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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trygghetsfrämjande och brottspreventiva aspekter i det offentliga rummet : En fallstudie över Stationstunnelns fysiska utformning

Bengtsson, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
The feeling of insecurity about being in public spaces is a significant issue that restricts people ́s mobility and primarily prevents women from accessing all areas of the city. A well planned and carefully designed space can contribute to creating a sense of safety and security, which in turn promotes individuals' ability to move in public spaces. Planning for safe and secure environments is challenging because safety is a subjective feeling that varies. Planning for safe and secure environments requires consideration of different perspectives and experiences. The Station tunnel in Umeå is a project that is designed with a focus on safety and gender equality.  This study aims to describe how safety promoting and crime preventive aspects can be incorporated into spatial planning to enhance safety and reduce crime in public spaces. The study also examines how safety aspects are expressed in spatial planning at a municipal level. A case study was conducted at the Station tunnel in Umeå, and a qualitative content analysis was applied to Umeå municipality's comprehensive plan as well as the detailed development plan for the Station tunnel.  The study found that Umeå municipality actively strives to create safe and secure public spaces that are accessible to everyone, regardless of gender, age, or background. But there are not many specific ways to achieve what is outlined in their spatial planning. Principles that can be applied in the spatial design to contribute to safe and secure environments were found to be implemented at the Station tunnel.

“Experiencing what you cannot read” : Planners’ encounters with embodied knowledge about feelings of safety in public space

Lundberg, Anna January 2023 (has links)
In the pursuit of planning for inclusive public space, this thesis addresses feelings of unsafety as a hindering aspect of equal access. The aim of this thesis is to explore the role of embodied knowledge within urban planning for understanding feelings of safety in public space. Due to the complexity of socio-spatial relations, I suggest a feminist approach to knowledge creation. The study is based on semi-structured interviews including a visual elicitation with urban planners in Sweden (n=16). My findings show that planners’ conceptualisations of safety relate to an overall focus on social sustainability and a problematic relationship between safety and crime prevention. While multiple methods are being used to understand feelings of safety, such as site audits and citizen dialogues, embodied methods are not (actively) used. There is therefore a need to recognise our bodies as helpful tools for understanding feelings of safety. Furthermore, who we are affects the way we perceive our surroundings as well as our feelings. Thus, urban planning practitioners need to (continue to) be reflexive about their positionalities, as well as to include experiences and perspectives of peoples’ situated, embodied knowledge to create inclusive public space for all.

Social conflicts over public space : a case study of Hornsbergs strand, Stockholm

Karlsson Million, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
This study of Hornsbergs strand, Stockholm, aimed to explore the dynamics of social conflicts in public spaces following three research questions: (1) what are the driving factors in the spatial conflicts between inhabitants and visitors of Hornsbergs strand, (2) how do spatial conflicts in Hornsbergs strand reflect broader societal issues of polarization and segregation in Stockholm, and (3) what can be done on behalf of urban planners to avoid and manage similar conflicts in the future? Departing from literature related to spatial conflicts, tourism conflicts, and exclusionary practices in public spaces, I conducted observational studies, indepth interviews, and a document analysis of planning material. The study shows that differences between users and uses of public spaces in Hornsbergs strand are central in constructing spatial territories and was where most spatial conflicts originated. Further, results suggest that the development of Hornsbergs strand was made through an exclusive planning process, and that spatial conflicts reflect broader issues of polarization and segregation in Stockholm. / Denna studie av Hornsbergs strand, Stockholm, syftade till att undersöka sociala konflikter i offentliga rum med hjälp av tre forskningsfrågor: (1) vilka är de drivande faktorerna i de rumsliga konflikterna mellan invånare och besökare av Hornsbergs strand, (2) hur avspeglar de rumsliga konflikterna vid Hornsbergs strand bredare samhällsproblem i form av polarisering och segregation i Stockholm, och (3) vad kan stadsplanerare i Stockholm göra för att undvika och hantera liknande konflikter i framtiden? Med utgångspunkt i forskning kring rumsliga konflikter, konflikter inom turism samt exkluderande praktiker i offentliga utrymmen genomfördes observationsstudier, intervjuer och en dokumentanalys av relevant planeringsmaterial. Studien visar att skillnader mellan användare och olika användningar av de offentliga utrymmena vid Hornsbergs strand var centrala i skapandet av rumsliga territoriumoch, till följd, rumsliga konflikter. Vidare tyder resultaten på att planeringsprocessen förHornsbergs strand var exkluderande och att de rumsliga konflikterna karaktäriserar polarisering och segregation i Stockholm.

"Ibland kan ju blickarna säga en del" : En kvalitativ studie om amning i offentlig miljö / ‘Sometimes eyes speak volumes’

Andersson, Mikaela January 2024 (has links)
Previous research has shown that breastfeeding in public environment is not completely accepted, neither in Sweden nor internationally. Therefore, women feel restricted. Research indicates that the female body is sexualized and the woman is seen as an object. However, it is possible to change the norm concerning public breastfeeding, it’s done by people questioning, being educated about but also being exposed to breastfeeding. The aim of the study is to examine women's perceptions of breastfeeding in public space, their potential strategies and which societal changes they find are needed for safe breastfeeding in the public. This qualitative study is based on five semi-structured interviews with women who have experiences of breastfeeding in public environment. Thematic analysis method and abductive analytic strategy was used. The analysis is informed by feminist theories on gender and public space. The results indicate women’s perceived fear of receiving unwanted attention, gazes and insecurity. To be able to breastfeed in the public, the women created safety strategies such as covering up, planning and creating “an own private room”. The analysis shows that the women see both themselves and society as responsible for change and that normalization is required. / Tidigare forskning har visat att amning i offentlig miljö inte är helt accepterat, varken i Sverige eller internationellt. Vilket gör att kvinnor känner sig begränsade. Forskningen visar att kvinnokroppen är sexualiserad och kvinnan ses som ett objekt men det går att förändra normen kring offentlig amning genom att människor ifrågasätter, utbildas om samt exponeras för amning. Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser av amning i offentlig miljö, vilka potentiella strategier kvinnor skapar samt vilka samhällsförändringar de efterfrågar för att kunna amma tryggt i det offentliga. Denna kvalitativa studie baserar sig på fem semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor som hade ammat någon gång i livet. Studien utgår från tematisk analysmetod och abduktiv analysstrategi. Analysen tar avstamp i feministiska teorier om kön och offentlig miljö. Resultaten visar att kvinnor upplever rädsla för oönskad uppmärksamhet, blickar samt osäkerhet. För att ändå kunna amma i offentlig miljö skapade kvinnorna trygghetsstrategier så som skylning, planering eller skapande av ”en privat vrå”. Analysen visar att kvinnorna tillskriver både sig själva och samhället ansvar för förändring och att normalisering krävs. Kvinnor skapar strategier utifrån deras upplevda känslor som rädsla eller osäkerhet. Kvinnor påpekar också att amning i offentlig miljö måste bli mer normaliserat och accepterat.

Headphone Bubbles : Negotiating Space through Audio

Viktorsson, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Headphones are a common feature of public space. They allow users to determine what noise they hear and are visible to others. This paper aims to explore how headphones affect spatial perception through personal choice and social context. Using participatory observations and interviews, headphones were analyzed as part of the personal spatial experience instead of a separate entity through a phenomenological perspective. The main findings include how particular audio is associated with space, rendering it one of leisure or one of productivity by changing the occupied space’s character. The personal sonic choice transforms the space without moving locations. Headphones constitute an extension of personal space as the noise they create is only meant for their user. Wearing them creates a safe space for the listener where they are left alone by others but accompanied by their own audio. As they are deemed an entertainment device, headphones become an acceptable way of disassociating from others. A norm of wearing them is found in various spaces, conversely producing social vulnerability when they are not used here. Headphones are employed as a means to mitigate effects of a social context that users do not wish to participate in at certain times.

The Roles of Light: Artificial Light as a Resource in Public Art

Manninen, Mateus January 2020 (has links)
In this paper, I will explore the role of artificial light in public art through a case study project. With the word role, I mean the visual and conceptual hierarchy of materials and resources in artwork. Light is a significant resource in public art. The artwork needs highlighting, especially in Northern countries where the winter’s darkness is inevitable. Light is not only a highlighter, it also tells a story of its own. 
First, I’m going to open up the concepts of public space, public art, light in public art and light art, to place the study in context. The literature review in the first part of the study allows better insight into the relation of light, public art, and light art.
The second part introduces the selected case study project, which is a concept design of a landscape artwork competition, for Tramway art in Tampere, Finland. Richard Kelly’s perceptual theory will be used to discuss the observations from the case study. Kelly’s theory consists of three fundamental elements of visual design: ambient luminescence, focal glow and play of brilliants.
The researcher’s subjective experience in the case study discusses with the documentations and observations of the project, to explore the circumstances and to examine the boundary conditions of the case study project. 
The role of artificial light in public art can be functional and make the space visible; it can be a highlighter and drag the focus into the artwork; or it can be the artwork itself. With the findings of the case study, I will divide the roles of artificial light in public art in functional, supporting and leading.

Tensta Kommunhus

Laaksonen, Ida January 2020 (has links)
I detta Kommunhus ville jag utforska den offentliga platsen. I Tensta, likt andra förorter, finns ofta en brist på utrymmen man kan umgås på. Det kan ofta lösas med små medel genom att skapa offentliga rum. Tomten präglas av en 4 meters höjdskillnad mellan Tenstagången och Taxingegränd. Tenstagången ligger överst och är en väg som fungerar som passage till centrum och torg. Taxingegränd är nedsjunket och är utrymmet där Tensta konsthall ligger tillsammans med ett litet torg och parkering. Jag hade en idé om att utjämna höjdskillnaden och använda taket på min byggnad till torg. Resultatet blev två offentliga utrymmen, ett på taket och en i den stora entréhallen. Byggnadens tak är böjt och har en organisk form som påminner om ett landskap. På undre plan finns en stor entréhall med stor takhöjd. Den stora hallen ska fungera som en öppen plats att vara på. En offentlig inomhusplats där man kan sitta och umgås, studera eller äta mat. Personalens kontor är i en kubformad byggnad och är upphöjd med pelare. Kontoren är enkla i sin utformning. Detta kanske tråkiga kontorslandskap kompenseras med en stor och ljus reträttzon. / In this City Hall I wanted to explore the public place. In Tensta, like other suburbs, there is often a shortage of gathering spaces. I wanted to solve this by turning my City Hall into a public space.The Tensta site is characterized by a 4-meter height difference between Tenstagången and Taxingegränd. Tenstagången is 4-meter above Taxingegränd and is a road that serves as a passage to the small city center. Taxingegränd is the space 4-meter below, where Tensta Konsthall is located along with a small square and parking lot. I choose to work with this height difference and incorporate it into the design. By creating a new space on top of my building I could increase the public space. The roof is used as a public square, which also works as a connection between Tenstagången and Taxingegränd. The roof of the building has an organic shape reminiscent of a landscape. On the lower level there is a large entrance hall with a high ceiling. This entrance hall should serve as a public indoor place where you can sit and socialize, study or eat food. There is also a reception with waiting room and visiting room for the grant applicants. The staff offices are in a cube-shaped building and is raised with pillars. The offices are simple in their design. This slightly mundane office landscape is contrasted by a large and bright retreat zone.

Mötesplats Sätra centrum / Rethinking Sätra centrum

Åkerstedt, Josefin January 2020 (has links)
Hur fungerar förortscentrumen när världen ständigt moderniseras och fysiska butiker minskar? Hur kan man utveckla de befintliga centrumstrukturerna, och vilka andra typer av funktioner kan man lägga till som skulle kunna vara mer relevanta idag? Med det här projektet har jag velat undersöka hur olika typer offentliga rum och funktioner i en centrumanläggning kan fungera tillsammans, och ge upphov till en ökad trygghetskänsla och skapandet av nya mötesplatser. Platsen för projektet är Sätra som ligger sydväst om Stockholms innerstad. Sätra byggdes upp under 60-talet med Sätra centrum som stadsdelscentrum med all service samlad i en enda byggnad, byggd över tunnelbanans spår och hopbyggd med tunnelbanans stationsbyggnad. På grund av centrumets placering och bristande kvalité har förnyelse av Sätra centrum diskuteras flera gånger under årens lopp. I det nuvarande förslaget från Stockholms stad föreslås det att den befintliga centrumanläggningen ska rivs och ersättas av ett publikt utomhustorg, kringbyggt av fyra kvarter med cirka 600 bostäder och lokaler i samtliga bottenvåningar, något detta projekt ifrågasätter. Projektet föreslår en alternativ planering av området och min tanke varit att fokusera på skapa mötesplatser där människor kan mötas på olika sätt och samtidigt känna trygghet. Jag har velat att arkitekturen och programmet ska tillåta pauser och erbjuda platser för människor att vänta på, stanna upp och mötas. Målet har varit att ge människorna i Sätra anledningar till att spendera tid i det nya centrumet, inte bara passera till och från tunnelbanan. / What do we do with the suburban shopping centers when the world is modernizing and physical stores are reducing? How can we develop the already existing structures, what other kind of functions could we add that would be more relevant today?With this project, I wanted to explore how different types of public spaces and functions in a suburban center facility can work together, and give rise to a greater sense of security and the creation of new meeting places. The site for the project is Sätra, located southwest of Stockholm's inner city. Sätra was built during the 1960s with Sätra centrum as a city center with all services gathered in a single building, built over the metro tracks and built together with the metro station building. Due to the center's problematic placement and lack of quality, renewal of Sätra centrum has been discussed several times over the years. In the current proposal from the City of Stockholm, it is proposed that the existing center facility will be demolished and replaced by a public outdoor square, surrounded by four blocks with about 600 apartments and premises in the ground floors, which this project questions.The project proposes an alternative planning of the area and my idea has been to focus on creating meeting places where people can meet in different ways and at the same time feel safe. I wanted the architecture and the program to allow breaks and offer places for people to wait, stop and meet. The goal has been to give the people of Sätra reasons to spend time in the new city center, not just pass by it on their way to the metro.

Solace Under Shade - Informal use of spaces under bridges and flyovers in Karachi, Pakistan

Mohamedali, Sahar-Fatema January 2020 (has links)
In one of the world’s most dense cities, every piece of land holds value and potential. This thesis explores how citizens of Karachi have taken advantage of pockets of space that exist under bridges and flyovers, by informally inhibiting and occupying them. The illegal land use has resulted in evictions, causing the loss of homes, workplaces and social spaces that were created. The project investigates a method of mediating the needs and wants of users and land owners, to provide safe, legal and functional uses of these void spaces under a recently built structure. The project is reactionary, responding to built forms and use of space that currently exists. Ultimately, it seeks to open the discussion about how we should be anticipating the urban voids that are created, the next time infrastructure is planned.

Fragments of visible absences and invisible presences: Memorializing and appropriating Tlatlelolco's urban and social space

Brindis Alvarez, Gabriela 24 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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