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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

合作國家理念對進出口行政管制法制化之影響—以高科技貨品進出口管制為例 / The concept of cooperative state and its impact on the regulations for trade administration-a focused examination on control over high-technology commodities in Taiwan

賴國星, Lai, Kwo Shing Unknown Date (has links)
2001年美國遭受921恐怖攻擊,國際貿易由著重自由化、便捷化轉而強調貿易安全,高科技貨品進出口行政管制係悠關國際貿易及供應鏈安全,益受各國關注,世界主要國家更透過國際合作強化出口管制,如世界海關組織(WCO)所倡議之「全球貿易安全與便捷之標準架構」(Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade,SAFE)即為顯例。 全球化趨勢下,我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制不再是國內事務,須配合相關國際管制組織之規範實施相關管制作業,善盡地球村一份子之責任,才可避免受到國際制裁或抵制,影響我國貿易利益。 再者,處後現代時期,新保守主義興起,政府管理新思潮(如新公共管理、新治理)風起雲湧之際,各國進行政府再造工程,建構「小而能」之政府,惟國家任務雜,人民對政府之需求不斷增加,政府人力及預算有限情況下,「公協協力」、「合作國家」理念所倡導,引進私部門資源協助執行行政任務,乃成必須之選擇。本論文爰以行政法學之「合作國家」理念,析論我國高科技貨品進出口行政管制法制並提出評論與建言。 / After 921 in 2001, international trade had shifted its importance to trade security from emphasizing on trade facility. The export control of high-technology commodities involving security of global trade and supply chain, has been worldwidely raised concerns. Many countries have strengthened cooperation on export control of high-tech commodities through relevant international arrangements, for instance, “Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate global trade” initiated by the World Customs Organization. In globalization paradox, the export control of high-tech commodities is not only subjected to the national rule, but shall be also to comply with the relevant international regulations. Otherwise, it would be boycotted by other nations and cause damage to its trade benefits. Moreover, with neo-conservatism and emerging movement in public administration, which called “New Public Management” or “New Governance”, Governments have seek to reform in order to better meet citizens’ needs by limitation of manpower and budget. Consequently, the concept and resolutions of “Public Private Partnership” or “Cooperative State” in public administration and public law become the best option to response above mentioned conditions. In conclusion, this study attempted to analyze the legal framework of Taiwan export control of high-tech commodities with the concept of Cooperative State and tried to make suggestions and submit feasible resolutions for export control institution.

Flexible public private partnerships : a real-option-based optimization approach / Partenariats publics privés flexibles : une approche d'optimisation par les options réelles

Ben Jazia, Abderrahim 22 September 2017 (has links)
Les Partenariats Publics Privés (PPPs) peuvent être un outil efficace pour optimiser et moderniser la commande publique dans un contexte où les besoins en investissement public ne cessent d’accroître. Les fréquences importantes de renégociation et les difficultés à estimer correctement les revenus futurs demeurent un défi majeur lors de la structuration financière des PPPs. Ce travail propose d’incorporer des clauses financières flexibles afin de remédier à ce problème. L’approche développée se base sur les théories d’options réelles et d’optimisation multi-objectif. Dans un premier temps, une méthodologie adéquate pour la gestion des risques est développée. La volatilité du projet est déterminée par le biais de la simulation de Monte Carlo et un déflateur stochastique est introduit afin de conduire les différentes valorisations d’options sous la probabilité historique. Ce travail développe dans un second temps, quatre formes de flexibilité qui permettent de réajuster l'équilibre financier du projet, si le revenu est insuffisant. Enfin une approche d’optimisation multi-objectif est développée afin de permettre de visualiser les différents compromis auxquels l’introduction de la flexibilité donne lieu. / Public private partnerships can be a solution to the dilemma of how to do more with less available funds that public entities are constantly financing in the last decades. If implemented properly, Public Private Partnerships can contribute to the modernization of public service provision and can constitute efficient vehicles for the delivery of optimal value for money. The high incidence of renegotiation as well as the difficulty of accurately predicting the future demand on the projects is a matter of concern when it comes to the financial structuring of Public Private Partnerships. This work proposes a real-option- based optimization framework to boost the financial viability of the projects. This is done by introducing flexible financial clauses. First, an adequate framework for risk management, where volatility is derived by Monte Carlo simulation and the valuation is made without switching to the risk neutral measure, is presented. Four families of flexible clauses are, afterwards, investigated. Such clauses are triggerred, if the revenue level of the projet is not sufficient to guarnatee its financiel viability. Finally, this work develops a multi-objective optimization approach in order to assess the different trade-offs that the introduction of flexibility leads to. The proposed optimization problem is solved via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.

L’évolution du droit de la commande publique en France et en Italie à l’aune du P.P.P. / The Evolution of Public Procurment Contracts in France and in Italia in the light of P.P.P. / L’evoluzione del diritto dei contratti pubblici in Francia e in italia alla luce del P.P.P.

Wilinski, François 11 December 2015 (has links)
Expression globalisante des moyens d’action du secteur privé au service du secteur public, le partenariat public-privé pourrait être appréhendé comme révélant l’effritement des catégories notionnelles des contrats de commande publique. Cependant, le partenariat public-privé n’a pas remis en cause l’unité de la matière. Au contraire, les instruments juridiques du P.P.P. la renforcent. Cette analyse se vérifie aussi bien en France qu’en Italie et cette étude se propose d’analyser la signification juridique du phénomène dans ces deux pays. Les évolutions induites par la notion s’inscrivent dans cette logique. La démarche comparatiste utilisée permet alors de comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants de cette évolution et s’inscrit dès lors comme une contribution à la théorie générale des contrats publics. / Holistic expression as a means of action by the private sector to further the public sector, the publicprivate partnership could be perceived as revealing the erosion of the notional categories of public procurment contracts. However, the public-private partnership has not called into question the subject unity. In fact, on the contrary, the legal instruments of the PPP strentgthen it. This analysis can be verified in France as well as in Italy and the present study offers to analyse the legal signification of the phenomenon in both countries. The development induced by this notion confirms this trend. The comparative approach enables to understand the whys and wherfores of the development and formspart of the general theory of public contracts. / Espressione globalizzata dei mezzi d’azione del settore privato al servizio del settore pubblico, il partenariato pubblico-privato potrebbe essere visto come rivela la dislocazione delle categorie del diritto dei contratti pubblici. Tuttavia, il partenariato pubblico-privato essa non pregiudica sulll'unitàdella disciplina. Invece, gli strumenti giuridici del P.P.P la rafforza. Questa analisi è confermata in Francia e in Italia ed lo studio permette di analizzare l'importanza giuridica del fenomeno in i due paesi. L'approccio comparativo utilizzato permette di capire questa evoluzione e può essere percepitocome un contributo alla teoria giuridica dei contratti pubblici.

A regulamentação das parcerias público-privadas (PPP) no Brasil e a experiência do Reino Unido / The public private partnership (PPP) law in Brazil and the United Kingdom´s experience

Archanjo, Paula Fajardo 26 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Versao final_pos defesa_27_06.pdf: 756476 bytes, checksum: 6c6d50219d4cb8e8d378535ee87d8bb1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-26 / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the Public Private Partnership (PPP) law in Brazil in comparison with the United Kingdom s Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The analysis considers the Brazilian federal law and São Paulo and Minas Gerais states law. The first PPP projects (which are in an advanced stage of development) include the construction of a new line in São Paulo s subway system, and the recovery and maintenance of a highway (MG-050) in Minas Gerais. Studying the law is useful for a better understanding of the implementation and operation of future projects in order to provide more effective public infra-structure services and goods. In an atmosphere of fiscal restraint or limited resources, PPP procurement process is an alternative to the provision of public infra-structure services provided by government alone. The analysis of the Brazilian laws incorporates many aspects of British experience, which will be considered as a model in looking at a number of projects and capital involved / A dissertação analisa a regulamentação das parcerias público-privadas no Brasil, as PPP, a partir da experiência do Reino Unido com as iniciativas de financiamento privado, as PFI, equivalente britânico das PPP. A análise considera a Lei federal nº. 11.079 e a legislação estadual de Minas Gerais e de São Paulo, bem como as duas experiências de PPP em fase avançada de preparação no país, a construção da linha 4 do metrô da capital paulista e a recuperação e manutenção da rodovia MG-050 em Minas Gerais. O estudo da legislação se justifica pela relevância dos dispositivos legais para o sucesso das PPP, acordos entre o setor público e o setor privado, em contratos de longo prazo, para a provisão de bens e serviços públicos de infra-estrutura. Premido pela necessidade de viabilizar investimentos em contexto de restrição fiscal, o setor público, em diversos países, encontrou nos arranjos de parceria público-privada o mecanismo alternativo para a provisão de bens e serviços até então de sua responsabilidade exclusiva. A análise da legislação brasileira revela a incorporação de muitos aspectos da experiência britânica, tida como emblemática na área, pelo número de projetos e pelos valores envolvidos

Evaluation des partenariats public-privé appliqués à la production cinématographique au Maroc entre 2004 et 2013 / Evaluation of the Public-Private Partenership Applied to cinematographic production in Morocco between 2004 and 2013

Ait Belhoucine, Mariam 28 June 2019 (has links)
Depuis 2004, le Maroc a opté pour des partenariats public-privé pour augmenter le nombre de productions cinématographiques, et le montant budgétaire de quelques productions dans l’espoir d’avoir des films à haute qualité internationale. Dix ans après, le nombre des films produits est en augmentation devant un déclin du nombre de salles suite à la baisse des recettes. Devant ce constat, il devient nécessaire d’évaluer les projets choisis pour ce Partenariat, leurs sorties commerciales et par conséquent du travail du centre cinématographique représentant l’Etat, et de ses diverses commissions qui sélectionnent les films. Cette thèse évalue ces films produits en partenariat avec l’Etat en suivant la méthode d’analyse SWOT pour chacun des films bénéficiant de ce PPP. Chaque deux ans, la commission qui choisit les films produits en partenariat, est renouvelée. Cette commission, désignée par le ministre de tutelle, vient en grande partie de milieux politiques, ou idéologiques qui affecteront leurs choix des thématiques et aussi des traitements des histoires. Une synthèse des analyses SWOT des films choisis lors de chaque commission permet l’évaluation de son travail. Une synthèse générale des résultats des dix ans permet d’évaluer le dispositif en lui-même, le mode et les critères de sélection. Dans cette thèse, nous allons aussi investiguer le travail de l’Etat via le CCM pour remédier à ce constat, et les résultats des actions entreprises.En effet, mettre l’accent sur les obstacles handicapant les productions bénéficiant du PPP, permettrait une meilleure réorganisation des structures de ce fonds de Partenariat pour réussir les productions futures. Pour ce, après l’étude d’autres modèles de politiques culturelles cinématographiques de pays qui ont mieux réussi les sorties des films, cette thèse présente des propositions de restructuration du fonds de soutien au cinéma au Maroc. / Since 2004, the Moroccan government launched public-private partnerships (PPP) to increase the number of film productions, and leverage up the corresponding budgets in the aim for higher film and media quality. Ten years later, the number of films produced has increased, yet the gross income has dropped down, along with the number of movie theaters. In regard to the listed outcomes, reviewing the projects selected to benefit from state financial support, as well as the film release campaigns, and consequently the work of the Moroccan Cinematographic Center (CCM), the state Agency in charge of the selection and financial support of film projects, became an urgent necessity. The present thesis aims to evaluate the films produced in partnership with the State, based on a SWOT analysis method.The commission in charge of the film selection for the PPP support is renewed every two years. The ministry of communication and culture based on different criteria appoints this commission’s members. Among these criteria are the political and ideological beliefs, which indirectly influence the choice of the theme and the movie project to pick and put up front for the PPP sponsorship program.A summary of the two years' period SWOT analysis for the selected films helps evaluate the commission’s work. A more in depth study over the past ten years, yields a synthesis of the SWOT results for each of the movie projects reviewed. This synthesis allowed questioning the criteria, and the process of selection used by the CCM and thus the quality of its work. The present thesis will consequently, investigate the effectiveness of this state agency and highlight the corrective actions implemented by the state to remediate to the actual situation, then conclude with the results of these actions.Evaluating the Strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of each and every film project as whole will certainly enable a better organization of the state funding, and thus help future productions success, making the funding purpose come true. Based on the study of several successful models in different countries, this thesis, suggests a new strategy to restructure the film support fund in Morocco, in order for a better commercial outcome of the film industry in Morocco.

Infrastrukturförändringar och dess påverkan på den regionala utvecklingen : en studie av områden utmed E4 mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall

Godman, Brent January 2010 (has links)
Under efterkrigstiden har den regionala tillväxten i industriländerna undergått en explosionsartad utveckling. Samtidigt skedde en massiv utbyggnad och förbättring av infrastrukturen. Dessa båda områdes avancemang avslutades abrupt med den globala finanskrisen under 1970-talet. När konjunkturen vände tillbaka och tillväxten tog fart igen var det däremot inte med samma starka stäv som innan krisen. Denna tröga utveckling förbluffade makroekonomerna, som sökte med ljus och lyckta efter möjliga orsaker såsom energipriser, social reglering och regioners näringslivssammansättning. Det fick sin förklaring först när Aschauer bevisade att det fanns ett samband mellan minskade investeringar i infrastruktur i slutet av 1960-talet och en nedgång i den totala produktiviteten strax efteråt, vilket till viss del ledde till finanskrisen. Det har sedan dess publicerats en uppsjö av forskningsartiklar kring ämnet där den sammantagna slutsatsen är att det inte är frågan om infrastrukturen påverkar den regionala utvecklingen, utan till vilken grad, där transportinfrastrukturen anses ha störst betydelse.   Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka till vilken omfattning infrastrukturinvesteringar har på den kommunala och regionala utvecklingen längs europaväg 4 sträckning mellan Uppsala och Sundsvall. Dessutom undersöktes om man skulle kunna implementera alternativa finansieringsmetoder av vägutbyggnadsprojekt, eftersom dessa även skulle leda fram till en ökad regional utveckling. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av enkäter och intervjuer och ett bottom-up perspektiv, vilket möjliggjorde att de tidigare långsiktiga regionala utvecklingsmålen kunde analyseras.   Sammantaget har resultatet visat att studiens arbetsmetod har varit en bra undersökningsform, där gamla resultat bekräftats och nya slutsatser dragits. Analysen har påvisat skillnader bland kommuner och regioner i frågan om vilken omfattning infrastrukturförändringar har påverkat deras utveckling. Däremot ansåg samtliga tillfrågade att alternativa finansieringssätt, som ERUF och PPP borde användas, men att implementeringen skulle bli svår. / During the postwar period, there has been a tremendous variation in regional growth in developing countries. At the same time there was a massive expansion and improvement in infrastructure. The advances in these two areas ended abruptly with the global financial crisis in the 1970s. However, when times changed and the economy began to recover, it was not with the same momentum as prior to the crisis. This slow development stunned macro-economists, who searched high and low after possible causes such as energy prices, social regulations and the economic structure of different regions. It became clear only when Aschauer showed how the decline in infrastructure investment in the late 1960s resulted in a decline in overall productivity shortly afterwards, which, in part, led to the financial crisis. There have since been published a plethora of research articles on the subject in which the overall conclusion is that it is not an issue of whether infrastructure has an impact on regional development, but to what degree, and that the transport infrastructure is considered to be most significant. The aim of this study is to investigate of impact that infrastructure investments were considered to have upon municipal and regional development along the European route 4 between Uppsala and Sundsvall. In addition the possibilities of implementing alternative methods of financing road-building projects were also explored, as these would lead to greater regional development. The study was conducted using questionnaires and interviews and a bottom-up approach, which made it possible for the earlier long-term regional development objectives to be analysed.Overall, the results demonstrated that the method applied was a good way of conducting a survey, where old and new findings were confirmed. The analysis has revealed differences among municipalities and regions with regards to the impact that changes in infrastructure have on their development. On the other hand, the respondents were unanimous in believing that alternative funding methods, such as ERUF and Public-Private-Partnership should be used, but that they would be difficult to implement.

公私協力與自主規制之研究—兼論消防火災預防行政 / A Study in the Public Private Partnership and Self-Regulation

郭貞君, Kuo, Chen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在各國政府部門為減輕財政負擔、提高行政效能,紛紛引進民間資源並與私部門建立夥伴關係之全球性風潮推波助瀾下,我國近年亦力倡政府瘦身、組織精簡、引用民力、公私協力。再者,運用民力參與公共任務之公私協力,寓有私部門自主規制成分,惟法學上自主規制與公私協力通常為分離探討之論題,兩者之關連性究為何;又兩者態樣眾多且無普世同意之定義,在多元分殊之學理及實務中,是否存在共通並行之法理脈絡與類型系譜,誠屬行政法總論上饒富逸趣之課題。另行政法各論上,為預防火災以維護公共安全並確保人民生命財產,各國莫不多方運用公私協力與自主規制,建構建築物之消防安全管理制度,惟綜觀國內有關公私協力與自主規制之法學論著尤以前者可謂繁花錦簇,事涉公共安全之消防火災預防行政領域相關研究則付諸闕如猶待開拓。 本文爰透過中外文獻梳理公私協力與自主規制法學理論,並放眼國際取樣研究運用公私協力與自主規制之消防行政實務規範,以歐盟與英國為取法對象,就消防安全管理制度硬體層面及軟體層面分別探討歐盟產品(兼及建築產品[再兼及消防安全設備產品])監管機制以及英國建築物防火安全管理機制。除解析法理基礎更探究實務規範架構於我國與先進國家之異同,期許回饋提供公私協力與自主規制所涉行政法理論若干啟示並促使本國相關消防行政規範更趨周全。 / In the wake of global trend of government department introducing private resources and establishing partnerships with private sectors to reduce financial burden and improve administrative efficacy, Taiwan authorities in recent years have also been advocating government downsizing, streamlining organizations, adopting private resources, and public private partnership. Furthermore, public private partnership contains private sector’s self-regulation element, but in jurisprudential circle, self-regulation and public private partnership are usually independently researched topics, what are the exact relationships between them; otherwise, each of both has great variety of types and has not universally consented definition, therefore, it seems to be an issue full of keen interest for General Administrative Law: whether there exists common legal context and typological pedigree in the pluralistic and divergent theories and practices of public private partnership and self-regulation. Besides, as regards Specific Administrative Law, in order to prevent fires for protecting public safety and people's lives and property, countries all over the world utilize various approaches to public private partnership and self-regulation, to construct fire protection management regime for buildings; the domestic juristic studies of public private partnership and self-regulation have overall fruitful achievements, especially the former, however, apparently none of them refers to fire protection administrative category that thus eagerly needs to be cultivated. This thesis wherefore sorted domestic and foreign juristic literature about public private partnership and self-regulation, and combed internationally relative fire protection administrative legislation. Focusing on legislation of European Union and United Kingdom, it separately explored hardware dimension and software dimension of fire protection management regimes, that is, EU’s product safety and market surveillance regime (involving that for construction product [further involving that for fixed fire fighting equipment]) and UK’s fire safety regime. In addition to analyzing the legal theories and exploring the similarities and differences of legislative framework between EU or UK and Taiwan, it expects to provide several revelations to the jurisprudence of public private partnership and self-regulation, and to actuate the relative domestic fire protection legislation more comprehensively.

以國際比較檢視我國醫師團體在執業管制中之定位與功能 / Positions and Functions of Taiwan Physician Groups in Practicing Regulation-An International Comparison

徐世平, Hsu, Shih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
醫療保險與服務是維護個人生存,增進民族健康,保障國民基本權之重要國家任務。而除了藥品、醫材、設備、醫院外,接受專業訓練、符合專業知識、技術與道德要求的醫療專業人員,包括醫師,也是醫療系統中不可或缺的要角。但相較之下,關於我國醫師團體在醫療行政法制中的角色尚缺乏完整論述,而本文即在檢視我國醫師團體(包括職業團體與學術團體)在執業管制中的定位與功能。 為了突顯我國醫師團體的特殊性,考量大陸法/英美法、醫療保險體系、醫療水準、與歷史社會等因素,本文選擇了德國、日本、美國、英國與中國大陸作為參照對比。從「醫療服務與醫療行政系統」到「醫師團體發展歷史與現況」,由大縮小、鑑古知今,將各國家地區之醫師團體的背景事實先做系統化整理、分析、並比較,以理解其在各自國家社會體系中的定位。另外,就其在醫師職業管制中管「入」的「執業資格授予」與管「出」的「執業資格廢止」的作用亦做系統化整理、分析、與比較,以認識各該團體在其中的功能。 基於以上的背景事實,再以「公私協力」與「職業自律」深入檢視,我國醫師團體(特別是職業團體之醫師公會) 在醫師職業管制中與國家政府之相對關係和定位,與其在執業資格授予與廢止作用上的功能。 關於我國醫師公會在執業管制法制中地位與功能的調整,本文建議:相較於仿德國例全面肯認醫師公會為「公法人」與政府分工,或仿日美英例鬆綁醫師公會為真正的「私法人」與政府制衡,依我國現實條件可由立法者直接立法或授權行政機關以授權命令賦予醫師公會行政受託人地位,並對稱移轉關於醫師執業資格授予與廢止之特定具體權限給公會,則在此委託範圍內公會即可被視為行政機關,即可對應要求其內部章程、組織、與程序須符合行政法法規與法理。 / Medical insurance and services are national tasks essentially for maintaining personal survival, improving people health, and protecting fundamental civil rights. Along with medicines, medical materials, equipment, and hospitals, medical professionals, including physicians, who have received professional training and met the requirements of expertise, technology and ethics, are indispensable for a working medical system. However, discussions about the roles of physician groups in medical administrative law systems in Taiwan are few. Thus, the present work is to examine positions and functions of physicians groups (including professional groups and academic groups) in the medical practicing regulation in Taiwan. In order to highlight the particularities of Taiwan physician groups and to take account of the differences in the continental law/Common law, medical insurance systems, medical service levels, and historical and social factors, Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom were selected for reference and comparison. From the "medical service and medical administrative systems" to "development history and present situation of the groups", the background facts of representative physicians groups were systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for comprehension of their positions in the social systems in their respective countries. Besides, regulatory functions of the groups in approving and revoking medical practicing qualifications were also systematically collected, analyzed, and compared for acknowledgement. Based on the above background facts and the concepts of "public-private partnership" and "professional autonomy", we further inspected Taiwan physician groups, especially the professional groups of physicians, to review their relationship with the government in professional regulation, and functions in practicing licensure. Regarding the positions and functions of the professional groups of physicians in medical practicing regulation in Taiwan, the following adjustment is proposed: Rather than adopting the “public legal entity” model for fulfilling national duties as in Germany, or “fully private corporation” model for balancing national regulation as in Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, our legislatives and administrative authorities could authorize by law the professional groups of physicians to exercise the powers specifically for medical practicing licensure, and thus the groups, as commissioned administrative agencies, should be required to amend their own bylaws, organizations, and procedures about the above authorized areas in concordance with administrative laws.

An analysis of the benefits of the growth in tourism to the local communities in the Panorama region, Mpumalanga Province

Monakhisi, Ngwako Philemon 29 February 2008 (has links)
In recent decades tourism has asserted its importance as the biggest employer and foreign exchange earner in both the developing and developed countries. Consequently, there has been increasing attention to tourism development as a strategy to stimulate economic growth, local economic development and poverty alleviation, especially in the developing countries. This study was undertaken with the objective of determining the direct benefits of the growth in tourism to the local communities in the vicinity of protected areas in South Africa's Mpumalanga Province. The tourism sector is strategically located within the economic mainstream as it links easily with other sectors of the economy such as agriculture, hospitality, transport and entertainment. It has added advantages, including the fact that the tourist product is consumed at the destination. This offers local communities opportunities in job creation, skills development, economic empowerment and social development. The study found that meaningful involvement of local communities in the tourism industry through ownership of tourism-related enterprises was almost non-existent. There were no meaningful linkages between the industry and the local communities other than the communities' supply of unskilled labour. There were also no programmes aimed at harnessing the phenomenal growth in South Africa's tourism for the economic empowerment of local communities. The economic empowerment of local communities need not be achieved through the ownership of tourism-related enterprises only, but may also include shareholding, outsourcing, affirmative procurement and social responsibility programmes by the industry.The continued marginalisation of the local communities by the tourism industry was attributed to unsatisfactory progress with the industry's transformation. The launch of the Tourism Black Economic Empowerment Charter and Scorecard in 2005 provided impetus for the transformation of South Africa's tourism industry. However, more work still needs to be done in the identified areas of ownership and control of tourism-related businesses, distribution of tourism benefits and the development of tourism-related skills and entrepreneurial culture in local communities. The role of the private sector in stimulating community involvement in tourism is particularly important. The private sector is singled out because of government policy that tourism development would be regulated by government and be private-sector driven. Furthermore, the private sector has the capacity and the resources to mobilise, not only to improve the attractiveness and marketing of a destination and the overall management of the tourism industry, but also to build thriving local communities. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

Parceria Público-Privada (PPP): análise do mérito de projetos do setor saúde no Brasil

Carrera, Mariana Baleeiro Martins 22 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Baleeiro Martins Carrera (marianacarrera@hotmail.com) on 2014-09-22T15:17:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINAL - MARIANA CARRERA 22.09.2014.pdf: 1391085 bytes, checksum: a0380a49f7b6d3c7112ffd16f2715714 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by PAMELA BELTRAN TONSA (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2014-09-22T16:03:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINAL - MARIANA CARRERA 22.09.2014.pdf: 1391085 bytes, checksum: a0380a49f7b6d3c7112ffd16f2715714 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-22T16:04:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE VERSÃO FINAL - MARIANA CARRERA 22.09.2014.pdf: 1391085 bytes, checksum: a0380a49f7b6d3c7112ffd16f2715714 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-22 / The goal of this study is to understand the merit evaluation models of PPP projects and to study existing projects in the healthcare sector in Brazil, as of June, 2014. The methodology was a qualitative research of exploratory nature, through a bibliography and document review, interviews with key stakeholders and analysis of projects. It also involved the study of national and international merit assessment models – Value for Money. Key parameters presented by VFM are: discussions of projects based on results, competition, risk transfer to the private initiative, innovation and responsibility sharing. It is composed of three basic elements: economy, efficacy and efficiency. However, achieving economy and efficiency is meaningless if the efficacy (guaranteeing that a given activity achieves its goals) is not observed. The results point out that the utilization of PPPs is, slowly, becoming more frequent in the healthcare sector in Brazil. Nevertheless, such partnerships need to mature and to improve their administration, technical, managerial and political aspects. As such, it intends to contribute for a better knowledge and understanding of PPP as a new institutional way to manage healthcare, documenting the early stages of this process and presenting the most critical dimensions for the success of its implementation in the healthcare sector in Brazil. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a análise do mérito de projetos de PPP, com ênfase no setor saúde. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória, com levantamento bibliográfico e documental, entrevistas com os principais stakeholders e análise de projetos. Foram estudados, também, modelos nacionais e internacionais de análise de mérito – Value for Money. O VFM apresenta como principais parâmetros a discussão sobre contratos baseados em resultados, competição, transferência de risco para a iniciativa privada, inovação e divisão de responsabilidades. São três seus elementos básicos: economia, eficácia e eficiência. Porém, a obtenção de economia e eficiência não tem valor se a eficácia (garantia de que uma determinada atividade alcance os resultados desejados) não for observada. Os resultados apontam que a utilização de PPP está, progressivamente, se tornando mais freqüente no setor saúde no Brasil. No entanto, essas parcerias necessitam de amadurecimento e aperfeiçoamento administrativo, técnico, gerencial e político. Com isso, pretende-se contribuir para o maior conhecimento e entendimento da PPP como uma nova modalidade institucional para a gestão da saúde, documentando um momento ainda inicial desse processo e apresentando as dimensões mais críticas para o sucesso da sua implantação no setor saúde no Brasil.

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