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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cukriniu diabetu sergančių suaugusių vidinės darnos, psichologinės savijautos, savęs vertinimo psichologiniai ypatumai / Indentify adults diabetic people sense of coherence, psychological well being,and self esteem

Šapranauskienė, Gražina 23 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this work is indentify adults diabetic people sense of coherence ,psichological feel,and self esteem.Received reseach results confirmed first hipothesis, that sense of coherence to diabetic importantly lower than to healthy individuals.Received research results confirmed second hipothesis ,that psychological well being to diabetics adult individuals is importantly worse than to healthy individuals.Received research results confirmed third hipothesis ,that self esteem to diabetics adult individuals importantly smaller than to healthy individuals.

Motinų vidinės darnos ir motinos darnos su kūdikiu sąsajos / Relations between mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s coherence with a baby

Juodienė, Daiva 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti žindančių motinų vidinę darną, motinos su kūdikiu darną ir šių veiksnių sąsajas su žindymo trukme. Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti žindančių motinų vidinę darną; 2. Išanalizuoti motinos darną su kūdikiu; 3. Nustatyti motinos vidinės darnos ir motinos darnos su kūdikiu sąsajas. 3. Nustatyti darnos veiksnių ryšį su žindymo trukme. Tyrimo metodai: Tyrimo objektas – ką tik pagimdžiusios motinos ir auginančios kūdikius iki 6 mėn. Tyrimo metodas – anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Tyrimas susidėjo iš dviejų etapų. Pirmasis tyrimas vyko pirmąją savaitę motinai pagimdžius kūdikį, antrasis – 6 mėn. po kūdikio gimimo. Tyrimui buvo atrinktos motinos, gimdžiusios KMUK, Pr. Mažylio ir Krikš��ioniškuose gimdymo namuose. Pirmojo tyrimo metu buvo apklaustos 493 motinos. Antrajame tyrime pakartotinai apklausta 141 motina. Atsako dažnis sudarė 35,6 proc. Rezultatai: Tyrimo duomenimis, motinoms kurioms kūdikis buvo planuotas, visų darnos skalės sričių ir visos skalės, balų sumos vidurkis buvo didesnis negu toms motinoms, kurioms kūdikis buvo neplanuotas (p<0,001). Išsimokslinimas statistiškai reikšmingai veikė vidinės darnos suprantamumo (p=0,006), kontroliavimo jausmų sritis (p=0,038) ir visą skalę (p=0,005). Šeimyninė padėtis siejosi tik su motinos vidinės darnos prasmingumo jausmu (p=0,003). Motinos darna su kūdikiu statistiškai reikšmingai siejosi su gimdymo eiliškumu. Motinos kurios pagimdė antrą ar trečią vaiką, turėjo stipresnį prasmingumo (p=0,055), suprantamumo jausmą (p=0,0... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To study mother‘s sense of coherence (SOC), the mother‘s coherence with a baby and influence of these factors to the duration of breastfeeding. Tasks: 1. To evaluate sense of coherence of the mothers; 2. To analyze the mother‘s coherence with a baby; 3. To evaluate relations between mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s coherence with a baby. 4. To assess the influence mother‘s sense of coherence and mother‘s baby coherence to the duration of breastfeeding. Methods of the study: Object of the research – mothers after their delivery and after six months. Method of the research – anonymous questionnaire survey. The research consisted of two stages. The first research was performed in the first week after the mother gave a birth to her baby, the second one – the same mothers 6 months after the baby was born. For the research, the mothers giving birth in Kaunas Medical University Hospital, Pr. Mazylis and Christian maternity home were chosen. In the first research, 493 mothers were surveyed. In the second research, 141 mothers were surveyed one more time. The response rate was 35.6%. Results: According to the data of the research, the average sum of points of the ranges of the SOC and the total SOC was higher of the mothers who had planned a baby than of these ones who had not planned a baby (p<0.001). The education influenced the ranges of comprehensibility of the SOC (p=0.006), the ranges of manageability (p=0.038) and the total scale of SOC (p=0.005). The... [to full text]

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pojūtinės patirties plėtotės galimybės / The possibilities of sensational experience development of preschool children

Bubnytė, Gintarė 03 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe bandoma išsiaiškinti pojūtinės patirties plėtotės galimybes, jos skatinimą panaudojant dailės priemones. Manoma, kad ikimokyklinėse ugdymo įstaigose priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams skiriamas nepakankamas dėmesys pojūčių lavinimui, nors kasdieninėje vaikų veikloje susidaro pakankamai tokių situacijų, kurių metu vaikai savo pojūčius galėtų reikšti dailės priemonėmis. Tyrimo objektas - priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pojūtinės patirties raiškos galimybės. Tyrimo klausimas - kokiais būdais plėtojama priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų pojūtinė patirtis? Tyrimo tikslu siekiama nustatyti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su regos sutrikimais pojūčių raiškos galimybes meninėje veikloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti pojūčių sampratą pedagoginiu ir psichologiniu aspektu. 2. Išryškinti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su regos sutrikimais pojūtinės patirties charakteristiką. 3. Atskleisti pojūtinės patirties raiškos dailės priemonėmis ypatumus. 4. Užfiksuoti specialistų veiklos ypatumus plėtojant pojūtinę patirtį. Šiai problemai spręsti buvo pasirinktas kokybinis aprašomasis tyrimas. Tyrime panaudoti kokybiniams tyrimams būdingi metodai: interviu ir stebėjimas. Tyrimo pagalba buvo atskleista turima vaikų pojūtinė patirtis, pojūtinės patirties raiškos dailės priemonėmis ypatumai bei specialistų veikla plėtojant pojūtinę patirtį. Tyrimo metu atskleista, kad vaikų gebėjimas pojūčius išreikšti dailės priemonėmis priklauso nuo turimos gyvenimiškos patirties apie pojūčius. Dažniausiai vaikai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research seeks to find out the possibilities of sensational experience development of preschool children, it‘s inducement using art means. It is supposed that insufficient attention is paid to sensational experience development of preschool children at the preschool educational institutions. Though there are enough situations in everyday activities of children where they could express their sensations through art means. Object of research – possibilities of expression of preschool children sensational experience. Question of research – in what ways sensational experience of preschool children is developed? Aim of research - find out the possibilities of sensational expression of preschool children with sight disorders in art activity. Objectives of research: 1. To define concept of sensations in pedagogical and psychological aspects. 2. To outline characteristic of sensational experience of preschool children with sight disorders. 3. To find out peculiarities of expression of sensational experience using art means. 4. To fix peculiarities of sensational experience development by specialists. Qualitative descriptive research was chosen for solving this problem. Two methods characteristic to qualitative researches were used: interview and observation. Possessed sensational experience of children, peculiarities of sensational experience expression using art means and activity of specialists in development of sensational experience have been find out in assistance of... [to full text]

Networking, Belonging and Identity: Highly Skilled Turkish Immigrants in Halifax and Toronto

Sevgur, Serperi Beliz 02 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis is an exploratory work into the migration and settlement experiences of highly skilled Turkish migrants who have settled in Canada. It is a qualitative study conducted with sixteen immigrant respondents living in Halifax and Toronto. The focus of this work is on the role of networks, specifically in shaping these migrants’ migration routes, developing belongings and reworking identities. While it is the feminist theory that informs this study, I use the intersectional theory as the theoretical framework. It has been found that the social class not only arose as a central factor that influenced these migrants’ experiences but it also affected the interplay between ethnicity and gender. The findings are analyzed with the help of current literature on globalization and international migration theories. The similarities and differences between the Halifax and Toronto respondents are also highlighted in order to inform provincial and national policies.

Juslinis laiko ir erdvės interpretavimas / Interpretation of sensual time and space

Bučinskaitė, Dovilė 31 August 2012 (has links)
Rašto darbe nagrinėjama laiko ir erdvės kaita socialiniame, filosofiniame, psichologiniame kontekste bei žmogaus patyrimas juose. Aptariamos žmogaus juslės, jų įtaka žmogaus asmenybės formavimuisi, gebėjimui pažinti aplinkinį pasaulį bei poveikis individo emocinei būsenai. Darbo tikslas - atrasti galimą prisiminimų ryšį tarp žmonių, kurie užaugo skirtingose aplinkose, ir tai panaudoti, kaip dirgiklį sukeliant atsakomąją reakciją. / The paper analyses time and space turnover in a social, philosophical, psychological contexts, also including human experience in these surroundings. The paper discuss about human’s power of sensitivity, it’s influence to evolution of human identity. Furthermore, the paper represents human’s ability to discover environment using his senses and reveals these senses has an effect on human’s emotional condition. The aim of the paper is to reveal probable memory relationship between people, who grow up in different environment, using their individual memories as stimulus to get responsive reaction.

Closing the gap in WSD : supervised results with unsupervised methods

Brody, Samuel January 2009 (has links)
Word-Sense Disambiguation (WSD), holds promise for many NLP applications requiring broad-coverage language understanding, such as summarization (Barzilay and Elhadad, 1997) and question answering (Ramakrishnan et al., 2003). Recent studies have also shown that WSD can benefit machine translation (Vickrey et al., 2005) and information retrieval (Stokoe, 2005). Much work has focused on the computational treatment of sense ambiguity, primarily using data-driven methods. The most accurate WSD systems to date are supervised and rely on the availability of sense-labeled training data. This restriction poses a significant barrier to widespread use of WSD in practice, since such data is extremely expensive to acquire for new languages and domains. Unsupervised WSD holds the key to enable such application, as it does not require sense-labeled data. However, unsupervised methods fall far behind supervised ones in terms of accuracy and ease of use. In this thesis we explore the reasons for this, and present solutions to remedy this situation. We hypothesize that one of the main problems with unsupervised WSD is its lack of a standard formulation and general purpose tools common to supervised methods. As a first step, we examine existing approaches to unsupervised WSD, with the aim of detecting independent principles that can be utilized in a general framework. We investigate ways of leveraging the diversity of existing methods, using ensembles, a common tool in the supervised learning framework. This approach allows us to achieve accuracy beyond that of the individual methods, without need for extensive modification of the underlying systems. Our examination of existing unsupervised approaches highlights the importance of using the predominant sense in case of uncertainty, and the effectiveness of statistical similarity methods as a tool for WSD. However, it also serves to emphasize the need for a way to merge and combine learning elements, and the potential of a supervised-style approach to the problem. Relying on existing methods does not take full advantage of the insights gained from the supervised framework. We therefore present an unsupervised WSD system which circumvents the question of actual disambiguation method, which is the main source of discrepancy in unsupervised WSD, and deals directly with the data. Our method uses statistical and semantic similarity measures to produce labeled training data in a completely unsupervised fashion. This allows the training and use of any standard supervised classifier for the actual disambiguation. Classifiers trained with our method significantly outperform those using other methods of data generation, and represent a big step in bridging the accuracy gap between supervised and unsupervised methods. Finally, we address a major drawback of classical unsupervised systems – their reliance on a fixed sense inventory and lexical resources. This dependence represents a substantial setback for unsupervised methods in cases where such resources are unavailable. Unfortunately, these are exactly the areas in which unsupervised methods are most needed. Unsupervised sense-discrimination, which does not share those restrictions, presents a promising solution to the problem. We therefore develop an unsupervised sense discrimination system. We base our system on a well-studied probabilistic generative model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Blei et al., 2003), which has many of the advantages of supervised frameworks. The model’s probabilistic nature lends itself to easy combination and extension, and its generative aspect is well suited to linguistic tasks. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the unsupervised sense induction task, while remaining independent of any fixed sense inventory, and thus represents a fully unsupervised, general purpose, WSD tool.

A comparative study of secular accounts ot the apocalypse in four contemporary novels : -- Kurt Vonnegut's Galapagos, The Road by Cormac McCarthy -- Nicolas Dickner's Tarmac, and Les larmes de saint Laurent by Dominique Fortier / Une étude comparative de la représentation séculaire de l'apocalypse dans quatre romans contemporains : -- Galapagos de Kurt Vonnegut et The Road de Cormac McCarthy -- Tarmac Nicolas Dickner et Les larmes de saint Laurent par Dominique Fortier

Dahl, Eric N. January 2013 (has links)
Abstract: This thesis is a comparative analysis of the apocalypse as a theme in four novels, two American and two Quebecois. Originally a biblical myth, apocalyptic tales are comprised of three narrative aspects defined Bertrand Gervais as Crisis, Time, Meaning / Sense. The four novels are analyzed individually according to these three elements. The American novels correspond to the more traditional pattern of the myth in which the world faces mass destruction followed by the survival of of the chosen-ones who will experience redemption. Contrarily, the two others demonstrate the conceptualization and representation of the traditional myth of the apocalypse towards a modern analogy of transformation of individuals within a profane world; one in which the mythical becomes farcical.||Résumé : Cette étude porte sur l’analyse comparée du thème de 1’apocalypse dans quatre romans, deux Américains et deux Québécois. Mythe biblique a 1’origine, le récit de I ’Apocalypse comporte trois éléments narratifs bien définis par Bertrand Gervais soient la Crise, le Temps et le Sens. Les quatre romans sont envisages, l’un a la suite de l’autre, en fonction de ces trois éléments. II en ressort que deux d’entre eux correspondent au schéma plus traditionnel du mythe avec sa destruction massive du monde suivi du choix d’élus qui auront la chance de connaitre la rédemption. Les deux autres, par contre, démontrent 1’evolution du mythe traditionnel de l’Apocalypse vers une analogie moderne de la transformation des individus dans un monde profane, ou le mythique devient même risible.

Relationen mellan känsla av sammanhang och mental ohälsa hos högskolestudenter

Zetterström, Therese January 2014 (has links)
Den salutogena modellen beskriver hälsa som ett kontinuum mellan ytterligheterna total ohälsa och total hälsa. En persons placering på kontinuumet kan förklaras av dennes ”känsla av sammanhang” (KASAM) - en skyddande resurs som hjälper individen att hantera livets stressorer. Mental ohälsa ökar bland unga vuxna i dagens samhälle och studenter är en utsatt grupp. Forskning visar att höga grader av KASAM bidrar till god självupplevd hälsa. I studien undersöktes, utifrån tre frågeställningar med tillhörande hypoteser, relationen mellan KASAM och mental ohälsa hos 273 högskolestudenter, varav 62 män. Deltagarna besvarade en enkät bestående av KASAM-formuläret och General Health Questionnaire. Data undersöktes med korrelations-, varians- och regressionsanalys.  Resultatet påvisade ett negativt samband mellan KASAM och upplevd mental ohälsa. Slutsatsen gav att KASAM tycks fungera skyddande mot mental ohälsa hos urvalets deltagare varpå diskussionen bland annat berör hur skolans miljö kan tänkas främja studenternas KASAM. Framtida forskning av organisationsstrukturers inverkan på KASAM föreslås.

Experiencing a sense of calling : the influence of meaningful work on teachers' work attitude / Marietjie Willemse

Willemse, Marietjie January 2013 (has links)
In the current South African context, negative work attitude of teachers has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with as it has a detrimental effect on the education system. Although research on this phenomenon is still scarce, a growing interest in work attitude and its different underlying constructs is obvious from the increase of work attitude research. It is now time to investigate ways to improve work attitude, one of which could be to invest in meaningful work. The aim of this study is to expand on the understanding of the relationship between experiencing a sense of calling and work attitude as well as to determine the influence of meaningful work on this relationship. Through this study the researcher proposed an adapted model of Steger, Pickering, Shin and Dik (2011) which will serve as an academic tool for future research. This model will also be applicable as a management tool to understand and deal with teachers’ negative work attitude. A quantitative, cross-sectional survey design was used. The analysis was based on data from a representative sample of teachers recruited from primary and secondary schools in the Fezile Dabi district (n = 270) formerly known as the Northern Free State School district. The following measuring instruments were administered: The Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ), The Work and Meaning Inventory (WAMI), The Work Preference Inventory (WPI) and The Career Decision Profile (CDP). The researcher used the analytic approach of structural equation modelling by means of the statistical program Mplus. The results revealed that a statistically significant relationship existed between the experience of a sense of calling and work attitude. Results also supported the hypothesis that meaningful work has an indirect effect on the relationship between the experience of a calling and work attitude. The findings of this study indicated that positive work attitude tends to be enhanced by the addition of meaningful work. The Department of Education will have to take ognisance of ways to create meaningful work if they wish to succeed in educational transformation, as meaningful work has an indirect effect on the relationship between the experience of a calling and work attitude of teachers. Future studies should include longitudinal studies to validate the proposed adapted model and to identify more predictors of positive work attitude. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Mapping community with African-Canadian youth newcomers: Settlement narratives and welcoming communities

Campbell, Graham, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Immigration is important to Canada and Canadian society in many ways. Leading the G8 group of countries with the highest proportion of foreign-born population, immigrants make up an important part of the Canadian economy and society (Statistics Canada, 2013). As noted by several authors, much of the literature surrounding newcomer settlement concentrates on either young children or adults, leaving a gap in research into settlement experiences of adolescents (Anisef & Kilbride, 2003; Berry, Phinney, Sam, & Vedder, 2006; Janzen & Ochocka, 2003; Omidvar & Richmond, 2003). The purpose of this research project is to explore important community places, themes around settlement, and welcoming communities with newcomer youth in the context of stories surrounding maps of their community. The data were collected as part of a larger project exploring engagement of traditionally underrepresented groups in community-based planning practices. Over the course of the three-day African-Canadian Youth Leadership Project in 2011, thirteen immigrant youth participated in leadership and research activities. The current study focuses on data gathered through a cognitive mapping exercise conducted as part of that larger project. Through thematic narrative analysis of interview transcripts, videos, and maps, major themes of home and family, social places, and support networks emerged as being connected to important places in the context of settlement and the perception of a welcoming community. Issues of safety and exclusion were also raised in participants??? stories. These themes are explored as they connect to place, which grounds a discussion of family connections, social capital, and third places contributing to newcomers??? sense of place, and therefore their experience of places in the community. The importance of bridging social capital is also illustrated, including the links to places in the community that share characteristics of Oldenburg???s (1999) third places. Leisure settings were prominent examples of such places in newcomer youth???s stories and maps, often as context for social learning, language skill development, and fostering social connections. Findings show support for Seat???s idea of settlement as being conceived of full engagement in the host society, as well as the feeling of fitting in (2000). Potential benefits of this and similar research include a greater understanding of newcomer youth settlement experiences, contributing to theory and grounding the settlement experience in the concept of place. Issues of bridging social connections and the importance of the community???s role in newcomer engagement might facilitate policy and planning considerations for creating welcoming communities and community places.

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