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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of the questions used in a polygraph test

Gabela, Muziwandile 02 1900 (has links)
The study evaluated the questions used in a polygraph test. It focused on criminal investigative tests (also referred to as “criminal specific tests”), those tests conducted when a criminal offence has been committed and the in-test phase questions (those test questions asked to address what is under investigation). To conduct a successful criminal investigative polygraph test, it is important that polygraphists be familiar with the types of questions used in a polygraph test and how they should be formulated for more effective outcomes. The recognition of these questions and how they are formulated is of utmost importance as it determines the success of the criminal investigative polygraph test. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

A relação da educação com a verdade: considerações a partir da interrogação, do saber e da técnica / The correlation between education and the truth: considerations stemming from questioning, knowledge and technique.

Tânia Margareth Bancalero Aguiar 09 March 2012 (has links)
O objetivo central da pesquisa consiste em pensar sobre a relação da educação com a verdade. A partir da pergunta qual a relação da educação com a verdade?, buscando menos uma única resposta e mais a abertura de possibilidades de reflexão para o campo da educação, considerando que tal pergunta se dirige ao cerne do embate que se apresenta nesse campo, configurado como um jogo entre a espiritualidade e a racionalidade. Questões sobre a finalidade da educação, sobre a pertinência da técnica ou da formação para a cidadania, por exemplo, ilustram a atualidade desse jogo de oposição que parece estar vinculado a tal relação. Para tanto, espera-se ir além dos estudos das teorias pedagógicas e da analítica da verdade, para confrontar essa relação na história, a partir dos estudos de Michel Foucault, especialmente analisados em seus cursos no Collège de France na década de 1980. Toma-se a relação da educação com a verdade a partir de três referentes: a interrogação, o saber e a técnica. Elementos referentes identificados nos estudos de Michel Foucault e Jacques Lacan sobre a verdade, pensadores tomados em suas diferenças irreconciliáveis, mas numa posição que qualifica ambos na inauguração de um modo de pensar sobre a verdade e que permite, a partir desses três elementos, obter uma perspectiva de análise que favorece a identificação dos modos de relação da educação com a verdade, desde a Antiguidade até a Modernidade. / This research aims at reflecting upon the correlation between education and the truth. Starting from the question What is the correlation between education and the truth?, instead of a unique answer, a wider range of possibilities in terms of reflection upon the educational field is expected, bearing in mind that such question is addressed to what concerns the conflicts in this field, configured as a game between spirituality and rationality. Questions regarding the aim of education, the relevance of the technique or the education for citizenship for instance, illustrate the current situation of this opposition game which seems to be connected to such correlation. Therefore, this research aims at going beyond the studies of pedagogical theories and the analytics of the truth, in order to confront this correlation in history, based on the studies of Michel Foucault, especially analyzed in his courses at College de France in the 1980s.The correlation between education and the truth can be interpreted in three possibilities: questioning, knowledge and technique. Different elements identified in the studies of Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan regarding the truth, thinkers taken in by their irreconcilable differences, but in a position that qualifies both in the inauguration of a new way of thinking about the truth and which makes it possible, starting from these three elements, to obtain an analysis perspective which favors the identification of the correlation between education and the truth, from antiquity to modernity.

A tematização e a problematização no currículo cultural da educação física / Theming and questioning in the cultural curriculum of physical education

Ivan Luís dos Santos 29 September 2016 (has links)
Com as recentes modificações na conjuntura social mundial, a educação brasileira foi chamada a responder a novos desafios. Nesse contexto, o currículo cultural da Educação Física, inspirado nas teorias pós-críticas, emerge como uma alternativa às propostas curriculares totalizantes, mostrando-se disposto a colaborar na formação do cidadão crítico e na construção de uma sociedade mais democrática e sensível às diferenças. Tendo por objetivo analisar junto a um grupo de professores(as) que atuam nessa perspectiva como tecem as ações didáticas de tematização e problematização, bem como as possibilidades de potencialização para novas tessituras, a presente pesquisa de enfoque qualitativo, entrelaçou os seguintes dispositivos de produção de dados: grupos de discussão, observações participantes e entrevistas. As análises realizadas mediante a hermenêutica crítica revelaram que a tematização das práticas corporais constitui-se em importante estratégia de política cultural, criando efeitos contra-hegemônicos no currículo escolar. No currículo cultural da Educação Física, os conteúdos de ensino não são definidos a priori no planejamento uma vez que decorrem da relação dialógica entre os sujeitos participantes do processo pedagógico. A partir de elementos disparadores e elementos provocadores, a problematização tece a tematização, permitindo que o currículo em ação assuma um caráter rizomático. Quanto mais se problematiza, maiores são as chances da tematização manter-se atenta ao processo de fixação simbólica, dada a intensificação da circulação dos discursos sobre as práticas corporais e seus representantes. Sob essas circunstâncias, a ação didática do(a) professor(a) é continuamente (re)centralizada, colocada em devir. Enquanto vetor que intenciona a desconstrução, a problematização permite ampliar as possibilidades de significação; suspender os regimes de verdade com que os significados operam nas diferentes épocas e contextos; atualizar a relação do sujeito consigo próprio e com o mundo, potencializando a produção de novos problemas e conceitos. Entretanto, em determinados momentos, as problematizações não enveredam para exercícios arquegenealógicos das práticas corporais, ou mesmo, chegam a apartar-se dos acontecimentos referentes às manifestações tematizadas e da voz do sujeito subjugado. Reconhecemos que as investidas contra-hegemônicas da proposta cultural da Educação Física não escapam das marcas deixadas pela maquinaria escolar. Nesse contexto, para que as diferenças possam afirmar-se, a artistagem do currículo exige que os(as) professores(as) enfrentem e se posicionem politicamente ante as inúmeras redes de força que se estabelecem nas escolas e na sociedade mais ampla e que, por vezes, tensionam ao fechamento em identidades hegemônicas. / With the recent changes in the world social conjuncture, the Brazilian education has been called to answer to new challenges. In this context, the cultural curriculum of physical education, inspired by the post-critical theories, emerges as an alternative to the totalizing curricular proposals, we are willing to collaborate in the formation of critical citizens and to build a more democratic society and responsive to differences. The goal is to analyze with a group of teachers who work in this perspective as they weave the didactic actions of theming and questioning, as well as the possibilities of empowerment for new tessituras. This qualitative approach research twined to the following data output devices: discussion groups, participant observation and interviews. The analyzes carried out by the hermeneutic criticism revealed that the theming of corporal practices constitutes an important cultural policy strategy, creating effects counterhegemonic in the school curriculum. In the cultural curriculum of physical education, the teaching contents are not defined a priori planning as result of dialogical relationship between the subjects participating in the educational process. From \"triggers elements\" and \"provocative elements,\" the questioning weaves theming, allowing the curriculum in action takes on a rhizomatic character. The more you problematize, the greater the chances of theming remain attentive to symbolic setting process, given the intensification of the movement of discourse on bodily practices and their representatives. Under these circumstances, didactic actions of teachers are continually (re)centered, put on becoming. While vector intends deconstruction, the strategy allows us to expand the possibilities of signification; suspends the regimes of truth in which the meanings operate on different times and contexts; update the subject\'s relationship with himself and the world, increasing the production of new problems and concepts. However, at certain times, the problematizations do not follow to arche/genealogical exercises of corporal practices, or even come to be apart from the events related to the themed events and the voice of the subjugated subject. We recognize that counter-hegemonic thrusts of cultural proposal of physical education cannot escape from the marks left by the school machinery. In this context, in order to the differences to be able to assert themselves, the curriculum acting requires facing teachers who position themselves politically against the several power networks that are established in schools and in the wider society and sometimes tensioning to close in hegemonic identities.

Filosofia da educação na formação do pedagogo: discurso de autonomia e fabricação de heteronomia / Philosophy of Education: discourse of autonomy and fabrication of heteronomy.

Marilene de Melo Vieira 23 March 2010 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivos analisar a possibilidade de a disciplina Filosofia da Educação contribuir para que os educandos construam sua autonomia e propor diretrizes para seu projeto. Teoricamente, a investigação apoia-se no processo de autocriação da sociedade e da fabricação de seus indivíduos, nas dimensões imaginárias e conjuntistaidentitária. Para melhor compreensão da disciplina, buscaram-se a sua instituição na formação dos educadores, com análise do monopólio legislativo do Estado na educação; a institucionalização da formação dos professores e a tentativa de cientismo da educação. Elegeram-se como material empírico da proposta, as disciplinas de Filosofia da Educação do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, que guardavam, em geral, identificação/semelhança com seus congêneres em outras instituições, bem como entrevistas com dirigentes acadêmicos e professores que as ministravam. Em virtude de a organização, estrutura e conteúdo dessas disciplinas não potencializarem a interrogação e nem a possibilidade de construção de sua autonomia pelos educandos, consistindo tão-somente em discurso de autonomia e fabricação da heteronomia, este trabalho fundamentou-se no pensamento de que a única Filosofia da Educação que pode contribuir para a construção do sujeito reflexivo e deliberante, e do espaço democrático, é a que se interroga incessantemente. Propuseram-se, então, para tal disciplina, entre outras, as diretrizes referentes à instalação de uma crise das verdades e das certezas dos educadores, dos educandos e a aspiração de autonomia/cidadania/democracia. / This thesis aims to analyze if the Philosophy of Education course can help students build their autonomy proposing guidelines for their projects. Theoretically, the investigation is based on the societys process of self-creation and fabrication of its individuals, in imaginary and conjunctionist-identitary dimensions. For further comprehension of the course, its institution was sought in the education of the teachers, analyzing the State Law monopoly in education. The empiric material chosen for this proposal were the Philosophy of Education courses for the Major in Education at the Federal University of Viçosa (Minas Gerais, Brazil), keeping, in general, identity/similarity with its similar courses in other institutions, as well as interviews with the academic directors and professors who teach it. Since the organization, structure and syllabus of these courses do not leverage questioning nor enable students to build their autonomy, consisting merely of the discourse of autonomy and fabrication of heteronomy, this research was based on the reckoning that the only Philosophy of Education that can contribute to the construction of the reflexive and deliberant subject and of the democratic space is that which questions itself incessantly. Then, among other ones, the guideless proposed for this course referred to the placing of a crisis of truths and certainties of both the teachers and the students, as well as the desire for autonomy/citizenship/democracy.

Undervisningsmodeller för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse : En litteraturstudie kring hur lärare kan tillämpa undervisningsmodellerna RT, TSI, CORI och QtA samt vilka effekter modellerna har på elevers läsförståelse / Teaching Models for developing students´ reading comprehension    : A literature study on how the teacher can use the teaching models RT, TSI, CORI and QTA and what effects the models have in students' reading comprehension

Eriksson, Linnea, Andersson, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att granska och analysera forskning kring hur lärare kan tillämpa modellerna RT, TSI, CORI och QtA i läsförståelseundervisning för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. Studien är riktad mot elever i årskurs 2 och 3. Metodinsamling för denna kvalitativa litteraturstudie har inneburit sökningar i databaser, men även manuell sökning. Sammantaget tolv vetenskapliga forskningsartiklar har legat till grund för denna studies resultat. Resultaten visar att undervisningsmodellerna; Reciprocal Teaching, Transactional Strategy Instruction, Questioning The Author samt Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction visar på goda effekter på elevers läsförståelse. Vi har kommit fram till att modellerna har flera gemensamma inslag, men det finns även några skillnader. Forskning visar att strategiundervisning som lärs ut i ”set” har god effekt på elevers läsförståelse. Vidare styrker forskningen att förståelse av en text ökar när frågor ställs på olika nivåer till textens innehåll för att få förståelse för textens budskap. Sammanfattningsvis betonar forskning att det krävs en planerad undervisning samt ett stort engagemang från läraren, för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. Läraren bör dessutom formulera tydliga mål i elevundervisningen samt ge ett större elevinflytande, då detta enligt forskning resulterar i engagemang och motivation hos elever.

The Role of Teacher-Child Verbal and Nonverbal Prompts in Kindergarten Classrooms in Ghana

Osafo-Acquah, Aaron 22 June 2017 (has links)
While previous studies have examined the educational system in Ghana, there seemed to be very little or no studies that had explored participation and engagement through teacher-child interactions in early childhood education in Ghanaian classrooms (Twum-Danso, 2013). The purpose of this video-based multiple case studies qualitative study of three Kindergarten classrooms in Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana was to identify verbal and nonverbal prompts that related to children’s participation in Ghanaian Kindergarten classroom settings. The data for the study were secondary, having been collected by a team of researchers for the New Civics Grant Program in an initial study to find apprenticeship and civic themes in Ghanaian Kindergarten classrooms. The design for the study was a qualitative video analysis of three early childhood centers in Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana using video cameras to capture classroom interactions to be able to answer the questions: What is the nature of Ghanaian Kindergarten teachers’ verbal and non-verbal prompts that relate to children’s participation during the instructional process? In what ways do children in Ghanaian Kindergartens participate during the instructional process? I applied the sociocultural perspective of Rogoff’s (1990, 1993, 2003) three foci of analysis that provided a useful conceptual tool for analyzing research with young children (Robbin, 2007). It highlights how children’s thinking is integrated with and constituted by contexts, collaboration, and signs and cultural tools (p. 48). The findings indicated that Ghanaian Kindergarten teachers’ verbal and nonverbal prompts that related to children’s participation during the instructional process were the use of questions, appreciation, gestures etc. The findings also showed that the ways in which Ghanaian Kindergarten children participated during the instructional process were verbal/oral responses, doing exercises and activities, and also using gestures. It was also found that pedagogical attitudes such as pedagogical sensitivity and understanding, discussion and conversation, and rules and management related to children’s participation during the instructional process. Ghanaian specific culturally relevant ways and practices of interactions between teachers and children were observed in the participant schools. Teachers used silence to convey messages of disapproval to the children, used eyeing to send messages of disapproval, and also used punishments and rewards to either encourage good behavior or stop bad behavior. Singing and dancing, building classroom community, and value on interpersonal connections were also found to be Ghanaian specific culturally relevant ways of interactions that teachers applied to the classroom interactions. All the teachers in the participant schools showed various forms of appreciation to the children as a way of reinforcing their behaviors and also for praise and redirection of attention. From the findings of the study, the following recommendations are made: 1. Pre service teacher preparation, and teacher education in general should be reorganized so that the contexts in which the teachers operate will then be guided by contextually relevant pedagogy (Young, 2010). Ghana needs a type of pedagogy that will empower teachers intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using cultural referents to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes (p. 248). 2. The provision of adequate teaching and learning materials would enable teachers engage children more on exercises and activities during the instructional process. The materials would help teachers to provide enough activities to engage the children’s attention during the instructional process. 3. Ghanaian specific culturally relevant ways of interactions between teachers and children must be taught as a course at the University of Cape Coast to help in the preparation of pre-service teachers.

Rozvoj čtenáře na 2.stupni ZŠ: Základní čtenářské strategie / Development of the reader in sixth to nineth grades: basic reading strategies

Lavičková, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with the development of readers at second stage of elementary schools with focus to basic reading strategies. Clarifies the concepts of functional literacy Reading literacy. Based on the international research PISA and PIRLS examines the state of reading Czech pupils. It monitors what is the representation of reading strategies in RVP ZV and looks at some of the group of textbooks if promote reading and encourage the use of strategies. The work examines what is the basic readership strategies, what is their application in teaching, what require this lesson for teacher and what are the possible pitfalls. Theoretical knowledge is verified by modeled lessons designed by tutorial course.

Pracovní spokojenost a její vývoj ve společnosti X.Y. / Job satisfaction and its development in the firm X.Y.

Novotná, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis was to do a research of job satisfaction by using a comparison of its outputs with results of a previous research to observe the progress of the satisfaction in the company involved. On the basis of an agreement with the management of the firm needed information was gathered up through an electronic questioning. The collected data was processed to help to identify week areas and to recommend solutions for improving management practices and work organization within the company.

An analysis of teacher question types in inquiry-based classroom and traditional classroom settings

Kim, Sungho 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study examined the differences and patterns for three categories between an argument-based inquiry group and a traditional group over the period of the SWH (Science Writing Heuristic) project: (1) teacher talk time, (2) structure of questions (question types), and (3) student responses. The participating teachers were chosen randomly by a convenient sampling method because the data were collected previously from the SWH project. Each group had thirty teachers. A total of sixty teachers participated in the study. Student responses were part of the study to evaluate the effect of open-ended question types but students were not direct participants in the study. Each teacher was asked to send a recorded video clip of their class at the end of each semester (spring and fall) over two years. Each teacher sent four video clips for the project. A total of two hundred forty video clips was analyzed to gather the information regarding the three categories. The first category was teacher talk time. It was measured in seconds only when teachers interacted with students with the topic. The second category was the structure of questions (question types). It consisted of two question types (open-ended and close-ended). Under the open-ended question category, there were three sub-question types: (1) asking for explanation (AE), (2) asking for self-evaluation of reasoning (AF), and (3) asking for self-evaluation of others' reasoning (AFO). Under the close-ended question category, there were two sub-question types: (1) asking for factual information (AI) and (2) asking for confirmation (AC). Each sub- question type was counted numerically. The last category was student responses. Student responses consisted of higher-order thinking and lower-order thinking. Under the higher-order thinking category, there were three sub-types: (1) explanation responses (E), (2) self-evaluation of reasoning responses (SE), and (3) self-evaluation of others' reasoning responses (SEO). Under the lower-order thinking category, there was one sub-type: simple responses (S). Each sub type was counted numerically. Based on the descriptive results (the length of teacher talk time in seconds, the number of question types, and the number of student responses), repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to find any differences and patterns for teacher talk time, structure of questions and student responses between the treatment and control groups over the period of the project and across time (four different time points). The results showed that there were clear differences for teacher talk time, the structure of questions, and student responses between the treatment and control groups over the period of the project and across time. The treatment group teachers talked less and used more open-ended questions than the control group teachers. The treatment group students displayed more higher-order thinking responses than the control group students.

The Denial of Relevance: Biography of a Quest(ion) Amidst the Min(d)fields—Groping and Stumbling

VanBebber, Marion Turner 08 1900 (has links)
Early research on just why it might be the case that “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” suggested that denial of relevance was a significant factor. Asking why denial of relevance would be significant and how it might be resolved began to raise issues of the very nature of questions. Pursuing the nature of questions, in light of denial of relevance and Thoreau’s “quiet desperation” provoked a journey of modeling questions and constructing a biography of the initial question of this research and its evolution. Engaging literature from philosophy, neuroscience, and retrieval then combined with deep interviews of successful lawyers to render a thick, biographical model of questioning.

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