Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SELF-ORGANIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] SELF-ORGANIZATION""
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Min-Protein Waves on Geometrically Structured Artificial MembranesSchweizer, Jakob 06 February 2013 (has links)
Das stäbchenförmige Bakterium Escherichia coli teilt sich in zwei gleich große Tochterzellen. Dies ist nur möglich, wenn sich die Zelle in der Mitte teilt. Bei E. coli wird die Zellteilung durch den Zusammenschluss der FtsZ-Proteine an der Membran zum Z-Ring eingeleitet. Topologische Regulierung des Z-Ringes erfolgt durch räumlich-zeitliche Oszillationen von Min-Proteinen zwischen den beiden Zellpolen. MinC, MinD und MinE binden an und lösen sich von der Membran unter Hydrolyse von ATP und in antagonistischer Art und Weise, was zu einer alternierenden Ansammlung von MinC und MinD an den Zellpolen führt. Gemittelt über die Zeit ergibt sich somit ein MinD-Verteilungsprofil, das maximale Konzentration an den Zellpolen und ein Minimum in der Zellmitte aufweist. MinC bindet an MinD und folgt somit seiner Verteilung. Der Zusammenschluss von FtsZ-Proteinen wird durch MinC unterbunden, und somit kann sich der Z-ring nur an einer Position herausbilden, die ein Minimum an MinC aufweist - der Zellmitte.
Das Min-system wurde in der Vergangenheit auch mit einem in-vitro-Ansatz untersucht, indem Min-Proteine in künstliche, aufliegende Lipiddoppelschichten (supported lipid bilayers, SLB) rekonstitutiert wurden. Dabei bildeten die Min-Proteine kein oszillierendes Muster aus, sondern organisierten sich vielmehr in parallelen und propagierenden Wellen (Loose, 2008, Science, 320). In diesen in-vitro-Experimenten war das Membransubstrat wesentlich größer als die Wellenlänge der Min-Proteinwellen. In vivo hingegen ist die Länge der Zelle in der gleichen Größenordnung wie die charakteristische Länge des Oszillationsmusters der Min-Proteine. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, den Einfluß einer beschränkten Fläche und geometrischer Formgebung der künstlichen Lipiddoppelschichten auf die Wellenpropagation der Min-Protein zu untersuchen.
Flächige Beschränkung künstlicher Membranen erfolgte durch Mikrostrukturtechnologie. Deckglässchen wurden mit einer Goldschicht und mikroskopischen Aussparungen unterschiedlicher geometrischer Formen strukturiert. Funktionale SLBs bildeten sich nur auf Glasflächen ohne Goldbeschichtung aus. Nach der Rekonstitution der Min-Proteine, organisierten sich diese auf den Membranstücken in parallele Wellen. Dabei bestimmte die flächige Beschränkung der künstlichen Membranen die Ausbreitungsrichtung der Min-Proteinwellen. Min-Proteinwellen konnten entlang gekrümmter Membranstreifen, in Ring- und sogar in Slalomstrukturen geleitet werden. In geraden, länglichen Strukturen richteten sich die Wellen entlang der längsten Achse aus. Kopplung von Proteinwellen auf räumlich getrennten Membranstücken in Abhängigkeit des Abstandes und des sogenannten Molecular Crowdings in der wässrigen Lösung konnte ebenfalls beobachtet werden. Diese Kopplung ist ein Indiz für inhomogene Proteinverteilungen in der Lösung oberhalb der Membran. Desweiteren konnten Min-Proteinwellen auch in diversen dreidimensionalen künstlichen Membranen rekonstitituiert werden.
Im Wildtyp von E. coli ähneln die Min-Proteindynamiken der einer Oszillation mit einer charakteristischen Länge von 5 µm. Auf SLBs, bilden Min-Proteine Wellen mit einer Wellenlänge aus, die ca. zehnmal größer ist als in vivo. Dieser Unterschied zwischen der in-vivo- und der in-vitro-Welt wurde untersucht und diskutiert. In vitro konnte die Wellenlänge um 50 % durch Erhöhung des Molecular Crowding in der Lösung sowie um 33 % durch Temperaturerhöhung verkleinert werden. Das oszillierende Muster könnte dahingegen eine Folge der Kompartimentierung sein. Erste Versuche, das Min-System in geschlossene Membrankompartimente zu rekonstitutieren, wurden getestet. / Escherichia coli, a rod-like bacterium, divides by binary fission. Cell division into two daughter cells of equal size requires that fission takes place at a midcell position. In E. coli, cell division is initiated by assembly of the FtsZ-proteins at the inner membrane to the Z-ring. Topological regulation of the Z-ring is achieved by spatiotemporal pole-to-pole oscillations of Min-proteins. MinC, MinD and MinE bind to and detach from - under hydrolysis of ATP - the membrane in an antagonistic manner leading to an alternating accumulation of MinC and MinD at the cell poles. Averaged over time, the distribution profile of MinD exhibits maximal concentration at the cell poles and a minimum at the cell center. MinC binds to MinD and thus follows its distribution. FtsZ assembly is inhibited by MinC and therefore the Z-ring can only form at a cell position low in MinC - at the cell center.
In the past, the Min-system was also investigated in an in vitro approach by reconstitution of Min-proteins into a supported lipid bilayer (SLB). Here, Min-proteins did not self-organize into an oscillatory pattern but into parallel and propagating waves (Loose, 2008, Science, 320). In this in vitro assay, the membrane substrate was infinitely large compared to the wavelength. However, in vivo, the cell length is on the same order of magnitude as the respective length scale of the oscillatory pattern of Min-proteins. Therefore, we wished to investigate the effect of lateral confinement and geometric structuring of artificial lipid bilayers on the Min-protein wave propagation.
Lateral confinement of artificial membranes was achieved by microfabrication technology. Glass slides were patterned by a gold coating with microscopic windows of different geometries, and functional SLBs were only formed on uncoated areas. Upon reconstitution, Min-proteins organized into parallel waves on the geometric membrane patches. Confinement of the artificial membranes determined the direction of propagation of Min-protein waves. Min-protein waves could be guided along curved membrane stripes, in rings and even along slalom-geometries. In elongated membrane structures, the protein waves always propagate along the longest axis. Coupling of protein waves across spatially separated membrane patches was observed, dependent on gap size and level of molecular crowding of the aqueous media above the bilayer. This indicates the existence of an inhomogeneous and dynamic protein gradient in the solution above the membrane. Furthermore, reconstitution of Min-protein waves in various three-dimensional artificial membranes was achieved.
In wild-type E. coli, Min-protein dynamics resemble that of an oscillation with a characteristic length scale of 5 µm. On supported lipid bilayers, Min-proteins self-organize into waves with a wavelength approximately 10-fold larger than in vivo. These discrepancies between the in vivo and in vitro world were investigated and discussed. In vitro, the wavelength could be decreased by a factor of 50 % by increase of the molecular crowding in solution and by 33 % through temperature increase. The oscillatory pattern is thought to be a consequence of compartmentalization and first attempts to encapsulate the Min-system in closed bilayer compartments are presented.
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[pt] A ideia principal da Internet das Coisas (IoT) é conectar bilhões de
coisas à Internet nos próximos anos, a exemplo de carros, roupas e comidas.
Entretanto, muitos problemas precisam ser resolvidos antes que essa
ideia possa ser concretizada. Alguns desses problemas estão relacionados à
necessidade de construir sistemas para IoT que sejam auto-organizáveis e
autoadaptativos. Este trabalho, portanto, apresenta a elaboração do Framework
para Internet das Coisas (FIoT), que oferece suporte ao desenvolvimento
de aplicações para IoT com essas características. Ele é baseado nos
paradigmas de Sistemas Multiagente (SMA) e algumas técnicas abordadas
em Aprendizado de Máquina, a exemplo de redes neurais e algoritmos evolutivos.
Um agente pode ter algumas características, como autonomia e
sociabilidade, que tornam SMAs compatíveis com sistemas que requerem
auto-organização. Redes neurais e algoritmos de evolução vêm sendo comumente
usados nos estudos de robótica, no intuito de prover autonomia e
adaptação à agentes físicos (ex.: robôs, sensores). Para demonstrar o uso
do FIoT, dois grupos de problemas em IoT serão instanciados: (i) Cidades
Inteligentes e (ii) Quantificação de Coisas. / [en] The agreed fact about the Internet of Things (IoT) is that, within
the coming years, billions of resources, such as cars, clothes and foods will
be connected to the Internet. However, several challenging issues need to
be addressed before the IoT vision becomes a reality. Some open problems
are related to the need of building self-organizing and self-adaptive IoT
systems. To create IoT applications with these features, this work presents a
Framework for Internet of Things (FIoT). Our approach is based on concepts
from Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Machine Learning Techniques, such
as a neural network and evolutionary algorithms. An agent could have
characteristics, such as autonomy and social ability, which makes MAS
suitable for systems requiring self-organization (SO). Neural networks and
algorithms of evolution have been commonly used in robotic studies to
provide embodied agents (as robots and sensors) with autonomy and
adaptive capabilities. To illustrate the use of FIoT, we derived two different
instances from IoT applications: (i) Quantified Things and (ii) Smart Cities.
We show how exible points of our framework are instantiated to generate
an application.
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A new Content Distribution Network architecture - PlentyCastCao, Wei Qiu January 2004 (has links)
Content Distribution Networks have existed for some years. They involve the following problem domains and have attracted attention both in academic research and industry: content replica placement, content location and routing, swarm intelligence, and overlay network self-organization for this type of distributed system. In this project, we propose a novel Content Distribution Network architecture – PlentyCast. This study focuses on improving access latency, network scalability, high content availability, low bandwidth consumption, and improving infrastructure performance for Content Distribution Networks. Outstanding problems such as: Flash crowd, DoS, and difficulty of traffic engineering due to Peer-to-Peer are addressed. / Mediadistributionsnätverk har funnits några år. De har fått uppmärksamhet i både akademisk forskning och i industrin och kännetecknas av följande frågor: placering av innehållskopior, lokalisering av innehåll och routing, svärm intelligens, överlagrade nätverks självorganisering för denna typ av fördelade system. I denna rapport studeras en ny nätverksarkitektur för innehållsfördelning - PlentyCast. Denna studie fokuserar på tillgångslatens, nätverksskalbarhet, hög innehållstillgång, låg bandbreddskonsumtion, och förbättrad infrastrukturprestanda för Innehållsfördelningsnätverk.
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Une approche autonome pour la gestion logicielle des espaces intelligents / An autonomic approach for the software management of smart spacesGouin-Vallerand, Charles 23 June 2011 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d'années, les développements dans les technologies de l'information ont fait évoluer les paradigmes de l'informatique. L'arrivée d'approches telles que l'informatique diffuse ont fait émerger de nouvelles technologies permettant d'améliorer la qualité des interactions avec les systèmes informatisés. Toutefois, la démocratisation de l'informatique diffuse et la mise en place des espaces intelligents rencontrent un bon nombre de problèmes. Le nombre important de composantes matérielles et logicielles et leurs natures hétérogènes contribuent à la complexité de déploiement et de gestion de ces milieux, entraînant des coûts élevés. Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la gestion logicielle des espaces intelligents par la réduction de la complexité des tâches de gestion. Notre proposition consiste en une approche autonome de la gestion logicielle, fondée sur l'approche de l'informatique diffuse autonome. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous proposons une solution utilisant les informations contextuelles des milieux, afin de déterminer quelle répartition des logiciels parmi les appareils des milieux correspond le mieux au besoin des applications, des caractéristiques propres des environnements et, non le moindre, des modalités et préférences d’interaction des utilisateurs de ces milieux. La solution proposée a été implémentée et évaluée à l’aide d’une série de tests et de mises en situation d’organisation logicielle / Since two decades, the developments in the information technologies have changed the computer science paradigms. The arrival of new approaches such as the pervasive computing create new technologies, which improved the quality of the interactions with the I.T. systems, However, the broad utilization of the pervasive computing and the development of smart spaces are facing several challenges. The large number of hardware and software components and their heterogeneous natures, contributes to the complexity of deploying and managing these environments, resulting in high costs. This thesis contributes to the software management of the smart spaces by reducing the complexity of the management tasks. Our proposal consists of an autonomic approach to software management based on the autonomic pervasive computing. As part of this work, we propose a solution using the environment’s contextual information to determine the software distribution among the environment’s devices, which best fits the needs of the software, environments and the interaction modalities and preferences of the environment’s users. The proposed solution was implemented and evaluated using a series of tests and software organization scenarios
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Etude par microscopie optique des comportements spatio-temporels thermo- et photo-induits et de l’auto-organisation dans les monocristaux à transition de spin / Optical microscopy studies of thermo- and photo-induced spatiotemporal behaviors and self-organization in switchable spin crossover single crystalSy, Mouhamadou 15 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est dédié à la visualisation par microscopie optique des transitions de phases, thermo- et photo-induites dans des monocristaux à transition de spin. L’étude des cristaux du composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)] a permis de montrer la possibilité de contrôler la dynamique de l’interface HS/BS (haut spin/bas spin) par une irradiation lumineuse appliquée sur toute la surface du cristal ou de manière localisée. Les investigations expérimentales menées sur l’effet de l’intensité de la lumière sur la température de transition ont mis en évidence d’une part l’importance du couplage entre le cristal et le bain thermique, et d’autre part le rôle de la diffusion de la chaleur dans le monocristal. En parallèle, un modèle basé sur une description de type Ginzburg-Landau, a permis de mettre sur pied une description de type réaction diffusion des effets spatio-temporels accompagnant la transition de spin dans un monocristal. Celui-ci a permis d’identifier et de comprendre le rôle des paramètres pertinents entrant en jeu dans le contrôle du mouvement de l’interface HS/BS. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants et reproduisent avec une grande fidélité les données expérimentales. Cependant l’origine de l’orientation de l’interface HS/BS observée par microscopie optique dans les cristaux du composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)] était restée mystérieuse. Pour résoudre cette question, nous avons développé un modèle électro-élastique qui tient compte du changement de volume au cours de la transition de spin. Ce dernier nous a conduits à analyser l’effet de la symétrie du réseau cristallin et de la forme du cristal sur l’orientation de l’interface élastique. En l’appliquant au composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)], en tenant compte du caractère anisotrope du changement de la maille élémentaire lors du passage HSBS, nous avons réussi à retrouver quantitativement l’orientation du front observée expérimentalement en microscopie optique. Ceci confirme bien le rôle primordial de l’élasticité dans le comportement des matériaux à transition de spin. Des études sous lumière à très basse température nous ont donné la possibilité de suivre en temps réel, l’effet LIESST (Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping), la re-laxation coopérative du cristal ainsi que l’instabilité photo-induite LITH (Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis). Un monde fascinant est apparu autour de cette dernière, avec la présence de comportements totalement inédits. Ainsi, et pour la première fois, nous avons mis en évidence l’existence de phénomènes d’auto-organisation et de comportements autocatalytiques du front de transition. Cette physique non-linéaire dénote un comportement actif du cristal, par suite d’une subtile préparation autour d’un état instable. Ces comportements rappellent les structures dissipatives de Turing et ouvrent des perspectives fascinantes pour cette thématique, tant sur le plan expérimental que théorique. / This thesis work is devoted to visualization by optical microscopy of thermo- and photo-induced phase transitions, in switchable spin transition single crystals. The study of crystals of the compound [{Fe (NCSe) (py) 2} 2 (m-bpypz)] showed the possibility to control reversibly the dynamics of the HS/LS interface through a photo-thermal effect generated by an irradiation of the whole crystal or using a spatially localized light spot on the crystal surface. The investigations of the effect of the light intensity on the transition temperature have highlighted the importance of the coupling between the crystal and the thermal bath in these experiments. Concomitantly, we developped a reaction diffusion model allowing to describe and iden-tify the relevant physical parameters involved in the control of the movement of HS/LS interface. The obtained results are very encouraging and reproduce the main features of the experimental data. However the origin of the interface orientation observed by the optical microscopy in the crystal of the compound [{Fe (NCSe) (py) 2} 2 (m-bpypz)] re-mained mysterious, and needed an elastic approach to be handled. At this end, an electro-elastic model including the volume change at the spin transition was developed. By taking into account for the anisotropy of the unit cell deformation at the transition, we were able to reproduce quantitatively the experimental HS/LS interface orientation. This result confirms the crucial role of the lattice symmetry and its elastic properties in the emergence of a stable interface orientation. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the investigation of photo-induced effects at very low temperatures (~10K). There, we visualized for the first time the real time transformation of a single crystal under LIESST (Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping) effect as well as its subsequent relaxation at higher temperatures. We have also studied the light induced instabilities through investigation on the LITH (Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis) loops. Around the latter, a fascinating world made of nonlinear effects, and patterns formation emerged, recalled the well known Turing structures. These results lead to new horizons that will give access to new theories and original experimental observations that will enrich the topics opening the new avenues to study of nonlinear phenomena in spin crossover solids.
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[pt] É comum observar na natureza a emergência de comportamentos coletivos
em populações biológicas, como formação de padrão. Neste trabalho,
estamos interessados em caracterizar a distribuição de uma população de espécie
única (como alguns tipos de bactérias ou de vegetação), a partir de modelos
matemáticos que descrevem a evolução espaço-temporal, governados por processos
elementares como: dispersão, crescimento e competição não-local por
recursos. Primeiramente, utilizando uma generalização da equação de FKPP,
analisamos numérica e analiticamente, o impacto de mecanismos de regulação
dependentes da densidade, tanto na difusão quanto no crescimento. Tais
mecanismos representam processos internos de retroalimentação, que modelam
a resposta do sistema à superlotação ou rarefação da população. Mostramos
que, dependendo do tipo de resposta em ação, os indivíduos podem
se auto-organizar em subpopulações desconectadas (fragmentação), mesmo na
ausência de restrições externas, ou seja, em uma paisagem homogênea. Discutimos
o papel crucial que a dependência com a densidade tem na forma
dos padrões, particularmente na fragmentação, o que pode trazer consequências
importantes para processos de contato como disseminação de epidemias.
Tendo compreendido esse fenômeno em um meio homogêneo, estudamos o
papel que um ambiente heterogêneo tem na organização espacial de uma população,
que representamos através de uma taxa de crescimento que varia com
a posição. Investigamos as estruturas que emergem próximo a fronteira de um
meio para o outro. Descobrimos que, dependendo da forma de interação nãolocal
e de outros parâmetros do modelo, três perfis diferentes podem emergir
a partir da interface: (i) oscilações não-atenuadas (ou padrões espaciais, sem
decaimento da amplitude); (ii) oscilações atenuadas (com amplitude decaindo
a partir da interface); (iii) decaimento exponencial (sem oscilações) a um perfil
homogêneo. Relacionamos o comprimento de onda e a taxa de decaimento
das oscilações com os parâmetros das interações (comprimento característico
e forma de decaimento com a distância). Discutimos como as heterogeneidades
do ambiente permitem acessar informações (ocultas no caso homogêneo)
sobre os fenômenos biológicos do sistema, tais como os que mediam interações
competitivas. / [en] It is common to observe in nature the emergence of collective behavior
in biological populations, such as pattern formation. In this work, we are
interested in characterizing the distribution of a single-species population
(such as some bacteria or vegetation), based on mathematical models that
describe the spatio-temporal evolution, and governed by elementary processes,
such as: dispersion, growth, and nonlocal competition by resources. First,
using a generalization of the FKPP equation, we analyze numerically and
analytically the impact of density-dependent regulatory mechanisms, both
on diffusion and growth. Such mechanisms represent processes of internal
feedback, which shape the system s response to population overcrowding or
rarefaction. We show that, depending on the type of the response in action,
some individuals can organize themselves in disconnected sub-populations
(fragmentation), even in the absence of external restrictions, that is in a
homogeneous landscape. We discuss the crucial role that density-dependence
has in the form of patterns, particularly in fragmentation, which can have
important consequences for contact processes, such as the spread of epidemics.
After understanding this phenomenon in a homogeneous environment, we
study the role that a heterogeneous environment has in the spatial organization
of a population, which was presented as a growth rate that varies with
position. We investigate the structures that emerge near the border from one
environment to the other. We found that, depending on the shape of nonlocal
interaction and other model parameters, three different profiles can emerge
from the interface: (i) sustained oscillations (or spatial patterns, without
amplitude decay); (ii) attenuated oscillations (with amplitude decreasing from
the interface); (iii) exponential decay (without oscillations) to a homogeneous
profile. We related the wavelength and the rate of decay of oscillations with
the parameters of the interaction (characteristic length and form of decay
with distance). We discussed how the heterogeneities of the environment allow
access to information (hidden in the homogeneous case) about the biological
phenomena of the system, such as those that mediate competitive interactions.
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「ZUKANインタビュー」実践による地域人材リゾームの形成 : 札幌人図鑑のM-GTA分析をもとに / ZUKAN インタビュー ジッセン ニヨル チイキ ジンザイ リゾーム ノ ケイセイ : サッポロジン ズカン ノ M-GTA ブンセキ オ モト ニ / ZUKANインタビュー実践による地域人材リゾームの形成 : 札幌人図鑑のM-GTA分析をもとに西尾 直樹, Naoki Nishio 10 September 2020 (has links)
本論は、まず、複雑系の科学観をベースとした「生命論パラダイム」でのソーシャル・イノベーションを提唱し、自己組織性の理論と京都市での実践をベースに、地域人材が地下茎のようにつながり、相互作用する「地域人材リゾーム」を定義した。そして、そのファーストステップの具体的な手法として筆者が考案した「ZUKANインタビュー」を取り上げ、事例として、札幌市で継続的に取り組まれている「札幌人図鑑」を対象に質的調査およびM-GTAでの分析を行った。これらの考察を通じて、地域に暮らす「凡人」たちの創発による新しい地域社会形成への展望を示した。 / 博士(ソーシャル・イノベーション) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Innovation / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Facilitating Emergence: Complex, Adaptive Systems Theory and the Shape of ChangeDickens, Peter Martin 06 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Эффективность внедрения информационной системы самоорганизации социальных коммуникаций на примере ООО «Газпром трансгаз Екатеринбург» : магистерская диссертация / The effectiveness of the implementation of the information system of social communications self-organization on the example of Gazprom Transgaz YekaterinburgМаркова, К. Ф., Markova, K. F. January 2019 (has links)
В данной работе проведен анализ влияния корпоративной культуры на рабочие процессы, выявлены проблемы, возникающие на предприятиях при формировании корпоративной культуры, предложены варианты их решения. Составлена полная модель предприятия, рассмотрены существующие процессы построения коммуникаций в ИТ-подразделении и описаны методики, позволяющие оценить эффективность проекта и проанализировать его результаты. Также проведено планирование проекта,оценка рисков, оценка эффективности от внедрения проекта в ИТ-подразделение ООО «Газпром трансгаз Екатеринбург», в том числе и экономической. Практическая значимость заключается в том, что методы, описанные в данной работе, могут являться обоснованием для масштабирования информационной системы социальных коммуникаций в ООО «Газпром трансгаз Екатеринбург». / In this paper, we analyzed the impact of corporate culture on workflows, identified problems arising in enterprises in the formation of corporate culture, and suggested solutions for them. A complete enterprise model has been compiled, existing communications building processes in the IT department have been reviewed, and methodologies have been described to evaluate the effectiveness of the project and analyze its results. Also, the project was planned, a risk assessment, an assessment of the effectiveness of project implementation in the IT division of Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg LLC, including economic. The practical significance lies in the fact that the methods described in this paper may be the rationale for scaling the social communications information system in Gazprom Transgaz Yekaterinburg LLC.
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Взаимосвязь психологического благополучия, мотивации и самоорганизации у студентов : магистерская диссертация / The relationship of psychological well-being, motivation and self-organization among studentsФокша, Т. Л., Foksha, T. L. January 2023 (has links)
Объектом исследования явилось психологическое благополучие студентов. Предметом исследования стала связь психологического благополучия с мотивацией к учебной деятельности и самоорганизацией у студентов. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух разделов, заключения, списка литературы (83 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя сводную таблицу данных. Объем магистерской диссертации 72 страницы, на которых размещены 13 рисунков и 7 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется гипотеза, основные походы, используемые в работе, указываются методы исследования. Первый раздел включает в себя теоретический обзор таких понятий, как психологическое благополучие, учебная мотивация, самоорганизация. Представлен подраздел, посвященный обзору исследований психологического благополучия студентов.
Выводы по первому разделу представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Второй раздел посвящен эмпирической части исследования. В нем представлено описание эмпирической базы исследования, организации и методов проведенного исследования, а также результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: опроснику «Самоорганизация деятельности (ОСД) Е.Ю. Мандриковой, опроснику «Стиль саморегуляции поведения – ССП-98» В.И. Моросановой; методике «Изучения мотивации обучения в ВУЗе» Т.И. Ильиной, методике «Шкал академической мотивации» Т.О. Гордеевой, О.А. Сычева, Е.Н. Осина, методике «Шкала психологического благополучия» К. Рифф (в адаптации Лепешинского Н.Н.). Также в разделе представлен корреляционный анализ и сравнительный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по разделу 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. / The object of the study was the psychological well-being of students. The subject of the study was the relationship of psychological well-being with the motivation for learning activities and self-organization among students. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion, a list of references (83 sources) and an appendix that includes a summary table of data. The volume of the master's thesis is 72 pages, which contain 13 figures and 7 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates a hypothesis, the main approaches used in the work, and indicates the research methods. The first section includes a theoretical review of such concepts as psychological well-being, learning motivation, self-organization. A subsection devoted to the review of research on the psychological well-being of students is presented. The conclusions on the first section are the results of the study of theoretical material. The conclusions on the first section are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second section is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the empirical base of the study, the organization and methods of the study, as well as the results obtained by all the methods used: the questionnaire “Self-organization of activity (OSA) by E.Yu. Mandrikova, the questionnaire "Style of self-regulation of behavior - SSP-98" by V.I. Morosanova; the methodology of "Studying the motivation for learning at a university" T.I. Ilyina, the methodology of "Scales of Academic Motivation" by T.O. Gordeeva, O.A. Sycheva, E.N. Aspen, the methodology "Scale of psychological well-being" by K. Riff (adapted by Lepeshinsky N.N.). The section also presents a correlation analysis and a comparative analysis of the results of the study. Section 2's conclusions include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypothesis put forward, are summarized, and the practical significance of the study is substantiated.
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