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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quels modèles de gouvernance des Partenariats Public-Privé dans l'UEMOA? Cas du Bénin et de la Côte d'Ivoire / What governance models for Public-Private Partnerships in WAEMU? Case of Benin & Ivory Coast

Aliha, Géoffroy Théodore 22 November 2017 (has links)
Les pays de l’UEMOA ont recours depuis quelques années aux Partenariats Public-Privé (PPP) pour faire face à une demande en infrastructures publiques loin d’être satisfaite par le seul budget de l’Etat. Au-delà des difficultés financières, il s’avère difficile de construire des modèles de gouvernance durables et socialement acceptables pour conduire ces processus. Ainsi notre problématique concerne l’indentification des modèles adéquats de gouvernance des PPP dans le contexte des pays de l’UEMOA. Le cadre théorique mobilisé à cet effet s’inspire de la théorie des coûts de transaction, de la théorie de l’agence, du nouveau management public et des contributions récentes à l’analyse des modèles de gouvernance de PPP. Ainsi, une grille d’analyse des données empiriques composée de quatre macro-dimensions (exogène, organisationnelle, projet et qualité du service) est déduite. Dans une posture du constructiviste pragmatique, une méthodologie qualitative basée sur deux études de cas a été privilégiée. La collecte des données, effectuée en deux phases séparées d’un an, a permis l’analyse de régularités. 42 entretiens semi-directifs, auprès des acteurs impliqués dans deux processus PPP, ont été réalisés. Il s’agit du Programme de Vérification des Importations- Nouvelle Génération (PVI-NG) au Bénin et du pont Henri Konan Bédié d’Abidjan en Côte D’Ivoire. Le traitement et l’analyse des données sont effectués à l’aide du logiciel N’vivo. Certes, l’analyse des résultats a permis d’identifier trois modèles (coercitif, normatif/mimétique et participatif) de gouvernance de PPP ; mais dans la pratique, c’est à une combinaison, des trois modèles, dosée selon le PPP qu’on assiste. Un système propositionnel de 28 principes relatifs aux trois modèles est déduit pour améliorer le management des processus PPP. / Recently, WAEMU countries have been using PPPs to meet the demand for public infrastructure which is far from being met by the state budget alone. Added to financial difficulties, difficulties in building sustainable and socially acceptable governance models for these public projects are faced. Thus, our problem concerns the identification of adequate models of PPP governance in WAEMU context. The theoretical framework mobilized for this purpose is based on the theory of transaction costs, agency theory, new public management and recent contributions to the analysis of PPP governance models. Thus, an empirical data analysis grid composed of four macro-dimensions (exogenous, organizational, project and quality of service) is deduced. In a pragmatic constructivist posture, a qualitative methodology based on two case studies was favored. The data collection, carried out in two separate phases of one year, allowed the analysis of patterns. 42 semi-directive interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in two PPP processes. These are the New Generation-Import Verification Program (PVI-NG) in Benin and the Henri Konan Bédié Bridge in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Data processing and analysis is carried out using the N'vivo software. The results highlight three PPP governance models: coercive, normative / mimetic and participatory; but in practice, it is a combination of the three models, assayed according to the PPP. A propositional system of 28 principles relating to the three models is deduced to improve the PPP processes management.

Web-based social media and museums in South Africa

Schneigansz, Elize January 2014 (has links)
This study set out to establish an informed framework for the use of social network services in South African museums. Social network services are utilised by a wide demographic spectrum so they offer a cost-effective way to engage with communities and with existing and new stakeholders. The Standard of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice on Heritage Assets, or GRAP 103, and the draft National Policy on Digitisation of Heritage Resources imply that museum collections get documented and managed in digital form. It will coincidentally also enable museums to embrace the use of social network services and share the collections in their custody with many South Africans who are yet to experience the value of museums in the country. Museums are institutions in the service of society which acquires, conserves and communicates the tangible and intangible heritage of people and their environment. During the twentieth century museums have had to reinvent themselves from being unapproachable custodians of heritage to being part of society, willing to engage in discourses and be transformed to remain relevant to the communities they serve. The 2011 Census has found that about 18.2 million of 51.7 million South Africans have had access to the Internet before. Active Internet users however, are about half that figure because it is expensive, the broadband and telecommunications network is not efficient or because people have not yet experienced the value it offers. Government regulations compel Information and Communication Technology (ICT) enterprises to spend 1.5% net profit after tax on socio economic development initiatives. This presents an opportunity for museums as educational institutions to engage with such enterprises to expand Internet access and engage with local communities. The social network service field offers various ways to communicate collections and engage with communities through text, photographs, video and location-based technologies. Various notable local and international initiatives were discussed in this study. For example the Kulturpool which allows visitors to create cyber collections from digitised museum objects and contribute to the knowledge of such objects by allowing them to submit and share information for others to read. SAHRIS, the digital database offered by the South African Heritage Resources Agency, holds the key to similar ventures that museums could pursue. The regulative framework involves privacy, copyright and ethical issues which museums should abide by. Because of the pervasiveness of ICTs museums should take note of these regulations even if they decide not to pursue social network initiatives. ICT skills in museums are insufficient and should be improved upon. Social network services offer training and guidelines on how to use them, which could be a great help provided the reader has a good command of the English language. Cognisance must be taken of an overview social network services and their uses, and of the ethical and regulative framework for museums to benefit from using social network services to engage with communities. This way, communities may benefit from having access to the museum online. / Dissertation (MHCS)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Historical and Heritage Studies / unrestricted

Identification of Improvement areas in Servitization within European Space Exploration : A multi-stakeholder case study of challenges in servitization / Identifiering av förbättringsområden inom tjänstefiering i Europeisk rymdutforskning: En case studie av utmaningar inom tjänstefiering

Malmberg, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
The space industry is currently undergoing a significant servitization-shift as space agencies globally are transitioning from the government-led product-oriented procurement approach, that has been the standard for decades, to a more commercial service-oriented procurement approach. The purpose of the thesis is to identify what challenges exists within servitization in European space exploration and translate these into related improvement areas for the service-oriented procurement approach adopted by the European Space Agency (ESA). The thesis adopts a qualitative case-study approach where four different commercial services, developed through a commercial partnership between ESA and private enterprises, are being studied. In total, the study identifies 21 challenges across three different life-cycle stages for the commercial services. First, the study identifies cultural challenges for both the space agency and industry as they struggle in transitioning to a service culture from the existing culture that is strongly linked with the traditional approach. Second, the study also identifies several challenges related to how the processes established within the frame of the commercial partnership are currently inadequate to support the transition to commercial services. In particular, the study highlights knowledge gaps related to business planning and marketing, insufficient processes to ensure a balance in cost and quality incentives and high barriers of entry for SMEs. Finally, the study identifies relational challenges with regards to the collaboration between the space agency and the commercial partner. The results indicate that the collaboration between ESA and the commercial partners currently lack the necessary transparency and efficiency in collaboration needed to succeed with servitization. In order to resolve these challenges, the study proposes 21 different improvement areas for ESA in relation to its commercialisation initiative. In particular, the thesis highlights process improvements related to the choice of procurement approach, development of business plans, evaluation of upfront commitment to utilization and visibility into the service design. The thesis concludes by highlighting the need for continued work with development of improvements. The thesis results serve as a starting point for developing a future approach of planning and managing development of commercial services within space exploration. / Rymdindustrin genomgår för närvarande en betydande tjänstefiering där rymdorganisationer globalt övergår från en statligt styrd produkt-orienterad tjänste-orienterad upphandlingsmetod. Syftet med examensarbetet är att identifiera vilkautmaningar som finns inom tjänstefiering i europeisk rymdutforskning samt vilka relaterade förbättringsområden som följaktligen finns inom den tjänste-orienterade upphandlingsmetod som European Space Agency (ESA) har antagit. Examensarbetet baseras på en fallstudie där fyra olika kommersiella tjänster, utvecklade genom ett kommersiellt partnerskap mellan ESA och privata företag, studeras. Studien identifierar totalt sett 21 utmaningar över tre olika livscykelfaser för de kommersiella tjänsterna. För det första identifierar studien kulturella utmaningar för både rymdorganisationen och industrin upplever svårigheter i att övergå från den befintliga kulturen som starkt är kopplad till den traditionella metoden till en tjänste-orienterad kultur. För det andra identifierar studien även flera utmaningar relaterade till hur processerna som etablerats inom ramen för det kommersiella partnerskapet för närvarande är otillräckliga för att stödja övergången till kommersiella tjänster. Studien lyfter särskilt fram kunskapsluckor inom affärsplanering och marknadsföring, otillräckliga processer för att säkerställa balans mellan kostnads- och kvalitetsincitament samt höga inträdeshinder för små och medelstora företag. Slutligen identifierar studien relationsmässiga utmaningar med avseende på samarbetet mellan rymdorganisationen och den kommersiella partnern. Resultaten indikerar att samarbetet mellan ESA och industrin idag saknar den nödvändiga transparensen och effektiviteten i samarbetet som krävs för att lyckas med tjänstefiering. För att lösa dessa utmaningar föreslår studien 21 olika förbättringsområden för ESA i relation till dess kommersialiseringsinitiativ. Särskilt framhävs processförbättringar relaterade till val av upphandlingsmetod, utveckling av affärsplaner, utvärdering av tidiga åtaganden för utnyttjande och insyn i tjänstedesignen. Examensarbetet avslutas med att betona behovet av fortsatt arbete med utveckling av förbättringar. Resultaten utgör en startpunkt för att utveckla en framtida strategi för planering och hantering av utvecklingen av kommersiella tjänster inom rymdutforskning.

Государственно-частное партнёрство в реализации программ адаптивной физической культуры и спорта : магистерская диссертация / Public-private partnership in the implementation of adaptive physical education and sports programs

Березовская, Д. А., Berezovskaya, D. A. January 2022 (has links)
В первой главе были рассмотрены концептуальные подходы к изучению адаптивной физической культуры и спорта. Автором были определены основные цели, задачи и принципы адаптивной физической культуры и спорта. Вторая глава посвящена проблеме развития адаптивной физической культуры посредством государственно-частного партнёрства. В ходе эмпирического исследования были выработаны актуальные сценарии решения проблем в развитии региональных и муниципальных программ адаптивной физической культуры и спорта. / In the first chapter, conceptual approaches to the study of adaptive physical culture and sports were considered. The author defined the main goals, objectives and principles of adaptive physical culture and sports. The second chapter is devoted to the problem of the development of adaptive physical culture through public-private partnership. During the empirical research, relevant scenarios for solving problems in the development of regional and municipal programs of adaptive physical culture and sports were developed.


RODRIGO LOPES SANT ANNA 31 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] As Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPPs) são utilizadas pelos governos para desenvolver projetos rodoviários que demandam altos investimentos. Porém, a incerteza sobre os níveis de tráfego futuros é a principal causa de falhas nos projetos rodoviários, que podem ser mitigados através de garantias de tráfego do governo, tornando-os mais atraentes para investidores privados. Essas garantias trazem um ônus financeiro para o orçamento do governo que pode altamente impactar o déficit e, portanto, o risco e as oportunidades do governo. Esta tese realizou três estudos que abordam a importância das garantias em contratos de PPPs de rodovias através da adequada estimação dessas garantias e seu impacto no risco do projeto por meio da Teoria das Opções Reais. O primeiro analisa os níveis de garantia de tráfego nos projetos, limitando a exposição do governo e mantendo os benefícios para o investidor privado. O segundo estudo aborda os potenciais passivos contingentes do governo causados pelas garantias de tráfego e, para isso, analisa o caso do projeto do sistema Ponte Salvador-Itaparica, discutindo-se os relatórios governamentais publicamente disponíveis do projeto com nossos resultados. O último estudo desenha um mecanismo de garantia de tráfego adequado para contratos de Projetos Rodoviários, sendo proposto um modelo para determinar o nível ótimo de garantia de tráfego que crie condições favoráveis para o desenvolvimento dos projetos. Esta Tese contribui para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de garantia para os parceiros privados e a importância de precificar adequadamente os passivos contingentes do governo em projetos rodoviários, revelando que um mecanismo de garantia bem projetado pode minimizar os passivos contingentes do governo e fornecer garantias adequadas aos parceiros privados. Além disso, também fornece uma metodologia que auxilia os formuladores de políticas na elaboração de PPPs em projetos rodoviários e na compreensão dos custos fiscais envolvidos. / [en] Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are used by governments to develop road projects that, generally, require high investments. However, uncertainty about future traffic levels represents the main cause of road project failures, which can be mitigated through government traffic guarantees and make them more attractive to private investors. These guarantees place a financial burden on the government s budget that can significantly influence the deficit and, thus, the government s risk and opportunities. This thesis carried out three different studies that address the importance of guarantees in road public-private partnership contracts by properly estimating these guarantees and their impact on project risk through Real Options Theory (ROT). The first analyzes the government traffic guarantee levels in the projects, limiting government exposure, and maintaining the benefits for the private investor. Then, the second studies focus on the potential government s contingent liabilities caused by traffic guarantees and, for this, is analyzed the case of the Salvador–Itaparica Bridge system project and discusses the publicly available government reports on the project with our results. The last study cares about designing an adequate traffic guarantee mechanism for PPP contracts in Road Projects and, for this, we propose a model to determine the traffic guarantee s optimal level that creates favorable conditions for the development of the projects. This Thesis contributes to a better understanding of guarantee mechanisms for private partners and the importance of adequately pricing the contingent government liabilities in infrastructure projects, revealing that a properly designed guarantee mechanism can minimize the government s contingent liabilities and provides adequate guarantees to the private partners. Moreover, also provides a methodology that assists policymakers in designing infrastructure PPP projects and understanding the contingent claims and fiscal costs involved.

Совершенствование взаимодействия органов государственной власти и бизнеса в сфере сохранения объектов культурного наследия в Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / Improvement of interaction between public authorities and business in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage in the Sverdlovsk region

Лукашенко, Д. О., Lukashenko, D. O. January 2018 (has links)
Master's dissertation is devoted to the problem of interaction of public authorities and business representatives in the field of preservation of cultural heritage in the Sverdlovsk region. The first сhapter deals with the activities of the executive bodies of state power in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage, analyzes the legal framework of interaction between public authorities and business structures for the conservation and use of cultural heritage in the region, and also reveals the features of public and private partnership in the study area. The second chapter is devoted to the study of the experience of interaction between the executive bodies of state power and business for the preservation of cultural heritage in the Sverdlovsk region, identifying problems and opportunities for such cooperation. The third paragraph of the chapter presents the project «Development and implementation of a mechanism for the involvement of cultural heritage objects in the Treasury of the Sverdlovsk region in the economic turnover in 2018». / Магистерская диссертация посвящена проблеме взаимодействия органов государственной власти и представителей бизнеса в сфере сохранения объектов культурного наследия в Свердловской области. В первой главе работы рассматривается деятельность исполнительных органов государственной власти в сфере сохранения объектов культурного наследия, анализируются нормативно-правовые основы взаимодействия органов государственной власти и бизнес-структур по сохранению и использованию объектов культурного наследия в регионе, а также раскрываются особенности развития государственно-частного партнерства в изучаемой сфере. Вторая глава работы посвящена изучению опыта взаимодействия исполнительных органов государственной власти и бизнеса по сохранению объектов культурного наследия в Свердловской области, выявлению проблем и возможностей такого сотрудничества. В третьем параграфе главы представлен проект «Разработка и реализация механизма вовлечения объектов культурного наследия, находящихся в казне Свердловской области, в хозяйственный оборот в 2018 году».

Внедрение социального предпринимательства в сферу образования стран СНГ: Российская Федерация и Республика Казахстан : магистерская диссертация / Introduction of social entrepreneurship in the sphere of education of the CIS countries: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Кунах, Е. А., Kuknah, E. A. January 2019 (has links)
The emergence of social entrepreneurship in Russia has historical roots and is a new approach to solving social problems. The article presents an analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of a new category in social life. Social entrepreneurship can be safely attributed to the socially responsible activities of small and medium-sized businesses aimed at solving social problems. In modern Russia the number of social entrepreneurs who started their activities initially as a subject of social entrepreneurship is little. Commercial enterprises often become social. In Russia the problem of social entrepreneurship is not theoretically understood. At the moment there is a lack of research on social entrepreneurship. In Russia the development of the concept of social entrepreneurship is formed on the basis of practice which undoubtedly causes difficulties. Social entrepreneurship is represented primarily in the areas of health, education and social services. However, the field of social entrepreneurship can include the solution of many problems affecting society. The practice of social entrepreneurship in Russia faces a number of problems such as the definition of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, the presence of the current legislative framework regarding the phenomenon, the lack of state programs that stimulate social entrepreneurs to introduce innovations in the social sphere. / Выпускная квалификационная работа на тему «Внедрение социального предпринимательства в сферу образования стран СНГ: Российская Федерация и Республика Казахстан» содержит введение, 3 главы, 6 параграфов, включающие 2 таблицы, 5 рисунков, заключение и библиографический список. Научная работа содержит 120 листов машинописного текста, 88 литературных источников, 3 приложения. В результате проведенного исследования были достигнуты следующие основные результаты: в первой главе рассмотрено большое количество определений социального предпринимательства, предложена авторская трактовка понятия социального предпринимательства, выделены конкретные факторы, отличающие социальное предпринимательство от традиционного предпринимательства, рассмотрены характеристики социального предпринимательства, выделены этапы в становлении социального предпринимательства, рассмотрен исторический аспект появления и развития социального предпринимательства в России и за рубежом; во второй главе изучено развитие социального предпринимательства конкретно в сфере образования в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан, рассмотрено правовое обеспечение социального предпринимательства двух стран, проанализированы проекты социального предпринимательства в России и Казахстане; в третьей главе предложена модель, способная отразить механизм работы социального предпринимательства в сфере образования, отвечающая возможностям стран СНГ, рассмотрены проблемы и риски реализации данной модели.

How to paint a picture : A discourse analysis of the media portrayal of hacker attacks against vital societal functions in Sweden

Galyas, Viktoria January 2023 (has links)
In our highly digitalized society, the dependence on digital solutions and systems is integral to the function of society. While digitalization has brought numerous benefits, it has also exposed society to vulnerabilities, making it susceptible to cyberattacks. The structure of vital societal functions, involving private subcontractors and long and digital supply chains. Along with the cooperation between public and private entities having inherent weaknesses it has created a vulnerable system. As vital societal functions bear the responsibility for public services and the protection of the personal information in their possession, it is crucial that they remain open to critical examination. Due to the complexity of cybersecurity and closely related subjects, the media plays an important role in conveying a nuanced depiction of the hacker attacks and establishing important connections to closely related discourses. This is essential for fostering critical examination and public debate, especially considering the assumed limited prior knowledge of the public. This thesis examines in what way cyberattacks against vital societal functions are portrayed in the Swedish media discourses and what connections to closely related discourses are being made. The focus is specifically on New Public Management, Public-Private Partnership, and Digital Supply Chains. Through a discourses analysis using an analytical framework inspired by Carol Bacchi, this thesis concludes that cyberattacks against vital societal functions are represented in a simplified way. The vital connections to other discourses are few and weak, resulting in a content-poor discourse that possibly hinders both critical examination and a public discussion on the subject.

An analysis of the benefits of the growth in tourism to the local communities in the Panorama region, Mpumalanga Province

Monakhisi, Ngwako Philemon 29 February 2008 (has links)
In recent decades tourism has asserted its importance as the biggest employer and foreign exchange earner in both the developing and developed countries. Consequently, there has been increasing attention to tourism development as a strategy to stimulate economic growth, local economic development and poverty alleviation, especially in the developing countries. This study was undertaken with the objective of determining the direct benefits of the growth in tourism to the local communities in the vicinity of protected areas in South Africa's Mpumalanga Province. The tourism sector is strategically located within the economic mainstream as it links easily with other sectors of the economy such as agriculture, hospitality, transport and entertainment. It has added advantages, including the fact that the tourist product is consumed at the destination. This offers local communities opportunities in job creation, skills development, economic empowerment and social development. The study found that meaningful involvement of local communities in the tourism industry through ownership of tourism-related enterprises was almost non-existent. There were no meaningful linkages between the industry and the local communities other than the communities' supply of unskilled labour. There were also no programmes aimed at harnessing the phenomenal growth in South Africa's tourism for the economic empowerment of local communities. The economic empowerment of local communities need not be achieved through the ownership of tourism-related enterprises only, but may also include shareholding, outsourcing, affirmative procurement and social responsibility programmes by the industry.The continued marginalisation of the local communities by the tourism industry was attributed to unsatisfactory progress with the industry's transformation. The launch of the Tourism Black Economic Empowerment Charter and Scorecard in 2005 provided impetus for the transformation of South Africa's tourism industry. However, more work still needs to be done in the identified areas of ownership and control of tourism-related businesses, distribution of tourism benefits and the development of tourism-related skills and entrepreneurial culture in local communities. The role of the private sector in stimulating community involvement in tourism is particularly important. The private sector is singled out because of government policy that tourism development would be regulated by government and be private-sector driven. Furthermore, the private sector has the capacity and the resources to mobilise, not only to improve the attractiveness and marketing of a destination and the overall management of the tourism industry, but also to build thriving local communities. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

An investigation of ICT integration in the Lesotho secondary and high school science classroom / Investigation of information and communication technology integration in the Lesotho secondary and high school science classroom

Kalanda, Kasongo 06 1900 (has links)
This research investigates progress in the integration of information and communication technology (ICT) into curriculum-based teaching and learning in the Lesotho secondary and high school science classroom, with the aim of establishing how effective e-learning and integration of ICT can be supported. E-learning was perceived by education stakeholders in Lesotho as an effective way to enhance teaching and learning. To this end, Lesotho embarked on three partnership projects, namely SchoolNet, Microsoft STIC and NEPAD e-School Projects. There is a volume of research, international and regional, on e-learning and ICT integration, mainly conducted by European and American researchers. This study by an African author, therefore, fills a gap. Using a variant of action research, the author undertook six studies over four years, investigating the extent of computing infrastructure in schools and ways in which e-learning was implemented in subject-based teaching. In particular, he studied barriers to ICT implementation in Lesotho; advantages and disadvantages of combining e-learning with classroom practice; the perceptions, aptitude and skills of Lesotho science teachers and students; professional development programmes; and preparations for introducing e-learning, including infrastructural issues. Literature studies were conducted, following which pertinent concepts from the literature were used to generate a framework of evaluation categories and criteria for addressing the research questions of this study. The criteria were translated into questions and evaluation statements for data collection instruments for the empirical studies. Triangulation in data collection and analysis was provided by applying multiple and mixed data collection methods: questionnaires, interviews, observations and case studies, to gather data from principals, teachers and students in selected schools across the three projects and in varying regions of Lesotho. The study identified notable progress, but determines that more remains to be done, on an ongoing basis, to support secondary and high schools in Lesotho with implementation plans and strategies. The study concludes with guideline and recommendations for educators. / Computing / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)

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