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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of teachers' experiences in Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement implementation in intermediate and senior phase primary schools : Vhembe district

Phaiphai, Thanyani 08 May 2020 (has links)
This thesis explored teachers’ experiences in curriculum implementation in primary schools in the Vhembe district. Curriculum implementation prompts thinking and learning of new things in the teachers’ day-to-day workplace. Primary school teachers are pillars of strength in contributing to the children’s future success. The thesis presents a contribution to the knowledge of curriculum implementation at the school level through a case study and a qualitative research approach as it aimed to comprehend and describe teachers’ practices and experiences on the implementation of the curriculum, which is a social phenomenon that includes ideas, thoughts, and actions. The thesis takes an appropriate starting point in arguing that curriculum implementation prompts thinking and learning of new things in the teachers’ day-to-day workplace. The context of the argument is primary school teachers’ lived experiences in South Africa in the face of curriculum change. The researcher critically argues that South Africa is amongst many countries that experienced curriculum challenges and resorted to change and one of the changes was in the form of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) which signalled a shift in teaching approaches. In this new way of teaching, teachers seem lost and therefore apply traditional teaching methods. Teachers are expected to apply curriculum changes and develop new skills through qualification improvement, but it is questionable whether the challenges that the teachers themselves recognise as important are taken into cognisance. The researcher elaborated eight recommendations in relation to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. Some of the recommendations are summarily as that education curriculum advisors from the Limpopo Department of Education be appointed to visit all schools to aid and assess the implementation. It is also recommended that the Department of Basic Education must retrain all primary school teachers for a week during school vacation. These recommendations are of paramount importance and the Limpopo Department of Education should consider them as a priority. As the government can intervene by funding the implementation of the CAPS in the training and reskilling of teachers. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum and Instructional Studies)

Proof of Concept for Automating Personal Settings in Construction Machines with a Mobile Application : An Observational Study on Transferring Data at Volvo

Hue, Estelle, Lindström, Vera January 2022 (has links)
In today’s market, digitization and automation are crucial for the survival of most companies due to the high level of software already present. The need to adapt to the demands of the day, forces a big mechanical company to perform a paradigm shift towards becoming a software producing company as well. However, the current systems are limited, they are not developed for such a change. Machines in the construction industry are complicated vehicles that require careful configuration by the operators. Each operator may have their own personal preference of how the settings of a construction machine should be configured in order to get full utilization. The problem for the operators revolves around the current situation of frequently having to configure these settings each time operating a machine, requiring time. Consequently, creating the risk of operators neglecting the configuration. Therefore, the problem of the thesis is that there is no existing system of how to facilitate this reoccurring activity. The purpose of this thesis is to prove the usefulness of introducing a mobile application as the missing system for when operators switch machines, through a proof of concept. The proof of concept suggests a quality approach towards the first steps in automating the work environment of operators for construction machines. The objective is to improve the efficiency of the workflow by saving the operators machine settings in a profile, in order to transfer the settings between the machines. The goal is to investigate and deliver a proof of concept for how to store and transfer the personal settings in a useful manner. Due to the limited time of the thesis, the starting focus is placed on wheel loaders with the research limited to one specific type of machine. The thesis consists of a qualitative study, analysing inductively from details to produce abstractions and hypotheses. The agile design science research method applied to the research, was evaluated continuously in the different phases and iterations of the thesis plan to adjust to improvements reviewed as necessary. The observational research includes an explorative and evaluative aspect, first to form an idea and consequently to prove the idea. A design of an user interface of a mobile application served as a method to support the evaluation. The result for the thesis is the proof of concept of a useful mobile application system to automate the personal settings of the construction machines. The evidence is supported by information gathered during the pre-study and the demonstration of a small prototype tested by engineers as well as the intended users, the operators. The questionnaires prove the prototype to be a useful improvement in the operators daily work environment. The documentation and suggested system construction are approved by the target audience to be viable and of value. / På dagens marknad är digitalisering och automatisering avgörande för de flesta företags överlevnad på grund av den höga nivån av mjukvara som redan finns. Behovet av att anpassa sig till dagens krav tvingar ett stort mekaniskt företag att utföra ett paradigmskifte mot att också bli ett mjukvaruproducerande företag. De nuvarande systemen är dock begränsade, de är inte utvecklade för en sådan förändring. Maskiner inom byggbranschen är komplicerade fordon som kräver noggrann konfiguration av operatörerna. Varje operatör kan ha sina egna personliga preferenser för hur inställningarna för en entreprenadmaskin ska konfigureras för att få fullt utnyttjande. Problemet för operatörerna kretsar kring den nuvarande situationen att ofta behöva konfigurera dessa inställningar varje gång man använder en maskin, vilket kräver tid. Följaktligen skapar risken för att operatorer försummar konfigurationen. Därför är problemet med avhandlingen att det inte finns något befintligt system för hur man kan underlätta denna återkommande aktivitet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att bevisa användbarheten av att introducera en mobilapplikation som det saknade systemet för när operatörer byter maskin, genom ett proof of concept. proof of concept antyder ett kvalitetstänkande mot de första stegen i att automatisera arbetsmiljön för operatörer för entreprenadmaskiner. Målet är att förbättra effektiviteten i arbetsflödet genom att spara operatörens maskininställningar i en profil, för att överföra inställningarna mellan maskinerna. Målet är att undersöka och leverera ett proof of concept för hur man lagrar och överför de personliga inställningarna på ett användbart sätt. På grund av projektets begränsade tid läggs startfokus på hjullastare med forskningen begränsad till en specifik maskintyp. Projektet består av en kvalitativ studie, som induktivt analyserar från detaljer för att producera abstraktioner och hypoteser. Den agila designvetenskapliga forskningsmetoden som tillämpades på projektet utvärderades kontinuerligt i de olika faserna och iterationerna av projektplanen för att anpassa sig till förbättringar som granskades vid behov. Observationsforskningen innefattar en utforskande och utvärderande aspekt, först för att bilda en idé och följaktligen för att bevisa idén. En design av ett användargränssnitt för en mobilapplikation fungerade som en metod för att stödja utvärderingen. Resultatet för avhandlingen är ett bevis på konceptet för användbarheten av det mobila applikationssystemet för att automatisera entreprenadmaskinernas personliga inställningar. Bevisen stöds av information som samlats in under förstudien och demonstrationen av en liten prototyp som testats av ingenjörer såväl som de tilltänkta användarna, operatörerna. Enkäterna visar att prototypen är en användbar förbättring i operatörens dagliga arbetsmiljö. Dokumentationen och den föreslagna systemkonstruktionen godkänns av målgruppen för att vara lönsam och av värde.

Investigating Task-Order Coordination in Dual-Task Situations

Kübler, Sebastian 25 May 2021 (has links)
Bisherige Studien liefern Hinweise für das Auftreten von aktiven Prozessen der Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Diese Prozesse sind notwendig für die Regulation der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge von zwei Aufgaben. Bisher ist jedoch wenig über die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen bekannt, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war deshalb die Überprüfung eines Modells aktiver Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Das Modell nimmt an, dass diese Prozesse auf Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, die Informationen über die Verarbeitungssequenz zweier Aufgaben enthält. Zusätzlich macht das Modell Annahmen über (1) den Ort der Verarbeitung und (2) den genauen Inhalt dieser Repräsentationen. Weiterhin enthält das Modell die Annahmen, dass (3) der präfrontale Kortex kausal in Reihenfolgekoordination involviert ist und dass (4) diese Prozesse von unterschiedlichen Kriterien beeinflusst werden. In dieser Dissertation wurde das Model in einer Reihe von vier Studien überprüft. Dazu wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma mit zufällig wechselnder Aufgabenreihenfolge verwendet. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Reihenfolgerepräsentationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis aufrechterhalten und aktiv verarbeitet werden. Ich konnte weiterhin zeigen, dass diese Repräsentationen nur Information über die Sequenz der Aufgaben enthalten. Spezifische Aufgabeninformation wird hingegen separat repräsentiert. Durch den Einsatz transkranieller Magnetstimulation konnte ich zudem nachweisen, dass der präfrontale Kortex eine kausale Rolle für Reihenfolgekoordination spielt. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass Anforderungen an Reihenfolgekoordinationsprozesse in Situationen, in denen Probanden ein von außen vorgegebenes Reihenfolgekriterium befolgen, erhöht sind im Vergleich zu Situationen, in denen Probanden ein auf einer freien Wahl basierendes Kriterium nutzen können. Die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung des vorgeschlagenen Modells diskutiert. / Evidence from behavioral as well as neurophysiological studies indicates the occurrence of active task-order coordination processes in dual-task situations. These processes are required for planning and regulating the processing sequence of two tasks that overlap in time. So far, however, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying active task-order coordination are highly underspecified. To tackle this issue, in the present dissertation I tested a model of task-order coordination in dual-task situations. This model assumes that task-order coordination relies on representations that contain information about the processing sequence of the two component tasks. In addition, the model includes assumptions about the (1) locus of processing as well as (2) the exact content of these order representations. The model further assumes that (3) the lateral prefrontal cortex is causally involved in implementing task-order coordination processes and that (4) these processes are affected by different order criteria. I tested this model in a series of four studies by applying a dual-task paradigm with randomly changing task order. I demonstrated that task-order representations are actively maintained and processed in working memory during dual tasking. Moreover, I found that these order representations only contain information about the processing sequence of tasks, whereas specific component task information is represented separately. By applying transcranial magnetic stimulation, I also provided evidence for the causal role of the lateral prefrontal cortex for task-order coordination. Furthermore, I showed that the demands on task-order coordination are increased when participants have to adhere to an external and mandatory order criterion compared to when they can use an internally generated order criterion that is based on free choice. The implications of these results as well as an outlook for future research will be discussed in the framework of the proposed model.

Paradigma ontleding van en paradigma beskrywing vir deelnemende werkswyses

Schenck, Catherina Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Community development and in particular participatory development is about people. This means that the person who studies or practices participatory development or any other of the participatory pratices should have a particular way of thinking about people. The main aim motivating this study was to investigate the paradigm/s about people on which participatory practices are based. This included a literature research on five participatory practices namely participatory development; participatory communication; participatory learning; participatory research; and participatory management. A guideline for paradigm analysis was developed by using Schriver's (1995) and Capra's (1996) descriptions of a paradigm as well as ideas of hermeneutics. From the paradigm analysis on the participatory practices two themes emerged: A shift from modernism to post modernism in the thinking processes and participatory practices. From the participatory practices the same concepts repeatedly emerged indicating a similar paradigm for all the participatory practices. Three post modern theories were therefore applied to enhance the description of the different concepts. The end result of this study is the development of an evolving paradigm for participatory practices in order to give enhanced meaning to concepts in the participatory vocabulary. Finally a critical reflection was done on the post modern research process. / Text in Afrikaans / Social Work / D.Phil. (Social Work)

Paradigma ontleding van en paradigma beskrywing vir deelnemende werkswyses

Schenck, Catherina Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Community development and in particular participatory development is about people. This means that the person who studies or practices participatory development or any other of the participatory pratices should have a particular way of thinking about people. The main aim motivating this study was to investigate the paradigm/s about people on which participatory practices are based. This included a literature research on five participatory practices namely participatory development; participatory communication; participatory learning; participatory research; and participatory management. A guideline for paradigm analysis was developed by using Schriver's (1995) and Capra's (1996) descriptions of a paradigm as well as ideas of hermeneutics. From the paradigm analysis on the participatory practices two themes emerged: A shift from modernism to post modernism in the thinking processes and participatory practices. From the participatory practices the same concepts repeatedly emerged indicating a similar paradigm for all the participatory practices. Three post modern theories were therefore applied to enhance the description of the different concepts. The end result of this study is the development of an evolving paradigm for participatory practices in order to give enhanced meaning to concepts in the participatory vocabulary. Finally a critical reflection was done on the post modern research process. / Text in Afrikaans / Social Work / D.Phil. (Social Work)

Post-graduate students' reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities / Valda Benade

Benade, Valda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe post-graduate students‟ reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities. The research formed part of a broader research project, entitled “Relational well-being in school communities”. The researcher applied the Gestalt paradigm and the theories of existential dialogue and the field theory to this study. A qualitative, interpretive, descriptive design was followed. Non-probability purposive sampling was used whereby 14 participants were purposively selected based on their involvement in a cohort workshop organised by the Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies (CCYF) in Wellington in the Western Cape. Data was collected through a World Café session with the post-graduate students. Thematic data analysis was used to identify themes among the data. The findings indicated a distinction between relational qualities embedded in the self, relational qualities that are essential for social connection and relational qualities that are critical in leadership. The findings suggest that the presence of relational qualities in individuals, the school community as a social context and the leadership in the school can contribute to relational well-being in school communities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Interne kommunikasie om werknemerverhoudings te bestuur : Noordwes-Universiteit Institusionele Kantoor se kommunikasie met die Potchefstroomkampus / Lucinda Bella-May Sutton

Sutton, Lucinda Bella-May January 2014 (has links)
Relationships with internal stakeholders within the organisation (employees) are crucial for organisational survival and success (Hargie & Tourish, 2000:293; Jensen, 2010:32; Koschmann, 2007:12; McDermott & Chan, 1996:5; Van der Colff, 2003:258). Therefore, twoway symmetrical communication with employees in building relationships and relationship management is so important (Bezuidenhout, 2010; Koschmann, 2007:8). The North-West University focuses on maintaining good relationships with their employees through communication, but experience challenges in this regard. The Institutional Office of the North-West University is the main source of information and communication with employees of all three campuses. A consultant (Media Mosaics, 2010) and two other studies (Holtzhausen & Fourie, 2011; Mmope, 2010) identified various problems with the communication and consequent relationships between the Institutional Office and the Potchefstroom Campus employees. Given that good relations between the two business units are a focus of the university and that the outcomes of internal communication are good relationships, it is necessary to determine how the internal communication from the North-West University Institutional Office to Potchefstroom Campus employees are conducted in order to build good relationships. To determine the above a literature study, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The systems approach, reflective paradigm, excellence theory, two-way symmetrical communication model and stakeholder relations theory were used as a theoretical framework (Dozier, et al., 1995; Ferreira & Staude, 1991; Grunig & Grunig, 2000:310; Grunig et al., 2002; Ledingham & Bruning, 2001:63; Skinner & Von Essen, 1999:257; Steyn & Puth, 2000; Verčič et al., 2001:382). From the results it appears that the North-West University Institutional Office and Potchefstroom Campus employees do not agree on all aspects of the relationship and communication between them. It appears that the North-West University Institutional Office meets only some of the requirements of communication and relationship building, as it has been set out in the literature, and that there is room for improvement. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Post-graduate students' reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities / Valda Benade

Benade, Valda January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe post-graduate students‟ reflections on relational qualities that may enhance relational well-being in South African school communities. The research formed part of a broader research project, entitled “Relational well-being in school communities”. The researcher applied the Gestalt paradigm and the theories of existential dialogue and the field theory to this study. A qualitative, interpretive, descriptive design was followed. Non-probability purposive sampling was used whereby 14 participants were purposively selected based on their involvement in a cohort workshop organised by the Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies (CCYF) in Wellington in the Western Cape. Data was collected through a World Café session with the post-graduate students. Thematic data analysis was used to identify themes among the data. The findings indicated a distinction between relational qualities embedded in the self, relational qualities that are essential for social connection and relational qualities that are critical in leadership. The findings suggest that the presence of relational qualities in individuals, the school community as a social context and the leadership in the school can contribute to relational well-being in school communities. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Interne kommunikasie om werknemerverhoudings te bestuur : Noordwes-Universiteit Institusionele Kantoor se kommunikasie met die Potchefstroomkampus / Lucinda Bella-May Sutton

Sutton, Lucinda Bella-May January 2014 (has links)
Relationships with internal stakeholders within the organisation (employees) are crucial for organisational survival and success (Hargie & Tourish, 2000:293; Jensen, 2010:32; Koschmann, 2007:12; McDermott & Chan, 1996:5; Van der Colff, 2003:258). Therefore, twoway symmetrical communication with employees in building relationships and relationship management is so important (Bezuidenhout, 2010; Koschmann, 2007:8). The North-West University focuses on maintaining good relationships with their employees through communication, but experience challenges in this regard. The Institutional Office of the North-West University is the main source of information and communication with employees of all three campuses. A consultant (Media Mosaics, 2010) and two other studies (Holtzhausen & Fourie, 2011; Mmope, 2010) identified various problems with the communication and consequent relationships between the Institutional Office and the Potchefstroom Campus employees. Given that good relations between the two business units are a focus of the university and that the outcomes of internal communication are good relationships, it is necessary to determine how the internal communication from the North-West University Institutional Office to Potchefstroom Campus employees are conducted in order to build good relationships. To determine the above a literature study, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The systems approach, reflective paradigm, excellence theory, two-way symmetrical communication model and stakeholder relations theory were used as a theoretical framework (Dozier, et al., 1995; Ferreira & Staude, 1991; Grunig & Grunig, 2000:310; Grunig et al., 2002; Ledingham & Bruning, 2001:63; Skinner & Von Essen, 1999:257; Steyn & Puth, 2000; Verčič et al., 2001:382). From the results it appears that the North-West University Institutional Office and Potchefstroom Campus employees do not agree on all aspects of the relationship and communication between them. It appears that the North-West University Institutional Office meets only some of the requirements of communication and relationship building, as it has been set out in the literature, and that there is room for improvement. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Environmental education and the cross-curricular nature of outcomes based education: an investigation of methodological compatibility

Kgatitsoe, Peter Paul 01 1900 (has links)
This study is an investigation of the congruence in methodology between out-comes based education and environmental education. EE and OBE advocate for an integration of educational approaches and methodology. The focus being the introduction of integrated cross-curricula approach to education. Questionnaires were administered to educators in the sampled schools in order to get the understanding and perceptions of educators about the compatibilty of EE and OBE methodologies. The hypothesis: OBE in South African Education allows for the implementation of EE methodologies. The finding is that common approaches i.e. interdisciplinary and cross-curricular approaches and similar methods are used in OBE and EE. Several proposals were made: There should be workshops, support and mentoring approaches to EE and OBE. Resources should be available to educators and learners and there should be research on OBE and EE methodologies should be made / This study is aimed at examining the compatibility in methodology and approaches of South African Out-comes Based Education and Environmental Education. Data collection was based on questionnaires administered to the primary school educators in the Rustenburg District. Extensive knowledge was gained concerning the nature, approaches and methodologies of Environmental Education and Out Comes Based Education. The educators' understanding of the compatibility or degree of agreement between OBE and EE methodologies, approaches and methods was examined. Problems related to the methodological incompatibility of EE and OBE are identified and solutions are proposed. The core of this study is to examine the compatibility between OBE and EE in terms of approaches and methodologies. It is noted by this study that compatibility between EE and OBE, is not without problems. This study will make valuable contributions to examine the extent of OBE as a curriculum policy for addressing methodological issues raised by EE. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

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