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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apontamentos sobre a oferta pública sobre a aquisição do controle de companhia aberta na França e na União Europeia / Notes on takeover bids in France as well as in the European Union.

Viviane Rossini Bergamaschi Abud 29 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a oferta pública para aquisição do controle de companhia aberta, na França e na União Europeia, sendo que, ao longo do seu desenvolvimento, serão feitas comparações pontuais com o direito brasileiro. Na conclusão, serão apontados aspectos relativos à disciplina da matéria analisada à luz do direito estrangeiro que possam ser adaptados e adotados pelo direito pátrio, bem como aspectos deste último que possam ser aproveitados pelo direito estrangeiro. Este estudo é relevante, em primeiro lugar, porque a internacionalização das ofertas públicas é um fenômeno que, conquanto não seja recente, se desenvolveu consideravelmente nos últimos anos, devido, sobretudo, à mundialização da economia, à globalização e à ausência de fronteira entre os mercados; em segundo lugar, em razão do desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais brasileiro, já que, com a existência de companhias que possuam estrutura acionária em que inexista um único acionista ou grupo de acionistas detentores da maioria do capital votante, tornou-se viável a ocorrência de tais operações no Brasil. / The objective of this paper is to analyze takeover bids (or tender offers) aiming at acquiring control of public corporations in France and European Union, whereas throughout its development specific comparison with Brazilian law will be performed. As a conclusion, it will be pointed out aspects of the discussed subject matter in the light of foreign law, which can be both adapted and adopted by national law, as well as aspects of the latter which can be availed by foreign law. Firstly, this study is relevant since the internationalization of takeover bids (or tender offers) is a phenomenon that, while not new, has developed substantially in the last years, mainly due to economic globalization along with lack of boundary among markets. Secondly, on grounds of the Brazilian capital market development as it has become feasible such operations in Brazil under the existence of companies which have shareholding structure, in which there was no single shareholder or group of shareholders holding the majority of the voting capital.

Estudo exploratório do mercado e da produção do Cavalo Brasileiro de Hipismo no Estado de São Paulo / Exploratory study of the market and production of Brazilian Equestrian Horse in São Paulo state

Bruna Egydio de Sousa Santos 24 June 2016 (has links)
O esporte hípico cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos no Brasil, embora pesquisas sobre o funcionamento e relevância deste setor sejam ainda escassas. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar estudo exploratório do mercado e da produção de cavalos da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo (BH) no Estado de São Paulo, com o intuito de levantar informações sobre a produção e o mercado dos animais registrados; determinar o custo médio de produção e manutenção dos cavalos da raça; determinar o destino dos cavalos e propor uma tipologia dos usuários do cavalo BH. Para a obtenção dos dados foram aplicados formulários e questionários específicos aos ofertantes e aos demandantes do Cavalo Brasileiro de Hipismo. A pesquisa contemplou seis criadores da raça e 25 demandantes. Verificou-se que, até 2013, havia 8.631 animais registrados, com uma queda significativa a partir de 2011. Os preços dos animais vendidos em leilões realizados pela associação da raça registraram valores que oscilaram entre R$ 18.000 e R$ 40.000 e os preços dos animais vendidos pelos criadores variou entre R$ 18.000 e R$ 80.000, dependendo da faixa etária dos animais e de outras características. A maioria dos criadores declarou que variações nos custos de produção dos animais não alteram a quantidade produzida e que os proprietários possuem outra fonte de renda. Nas propriedades entrevistadas, as biotecnologias de inseminação artificial e transferência de embriões são frequentemente utilizadas na busca do melhoramento genético dos animais. O tamanho do plantel dos criadores entrevistados variou entre 12 e 180 animais. Com base nos dados obtidos, chegou-se ao custo médio mensal de manutenção de um animal, por parte dos criadores, de R$ 475,81. O custo médio mensal de manutenção e treinamento de um animal dispendido pelos demandantes do Cavalo BH foi de R$ 2.587,80. A maioria dos animais é alojada em hípicas e é destinada para o uso pessoal, principalmente em competições, em sua maioria nas modalidades do CCE (Concurso Completo de Equitação) e do salto. Dos entrevistados, a maior parte possuía faixa de renda familiar acima de R$ 11.820, apresentou idade entre 9 e 65 anos; eram amadores e consideravam o cavalo que possuíam como \"membro da família\". Estudante foi a profissão mais frequente entre os entrevistados. Como motivação para a compra dos animais, o determinante principal foi a qualidade dos mesmos e não o seu preço. O estudo atendeu aos objetivos propostos e concluiu que o mercado do Cavalo Brasileiro de Hipismo se aproxima da concorrência monopolística, na qual a qualidade de cada animal produzido, conseguida por meio da utilização das tecnologias existentes e também com o emprego de mão de obra especializada no treinamento, faz com que cada produtor tenha certo poder de monopólio, no sentido de interferir nos preços de seus produtos. / The equestrian sport has grown significantly in recent years in Brazil, although research on the functioning and importance of this sector are scarce. This research aimed to carry out exploratory study of the market and the production of horses Brazilian Equestrian race (BH) in São Paulo, in order to gather information on the production and marketing of registered animals; determine the average cost of production and maintenance of BH horses; determine the destination of horses and propose a typology of BH horse users. To obtain the data were applied forms and specific questionnaires to offerors and users of the Brazilian Equestrian Horse. The survey considered six creators of the race and 25 consumers. It was found that by 2013 there were 8.631 registered animals, with a significant drop from 2011. The BH\'s prices sold at auctions held by the race\'s association recorded values that ranged from R$ 18.000 to R$ 40.000 and the price of animals sold by breeders ranged between R$ 18.000 and R$ 80.000, depending on the age of the animals and other factors. Most breeders said that variations in animal production costs do not change the quantity produced and that the owners have another source of income. In interviewed properties, the biotechnologies of artificial insemination and embryo transfer are often used in the search for genetic enhancement. The squad size creators of respondents varied between 12 and 180 animals. Based on the obtained data, the study came to the average monthly cost of maintenance of an animal. The average creator\'s cost was R$ 475,81. The average monthly cost of maintenance and training of one animal spent by the Horse BH\'s consumers was R$ 2.587.80. Most animals are housed in an equestrian centre and is intended for personal use, especially in competitions, mostly in the modalities of eventing and jumping. Of those interviewed, most had family income above R$ 11,820, presented age between 9 and 65, were amateurs and considered the horse as a \"family member\". Student was the most common occupation among respondents. As motivation for the purchase of animals, the main determinant was the quality of the animal and not its price. The study met the proposed objectives and concluded that the market of the Brazilian Equestrian Horse seems to be structured as monopolistic competition, in which the quality of each animal produced, achieved using existing technologies and with the use of skilled labour, makes each producer has some monopoly power, to interfere in the prices of their products.

Med en tung börda på sina axlar - en litteraturöversikt om unga mäns utsatthet inom hederskontexten.

Andersson, Jenny, Eriksson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att undersöka forskningsläget och skapa förståelse för hur hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck påverkar unga mäns utsatthet i de familjer där detta förekommer. Detta för att tydliggöra hur den unge mannen kan ses som ett offer när han av samhället ses som en förövare. En integrativ litteraturöversikt har genomförts med totalt 17 inkluderade studier. Resultatet visar att hedersproblematiken är starkt knuten till den unga kvinnans beteende och sexualitet samt patriarkala strukturer. Pojkar och unga män socialiseras in i djupt rotade familjestrukturer, där de befinner sig i både en maktposition samt en maktlöshet då deras främsta uppgift är att kontrollera kvinnorna i familjen. Vidare framkommer att han har dubbla roller eftersom han av sin familj ses som “hjälte”, men av samhället som förövare av hedersbrott. Synen på vem som är offer och förövare av hedersfenomenet är starkt förankrad i samhället vilket kan ses vara bidragande till upprättande av hedersproblematiken. Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett komplext fenomen med avgörande faktorer på flera nivåer, vilket samhället behöver ta itu med för att ha en möjlighet att komma till bukt med problemet. Föreliggande studie lyfter vikten av att se pojkarna/de unga männens utsatthet inom det sociala arbetet för att undvika att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck upprätthålls.

Studenters tilldelning av offerskuld och acceptansen av våldtäktsmyter.

Ercan, Therese, Jaoshan, Soman January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka Örebro universitet studenters tilldelning av offerskuld och acceptansen av våldtäktsmyter med hänsyn till tre skilda våldtäktssituationer, i en relation, ytligt bekantskap och helt okänd. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och för att kunna besvara på frågorna konstruerades en vinjettstudie.           Studiens resultat visade att studenters tilldelning av offerskuld varierade med hänsyn till relationen mellan offer och gärningsperson och på bedömningen av våldtäktssituationen. Tillskrivning av offerskuld ökade beroende på faktorer som ansågs vara bidragande till att bli utsatt för våldtäkt. Slutsatsen är att det föreligger föreställningar om vem som blir utsatt för våldtäktsbrott, detta kan bero på en bristfällig kunskap som bör förebyggas för att således minska de förekommande våldtäktsmyterna i samhället. / The aim of this study was to investigate Swedish students’ victim blaming and acceptance of rape myths in three separate rape situations, i.e. in a relationship, superficial acquaintance and completely unknown. The empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews, using a vignette study. The results showed that students’ victim blaming varied depending on the relationship between victim and perpetrator and depending on the judgement of the rape situation. Victim blaming increased due to factors that were considered contributory to become a victim of rape. The conclusion is that there is a notion of who is exposed of rape crimes, due to a lack of knowledge that should be prevented to reduce the common rape myths in the society.

Vybrané problémy optimalizace pražské tramvajové sítě / Selected problems of optimization in Prague tram network

Benešová, Magdaléna January 2017 (has links)
Master's Thesis is focused on urban public transport, specifically on tram network in Prague. The first part introduces the transport, with focus on personal transport, its transport routes and means of transport. Next part describes Prague tram network, its history from the very beginning of the first tram lines till present and that is broken up into the detail on particular tram lines which are now operated. Further the transportation survey of Prague integrated transport from the year 2016 is introduced. The information from this survey are consequently used for two different drafts on solution of tram network. The first draft suggests tracing the lines with the biggest possible amount of lines while the second one suggests tracing with as many direct offers as possible. The last part of the thesis compares and valuates both suggested drafts.

Import of agricultural products from Colombia to Czech Republic / Dovoz tropických plodin z Kolumbie do České Republiky: je poptávka dostatečně pokryta?

Přibylová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The demand for tropical fruit in the Czech Republic is rising, it´s a trend in the modern way of life. People in the Czech Republic, and all over the world, demand healthier ways of food consumption. We did research concerning a supply in the supermarkets and consumers. I found out, that a demand for tropical fruit was not very well covered and that people were demanding more variety of tropical fruit and were ready to up pay double prices for it. I compared data about consumption of tropical fruits in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. The comparison is drawn from net import of tropical fruit and net import it´s divided per capita. We proved that people in the Czech Republic were consuming fewer kilograms per capita per year than people in Germany and Austria. Annual consumption of tropical fruit in the Czech Republic grew by 7 % during the last five years, while in Germany it amounted to 0,3% and in Austria to 4,5%.

Analýza nabídky cestovních kanceláří ve vztahu k vybranému teritoriu / Analysis of the offers of tour operators in relation to chosen territory

Kotorová, Daniela January 2008 (has links)
Theoretical part of the thesis clarifies basic expressions from the area of tourism, spa tourism and of the activities of tour operators and travel agencies. There is a further characteristics of a chosen territory - Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary with the emphasis on spa tourism and wellness in this region. Practical part of the thesis analyses and judges spa and wellness stays according to chosen criteria presently offered by travel agencies and tour operators in those countries. Comparison and analysis of separate offers is stated by means of marketing mix.

Analýza nabídky služeb cestovního ruchu vybraného regionu / Analysis of tourist services in a selected tourist region

Prokešová, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
The main topic of the Master Paper is to describe and analyze tourist services offered in the selected region of Vysočina and to find out suitable forms of tourism in given region. The first part contains the essential definitions of tourism, characteristic features of the demand and offer in tourist services. The chapter also introduces the terms "sustainable development" and "environment friendly" forms of tourism. The second part briefly introduces the region of Vysočina. Next part contains an analysis of tourist service offer distributed into primary and secondary offer. This part introduces the opportunities for hiking, cycling and golf. Next chapter deals with the analysis of visitors to the region. The conclusion summarizes the findings of the previous chapters, giving an evaluation of the tourist services in the region in general.

Analýza nabídky cestovních kanceláří vzhledem kvybrané deistinaci / The Analysis of the Offer of Travel Agencies in View of the Chosen Destination

Hendrychová, Tereza January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation The Analysis of the Offer of Travel Agencies in View of the Chosen Destination is aimed at the comparison and evaluation of the offer of chosen travel agencies. In particular terms the topic is a comparison of ski tours to Italian Dolomites. The goal was to judge whether an offer of Czech travel agencies tours is sufficient on the Czech market. The first chapter explains basic terms concerning tourism. Then the characteristics of the destination Dolomites and the analysis of particular travel agencies follow. The last chapter offers the comparison of offers from the point of view of several criteria. On the basis of discovered data the introductory hypothesis was confirmed, respectively that the offer of ski tours on the Czech market is sufficient.

Analýza produktov cestovných kancelárií v rámci domáceho cestovného ruchu na Slovensku / Analysis of the products of travel agencies in domestic tourism in relation to Slovakia

Kozová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The subject matter of this diploma thesis is to analyze the products of selected travel agencies in domestic tourism in relation to Slovakia. The aim of this thesis is to analyze their offer in terms of depth and width, and also find out how travel agencies are involved in this type of tourism. The first part of the thesis defines the theoretical basis and terms used in the following sections. The second chapter describes the Slovak Republic as a destination of domestic tourism, discusses the current state of domestic tourism, but also the attractiveness and preconditions for its development. The third chapter presents the specific characteristics of selected travel agencies and analysis of their product portfolios. The final section is devoted to the comparison of offers, evaluation of analysis and drawing conclusions and recommendations.

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