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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NELSON JORGE DE SOUZA DABUL 12 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] No contexto atual, as mudanças cotidianas cada vez mais rápidas e profundas exigem que os indivíduos estejam capacitados a enfrentar e vencer situações adversas e delas saírem fortalecidos. Esta competência, denominada resiliência, é o tema deste trabalho que tem como objetivo analisar como as características de resiliência identificadas em lideranças organizacionais favoreceram a implantação de uma nova estratégia de comunicação corporativa. Para o estudo da questão foi feita uma pesquisa descritiva e analítica aplicada ao caso de uma empresa de mídia e entretenimento que passou recentemente por um processo de evolução em sua estratégia de comunicação corporativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com oito líderes da área de comunicação corporativa da empresa analisada. Nessas entrevistas foram avaliadas a resiliência organizacional da área, com base no construto de Hamel E Valikangas (2003), e os níveis de resiliência individual, através da aplicação de questionário desenvolvido por Wagnild E Young (1993, 2011) em sua versão traduzida e validada para o português (PESCE et al., 2005). Os principais resultados da pesquisa sugerem, em linha com os referenciais de Wagnild (2011), Ojeda (1997) e Lengnick-Hall et al. (2011), entre outros, que diversas características de resiliência identificadas nas lideranças - notadamente perseverança, iniciativa, capacidade de se relacionar e flexibilidade - facilitaram o desenvolvimento e a implantação do novo modelo de comunicação corporativa para a empresa estudada, através da criação de um ambiente propício à pesquisa, ao aprendizado, à criatividade e à experimentação. Esses resultados também indicam que o ambiente acima descrito permitiu à empresa enfrentar, com sucesso, os desafios cognitivo, estratégico, político e ideológico preconizados por Hamel E Vaikangas (2003), podendo ser caracterizada como uma organização resiliente. Adicionalmente verificou-se que, tomando por base a escala aplicada, as lideranças apresentaram, em sua maior parte, níveis elevados de resiliência (WAGNILD, 2011). / [en] In the current context, where everyday changes are faster and deeper, individuals are demanded to be ready and show ability to deal and surpass adverse situations, becoming in the process stronger and more prepared than before. This competence, called resilience, is the subject of this research, which has the objective to analyze how resilience characteristics identified on organizational leaders facilitated the implementation of a new corporate communication strategy. To study this issue a descriptive and analytical research has been done, applied to a case of a media and entertainment company that recently has passed through an evolutionary process in its corporate communication strategy. Eight in deep interviews have been conducted with leaders of the corporate communication area at the researched company. Based on these interviews, the area’s organizational resilience has been evaluated using the Hamel AND Valikangas (2003) construct as a basis. The leaders’ individual resilience level has been assessed by the administration of the Resilience Scale developed by Wagnild AND Young (1993, 2011), in its version translated and validated to Portuguese (Pesce et al., 2005). The main results of the research suggest, in line with the Wagnild (2011), Ojeda (1997) and Lengnick-Hall et al. (2011) references, among others, that several resilience characteristics identified on leaders of the studied area – mainly perseverance, initiative, relationship ability and flexibility – facilitated the development and implementation of the new corporate communication model by fostering an environment favorable to research, learning, creativity and experimentation. These results also demonstrate that the above mentioned environment allowed the company to successfully deal with the Cognitive, Strategic, Political and Ideological challenges stated by Hamel AND Valikangas (2003), and so could be considered a resilient organization. Furthermore, based on the resilience scale administrated, leaders of the researched area showed, in their majority, a high resilience level (Wagnild, 2011).

Walking the land : examining an ecosystem approach for private estates through the lens of woodland expansion

Bowditch, Euan A. D. January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a local interpretation of an ecosystem approach; 'energyscapes' constructed through mixed methods, which captures private estate manager perception on land use, woodland expansion and collaboration over four case study areas in the Scottish Highlands. Each case study area of three contiguous estates forms a small landscape cluster, with every estate participating in field interviews, woodland planning and collaborative discussions. Private estates in Scotland cover a significant area of the Highlands and are dominated by traditional sporting interests and recreation that is not always considered compatible with woodland expansion, creating a culture of woodland neglect. Subsequently planting rates are falling and Scottish government woodland expansion targets are not being met, despite large areas of vacant land. Key areas of estate and woodland resilience are identified by land managers to improve social and structural connectivity using the novel landscape resilience mapping method, which presents land manager perceptions over a spatial scale linked to resilience concepts. The Forest Energy Tool developed in response to the need for economic justification for woodland expansion demonstrates the potential profitability of local woodfuel markets, as well as providing silvicultural treatments for further management aims. Estate resilience involves fostering effective integration between sporting uses, renewable energy and enhanced rural markets, such as value added forestry. Ecosystem approaches are normally expressed through aspirational policy that is difficult to translate into relevant practice for individual land managers. Energyscapes provides meaning to ecosystem approach policy through CBD principles and operational guidelines, and local practice; including integration of hydro schemes, forest energy and carbon sequestration at estate level and bridging of local and regional scales through six land manager identified landscape partnerships. However, developing leadership, as well as expertise and social capacity in landscape management, is required to mobilise such frameworks. Fundamental to realising these local ecosystem approaches is land manager trust and confidence, which can generate support for emerging land uses alongside tradition, increasing resilience by capturing and utilising the culture embedded within the landscape.

Školní prostředí jako důležitý faktor pro posílení resilience dítěte. / The school environment as an important factor in reinforcing a child's resilience.

ŠICNEROVÁ, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the resilience of students in school environment. The thesis is theoretically and empirically based. The theoretical part describes the concept of resilience with emphasis being placed on the most significant theories of resilience and on the resilience of children and adolescent. The specifics of adolescent student´s developement are also described. Furthermore, the work focuses on the concept of stress with detailed attention paid to school stressors. The research part is related to the theoretical part. Via the methods of interviewing and questionnaires, the way student´s resilience affects their school results is observed. In addition, the thesis focused on the teacher´s perception of the issue of resilience. Finally, the most significant school stressors of students were inspected.

Política de ações afirmativas na UFRGS : o processo de resiliência na trajetória de vida de estudantes cotistas negros com bom desempenho acadêmico

Bello, Luciane January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o processo de resiliência em estudantes cotistas de escolas públicas autodeclarados negros com bom desempenho acadêmico (Taxa Integralização Média acima de 50%), que ingressaram pelo sistema de reserva de vagas aprovado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 2008. A partir de um breve histórico da política de ações afirmativas no mundo, no Brasil e na Universidade, há o destaque sobre as desvantagens que jovens negros vivem para ter acesso ao Ensino Superior neste país. Foram entrevistados dez estudantes, entre 20 e 33 anos, em sua maioria moradores da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, de oito cursos diferentes: Ciências Contábeis, Direito, Engenharia Civil, Letras, Geografia, Biologia Marinha, Educação Física e Medicina Veterinária. Através da escuta sensível durante as entrevistas conhecemos a autodescrição e origem social dos estudantes: estudiosos, dedicados, eles reconhecem a importância da família, principalmente da figura materna, enquanto motivadora para superar obstáculos. A falta de modelos negros é uma constante nas suas trajetórias, seja como professores ou familiares em boas posições profissionais. Foi reconhecido o processo de resiliência em suas trajetórias como uma gama de superações frequentes: perdas familiares, necessidade precoce de afastamento dos pais em busca de melhores oportunidades educacionais, alvos de preconceito, dificuldades econômicas e limitações de acesso ao capital cultural mais valorizado pela universidade, foram fatores que não os impediram de realizar seus sonhos. Ao contrário, eles se tornaram mais resistentes, buscaram se reestruturar e crescer em resposta às situações de crise e aos desafios do cotidiano. A oportunidade de realizar um curso superior é vista como uma possibilidade de ascensão social. O ingresso na UFRGS é percebido por alguns destes estudantes como algo inacreditável, gerando expectativas e sonhos compartilhados por seus familiares. Estes estudantes conheciam pouco sobre o sistema de cotas antes de prestar o vestibular, e a assistência estudantil na UFRGS ainda não atende à maioria dos entrevistados. A instituição como um todo há que se reformular quanto ao oferecimento de cursos noturnos, súmula de disciplinas, material didático, assistência estudantil, e reconhecer que o ingresso de cotistas proporciona o convívio com a diversidade na Universidade entre docentes, técnicos e demais estudantes. Isso representa um grande desafio para que segmentos da comunidade acadêmica abandonem certos preconceitos que podem gerar discriminações. / This dissertation examines the resilience process of government school students, quota-benefited, self-declared black, with good academic performance (Average Payment Rate over 50%), which have entered the higher education through the vacancy reservation system approved for Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in 2008. From a brief description of the affirmative action policy worldwide, in Brasil and at UFRGS, can be evidenced the disadvantages experienced by the young blacks to access higher education in this country. Ten students were interviewed, aged between 20 and 33, most of whom living in the metropolitan area around Porto Alegre, from eight different courses: accountancy, law, civil engineering, letters, geography, marine biology, physical education and veterinary medicine. Through the sensitive listening in the interviews, it is possible to acknowledge the self-description and social origin of the students: studious, devoted, they recognize the importance of their families, specially the mother figure as a motivator to exceed adversities. The lack of black patterns is current in their trajectories, as teachers or as relatives in good professional positions either. The resilience process could be recognized in their trajectories as a number of persistent conquests: familiar losses, premature need of separation from parents in seek for better educational opportunities, targets of prejudice, economic difficulties and restricted access to the cultural capital which is most valuated by the University, these were issues that did not hinder them from achieving their dreams. On the contrary, they have become more resistant, pursuing to restructure and improve in crisis situations and everyday challenges. The opportunity to attend a college course is seen as a possibility of social ascension. The entrance at UFRGS is perceived by some of these students as something unbelievable, producing expectations and dreams shared by their relatives. These students barely knew about the quota system before they submitted to the University admission test, and UFRGS‟ students‟ assistance program does not support most of the interviewed yet. The institution as a whole has to reformulate itself on the offer of night-period courses, description of disciplines, didactic material, students‟ assistance, and to recognize that the entering of quota-benefited students provides the interaction with diversity, at the University, amongst professors, technicians, and the other students. This represents a huge challenge so that certain sections of academic community can relinquish some prejudices that might produce discrimination.

Resiliência e autopercepção de saúde bucal : considerações de uma análise hierárquica

Martins, Aline Blaya January 2009 (has links)
Atualmente, há uma escassez de estudos que avaliem desfechos positivos. A relação existente entre a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e processos de enfrentamento relacionados com a resiliência, por exemplo, parece ainda não ter sido investigada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e sua associação com um conjunto de variáveis, entre elas a resiliência, através de um modelo teórico conceitual, em idosos vivendo na comunidade, na região Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados 498 indivíduos, através de um estudo transversal aninhado em um estudo de coorte. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sócio-demográfico, a Escala de Resiliência e passaram por um breve exame aonde os pesquisadores realizaram a contagem do número de dentes. Baseado em uma análise hierárquica realizada através de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, as razões de prevalência estimadas das variáveis que ficaram significativamente associadas com o desfecho em estudo, após a análise totalmente ajustada, foram: 1) alto potencial de resiliência: RP= 0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) localização geográfica do domicílio na área rural: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) renda: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3) e 4) não necessidade de mudanças de dieta: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Portanto, os resultados confirmam a hipótese de associação entre elevado potencial de resiliência e autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal. / Currently, there are a few studies that assess positive outcomes. The importance of coping strategies, lead by resilience, on positive perception of oral health has drawn little attention from oral health researchers. The objective of this study was to evaluate positive self-perceived oral health and its association with a set of variables, including resilience, using a theoretical framework, among independent-living older persons in Southern Brazil. We studied 498 persons in a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study. The participants were evaluated using a structured questionnaire to assess socio-demographic data and resilience potential (Resilience Scale). Furthermore, a brief oral examination assessing the number of teeth was performed. A hierarchical analysis was carried out using Poisson regression with robust variance. A final, fully adjusted regression model showed that the following variables were associated with positive self-perceived oral health 1) elevated resilience potential: PR=0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) living in the rural area: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) income: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3), and 4) unchanged diet due to oral problems: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Therefore, the results confirm the hypothesis of an association between elevated resilience potential and positive self-perceived oral health.

Resilience: An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors for Anxiety and Depression in Children

Barner, Rashida 01 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether child temperament, parent personality, and the interaction between the two would predict anxiety/depressive problems, and also whether the presence of positive factors would be related to child anxiety/depressive problems. It was also hypothesized that child mood would be predictive of symptoms of anxiety and depression, even after accounting for heritability. Participants were 106 5-year-old twin pairs and their parents, who completed questionnaires and a parent-child interaction. As hypothesized, child negative mood and parent personality were significant predictors of anxiety/depressive problems. However, their interaction was not significant. For children in the negative mood group, as their level of family conflict decreased, their score on anxiety/depression also decreased, providing evidence that low family conflict is protective. Results also revealed that anxiety/depression is heritable and that child mood was significant in predicting symptoms of anxiety and depression even after first accounting for heritability.


Kamsani, Siti Rozaina 01 May 2014 (has links)
Religious identity, self-concept, and resilience are considered the three main components that contribute to adolescents' life developmental tasks. The purpose of the current study is to examine the effect of psycho-educational group intervention on religious identity, self-concept, and resilience among 94 Malaysian female orphan adolescents. Participants, aged between 14 and 17 years (early adolescence), were selected from four different orphanages in Malaysia. Using a quasi-experimental design, these participants completed two sets of pretests and post-tests on demographic information, the Muslim Religious Personality Inventory (MRPI), the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale-2 (TSCS-2), and the Singaporean Youth Resilience Scale (SYRESS). The data was analyzed using both Pearson Correlation and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Findings found a positive relationship among three constructs--religious identity, self-concept, and resilience. Given the types of orphans in this study, there was no significant difference between true and social orphans on their religious identity, self-concept, and resilience scores. The results also showed that the psycho-educational group intervention did have a significant effect on the treatment group's score of religious identity, self-concept, and resilience tasks over a four-week session. The change of religious identity, self-concept, and resilience suggests that this intervention group is sufficient to be effective in female orphans who are participating in this study while providing new perspectives for group worker practitioners, caregivers, institutional principals, and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Malaysia (PEYATIM).

A Study on Retention and Achievement: Assessment of International Students' Resilience and Coping Strategies

Chin, Fui-Yee Phoebe 01 December 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine and to explore international students’ perceptions of resilience and how they coped with stress during their pursuit of a college degree. This study also explored forms of assistance international students received while studying at the university, how students capitalized on their own qualities to overcome obstacles, and to discover resilience factors that empowered international students despite challenges they encountered during the course of study. The researcher utilized two surveys, namely the Resilience Scale (RS) (Wagnild & Young, 1993) and the Coping Strategy Indicator (CSI) (Amirkhan, 1990), and a focus group interview to collect data for the study. The sample of the study consisted of 117 students for the RS, 106 students for the CSI, and 6 students for the focus group. All students were internationals from a Midwestern university in the United States. The findings of the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the RS scores for both undergraduate and graduate international students or for females and males respectively. The study also confirmed that there was no significant difference in the CSI scores for undergraduate and graduate international students. However, there was a significant difference between females and males in their CSI scores, suggesting that females were more likely than males to seek social support when they encountered challenges in life. Qualitative data from the focus group yielded meaningful insights on the obstacles that international students had to overcome, assistance international students received while in the United States, and protective factors students possessed in order to be successful in the university. The study also included a factor analysis of the data that confirmed a 3-factor structure of CSI (labeled respectively as Problem Solving, Seeking Social Support, and Avoidance). Even though factor analysis also verified the original 25-item 5-factor structure of RS, yielding a 5-factor structure of resilience (Meaningfulness, Equanimity, Self-Reliance, Perseverance, and Existential Aloneness), due to several cross loadings of the variables onto the factors, the analysis failed to verify the same variables contributed to the original 5-factor in RS. Plausible explanations for the discrepancy of the study of RS were explored.


Gonzalez, Aleesandria 01 May 2017 (has links)
This research explores the relationship between the cognitive variables perceived risks, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, and perceived hazard experience with farmer support for adaptation and the agreement between farmer perceptions with observed climate conditions of drought and excess precipitation. Climate conditions were evaluated using monthly Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) values from 1950 to 2014. The remaining variables were measured using a closed ended survey of corn and soybean farmers (N =276) in the Iowa-Cedar Watershed. The relationships were evaluated using Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation (), frequency distributions, and probability analysis. Perceived barriers were found to be a significant predictor of support for adaptation. Transformational adaptations were less supported by farmers than incremental adaptations. Farmers expressed more concern for finances than any other risks or barrier. The majority of farmers reported low to moderate risks to drought and precipitation with high efficacy to cope to future impacts. Lastly, climate conditions indicate that there were more frequent and extreme precipitation events than drought events and that farmer perceptions of climate are consistent with observed climate conditions. However, while climate change projections indicate increased weather extremes in the future, farmers perceive no change in risks. It is unclear whether or not farmers are actually equipped to handle future threats to their crops. Future research should address this problem by conducting a longitudinal study to observe farmers’ perception prior to and after experiencing extreme events.

Tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010 en Haïti : Des traumatismes à la résilience / Earthquake of January 12, 2010 in Haiti : Trauma to resilience

Cénat, Jude Mary 24 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail financé par l’Agence Nationale de Recherche (Projet ANR-10-HAIT-002 RECREAHVI : Résilience et Processus Créateur chez les Enfants et les Adolescents Haïtiens Victimes de Catastrophes Naturelles), porte sur les traumatismes et aménagements psychiques du peuple haïtien pour se reconstruire suite au séisme de janvier 2010 qui a ravagé plusieurs villes du pays et tué environ 2,5% de la population.Des études réalisées auprès des survivants suite à des évènements similaires dans d’autres pays ont montré d’importants effets traumatiques sur les populations. D’autres études ont aussi montré que les personnes touchées par des catastrophes (naturelles) ne présentent pas toutes des traumatismes et qu’au contraire, certaines arrivent à trouver les ressources nécessaires pour se reconstruire. La présente recherche avait pour objectifs d’étudier les conséquences traumatiques du séisme dans la population haïtienne et les stratégies qu’elle met en place pour y faire face et se reconstruire. Elle s’est basée sur une approche complémentariste articulant non seulement théories psychodynamiques des traumatismes et le modèle du Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique (TSPT), mais aussi méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives, tout en tenant compte des particularités culturelles de l’expression traumatique et de la résilience.Un groupe de 872 enfants et adolescents (dont 56,30% de filles) avec un âge moyen de 14,91 (ET = 1,94) et 1355 adultes (dont 48,71% de femmes) avec un âge moyen de 31,57 années (ET = 14,42) ont été évalués à l’aide de questionnaires concernant les évènements de vie marquants, l’exposition traumatique, les symptômes de la détresse péritraumatique, du TSPT, de la dépression, le soutien social et la résilience. Des données qualitatives ont ensuite été recueillies à l’aide d’entretiens cliniques et de méthodes projectives (Rorschach et D10) auprès d’une vingtaine de sujets. Six études de cas choisis pour leurs particularités (amputation, dynamique du transfert et du contre-transfert) sont présentées dans ce travail.Deux ans et demi après le séisme, les résultats montrent des taux de prévalence élevés des symptômes du TSPT et de la dépression (respectivement 36,96% et 46,21% chez le groupe enfant/adolescent et 36,75% et 25,98% chez les adultes). Ils montrent également que le jeune âge, l’âge avancé, le sexe féminin, le chômage, le bas niveau d’éducation et les difficultés économiques sont les principaux facteurs de risque. Le degré d’exposition et la détresse péritraumatique sont les principaux facteurs prédicteurs des symptômes du TSPT et de la dépression. Les résultats de la phase clinique mettent particulièrement en évidence l’emboitement de traumatismes psychiques multiples qui s’expriment à travers des codes culturels, aux niveaux individuel, familial, communautaire et social.Cependant les résultats indiquent également que comparativement à d’autres pays ayant vécu des séismes similaires comme le Japon et la Chine, les enfants, adolescents et adultes haïtiens font preuve d’un niveau de résilience plus élevé à l’échelle de Resilience Scale traduite, validée et publiée en créole haïtien. Le soutien social étant le meilleur facteur prédicteur de la résilience, il a été observé que les survivants s’appuient sur un ensemble de tuteurs de résilience interconnectés comme la famille, l’école, les institutions religieuses et les réseaux associatifs entre autres pour se reconstruire. Tout en mettant en perspective un modèle baptisé « L’arbre de la construction de la résilience », l’ensemble des résultats montre la nécessité d’un accompagnement de la population avec la culture comme levier thérapeutique. / This study financed by the National Research Agency of France (Project ANR-10-HAIT-002 RECREAHVI : Resilience and Creator Process among Haitian Children and Adolescents Victims of Natural Disasters), explores trauma and psychic adjustments of Haitian people in order to recover themselves after the earthquake of January 2010 which devastated several cities and killed about 2.5% of population.Studies carried out among survivors following similar events in other countries have shown significant traumatic effects on populations. Other studies have also shown that not all people affected by natural disasters experience trauma. Moreover, some people are able to find the necessary resources to recover themselves. This research aimed to study the traumatic consequences of the earthquake of Haitian population and the strategies it establishes to cope and recover itself. It is based on complementarist approach involving not only psychodynamic theories of trauma and model of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but also quantitative and qualitative methods, taking into consideration the cultural characteristics of the traumatic expression and resilience.A group of 872 children and adolescents (out of which 56.30% girls) with average age of 14.91 (SD = 1.94) and 1,355 adults (out of which 48.71% of women) with average age of 31, 57 (SD = 14.42) were evaluated using questionnaires about traumatic life events, traumatic exposure, symptoms of peritraumatic distress, PTSD, depression, social support and resilience. Qualitative data were then collected using clinical interviews and projective methods (Rorschach and D10) on about twenty subjects. Six case studies chosen for their specificities (amputation, transferential and countertransferential dynamic) are presented in this work.Two and a half years after the earthquake, the results show high prevalence of PTSD and depression symptoms (respectively 36.96% and 46.21% for child / adolescent group and 36.75% and 25.98 % for adults). Similarly, they show that young age, advanced age, female gender, unemployment, low education level and economic difficulties are the main risk factors. The degree of traumatic exposure and peritraumatic distress factors are the major predictors of PTSD symptoms and depression. The results of the clinical phase particularly emphasize the entanglement of multiple psychic trauma which are expressed through cultural codes at individual, family, community and social levelsHowever, the results also indicate that compared to other countries which had similar earthquakes such as Japan and China, Haitian children, adolescents and adults demonstrate a higher level of resilience on the Resilience Scale translated, validated and published in Haitian Creole. Given that social support is the best predictor factor of resilience, it was observed that the survivors are based on a set of interconnected resilience tutors such as family, school, religious institutions and associative networks to recover themselves.While putting in perspective a model called "The Tree of resilience construction", all the results show the need of psychological support for the population with the culture as a therapeutic leverage.

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