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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of wastewater treatment plants in the Ba-Phalaborwa municipality / Q.N. Gopo

Gopo, Nothando Lilian Queen January 2013 (has links)
South Africa is a water-scarce country and over the years, the quality of water resources has deteriorated due to poor effluent discharge, agricultural, industrial, mining and human activities. The major contributing factors of poorly-treated or inadequately treated wastewater may be attributed to: (a) the poor design and construction of wastewater treatment plants; (b) lack of qualified process controllers; (c) non-compliance with applicable legislation; (d) lack of proper monitoring; and (e) management issues with regard to wastewater treatment plants. Water quality is important as many communities depend on water resources for their daily activities and livelihood. There is a need therefore to build and manage wastewater treatment plants effectively as they have an impact on water quality. Wastewater treatment plants in South Africa are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998, the National Water Act 36 of 1998, the Water Services Act 108 of 1997, Provincial legislation, Municipal by-laws and other Government policies applicable to Local Government. Chapter 7 of the Constitution inter alia, provides that Local Government has the duty to provide a safe and healthy environment to its community in a sustainable manner. Schedule 4B of the Constitution imposes the function of delivering water, sanitation and wastewater treatment services on Municipalities. This responsibility rests on District Municipalities but may be performed by a Local Municipality if the district municipality lacks the capacity to do so. Although Local Government has the right to govern on its own initiative the affairs of its communities, it needs support and monitoring from other spheres of Government (National and Provincial) to ensure the delivery of wastewater treatment services in a sustainable manner. In this study, Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality is used as an example of a Municipality in the Limpopo Province faced with challenges related to the operation and management of its wastewater treatment plant. This study aims to determine who should be responsible for the regulation of wastewater treatment plants in Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality area in order to ensure service delivery to communities in a sustainable manner. In order to deal with the challenges experienced by Local Government in dealing with wastewater treatment plants, the study considers Best Practice Guidelines and external service delivery mechanisms, specifically in the form of Public-Private Partnerships. The study concludes with recommendations based on Best Practice Guidelines which Municipalities can use to avoid wastewater pollution and proposes management mechanisms in managing a Public-Private Partnership effectively in order to ensure that they provide service delivery in a sustainable manner. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Le droit français de la commande publique à l'épreuve du contrat de partenariat : du partage des risques à la Réforme de l'Etat / The French law of public procurement put to the test of the PPP : from risk sharing to the reform of the State

Chamming's, Gaële 30 June 2011 (has links)
D’inspiration anglo-saxonne et plébiscités par la Commission européenne, les partenariatspublic-privé, s’ils semblaient exister en diverses formes de montages contractuels complexes,ont fait leur entrée remarquée dans le paysage des contrats administratifs français parl’ordonnance du 17 juin 2004 relative aux contrats de partenariat. Ceux-ci, ayant fait l’objet deplusieurs réformes en 2008 et en 2009, sont, tour à tour, loués, critiqués ou décriés en ce qu’ilsnourrissent ou affectent les mécanismes de droit commun de la commande publique en droitinterne tout en exploitant des interprétations ambiguës quant à leur capacité d’assurer desmissions de service public.Le caractère tant innovant du contrat de partenariat, par ses spécificités relatives au partagedes risques associé à des objectifs de performance, que dérogatoire par une possibilitéd’utilisation conditionnée, plusieurs fois réaffirmé par le Conseil constitutionnel, font de cenouveau mode contractuel un contrat public singulier.A défaut d’existence de toute définition juridique des partenariats public-privé, cette recherche apour objet d’une part, d’analyser en quoi le partage des risques, pilier de cette singularité, estun vecteur de développement du contrat de partenariat et d’autre part, à s’interroger en quoi cedernier est susceptible de constituer un outil de réforme de l’Etat en ses mécanismes decontractualisation. / Private public partnership has noticeably been introduced in the French public law ofgovernment contract by the Act of 17 June of 2004 relative to Partnership contract. Largelyinspired from the Anglo-Saxon system and approved unanimously by the EuropeanCommission, it is noteworthy that prior to the Act private public partnership techniques wereofficiously already in used through different type of complex contractual settings. Subject toseveral reforms in 2008 and 2009, they were successively praised and criticized. Indeed, PPPhas been decried as affecting the national public procurement law and particularly because itsimplementation has been facilitated by different ambiguous construction regarding its capacityto fulfill public service missions.PPP innovates both by its contractual specificity with regards to the sharing of risk arising duringthe performance of contractual obligations and by its derogatory character due to the rule, whichhas frequently been reaffirmed by the Constitutional Court, that the use of PPP is subject tostrict conditions. The two aforementioned distinguishing features made this new contractualengineering a particular public contract law.Notwithstanding the lack of any legal definition of PPP, this research aims firstly to ascertainhow risk sharing, which is the pillar of this instrument, is the driving force behind thedevelopment of partnership contract. This research also aims to determine how PPP, throughits contractual technicalities, can be a tool in the reform of the State.

Јавно-приватно партнерство у области јавне безбедности у развијеним земљама са посебним освртом на Републику Србију / Javno-privatno partnerstvo u oblasti javne bezbednosti u razvijenim zemljama sa posebnim osvrtom na Republiku Srbiju / Public-Private Partnership in the Field of Public Security in Developed Countries with Special Reference to the Republic of Serbia

Radivojević Nenad 11 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Држава данас није више једини пружалац услуга безбедности, те због тога све већу улогу и значај добија приватни сектор безбедности. До ове појаве су, пре свега, довели преоптерећеност националних буџета, као и одређене тешкоће са којима су се суочавали органи унутрашње безбедности, који су били неспремни да адекватно одговоре на неке нове и савремене безбедносне проблеме. То је, између осталог, довело и до тзв. појаве ,,приватизације&ldquo; послова безбедности, којима су се полако сужавали послови полиције, а паралелно са тим ширили послови али и одговорност приватног обезбеђења.</p><p>Дугу традицију модела односа у виду сарадње и партнерства између полиције и приватног обезбеђења налазимо пре свега у Сједињеним Америчким Државама, Канади и Великој Британији, али исто тако и у поједним земљама Европске уније. Потреба за успостављањем ближих веза и подизања сарадње на још виши ниво посебно је интензивирана након катастрофалних последица терористичког напада 11. септембра 2001. године у Сједињеним Америчким Државама. Тероризам, али и остали савремени безбедносни проблеми с краја 20. и почетка 21. века дале су додатни импулс даљем приближавању полиције и агенција за приватно обезбеђење.</p><p>Односи између полиције и приватног обезбеђења су нужно условљени њиховим статусом, улогом и функцијом. Заштита личне и имовинске безбедности грађана представља основ за заједничко деловање, а јавно-приватно партнерство парадигму којом би се капацитети оба сектора искористили на најбољи могући начин. Предуслов за заједничко деловање ће свакако бити правна регулатива и опште усвојени стандарди који ће уважити интересе оба сектора. Наведено ће представљати гарант квалитета услуга које пружају лиценциране агенције за приватно обезбеђење. Различите историјске, друштвене, политичке, економске, безбедносне и правне околности у одређеним државама условиле су различите моделе сарадње и партнерства полиције и приватног обезбеђења.</p><p>Оно што је заједничко свим државам јесте да се под јавно-приватним партнерством подразумева постојање кооперативног споразума између јавних (локалних, регионалних или државних) и приватних актера који се удружују (размена људских и материјалних ресурса) како би остварили заједничке интересе и циљеве, при чему постоји договорен степен равноправности актера и јасна расподела надлежности и одговорности. Схваћен на овај начин, модел партнерства представља и продубљенији вид сарадње између полиције и приватног обезбеђења који покушава да ,,помири&ldquo; стално присутне и спорадичне антагонистичке ставове који међу њима постоје.</p><p>Што се тиче стања односа полиције и приватног обезбеђења у Републици Србији, можемо рећи да упркос реформским променама у систему националне безбедности извршеним након 2000. године, још увек не можемо говорити о постојању партнерских односа. Томе у прилог говоре и даље присутни проблеми који отежавају остваривање јавно-приватног партнерства. Да би се партнерство остварило, приватно обезбеђење ће нужно морати да се интегрише у систем националне безбедности. То нажалост још увек није учињено. Само правно уређена, планска, организована и перманентна сарадња ова два сектора биће у функцији остваривања оптималног стања безбедности у друштву и држави.</p><p>Релативно скоро позитивноправно регулисање приватног обезбеђења требало је, између осталог, да омогући институционализацију и формализацију сарадње са полицијом. Постојећа ,,сарадња&ldquo; је и даље на изразито ниском нивоу и заступљена је највише у областима обезбеђивања јавних скупова и спортских приредби. Доношењем Закона о приватном обезбеђењу 2013. године, Закона о полицији 2016. године као и других системских закона који уређују области деловања полиције и приватно обезбеђења, нису створене претпоставке које би омогућиле даље приближавање два сектора, њихову сарадњу и на крају партнерство.</p><p>Рад је структурисан у шест целина. У оквиру прве три целине осврнули смо се на општетеоријска питања везанa за безбедност, националну безбедност, систем националне безбедности, јавну и приватну безбедност. У четвртом делу смо анализирила искуства појединих развијених земља у погледу модела партнерства, са циљем идентификовања позитивних и негативних аспеката тог односа. У петом делу смо се осврнули на историјски развој приватне безбедности у нашој земљи и њену повезаност са полицијом до данас. Такође, анализирали смо и постојећи позитивно правни оквир организације и деловања полиције и приватног обезбеђења као и јавно-приватно партнерства. Након тога смо, уважавајући искуства развијених земаља, идентификовали области сарадње у којим је могуће остварити партнерске односе полиције и приватног обезбеђења у Републици Србији. Такође, извршили смо класификацију облика сарадње, као и идентификовање проблема који отежавају сарадњу и партнерство.</p><p>Шести и последњи део рада је посвећен спроведеном емпиријском истраживању које је за циљ имало утврђивање актуелног стања у области приватног обезбеђења, у смислу ставова о њиховом односу са полицијом, односно утврђивање области сарадње и партнерства полиције и приватног обезбеђења, као и проблема који отежавају ту сарадњу. У циљу утврђивања личних ставова и мишљења службеника обезбеђења и одређених припадника полиције, примењене су две технике у оквиру метода испитивања &ndash; анкета и интервју. На крају, у закључку смо се посебно осврнули на кључне резулатате спроведеног истраживања.</p> / <p>Država danas nije više jedini pružalac usluga bezbednosti, te zbog toga sve veću ulogu i značaj dobija privatni sektor bezbednosti. Do ove pojave su, pre svega, doveli preopterećenost nacionalnih budžeta, kao i određene teškoće sa kojima su se suočavali organi unutrašnje bezbednosti, koji su bili nespremni da adekvatno odgovore na neke nove i savremene bezbednosne probleme. To je, između ostalog, dovelo i do tzv. pojave ,,privatizacije&ldquo; poslova bezbednosti, kojima su se polako sužavali poslovi policije, a paralelno sa tim širili poslovi ali i odgovornost privatnog obezbeđenja.</p><p>Dugu tradiciju modela odnosa u vidu saradnje i partnerstva između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja nalazimo pre svega u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Kanadi i Velikoj Britaniji, ali isto tako i u pojednim zemljama Evropske unije. Potreba za uspostavljanjem bližih veza i podizanja saradnje na još viši nivo posebno je intenzivirana nakon katastrofalnih posledica terorističkog napada 11. septembra 2001. godine u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Terorizam, ali i ostali savremeni bezbednosni problemi s kraja 20. i početka 21. veka dale su dodatni impuls daljem približavanju policije i agencija za privatno obezbeđenje.</p><p>Odnosi između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja su nužno uslovljeni njihovim statusom, ulogom i funkcijom. Zaštita lične i imovinske bezbednosti građana predstavlja osnov za zajedničko delovanje, a javno-privatno partnerstvo paradigmu kojom bi se kapaciteti oba sektora iskoristili na najbolji mogući način. Preduslov za zajedničko delovanje će svakako biti pravna regulativa i opšte usvojeni standardi koji će uvažiti interese oba sektora. Navedeno će predstavljati garant kvaliteta usluga koje pružaju licencirane agencije za privatno obezbeđenje. Različite istorijske, društvene, političke, ekonomske, bezbednosne i pravne okolnosti u određenim državama uslovile su različite modele saradnje i partnerstva policije i privatnog obezbeđenja.</p><p>Ono što je zajedničko svim državam jeste da se pod javno-privatnim partnerstvom podrazumeva postojanje kooperativnog sporazuma između javnih (lokalnih, regionalnih ili državnih) i privatnih aktera koji se udružuju (razmena ljudskih i materijalnih resursa) kako bi ostvarili zajedničke interese i ciljeve, pri čemu postoji dogovoren stepen ravnopravnosti aktera i jasna raspodela nadležnosti i odgovornosti. Shvaćen na ovaj način, model partnerstva predstavlja i produbljeniji vid saradnje između policije i privatnog obezbeđenja koji pokušava da ,,pomiri&ldquo; stalno prisutne i sporadične antagonističke stavove koji među njima postoje.</p><p>Što se tiče stanja odnosa policije i privatnog obezbeđenja u Republici Srbiji, možemo reći da uprkos reformskim promenama u sistemu nacionalne bezbednosti izvršenim nakon 2000. godine, još uvek ne možemo govoriti o postojanju partnerskih odnosa. Tome u prilog govore i dalje prisutni problemi koji otežavaju ostvarivanje javno-privatnog partnerstva. Da bi se partnerstvo ostvarilo, privatno obezbeđenje će nužno morati da se integriše u sistem nacionalne bezbednosti. To nažalost još uvek nije učinjeno. Samo pravno uređena, planska, organizovana i permanentna saradnja ova dva sektora biće u funkciji ostvarivanja optimalnog stanja bezbednosti u društvu i državi.</p><p>Relativno skoro pozitivnopravno regulisanje privatnog obezbeđenja trebalo je, između ostalog, da omogući institucionalizaciju i formalizaciju saradnje sa policijom. Postojeća ,,saradnja&ldquo; je i dalje na izrazito niskom nivou i zastupljena je najviše u oblastima obezbeđivanja javnih skupova i sportskih priredbi. Donošenjem Zakona o privatnom obezbeđenju 2013. godine, Zakona o policiji 2016. godine kao i drugih sistemskih zakona koji uređuju oblasti delovanja policije i privatno obezbeđenja, nisu stvorene pretpostavke koje bi omogućile dalje približavanje dva sektora, njihovu saradnju i na kraju partnerstvo.</p><p>Rad je strukturisan u šest celina. U okviru prve tri celine osvrnuli smo se na opšteteorijska pitanja vezana za bezbednost, nacionalnu bezbednost, sistem nacionalne bezbednosti, javnu i privatnu bezbednost. U četvrtom delu smo analizirila iskustva pojedinih razvijenih zemlja u pogledu modela partnerstva, sa ciljem identifikovanja pozitivnih i negativnih aspekata tog odnosa. U petom delu smo se osvrnuli na istorijski razvoj privatne bezbednosti u našoj zemlji i njenu povezanost sa policijom do danas. Takođe, analizirali smo i postojeći pozitivno pravni okvir organizacije i delovanja policije i privatnog obezbeđenja kao i javno-privatno partnerstva. Nakon toga smo, uvažavajući iskustva razvijenih zemalja, identifikovali oblasti saradnje u kojim je moguće ostvariti partnerske odnose policije i privatnog obezbeđenja u Republici Srbiji. Takođe, izvršili smo klasifikaciju oblika saradnje, kao i identifikovanje problema koji otežavaju saradnju i partnerstvo.</p><p>Šesti i poslednji deo rada je posvećen sprovedenom empirijskom istraživanju koje je za cilj imalo utvrđivanje aktuelnog stanja u oblasti privatnog obezbeđenja, u smislu stavova o njihovom odnosu sa policijom, odnosno utvrđivanje oblasti saradnje i partnerstva policije i privatnog obezbeđenja, kao i problema koji otežavaju tu saradnju. U cilju utvrđivanja ličnih stavova i mišljenja službenika obezbeđenja i određenih pripadnika policije, primenjene su dve tehnike u okviru metoda ispitivanja &ndash; anketa i intervju. Na kraju, u zaključku smo se posebno osvrnuli na ključne rezulatate sprovedenog istraživanja.</p> / <p>The state is no longer the only provider of security services, and because of this, the private security sector is gaining an increasing role and importance. This phenomenon, above all, is led by the overload of national budgets, as well as certain difficulties faced by internal security authorities, who were unwilling to adequately respond to some new and contemporary security issues. This, among other things, has led to the so-called occurrence of &quot;privatization&quot; of security operations, which were slowly narrowing down the work of the police, and in parallel, expanded the tasks as well as the responsibilities of the private security sector.<br />A long tradition of modeling relationships in the form of cooperation and partnership between the police and private security sector is found primarily in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, but also in some European Union countries. The need for establishing closer ties and raising the cooperation to an even higher level was particularly intensified following the catastrophic consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States. Terrorism, as well as other contemporary security problems at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, gave further impetus to further relationships between the police and private security agencies.<br />Relations between police and the private security sector are necessarily conditioned by their status, role and function. The protection of personal and property safety of citizens is the basis for joint action, and public-private partnership is a paradigm that would use the capacities of both sectors in the best possible way. The precondition for joint action will certainly be legal regulations and generally adopted standards that will respect the interests of both sectors. The above will be a guarantee of the quality of services provided by licensed private security agencies. The different historical, social, political, economic, security and legal circumstances in certain countries have led to different models of cooperation and partnership between the police and private security sector.<br />What is common to all countries is that, under a public-private partnership, it implies the existence of a cooperative agreement between public (local, regional or state) and private actors joining (exchange of human and material resources) in order to achieve common interests and goals, where there is an agreed level of equality of actors and a clear distribution of competencies and responsibilities. Taken in this way, the model of partnership is a more comprehensive form of cooperation between the police and private security, which seeks to &quot;calm&quot; the constantly present and sporadic antagonistic attitudes that exist among them.<br />Regarding the state of relations between the police and private security in the Republic of Serbia, we can say that despite the reform changes in the national security system after 2000, we cannot yet talk about the existence of partnership relations. The problems that make public-private partnerships difficult are still present. In order to achieve partnership, private security will necessarily have to be integrated into the national security system. Unfortunately, this has not yet been done. Only legally regulated, planned, organized and permanent cooperation between these two sectors will be in the function of achieving an optimal state of security in society and the state.<br />Relatively near-positive regulation of private security should, among other things, enable the institutionalization and formalization of the cooperation with the police. Existing &quot;cooperation&quot; is still at a very low level and is most represented in the areas of securing public events and sports events. With the adoption of the Law on Private Security in 2013, the Law on Police in 2016, as well as other systemic laws regulating the fields of police and private security, no preconditions were established that would allow for further approximation of the two sectors, their cooperation and ultimately partnership.<br />The work is structured into six partitions. Within the first three, we looked at general-level issues related to security, national security, the national security system, public and private security. In the fourth part, we analyzed the experiences of some developed countries regarding the partnership model, with the aim of identifying the positive and negative aspects of this relationship. In the fifth part, we looked at the historical development of private security in our country and its connection with the police to this day. We also analyzed the existing positive legal framework for organization and operation of the police and the private security sector as well as public-private partnerships. After that, taking into account the experiences of the developed countries, we identified the areas of cooperation in which it is possible to achieve partnership relations between the police and the private security sector in the Republic of Serbia. We also performed a classification of forms of cooperation, as well as identification of problems that make cooperation and partnership difficult.<br />The sixth and final part of the paper is dedicated to the conducted empirical research aimed at determining the current situation in the field of private security, in terms of attitudes about their relationship with the police, that is, determining the field of cooperation and partnership</p>

Fatores críticos sobre manifestações de interesse em Parcerias Público-Privadas e as propriedades da visão do produto / Critical success factors of unsolicited proposal in Public-Private Partnerships and product vision properties

Caproni, Tiago Vieira 08 March 2018 (has links)
Os Procedimentos de Manifestação de Interesse (PMI) e Propostas Não Solicitadas (PNS) são mecanismos para a viabilização de projetos de Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP/PFIs). Contudo, a ausência de critérios claros para avaliação e priorização de parceiros, de forma transparente e técnica, leva à seleção adversa de propostas, contribuindo para o insucesso dos projetos. O principal instrumento utilizado na avaliação PPP/PFIs é uma análise quantitativa baseada no Value For Money (VfM). O propósito deste trabalho foi investigar os problemas relacionados com os processos de avaliação das propostas dos PMI submetidas aos órgãos demandantes dos serviços. Iniciou-se com a análise do Fatores Críticos para o Sucesso (FCSs) das PPP/PFIs, dos PMI e PNS, identificadas na literatura. Os Fatores Críticos foram apresentados a um conjunto de 78 especialistas que responderam também sobre a processo de análise das propostas. No questionário os autores foram confrontados também com as propriedades da visão. O resultado indica que a análise com o VfM seria incompleta e insuficiente para capturar a complexidade do escopo destes projetos. A pesquisa possibilitou ainda organizar os fatores críticos em 7 dimensões a serem consideradas na avaliação destes projetos. Essas dimensões podem ser utilizadas para a criação de instrumentos de avaliação e um exemplo foi proposto, um indicador nomeado de índice \"T\", avaliado por um grupo de 12 especialistas em projetos de PPP/PFIs. A pesquisa contribui, portanto, para apoiar a criação de instrumentos de avaliação de PPP/PFIs que considerem uma análise mais ampla, considerando aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos. / Unsolicited Proposals (UNPs) are one of the main mechanisms for verifying the feasibility of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP/PFIs/PFIs) projects. However, the lack of clear criteria to evaluate and to prioritize the partner, in a transparent and technical way, has led to adverse selection of proposals increasing the level of failure of these projects. The main instrument used in the PPP/PFIs evaluation is a quantitative analysis based on Value for Money. The purpose of this research was to investigate the problems related with the processes of evaluation of the Unsolicited Proposals (UNPs) that are submitted to the respective government offices. The study compiles the analysis of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Public-Private Partnerships (PPP/PFI) and the Unsolicited Proposals (UNPs), identified in the literature, and synthetized by the evaluation of a group of 78 specialists, resulting in the organization of 7 (seven) dimensions to be considered in the evaluation of these projects. This study also demonstrated that, according to these experts, the analysis with VfM would be incomplete and insufficient to capture the complexity of the scope of these projects. As an alternative a set of 7 (seven) indicators where created related to each dimension and a general index that synthetize the performance in the dimensions, considering qualitative and quantitative aspects. The index was labeled as \"T\" index and evaluated by a group of 12 (twelve) experts on PPP/PFI projects. The results from the analyses indicate that the index allows a linear comparative analysis between the proposals received by the public entity requesting the Public- Private Partnership (PPP/PFI) services. The model of indicators decreases the subjectivity of the choices made by public managers, resulting in greater transparency for the process of proposal qualification and security to the market.

A prestação  privada de serviços públicos no Brasil / The public services provided by the private sector in Brazil

Marques, Fabio Ferraz 15 May 2009 (has links)
A prestação privada de serviços públicos constitui atividade essencial do Estado contemporâneo. O objeto deste trabalho é o exame das formas de prestação privada de serviços públicos no Brasil. De início, analisa como pressuposto para o desenvolvimento do tema central a atividade administrativa estatal prestada nos três níveis da Federação (União, Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios), na qual se insere a atividade administrativa material de prestação de serviço público. A seguir, analisa a evolução e as motivações da passagem da execução do serviço público, de início apenas feita pelo próprio Poder Público, para os particulares. O exame dos fundamentos constitucionais do serviço público, plantados na Constituição de 1988, aplicáveis aos três níveis de poder federativo e o estudo das formas de delegação de serviço público aos particulares previstas nos artigos 175, 223 e nos incisos XI e XII do artigo 21 da Constituição Federal completam a análise. O tema central do estudo é tratado em seguida, que cuida especificamente das formas de serviço público que permitem sua prestação por particulares e que são admitidas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Demonstrado que a delegação de serviços públicos para a iniciativa privada, consoante determina a Constituição de 1988, se realiza sob três formas, a concessão, a permissão e a autorização, o trabalho se debruça inicialmente no exame da concessão de serviços públicos rotulada de tradicional. Por se tratar da primeira das fórmulas de execução privada de serviços públicos, detém-se o texto no estudo dos vários aspectos que envolvem essa modalidade de prestação de serviços públicos, aspectos que vão servir de parâmetro para a análise das demais espécies de delegação de serviços públicos aos particulares. Assim, após um breve histórico dos antecedentes da concessão de serviços públicos, examina, além de outros pontos, o significado da expressão e sua natureza jurídica, a exigibilidade de licitação e as formas de extinção da relação decorrente da concessão. As características da concessão são desenvolvidas sob a ótica tríplice do que se denomina de \"participantes\" ou \"atores\" na relação de concessão: a Administração Pública, o concessionário e o usuário e, a partir delas, busca extrair uma conceituação da concessão de serviços públicos adequada aos objetivos do trabalho. Nesse tópico, ponto relevante do tema é o que diz respeito ao exame das espécies de concessão admitidas pela doutrina e pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: a concessão patrocinada, ou as parcerias público-privadas e a concessão administrativa, os consórcios público-privados e a franquia. As outras modalidades constitucionais de delegação de serviços públicos, a permissão e a autorização, constituem tema de estudo dos tópicos seguintes. Considera na análise dessas modalidades, particularmente no que diz respeito à autorização, a problemática apontada pela doutrina contemporânea quanto à sua inserção, dentre as formas de delegação de serviços públicos e a sua efetiva aplicabilidade na estrutura administrativa dos três níveis da Federação brasileira. / Providing public services is an essential duty of the modern state. The purpose of this study is to analyse the manners in which the private sector in Brazil provide public services. First it analyses as a precondition to develop the central theme, the state\'s administrative activities throughout Brazil\'s three constitutional levels (the union, states, federal district and the cities) in which the public services are provided. Then it analyses how public services have developed since they were first offered by the State, to their transformation in being offered by the private sector. There then follows a study of artides 175, 223 and 21(XI) and (XII) of Brazil\'s Constitution of 1988, which provide the grounds for the offering of public services throughout the levels of the federation. It closes with a study of how public services are delegated to the private sector. After it analyses the central theme of this study; the different types of public services that Brazilian law states may be delegated to the private sector. The study explains that under the 1988 Constitution, public services may be delegated to the private sector using three different forms: concessions; permissions, and authorisations. The text first examines the traditional method of delegating public service: the granting of concessions. The study then analyses the different forms of concession, which will act as a parameter for the other types of delegation. After a brief history of public service concessions, the study examines the legal meaning of \"concession\" under Brazilian law, the need for a public tender and how concessions are terminated. The characteristics of the concession are developed using three perspectives from what are called \"participants\" or \"actors\" in the concession relationship: the government, the concessionaire and the user of the services. The study then attempts to define a concept of a public services concession that ties in with the purposes of this study. In this context, the study then considers legal scholarship and the Brazilian legal system: sponsored concessions, or the public-private partnership (PPPs) the administrative concessions, the public-private joint venture and franchises. The study progresses to an analysis of the other types of delegated public services - the permissions and authorisations. In analysing these types of delegation - and especially the authorisation - the problem arising from modern legal scholarship is considered in the context of its relation with the other types of delegations of public services, and how it actually applies throughout the three constitutional levels.

Composição ao exorbitante: estudo da comunidade virtual As coisas boas da/para a minha terra do portal EducaRede

Alves, Aglaé Cecilia Toledo Porto 30 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:17:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aglae Cecilia Toledo Porto Alves.pdf: 2330664 bytes, checksum: 12b60889f8e7950ad177e663aba147ea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-30 / The aim of this thesis is to find out whether it is possible to undertake an innovative pedagogical project in the state public schools of São Paulo by putting the local culture in the global limelight by means of the educational portal ¨Educarede¨, particularly, in the virtual community called The benefits for and from my land¨. By adopting a new perspective, four categories can be defined that comprise the focal point of this study: the State, local and global culture, the school community and the group environments. The contemporary state is pervaded with a degree of complexity and fragility that has allowed anew kind of organisation to emerge. This is reflected in the public/private partnerships which currently influence the spheres that have traditionally been regarded as lying within the sole competence of the public sectors, or rather the State. The local and global cultures have merged into a new hybrid form in response to the economic, social and political model through which its influence is felt. This has given rise to the birth of a wide range of existing forms which are closely interlinked with each other, as well as with other forms, apparent realities and the technological apparatus produced by humans themselves, (which has ushered in cyber culture). This study examines the benefits derived by the school community from being responsible for planning, carrying out and evaluating its own projects. This means that it is the school itself that must be shaped to become the place where ¨extraordinary¨ events can take place, as well as a privileged space which is able to arouse a process of reflection and broaden one s awareness of the world. The possibility of forming virtual group environments is referred to as a way of allowing the spread, production and reproduction of cultural expression to occur in the most diverse languages. This increases the strength of the will to exist and brings about a sense of belonging and having group responsibilities in shared space. Finally, the envisaged project allows others to have the chance to experience the growing fascination of finding cracks in the ¨ordinary¨ while sensing the emergence of the ¨extraordinary¨ and thus enable one to enter a new world: from its constitution to an exceptional state / A presente tese tem por objetivo verificar se, ao se propiciar visibilidade global à cultura local, ao que é considerado genuíno nos inúmeros municípios do estado de São Paulo, por meio do portal educativo EducaRede, particularmente na comunidade virtual As coisas boas da/para a minha terra , desencadeia-se um fazer pedagógico inovador nas escolas públicas estaduais paulistas. A partir de um olhar diferenciado, definem-se quatro categorias que serão o foco deste estudo: o Estado, a cultura local e global, a comunidade escolar e os ambientes colaborativos. O Estado contemporâneo se imbuiu de um nível de complexidade e fragilidade que propiciou o surgimento de uma nova organização que se reflete nas parcerias público-privadas que influenciam, na atualidade, esferas tradicionalmente consideradas de competência exclusiva do setor público, ou seja, do Estado. As culturas local e global se hibridizaram de forma peculiar, em atendimento ao modelo econômico, social e político que se impôs, fomentando o nascedouro da diversidade de formas de existir, de se relacionar consigo, com o outro, com as supostas realidades e com o aparato tecnológico criado pelo próprio humano, inaugurando a cibercultura. O trabalho discute os benefícios obtidos pela comunidade escolar ao se responsabilizar pela elaboração, execução e avaliação de seus próprios projetos, passando a escola a se configurar como local de manifestação do extraordinário, como um espaço privilegiado capaz de desencadear processos reflexivos e de ampliação da percepção do mundo. Aponta para a possibilidade de os ambientes colaborativos virtuais potencializarem a divulgação, a produção e a reprodução das manifestações culturais nas mais diversas linguagens, aumentando a potência da vontade de existir, a gerar um sentimento de pertencimento e de corresponsabilidade pelo espaço partilhado. Enfim, o projeto visa propiciar ao outro a oportunidade de vivenciar o deslumbramento advindo de fraturas no ordinário, suscitar o surgimento do extraordinário e instigar o ingresso a um novo mundo: à composição ao exorbitante

Le financement du service public / Financing public services

Bahougne, Louis 30 June 2014 (has links)
Au-delà des simples données chiffrées, l'étude du financement du service public intègre une double perspective. D'un côté, l'idéologie et le droit du service public ont eu un effet structurant sur son organisation financière. De l'autre, et par une sorte de choc en retour, les nécessités d'un financement adéquat du service public ont redessiné certains des principes de l'organisation administrative. L'analyse se concentre ainsi sur le processus de fertilisation croisée entre le droit du service public et les finances publiques. Reste que cette étude est potentiellement perturbée par un principe de séparation de la légalité administrative ordinaire et de la légalité budgétaire. Le constat peut toutefois être dépassé en considérant que le financement n'est pas qu'une donnée budgétaire, mais aussi un fait économique. À ce titre, sa prise en compte a été accentuée par l'augmentation de la pénétration de l'analyse et des théories économiques en droit des services publics. L'étude se propose ainsi d'appréhender dans quelle mesure ces règles se sont adaptées aux besoins de financement du service public. / Beyond financials datas, the study of public services financing deploys two different dimensions. On one hand, the public services ideology and law have framed its financial organization. On the other hand, by a sort of return shock, financial liabilities have redesigned such well established principles of public services. So, analysis leads to focus on interrelations between public finance and public services law. Moreover, the study could be disturbed by the assumption of administrative and budgetary law separation. This affirmation could be outpassed if it's considered that funding operations are economical facts. By the way, the growing influence of finance inclusion on public service law has been highlited by penetration of economic theory in law. The study put forward to admit the adaptation ability of adminstrative law to attract private investors from contracts law to public property law.

Projeto urbano como instrumento de desenvolvimento local: seis estudos de caso em análise / Urban project as an instrument for local development: analysis of six case studies

Pugliese, Livia Louzada de Toledo 16 February 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho busca refletir sobre as aproximações e afastamentos entre as políticas que se utilizam de projetos urbanos e as de desenvolvimento local. Para isto debate os conceitos de desenvolvimento local extraindo seus elementos definidores para serem utilizados como categorias de análise dos estudos de caso selecionados. O conceito de projeto urbano também foi objeto de discussão, destacando sua faceta de instrumento de gestão e o princípio de apoiar o desenvolvimento de segmentos da cidade de modo amplo, promovendo melhorias físicas, econômicas e sociais. Foram selecionados seis estudos de caso, bastante diversos entre si, com o propósito de discutir a amplitude da prática dos projetos urbanos, suas aderências ou não com o desenvolvimento local e as contradições entre a teoria e a prática. Foram selecionados o Puerto Madero e o Distrito de Design em Buenos Aires, na Argentina; o Complexo Estação das Docas e o Complexo Ver-o-Peso em Belém, capital do Pará; o projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy em Santo André-SP; e o projeto Centro Vivo em São José dos Campos-SP. Este último possibilitou a reflexão sobre a prática da intervenção urbana, uma vez que a autora participou de sua elaboração, enquanto os demais propiciaram uma reflexão a partir da análise feita por outros autores sobre os projetos. Ao final do estudo é possível esboçar a ideia de que o projeto urbano, dependendo das características que assume, pode ser um exemplo territorializado de desenvolvimento local. / This work aims for a reflection about the correspondences and dissimilarities between the policies that utilize urban projects and those of local development. In order to do that, it debates the local development concepts and extracts its key defining elements so these can serve as categories of analysis for selected case studies. The concept of urban project is also an object of discussion, specially its role as a management means to support the development of segment of a city in an ample way, thus promoting spatial, economical and social improvements. Six diverse case studies were selected with the goal of discussing the amplitude of the practice of urban projects, its similarities or not with local development and the contradictions between theory and practice. The selected case studies were Puerto Madero and the Distrito de Design in Buenos Aires, Argentina; the Complexo Estação das Docas and the Complexo Ver-o-Peso in Belém, capital of Pará (a state in Brazil); the project Eixo Tamanduatehy in Santo André, a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil; the project Centro Vivo in São José dos Campos also a city in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The latter case allowed a reflection about the practice of urban intervention from the perspective of the author who participated in its elaboration. The other five case studies supported a reflection based on the analyses performed by other authors. At the end of this study, it is possible to outline the idea that the urban project, depending on the characteristics that it assumes, can be a territorialized example of local development.

The Public-Private Partnership in the infrastructure of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic / The Public-Private Partnership in the infrastructure of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic

Procházková, Alena January 2010 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, half of the infrastructure network is still missing. Moreover, in the past, Dutch and Czech road infrastructure projects have been delivered over-budget and rarely on schedule. Despite a weak fiscal position in the Czech Republic there is still a need for infrastructure investments. Solution for mentioned issues can become the realization of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects. The features (for instance the payment mechanism) of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects not only make these investments possible but also solve other problems mentioned. Both the Netherlands (NL) and the Czech Republic (CR) have already established an environment enabling PPP implementation (e.g. established PPP Units, methodologies, dealing with legislation); But despite many PPP projects being carried out on the municipality level, there is not even one PPP project being implemented on the national level in the CR. This is in contrast to the NL, where there is already a developed PPP market, and there is investment in several new national projects every year. How can the CR improve its PPP implementation policy? The answer to this question provides the final recommendations based on the Dutch PPP practice within this Master's thesis. Learning from mistakes of the other countries, in this case it is the Netherlands, may provide for higher effectiveness in the PPP implementation and in the faster adaptation or improvement of the current partnerships. To elaborate the thesis it has been used interviews, questionnaire and several primary and secondary sources, that have been available in czech, dutch and english languages. The main contributors to the development of this thesis have been the experts from the Dutch PPP Unit at Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and the experts from the UNECE, who commented on the results and enabled application of the UN National PPP Readiness Self-Assessment tool to enhance the quality of the thesis. Other contributors are experts from PPP Centre at Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, PPP Association, Czech Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Finance. The tools, recommendations, as well as the PPP maturity Pyramid occurring within the Master's thesis can be applied not only for the further development of the PPP implementation in the Czech Republic, but also in other Eastern European countries. General recommendations arose by comparing practices of both the CR and the NL with respect to the UNECE's criteria. The all recommendations have been shown for clarity in terms of political, practical and procurement level. This comparison has practically enabled to point out the strengths and weaknesses of PPP projects in the CR and NL. Dutch experience has served as a source of considerable information that can make the practical implementation of Czech PPP projects much easier. As a part of the final conclusions of the thesis can be considered a PPP Maturity Pyramid, which schematically describes the current position of both countries due to the successful use of PPP projects. Basically, both countries have already passed "Bad" experience with PPP projects, have produced suitable environment and conditions for their use, but the next step is very important for the successful implementation of PPP projects in the CR. Based on the political support (considered as an essential factor), it is necessary to learn from the past mistakes and start with the practical realization of simple projects (from the beginning) that can be the basis for a standardization and a practical application of PPP projects in the future.

A prestação  privada de serviços públicos no Brasil / The public services provided by the private sector in Brazil

Fabio Ferraz Marques 15 May 2009 (has links)
A prestação privada de serviços públicos constitui atividade essencial do Estado contemporâneo. O objeto deste trabalho é o exame das formas de prestação privada de serviços públicos no Brasil. De início, analisa como pressuposto para o desenvolvimento do tema central a atividade administrativa estatal prestada nos três níveis da Federação (União, Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios), na qual se insere a atividade administrativa material de prestação de serviço público. A seguir, analisa a evolução e as motivações da passagem da execução do serviço público, de início apenas feita pelo próprio Poder Público, para os particulares. O exame dos fundamentos constitucionais do serviço público, plantados na Constituição de 1988, aplicáveis aos três níveis de poder federativo e o estudo das formas de delegação de serviço público aos particulares previstas nos artigos 175, 223 e nos incisos XI e XII do artigo 21 da Constituição Federal completam a análise. O tema central do estudo é tratado em seguida, que cuida especificamente das formas de serviço público que permitem sua prestação por particulares e que são admitidas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Demonstrado que a delegação de serviços públicos para a iniciativa privada, consoante determina a Constituição de 1988, se realiza sob três formas, a concessão, a permissão e a autorização, o trabalho se debruça inicialmente no exame da concessão de serviços públicos rotulada de tradicional. Por se tratar da primeira das fórmulas de execução privada de serviços públicos, detém-se o texto no estudo dos vários aspectos que envolvem essa modalidade de prestação de serviços públicos, aspectos que vão servir de parâmetro para a análise das demais espécies de delegação de serviços públicos aos particulares. Assim, após um breve histórico dos antecedentes da concessão de serviços públicos, examina, além de outros pontos, o significado da expressão e sua natureza jurídica, a exigibilidade de licitação e as formas de extinção da relação decorrente da concessão. As características da concessão são desenvolvidas sob a ótica tríplice do que se denomina de \"participantes\" ou \"atores\" na relação de concessão: a Administração Pública, o concessionário e o usuário e, a partir delas, busca extrair uma conceituação da concessão de serviços públicos adequada aos objetivos do trabalho. Nesse tópico, ponto relevante do tema é o que diz respeito ao exame das espécies de concessão admitidas pela doutrina e pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: a concessão patrocinada, ou as parcerias público-privadas e a concessão administrativa, os consórcios público-privados e a franquia. As outras modalidades constitucionais de delegação de serviços públicos, a permissão e a autorização, constituem tema de estudo dos tópicos seguintes. Considera na análise dessas modalidades, particularmente no que diz respeito à autorização, a problemática apontada pela doutrina contemporânea quanto à sua inserção, dentre as formas de delegação de serviços públicos e a sua efetiva aplicabilidade na estrutura administrativa dos três níveis da Federação brasileira. / Providing public services is an essential duty of the modern state. The purpose of this study is to analyse the manners in which the private sector in Brazil provide public services. First it analyses as a precondition to develop the central theme, the state\'s administrative activities throughout Brazil\'s three constitutional levels (the union, states, federal district and the cities) in which the public services are provided. Then it analyses how public services have developed since they were first offered by the State, to their transformation in being offered by the private sector. There then follows a study of artides 175, 223 and 21(XI) and (XII) of Brazil\'s Constitution of 1988, which provide the grounds for the offering of public services throughout the levels of the federation. It closes with a study of how public services are delegated to the private sector. After it analyses the central theme of this study; the different types of public services that Brazilian law states may be delegated to the private sector. The study explains that under the 1988 Constitution, public services may be delegated to the private sector using three different forms: concessions; permissions, and authorisations. The text first examines the traditional method of delegating public service: the granting of concessions. The study then analyses the different forms of concession, which will act as a parameter for the other types of delegation. After a brief history of public service concessions, the study examines the legal meaning of \"concession\" under Brazilian law, the need for a public tender and how concessions are terminated. The characteristics of the concession are developed using three perspectives from what are called \"participants\" or \"actors\" in the concession relationship: the government, the concessionaire and the user of the services. The study then attempts to define a concept of a public services concession that ties in with the purposes of this study. In this context, the study then considers legal scholarship and the Brazilian legal system: sponsored concessions, or the public-private partnership (PPPs) the administrative concessions, the public-private joint venture and franchises. The study progresses to an analysis of the other types of delegated public services - the permissions and authorisations. In analysing these types of delegation - and especially the authorisation - the problem arising from modern legal scholarship is considered in the context of its relation with the other types of delegations of public services, and how it actually applies throughout the three constitutional levels.

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