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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Safe Implementation In Railway Industry : A case study at Alstom DC Sweden

Ahmad, Bilal, Kosasih, ii Ratna January 2021 (has links)
Organizations have always tried and pushed themselves to bring changes in how they conduct business. They do this to reach the market quickly and achieve customer satisfaction. This master thesis was conducted at a global leader transportation company, Alstom, to investigate Scaled Agile Frameworks (SAFe) adoption in their Sweden Development Centre, identifying SAFe implementation challenges in a safety-related development as a single-case study. For the thesis, two research questions were formulated to identify the implementation challenges and find their reasons. For the data collection of the thesis, semi-structured interviews, self-completion surveys, and relevant research papers were used to serve the purpose of both primary data and secondary data sources. The researchers acted as ethnographers by participating in the company’s daily events and taking notes. The analysis of the collected data was done using the triangulation approach to get reliable results. In addition, researchers also used SAFe core competency assessment to evaluate the business agility of the case organization.The analysis from the collected data resulted in five implementation challenges. The data suggested that the major challenge was insufficient training and lack of agile mindset among the team members. The case organization had invested in training and support for going through the transformation, but the agile training was interrupted in 2019. Since then, the knowledge about SAFe and the agile way of working was acquired based on learning by doing. Based on the data, the researchers concluded that lack of continuous training has resulted in the development over time of other implementation challenges like insufficient self-organization, nonoptimal team size, and lack of clarity when defining role responsibilities. The data also suggested that transparent communication between different levels may still be a challenge. The SAFe assessment that has been conducted resulted in confirm previous result that in some places complemented the identified implementation challenges.  Key Words: Scaling Agile Framework, Implementation challenges, Lean, Waterfall, Self-organization, Continuous learning culture, Safety related development, Business agility, Ethnography.

Berättelser om lärarens mång- och tvetydliga vardag : ett komplexitetsteoretiskt perspektiv / Stories about the teacher everyday life : a complexity theoretical perspective

Augustinsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Studien har som syfte att tolka och förstå det som pågår i lärarens vardag med hjälp av komplexitetsteorier. Komplexitetsteorier utgör de specifika delarna i komplexitetstänkande som är en resurs för att diskutera relationen mellan skolan som komplext system, vetenskaplig grund och evidens. En förståelse bestående av att lärares vardag är mång- och tvetydig till dess innehåll är väl känt och beskrivet genom exempelvis framställningar av vad en lärares görande består av. För att tolka lärarens vardag är komplexitetsteorier inte vanligt förekommande. Komplexitetsteorier studerar mönster av självorganisering och det pågående med fokus på relationer. Komplexa system är icke-linjära och kausaliteten är cirkulär. Intentionen med komplexitetstänkande är att beskriva, tolka och förstå mönster av komplexitet. För att visa på en helhet och mönster har studien en narrativ ansats. Ett narrativt förhållningssätt ligger nära vardagens hantering av en rad paradoxer där det kända och okända samtidigt förekommer. För att samla in rika berättelser om lärarens vardag användes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Resultat visar på att det är det mångsidiga innehållet i relationerna som bland annat skapar komplexiteten i lärares vardag. Lärarens vardag består av många delar och ett komplexitetstänkande sätter fokus på att sätta ihop delarna till helhet och se mönster. Resultatet visar också på att en rad olika paradoxer måste hanteras. I berättelserna framträder hur lärarna hanterar en rad olika processer i relationen mellan kontroll och icke-kontroll, mellan på förhand det kända och okända där överraskningar är en del av vardagen, en del av interaktionen mellan människor. I en evidensbaserad praktik framträder att lärarens hantering av en rad paradoxer begränsas eftersom idén om evidensbaserad praktik innebär generaliserbara metoder där utfallet anses vara givet. Komplexitetstänkande innebär att det ställs andra krav på användning av vetenskaplig grund. Aktörer som rektorer, huvudmän och Skolverket bör i utformning av stöd till skolor inkludera tanken om att praktiken är ett komplext system. / The purpose is to use complexity theories to describe, interpret and understand teacher's everyday life. An everyday life where the predictable and the unpredictable exist in parallel. In relation to the teacher's everyday life and complexity theories, scientific basis and evidence are discussed. To show a cohesive complexity, the study has a narrative approach. A narrative approach is close to the structure of everyday life where the known and the unknown exist in symbiosis. To collect rich stories about the teacher's everyday life, qualitative interviews were used as a method. The result shows the circular causality that exists in non-linear systems. The teacher's everyday life contains many different processes that create a high degree of complexity. Some key processes are communication, relationships and complexity that are closely linked. Words that have in common the local interaction that includes the social as well as material things where there are possibilities of action. It is the multilateral job description that, among other things, creates the complexity of teachers' everyday lives. Structures and routines are important in order to be able to reduce the complexity of everyday life to a certain extent. Further on to deal with the paradox between control and non-control. Based on complexity theories, structures must contain the opportunity to be interpreted, adapted and translated to the practice. The school is a non-linear system and evidence-based practice is based on a linear system. In order to be able to interact with the practice, government investment in school to increase a more scientific ground. One of these projects is called, “läslyftet”. These projects need to take into account the processes and the unique in the practice. The study's contribution is to use complexity theories to show other perspectives on how change can take place in school. Specifically, how scientific basis and evidence can interact in the complex practice. Furthermore, show how complexity theories can help to make it possible to find new paths to development within school.

Synergetika a samoorganizace v ekonomice / Synergetics and Self-organization in the Economy

Balúch, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis focuses at analysis and research of synergy and self-organization in economics. The motivation for the thesis was joining Czech Republic and other nine countries to the European Union on May 1st, 2004. The primary aim was to analyse the problem and on a model example,assuming "ceteris paribus", confirm or refute the thought, that joining the European Union has positive synergic effect for newcomers. The second meaning of synergy is solved as a sub-problem in the master thesis, where the use of synergy in logistics was analysed and opportunities improving the current situation were suggested.

Instrukcemi řízené celulární automaty / Instruction-Controlled Cellular Automata

Bendl, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a new concept of cellular automata control based on instructions. The instruction can be understood as a rule that checks the states of cells in pre-defined areas in the cellular neighbourhood. If a given condition is satisfied, the state of the central cell is changed according to the definition of the instruction. Because it's possible to perform more instructions in one computational step, their sequence can be understood as a form of a short program. This concept can be extended with simple operations applied to the instruction's prescription during interpretation of the instructions - an example of such operation can be row shift or column shift. An advantage of the instruction-based approach lies in the search space reduction. In comparison with the table-based approach, it isn't necessary to search all the possible configurations of the cellular neighbouhood, but only several areas determined by the instructions. While the groups of the inspected cells in the cellular neighbourhood are designed manually on the basis of the analysis of the solved task, their sequence in the chromosome is optimized by genetic algorithm. The capability of the proposed method of cellular automata control is studied on these benchmark tasks - majority, synchronization, self-organization and the design of combinational circuits.

Efficient ressources management in a ditributed computer system, modeled as a dynamic complex system / La gestion efficace des ressources d'un système informatique distribué, modélisé comme un système complexe dynamique

Meslmawy, Mahdi Abed Salman 12 October 2015 (has links)
Les grilles et les clouds sont deux types aujourd'hui largement répandus de systèmes informatiques distribués (en anglais DCS). Ces DCS sont des systèmes complexes au sens où leur comportement global émergent résulte de l'interaction décentralisée de ses composants, et n'est pas guidée directement de manière centralisée. Dans notre étude, nous présentons un modèle de système complexe qui gère de manière la plus efficace possible les ressources d'un DCS. Les entités d'un DCS réagissent à l'instabilité du système et s'ajustent aux conditions environnementales pour optimiser la performance du système. La structure des réseaux d'interaction qui permettent un accès rapide et sécurisé aux ressources disponibles est étudiée, et des améliorations proposées. / Grids and clouds are types of currently widely known distributed computing systems or DCSs. DCSs are complex systems in the sense that their emergent global behavior results from decentralized interaction of its parts and is not guided directly from a central point. In our study, we present a complex system model that efficiently manages the ressources of a DCS. The entities of the DCS react to system instability and adjust their environmental condtions for optimizing system performance. The structure of the interaction networks that allow fast and reliable access to available resources is studied and improvements ar proposed.

Contributions à la résolution du transport à la demande fondées sur les systèmes multi-agents / Contributions to on-demand transport resolution based on multi-agent systems

Malas, Anas 18 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le problème du transport à la demande (TAD). Nous proposons trois approches décentralisées basées sur les systèmes multi-agents pour résoudre ce problème. La première approche multi-agent utilise l'algorithme A* afin de trouver une solution optimale dans un réseau routier caractérisé par des vitesses de voyage constantes. Des expérimentations sont effectuées sur le réseau routier d'une ville libanaise appelée Tripoli et de bons résultats sont obtenus. Cependant, dans une ville comme Tripoli, les vitesses de voyage dépendent fortement de la situation dynamique du trafic routier. Pour cette raison, la deuxième approche multi-agent massif vient remédier à la première en tenant compte de l'évolution du trafic. Le réseau routier est considéré comme dynamique déterministe. Il se caractérise par des vitesses de voyages dépendantes de la situation habituelle du trafic. Ces vitesses sont pré-calculées en se basant sur des connaissances historiques du trafic routier. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le nombre de clients insatisfaits est supérieur à 50 % si les vitesses sont considérées comme constantes. Or, les connaissances historiques ne suffisent pas pour refléter la situation réelle du trafic surtout en cas d'apparition d'un événement imprévu tel qu'un accident sur le réseau. Pour cela, une troisième approche multi-agent massif auto-organisé est proposée. Le réseau routier est considéré comme dynamique stochastique caractérisé par des vitesses de voyage dépendantes de la situation réelle du trafic. Cette approche représente l'organisation dynamique du trafic à son échelle en se basant sur des connaissances historiques du trafic et sur des informations du trafic en temps réel. Les trajectoires des véhicules et leurs durées sont calculées et recalculées en ligne à chaque fois qu'un événement imprévu perturbe la situation habituelle du trafic. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que jusqu'à 39 % des clients seront insatisfaits si un accident routier n'est pas considéré durant le traitement de leurs demandes. Autrement, 50 % à 100 % de ces clients sont satisfaits. / This thesis addresses the problem of on-demand transport (ODT). We propose three decentralized approaches based on multi-agent systems to solve this problem. The first multi-agent approach uses the algorithm A* in order to find an optimal solution in a road network characterized by constant travel speeds. Experiments are carried out on the road network of a Lebanese city called Tripoli and good results are obtained. However, in a city like Tripoli, travel speeds depend heavily on the dynamic situation of road traffic. For this reason, the second multi-agent approach massif comes to remedy the first taking into account the evolution of traffic. The road network is considered as dynamic deterministic. It is characterized by travel speeds dependent on the usual traffic situation. These speeds are pre-calculated on the basis of historical knowledge of road traffic. The experimental results show that the number of dissatisfied customers is greater than 50 % if the speeds are considered to be constant. Nevertheless, historical knowledge is not sufficient to reflect the actual traffic situation, especially in case of an unexpected event (such as an accident) occurring on the network. For this, a self-organized massive multi-agent approach is proposed. The road network is considered as a dynamic stochastic characterized by travel speeds dependent on the actual traffic situation. This approach represents the dynamic organization of traffic on its scale based on historical traffic knowledge and real-time traffic information. Vehicle trajectories and their durations are calculated and recalculated online whenever an unexpected event disrupts the usual traffic situation. The experimental results show that up to 39 % of customers will be dissatisfied if a road accident is not considered during the processing of their demands. Otherwise, 50 % to 100 % of these customers are satisfied.

Rekonfigurierbare Schnittstellen

Ihmor, Stefan, Flade, Marcel 02 March 2006 (has links)
Die neu ins Leben gerufene Schriftenreihe EINGEBETTETE, SELBSTORGANISIERENDE SYSTEME (ESS) widmet sich einer sehr aktuellen Thematik der Technischen Informatik. Seit Jahren durchdringen eingebettete Systeme unseren Alltag in fast allen Lebensbereichen. Angefangen von automatisierten Türöffnungssystemen, über komplex gesteuerte Servicemaschinen, z.B. Waschmaschinen, bis hin zu mobilen, persönlich zugeordneten Systemen wie Mobiltelefone und Handheld-Computer sind eingebettete Systeme zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden. Der Aspekt der rekonfigurierbaren Schnittstellen zwischen einzelnen Komponenten eingebetteter Systeme wird in diesem ersten Band aufgegriffen. Der erste Beitrag befasst sich mit der systematischen Modellierung von Schnittstellen. Zunächst werden aktive Tasks und Kommunikationsmedien unterschieden sowie die Parameter der Zielarchitektur in den Entwurfsprozess für Schnittstellen eingebracht. Darauf aufbauend wird eine systematische Konzeption von Schnittstellen vorgestellt und bewertet. Der zweite Beitrag betrachtet das Problem der Rekonfigurierung von Schnittstellen zur Gewährleistung von sicherer Funktionalität, auch im Fehlerfall. Die Fehlererkennung und –behandlung werden von der erweiterten Schnittstelle implementiert. In dem dritten Beitrag untersucht Marcel Flade Schnittstellen in Hardware/Software-Systemen. Dabei stellt sich das Problem, die Kontrolle über die Funktionalität der Schnittstelle auf den Software- und Hardwareteil aufzuteilen. Die Beiträge werden durch eine vollständige Implementierung eines Beispiels und eines Werkzeugs zur automatisierten Generierung der VHDL-Implementierung abgerundet. Mit diesen ausgewählten Arbeiten, die in den ersten Band dieser wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe aufgenommen sind, werden dem Leser grundlegende Aspekte rekonfigurierbarer Schnittstellen für eingebettete, selbstorganisierende Systeme vorgestellt.

Role náhody v novo-mediálním umění na příkladu tvorby Zdeňka Sýkory / The role of randomness in new media art on the example of Zdeněk Sýkora

Poliaková, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The paper maps the use of the principle of randomness in artistic activity with a focus on visual art and the placement of Czech art into the world context. It examines the hypothesis whether randomness in the hands of the artist becomes an instrument to objectify his or her work and to approach the general principles of the natural world, which, according to the assumption, add novelty and consequently increases its artistic value. The text begins with an etymological interpretation of the concept of randomness, further observes the randomness as phenomenon in various social spheres, and eventually presents the artistic movements and artworks that systematically use randomness. An overview of avant-garde art and abstraction of the first half of the 20th century will allow the author to interpret the principles of randomness used in computer art. The work concludes with a detailed analysis of Zdeněk Sýkora's work, in which, according to the author, the development line of precomputational art is mirrored, along with a breakthrough to digital tools. The conclusion of the work reveals the diversity of the application of the principle of randomness in the art world and finds a common divisor in the objectivizing function, respectively the rising aesthetic value. Through this interpretation, Zdeněk...

A theoretical study of dispersion-to-aggregation of nanoparticles in adsorbing polymers using molecular dynamics simulations

Cao, Xue-Zheng, Merlitz, Holger, Wu, Chen-Xu, Ungar, Goran, Sommer, Jens-Uwe 16 December 2019 (has links)
The properties of polymer–nanoparticle (NP) mixtures significantly depend on the dispersion of the NPs. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate that, in the presence of polymer–NP attraction, the dispersion of NPs in semidilute and concentrated polymers can be stabilized by increasing the polymer concentration. A lower polymer concentration facilitates the aggregation of NPs bridged by polymer chains, as well as a further increase of the polymer–NP attraction. Evaluating the binding of NPs through shared polymer segments in an adsorption blob, we derive a linear relationship between the polymer concentration and the polymer–NP attraction at the phase boundary between dispersed and aggregated NPs. Our theoretical findings are directly relevant for understanding and controlling many self-assembly processes that use either dispersion or aggregation of NPs to yield the desired materials.

Ion beam processing of surfaces and interfaces – Modeling and atomistic simulations

Liedke, B. January 2011 (has links)
Self-organization of regular surface pattern under ion beam erosion was described in detail by Navez in 1962. Several years later in 1986 Bradley and Harper (BH) published the first self-consistent theory on this phenomenon based on the competition of surface roughening described by Sigmund’s sputter theory and surface smoothing by Mullins-Herring diffusion. Many papers that followed BH theory introduced other processes responsible for the surface patterning e.g. viscous flow, redeposition, phase separation, preferential sputtering, etc. The present understanding is still not sufficient to specify the dominant driving forces responsible for self-organization. 3D atomistic simulations can improve the understanding by reproducing the pattern formation with the detailed microscopic description of the driving forces. 2D simulations published so far can contribute to this understanding only partially. A novel program package for 3D atomistic simulations called trider (TRansport of Ions in matter with DEfect Relaxation), which unifies full collision cascade simulation with atomistic relaxation processes, has been developed. The collision cascades are provided by simulations based on the Binary Collision Approximation, and the relaxation processes are simulated with the 3D lattice kinetic Monte-Carlo method. This allows, without any phenomenological model, a full 3D atomistic description on experimental spatiotemporal scales. Recently discussed new mechanisms of surface patterning like ballistic mass drift or the dependence of the local morphology on sputtering yield are inherently included in our atomistic approach. The atomistic 3D simulations do not depend so much on experimental assumptions like reported 2D simulations or continuum theories. The 3D computer experiments can even be considered as ’cleanest’ possible experiments for checking continuum theories. This work aims mainly at the methodology of a novel atomistic approach, showing that: (i) In general, sputtering is not the dominant driving force responsible for the ripple formation. Processes like bulk and surface defect kinetics dominate the surface morphology evolution. Only at grazing incidence the sputtering has been found to be a direct cause of the ripple formation. Bradley and Harper theory fails in explaining the ripple dynamics because it is based on the second-order-effect ‘sputtering’. However, taking into account the new mechanisms, a ‘Bradley-Harper equation’ with redefined parameters can be derived, which describes pattern formation satisfactorily. (ii) Kinetics of (bulk) defects has been revealed as the dominating driving force of pattern formation. Constantly created defects within the collision cascade, are responsible for local surface topography fluctuation and cause surface mass currents. The mass currents smooth the surface at normal and close to normal ion incidence angles, while ripples appear first at θ ≥ 40°. The evolution of bimetallic interfaces under ion irradiation is another application of trider described in this thesis. The collisional mixing is in competition with diffusion and phase separation. The irradiation with He+ ions is studied for two extreme cases of bimetals: (i) Irradiation of interfaces formed by immiscible elements, here Al and Pb. Ballistic interface mixing is accompanied by phase separation. Al and Pb nanoclusters show a self-ordering (banding) parallel to the interface. (ii) Irradiation of interfaces by intermetallics forming species, here Pt and Co. Well-ordered layers of phases of intermetallics appear in the sequence Pt/Pt3Co/PtCo/PtCo3/Co. The trider program package has been proven to be an appropriate technique providing a complete picture of mixing mechanisms.

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