Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PHENOMENON"" "subject:"[enn] PHENOMENON""
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Leadership and Policy for Reforms and Change in Higher Education: A Review of the Juakalization Phenomenon of Public Universities in KenyaMuema, Emmah Mwongeli January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Hip-hop i grundskolan : Ett kulturellt fenomen som undervisningsinnehållJonsson, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
Detta är ett fenomenografiskt arbete som har undersökt hur musiklärare som undervisar i årskurs 7-9 på grundskolor i Stockholm upplever hip-hop som ett kulturellt fenomen. Data har samlats in genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med fokus på följdfrågor för att fånga upp så många unika och spontana beskrivningar som möjligt. Deltagarna är alla högskoleutbildade musiklärare i 30-50-årsåldern. Arbetets resultat består av framträdande sätt att uppleva fenomenet hip-hop på, som rubriceras i kapitel 5 under olika beskrivningskategorier. Dessa sammanfattas i det utfallsrum som tilldelas namnet Hip-hop: Kulturens oslipade diamant. Arbetets resultat visar att hip-hop upplevs som ett fenomen som har en tydlig utgångspunkt i “orten”, vilket i en hip-hopkontext syftar på till exempel utsatta områden som förorter där det bland annat förekommer utanförskap och utbredd grov kriminell verksamhet som ofta skildras i hip-hopmusiken. Dessa områden agerar som en slags “tryckkokare” där rå talang, oberoende av traditionella musikaliska förkunskaper och formell undervisning, koncentreras till de oslipade diamanter till artister vars autentiska och stötande uttryck formar en oemotståndligt lockande konstform för ungdomar som antingen delar samma erfarenheter av utanförskap, eller ungdomar som söker att ventilera det tabubelagda i ett allt mer “politiskt korrekt” samhälleligt samtalsklimat. / This is a phenomenographic study which aim was to study how music teachers who teach grades 7-9 at elementary schools in Stockholm, Sweden experience hip-hop as a cultural phenomenon. Data has been collected through four semi-structured interviews with a focus on follow-up questions to capture as many unique and spontaneous descriptions as possible. The participants are all university-educated music teachers aged between approximately 30-50. The results of the study consist of prominent ways that the teachers experience the phenomenon of hip-hop, which are labeled in chapter 5. These are then summarised under the label Hip-hop: Kulturens oslipade diamant (Hip-hop: Culture's diamond in the rough). In summary, the study's results show that hip-hop is experienced as a phenomenon which is heavily rooted i what is known as “orten”(Swedish slang for “the suburbs”), which in a hip-hop context refers to areas where there is segregation and widespread criminal activity that is often depicted in hip-hop music. These areas act as a kind of "pressure cooker" where raw talent, independent of traditional musical knowledge and formal education, is concentrated into diamonds in the rough. Artists whose authentic and offensive expression constitutes an irresistible art form for youth who either share the same experiences of segregation, or youth who simply seek to vent what is deemed taboo in an increasingly "politically correct" social climate.
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Design of Resonant Filters for AC Current Magnification : Heating of Li-ion Batteries by Using AC CurrentsDjekanovic, Nikolina January 2018 (has links)
Using alternating current in order to heat batteries at sub-zero temperatures is a method,which is investigated in-depth by an increasing number of study groups. The thesis considersthe resonance phenomenon with the intention to use alternating current amplificationand battery’s impedance in order to induce power dissipation inside the battery, and in thisway increase its temperature. A battery cell is thereby modelled as an impedance transferfunction, estimated from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, whichare taken for a LiNi 13Mn13Co13O2 cell. Note that at 1 kHz and room temperature (20 ◦C),the ohmic resistance of the selected cell amounts to only 0.76m. Five resonant circuitsare investigated and one of them is selected for further investigation, and as a basis for afilter design. The chosen resonant circuit lead to an LCL filter with current magnification.The experimental setup used for conducting practical experiments, offers the possibilityof operating the voltage source converter both as a Full-bridge and as a Half-bridge, withand without current control. For each possible configuration, an LCL filter and a currentcontroller are designed, taking into account the corresponding limitations in frequency,current and controller voltage. The filter design is based on a multiobjective optimizationmethod used to determine filter components that yield the highest gain value for everyconfiguration. The method minimizes two objective functions in order to find an optimalsolution. The first objective is the reversed absolute value of the gain, whereas thesecond one is the absolute impedance of the circuit, consisting of the filter and batterycells. The gain is thereby defined as the ratio between the induced cell current and thecurrent entering the circuit. The obtained results of the proposed method are experimentallyvalidated. Depending on how the filters were physically designed and taking intoaccount the corresponding voltage source converter configuration, gains of 16 were experimentallyachieved. Finally, the three investigated configurations are compared againstthe reference case (Half-bridge voltage source converter with current control and a singleinductor) regarding their power efficiencies. The power measurements showed that despitehigh obtained gains, the overall filter power losses remained approximately in thesame range, compared to the power losses of the reference case. This is due to the factthat stray resistances of the designed LCL filters easily reached values of around 40m,which hindered an efficient power transfer with the chosen voltage source converter andthe used battery cells. This further indicates the importance of building filters with lowstray resistances and in this thesis, it represents a primary source of improvement. / Användandet av växelströ m fö r att värma upp batterier är en metod som fö r närvarande undersö ks av ett flertal forskargupper. Detta examensarbete fokuserar kring hur resonans kan nyttjas fö r att ö ka strö mfö rstärkningen och, pådetta sätt, ö ka effektutvecklingen i batteriet (av LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2-typ). Battericellens impedans modelleras som en ö verfö ringsfunktion vars parametrar estimerats från tidigare genomfö rda impedansspektroskopimätningar. Vid 1 kHz och rumstemperatur är den cellens ohmska resistansen endast 0.76 mΩ. Fem mö jliga resonanta kretsar har undersö kts och en av dem valts ut fö r vidare undersö kningar. The utvalda kretsen är ett LCL-filter med vilken strö mfö rstärkning åstadkoms. Den experimentella uppställningen, i vilken praktiska test har genomfö rts, medger mö jligheten att nyttja den tillhö rande omriktaren både som en helbrygga och en halvbrygga, med och utan strö mreglering. Fö r varje mö jlig omriktarkonfiguration har ett LCL-filter och en strö mreglering tagits fram, med hänsyn tagen till uppställningens begränsningar i termer av frekvens, strö moch dc-spänningsnivå. Filtren är framtagna med hjälp av en multiobjektiv optimering vilken åstadkommer hö gsta strö mfö rstärkning mö jlig fö r varje omriktare och strö mregleringsval. Metoden minimerar tvåfunktioner fö r att finna en optimal lö sning. Den fö rsta funktionen beskriver inversen påströ mfö rstärkningen och den andra lastens (bestående av filter och tillhö rande battericell) impedans absolutbelopp. Den resulterande ö har validerats experimentellt och en strö mfö rstärkningsnivåpå 16 uppnåddes. Slutligen har de olika konfigurationerna jämfö rts i termer av verknings-grad. De genomfö rda effektmätningarna visar att trots att hö ga strö mfö rstärkningsnivåer var mö jliga såresulterade de associerade filterfö rlusterna till liknande verkningsgrader fö r alla studerade konfigurationer. Resultaten understryker fö rdelarna med hö geffektiva filtervilka representerar en mö jlig väg fö r vidare undersö kningar.
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Känner sig ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen som en bluff? : En kvantitativ studie om bluffkänslor hos ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen.Magnusson, Filip, Rynler, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Känner sig ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen som en bluff? En kvantitativ studie om bluffkänslor hos ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Hanna Rynler och Filip Magnusson Handledare: Jonas Molin Datum: 2022 – juni Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka upplevelsen av The Imposter Phenomenon, bluffsyndromet, hos ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Metod: Studien genomförs med en kvantitativ metod med utgångspunkt i en deduktiv forskningsansats. Undersökningens empiriska material har insamlats med hjälp av en enkät utformad med ett antal påståenden som ska besvaras på en 7-gradig likert-skala för att avgöra i vilken utsträckning mäklare upplever olika bluffkänslor. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visar att ledare i fastighetsmäklarbranschen upplever bluffsyndromet i liten grad, men att vissa specifika bluffkänslor är mer framträdande än andra. Både manliga och kvinnliga ledare drabbas av bluffkänslor, men vissa drabbar kvinnor i högre utsträckning. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar med ny kunskap om bluffkänslor i en bransch som tidigare inte studerats inom området. Genom studien skapas en medvetenhet om att bluffkänslorna förekommer vilket kan användas för att utveckla ledarskap och hjälpa ledare minska sin upplevelse av känslorna. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att undersöka bluffkänslor i andra branscher samt hur det skiljer sig inom olika åldersgrupper. Nyckelord: Bluffsyndromet, ledarskap, fastighetsmäklarbranschen, självkänsla, rädsla för att misslyckas / Title: Do leaders in the real estate industry feel like fraudsters? A quantitive study about feelings caused by the Imposter Phenomenon among leaders in the real estate industry. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Author: Hanna Rynler and Filip Magnusson Supervisor: Jonas Molin Date: 2022 – June Aim: The purpose of the study is to investigate the experience of The Imposter Phenomenon among leaders in the real estate industry. Method: The study is carried out using a quantitative method based on a deductive research approach. The empirical material of the study was collected using a questionnaire designed with several statements to be answered on a 7-point likert scale to determine the extent to which brokers experience different symptoms of The Imposter Phenomenon. Results and conclusions: The results show that leaders in the real estate industry experience The Imposter Phenomenon to a small degree, but that some specific feelings are more prominent than others. Both male and female leaders suffer from feelings of deception, but some affect women to a greater extent. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with new knowledge about the Imposter Phenomenon feelings in an industry that has not previously been studied in the area. The study creates an awareness that the feelings of the Imposter Phenomenon occur, which can be used to develop leadership and help leaders reduce their experience of the feelings. Suggestions for future research: Suggestions for further research are to investigate the Imposter Phenomenon in other industries and how it differs within different age groups. Key words: The Imposter Phenomenon, leadership, real estate industry, self-esteem, fear of failure
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«Поэма без героя» Анны Ахматовой: поэтика незавершенного : магистерская диссертация / “Poem Without a Hero” by Anna Akhmatova: Poetics of InkompletenessMenshchikova, A. M., Меньщикова, А. М. January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis «“Poem Without a Hero” by Anna Akhmatova: Poetics of Inkompleteness» makes an attempt to investigate one of the main works of A. Akhmatova’s late period from the perspective of the phenomenon of incompleteness. The logic of studying is determined by two important aspects of the phenomenon – aesthetic and ontological. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical grounds for the incompleteness. Some peculiarities of the verse ordonnance are considered in the second chapter. The specificity of the creative mind expressed in the fundamental text categories such as subjectival and spatiotemporal ordonnances is considered in the third chapter. Generally the master’s thesis is the basis for distinguishing some general principles of inkompleteness. These principles seem to be concerned with the «Poem Without a Hero» creative history. / В магистерской диссертации «“Поэма без героя” Анны Ахматовой: поэтика незавершенного» предпринимается попытка исследовать одно из главных произведений позднего творчества А. Ахматовой с позиции феномена незавершенного, выделение двух важнейших аспектов которого – эстетического и онтологического – обусловливает и логику работы. Первая глава посвящена обоснованию явления незавершенности, в том числе, разграничению понятий завершенное/незавершенное и законченное/незаконченное произведение; во второй главе рассмотрены некоторые особенности стиховой организации «Поэмы», в том числе специфика варьирования строфы; в третьей главе рассматривается специфика художественного сознания, явленная в таких текстообразующих категориях, как субъектная и пространственно-временная организации. В целом диссертация служит основанием для выделения нескольких принципов незавершенности, с которыми, как представляется, связана творческая история «Поэмы без героя».
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Прецедентные феномены в рекламных и pr-текстах как средство продвижения территории : магистерская диссертация / Precedence phenomenon in advertising and pr texts as a means of place promotionМакарова, А. С., Makarova, A. S. January 2016 (has links)
Образ территории складывается из элементов идентичности, которые отражаются в прецедентных феноменах: актуальных личностях, событиях, местах. В данной работе был проанализирован образа Урала через призму рекламных и PR текстов, содержащих прецедентные феномены со сферой-источником Урал. Исследование также коснулось вопроса, насколько актуальны и значимы для местного населения те или иные прецедентные феномены. Итог исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций по эффективному применению прецедентных феноменов со сферой-источником Урал в рекламных и PR текстах. / Place image is formed by its identity elements, which in its turn are reflected in precedence phenomenon, that refer to the place: persons, events, places of current interest. In this work Ural image was studied in terms of advertising and PR texts, which contain precedence phenomenon referring to Ural. The study also touched on the question how important the precedence phenomenon for the local inhabitants are. As a result recommendations on usage of precedence phenomenon in advertising and PR texts were given.
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Феномен риска в психологии : магистерская диссертация / Phenomenon of risk in psychologyАртемьева, Л. В., Artemjeva, L. V. January 2018 (has links)
The subject matter of the study is subjective risk picture as a component of risk culture.
The object matter of the study is risk as a psychological phenomenon.
Graduation qualification work consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, a list of references (80 sources) and applications: forms of applied techniques, examples of dendograms.
The volume of the master's thesis is 137 pages, which include 10 figures and 11 tables.
The introduction reveals the urgency of the chosen research problem, the level of development of the problem, the purpose and objectives of the study are established, the subject and object of the study is determined, a working hypothesis is formulated, methods, methods and an empirical basis are determined, as well as the research stages.
The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of research, the psychological aspects of risk and risk behavior described in the scientific literature and research. The sections devoted to the peculiarities of the phenomenon of risk, the connection of representations at the conscious and unconscious level are presented. Conclusions on the first chapter are the results of studying the theoretical material.
The second chapter is devoted to methods and methods of research, includes a description of the general principles of the phenomenological method, psychosemantic approaches in the study of consciousness and personality, as well as a description of questioning techniques. The conclusions of Chapter 2 substantiate the choice of the main methods and techniques for conducting the study.
The third chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It includes the characteristics of the procedure of the study, selected methods and results obtained after applying the techniques. As the main tool, the "Semantic differential method" was used, the test questionnaire of A.G. Shmeleva "Study of the propensity to take risks"; test-questionnaire "Self-assessment of propensity to extreme-risk behavior (M. Tsukerman); test-questionnaire "Readiness for risk" (AM Schubert); Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire. The chapter presents the results of a study of factor, cluster, and correlation analysis. The findings of Chapter 3 are the main results of the empirical study.
In conclusion, brief results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are given, as well as conclusions on the working hypothesis. / Предмет исследования: субъективная картина риска как составляющая рискологической культуры.
Объект исследования: риск как психологическое явление.
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех глав, выводов, списка литературы (80 источников) и приложений: бланки прикладных методик, примеры дендограмм.
Объем магистерской диссертации составляет 137 страниц, включая 10 рисунков и 11 таблиц.
Введение раскрывает актуальность выбранной проблемы исследования, уровень развития проблемы, устанавливаются цель и задачи исследования, определяется предмет и объект исследования, формулируется рабочая гипотеза, определяются методы, методики и эмпирическая база, а также этапы исследования.
Первая глава включает обзор зарубежной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, психологические аспекты риска и рискованного поведения, описанные в научной литературе и исследованиях. Представлены разделы, посвященные особенности феномена риска, связи представлений на осознанном и бессознательном уровне. В выводах по первой главе представлены результаты изучения теоретического материала.
Вторая глава посвящена методам и методикам исследования, включает в себя описание общих принципов феноменологического метода, психосемантических подходов в исследовании сознания и личности, а также описание опросных методик. Выводы по 2 главе обосновывают выбор основных методов и методик для проведения исследования.
Третья глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. Она, включает в себя характеристику процедуры исследования, выбранные методики и результаты, полученные после применения методик. В качестве основного инструментария был использован «Метод семантического дифференциала», тест-опросник А.Г. Шмелева «Исследование склонности к риску»; тест-опросник «Самооценки склонности к экстремально-рискованному поведению (М.Цукерман); тест-опросник «Готовность к риску» (А.М. Шуберта); Мельбурнский опросник принятия решений. В главе представлены результаты исследования факторного, кластерного и корреляционного анализа. Выводы главы 3 являются основными результатами эмпирического исследования.
В заключении приведены краткие результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы относительно рабочей гипотезы.
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Analyzing the Imposter Phenomenon Through Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minorities in Agricultural and Natural Resource Related Fields: The Keys to Diversity and InclusionLawrence, Courtney McIvor 06 December 2021 (has links)
The recruitment and retention for underrepresented minority (URM) students in agriculture and natural resources have been minimal. The importance of elucidating the lack of representation of students of color and underrepresented minority (URM) students in these fields suggests that appropriate actions at the secondary school and collegiate level need consideration. According to Silas (2016, p.iii), "students of color are currently underrepresented in agricultural disciplines when examining the increasingly diverse make-up of the United States." Examining the recruitment and retention strategies institutions are currently implementing is critical because of the narrative of these particular fields in the treatment of students of color and URM students over time. Many students of color and URM students that are currently matriculating a degree or currently in a career in these respective areas have possibly experienced the imposter phenomenon and imposter syndrome. People may feel like an imposter regarding accomplishments they believe they do not deserve or questioning their ability to receive such accolades. When an individual inhibits these feelings, this is an example of the imposter phenomenon or imposter syndrome. The imposter phenomenon, first recognized by Clance and O'Toole (1988), is a motivational disposition in which persons who have achieved some level of success feel like fakes or imposters. Individuals likely experiencing these imposter feelings during a period were examined using a lens based on the Critical Race Theory (Bell; 1987, Crenshaw, 1989; Delagado andStefancic, 2012) and Racial Identity Development Theory (Helms, 1990; Helms, 1993). The phenomenological study examines the effects of IP/IS in URM graduate students in agricultural and natural resource-related majors and fields. This method focuses on the participants' lived experiences regarding this phenomenon. The study itself examined how URM graduate students dealt with these particular feelings in their respective environments and what solutions were suggested or needed. The researcher interviewed ten participants regarding their perceptions of diversity and inclusion in agriculture, natural resources, and STEM-related fields. / Doctor of Philosophy / The need for diversity and inclusion within agriculture, natural resources, and STEM-related fields is critical and imperative as the demographics of the United States are changing. The shortage of minority individuals within agriculture, natural resources, and STEM-based fields impede the ultimate success and potential within these areas. The utilization of underrepresented minority (URM) individuals within these spaces ensure proper diversity and inclusion methods within these environments. The minimal efforts of diversity and inclusion within these environments are likely to promote feelings of an imposter within these URM individuals which would likely hinder success and motivation. The imposter phenomenon and imposter syndrome are particular feelings in which persons who have achieved some level of success possibly feel like fakes or imposters. This study examines the perceptions of URM students that have perhaps experienced feelings related to this phenomenon in less diverse and inclusive settings. The researcher examines critical race theory and racial identity development by interviewing ten participants about their perceptions of diversity and inclusion and the imposter phenomenon and imposter syndrome within the agricultural, natural resource, and STEM-related majors and fields.
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[pt] Durante a perfuração de poços de petróleo, a coluna de perfuração apresenta um comportamento dinâmico complexo, esta tese foca no estudo experimental e na modelagem matemática deste comportamento. Neste trabalho,
destaca-se as vibrações autoexcitadas axiais, laterais e torcionais, que podem
levar a efeitos como o bit bouncing, o whirling e stick-slip torcional.
A primeira contribuição desta tese é a análise experimental de um
bancada de testes, que fornece informações sobre a dinâmica de sistemas
torcionais. A influência dos parâmetros de controle não lineares na resposta
do sistema é investigada, identificando as condições sob as quais o fenômeno
stick-slip ocorre.
Em segundo lugar, a tese propõe estratégias de identificação de sistemas
para sistemas não lineares, utilizando a mesma bancada de testes supracitada.
Uma abordagem híbrida para a identificação é proposta, onde técnicas de modelagem de caixa cinza e caixa preta são combinadas para calibrar os parâmetros do sistema, particularmente aqueles associados ao atrito. Essa abordagem
aumenta a precisão das estimativas em comparação com os métodos tradicionais de caixa cinza, mantendo a interpretabilidade. Além disso, a pesquisa
emprega physics-informed deep learning para estimar os parâmetros mecânicos
e de atrito do modelo de dois graus de liberdade. A calibração usando dados
experimentais obtidos de uma bancada de testes fornece informações sobre o
comportamento de sistemas de perfuração.
Finalmente, a tese apresenta investigações experimentais sobre o acoplamento entre oscilações torcionais e axiais utilizando uma bancada experimental
de perfuração em escala de laboratório modificada e adaptada equipada com
brocas e amostras de rocha reais.
Em resumo, esta tese aumenta a compreensão da dinâmica de colunas
de perfuração e apresenta aplicações úteis para técnicas de identificação de
sistemas na análise de oscilações torcionais e axiais. / [en] During drilling for oil extraction purposes, the drill string experiences
complex dynamic behavior, and this work delves into the experimental study
and the mathematical modeling of such behavior. Self-excited vibrations, such
as axial, lateral, and torsional vibrations, which can lead to detrimental effects
such as bit bouncing, whirling, and torsional stick-slip are highlighted in this
Distinct aspects of drilling dynamics are considered in this investigation
to enhance the understanding of various phenomena. Initially, an experimental
analysis of a lab-scale rig is conducted, providing valuable insights into the
dynamics of such systems. And the influence of control parameters on the
system’s response is examined, particularly in identifying the conditions under
which the stick-slip phenomenon is likely to occur.
Secondly, the thesis proposes system identification strategies for nonlinear systems, specifically focusing on the same laboratory test rig. An innovative ensemble approach is proposed, which combines gray and black-box
modeling techniques to effectively calibrate the parameters of a dynamical
system, particularly those associated with friction. This approach improves
prediction accuracy compared to traditional gray-box methods while maintaining interpretability in the dynamic responses. Furthermore, the research
employs physics-informed deep learning to estimate the low-dimensional model
mechanical and friction parameters. Calibration using experimental data obtained from a specialized setup provides insights into the drill-string system s
Finally, the thesis involves experimental investigations on the coupling
between torsional and axial oscillations using a modified and adapted lab-scale
drilling rig equipped with real drill bits and rock samples.
In summary, this thesis advances our understanding of drill-string dynamics and presents helpful applications for system identification techniques.
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Eliminating zero-missing phenomenon in long, high voltage, underground cablesLinnet, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
The maximum length of an high voltage underground cable (HV UGC) cable is oftenconstrained by the criterion that the cable cannot have more than 50% reactivepower compensation. If this limit is exceeded the current in the circuit breaker maynot have a zero crossing after energization, which is referred to as the zero missingphenomenon. This is problematic if a fault occur shortly after energization. Inthe past 10 years, different methods have been proposed which would allow greaterreactive power compensation. These methods either prevent the zero missing phenomenon(preventive methods) or provide a way to open the circuit breaker if afault occurs (handling methods).A new 200 km, 220 kV line has been proposed in Iceland referred to as Sprengisandslína.One proposed option is to build it as an OHL-UGC-OHL line as the voltagecriteria is not fulfilled if Sprengisandslína is built as an UGC with a 50% reactivepower compensation. The aim of this thesis is to see whether the zero missing phenomenoncan be avoided by implementing countermeasures - this gives a preliminaryresults whether Sprengisandslína can be built as an UGC. In this thesis the four differentpreventive methods are analyzed with a transient study for Sprengisandslína:(1) Pre-insertion resistor, (2) simultaneous synchronized switching, (3) synchronizedswitching where the cable is energized before the shunt reactor, and (4) synchronizedswitching where the shunt reactor is energized before the cable.Preliminary steady state studies were performed to determine the minimum numberof shunt reactors needed to fulfill the voltage criteria. The results showed thatthe minimum number needed were three assuming they are all of equal size locatedevenly along the cable (one at each end and one in the middle). Additionally, it isnecessary to see whether the generators would become underexcited if the cable isiiienergized with 100% reactive power compensation as it can reduce the lifetime ofthe generators. The results showed that the generators did not become underexcited.The countermeasure of synchronized switching where the shunt reactor is energizedbefore the cable and the countermeasure of simultaneous synchronized switchingwere shown to eliminate the zero-missing phenomenon when the cable was energizedwith 100% reactive power compensation. Synchronized switching where theshunt reactor is energized before the cable was seen to have lower switching overvoltages,21% higher than the nominal value, and the lower inrush current of 2.38kA. However, the method of simultaneous synchronized switching is cheaper andthe switching overvoltages and inrush current were within an acceptable margin(switching overvoltages were 35:9% higher than the nominal value and the inrushcurrent was 4.01 kA).The results of the study indicate that Sprengisandslína can be energized as an UGCwith 100% reactive power compensation if either the countermeasure of simultaneoussynchronized switching or synchronized switching where the shunt reactor isenergized before the cable are used. However, a detailed frequency study must beperformed before either of the countermeasures can be recommended. / Högsta längden på en högspänning underjordisk kabel begränsas ofta av de kriteriersom kabeln inte kan ha mer än 50% reaktiv effektkompensation. Om denna gränsöverskrids kan strömmen i strömbrytaren inte ha noll genomgang efter aktivering,kallad noll saknad fenomen. Detta är problematiskt om ett fel inträffar strax efteraktivering. Under de senaste 10 åren har olika metoder föreslagits, vilket skullemöjliggöra större reaktiv effektkompensation. Dessa metoder hindrar antingen detnollbristande fenomenet (förebyggande metoder) eller ger ett sätt att öppna strömbrytarenom ett fel uppstår (hanteringsmetoder).En ny 200 km, 220 kV linje har föreslagits på Island kallad Sprengisandslína. Ettföreslaget alternativ för att den här linjen ska byggas är att bygga den som en OHLUGC-OHL-linje, eftersom spänningskriterierna inte är uppfyllda om Sprengisandslínaär byggt som en UGC med en 50% reaktiv effektkompensation. Syftet meddenna avhandling är att se huruvida det saknade fenomenet kan undvikas genomatt genomföra motåtgärder - detta ger ett preliminärt resultat om Sprengisandslínakan byggas som en UGC. I denna avhandling analyseras de fyra olika förebyggandemetoderna med en övergående studie för Sprengisandslína: (1) Förinsättningsresistor,(2) Synkroniserad samtidigkoppling, (3) Synkroniserad inkoppling där kabelnaktiveras före shuntreaktorn och (4) ) synkroniserad inkoppling där shuntreaktornaktiveras före kabeln.Preliminära steady state studier utförs för att bestämma det minsta antalet shuntreaktorersom behövs för att uppfylla spänningskriterierna. Resultaten visade att detminsta antalet som behövdes var tre förutsatt att de alla är lika stora som liggerjämnt längs kabeln (en i varje ände och en i mitten). Dessutom är det nödvändigtatt se om generatorer skulle bli underexiterad om kabeln är energiserad med 100%iiiivreaktiva effektkompensation eftersom det kan minska generatorns livslängd. Resultatenvisade att generatorer inte blev underexiterad.Motståndet för synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras före kabelnoch motmätningen av samtidig synkroniserad omkoppling visades för att elimineradet nollmissande fenomenet när kabeln aktiverades med 100% reaktiv effektkompensation.Synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras innan kabeln visadesig ha lägre omkopplingsvolymer, 21% högre än nominellt värde och den lägre inbrusningsströmmenpå 2,38 kA. Metoden för samtidig synkroniserad omkopplingär emellertid billigare och omkopplingsvolymen och inströmmen var inom en acceptabelmarginal (omkopplingsvolymer var 35; 9% högre än nominellt värde ochinströmningsströmmen var 4,01 kA).De resultaten av studien indikerar att Sprengisandslína kan energiseras som en UGCmed 100% reaktiv effektkompensation om antingen motspelet av samtidig synkroniseradomkoppling eller synkroniserad omkoppling där shuntreaktorn aktiveras innankabeln installeras. En detaljerad frekvensstudie måste dock utföras innan någon avmotåtgärderna kan rekommenderas.
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