Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] RESILIENCE"" "subject:"[enn] RESILIENCE""
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A resiliência como fonte de renovação da sustentabilidade organizacional / Resilience as a source of renewal of organizational sustainabilityAna Augusta Almeida de Souza 14 June 2016 (has links)
Muitas práticas organizacionais antes inexistentes estão sendo implementadas e, ainda, construídas pelas empresas a fim de garantir uma atuação marcada pela geração de resultados positivos para o meio ambiente, a sociedade e viáveis financeiramente. A sustentabilidade tem que estar integrada na estratégia de negócio da empresa e, por isso, há a necessidade de adotar práticas que visem o desenvolvimento de capacidades e competências sustentáveis de modo contínuo. Neste contexto, usa-se o conceito de resiliência que significa a capacidade de uma empresa em lidar com um ambiente complexo e dinâmico. A resiliência é uma capacidade dinâmica e sua principal característica é a geração de competências. Desse modo, a perspectiva da resiliência pode ajudar no desenvolvimento de práticas sustentáveis capazes de gerar novas capacidades para lidar com as demandas da sustentabilidade num ambiente de alta complexidade para sistemas dinâmicos. O presente estudo teve como questão de pesquisa: \"como a resiliência contribui para a sustentabilidade das organizações?\". Dois métodos de coleta foram utilizados para responder a esta pergunta: entrevistas semiestruturadas com gestores de empresas da área de meio ambiente ou sustentabilidade e grupo focal com especialistas das áreas de resiliência e sustentabilidade. Após a análise dos dados, encontrou-se os procedimentos para desenvolver a resiliência na sustentabilidade organizacional tanto na teoria como na prática - planos de longo prazo, reuniões periódicas, benchmarking, comunicação entre áreas e hierarquias distintas, parcerias e ações eco eficientes - e práticas de valorização dos aspectos humanos como o comportamento dos líderes e a cultura compartilhada entre os membros da organização. Os especialistas compreendem a resiliência como um conjunto de práticas que consideram os aspectos procedimentais e humanos para o alcance da sustentabilidade validando, assim, a teoria e os achados do primeiro método - entrevistas com gestores de empresas do setor industrial. / Many organizational practices did not exist before are being implemented, and also built by companies in order to ensure a performance marked by generating positive results for the environment, society and financially viable. Sustainability has to be integrated in the company\'s business strategy and therefore there is a need to adopt practices aimed at capacity building and sustainable skills continuously. In this context, we use the concept of resilience which means the ability of a company to deal with a complex and dynamic environment. Resilience is a dynamic capability and its main feature is the generation of skills. Thus, the perspective of resilience can help in the development of sustainable practices that generate new capabilities to cope with the demands of sustainability in a highly complex environment for dynamic systems. This study was the research question: \"how resilience contributes to the sustainability of organizations?\". Two collection methods were used to answer this question: semi-structured interviews with the environmental area of company managers or sustainability and focus groups with experts in the areas of resilience and sustainability. After analyzing the data, the procedures met to develop resilience in organizational sustainability both in theory and in practice - long-term plans, regular meetings, benchmarking, communication between areas and distinct hierarchies, partnerships and eco-efficient actions - and practices valuation of human aspects such as the behavior of leaders and shared culture among members of the organization. Experts understand resilience as a set of practices that consider the procedural and human aspects for achieving sustainability validating thus the theory and the findings of the first method - interviews with managers of industrial companies.
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Política de ações afirmativas na UFRGS : o processo de resiliência na trajetória de vida de estudantes cotistas negros com bom desempenho acadêmicoBello, Luciane January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o processo de resiliência em estudantes cotistas de escolas públicas autodeclarados negros com bom desempenho acadêmico (Taxa Integralização Média acima de 50%), que ingressaram pelo sistema de reserva de vagas aprovado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul em 2008. A partir de um breve histórico da política de ações afirmativas no mundo, no Brasil e na Universidade, há o destaque sobre as desvantagens que jovens negros vivem para ter acesso ao Ensino Superior neste país. Foram entrevistados dez estudantes, entre 20 e 33 anos, em sua maioria moradores da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, de oito cursos diferentes: Ciências Contábeis, Direito, Engenharia Civil, Letras, Geografia, Biologia Marinha, Educação Física e Medicina Veterinária. Através da escuta sensível durante as entrevistas conhecemos a autodescrição e origem social dos estudantes: estudiosos, dedicados, eles reconhecem a importância da família, principalmente da figura materna, enquanto motivadora para superar obstáculos. A falta de modelos negros é uma constante nas suas trajetórias, seja como professores ou familiares em boas posições profissionais. Foi reconhecido o processo de resiliência em suas trajetórias como uma gama de superações frequentes: perdas familiares, necessidade precoce de afastamento dos pais em busca de melhores oportunidades educacionais, alvos de preconceito, dificuldades econômicas e limitações de acesso ao capital cultural mais valorizado pela universidade, foram fatores que não os impediram de realizar seus sonhos. Ao contrário, eles se tornaram mais resistentes, buscaram se reestruturar e crescer em resposta às situações de crise e aos desafios do cotidiano. A oportunidade de realizar um curso superior é vista como uma possibilidade de ascensão social. O ingresso na UFRGS é percebido por alguns destes estudantes como algo inacreditável, gerando expectativas e sonhos compartilhados por seus familiares. Estes estudantes conheciam pouco sobre o sistema de cotas antes de prestar o vestibular, e a assistência estudantil na UFRGS ainda não atende à maioria dos entrevistados. A instituição como um todo há que se reformular quanto ao oferecimento de cursos noturnos, súmula de disciplinas, material didático, assistência estudantil, e reconhecer que o ingresso de cotistas proporciona o convívio com a diversidade na Universidade entre docentes, técnicos e demais estudantes. Isso representa um grande desafio para que segmentos da comunidade acadêmica abandonem certos preconceitos que podem gerar discriminações. / This dissertation examines the resilience process of government school students, quota-benefited, self-declared black, with good academic performance (Average Payment Rate over 50%), which have entered the higher education through the vacancy reservation system approved for Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in 2008. From a brief description of the affirmative action policy worldwide, in Brasil and at UFRGS, can be evidenced the disadvantages experienced by the young blacks to access higher education in this country. Ten students were interviewed, aged between 20 and 33, most of whom living in the metropolitan area around Porto Alegre, from eight different courses: accountancy, law, civil engineering, letters, geography, marine biology, physical education and veterinary medicine. Through the sensitive listening in the interviews, it is possible to acknowledge the self-description and social origin of the students: studious, devoted, they recognize the importance of their families, specially the mother figure as a motivator to exceed adversities. The lack of black patterns is current in their trajectories, as teachers or as relatives in good professional positions either. The resilience process could be recognized in their trajectories as a number of persistent conquests: familiar losses, premature need of separation from parents in seek for better educational opportunities, targets of prejudice, economic difficulties and restricted access to the cultural capital which is most valuated by the University, these were issues that did not hinder them from achieving their dreams. On the contrary, they have become more resistant, pursuing to restructure and improve in crisis situations and everyday challenges. The opportunity to attend a college course is seen as a possibility of social ascension. The entrance at UFRGS is perceived by some of these students as something unbelievable, producing expectations and dreams shared by their relatives. These students barely knew about the quota system before they submitted to the University admission test, and UFRGS‟ students‟ assistance program does not support most of the interviewed yet. The institution as a whole has to reformulate itself on the offer of night-period courses, description of disciplines, didactic material, students‟ assistance, and to recognize that the entering of quota-benefited students provides the interaction with diversity, at the University, amongst professors, technicians, and the other students. This represents a huge challenge so that certain sections of academic community can relinquish some prejudices that might produce discrimination.
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Resiliência e autopercepção de saúde bucal : considerações de uma análise hierárquicaMartins, Aline Blaya January 2009 (has links)
Atualmente, há uma escassez de estudos que avaliem desfechos positivos. A relação existente entre a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e processos de enfrentamento relacionados com a resiliência, por exemplo, parece ainda não ter sido investigada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal e sua associação com um conjunto de variáveis, entre elas a resiliência, através de um modelo teórico conceitual, em idosos vivendo na comunidade, na região Sul do Brasil. Foram avaliados 498 indivíduos, através de um estudo transversal aninhado em um estudo de coorte. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sócio-demográfico, a Escala de Resiliência e passaram por um breve exame aonde os pesquisadores realizaram a contagem do número de dentes. Baseado em uma análise hierárquica realizada através de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, as razões de prevalência estimadas das variáveis que ficaram significativamente associadas com o desfecho em estudo, após a análise totalmente ajustada, foram: 1) alto potencial de resiliência: RP= 0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) localização geográfica do domicílio na área rural: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) renda: RP= 1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3) e 4) não necessidade de mudanças de dieta: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Portanto, os resultados confirmam a hipótese de associação entre elevado potencial de resiliência e autopercepção positiva de saúde bucal. / Currently, there are a few studies that assess positive outcomes. The importance of coping strategies, lead by resilience, on positive perception of oral health has drawn little attention from oral health researchers. The objective of this study was to evaluate positive self-perceived oral health and its association with a set of variables, including resilience, using a theoretical framework, among independent-living older persons in Southern Brazil. We studied 498 persons in a cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study. The participants were evaluated using a structured questionnaire to assess socio-demographic data and resilience potential (Resilience Scale). Furthermore, a brief oral examination assessing the number of teeth was performed. A hierarchical analysis was carried out using Poisson regression with robust variance. A final, fully adjusted regression model showed that the following variables were associated with positive self-perceived oral health 1) elevated resilience potential: PR=0,83, 95% IC (0,75-0,93), 2) living in the rural area: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,06-1,32), 3) income: PR=1,18, 95% IC (1,07-1,3), and 4) unchanged diet due to oral problems: RP= 1,34, 95% IC (1,13-1,6). Therefore, the results confirm the hypothesis of an association between elevated resilience potential and positive self-perceived oral health.
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Os mecanismos protetores utilizados por uma equipe multidisciplinar na promoção de crianças e adolescentes resilientes / Protective mechanism used by a multidisciplinary team in the promotion of children and adolescents resilientVincenzi, Maria Regina Rodrigues Costa 02 October 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maria de Lurdes Zanolli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T13:57:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Vincenzi_MariaReginaRodriguesCosta_M.pdf: 965816 bytes, checksum: 6dd3a8d959ba4786198f05784b8eecec (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a possibilidade de uma instituição serpromotora de crianças e adolescentes mais resilientes, descrevendo os desafios e os mecanismos possíveis de superá-los. Partindo-se de referenciais teóricos sobre o conceito de resiliência, foi estabelecido um projeto de pesquisa com metodologia qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso, cuja concentração de interesse foi uma instituição que acolhe crianças e adolescentes que vivem em situação de risco. A pesquisa de campo inicialmente foi feita pela técnica de observação participante. Juntamente com os dados obtidos por esta técnica, foram realizadas entrevistas com cinco grupos focais de interesse: de gestores; de profissionais; de estagiários; de crianças/adolescentes que frequentam regularmente a instituição e de jovens egressos. O modelo básico se constituiu em usar para cada grupo, roteiros com questões semiestruturadas sobre: resiliência, fatores de risco, fatores protetores e vulnerabilidade. As entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas, sendo as categorias elencadas. Obteve-se um conjunto de informações que foram analisadas e interpretadas no contexto da literatura sobre cada tema abordado. Por meio da observação participante e das entrevistas com os grupos focais também foi possível uma avaliação participativa da instituição. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a importância da formação do vínculo; o cuidar; a disponibilidade para ouvir e uma rede social de apoio são mecanismos promotores de resiliência presentes na instituição. No entanto, a alta rotatividade dos estagiários e a falta de capacitação dos novos integrantes são apontadas como obstáculos dessa promoção. Conclui-se que é uma instituição com possibilidade de promover resiliência por oferecer um espaço que permite relações interpessoais com base na confiança, no acolhimento, na resolução de conflitos e na diminuição da vulnerabilidade a que essas crianças e adolescentes estão expostos. Porém, há a necessidade de realizarem-se novas discussões e intervenções com a participação da sociedade e um maior envolvimento dos gestores para que não ocorra simplesmente a transferência de responsabilidade para uma instituição / Abstract: The objective of this research is to investigate the possibility of an institution to be a promoter of children and adolescents more resilient, describing the challenges and possible mechanisms to overcome them. Based on theoretical frameworks on the concept of resilience, has established a research project with qualitative methodology, case study, the concentration of interest was an institution that welcomes children and adolescents living in situations of risk. Field research was initially done using the technique of participant observation. Together with data that was obtained by this technique, interviews were conducted with five focus groups of interest: managers, professionals, trainees, children and adolescents who regularly attend the institution and the young graduates. The basic model is set up to use for each group tours with semi-structured questions about: resilience, risk factors, protective factors and vulnerability. These interviews were recorded and transcribed, and the categories listed. We obtained a set of information that were analyzed and interpreted in the context of the literature on each topic addressed. Through participant observation and interviews with focus groups there were also a participatory assessment of the institution. The results indicated that the importance of bonding, caring, a willingness to listen and a social support network are mechanisms to resilience in the present institution. However, the high turnover of trainees and lack of training of new members are seen as obstacles to such promotion. We conclude that an institution is able to promote resilience by providing a space for interpersonal relationships based on trust, care, conflict resolution and reducing the vulnerability of these children and adolescents are exposed. However, there is a need to engage in further discussions and interventions with the participation of civil society and greater involvement of managers so that does not simply transfer responsibility to an institution / Mestrado / Pediatria / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente
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A produÃÃo de sonhos dos meninos da Casa Grande / Prodution of the dreams of young people in Casa GrandeJosà Tancredo Lobo 05 July 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Vivemos um tempo de desespero, num mundo avesso Ãs utopias, ou seja, numa carÃncia de esperanÃa. A promessa de vida melhor e abundante que o sistema capitalista, com sua sociedade de consumo, prometeu, nÃo se cumpriu em sua plenitude na modernidade, ou melhor dizendo, nÃo para todos. Desespero, frustraÃÃo existencial, violÃncia passaram a ser temas urgentes dentre as preocupaÃÃes das diversas Ãreas do conhecimento. Nesse terreno especial se inscreve este trabalho, que teve por objetivo compreender a produÃÃo de sonhos dos jovens participantes da FundaÃÃo Casa Grande, localizada em Nova Olinda, CearÃ. âSonhosâ aqui entendidos como dimensÃes dos projetos existenciais, portanto, que se tÃm bem acordados. A pesquisa de doutorado foi desenvolvida no Ãmbito do Programa de PÃs-GraduaÃÃo em EducaÃÃo da Faculdade de EducaÃÃo (FACED), da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC), na linha de pesquisa Movimentos Sociais, EducaÃÃo Popular e Escola, especificamente no eixo temÃtico EducaÃÃo Ambiental, Juventude, Arte e Espiritualidade, sob a orientaÃÃo da Professora Ercilia Maria Braga de Olinda. A complexidade da temÃtica exigiu uma abordagem construtiva, em que teoria, metodologia e experiÃncias dos envolvidos (pesquisador e sujeitos) foram tecidas juntas numa percepÃÃo de totalidade. O contexto em que se inseriu o objeto à um imbricado de relaÃÃes sÃcio-econÃmicas e culturais especiais. Nova Olinda à um pequeno municÃpio com IDH, conforme o IBGE, dos mais baixos da regiÃo do Cariri. Ali se localiza a instituiÃÃo que abriga os jovens sujeitos desta pesquisa. A FundaÃÃo Casa Grande Memorial do Homem Kariri â ONG criada em 1992, se propÃe ser âuma escola de gestÃo cultural que tem como missÃo educar crianÃas e jovens do sertÃo atravÃs dos programas de MemÃria, ComunicaÃÃo, Artes e Turismoâ. Os sujeitos colaboradores deste trabalho foram alguns dos jovens participantes da referida instituiÃÃo. A mediaÃÃo teÃrica apoiu-se em intelectuais como Zygmunt Bauman, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Marie-Christine Josso, Antonio NÃvoa, Ercilia Braga, Alfonzo QuintÃs, Peter Singer, Enrique Dussel, Humberto Maturana, Josà Tavares, Paulo Freire, Ernst Bloch, Erich Fromm e outros. A abordagem metodolÃgica foi transdisciplinar; recorreu à pesquisa (auto)biografia, tanto nos fundamentos teÃricos quanto no aspecto procedimental; a trajetÃria da pesquisa pode ser denominada de qualitativa, colaborativa, formativa e existencial como modus de produzir ciÃncia em que a centralidade està na pessoa humana e na vida como fonte maior de toda a existÃncia. Foram usadas tÃcnicas como: entrevista narrativa, cÃrculos reflexivos e observaÃÃo dos Ãmbitos da organizaÃÃo pesquisada. As narrativas juvenis expressaram modos de ser esperanÃosos, acerca do que-ainda-nÃo-veio-a-ser. Mostraram a aÃÃo de jovens resilientes. A tese à uma reflexÃo sobre a produÃÃo de sonhos, como uma oportunidade de construir â no dizer de Ernst Bloch â o que-ainda-nÃo-se-tornou-bom, enfim, demonstra que sonhar à uma forma de se contrapor ao determinismo do destino.
Palavras-chave: Sonhos; EsperanÃa; ResiliÃncia. / We live in a time of hopelessness, a world inside out to utopias, in a lack of hope. The promise of better life and abundant that the capitalist system, with its consumer society, has pledged not been fulfilled in its fullness in modernity, or rather not for everyone. Despair, existential frustration, violence became urgent topics among the concerns of various knowledge areas. In this particular field is part of this work, which aimed to understand the production of the dreams of young participants of the FundaÃÃo Casa Grande, located in Nova Olinda, CearÃ. "Dreams" here understood as existential dimensions of the projects, therefore, to have well agreed. The doctoral research was developed within the Programa de PÃs-GraduaÃÃo em EducaÃÃo, Faculdade de EducaÃÃo (FACED), Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC), the line of research Social Movements, Popular Education and the School, specifically in the thematic area Education Environment, Youth, Art and Spirituality, under the guidance of Professor Ercilia Maria Braga de Olinda. The complexity of the issue required a constructive approach in which theory, methodology and experiences of those involved (the researcher and subject) were woven together in a perception of wholeness. The context in which the object is inserted in an interwoven social and economic relationships and cultural special. Nova Olinda is a small town with HDI, according to the IBGE, the lowest in the region of Cariri. There she finds the institution that houses the young subjects of research. The Casa Grande Foundation Memorial Human Kariri - NGO created in 1992, purports to be "a school of cultural management that has as its mission to educate children and youth programs through the backwoods of Memory, Communication, Arts and Tourism." The subjects of this study collaborators were among the young participants of that institution. The theoretical mediation on intellectuals as Zygmunt Bauman, Boaventura Sousa Santos, Marie-Christine Josso, Antonio Novoa, Ercilia Braga, Alfonzo Farms, Peter Singer, Enrique Dussel, Humberto Maturana, Josà Tavares, Paulo Freire, Ernst Bloch, Erich Fromm and others. The methodological approach was interdisciplinary; used to search (auto) biography, both in theoretical and in the procedural aspects, the history of the research can be called a qualitative, collaborative, formative and existential modus how to produce science in which the core is in the person and human life as a major source of all existence. Techniques were used as narrative interview, circles and reflective observation of areas of the organization studied. The narratives expressed youth ways to be hopeful about what-does-not-come-to-be. Showed the action of resilient youth. The thesis is a reflection on the production of dreams as an opportunity to build - in the words of Ernst Bloch - what-does-not-become-good; at last, demonstrate that to dream is a way to contrapose the determination of destiny.
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Representações de violência reveladas por crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias em situação de risco social = histórias e caminhos de resiliência / Representations of violence revealed by children, adolescents and their families at social risk : stories of resilience and pathsPrecoma, Eliane Cleonice Alves 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Orly Zucatto Mantovani de Assis / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T10:02:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Precoma_ElianeCleoniceAlves_D.pdf: 1505294 bytes, checksum: 6dcd81b9edcebb0ae14bda261817d57e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Résumé: Cette recherche étudie les représentations de la violence révélées par les enfants, lesadolescents et leurs familles en situation de risque social. L'étude a été realisée auprès desenfants et des adolescents qui sont hébergés dans la petite ferme "Meninos de 4 Pinheiros", organisation non-gouvernementale, située à Mandirituba, région métropolitaine de Curitiba- Paraná - Brésil, qui acceuille quatre-vingts enfants qui ont vécu des situations de vulnérabilité sociale. Le protocole de recherche, spécialement développé pour cette enquête, se compose de sept histoires sur la violence, afin de caractériser le cycle de la violence subie par les enfants ET les adolescents à risque et la vulnérabilité sociale. Les histoires portent sur la violence familiale - psychologique, les abus physiques et sexuels; la violence de rue - la violence policière, laconsommation de drogues et la violence commise par les touristes; la violence à l?école ET l'acte infractionnel d?adolescent. Pour le recueil des données nous avons utilisé le protocole, appliqué em conformité avec les directives de la méthode clinique-critique (PIAGET, 1978, 1994, 2002; DELVAL, 2001, 2002; ASSIS, 2002, 2005), en ce sens, les histoires ont été présentées aux participants pour comprendre "ce qui et comment" ils pensent des histoires sur la violence et d'enquêter sur le pourquoi de leurs réponses. Le problème qui a guidé cette recherche: "à partir du jugement des histoires de violence, qui sont les représentations révélées par les enfants et les adolescents dans la situation de risque social? Et quelles sont lês représentations révélées par leurs familles?". Les objectifs de cette recherche: 1) Identifier ET analyser les représentations de la violence chez les enfants et les adolescents qui ont subi dês violences, ainsi que d'enquêter de telles représentations dans leurs familles; 2) Identifier l'histoire de la vie des enfants et des adolescents et l'histoire de vie de leurs familles, ainsi que les types de violence qu'ils subissent; 3) Déduire les implications pédagogiques-sociales liées à la prévention des violences. Dans l'analyse des données obtenues dans les dix-sept entretienscliniques, les représentations révélées par les personnes interrogées ont été classées en deux groupes, le premier groupe de représentations facteurs de risque associés, qui interfèrent ET entravent le développement de l'enfant et de l'adolescent; et le second groupe composé de représentations associées à des facteurs de protection qui favorisent le développement global des enfants et des adolescents. L'analyse de toutes les représentations a permis la définition de catégories qui sont explicatives et constitutives de la paire dialectique: violence/résilience, qui soutient le développement de la thèse de ce travail, basé sur le fait qu'en investigant la violence il est également possible d'identifier les facteurs de protection et les histoires de résilience. Le processus d'analyse des représentations de violence a permis de déduire neuf implications pédagogique-sociales, qui dénotent leurs perspectives éducatives et préventives, relatives àla planification, au développement et à l'évaluation des actions, projets, programmes et politiques publiques pour prévenir la violence, avec l?intention de développer la résilience des enfants, des adolescents et de leurs familles. / Resumo: A presente pesquisa investigou as representações de violência reveladas por crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias em situação de risco social. A investigação foi realizada com crianças e adolescentes abrigados na Chácara Meninos de 4 Pinheiros, organização nãogovernamental, localizada em Mandirituba, região metropolitana de Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, e que abriga oitenta meninos que viveram situações de vulnerabilidade social. O protocolo de pesquisa, elaborado especialmente para esta investigação, é composto por sete histórias sobre violência, com vistas a caracterizar o ciclo de violências sofrido por crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco e de vulnerabilidade social. As histórias apresentam enredos sobre violência na família - violência psicológica, abuso físico e sexual; violência na rua - violência policial, consumo de drogas e violência cometida por turista; violência na escola e ato infracional cometido por adolescente. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado o referido protocolo, aplicado de acordo com as orientações do método clínico crítico (PIAGET, 1978; 1994; 2002; DELVAL, 2001; 2002; ASSIS, 2002; 2005), as histórias foram apresentadas para crianças, adolescentes e membros de suas famílias, visando compreender "o quê e como" eles pensam sobre as histórias a violência, investigando os porquês de suas respostas. O problema que orientou esta investigação: "a partir do julgamento de histórias de violência, quais são as representações reveladas por crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco social? E quais são as representações reveladas por suas famílias?". Os seguintes objetivos direcionaram a investigação: 1) Identificar e analisar as representações de violência em crianças e adolescentes que sofreram violências, assim como investigar tais representações em suas famílias; 2) Identificar, por meio de entrevistas com coordenador da instituição e com educadores-aprendizes, a história de vida de crianças e adolescentes abrigados, e respectivamente a história de vida de suas famílias, assim como os tipos de violências sofridas por eles; 3) Inferir implicações pedagógico-sociais relacionadas com a prevenção da violência, que envolvam as representações reveladas por crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias. Na análise de dados obtidos nas dezessete entrevistas clínicas, as representações reveladas pelos sujeitos entrevistados foram classificadas em dois grupos, o primeiro grupo composto por representações associadas aos fatores de risco, que interferem e comprometem o desenvolvimento integral da criança e do adolescente; e o segundo grupo, composto por representações associadas aos fatores de proteção que potencializam o desenvolvimento integral de crianças e adolescentes. A análise do conjunto de representações possibilitou a definição de categorias que são explicativas e constitutivas do par dialético: violência/resiliência, que fundamenta a elaboração da tese deste trabalho, pautada na defesa de que ao investigar violência, foi possível identificar também os fatores de proteção e as histórias de resiliência. As histórias de vida de crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias em situação de risco social são caracterizadas e relacionadas às representações reveladas pelos sujeitos. O processo de análise das representações de violência possibilitou inferir nove implicações pedagógico-sociais, que denotam suas perspectivas, educativa e preventiva, relacionadas ao planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação de ações, projetos, programas e políticas públicas de prevenção da violência, visando potencializar a resiliência de crianças, adolescentes e suas famílias. / Abstract: The present research had investigated the representations of violence revealed by children, adolescents and their families in social risk. The study was conducted with children and adolescents sheltered at Chácara Meninos de 4 Pinheiros, a non-governmental organization, located in Mandirituba, metropolitan region of Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, which houses shelter eighty children who have experienced situations of social vulnerability. The research protocol, especially designed for this investigation, consists on seven stories about violence, in order to characterize the cycle of violence suffered by children and adolescents in risk and social vulnerability. The stories feature plots about family violence - psychological, physical and sexual abuse, street violence - police violence, drug use and violence committed by tourists, school violence and misdemeanors committed by adolescents. The research methodology is guided by critical clinical method (PIAGET, 1978, 1994, 2002; DELVAL, 2001, 2002; ASSIS, 2002, 2005), in this sense, the stories were presented to children, adolescents and members of their families to understand "what and how" they think about the stories of violence, investigating the whys of their responses. The problem that guided this investigation: "from the judgment of violence history, which are the representations revealed by children and adolescents in social risk? And what are the representations revealed by their families? ". The following objectives guided the research: 1) Identify and analyze the representations of violence in children and adolescents who have suffered violence, as well as investigate any such representations in their families, 2) Identify, through interviews with the coordinator of the institution-learners and educators, the life story of sheltered children and adolescents, respectively, and the life history of their families, as well as the types of violence suffered by them, 3) Infer implications pedagogical and social issues related to violence prevention, involving representations revealed of children, adolescents and their families. In the analysis of data obtained with these seventeen clinical interviews, the representations revealed were classified into two groups, the first group of representations was associated with risk factors, which interfere and hamper the development of the child and adolescent, and the second group was composed by representations associated with protective factors that enhance the overall development of children and adolescents. The analysis of all possible representations have turned possible the definition of categories, that are explanatory and constitutive dialectical pair: violence/resilience, that underlies the development of the thesis of this work, based on the defense that when violence were investigated, it was also possible to identify protective factors and stories of resilience. The life stories of children, adolescents and their families in social risk are characterized and related to representations revealed by the subjects. The process of analysis the violence representations infer to nine possible social-teaching implications, which denote their educational and preventive perspectives, related to planning, development and evaluation of actions, projects, programs and policies to prevent violence in order to enhance the resilience of children, adolescents and their families. / Doutorado / Psicologia, Desenvolvimento Humano e Educação / Doutor em Educação
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Gestão educacional resiliente : uma proposta para um contexto de mudanças paradigmáticas / Resilient Educational Management : a proposal for a context of paradigmatic changesSilva, Altimar Costa da, 1966- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Zacarias Pereira Borges / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T08:02:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A presente pesquisa foi norteada pelo seguinte problema: Diante das múltiplas mudanças paradigmáticas, da problemática que envolve a gestão educacional e do contexto que organiza e estrutura o sistema de ensino paulista, é possível a proposição de uma gestão educacional resiliente? Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo do trabalho é se constituir num estudo que pretende analisar as possibilidades para a instituição da resiliência como um fundamento essencial da gestão educacional num contexto de mudanças paradigmáticas, culminando com a proposição de uma gestão educacional resiliente com os seus quatro pressupostos: a resiliência como uma mudança epistemológica e paradigmática; a resiliência como manifestação energética da vontade de potência; a resiliência como modelo salutogênico e a resiliência como transcendência, bem como, com a sua característica principal de gestão educacional resiliente como pessoa resiliente, trazendo os aspectos da responsabilidade, autonomia, flexibilidade, solidariedade, abertura e inteligência. Os métodos de pesquisa utilizados foram o bibliográfico e o comparativo. O capítulo cinco está dividido em duas partes. A primeira trata dos resultados de uma pesquisa documental sobre os registros dos gestores no Curso Programa de Desenvolvimento Gerencial (PDG) Educação: Gestão Escolar e a Política Educacional. A outra apresenta os resultados de uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Forneceram suporte às duas técnicas de pesquisa: o paradigma sistêmico, a abordagem qualitativa e o método de interpretação de sentidos. Foram diversos os posicionamentos dos Diretores de Escola e dos Supervisores de Ensino, que encontraram pertinência e estabeleceram vínculo com o conceito de resiliência. Somando-se todas as reflexões empreendidas através da fundamentação teórica, as observações extraídas tanto na pesquisa documental como na entrevista semi-estruturada, acentuou-se a intenção de sugerir a incorporação da proposta de uma gestão educacional resiliente como um caminho possível não apenas para a Secretaria da Educação de São Paulo, mas para os demais organismos e sistemas educacionais que enfrentam os fatores de risco. / Abstract: This research was leaded by the following issue: considering the multiple paradigmatic changes, the problems that involves the educational management and the context that organize and structure the São Paulo State's teaching system, is it possible the proposition of a resilient educational management? In this perspective, the objective of this work is to build in a study that intend to analyze the possibilities for the institution of resilience as an essential fundament of educational management in a context of paradigmatic changes, culminating with the proposition of a resilient educational management with its four assumptions: the resilience as an epistemological and paradigmatic change; the resilience as an energetic manifestation of the power of will; the resilience as a salutogenic model and the resilience as a transcendence, as well as with its main resilient educational management characteristic as resilient person, bringing the aspects of responsibility, autonomy, flexibility, solidarity, openness and intelligence. The research methods used were bibliographic and comparative. The fifth chapter is divided in two parts. The first explores the results of a documental research about the registers of the managers from the Course Program of Management Development (PMD) Education: School Management and the Educational Politics. The other presents the results of a semi structured interview. Provided support to the two research techniques: the systematic paradigm, the qualitative approach and the sense interpretation method. Were several the positioning of the school directors and educational supervisors that found relevance and established a link with the resilience concept. Adding up all reflections undertaken though the theoretical embasement, the observation extracted both at the documental research and at the semi structured interview, it was accentuated the intention of suggest the incorporation of the proposal of resilient educational management as a possible way not only to the Education Secretary of São Paulo, but for all the organisms and educational systems that face the risk factors. / Doutorado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Doutor em Educação
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Soil-related geohazard assessment for climate-resilient UK infrastructurePritchard, Oliver G. January 2015 (has links)
UK (United Kingdom) infrastructure networks are fundamental for maintaining societal and economic wellbeing. With infrastructure assets predominantly founded in the soil layer (< 1.5m below ground level) they are subject to a range of soil-related geohazards. A literature review identified that geohazards including, clay-related subsidence, sand erosion and soil corrosivity have exerted significant impacts on UK infrastructure to date; often resulting in both long-term degradation and ultimately structural failure of particular assets. Climate change projections suggest that these geohazards, which are themselves driven by antecedent weather conditions, are likely to increase in magnitude and frequency for certain areas of the UK through the 21st century. Despite this, the incorporation of climate data into geohazard models has seldom been undertaken and never on a national scale for the UK. Furthermore, geohazard risk assessment in UK infrastructure planning policy is fragmented and knowledge is often lacking due to the complexity of modelling chronic hazards in comparison to acute phenomenon such as flooding. With HM Government's recent announcement of £50 million planned infrastructure investment and capital projects, the place of climate resilient infrastructure is increasingly pertinent. The aim of this thesis is therefore to establish whether soil-related geohazard assessments have a role in ensuring climate-resilient UK infrastructure. Soil moisture projections were calculated using probabilistic weather variables derived from a high-resolution version of the UKCP09 (UK Climate Projections2009) weather generator. These were then incorporated into a geohazard model to predict Great Britain's (GB) subsidence hazard for the future scenarios of 2030 (2020-2049) and 2050 (2040-2069) as well as the existing climatic baseline (1961-1990). Results suggest that GB is likely to be subject to increased clay-related subsidence in future, particularly in the south east of England. This thesis has added to scientific understanding through the creation of a novel, national-scale assessment of clay subsidence risk, with future assessments undertaken to 2050. This has been used to help create a soil- informed maintenance strategy for improving the climate resilience of UK local roads, based on an extended case study utilising road condition data for the county of Lincolnshire, UK. Finally, a methodological framework has been created, providing a range of infrastructure climate adaptation stakeholders with a method for incorporating geohazard assessments, informed by climate change projections, into asset management planning and design of new infrastructure. This research also highlights how infrastructure networks are becoming increasingly interconnected, particularly geographically, and therefore even minor environmental shocks arising from soil-related geohazards can cause significant cascading failures of multiple infrastructure networks. A local infrastructure hotspot analysis methodology and case-study is provided.
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Measuring regional resilience towards fossil fuel supply constraints. Adaptability and vulnerability in socio-ecological Transformations-the case of AustriaPoliti, Emilio, Exner, Andreas, Schriefl, Ernst, Erker, Susanna, Stangl, Rosemarie, Baud, Sascha, Paulesich, Reinhard, Warmuth, Hannes, Matzenberger, Julian, Kranzl, Lukas, Windhaber, Markus, Supper, Susanne, Stöglehner, Gernot 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Resilience has become a prominent concept to understand system vulnerabilities flexible ways of adapting to crises. Recently, it gained importance in discussions a the possible peak in oil production (peak oil) and its consequences, which might a economic performance, social well-being and political stability, and thus also the e transition to a low-carbon economy. The paper presents a new way of measuring resilience as absolute resilience related to a best practice-model of a resilient socie The resilience model is grounded in explicit theoretical assumptions. All indicators justified by theoretical and empirical arguments. We present a case study of Austr municipalities and broader-scale spatial types, which were defined according to th degree of urbanization. The mean resilience of Austrian municipalities is moderate difference between resilience values of municipalities is small. Significant different between spatial types exist. Higher resilience is displayed by less urbanized types due to a higher share of agricultural activities and a more favorable level of GDP per capita. Austria has considerable latitude to improve resilience. Corresponding policies should target resilience components with the lowest values first. A sole focus on regionalization is not recommended. These conclusions are applicable to OECD countries in general. (authors' abstract)
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Population Dynamics and Vulnerability Reduction: The Role of Non-Profit Organizations Following the 2011 Earthquake in Christchurch, New ZealandHutton, Nicole Suzanne 01 February 2016 (has links)
With the adoption of neo-liberal policies and the decline in social welfare, non-profit organizations have been increasingly integrated into public service provision. Such changes raise questions regarding formal policies and access for marginalized populations, no more so than in disaster settings as formal disaster management of sexual health services are still vague. This study identifies the role of non-profit organizations in providing public health and social services through the lens of sexual health commitments following the September 2010 Darfield Earthquake and subsequent major aftershock during February 2011 in Christchurch, New Zealand. The primary goals of this study were three fold, to delineate i) aspects of non-profit organizational culture and agency connections that contributed to the resilience of non-profit organizations by maintaining and adapting access to sexual health and associated wellbeing services over the transition from response to recovery ii) integration pathways of non-profit organizations into disaster risk reduction and iii) appropriate geographic representations of temporal vulnerability change impacting the commitments of non-profit organizations.
Mixed methods were used for this study. Data were collected over a two-year period between 2013 and 2015. Data collection techniques included: i) archival research ii) surveys iii) focus groups and iv) semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were derived from census records and qualitative data from surveys, focus groups, and interviews with non-profit and civil society practitioners. A total of thirty-six non-profit organizations, civil society partners, and agency connections participated.
Results show that sexual health needs of youth, families, and migrants arriving for the rebuild, fluctuated following the earthquakes. Sexual health non-profits absorbed the shifting demands for services and supplies by leveraging government partnerships and non-profit agency connections to account for fluctuations in presenting populations, adjust service delivery methods and continue advocacy campaigns. Also, as a result of functional redundancy amongst migrant support groups and their respective agency connections, strategies of long-term advocacy commitment, co-location, and relationship building with diverse ethnic groups benefitted migrants and refugees in maintaining or accessing adequate health and wellbeing support into the recovery phase. By developing programs to increase public awareness of resources, creating engagement opportunities in vacant spaces, and bringing a united voice to authorities, non-profits captured increased social cohesion to address emergent and compounded vulnerabilities of marginalized populations. However, as the recovery progressed, some collective energy was lost.
Findings indicate that non-profits operating in Christchurch prior to the earthquakes with flexible organizational structures and those that emerged after were most successful in the emergency response and early recovery. The ability to capture social cohesion resulting from the shared experience of the earthquakes and build bridges with non-profit connections or incorporate emergent populations into service delivery facilitated successful operations into recovery. Non-profits that partnered with the government were better suited for long-term recovery, when interagency collaboration returned to a more competitive state and reliance on co-production of services was reestablished as the preferred method of service delivery, based on their capacity to maintain and build linkages with civil society partners.
This research adds to disaster literature and the understanding of organizational behaviors by suggesting appropriate means to assess the potential resilience of non-profit organizations post-disaster. Further, pathways of integration with disaster management are identified for various types of non-profits that contribute to sexual health and related community support services. Methods used to identify vulnerabilities of wellbeing focused non-profit organizations and model integration of culturally appropriate service delivery options into recovery planning and disaster mitigation can be applied to other high-income nations with burgeoning non-profit sectors that experience variety of hazards, in particular on the United States’ West Coast as the health care debate in the United States continues.
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