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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise das relações entre as representações gráficas da cartografia temática e o design gráfico / Analysis of the relationship between the grafic representations of thematic cartography and grafic design

Walkiria Kazue Sunagawa 11 February 2011 (has links)
Em seu estágio atual a cartografia se encontra dividida em dois ramos: a cartografia sistemática com representações padronizadas e linguagem técnica e a cartografia temática - com variados tipos de representações gráficas que, apesar de não serem padronizados, possuem princípios que as norteiam. Os mapas, por seu conteúdo intrinsecamente visual, estiveram muitas vezes relacionados à arte. A harmonia entre linhas, cores, textos e alegorias, muitas vezes fez surgir indagações sobre a participação da arte nos mapas. A cartografia mostra que o equilíbrio visual está além da apreciação do belo e, na verdade, está associado à comunicação e à funcionalidade. Os aspectos artísticos presentes nos mapas não estão relacionados mais à arte, mas ao design gráfico. / Currently the cartography is divided into two branches: a systematic cartography - with standardized representations and technical language - and thematic cartography - with varying types of representation which, although not standardized, have principles that guide them. Maps, for its content intrinsically visual, were often related to art. The harmony of lines, colors, text and allegories, often has raised questions about the participation of art in the maps. The cartography shows that the balance is beyond the visual appreciation of beauty and, indeed, is associated with communication and functionality. The artistic aspects present in most maps are not related to art, but the graphic design.

O grotesco e o monstruoso entre culturas: do discurso científico aos folhetos de cordel brasileiros / The grotesque and the monstrous between cultures: from scientific discourse to Brazilian chapbooks

Vanessa Simon da Silva 16 February 2016 (has links)
Seres insólitos estiveram presentes no cordel europeu, especialmente entre os séculos XVIII e XIX, alimentando debates sobre verossimilhança, fé, ciência e política. Mais de um século depois, o fenômeno do cordel arrefece na Europa, mas tem vida no Brasil. Parte desses folhetos trata de criaturas insólitas, especialmente transformações, ou nascimentos extraordinários, abordados como curiosidade ou, mais frequentemente, relacionados à intervenção divina. Ainda que nem sempre datados, é possível presumir que os exemplares coletados para este trabalho tenham sido publicados entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980. Neles, a aparição de monstros é frequente e se situa principalmente entre o satírico e o religioso / Uncanny beings were present in European chapbooks, especially during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, stimulating debates concerning verisimilitude, faith, science and politics. Over a century later, the chapbook phenomenon loses strength in Europe but gains life in Brazil. Some of these brochures deal with uncanny creatures, mainly metamorphoses, or bizarre births, considered as curiosities or, more frequently, as results of divine intervention. Even though they may not bear a date, it can be presumed that the chapbooks analyzed in this dissertation were published from the 1960s to the 1980s. Monsters appear quite frequently in this material, in registers that are situated mainly between the satirical and the religious

Os cursos de geografia nas instituições públicas de ensino superior do Paraná: uma ênfase na aplicação da semiologia gráfica nos currículos das disciplinas cartográficas / Geography courses in higher education public institutions from Paraná State: an emphasis on Semiology of graphics application in Cartographic disciplines curricula

Nathalia Prado Rosolem 19 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou analisar a atual situação das disciplinas cartográficas, especificamente a de Cartografia Temática, ministradas nos cursos de Geografia em instituições públicas de ensino superior do Estado do Paraná e o uso da Semiologia Gráfica entre elas, partindo-se da premissa de que o estudo da linguagem da representação gráfica, tendo esta como base metodológica, é aplicado aos conteúdos ministrados nas disciplinas cartográficas que compõem a grade curricular dos cursos paranaenses, fato que foi investigado através de entrevistas realizadas com os professores responsáveis e por meio da análise de seus planos de ensino. Ademais, buscou-se expor como esta é trabalhada nas disciplinas, investigando algumas questões como: em quais delas esta é empregada?; qual a formação dos docentes quanto a esta metodologia?; quais as bibliografias utilizadas por eles para embasar os conteúdos da Semiologia Gráfica?; como se encontram a estrutura da instituição, seus laboratórios e os softwares utilizados na disciplina?; as dificuldades dos alunos no processo de aprendizagem da Semiologia Gráfica; a importância desta, segunda a opinião dos docentes e; se há outras orientações metodológicas as quais os docentes utilizam além desta. A partir desta investigação, conclui-se que a Semiologia Gráfica continua sendo a corrente metodológica que orienta o entendimento da estruturação de uma linguagem, a da representação gráfica, essencial para a formação do licenciado e bacharel dessa ciência, como parte dos conteúdos cartográficos trabalhados dentro do curso superior de Geografia, sobretudo das instituições públicas de Ensino superior do Paraná. / This research sought to analyze the current situation of cartographic disciplines, specifically the Thematic Cartographic, being taught in geography courses in public higher education institutions of the Parana State and the use of Semiology of Graphics among them, starting from the premise that the language study of graphic representation, which was taken as a methodological basis, it is applied to the contents taught in cartographical disciplines which compose the curriculum grade of Parana courses, a fact that was investigated by interviewing responsible teachers and analyzing their teaching plans. In addition, it sought to expose how this is worked in the disciplines, investigating some questions such as: Which of them are being used? What is the knowledge of teachers about this methodology? Which are the bibliographies used by them to support the Semiology of Graphics Content? How the institution structure is found and how its laboratories and software are used during the discipline? Which are the main difficulties of the students in the learning process of Semiology of Graphics its relevance from teachers opinion and if there are other methodological guidelines which teachers use beyond it? From this work, it is concluded that the Semiology of Graphics remains the current methodological that guides the understanding of language structure, the graphical representation, being essential for licensee and bachelor formation of geography science, as part of cartographic contents worked out in Geography Degree, mainly in public higher education institutions of the Parana State.

Cartografia e ensino de geografia: uma breve discussão teórico-metodológica / Cartography and Geography teaching: a brief theoretical and methodological discussion

Helaine Cordeiro Rodrigues Simião 27 February 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho procura-se discutir a linguagem cartográfica para o ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina de Geografia. Nesse sentido entende-se que a Cartografia é uma linguagem visual, que deve estar presente nas aulas de Geografia. Ressalta-se que, essa linguagem cartográfica deve ser ensinada desde as séries inicias do segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental. Inclusive, que deve permanecer até o final do ensino médio no currículo escolar, em todas as séries. O objetivo é fazer com que os mapas façam sentido para os alunos, uma vez que, como linguagem que são, possuem um potencial comunicativo relevante no ensino e na aprendizagem. No entanto, para ficar clara a ideia do ensino e da aprendizagem que se espera efetivar, procura-se também trabalhar com autores que discutem o desenvolvimento da psique infantil, o currículo escolar e a escola. A intenção é compreender como ocorre o ensino e a aprendizagem e quais seriam os procedimentos didático-pedagógicos que permitiriam que esse processo se efetivasse nas aulas de Geografia. Nesse sentido foram pensados procedimentos e planos de aulas para o ensino dos conteúdos geográficos por meio do ensino da sintaxe das regras da representação gráfica conforme a Semiologia gráfica de Jacques Bertin. A partir da apreensão da sintaxe das regras da Semiologia Gráfica os alunos poderiam adquirir mais conhecimentos geográficos do que se apenas vissem os mapas temáticos como ilustração de textos. Os alunos apresentariam ganhos cognitivos e maior interesse pela disciplina de Geografia. Adquiririam também conhecimentos sobre a importância e representação dos fluxos e das redes geográficas para uma Cartografia adequada a uma Geografia renovada e perceberiam o potencial das anamorfoses para a representação do espaço geográfico como uma dimensão do social. Trabalha-se, portanto, com a concepção de espaço geográfico segundo a qual o espaço é relativo, produto da sociedade, um componente social. / In this work seeks to discuss the language mapping for teaching and learning the discipline of geography, because it understands that cartography is a visual language that must be present in geography lessons. It should be emphasized, including the need for such maps represent the geographical space as a component of society. From this understanding, we must think how to express graphically the dimension relations issues arising from central to geography such as distance, for example, in favor of school discipline Geography. In this sense it is used as the reference parameter of a desired mapping to be used in education that focuses on the relationships between objects and actions, and thus express the contemporary geographical space. For that, minimally graphical representation of the grammar should be known by students and teachers of this discipline, because it establishes that the maps must reproduce graphically the relationship of diversity, order and proportionality between the geographic objects by visual relationships of the same nature. This grammar structure of the graphic language, and if applied correctly in the construction of the map allows it to transmit the content of the information by viewing the finished map. The goal is to make theme maps make sense to students, in order to pass these students to be critical readers of maps with which we normally encounter. You can not criticize what you do not know. Accordingly, during the didactic and pedagogical procedures that allow the structuring of the cartographic language by students will be able to also develop the language of geography. It is evident that there is an urgent need for new forms of representation that are satisfaction with the new dimensionly. In this sense it has to be through the teaching of grammar syntax of the graphical representation according to Jacques Bertin\'s Semiology of Graphics to reach this goal. It is noteworthy that by observing the procedures suggested students also acquire knowledge about the importance and representation of geographic networks and flows to a Cartography appropriate for a geography that also is renewed. Realize even the potential of anamorphosis to represent the geographical space as a social dimension.

Construction de l’espace dyadique primaire : De la ritualité périnatale à une sémiologie des psychopathologies précoces / Construction of the dyadic space : From the perinatal ritual to a semiology of early psychopathologies

Rochette-Guglielmi, Joëlle 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le post-partum immédiat recèle les fondamentaux de la situation anthropologique, tant pour le bébé que pour la mère et le père et pour le socius. La première matrice de la vie psychique subordonnée à « l’espace dyadique fondamental » procède de la complexe alchimie entre la tessiture de l’investissement maternel et le tempérament et les capacités de régulation du bébé, sans négliger la structure en abyme qui encadre le maternage. A partir d’une clinique étendue dans le champ de la périnatalité cette recherche s’intéresse avec une double méthodologie qualitative clinique (Chapitre 1) et quantitative « outillée » (Chapitre 2 et 3), à la construction d’un espace dyadique, indispensable à la croissance du bébé et à l’investissement maternel, aux vicissitudes de cette construction, à la fonction régulatrice des rituels (relayés par les dispositifs de soins périnataux actuels) qui offrent une scansion au travail de l’enfantement. La communication dyadique entre mère est bébé, dont nous repérons le point d’orgue précoce vers deux mois avec les premières protoconversations, est étudié comme une co-génése transmodale et asymétrique complexe, tant par la psychanalyse que par la théorie de l’attachement, l’approche développementale et les neurosciences. Cet espace unique et original, renouvelé à chaque nouvelle naissance se trame à partir des « les formants de l’investissement maternel », constituée par les vecteurs de la vie psychique et leur combinatoire qui fournissent l’économie nécessaire à la situation maternante. A partir des trois grands courants de pensée conceptuelle et de traitement thérapeutique des troubles du lien précoce nous recensons le formant « en transformation » celui de « la transmission » le formant « en séduction ». Ces avancées théorico-cliniques ont un triple objectif, construire une lecture nouvelle de l’intersubjectivité primaire, de l’édification de la conscience de soi chez le bébé, des mécanisme normaux et pathologiques des identifications et de l’empathie, soutenir le principe des soins, l’édification d’une sémiologie dyadique de la psychopathologie précoce et ouvrir sur un modèle incluant la dimension du précoce et de ses formes de symbolisation dans les cures d’adultes et la prise en charge institutionnelle des populations précaires ou limites. / The immediate postpartum period contains the basics of the anthropological situation, for the baby as well as for the mother and the father and the socius. Psychic life first matrix subject to “the basic dyadic space” comes from the complex alchemy between the range of maternal investment and disposition and the baby’s original control abilities, without ignoring the play within a play which surrounds mothering. From an extended study in the perinatal field, this research takes an interest, with a double methodology of qualitative study (chapter 1) and quantitative “equipped” one (chapter 2 and 3), in the construction of a dyadic space, essential for the baby’s development and for the maternal investment, to this construction ups and downs, for regulatory functions of these rituals (relayed by current perinatal cares) which gives a scansion to childbirth work. Dyadic communication between mother and baby, with a climax around two months old with the first protoconversations, is studied as an asymmetrical transmodal complex co-genesis by both psychoanalysis and attachment theory, by developmental approaches and neurosciences. This unique and original space, which is renewed after every birth, is woven from “the forming of maternal investment” composed from psychic life vectors and their combination which provides enough energy for the mothering situation. From the three major schools of conceptual thoughts and from therapeutic treatments of early relationship disorder, we identify the forming “in transformation”, the “transmission” one and the forming “in seduction”. These breakthroughs have a triple purpose: to built a new reading of primary intersubjectivity, the building of baby’s self-awareness, normal and pathological mechanism of identification and empathy, to support the principle of cares and the edification of a dyadic semiology of the early psychopathology and to lead to a model that will include the aspect of the “early” and its symbolism form in adult therapy and the institutional support of fragile or borderline population.

Enquête sur un condamné : Guy de Maupassant à la lumière de la psychanalyse / Investigation about a condemned person : Guy de Maupassant by the light of psychoanalysis

Djilali-Messaoud, Fatiha 27 June 2014 (has links)
Une recherche en psychanalyse nous autorise à effectuer un travail sur un héros ou une héroïne de la littérature et/ou le romancier qui leur a donné vie. À cet effet, nous avons choisi le cas clinique de Guy de Maupassant que nous allons analyser à travers les éprouvés contre-transférentiels de ces divers biographes ainsi qu’à travers ses contes plus circonstanciés et reflétant plus la pensée de leur auteur que ne pouvaient le faire ses romans. Cette dernière option impose que l’on loge entre l’auteur et son oeuvre le fantasme d’auteur qui, une fois déchiffré nous permet de franchir le pont du latent au manifeste et de compléter les contes des biographes par la traduction des énoncés de l’auteur. Les deux facteurs conjugués biographies et étude des contes épurés du fantasme nous permettront de restituer notre propre conte de Maupassant en nous inspirant des études de cas freudiennes dont Freud disait qu’il fallait les lire comme des contes. / A research in psychoanalysis allows us to perform work on a hero or a heroine of literature and/or the novelist who brought them into being. In this regard we will choose the clinical case of Guy de Maupassant that we will analyze (study) through the tested counter-transferences of his various biographers. We will also study Maupassant’s most detailed tales which convey the author’s thought much more than his novels display. This latest choice makes it necessary to insert the author’s fantasy between his true personality and his work, which, once it has been deciphered (decoded) enables us to bridge the gap between what is latent and what is obvious. It also gives us the opportunity to complete biographers’ tales thanks to the commentary of the author’s writing. The two factors composed of biographies and the study of tales both free from fantasy will draw our inspiration from Freudian case-studies considering that Freud used to say they had to be read like tales.

Les documents iconographiques de presse dans les manuels de Français Langue Etrangère au Vietnam. Analyse d'une médiation de nature translittéracique méconnue / Titre en anglais non renseigné

Nguyen, Thi Kim Lan 07 February 2018 (has links)
Les manuels de FLE sont utilisés au service de l’enseignement du français dans les universités de nombreux pays et notamment au Vietnam. Ils sont des supports de base en classe et les enseignants sont autorisés à emprunter des exercices de compréhension ou d’expression proposés dans ces manuels afin de faire développer les compétences de langue des apprenants. Le retour sur l’histoire de ces manuels montre qu’ils se renouvellent sans cesse via l’actualisation et l’enrichissement des informations, des connaissances et par la présence d’une grande variété d’images. Parmi celles-ci, les photographies de presse sont considérées comme un moyen de communication chargé de capter l’attention et d’accompagner le discours tenu sur un événement, un fait, une information particulière. Nous avons ainsi extrait et analysé toutes les photographies de presse présentes dans les manuels en recherchant systématiquement les symboles, les connotations culturelles susceptibles d’être difficile à comprendre pour les apprenants de culture étrangère. L’étude porte ainsi sur 46 manuels scolaires publiés entre 1994 et 2015 et propose l’analyse qualitative de 284 images de presse. Au-delà de leur fonction illustrative et informative, elles ont aussi pour mission de véhiculer des messages culturels, de représenter les différences entre la culture française et la culture étrangère à travers des symboles culturels plus ou mois implicites. Sans prétendre être exhaustif, cette étude propose un nouveau regard sur la réalité d’une modalité éditoriale. / French manuals are used in teaching French, a foreign language, in many universities in Vietnam. They are basic supporting materials in class, and teachers are authorized to borrow comprehension and expression exercises in these manuals to develop the learners’ language competence.For several decades the manuals have progressively been renewed for updating and enriching information as well as diversifying images. Lots of images presented in these manuals are being used as documents for pedagogical aim or objectives for learning activities. Especially, press photographs, research subject in this study, which are considered as a means of communication, can indeed attract learners’ attention. Besides their informative function, they have another mission, a vehicle for cultural messages, which represent differences between French culture and Vietnamese culture through symbols and cultural implicites. The study concerns 46 textbooks published between 1994 and 2015 and proposes the qualitative analysis of 284 images of press. Aiming to propose a new look at the reality of editorial modality, we have analyzed the press photographs in which cultural connotations are evoked, which are difficult for learners from another culture to comprehend.

Système de la Mode R. Bartha: Problém aplikovatelnosti a kritika modelu / Système de la Mode by Roland Barthes: Critique of the Model and Limits of Application

Lorencová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we will try to explain and clarify the main concepts of R. Barthes's semiological method introduced in his book Système de la Mode. The key moments of his model will be confronted with critique of other authors such as J. Culler, T. Todorov or D. N. Rodowick. The principal aim of Barthes's book is to create a precise method which would lead the structural analysis of women's clothing described by fashion magazines. The author believes, that vestimentary features presented in fashion magazines are constituted into a system of signification. Barthes's main intention has been to reconstitute this system of meaning and to create a classification of written garment using linguistic approach and procedures. After considering the critique of the above-mentioned authors, we will try to apply Barthes's concepts to some examples of written garment, taken from current fashion magazines, in order to better understand author's semiological project.

Strukturalismus a pojem diskursu u Paula Ricoeura / Structuralism and Concept of Discourse in the Work of Paul Ricoeur

Skoumal, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on structuralism and concept of discourse in the work of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur. The aim of the thesis is to show Ricoeur's effort to interconnect structuralism and hermeneutics and, after this, to treat how this interconnection works as a general paradigm of human sciences. The point of departure is Ricoeur's revision of Saussurean structural approach which divides language into language system (langue) and speaking (parole). Then, the concept of discourse is grounded and the thesis proceeds to problems of text. By using the concept of discourse for written forms of language (texts), Ricoeur introduces this term to his hermeneutical approach. Its interconnection with structuralism is made possible by circular dialectics of explanation and understanding in which structuralism is shown to be necessary for the hermeneutical knowledge. Ricoeur's hermeneutical thought is also characterised by movement from text to action. Ricoeur finds some parallels between them and between the interpretations of them. By this, he proceeds from hermeneutics of text to hermeneutics of action and presents his conclusions as a general paradigm of human sciences. These are said to have a hermeneutical nature. However, according to Ricoeur, the deep hermeneutical comprehension is...

Visuell miljöpåverkan : Visuell retorik i animerad kortfilm / Visual climate impact : Visual rhetoric in animated short film

Lindau, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att upplysa kring hur filmer på YouTube fungerar retoriskt. Fokuset ligger ihur miljödiskursen representeras. Med hjälp av en semiologisk och retorisk analys undersöksfilmen The Turning Point (2020) av den brittiske animatören Steve Cutts. Detta sker med hjälpav semiologiska teorier samt sociopsykologiska teorier kopplade till visuell retorik. Resultatetav analysen blev att Cutts använder sig av kausala förhållanden mellan scener för att bygga ettargument. Filmen utnyttjar sedan tittarens tendens att identifiera sig med karaktärer för attövertyga. Resultatet blir relevant då det visar hur ett implicit, visuellt argument byggs upp i envideo på YouTube, en växande plattform för information och diskussion kring miljöfrågor. Minuppsats undersöker dock inte tittarens respons på materialet och ej heller YouTubeanvändaresinteraktion med övertalande visuella texter. Detta fordrar mer forskning påområdet där både responsstudier och diskursanalyser kan bli viktiga för att förstå hur åsikterformas på plattformen. / The purpose of this essay is to inform about how videos on YouTube work rhetorically. The focus is on how the environmental discourse is represented. Using a semiological andrhetorical analysis, the film The Turning Point (2020) by the British animator Steve Cutts isexamined. This is done with semiological and socio-psychological theories linked to visualrhetoric. The results of the analysis showed that Cutts uses causal relationships betweenscenes to build an argument. The film then takes advantage of the viewer's tendency toidentify with characters to persuade. The result is relevant as it shows how an implicit, visualargument is built up in a video on YouTube, a growing platform for information anddiscussions on environmental issues. However, my essay does not examine the viewer'sresponse to the material, nor the interaction of YouTube users with persuasive visual texts.This requires more research in the area where both response studies and discourse analysis’scan be important for understanding how opinions are formed on the platform.

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