Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PHENOMENON"" "subject:"[enn] PHENOMENON""
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ワイヤレス多機能無線ホルダーシステムを用いた加工現象のモニタと診断に関する研究 / ワイヤレス タキノウ ムセン ホルダー システム オ モチイタ カコウ ゲンショウ ノ モニタ ト シンダン ニカンスル ケンキュウ松田 亮, Ryo Matsuda 22 March 2019 (has links)
近年,IoTに基づく「つながる工場」に関する技術開発が着目され,日本の次世代の製造業を支えるために,新しい研究開発が求められている.特に機械加工の現場では,異常検知や適応制御のために加工現象を精確かつリアルタイムにモニタできる技術が必要とされている.そこで,マシニングセンタなどの工作機械において,回転工具の加工中に多チャンネルで各種の物理量を切削点近傍にてモニタ可能な無線多機能ホルダを開発し,様々な工具,加工方法を対象にその有効性を示した. / Currently, a smart monitoring technology has been attracting particular attention in the factory automation fields regarding the Internet of things (IoT). Particularly in the machining site, the technology of monitoring the processing phenomenon in precision and real-time is required for abnormality detection or adaptive control. Then, we developed a novel tool holder equipped with a wireless communication function to monitor the tool temperature and vibrating accelerations near the cutting point during a tool rotating operation, and we showed effectiveness for various tools and processing method. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Utveckling av luftkompressormonterad ljuddämpare / Development of an air compressor mounted silencerMustafa, Kobin, Rozumberski, Kristian January 2018 (has links)
Ett ljudfenomen som uppstår i samband med luftkomprimeringen i den nya D7 motorn har uppmärksammats som ett problem av kunderna. Ljudfenomenet som resonerar i hytten bidrar till en obehaglig arbetsmiljö. Uppdraget har i sin tur varit att utveckla en luftkompressormonterad ljuddämpare mot en kravspecifikation som eliminerar detta fenomen. Med hjälp av diverse verktyg och en spiral produktutvecklingsprocess utfördes ett flertal iterationer av dem koncept som kan tänkas lösa problemet. Dessa iterationer konstruerades i mjukvaran CATIA V5 för att sedan beställas in som fysiska prototyper i materialet Pa12. För att bekräfta prototypernas funktionalitet utfördes simuleringar samt fysiska tester. Det resulterande arbetet blev ett konceptförslag till Scania CV AB som uppfyller kravspecifikationerna. Lösningens ljuddämpningsförmågan reducerade ljudfenomenet med 73% i genomsnitt. Med hjälp av observationer och analyser under de fysiska testgenomförandet uppmärksammades komplikationer som bör åtgärdas. Det mest kritiska med det nuvarande konceptet är dem vibrationer som uppstår. För att åtgärda detta problem kommer det krävas ytterligare infästningspunkter på motsvarande sida till de nuvarande. All mätdata i denna rapport är modifierat. Detta för att skydda känslig information. / A noise phenomenon that arises in connection with air compression in the new D7 engine has been noted as a problem by the customers. The sound phenomenon resonates in the cabin contributes to an unpleasant work environment. The mission, in turn, has been to develop an air compressor-mounted silencer against a requirement specification to eliminate this phenomenon. Using various tools and a spiral product development process, a number of iterations were made of those concepts that could solve the problem. These iterations were engineered in the CATIA V5 software, then ordered as physical prototypes in the material Pa12. To confirm the prototypes' functionality, simulations and physical tests were performed. The resulting work became a concept proposal for Scania CV AB that meets the requirements specifications. The solution managed to reduce the sound phenomenon by 73% on average. With the help of observations and analyzes during the physical test implementation, complications were noted that should be addressed. The most critical on the current concept is the vibration that occurs. To fix this problem additional attachment points will be required on the corresponding side to the current ones. All data in this report have been modified. This is to protect sensitive information.
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Создание набора стрит-арт-открыток : магистерская диссертация / Creating a set of street art postcardsБуга, М. А., Buga, M. A. January 2020 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию стрит-арт-открыток и уличному искусству в целом: рассмотрению американской и французской традиций, рассмотрению особенностей российского стрит-арта и его правового регулирования. Также работа включает в себя анализ современного состояния уличного искусства г. Екатеринбурга и классификацию стрит-арт-объектов города. Для разработки концепции издательского проекта стрит-арт-открыток был осуществлен анализ рос¬сийского книжного рынка в специфике публикаций об уличном искусстве и анализ открыток, посвященных стрит-арту, проведена оценка востре¬бованности продукта посредством сегментирования целевой аудитории и выведения «персонажей», а также рассмотрены структурно-содержательные и визуально-полиграфические особенности издания. Издательский продукт представляет собой набор открыток в количестве 12 штук формата А6, посвященный уличному искусству Екатеринбурга. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of street art postcards and street art in general: consideration of the American and French traditions, consideration of the features of Russian street art and its legal regulation. The work also includes an analysis of the current state of street art in Yekaterinburg and classification of street art objects in the city. To develop the concept of a publishing project street art-cards performed analysis of the Russian book market in the specific publications about street art and analysis of postcards dedicated to street art, evaluated demand for the product by segmenting the target audience and removing "characters", and discusses the structural and visual features of the edition. The publishing product is a set of postcards in the amount of 12 pieces of A6 format, dedicated to the street art of Yekaterinburg.
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L’espace public comme instrument : le cas de Canaan, territoire auto-urbanisé d’HaïtiPetter, Anne-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse j’examine la production de l'espace public à Canaan, Haïti. Il s’agit d’un établissement auto-urbanisé ayant émergé à la périphérie de Port-au-Prince suite au séisme de 2010, après la déclaration d’utilité publique de la zone pour l’accueil de sinistrés. La disponibilité de cette terre dite « promise » et la présence d’aide humanitaire y ont provoqué l’installation de plus de 250 000 personnes en seulement cinq ans. Alors qu’on le taxe localement de nouveau bidonville, Canaan se présente plutôt comme un vaste morceau de ville en construction. Les habitants y ont construit maisons, commerces, écoles, églises, routes et infrastructures de base, conférant à la localité un visible dynamisme socio-économique. Aussi, de nombreux espaces publics y ont été créés. Il s’agit d’un phénomène étonnant selon la littérature qui signale plutôt sa rareté dans ce type d’établissement humain, pression foncière et contexte de survie y prévalant. Les espaces publics à Canaan offrent donc une opportunité unique de comprendre plusieurs dynamiques spatiales et sociales à l’œuvre dans les établissements populaires/précaires/auto-urbanisés.
Optant pour une approche exploratoire et inductive, la méthodologie adoptée est celle de l'étude de cas en raison de la nature révélatrice de Canaan en matière d’espaces publics. J’examine en détail trente d’entre eux à l’aide d’outils variés, incluant : observations, entretiens semi-dirigés, focus groups, parcours commentés, collecte d’artefacts et analyse de plus de 90 documents et rapports techniques. Les résultats démontrent qu’à Canaan les espaces publics sont des ressources plutôt que des lieux récréatifs. Instrumentalisés dans la poursuite des intérêts des acteurs, ils revêtent une valeur utilitaire plutôt que d’usage. Ils servent notamment au combat pour la citoyenneté urbaine que mènent plusieurs leaders locaux, visant la construction d’une ville complète, décente et légitime. Conçues comme « chambres d’invités pour l’État », il s’agit de réserves foncières destinées à l’accueil d’équipements, infrastructures et services publics. Or, d'autres acteurs instrumentalisent ces espaces publics à des fins différentes, créant ainsi un contexte de tensions et de violence.
Ces résultats confirment que Canaan représente un territoire en consolidation plutôt qu'un bidonville en déclin. D’un angle théorique, ils signalent qu’à un stade émergent, l’espace public peut y être « autre » que le traditionnel objet matériel à valeur d’usage tel que largement considéré par les architectes et urbanistes. Ceci appelle à un élargissement tant de sa définition que des outils pour le lire. La notion de l’instrumentalisation de l’espace retenue comme lentille à ce titre se révèle fort utile pour comprendre les dynamiques socio-spatiales des établissements populaires/précaires/auto-urbanisés. En outre, la production d’espaces publics se loge à même ce que certains auteurs ont qualifié de « stratégies d’engagement de l’État » dans les luttes à la citoyenneté urbaine. En termes pratiques, les résultats suggèrent qu’il ne faille présumer de la nature de l’espace public dans ces formations urbaines, pouvant revêtir d’autres sens. Les acteurs de l’aide, urbanistes, architectes et autres professionnels de l’aménagement intervenant dans ces habitats gagneraient à s’affranchir du « biais spatial » pour proposer des solutions mieux adaptées à leurs dynamiques propres. / In this thesis I examine the production of public space in Canaan, Haiti. This is a self-urbanized settlement that emerged on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince following the 2010 earthquake, after the area was declared to be for public use to accommodate disaster victims. The availability of this so-called 'promised land' and the presence of humanitarian aid prompted its invasion by over 250,000 people in just five years. While being locally dubbed as a new slum, Canaan is more like a vast piece of city under construction. Residents have built houses, shops, schools, churches, roads and basic infrastructure, giving the locality a visible socio-economic dynamism. Many public spaces have also been created. This is a surprising phenomenon in the light of the literature which points to its rarity and neglect in this type of urban formation, where land pressure and survival agendas prevail. The public spaces in Canaan therefore offer a unique opportunity to understand a number of spatial and social dynamics at work in popular/precarious/self-urbanized settlements.
Opting for an exploratory and inductive approach, the methodology adopted is that of a case study because of the revealing nature of Canaan's public spaces. I examined thirty of them in detail using a variety of tools, including observations, semi-directed interviews, focus groups, commented itineraries, artefact collection and analysis of over 90 documents and technical reports. The results show that public spaces in Canaan are resources rather than places for recreation. Instrumentalized in the pursuit of the interests of the actors they federate, they have a utilitarian rather than a use value. In particular, they are used in the struggle for urban citizenship being waged by a number of local leaders, with the aim of building a complete, decent and legitimate city. Conceived as "guest rooms for the State", these are land reserves intended to accommodate public facilities, infrastructure and services. However, other players use these public spaces for different purposes, creating a context of tension and violence.
These results confirm that Canaan represents a territory in consolidation rather than a slum in decline. From a theoretical point of view, they indicate that, at an emerging stage, public space can be 'other' than the traditional material object with use value as widely considered by architects and urban planners. This calls for a broadening of both its definition and the tools for reading it. The notion of the instrumentalization of space used as a lens for this purpose is proving extremely useful for understanding the socio-spatial dynamics of popular/precarious/self-urbanized settlements. Moreover, the production of public spaces is embedded in what some authors have described as 'strategies of state engagement' in the struggle for urban citizenship. In practical terms, the results suggest that we should not assume the nature of public space in these urban formations, which may take on other meanings. Aid agencies, urban planners, architects and other planning professionals working in these habitats would do well to free themselves from the 'spatial bias' in order to propose solutions that are better adapted to their own dynamics.
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Феномен выученной беспомощности в контексте детско-родительских отношений : магистерская диссертация / The phenomenon of learned helplessness in the context of parent-child relationshipsМотовилова, А. В., Motovilova, A. V. January 2024 (has links)
The object of the study was the phenomenon of learned helplessness among secondary school students aged 12-14 years. The subject of the study was the relationship between the formation of learned helplessness in secondary school students aged 12-14 years and the type of parental education. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (84 sources) and appendices, including forms of the methods used and empirical data. The volume of the master's thesis is 88 pages, which contain 3 figures and 12 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, indicates the methods and empirical basis, as well as the stages of the research, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of research into the phenomenon of learned helplessness. Sections devoted to the study of scientific ideas about the phenomenon of learned helplessness, the reasons for the formation of learned helplessness in adolescence are presented, and child-parent relationships are considered as a factor in the formation of learned helplessness in adolescents. Conclusions for the first chapter represent the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained using all the methods used: the method of E.G. Eidemiller and V.V. Yustickis «Analysis of Family Relationships» (ARA) to determine the style of parenting, M. Seligman’s «Children’s Attribution Style Questionnaire» (OSAD) method for diagnosing the identification of learned helplessness, V. Fey’s method of accepting others for diagnosing types of reactions during communication. The chapter also presents correlation and factor analysis of the research results. The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of this issue are described. / Объектом исследования явился феномен выученной беспомощности у учащихся общеобразовательных школ в возрасте 12-14 лет. Предметом исследования стала взаимосвязь между формированием выученной беспомощности у учащихся общеобразовательных школ в возрасте 12-14 лет и типом родительского воспитания. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (84 источника) и приложений, включающих в себя бланки применявшихся методик и эмпирические данные. Объем магистерской диссертации 88 страниц, на которых размещены 3 рисунка и 12 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор зарубежной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования феномена выученной беспомощности. Представлены разделы, посвященные исследованию научным представлениям о феномене выученной беспомощности, причины формирования выученной беспомощности в подростковом возрасте, рассмотрены детско-родительские отношения как фактор формирования выученной беспомощности у подростков. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: методике Э.Г. Эйдемиллера и В.В. Юстицкиса «Анализ семейных взаимоотношений» (АСВ) для определения стиля родительского воспитания, методике М. Селигмана «Опросник стиля атрибуции детей» (ОСАД) для диагностики выявления выученной беспомощности, методике принятия других В. Фей для диагностики типов реагирования во время общения. Также в главе представлен корреляционный и факторный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.
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Contrôle de l'organisation moléculaire en 2D et 3D par l’utilisation de liaisons hydrogène, de coordination métallique et d'autres interactionsDuong, Adam 04 1900 (has links)
La stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire a montré durant ces dernières années son utilité dans la construction de nouveaux matériaux. Elle repose sur l’auto-assemblage spontané de molécule dite intelligente appelée tecton. Ces molécules possèdent l’habilité de se reconnaitre entre elles en utilisant diverses interactions intermoléculaires. L'assemblage résultant peut donner lieu à des matériaux moléculaires avec une organisation prévisible. Cette stratégie exige la création de nouveaux tectons, qui sont parfois difficiles à synthétiser et nécessitent dans la plupart des cas de nombreuses étapes de synthèse, ce qui empêche ou limite leur mise en application pratique. De plus, une fois formées, les liaisons unissant le corps central du tecton avec ces groupements de reconnaissance moléculaire ne peuvent plus être rompues, ce qui ne permet pas de remodeler le tecton par une procédure synthétique simple.
Afin de contourner ces obstacles, nous proposons d’utiliser une stratégie hybride qui se sert de la coordination métallique pour construire le corps central du tecton, combinée avec l'utilisation des interactions plus faibles pour contrôler l'association. Nous appelons une telle entité métallotecton du fait de la présence du métal. Pour explorer cette stratégie, nous avons construit une série de ligands ditopiques comportant soit une pyridine, une bipyridine ou une phénantroline pour favoriser la coordination métallique, substitués avec des groupements diaminotriazinyles (DAT) pour permettre aux complexes de s'associer par la formation de ponts hydrogène.
En plus de la possibilité de créer des métallotectons par coordination, ces ligands ditopiques ont un intérêt intrinsèque en chimie supramoléculaire en tant qu'entités pouvant s'associer en 3D et en 2D. En parallèle à notre étude de la chimie de coordination, nous avons
examiné l'association des ligands, ainsi que celle des analogues, par la diffraction des rayons-X (XRD) et par la microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel (STM). L'adsorption de ces molécules sur la surface de graphite à l’interface liquide-solide donne lieu à la formation de différents réseaux 2D par un phénomène de nanopatterning. Pour comprendre les détails de l'adsorption moléculaire, nous avons systématiquement comparé l’organisation observée en 2D par STM avec celle favorisée dans les structures 3D déterminées par XRD. Nous avons également simulé l'adsorption par des calculs théoriques. Cette approche intégrée est indispensable pour bien caractériser l’organisation moléculaire en 2D et pour bien comprendre l'origine des préférences observées. Ces études des ligands eux-mêmes pourront donc servir de référence lorsque nous étudierons l'association des métallotectons dérivés des ligands par coordination.
Notre travail a démontré que la stratégie combinant la chimie de coordination et la reconnaissance moléculaire est une méthode de construction rapide et efficace pour créer des réseaux supramoléculaires. Nous avons vérifié que la stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire est également efficace pour diriger l'organisation en 3D et en 2D, qui montre souvent une homologie importante. Nous avons trouvé que nos ligands hétérocycliques ont une aptitude inattendue à s’adsorber fortement sur la surface de graphite, créant ainsi des réseaux organisés à l'échelle du nanomètre. L’ensemble de ces résultats promet d’offrir des applications dans plusieurs domaines, dont la catalyse hétérogène et la nanotechnologie.
Mots clés : tectonique moléculaire, interactions intermoléculaires, stratégie hybride, coordination métallique, diffraction des rayons-X, microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel, graphite, phénomène de nanopatterning, calculs théoriques, ponts hydrogène, chimie supramoléculaire, ligands hétérocycliques, groupements DAT, catalyse hétérogène, nanotechnologie. / In recent years, molecular tectonics has been a useful strategy in the construction of new materials. It relies on the spontaneous self-assembly of molecules called tectons. These molecules have the ability to recognize themselves using various intermolecular interactions. The resulting assembly can produce molecular materials with predictable organization. This strategy requires the creation of new tectons, which are sometimes difficult to synthesize and require in most cases many synthetic steps, which prevents or limits their practical application. Moreover, once formed, the bonds joining the central core of the tecton with the groups used for molecular recognition cannot be broken, which means that it is not possible to recycle or reform the tecton by simple synthetic procedures.
To avoid these obstacles, we propose to use a hybrid strategy that uses metal coordination to build the central core of the tecton, combined with the use of weaker interactions to control the association. We call such entities metallotectons due to the presence of metal. To explore this strategy, we constructed a series of ditopic ligands containing either pyridine, bipyridine or phenanthroline to promote metal coordination, substituted with diaminotriazinyl groups (DAT) to allow inter-complex association by the formation of hydrogen bonds.
In addition to the possibility of creating metallotectons by coordination, these ditopic ligands have an intrinsic interest in supramolecular chemistry as entities that can associate in 3D and 2D. In parallel to our study of coordination chemistry, we examined the association of ligands by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The adsorption of these molecules on the graphite surface at the liquid-solid interface results in the formation of different networks through a process of 2D nanopatterning. To understand the details of
molecular adsorption, we systematically compared the 2D organization observed STM with the 3D structures determined by XRD. We also simulated the adsorption by theoretical calculations. This integrated approach is essential to characterize the molecular organization in 2D and to understand the origin of the observed preferences. These studies of the ligands themselves may therefore serve as a reference when we study the association of metallotectons derived by ligands coordination.
Our work demonstrates that the strategy combining coordination chemistry and molecular recognition is a rapid and an efficient method to create supramolecular networks. We verified that the strategy of molecular tectonics is also effective in leading the organization in 3D and 2D, which often shows a significant homology. We found that our heterocyclic ligands have unexpected ability to adsorb strongly on the graphite surface, creating networks organize in nanoscale. Together, these results provide promising applications in several fields, including heterogeneous catalysis and nanotechnology.
Keywords : molecular tectonics, intermolecular interactions, hybrid strategy, metal coordination, X-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, graphite, nanopatterning phenomenon, theoretical calculations, hydrogen bonds, supramolecular chemistry, ligands, DAT groups, heterogeneous catalysis, nanotechnology.
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Jazyk SMS a francouzština jako cizí jazyk / Language of SMS and French as a foreign languageVaňátko, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
in English with English title of the thesis: Language of SMS and French as a foreign language The central topic of the thesis is the language of short text messages (SMS) and/or the one of chat and their application in teaching of French as a foreign language (fr. abbreviation F.L.E., français langue étrangère). The aim is to answer the question so as to how to grasp linguo- didactically this modern sociolect of young users (not only) of French, typical of written communication via digital technologies, with the purpose of the purely practical use in the classes of French. Firstly, a linguistic description will be given in order to understand the mechanisms of the explored language code not only in French, but also partly in Czech and English, as well as the determination of the position of the SMS language as a socio-cultural phenomenon in the present-day French. The following research will be dealing with the identification and the analysis of the teaching activities using the SMS language found in approximately fifty text books of French intended for the learners of levels A1, A2, B1, B2. The next section offers the theoretical evaluation of the exploitability of the SMS language in the classes of French, having as a point of reference specialised works of didactics of foreign languages. The...
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Contrôle de l'organisation moléculaire en 2D et 3D par l’utilisation de liaisons hydrogène, de coordination métallique et d'autres interactionsDuong, Adam 04 1900 (has links)
La stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire a montré durant ces dernières années son utilité dans la construction de nouveaux matériaux. Elle repose sur l’auto-assemblage spontané de molécule dite intelligente appelée tecton. Ces molécules possèdent l’habilité de se reconnaitre entre elles en utilisant diverses interactions intermoléculaires. L'assemblage résultant peut donner lieu à des matériaux moléculaires avec une organisation prévisible. Cette stratégie exige la création de nouveaux tectons, qui sont parfois difficiles à synthétiser et nécessitent dans la plupart des cas de nombreuses étapes de synthèse, ce qui empêche ou limite leur mise en application pratique. De plus, une fois formées, les liaisons unissant le corps central du tecton avec ces groupements de reconnaissance moléculaire ne peuvent plus être rompues, ce qui ne permet pas de remodeler le tecton par une procédure synthétique simple.
Afin de contourner ces obstacles, nous proposons d’utiliser une stratégie hybride qui se sert de la coordination métallique pour construire le corps central du tecton, combinée avec l'utilisation des interactions plus faibles pour contrôler l'association. Nous appelons une telle entité métallotecton du fait de la présence du métal. Pour explorer cette stratégie, nous avons construit une série de ligands ditopiques comportant soit une pyridine, une bipyridine ou une phénantroline pour favoriser la coordination métallique, substitués avec des groupements diaminotriazinyles (DAT) pour permettre aux complexes de s'associer par la formation de ponts hydrogène.
En plus de la possibilité de créer des métallotectons par coordination, ces ligands ditopiques ont un intérêt intrinsèque en chimie supramoléculaire en tant qu'entités pouvant s'associer en 3D et en 2D. En parallèle à notre étude de la chimie de coordination, nous avons
examiné l'association des ligands, ainsi que celle des analogues, par la diffraction des rayons-X (XRD) et par la microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel (STM). L'adsorption de ces molécules sur la surface de graphite à l’interface liquide-solide donne lieu à la formation de différents réseaux 2D par un phénomène de nanopatterning. Pour comprendre les détails de l'adsorption moléculaire, nous avons systématiquement comparé l’organisation observée en 2D par STM avec celle favorisée dans les structures 3D déterminées par XRD. Nous avons également simulé l'adsorption par des calculs théoriques. Cette approche intégrée est indispensable pour bien caractériser l’organisation moléculaire en 2D et pour bien comprendre l'origine des préférences observées. Ces études des ligands eux-mêmes pourront donc servir de référence lorsque nous étudierons l'association des métallotectons dérivés des ligands par coordination.
Notre travail a démontré que la stratégie combinant la chimie de coordination et la reconnaissance moléculaire est une méthode de construction rapide et efficace pour créer des réseaux supramoléculaires. Nous avons vérifié que la stratégie de la tectonique moléculaire est également efficace pour diriger l'organisation en 3D et en 2D, qui montre souvent une homologie importante. Nous avons trouvé que nos ligands hétérocycliques ont une aptitude inattendue à s’adsorber fortement sur la surface de graphite, créant ainsi des réseaux organisés à l'échelle du nanomètre. L’ensemble de ces résultats promet d’offrir des applications dans plusieurs domaines, dont la catalyse hétérogène et la nanotechnologie.
Mots clés : tectonique moléculaire, interactions intermoléculaires, stratégie hybride, coordination métallique, diffraction des rayons-X, microscopie de balayage à effet tunnel, graphite, phénomène de nanopatterning, calculs théoriques, ponts hydrogène, chimie supramoléculaire, ligands hétérocycliques, groupements DAT, catalyse hétérogène, nanotechnologie. / In recent years, molecular tectonics has been a useful strategy in the construction of new materials. It relies on the spontaneous self-assembly of molecules called tectons. These molecules have the ability to recognize themselves using various intermolecular interactions. The resulting assembly can produce molecular materials with predictable organization. This strategy requires the creation of new tectons, which are sometimes difficult to synthesize and require in most cases many synthetic steps, which prevents or limits their practical application. Moreover, once formed, the bonds joining the central core of the tecton with the groups used for molecular recognition cannot be broken, which means that it is not possible to recycle or reform the tecton by simple synthetic procedures.
To avoid these obstacles, we propose to use a hybrid strategy that uses metal coordination to build the central core of the tecton, combined with the use of weaker interactions to control the association. We call such entities metallotectons due to the presence of metal. To explore this strategy, we constructed a series of ditopic ligands containing either pyridine, bipyridine or phenanthroline to promote metal coordination, substituted with diaminotriazinyl groups (DAT) to allow inter-complex association by the formation of hydrogen bonds.
In addition to the possibility of creating metallotectons by coordination, these ditopic ligands have an intrinsic interest in supramolecular chemistry as entities that can associate in 3D and 2D. In parallel to our study of coordination chemistry, we examined the association of ligands by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The adsorption of these molecules on the graphite surface at the liquid-solid interface results in the formation of different networks through a process of 2D nanopatterning. To understand the details of
molecular adsorption, we systematically compared the 2D organization observed STM with the 3D structures determined by XRD. We also simulated the adsorption by theoretical calculations. This integrated approach is essential to characterize the molecular organization in 2D and to understand the origin of the observed preferences. These studies of the ligands themselves may therefore serve as a reference when we study the association of metallotectons derived by ligands coordination.
Our work demonstrates that the strategy combining coordination chemistry and molecular recognition is a rapid and an efficient method to create supramolecular networks. We verified that the strategy of molecular tectonics is also effective in leading the organization in 3D and 2D, which often shows a significant homology. We found that our heterocyclic ligands have unexpected ability to adsorb strongly on the graphite surface, creating networks organize in nanoscale. Together, these results provide promising applications in several fields, including heterogeneous catalysis and nanotechnology.
Keywords : molecular tectonics, intermolecular interactions, hybrid strategy, metal coordination, X-ray diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, graphite, nanopatterning phenomenon, theoretical calculations, hydrogen bonds, supramolecular chemistry, ligands, DAT groups, heterogeneous catalysis, nanotechnology.
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電気鉄道き電システムの雷対策に向けた実測およびシミュレーション技術に関する一研究 / デンキ テツドウ キデン システム ノ カミナリ タイサク ニ ムケタ ジッソク オヨビ シミュレーション ギジュツ ニカンスル イチケンキュウ田中 弘毅, Hiroki Tanaka 22 March 2017 (has links)
電気鉄道の安全安定輸送を確保するため,雷害防止が求められている。本論文では,電気鉄道設備の雷サージ特性実測を行い,接地インピーダンス特性を雷サージの視点から検討した。さらに,電力系統解析技術を応用して鉄道特有機器の回路解析モデルを開発し,その精度を実測で確認し,鉄道設備雷電流侵入時の応答を実測および計算結果より明らかにした。これらの成果は,電気鉄道の設計・保守・解析に十分に生かすことが可能である。 / Lightning protection is required to ensure safe and stable electric railway transportation. In this thesis, the lightning surge characteristics of the facilities in electric railway systems were measured. The characteristic of earthing impedance was also investigated from the viewpoint of lightning surge. In addition, some numerical models of railway specific apparatuses for circuit analysis method were developed by applying simulation technology for power system and confirmed their accuracies by actual measurements. The responses to lightning currents invaded into the facilities were clarified by the measured and calculated results. These results can be fully utilized in the design, maintenance and analysis of electric railway systems. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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The role of female principals as transformational leaders to improve schools in the uMgungundlovu District, Kwazulu-NatalAlli, Zaheer 04 1900 (has links)
South African history clearly illuminates the idea that women are regarded as unequal when compared to their male counterparts. Hence, women in general have been marginalized, especially when it comes to advancing in the workplace. Women are often defined in relation to motherhood, caring for others and for providing the necessities for sustenance. Society today has not moved very far from this idea. This is the reason why women often suffer a disadvantage when it comes to being appointed in leadership positions in South African education, even though the legislation makes provision for gender balance in South African education. This study examined the role of female principals as transformational leaders to improve schools in the uMgungundlovu District, KwaZulu-Natal. A qualitative investigation at three schools in the uMgungundlovu District was conducted. Nine participants were selected and data was collected by means of in-depth interviews and document analysis was done as a method of data collection. The findings of the study revealed that female leaders are taking a stand in education and are successfully implementing strategies to improve their schools. The study recommends that future female leaders are empowered at the beginning of their careers and they should learn skills that empower them so there are no excuses for being side lined when it comes to leadership positions. / Nalane ea Afrika Boroa e hlakisa mohopolo oa hore basali ba nkoe ba sa lekane ha ba bapisoa le balekane ba bona ba banna. Kahoo, basali ka kakaretso ba bile e behelletsoe ka thoko, haholo-holo ha ho tluoa khatelo-peleng ea mosebetsi. Basali hangata e hlalositsoeng kamanong le bo-mme, ho tsotella ba bang le ho fana ka litlhoko tsa Lintho tsa ho iphelisa. Mokhatlo kajeno ha o falle hole le mohopolo ona. Lena ke lona lebaka basali hangata ba le mathata ha ho tluoa ho khethoa boeta-pele maemo mo thutong ya Aforika Borwa, leha molao o fana ka sebaka sa tekano ea bong lithutong tsa Afrika Boroa Thutong ena ho ile ha hlahlojoa karolo ea basali lihlooho tsa boetapele ba phetoho ho ntlafatsa likolo setereke sa Umgungundlovu, KwaZulu-Natal. Patlisiso e nang le bokhoni likolong tse tharo Seterekeng sa Umgungundlovu e ne e tsamaisoa. Lintlha li ile tsa bokelloa ka lipuisano tse tebileng le sampole ea barupeluoa ba robong le tlhahlobo ea litokomane e entsoe e le mokhoa oa ho bokella data. The liphumano tsa boithuto li senotse hore baetapele ba basali ba nka karolo lithutong mme ba sebelisa ka katleho maano a ho ntlafatsa likolo tsa bona. Boithuto bo khothalletsa hore baetapele ba basali ba kamoso ba matlafatsoa qalong ea mesebetsi ea bona le bona ba lokela ho ithuta malebela a ba matlafatsang kahoo ha ho na mabaka a hore ba beheletsoe ka thoko ha e tla maemong a boetapele. / Umlando waseNingizimu Afrika ukhanyisa kahle umbono wokuthi abesifazane babhekwa njengabalingani uma kuqhathaniswa nabalingani babo besilisa. Ngakho-ke, abesifazane bebonke bebelokhu ebekelwe eceleni, ikakhulukazi uma kukhulunywa ngentuthuko emsebenzini. Abesifazane bavame kuchazwa maqondana nokuba ngumama, ukunakekela abanye nokuhlinzeka ngezidingo zeukondla. Umphakathi namhlanje awusususanga kude kakhulu kulo mbono. Lesi isizathu sokuthi kungani abesifazane bavame ukuhlupheka lapho kukhulunywa ngokuqokwa ebuholini izikhundla emfundweni yaseNingizimu Afrika, yize umthetho ubeka umthetho ukulingana ngokobulili emfundweni yaseNingizimu Afrika Lolu cwaningo luhlolisise iqhaza lowesifazane othishanhloko njengabaholi bezinguquko ukwenza ngcono izikole esifundeni saseMgungundlovu, KwaZulu-Natali. Uphenyo olufanele ezikoleni ezintathu ezifunda eMgungundlovu District yaqhutshwa. Idatha iqoqwe ngokusebenzisa izingxoxo ezijulile ngesampula ye ababambiqhaza abayisishiyagalolunye kanye nokuhlaziywa kwedokhumenti kwenziwa njengendlela yokuqoqa idatha. The Imiphumela yocwaningo iveze ukuthi abaholi besifazane bayabamba iqhaza kwezemfundo ukusebenzisa amasu ngempumelelo ukwenza ngcono izikole zabo. Ucwaningo luyancoma ukuthi abaholi besifazane besikhathi esizayo banikezwa amandla ekuqaleni kwemisebenzi yabo futhi bona kumele afunde amakhono awanikayo amandla ngakho-ke akunazaba zokufakwa kolayini lapho iza ezikhundleni zobuholi. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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