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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do ganho de energia elétrica em painéis fotovoltaicos usando rastreamento solar baseado em sistemas embarcados. / Study of increase in power generation in photovoltaic solar panels using solar tracking based on embedded systems.

Sérgio Eduardo Alves de Paula 02 July 2015 (has links)
A geração de energia solar fotovoltaica tem crescido anualmente em utilização. Com o aumento dos custos de geração de energia elétrica, fontes renováveis de energia como essa crescem em interesse, até mesmo em aplicações residenciais de microgeração. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto, construção e ensaios de um rastreador solar autônomo, com controle e aquisição de dados de sensoriamento baseado em sistemas embarcados totalmente projetados e produzidos no país, com o objetivo de se aumentar o ganho de energia elétrica gerada a partir de painéis solares de mercado. O projeto do firmware de controle e os algoritmos utilizados foram adaptados continuamente até se atingir os melhores resultados. Foi utilizado um painel solar comum de mercado para realizar os testes, e as placas de circuito impresso projetadas foram confeccionadas localmente. A tomada de dados em diferentes ensaios mostrou que o rastreamento solar de fato aumentou o ganho de energia elétrica com um painel solar comum de mercado, mesmo com alguns problemas a serem corrigidos em uma próxima pesquisa. Assim, a pesquisa realizada confirmou o ganho de energia elétrica para o painel solar escolhido. / Photovoltaic solar generators have grown annually in use. With the increase in electricity generation costs, renewable sources of energy like that grow in interest, even in residential microgeneration applications. This work presents the design, construction and testing of a standalone solar tracker, with control and acquisition of sensors data based on embedded systems totally designed and produced in the country, aiming to increase the power generated from retail solar panels. The firmware design and used algorithms have been continuously adapted to achieve the best results. It was used a standard solar panel to perform the tests, and the designed printed circuit boards were manufactured locally. The data taken in different tests showed that the solar tracking actually increased the power generated with a standard solar panel, even with some problems in the design that have to be corrected in a future implementation. So the project was validated and can be used, including microgeneration in ordinary houses.

Projeto de carga eletrônica para caracterização de painéis fotovoltaicos. / Design of an electronic load for photovoltaic module characterization.

Moreno Addad Hassem 19 May 2015 (has links)
A geração solar fotovoltaica em painéis de silício tem se destacado como uma maneira limpa e renovável de atender à demanda por energia elétrica. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto, construção e testes de um sistema autônomo para obtenção da curva IV e caracterização de painéis fotovoltaicos comerciais instalados em campo. Após um estudo do problema de medição de painéis solares, uma especificação da Solução foi concebida. Com base na especificação, foram realizados o projeto elétrico, a construção de protótipos, a escrita do software de medição e os testes de validação em laboratório. Para validação definitiva do hardware desenvolvido, foram realizados testes em campo utilizando um painel solar comercial. Após a tomada de dados e análise dos resultados, conclui-se que o dispositivo concebido atende aos requisitos especificados e cumpre sua proposta inicial. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho pode ser utilizada para geração de outros instrumentos com finalidade similar ou idêntica. / Photovoltaic solar generators, using silicon panels, have grown popular as a clean and renewable way to supply electrical energy. This work presents the project, construction and testing of an autonomous system for IV curve tracing and characterization of commercial photovoltaic panels deployed in the field. After a study how to properly measure solar panels, a Solution was put in a form of a specification. From specifications, the following phases took place: electrical project, prototype construction, software development and lab testing. To perform final validation of the developed hardware, a field test with a commercial solar panel was performed. After collecting and analyzing data from, it was concluded that the design fulfills the required specifications and intended goals. The methodology employed in this work and be utilized to generate other measuring instruments with similar or identical function.

Numerical Investigation of Masonry Infilled RC Frames Subjected to Seismic Loading

Manju, M A January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Reinforced concrete frames, infilled with brick/concrete block masonry, are the most common type of structures found in multi-storeyed constructions, especially in developing countries. Usually, the infill walls are considered as non-structural elements even though they alter the lateral stiffness and strength of the frame significantly. Approximately 80% of the structural cost from earthquakes is attributable to damage of infill walls and to consequent damages of doors, windows and other installations. Despite the broad application and economical significance, the infill walls are not included in the analysis because of the design complexity and lack of suitable theory. But in seismic areas, ignoring the infill-frame interaction is not safe because the change in the stiffness and the consequent change in seismic demand of the composite structural system is not negligible. The relevant experimental findings shows a considerable reduction in the response of infilled frames under reverse cyclic loading. This behaviour is caused by the rapid degradation of stiffness, strength, and low energy dissipation capacity resulting from the brittle and sudden damage of the unreinforced masonry infill walls. Though various national/international codes of practice have incorporated some of the research outcomes as design guidelines, there is a need and scope for further refinement. In the initial part of this work, a numerical modelling and linear elastic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames has been done. A multi-storey multi-bay frame infilled with masonry panels, is considered for the study. Both macro modelling and micro modelling strategies are adopted. Seismic loading is considered and an equivalent static analysis as suggested in IS 1893, 2002 is done. The results show that the stiffness of the composite structure is increased due to the obvious confinement effects of infill panels on the bounding frame. A parametric study is conducted to investigate the influence of size and location of openings, presence/absence of infill panels in a particular storey and elevation irregularity in terms of floor height. The results show that the interaction of infill panel changes the seismic response of the composite structure significantly. Presence of openings further changes the seismic behaviour. Increase in openings increases the natural period and introduce newer failure mechanisms. Absence of infill in a particular storey (an elevation irregularity) makes it drift more compared to adjacent storeys. Since the structural irregularities influence the seismic behaviour of a building considerably, we should be cautious while construction and renovation of such buildings in order to take the advantage of increased strength and stiffness obtained by the presence of infill walls. A nonlinear dynamic analysis of masonry infilled RC frames is presented next. Material non linearity is considered for the finite element modelling of both masonry and concrete. Concrete damage plasticity model is employed to capture the degradation in stiffness under reverse cyclic loading. A parametric study by varying the same parameters as considered in the linear analysis is conducted. It is seen that the fundamental period calculation of infilled frames by conventional empirical formulae needs to be revisited for a better understanding of the real seismic behaviour of the infilled frames. Enhancement in the lateral stiffness due to the presence of infill panel attracts larger force and causes damage to the composite system during seismic loading. Elevation irregularities included absence of infill panels in a particular storey. Soft storey shows a tendency for the adjacent columns to fail in shear, due to the large drift compared to other storeys. The interstorey drift ratios of soft storeys are found to be larger than the limiting values. However this model could not capture the separation at the interfaces and related failure mechanisms. To improve the nonlinear model, a contact surface at the interface is considered for a qualitative analysis. A one bay one storey infilled frame is selected. The material characteristics were kept the same as those used in the nonlinear model. Contact surface at the interface was given hard contact property with pressure-overclosure relations and suitable values of friction at the interface. This model could simulate the compressive diagonal strut formation and the switching of this compressive strut to the opposite diagonal under reverse cyclic loading. It showed an indication of corner crushing and diagonal cracking failure modes. The frame with central opening showed stress accumulation near the corners of opening. Next, the micro modelling strategy for masonry suggested by Lourenco is studied. This interface element can be used at the masonry panel-concrete frame interface as well as at the expanded masonry block to block interface. Cap plasticity model (modified Drucker – Prager model for geological materials) can be used to describe the behaviour of masonry (in terms of interface cracking, slipping, shearing) under earthquake loading. The blocks can be defined as elastic material with a potential crack at the centre. However, further experimental investigation is needed to calibrate this model. It is required to make use of the beneficial effects and improve upon the ill-effects of the presence of infills. To conclude, infill panels are inevitable for functional aspects such as division of space and envelope for the building. Using the lateral stiffness, strength contribution and energy dissipation capacity, use of infill panels is proposed to be a wiser solution for reducing the seismic vulnerability of multi-storey buildings.

Mechanical response of glassy materials : theory and simulation / Réponse mécanique des matériaux amorphes vitreux : théorie et simulation

Tsamados, Michel 14 December 2009 (has links)
Il est bien établi que les propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques d'une large classe de matériaux vitreux amorphes met en jeu – contrairement aux dislocations dans les cristaux – des rearrangements structuraux localisés formant par un processus de cascade des bandes de cisaillements. Cette localisation de la déformation est observée dans divers systèmes vitreux ainsi que dans des simulations numériques. Cette réponse mécanique complexe reste mal comprise à une échelle microscopique et il n'est pas clair si l'écoulement plastique peut être associé à une origine structurale locale ou à des processus purement dynamiques.Dans cette thèse nous envisageons ces problématiques à l'aide de simulations atomiques athermales sur un système Lennard-Jones modèle. Nous calculons le tenseur élastique moyenné localement sur une échelle nanométrique. A cette échelle, le verre est assimilable à un matériau composite comprenant un échafaudage rigide et des zones fragiles. L'étude détaillée de la déformation plastique à différents taux de cisaillement met en évidence divers régimes d'écoulement. En dessous d'un taux de cisaillement critique dépendant de la taille du système, la réponse mécanique atteind une limite quasistatique (effets de taille fini, cascades d'événements plastiques, contrainte seuil) alors que pour des taux de cisaillement plus importants les propriétés rhéologiques sont fixées par le taux de cisaillement imposé. Dans ce régime nous mettons en évidence la croissance d'une longueur de coopérativité dynamique et discutons de sa dépendance avec le taux de cisaillements. / It is commonly acknowledged that the mechanical properties and the rheology of a wide class of amorphous glassy materials involves – in contrast to dislocations in crystals – localized structural rearrangements that can form through a cascade mechanism shear bands. The phenomenon of strain localization has been observed experimentally in alloys, metallic and covalent glasses, polymers, complex fluids, granular media, foams, as well as in numerous simulations. This complex mechanical response remains poorly understood at a microscopical level and the origin of the plastic flow in driven glasses cannot be unambiguously attributed to either a local origin or to purely dynamic processes independently of any structural origin. In this thesis we approach these problems by the use of athermal atomistic simulations on a model Lennard-Jones glass. We compute the locally averaged elasticity tensor of the glass at a nanometric level. At this scale, the glass appears as a composite material composed of a rigid scaffolding and of soft zones. Moreover we use this local elastic order parameter to relate structure and dynamics in the sheared glass. The detailed analysis of the plastic deformation at different shear-rates shows that the glass follows different flow regimes. Below a system size dependent critical shear-rate the mechanical response reaches a quasistatic limit (finite size effects, cascades of plastic rearrangements, yield stress) while at higher shear rates the rheological properties are determined by the externally applied shear-rate. In the later regime we report on the growth of a cooperativity length scale and discuss the scaling of this length with shear-rate.

Modélisation multiphysique d'un assemblage de puissance haute température destiné à l'environnement aéronautique / Multiphysics modeling of high temperature power module for aeronautical applications

Youssef, Toni 04 November 2016 (has links)
Le principal défi auquel sont confrontés aujourd'hui les équipementiers aéronautiques est d'augmenter l'utilisation des systèmes électriques à bord de l'avion. De nos jours, le remplacement des systèmes hydrauliques par des actionneurs électriques conduit à placer les systèmes électriques dans un environnement hostile, par exemple dans la nacelle du moteur. L'équipement est soumis à des contraintes sévères telles que des températures élevées et basses, un cycle thermique étendu, une humidité élevée et une basse pression. En conséquence, des efforts doivent être faits pour réduire le poids et le volume du convertisseur de puissance sans perdre ses performances. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la conception de modules de puissance doit permettre un haut niveau d'intégration, d'efficacité et de fiabilité. On s’intéresse en particulier aux dommages causés par la fatigue qui ont une influence significative sur les performances électriques de ces modules. Les tests de performance liés à la fatigue restent des efforts coûteux pour l'équipement aéronautique. Un nombre fini de tests destructifs, par vieillissement accéléré, peut être effectué pour un nombre assez faible de configurations. Le but de ces tests est d'étudier les modes de défaillance apparaissant lors du vieillissement accéléré. Par conséquent, des simulations numériques ont été envisagées, facilement évolutives et utilisables pour un grand nombre de configurations, mais nécessitant des données d'essais expérimentaux. Dans ce manuscrit, quelques modes de défaillances sont étudiés. On propose une méthode numérique intégrant les contraintes principales dans les équipements, à savoir la simulation électrique, thermique et mécanique. Ces trois problèmes physiques ont des temps caractéristiques différents et sont fortement couplés avec un comportement non trivial. Pour optimiser l'utilisation des ressources et avoir une représentation pertinente du problème, un procédé couplé électrique 1D / thermique 3D / mécanique 3D a été implémenté sur un bus de cosimulation. Différents pas de temps, différents niveaux d'abstraction et différentes compétences sont utilisés pour fournir un modèle multiphysique de modules de puissance. / Today’s main challenge for aeronautical equipment manufacturers is to respond to the more electrical aircraft regulations. Moreover, there are many applications in aircraft area where high temperature technologies are needed. Nowadays, the replacement of hydraulic systems for electric ones leads to place the power inverters in a harsh environment, for example in the engine nacelle. The equipment is under high constraints such as high and low temperatures, wide temperature cycling, high humidity and low pressure. Combined to these environmental constraints, the new aircraft system is submitted to weight and operating cost reduction. As a consequence, efforts shall be done to reduce weight and volume of the power converter without losing its performance. To reach such a goal, the design of the converter must enable a high level of integration, efficiency and reliability. In particular, fatigue damage has a significant influence on such modules electrical power performance. And fatigue-related performance testing remains a costly endeavor for aeronautical equipment. A finite number of destructive tests can be carried out in specific facilities for a fairly low number of configurations. The purpose of these destructive tests is to investigate the failure modes appearing regarding this accelerated ageing. Therefore numerical simulations have been envisaged since non-destructive, easily evolving and usable for a high number of configurations, though needing data from experimental assays. In this study, we propose a method dealing with the main constraints for such equipment, i.e. electrical, thermal and mechanical simulation. Those three physical problems have different characteristic time and are strongly coupled with a non-trivial behavior. To optimize the resources usage and have a relevant representation of the problem, a 1D electrical / 3D thermal / 3D mechanical coupled method has been implemented over a co-simulation bus. Different time steps, different abstraction levels and different skills are used to provide predictions of the multiphysical fatigue behavior of power modules.

Etude arithmétique et algorithmique de courbes de petit genre / Algorithmic and arithmetic study of small genus curves

Ulpat Rovetta, Florent 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de plusieurs aspects algorithmiques des courbes algébriques. La première partie décrit et implémente en Magma un algorithme de calcul des tordues pour les courbes sur les corps finis et en étudie la complexité. Dans le cas hyperellitptique, il s’agit du premier algorithme complet pour faire cela en tout genre. La deuxième partie construit des familles représentatives pour les courbes non hyperelliptiques de genre 3 afin de permettre leur énumération efficace en lien avec le problème de l’obstruction de Serre. Cette partie a fait l’objet d’une publication dans ANTS et une annexe de la thèse est constituée d’un préprint étudiant un modèle statistique pour l’interprétation des données obtenues. La dernière partie de la thèse étudie les invariants et covariants des formes binaires en lien avec la description de l’espace de modules des courbes de genre 2. On y décrit en particulier une nouvelle opération pour engendrer des covariants en petite caractéristique. On étudie aussi l’application d’une nouvelle stratégie (dite de Geyer-Sturmfels) pour obtenir les algèbres de séparants et on l’applique au cas du degré 4 et du degré 6. Enfin, un dernier chapitre montre la validité d’un algorithme de reconstruction pour les courbes de genre 2 à partir de leurs invariants en toute caractéristique différente de 2 et l’implémente en SAGE. / This thesis addresses several algorithmic aspects of algebraic curves.The first part describe and plug in Magma a computational algorithm of twists for the curves over finite fields and study it's complexity. In the hyperelliptic case, it is the first complete algorithm to do this in all genus. The second part builts representatives family for the non hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 to enable them effective enumeration in connection with the Serre obstruction problem. This part has been published in ANTS and an annex of this thesis is made up of a preprint studing a statistic model for interpreting the data obtained.The last part of the thesis studies the invariants and covariants of binary forms in connexion with the description of the moduli space of curves of genus 2. A new operation in particular is described to generate covariants in small characteristic. We study to the implementation of a new strategy (called Geyer-Sturmfels) to get the algebras of separants and we apply it of the case of degree 4 ans 6. Finally, the last chapter shows the validity of a reconstruction algorithm for genus 2 curves from their invariants in all characteristic diferent from 2 and implements it in SAGE .

Espace de modules des G2-fibrés principaux sur une courbe algébrique / Moduli space of principal G2-bundles on an algebraic curve

Grégoire, Chloé 01 October 2010 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de l'espace de modules des G_2-fibrés principaux sur une courbe complexe projective connexe lisse, où G_2 désigne le groupe de Lie exceptionnel de plus petit rang. Le groupe G_2 est tout d'abord présenté comme le groupe des automorphismes de l'algèbre complexe des octaves de Cayley. D'autres définitions sont ensuite proposées. Les différentes réductions et extensions que peut admettre un G_2-fibré principal sont étudiées ainsi que la relation entre la stabilité d'un G_2-fibré principal et celle de son fibré vectoriel associé. L'espace de modules des G_2-fibrés principaux semistables est analysé. Nous obtenons notamment une caractérisation de son lieu lisse, une décomposition explicite de son lieu singulier en trois composantes connexes et une analyse de l'espace de Verlinde de niveau 1 pour le groupe G_2. / This thesis studies the moduli space of principal G_2-bundles over a smooth connected projective curve, where G_2 is the exceptional Lie group of smallest rank. The group G_2 is first introduced as the group of automorphisms of the complex algebra of the Cayley numbers. Other equivalent definitions are also proposed. We study the reductions and extensions that a principal G_2_bundle can admit, as well as the link between a principal G_2-bundle and its associated vector bundle in relation to the notion of (semi)stability. The moduli space of semistable principal G_2-bundles is analysed. We notably obtain a characterisation of its smooth locus, with an explicit decomposition of its singular locus into three connected componants. We also give an analysis of the Verlinde space of G_2 at level 1.

Modelling of solder interconnection's performance in photovoltaic modules for reliability prediction

Zarmai, Musa Tanko January 2016 (has links)
Standard crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules are designed to continuously convert solar energy into electricity for 25 years. However, the continual generation of electricity by the PV modules throughout their designed service life has been a concern. The key challenge has been the untimely fatigue failure of solder interconnections of solar cells in the modules due to accelerated thermo-mechanical degradation. The goal of this research is to provide adequate information for proper design of solar cell solder joint against fatigue failure through the study of cyclic thermo-mechanical stresses and strains in the joint. This is carried-out through finite element analysis (FEA) using ANSYS software to develop the solar cell assembly geometric models followed by simulations. Appropriate material constitutive model for solder alloy is employed to predict number of cycles to failure of solder joint, hence predicting its fatigue life. The results obtained from this study indicate that intermetallic compound thickness (TIMC); solder joint thickness (TSJ) and width (WSJ) have significant impacts on fatigue life of solder joint. The impacts of TIMC and TSJ are such that as the thicknesses increases solder joint fatigue life decreases. Conversely, as solder joint width (WSJ) increases, fatigue life increases. Furthermore, optimization of the joint is carried-out towards thermo-mechanical reliability improvement. Analysis of results shows the design with optimal parameter setting to be: TIMC -2.5μm, TSJ -20μm and WSJ -1000μm. In addition, the optimized model has 16,264 cycles to failure which is 18.82% more than the expected 13,688 cycles to failure of a PV module designed to last for 25 years.

Contributions à la géométrie algébrique imparfaite en caractéristique positive / Contributions to imperfect algebraic geometry in positive characteristic

Huang, Yuliang 18 September 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, composé de quatre parties, est consacré à l’étude de la géométrie algébrique en caractéristiques mixte et positive. Dans la première partie, motivés par une théorie conjecturale de la ramification pour les torseurs inséparables, nous étudions les modèles maximaux des torseurs sur un corps local, qui sont une généralisation des anneaux des entiers dans la théorie classique de la ramification. Nous prouvons la maximalité et la fonctorialité des modèles maximaux et nous les calculons explicitement pour les schémas en groupes finis plats d'ordre p. La deuxième partie est un travail en commun avec Giulio Orecchia et Matthieu Romagny. Nous étudions la perfection des algèbres et la coperfection des espaces et champs algébriques. Nous prouvons que l’espace des composantes connexes fournit la coperfection d’un espace algébrique et il représente la colimite du système de Frobenius relatifs. Dans le cas des champs algébriques, nous construisons le pro-groupoïde fondamental étale, nous prouvons qu'il fournit la coperfection, et il représente la colimite du système de Frobenius relatifs dans le cas de Deligne-Mumford. Dans la troisième partie, nous prouvons quelques résultats de platitude et de représentabilité des espaces de modules de torseurs sous certains schémas en groupes, qui découlent naturellement de l’espace de modules propre des p-revêtements galoisiens. Nous discutons également de la relation avec les jacobiennes généralisées des courbes ouvertes. Dans la dernière partie, nous nous intéressons à un nouveau type de géométrie analytique non-archimédienne, avec des valuations à valeurs dans des monoïdes commutatifs totalement ordonnés. Nous étudions quelques exemples de schémas et d’espaces adiques. / This thesis work, consisting of four parts, is devoted to the study of algebraic geometry in mixed and positive characteristics. In the first part, motivated by a conjectural ramification theory for inseparable torsors, we study the maximal model of a torsor over a local field, which is a generalization of integer rings in classical ramification theory. We prove the maximality and functoriality of maximal models, and calculate them explicitly for some finite flat group schemes of order p. The second part is a joint work with Giulio Orecchia and Matthieu Romagny. We study perfection of algebras and coperfection of algebraic spaces and stacks. We prove that the space of connected components provides the coperfection of an algebraic space, and it represents the colimit of relative Frobenii. In the case of algebraic stacks, we construct the étale fundamental pro-groupoid, and prove that it provides the coperfection, and it represents the colimit of relative Frobenii in Deligne-Mumford case. In the third part, we prove some results on flatness and representability of moduli spaces of torsors under certain group schemes, which naturally arise from the proper moduli space of Galois p-covers (stable p-torsors). We also discuss the relation with generalized Jacobians of open curves. In the last part, we are interested in a new kind of nonarchimedean analytic geometry, with valuations on totally ordered commutative monoids. We study some examples from schemes and adic spaces.

Alpha Gamma-modules de de Rham et fonctions L p-adiques / De Rham Alpha Gamma-modules and L p-functions

Rodrigues Jacinto, Joaquín 25 November 2016 (has links)
Nous étudions, dans cette thèse, la construction des fonctions L p-adiques des motifs sur $\Q$ et, plus particulièrement, des formes modulaires.Dans les premiers trois chapitres on étend des constructions de Perrin-Riou pour construire, pour une représentation p-adique de de Rham $V$ du groupe de Galois absolu $\mathscr{G}_\qp$ de $\qp$ (ou, plus généralement, un alpha gamma-module de de Rham sur l'anneau de Robba) et un système compatible d'éléments globaux, une fonction L p-adique. On montre, en utilisant des lois de réciprocité montrées par Perrin-Riou, Colmez, Cherbonnier-Colmez, Berger et Nakamura, que ces fonctions interpolent des valeurs arithmétiques intéressantes aux caractères localement algébriques.Dans les derniers trois chapitres, on se spécialise au cas de dimension $2$. On démontre, en s'inspirant des techniques de Nakamura et des nouvelles techniques de changement de poids de Colmez introduites pour l'étude des vecteurs localement algébriques dans la correspondance de Langlands L p-adique pour $\mathrm{GL}_2(\qp)$, une équation fonctionnelle pour notre fonction L p-adique. Comme une application de cette équation fonctionnelle, on fournit les argument manquants dans les travaux de Nakamura, complétant la preuve de la conjecture $\epsilon$ locale de Kato pour les représentations de dimension $2$. Pour le motif associé à une forme modulaire, on utilise tous ces résultats pour interpréter les valeurs interpolées par la fonction L p-adique en termes des valeurs spéciales de la fonction $L$ complexe de cette forme. / This thesis studies the construction of $p$-adic $L$-functions associated to motives over $\Q$ and, in particular, to modular forms.In the first three chapters we generalize some constructions of Perrin-Riou in order to construct, for any $p$-adic de Rham representation $V$ of the absolute Galois group $\mathscr{G}_\qp$ of $\qp$ (or, more generally, any de Rham $(\varphi, \Gamma)$-module over the Robba ring) and any compatible system of global elements, a $p$-adic $L$-function. We show, by the use of some reciprocity laws proved by Perrin-Riou, Colmez, Cherbonnier-Colmez, Berger and Nakamura, that these functions interpolate interesting arithmetic values at locally algebraic characters.The last three chapters deal with the particular case of dimension $2$. We show, inspired by some techniques of Nakamura and certain weight change techniques introduced by Colmez for the study of locally algebraic vectors in the $p$-adic Langlads correspondence for $\mathrm{GL}_2(\qp)$, that our $p$-adic $L$-function satisfies a functional equation. As an application of our functional equation, we fulfil the missing arguments in the work of Nakamura, providing a complete proof of Kato's local $\epsilon$-conjecture for $2$-dimensional representations. For the motive associated to a modular form, we use these results to interpret the interpolated values of the $p$-adic $L$-function in terms of special values of the complex $L$-function of the form.

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