Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] OUTSOURCING"" "subject:"[enn] OUTSOURCING""
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Восприятие аутсорсинга на рынке труда и в образовательном учреждении: сравнительный анализ : магистерская диссертация / Perception of outsourcing in the labor market and in educational institutions: comparative analysisВасилишин, Р. В., Vasilishin, R. V. January 2020 (has links)
В России аутсорсинг является хотя и динамично развивающимся видом услуг, но в тоже время относительно новым. Перед отечественным рынком аутсорсинга стоит множество задач, включая формирование новой индустрии и профессии, подготовку профессиональных кадров аутсорсинга, разработку индустриальных стандартов. Руководители организаций с подозрением относятся к перспективе отказаться от реализации ряда обеспечивающих процессов, передать их на откуп сторонней организации. Таким образом, Цель исследования – проанализировать отношение организаций к использованию аутсорсинга в деловой практике на примере крупных промышленных компаний Уральского и других регионов России, а также в системе высшего образования (методом сравнительного анализа). Актуальность исследования усиливается ее практической направленностью. Материалы работы могут быть использованы в последующих научных исследованиях эффективности функционирования сферы аутсорсинговых услуг на рынке труда и подготовке рекомендаций для руководителей и сотрудников организаций, необходимых в рамках практического применения механизма аутсорсинга. Анализ эмпирического материала, полученного с помощью метода анкетного опроса в ходе изучения мнений организаций (на примере Уральского рынка труда и УрФУ) об эффективности использования аутсорсинга, показал, что отношение руководителей и персонала к этому механизму настороженное из-за наличия рисков, связанных с финансовыми, юридическими и психологическими аспектами в его применении для решения бизнес-задач организации. / In Russia, outsourcing is a dynamically developing type of service, but at the same time it is relatively new. The domestic outsourcing market faces many challenges, including forming a new industry and profession, training professional outsourcing personnel, and developing industry standards. Managers of organizations are suspicious of the prospect of abandoning the implementation of a number of supporting processes and transferring them to a third-party organization. Thus, the purpose of the study is to analyze the attitude of organizations to the use of outsourcing in business practice on the example of large industrial companies in the Ural and other regions of Russia, as well as in the higher education system (by comparative analysis). The relevance of the research is enhanced by its practical orientation. The materials of this work can be used in subsequent research on the effectiveness of the sphere of outsourcing services in the labor market and the preparation of recommendations for managers and employees of organizations that are necessary for the practical application of the outsourcing mechanism. The analysis of empirical material obtained using the questionnaire method in the course of studying the opinions of organizations (for example, the Ural labor market and Urfu) on the effectiveness of outsourcing showed that the attitude of managers and staff to this mechanism is cautious due to the presence of risks associated with financial, legal and psychological aspects in its application to solve business problems of the organization.
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Insourcings inflytande på ett företags Triple Bottom Line och inre effektivitet : En fallstudie om insourcing av processen för målning av instegspaneler på ScaniaBahhi, Rama, Velic, Erna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har uppstått ett skifte som inneburit att företag vill börja hantera sina processer internt som tidigare outsourcas. Många företag har upplevt att insourcing genererat samma eller förbättrade resultat som bidragit till ökad konkurrenskraft. Marknadens oförutsägbarhet är en faktor som har resulterat i en tillväxt av insourcing för att effektivisera hela företagets försörjningskedja. Fortsättningsvis är även ett omfattande hot mot en mer hållbar försörjningskedja marknadens oförutsägbarhet. Därav leder det till ett forskningsgap om information gällande insoucings inverkan på ett företags Triple Bottom Line samt inre effektivitet. Syfte: Studien syftar till att presentera motiv och risker vid insourcing hos tillverkande företag jämfört med outsourcing i relation till Triple Bottom Line. Vidare kommer studien även analysera och beräkna om möjlig inre effektivisering av ett logistikflöde kan uppnås via insourcing av målniningsprocessen för instegspaneler på Scania. Metod: Den egna empiriska datainsamlingen har tillämpats genom intervjuer och observationer på Scania och deras leverantörer. Teoretiska källor har främst använts i form av relevanta vetenskapliga artiklar som ska besvara respektive frågeställning. Resultat: För respektive frågeställning framgick det att både en insourcad och outsourcad process innebär ett risktagande. Den sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga hållbarheten, det vill säga Triple Bottom Line, är sammankopplad på flera vis. Även vid fokus på en av hållbarhetsdimensionerna tenderar resterande att tillkomma på längre sikt, men i olika omfattningar. Däremot har det framkommit att en prioritet inom tillverkningsindustrin är att arbeta med miljömässiga hållbarhetsmål. I den andra frågeställningen presenteras både värdeadderande och icke-värdeadderande faktorer med insourcing. För att Scania ska få en inre effektiv process på längre sikt behöver de insourca. Detta eftersom en risk med att fortsätta med outsourcing är att leverantörerna inte kan följa förändringstakten på efterfrågan. / Context: A shift within the industry has caused companies to transfer previous outsourced processes in-house. Many companies have experienced that insourcing has produced equivalent or improved results that have contributed to an increase in a company’s competitiveness. An additional factor to the growth of insourcing is the unpredictable nature of the market, which has led to insourcing being used as a strategy to make the company’s supply chain more efficient. Furthermore the unpredictable nature of the market is also an extensive threat for a sustainable supply chain. This therefore creates a research gap about insourcing´s effect on a company’s Triple Bottom Line and efficiency. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to illustrate the risks and motives of insourcing compared to outsourcing in relation to Triple Bottom Line. Additionally, the study will analyze and calculate if a more efficient logistical flow can be achieved through insourcing of the painting process for side panels at Scania. Method: The empirical information has been applied by interviews and observations at Scania and their suppliers. The theoretical information has primarily been gathered from relevant scientific sources in order to answer both research questions. Results: In both research questions it became clear that both insourced and outsourced processes involved risk-taking. Also, the social, economic, and environmental sustainability in the Triple Bottom Line is interconnected in several ways. Even when working towards one sustainability dimension, the remaining ones tend to also be achieved long term, but to different extents. Furthermore, it was discovered that a priority within the manufacturing industry is to work with environmental sustainability. In the second question it appears that value adding and non-value adding factors of insourcing were presented. In order for Scania to achieve an effective internal process long-term it is crucial to invest in an insourcing strategy. This is due to the risk of outsourcing being inefficient when it comes to the demands rate of change.
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Internal Leasing of Student Housing with Outsourced Economic Administration: Social and Economic Sustainability : A study of the implications / Intern uthyrning av studentbostäder med inköpt ekonomisk förvaltning: Social och ekonomisk hållbarhet : En studie av implikationerDahlbäck, Sofia, Widlund, Helena January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish rental system is governed by multiple legal frameworks encompassing laws and regulations that dictate the rental relationships between landlords and tenants. Student residences operate similarly to regular rental accommodations and therefore fall under the same regulations. Various leasing strategies are employed by Swedish real estate companies, including outsourcing, insourcing and block leasing. The introduction of a new regulation, SFS 2022:1515, has brought new challenges for real estate companies leasing their student accommodations to educational institutions. The purpose of this master thesis is to explore the challenges associated with managing student housing rentals internally with an external entity handling the economic administration, with a focus on social and economic sustainability. To fulfil the purpose of this thesis, a mixed-method approach was employed including semi-structured interviews and surveys. The interviews involved real estate companies, universities, and students, and the surveys were exclusively aimed at the students. Additionally, a literature review was conducted. The results indicate that an organization’s decision between outsourcing and insourcing is influenced by various factors. The choice is situational, as it heavily relies on the organization’s nature, strategy, and core competencies. Results also show a strong correlation between tenant satisfaction and tenant’s perception of their landlord, where tenant satisfaction is greatly affected by both physical attributes as well as quality of the tenant-landlord relationship. The cases of block leasing analyzed in this study proved to succeed in delivering social management and tenant satisfaction among students, as the strategy fosters close contact with the block tenant, serving as a beneficial aspect of the arrangement. Furthermore, the level of tenant satisfaction proved to be similar for the internal leasing strategy. The anticipated challenges of transitioning from block leasing to internal leasing with outsourced economic administration include challenges of upholding the same level of social management, reduction in the operating surplus, addressing additional resource-intensive tasks, and handling possible principal-agent conflicts with the external party. / Det svenska hyressystemet styrs av flera rättsliga ramar som omfattar lagar och förordningar som reglerar hyresrelationerna mellan hyresvärdar och hyresgäster. Studentbostäder fungerar på liknande sätt som vanliga hyresbostäder och faller därför under samma regler. Svenska fastighetsbolag använder sig av olika uthyrningsstrategier, inklusive outsourcing, insourcing och blockuthyrning. Införandet av en ny förordning, SFS 2022:1515, har medfört nya utmaningar för fastighetsbolag som hyr ut sina studentbostäder till utbildningsinstitutioner. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att undersöka de utmaningar som är förknippade med att hantera studentbostäder internt, med en extern part som sköter den ekonomiska förvaltningen. Målet är att utreda detta ur ett hållbart perspektiv, med fokus på både ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. För att uppfylla syftet med denna uppsats användes en mixad metod som inkluderade semistrukturerade intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Intervjuerna involverade fastighetsbolag, universitet och studenter, medan enkäten riktades exklusivt till studenterna. Dessutom genomfördes en litteraturstudie. Resultaten visar att organisationers beslut mellan outsourcing och insourcing påverkas av olika faktorer. Valet är situationsbundet, eftersom det i hög grad beror på organisationens natur, strategi och kärnkompetenser. Resultaten visar också en stark korrelation mellan hyresgästnöjdhet och uppfattningen av hyresvärden, där hyresgästnöjdhet påverkas av både fysiska attribut och kvaliteten på hyresgästens relation till hyresvärden. De fall av blockuthyrning som analyserades i denna studie visade sig vara framgångsrika när det gäller att leverera social förvaltning och hyresgästnöjdhet bland studenter. Detta eftersom strategin ofta främjar nära kontakt mellan blockhyresgästen och studenterna, vilket är en fördelaktig aspekt av arrangemanget. Nivån av hyresgästnöjdhet visade sig dessutom vara liknande för den interna uthyrningsstrategin. De förväntade utmaningarna vid en övergång från blockuthyrning till intern uthyrning med inköpt ekonomisk förvaltning inkluderar svårigheter att upprätthålla samma nivå av social förvaltning, minskning av driftsöverskottet, hantering av ytterligare resurskrävande uppgifter samt att hantera eventuella principal-agent-konflikter med den externa parten.
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資訊委外關係管理之研究- 企業如何利用資訊委外獲得最大綜效 / Reap From IT Outsourcing -- Effective Relationship Management吳愷暉, Wu, Kai-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:資訊科技委外,委外關係,市場變化,資訊中心支援能力,委外期望。 / Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) has gained a big share of the world IT service market. There are many studies about ITO vendor selection and contract management but a lack of understanding of the after-contract practice between the ITO parties. According to reported cases many outsourcing failures were due to either improper relationship management or unable to meet customer expectations. For effective management of this long-term inter-organizational relationship there is a need for understanding the features, affecting factors, expectations and termination of ITO relationship so that the desired outcomes can be achieved and relationship can be sustained throughout the life of the ITO.
The above propositions were tested on all existing and changed ITO projects in Taiwan in the past twenty five years. A total of fourty cases were examined and the results show four kinds of IT outsourcing relationship: dependent, utility, partner and subordinate. Different kinds of ITO relationship have different expectations for the ITO services and require different management on the relationships. The dependent type ITO customers rely highly on ITO vendors for supporting strategic moves. The utility ITO customers use ITO as a utility and measure vendors by cost performance. The partner type ITO customers consult vendor for business strategic moves and urge vendor for technology innovation. The subordinate type ITO customers consider ITO vendors as a sub-contractor of IT department and leave decisions to the IT department. Those terminated cases were mainly due to conflicts in the expected and delivered outcome in the three ITO benefit areas.
This study provides useful instrument for assessing major ITO factors and understanding expected ITO outcomes. ITO relationship management requires a careful understanding of the expected benefits of the service and continuous monitoring of the business and IT environment.
Keywords : Information Technology Outsourcing;Outsourcing Relationship;Business Dynamics;IT Competence;Outsourcing Expectation。
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委外關係管理-影響要素,期望利益及其改變促因 / Outsourcing Relationship Management– Influential factors, expected benefits and triggers of changes楊尚儒, Yang,Shang Ru Unknown Date (has links)
Information technology outsourcing (ITO) has gained a big share of the world IT service market. There are many studies about ITO vendor selection and contract management but a lack of understanding of the after-contract practices between the ITO parties. According to reported cases, many outsourcing failures have been due to either improper relationship management or the inability to meet customer expectations. For effective management of this long-term, inter-organizational relationship, there is a need to understand the features, affecting factors, expectations, and termination of ITO relationships so that the desired outcomes can be achieved and relationships can be sustained throughout the life of the ITO.
Based on a dynamic view of outsourcing partnerships, the ITO relationship can be assessed by customer participation, joint action, communication quality, coordination, and information sharing. Prior studies have indicated that these ITO relationship features are mainly affected by business dynamics and the client’s IT competence. Organizations expect from the ITO mainly strategic, economic, and technological benefits. When conflicts exist between expected benefits and delivered outcomes, the relationship is more likely to be terminated.
The above propositions were tested on all existing and changed ITO projects in Taiwan in the past twenty-six years. A total of forty cases were examined and the results show four kinds of IT outsourcing relationships: dependent, utility, partner, and subordinate. Different kinds of ITO relationships involve different expectations for the ITO services and require different types of management of the relationships. In the dependent type ITO, customers rely highly on ITO vendors for supporting strategic moves. Utility ITO customers use the ITO as a utility and measure vendors by cost performance. In the partner type ITO, customers consult the vendor for strategic business moves and urge the vendor to engage in technology innovation. The subordinate type ITO is characterized by customers who consider the ITO vendor as a sub-contractor of their IT department and leave decisions to the IT department. Terminations of relationships were mainly due to conflicts in the expected and delivered outcomes in the three ITO benefit areas.
This study provides a useful instrument for assessing major ITO factors and understanding expected ITO outcomes. ITO relationship management requires a careful understanding of the expected benefits of the service and continuous monitoring of the business and IT environments.
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Metody hodnocení variant outsourcingu IS/ICT / Methods to Assess IS/ICT Outsourcing ModelsKlimeš, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis "Methods to Assess IS/ICT Outsourcing Models" focuses mainly on an assessment and selection process of suitable IS/ICT outsourcing models. First, IS/ICT outsourcing concept is explained and its advantages as well as disadvantages are described. Second, IS/ICT outsourcing models (primarily classified by outsourcing subject) and their characteristics are described. Third, existing methods to assess and subsequently select suitable IS/ICT outsourcing models are analysed. Main goal of the thesis is to confront the existing methods with a process used in real-life IS/ICT outsourcing project and then to give recommendations for methods improvement. To achieve that goal the existing methods are compared with a process used in the real-life outsourcing project. Based on positively perceived parts of the existing methods as well as on flaws identified, an own method to assess and select IS/ICT outsourcing models is designed. The following methods are used when writing the thesis: logical/historical method, description, analysis and synthesis. Main contribution of the thesis to the topic is a design of the own method aiming at improvements to the existing methods so that it is as usable as possible in practice. This is achieved through a design of tools supporting crucial steps of the designed method. The fact that the author is member of a project team working on the real-life IS/ICT outsourcing project facilitates a contribution achievement too.
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[pt] Este estudo demonstra, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, a precarização do trabalho terceirizado de limpeza no âmbito do Estado e na catedral das mercadorias, através da investigação das formas de exploração, dominação e opressão e as suas consequências sobre as condições de saúde, trabalho e vida de trabalhadores(as) terceirizados(as). A pesquisa se deu no sentido de analisar, a partir de um prisma sociológico, um fenômeno que é rico em determinações, sejam elas econômicas, políticas ou mesmo ideológicas. Assim, dois grupos foram abordados mais diretamente: os(as) trabalhadores(as) terceirizados(as) de limpeza em um shopping center (denominado Triple A) e as trabalhadoras da limpeza de um órgão público do setor judiciário da cidade de São Paulo. Faz-se a crítica ao princípio da política neoliberal e ao avanço da ideologia neofascista do atual governo, que ganha destaque, pois tem se concretizado na desregulamentação dos direitos conquistados pelos trabalhadores no processo histórico, e a terceirização merece especial atenção no cenário atual, onde a sua regulamentação, pela Lei nº 13.429/2017, e, também, a reforma trabalhista, que foram aprovadas com o intuito de precarizar ainda mais as condições de vida e de trabalho no país. Parte-se do pressuposto de que a forma de contratação do trabalho terceirizado encobre o caráter subordinado do trabalho aos setores dinâmicos da economia e, consequentemente, ao processo de acumulação capitalista. A falta de um contrato direto de trabalho, ou de um contrato que proteja o(a) trabalhador(a), é considerada uma afronta à cidadania social. Assim, o(a) trabalhador(a) terceirizado(a) deixa de ser visto como cidadão ou como sujeito de direitos. No processo de pesquisa procurou-se conhecer as experiências dos(as) trabalhadores(as), buscando examinar a possível invisibilidade e sofrimento causados pelas condições de trabalho a que estão submetidos. Partiu-se da compreensão da realidade como um campo infinito de inter-relações permeadas por objetividades e subjetividades, visto que abarca relações entre sujeitos e objetos exteriores, entre sujeitos e outros sujeitos, e relações do sujeito consigo mesmo, ou seja, as relações de trabalho estabelecidas. Foi possível conhecer e refletir sobre a realidade e as condições de trabalho dos(as) trabalhadores(as) terceirizados que se ocupam da limpeza por intermédio de entrevistas e observações realizadas nos campos empíricos da pesquisa. A Internet também foi utilizada como meio de obter acesso a depoimentos de trabalhadores(as) das empresas Passando a Limpo e Maquiagem (nome fictício das empresas que prestam serviços para o Shopping Triple A e para o órgão público do judiciário), através das suas páginas no Facebook. Além disso, foram realizados revisão e aprofundamento da pesquisa bibliográfica iniciada no projeto de pesquisa. A partir dos dados coletados e analisados, é possível afirmar que as condições e relações de trabalho dos(as) trabalhadores(as) da limpeza nos setores público e privado, resguardadas suas particularidades, são marcadas por invisibilidade e sofrimento. Observa-se, também, que a desumanização inerente ao processo capitalista reveste de pompa e brilho os shoppings centers e os locais de grande circulação de pessoas, como um órgão público do Judiciário, à custa do trabalho precário do(as)s terceirizados(as). / [en] The current study shows, from a qualitative approach, the precariousness of the outsourced cleaning labor in the State scope and in the cathedral of goods, through labor exploitation investigation, domination and oppression and its consequences on heath conditions, labor and outsourced workers life. From a sociologic point, this research took place to analyze a phenomenon rich in determinations, being this economic, political, or even ideological. Thus, two different groups were directly approached: the cleaning outsourced staff from a shopping center (called Triple A) and cleaning staff from an judiciary public body in the city of São Paulo. It is done a criticism to the principle of the neoliberal political and to the progress of the current government Neo-fascist ideology, which is highlighted, since it has concretized the deregulation of the achieved rights by the workers in the historic process, and the outsourcing deserved special attention in the current scenario, where its regulation, by the Law nº 13.429/2017, and also by a labor reform, that were approved with the intention of jeopardizing even more the life and work conditions in the country. From an assumption that the outsourced work hiring way underlie the subordinate character of the labor to the dynamic departments of economy and, therefore, to the process of capitalism accumulation. The lack of a direct employment contract or of an agreement that protects the worker is considered an insult to the social citizenship. Hence, the outsourced worker is not seeing as a citizen or as a subject that has its rights. In the process of this research, it was sought to know the workers experience in order to evaluate the invisibility and suffering induced by the working conditions that they are submitted. Starting with the reality comprehension as an infinite field of interrelations permeated by objectivities and subjectivities, which embraces relationships between subject and external object, subject and others subjects, and also the relationship with themselves, that is, the established working relationships. It was possible to understand and reflect the reality and the living conditions of the outsourced workers that occupy themselves from the cleaning through interviews and observations performed in the empirical research field. The internet was also used as a medium to obtain access to the testimonies from workers of the Passando a Limpo company (the fake name for the company that services for the Triple A mall) through their Facebook webpage. Moreover, it was performed a review and deepening of the bibliography investigation started in the research project. From the collected and analyzed data, it was possible to state that the working conditions, from the public and private sectors, and relationships of the workers are marked by an invisibility and hardship. It was also observed that the dehumanization inherent to the capitalist process bleeds with sophistication and splendors the malls at the expense of hard work of the outsourced workers.
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Logistikflöden i möbelföretag med distribuerad tillverkning / Logistic flows for furniture manufacturers with distributed manufacturingRaaby, Ragna, Hammar, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Purpose – The practical purpose of the study is to find an efficient logistics solution that takes in to consideration the cost, delivery performance and delivery quality for a furniture manufacturer. To fulfil the purpose three objectives have been formulated: To map a furniture manufacturer’s logistics flows and identify any potential wastes. To present an efficient logistics solution for a furniture manufacturer operating in the Nordic countries. To investigate the effect of outsourcing on delivery performance and delivery quality for a furniture manufacturer. The academic purpose of the study is to investigate if existing theories in Lean and value stream mapping can be applied to logistics flows to map and improve efficiency. This is fulfilled by achieving the first two objectives stated above. Method – In order to achieve the purposes literature studies have been conducted in order to give a theoretical background on the subject. A case study was conducted in order to test the theories against empirical data gathered at a furniture manufacturer. The empirical data was gathered by interviews and document studies. Findings – The furniture manufacturer’s logistics flows were mapped and evaluated using an improvement model from the Lean theory. The mapping identified a number of wastes and areas of improvement. A future state with a more efficient flow could then be stated. In order to implement the future state some logistics activities may need to be outsourced to a third party. By using evaluation tools a supplier may be selected without negative impact on delivery performance or delivery quality. Implications – The study has shown that methods for value stream mapping can be used in more areas than practiced today. By using Lean tools companies can identify wastes within their logistics processes and thereby achieve a more efficient management. Limitations – The scope of the study is relatively limited and for a more generalisable result additional flows at the studied company as well as other companies would have to be studied. When mapping logistics flows at international corporate groups a common strategy for streamlining flows is important already at the beginning of the improvement. The study was conducted at a distribution centre in Sweden and no consideration was taken to other parts of the group. Transports has traditionally been regarded as a non-value adding activity but in order to conduct the study transports had to be defined as value adding since distribution of products is necessary. / Syfte – Studiens praktiska syfte är att finna en effektiv logistiklösning som tar hänsyn till kostnader, leveransprecision och leveranskvalitet för ett företag inom möbelbranschen. För att uppnå syftet har tre delmål formulerats: Att kartlägga ett möbelföretags logistikflöden och identifiera eventuella slöserier. Att ta fram en effektiv logistiklösning för ett möbelföretag med tillverkning i nordiska länder. Att utreda påverkan på leveransprecision och leveranskvalitet vid outsourcing av logistikverksamhet hos ett möbelföretag. Studiens akademiska syfte är att undersöka om befintliga teorier inom Lean och värdeflödesanalys kan tillämpas för att kartlägga och förbättra effektiviteten i logistikflöden. Detta uppfylls genom att uppnå de första två delmålen formulerade ovan. Metod – För att uppnå syftena har litteraturstudier använts för att lägga en teoretiskt grund inom ämnet. Vidare genomfördes en fallstudie för att testa teorierna mot empiri insamlad hos ett fallföretag inom möbelbranschen. Empirin bestod av intervjuer och dokumentstudier. Resultat – Fallföretagets logistikflöden kartlades och utvärderades med hjälp av en förbättringsmodell från teorin. Kartläggningen visade på ett antal slöserier och förbättringsområden i flödet. Ett önskat framtida läge med ett effektivare flöde kunde därefter ritas upp. För att kunna genomföra det önskade framtida läget kan vissa logistikaktiviteter behöva outsourcas till en tredje part. Genom att använda verktyg för utvärdering kan leverantör väljas utan negativ påverkan på leveransprecision och leveranskvalitet. Implikationer – Studien har visat att metoder för värdeflödesanalys kan användas inom fler områden än vad som görs idag. Med hjälp av de verktyg som finns inom Lean kan företag synliggöra slöserier inom sina logistikprocesser och därmed få en mer effektiv hantering. Begränsningar – Studiens omfattning är relativt begränsad och för ett ännu mer generaliserbart resultat skulle fler flöden hos fallföretaget samt hos andra företag behöva studeras. Vid kartläggning av logistikflöden hos internationella koncerner är en gemensam strategi för att effektivisera flödena viktig redan vid starten av förbättringsarbetet. Studien är genomförd vid en logistikcentral i Sverige och hänsyn har inte tagits till övriga delar i koncernen. Transporter har i klassisk värdeflödesanalys betraktats som en icke värdeskapande aktivitet men för att kunna genomföra studien har de behövt lyftas till att vara en värdeskapande aktivitet som är nödvändig för att distribuera företags produkter.
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Identifying Key Determinants of Service Provider Effectiveness and the Impact it has on Outsourced Security SuccessLewis, James B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to identify key determinants of service provider effectiveness and how it impacts outsourced security success. As environments have become more robust and dynamic, many organizations have made the decision to leverage external security expertise and have outsourced many of their information technology security functions to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).
Information Systems Outsourcing, at its core, is when a customer chooses to outsource certain information technology functions or services to a service provider and engages in a legally binding agreement. While legal contracts govern many aspects of an outsourcing arrangement, it cannot serve as the sole source of determining the outcome of a project. Organizations are viewing outsourcing success as an attainment of net benefits achieved through the use of a service provider. The effectiveness of the service provider has an impact on a company’s ability to meet business objectives and adhere to service level agreements. Many empirical studies have focused on outsourcing success, but few have focused on service provider effectiveness, which can serve as a catalyst to outsourcing success.
For this research, Agency Theory (AT) was proposed as a foundation for developing the research model which included key areas of focus in information asymmetry, the outsourcing contract, moral hazard, trust, service provider effectiveness, and security outsourcing success. Agency Theory helped uncover several hypotheses deemed germane to service provider effectiveness and provided insight into helping understand the principal-agent paradigm that exists with security outsourcing. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Partial Least Squares-Structured Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) were used with SmartPLS to analyze the data and provided clarity and validation for the research model and helped uncover key determinants of service provider effectiveness.
The statistical results showed support for information asymmetry, contract, and trust, all of which were mediated through service provider effectiveness. The results also showed that service provider effectiveness is directly correlated to increasing security outsourcing success. This concluded that the research model showed significant results to support 4 of the 5 hypotheses proposed and helped uncover key findings on how security outsourcing success can be impacted. This research served as an original contribution to information security while viewing outsourcing success from the perspective of the client, security services, and customer expectations.
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Outsourcing : En analys av transportplaneringsprocessen vid BT - EuropeGustafsson, Fredrik, Trygg, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här undersökningen är att beskriva och analysera vilka fördelar och nackdelar det finns med att utkontraktera en transportplaneringsprocess till en extern part. Undersökningen genomfördes på uppdrag av BT-Europe i Mjölby på avdelningen som ansvarar för distribution av produkter och reservdelar. BT är i grunden ett svenskt företag som startade sin verksamhet 1946 och är idag världsledande tillverkare av eldrivna lagertruckar. År 2000 förvärvades BT av Toyota och detta skapade en världsledande konstellation inom truckbranschen.</p><p>Bakgrunden till undersökningens syfte är att arbetet med att effektivisera och förbättra transportplaneringsprocessen inom BT har blivit eftersatt på grund av den kraftiga produktionsökningen de senaste 5 åren. Detta har lett till stigande kostnader för distribution av färdiga produkter och reservdelar.</p><p>I dagsläget finns inget centralt kontrollorgan över transportplaneringsprocessen på BT utan all transportplanering av produkter och reservdelar till truckar, sker lokalt på varje marknadsbolag i Västeuropa. I en framtid har BT som förhoppning att bedriva transportplaneringsprocessen på central nivå, antingen inom koncernen eller genom att utkontraktera transportplaneringsprocessen till en extern part, det vill säga till ett fjärdepartslogistikföretag.</p><p>Vid beslut om transportplaneringsprocessen ska genomföras centralt internt eller utföras externt med hjälp av en fjärdepartslogistiker finns en rad viktiga faktorer att ta i beaktning. De faktorer som valts att studera i denna undersökning är kärnverksamhet, processens mognad, flexibilitet, kontroll, beroende och transaktionskostnader. Dessa faktorer studeras genom att undersöka inom vilka områden BT anser sig att besitta kärnkompetens idag och i en framtid, samt hur BT ser på faktorer som flexibilitet, beroende och kontroll vid en eventuell outsourcing. Genom att ställa detta mot vad fjärdepartlogistikföretag erbjuder för lösningar till sina kunder och hur de hantera faktorer som flexibilitet, kontroll och beroende, kan för- och nackdelar med en utkontraktering av transportplaneringsprocessen definieras.</p><p>En fördel med att utkontraktera transportplaneringsprocessen uppnås genom att ingå ett samarbete med en fjärdepartslogistiker och därigenom kan BT få tillgång till spetskompetens och tillgång till större distributionsnätverk.</p><p>En annan fördel med ett nära samarbete med en leverantör av fjärdepartslogistiska tjänster är att det kan skapa ökad flexibilitet för BT. Detta genom att BT i ett samarbete kan tillgå skräddarsydda lösningar för företagsunika behov samtidigt som möjligheten att byta transportleverantörer ökar, då fjärdepartsaktörer vanligen arbeter med korttidskontrakt emot transportföretagen</p><p>Nackdelar som kan uppkomma med utkontraktering av transportplaneringsprocessen är att denna process kan komma att ses som betydande för framtida verksamhet. Det kan då vara förenat med risk att tappa kompetens inom området.</p><p>En nackdel är även att outsourcing av transportplaneringsprocessen kan innebär en beroendeställning för BT gentemot en tilltänkt fjärdepartsleverantör. Kontrollen av processen som koordinerar försörjningen av färdiga produkter och reservdelar från BT till företagets kunder eller marknadsbolag överlämnas därmed till en extern part.</p>
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