero di corsi di EMI in Italia registrato da Costa e Coleman nel 2012 è rimasto stabile. Il confronto tra l’uso di marcatori metadiscorsivi personali e impersonali mostra un maggior utilizzo dei primi, in particolare del pronome personale “we”. Infine, lo studio vuole fornire dati e riflessioni a docenti, istituzioni universitarie e legislatori, utili anche alla progettazione di corsi di formazione per insegnanti. / This thesis reflects the shared current interest in the ongoing educational debate on the role and use of English as a medium of instruction in academic settings. English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) programs are the main focus of this study which includes a quantitative and a qualitative part. Through an up-to-date analysis of the data on EMI courses in Italy collected by Costa and Coleman in 2012, the first part shows the results of a questionnaire that was sent to all Italian universities; the qualitative part describes the use of metadiscourse markers by four Italian lecturers at the Università Cattolica of Milan. The simplified and restricted classification model of metadiscourse markers proposed by Nobles (2010), adapted from Ädel (2003), was here applied to the academic spoken discourse. The increase in the number of EMI courses in Italy registered by Costa and Coleman in 2012 has remained stable. The comparison of the use of personal and impersonal metadiscourse shows that personal metadiscourse tokens surpass the impersonal counterpart, with the pronoun “we” as the most frequent self-mention marker in the corpus. Finally, the present study can be of great interest both for lecturers and university policymakers or teacher-training designers.

L'antisexisme linguistique dans les brochures libertaires : pratiques d'écriture et métadiscours / Linguistic antisexism in anarchist brochures : writing practices and metadiscourse

Abbou, Julie 05 November 2011 (has links)
Des transgressions du genre apparaissent dans les brochures libertaires. Le masculin et le féminin y sont chambardés et ces modifications apportées à la langue font éclore un nouveau générique, dépassant le masculin générique. Les rapports entre l’opposition particulier/général et le genre vont montrer que ce dernier est à la fois grammatical, sémantique et social. Mais cette multidimensionnalité du genre doit être complétée par la construction du genre en discours, en tant que lieu d’articulation du pouvoir. Et dès lors que l’on agit par la langue sur des rapports de pouvoir, on se situe dans le champ de la rhétorique. C’est elle qui nous permettra de mettre en lumière les arguments qui sous-tendent ces modifications subversives et de pouvoir saisir en quoi les irrégularités les façonnent idéologiquement, dans un rapport complexe à la norme faisant émerger une micro-politique linguistique autogérée non-prescriptive. Ces perturbations émergent à la frontière entre féminisme et anarchisme, dans un féminisme qui prend le discours comme lieu de lutte et un anarchisme non-programmatique, dont les brochures sont depuis longtemps un support privilégié. Mais cela n’est pas encore suffisant pour épuiser ce que recèle cette subversion linguistique du genre et il est nécessaire de partir à la rencontre de ce qu’en disent les locuteurs qui la pratiquent pour tenter de comprendre dans quels paysages politiques peut advenir cette pratique langagière. Au travers des croisements sémantiques entre politique, genre et langage, on voit se dégager une réticularité qui combine hétérogénéité et partage de prémisses, où le rejet de l’institution et le caractère fondamentalement politique du genre, donc non-essentiel, sont associés pour placer cette perturbation linguistique dans une démarche émancipatrice. / Transgressions of gender appear, in French language, in anarchist pamphlets, turning masculine and feminine upside down and leading the way to the emergence of a new generic class, beyond the generic masculine. The relationship between the general/particular opposition and gender shows that gender has grammatical, semantic and social features. However, it is also necessary to focus on the way gender is constructed in discourse, as a space where power is articulated. Acting on power relations by using language thus places this action in a rhetorical realm. It is precisely this rhetorical approach which allows us to highlight the arguments for such a subversive changes and to understand how irregularities could turn into ideological strategies, happening in a complex relationship with the norm. These processes form a type of self-managed, non-prescriptive micro-level language planning. Such an upheaval emerges at the crossroads between feminism and anarchism – a feminism which sees discourse as a site of struggle, and a non-programmatic anarchism, for which the brochures have long been a privileged medium. Nevertheless, this is not yet enough to have a complete view of this subversive language practice. The discourse of those who employ such a linguistic disturbance is also needed in order to understand in which political landscapes it occurs. At the semantic junction between politics, gender and language, networks emerge, combining heterogeneity and shared premises. The bases of these premises are a rejection of institutions, and a political reading of gender, which assumes a refusal of essentialism. Together, these premises postulate that linguistic perturbation is an emancipating process.

O metadiscurso em introduções de artigos científicos: uma perspectiva sistêmico-funcional / Metadiscourse in the introduction of scientific journals: a systemic functional approach

Paula, Sonia Maria Lopes de 18 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sonia Maria Lopes de Paula.pdf: 302382 bytes, checksum: ef5fdad35196a5b724a4941e51962989 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research aims to examine the textual and interpersonal metafunctions present in the introduction to six scientific articles found in four different journals on Applied Linguistics published by three Brazilian universities: D.E.L.T.A (PUC/SP), ALFA (UNESP), Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos and Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (UNICAMP). In order to carry out the research on metadiscourse we will draw on the work of different authors and on various theoretical approaches. In this respect, Fowler (1991), whose attitude towards his instruments of analysis is eclectic, acknowledges that the Hallidayan functional mode of analysis is the best model for the study of the relationship between linguistic structure and social values. As well as being another topic of concern in this study, the following concepts will also ground the methodology of this research: (a) interpersonal metafunction (HALLIDAY, 1985; 1994; 2004) and tokens of attitude (MARTIN, 2000); (b) appraisal (MARTIN, 2000; HYLAND, 1997; 1998; 2000; 2005; VERSTRAETE, 2001); (c) footing and alignment (GOFFMAN, 1974); (d) politeness (BROWN & LEVINSON (1987) / O objetivo desta dissertação é examinar o metadiscurso textual e o interpessoal em seis introduções de artigos científicos coletados em periódicos de três universidades brasileiras na área da Linguística Aplicada: D.E.L.T. A (PUC/SP), ALFA (UNESP) e Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos e Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (UNICAMP). O exame do metadiscurso implica recorrer a teorias de origens várias. Nesse sentido, seguimos Fowler (1991), que se confessa essencialmente eclético em relação à sua atitude aos instrumentos de análise, mas que, aponta como o melhor modelo para examinar a conexão entre estrutura lingüística e valores sociais, o modelo funcional desenvolvido por Halliday e seus pesquisadores. Constituem, também, objeto de interesse de minha análise e que embasam a metodologia da presente pesquisa, os conceitos de: (a) metafunção interpessoal (Halliday, 1985; 1994; 2004) e token de atitude (MARTIN, 2000); (b) avaliação (MARTIN, 2000; HYLAND, 1997; 1998; 2000; 2005; VERSTRAETE, 2001) (c) footing e alinhamento (GOFFMAN, 1974); (d) polidez (BROWN & LEVINSON (1987)

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