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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet de la forme d'excitation électrique sur une décharge contrôlée par barrière diélectrique (dbd) à la pression atmosphérique et application au dépôt de couche mince / Effect of the electrical waveforms on discharge controlled by dielectric barrier (dbd) at atmospheric pressure and application of thin film coating

Bazinette, Rémy 03 May 2016 (has links)
Les décharges contrôlées par barrière diélectrique (DBD) homogènes à pression atmosphérique sont une alternative pour réaliser des couches minces sur de grandes surfaces, en continu, sans système de pompage. La physique de ces décharges tout comme les propriétés des couches minces obtenues sont bien établies en excitation sinusoïdale basse fréquence (< 200 kHz) et radiofréquence (13,56 MHz). L’objet de cette thèse est d’étendre le domaine de fonctionnement de ces décharges dans un mélange Penning Ar/NH3. Pour ce faire, un dispositif original a été mis au point permettant de faire varier la fréquence d'excitation en tension sinusoïdale entre 50 kHz à 18 MHz. La DBD nanopulsée répétitive a également été étudiée. L’objectif est d’identifier de nouveaux modes de fonctionnement de la DBD homogène et d’en maximiser la puissance pour augmenter la vitesse de dépôt de couche mince tout en maintenant une qualité compatible avec les applications. Dans un mélange Ar-NH3, le régime de fonctionnement de la décharge transit de luminescent (GDBD) à Townsend (TDBD) vers 250 kHz puis à RF-DBD à partir de 3 MHz. Les mesures électriques et optiques qui ont été réalisées montrent que la puissance moyenne des décharges homogènes augmente d'un facteur 30 entre les régimes GDBD et RF-DBD (jusqu'à 35 W/cm3) tandis que la tension d'amorçage est réduite d'un facteur 6. Ces observations couplées aux spectres d’émission des décharges indiquent que la densité d’électrons augmente de plusieurs ordres de grandeur alors que leur énergie décroit. Ces résultats s’expliquent par un changement de mécanisme d'ionisation avec un rôle dominant de l'émission d'électron secondaire à la cathode en basse fréquence (GDBD et TDBD) tandis que l'ionisation en volume domine en RF-DBD. Les deux transitions entre les régimes GDBD-TDBD et TDBD-RF-DBD sont étudiées. La première est liée au temps de transit des ions de l'anode vers la cathode qui devient plus long que la demi-période. En conséquence, la chute cathodique ne se forme pas. La deuxième transition est liée au piégeage des ions puis des électrons qui dépend de la tension appliquée, de la valeur de l'espace interélectrode et de la fréquence. Ces régimes de décharges sont comparés au régime nanopulsé répétitif (NPR-DBD). Les conditions conduisant à une décharge homogène ont été trouvées. La puissance maximale en régime homogène est de 17 W/cm3 ce qui est 17 fois plus élevé que pour un régime sinusoïdal à même fréquence. Elle est obtenue pour une fréquence de répétition de 30 kHz avec un pulse de tension de 10 ns. Les dépôts de nitrure de silicium et d’oxyde de silicium obtenus à partir de SiH4 avec des GDBD, RF-DBD et NPR-DBD ont été étudiés. Dans tous les cas, la vitesse de dépôt est définie par la puissance de la décharge. L'augmentation de la puissance de la décharge avec la fréquence permet d'augmenter la vitesse de dépôt de 30 à 90 nm/min. Néanmoins avec l'utilisation de silane à température ambiante, des nanoparticules se forment en RF lorsque la puissance de la décharge est forte. La modulation d'amplitude empêche la formation des poudres. Pour ce faire l'énergie injectée pendant le Ton doit être inférieure à 100 µJ. Comme les précurseurs ne sont plus consommés par la formation de poudres, ils sont disponibles pour la croissance de la couche ce qui double la vitesse de dépôt par rapport au continu pour la même puissance moyenne. L'augmentation de la vitesse de dépôt sans poudre avec la puissance moyenne nécessite une augmentation de la fréquence de modulation (> 1 kHz) ce qui implique un Ton de plus en plus court pour limiter l'énergie injectée.Ce travail a mis en évidence un nouveau régime de décharge, la TDBD, en Ar-NH3. Il a permis de comparer les GDBD, TDBD, RF-DBD et NRP-DBD dans la même configuration de décharge. Pour la première fois des dépôts de couches minces ont été faits par RF-DBD et il a été montré que la modulation du plasma peut augmenter significativement la vitesse de dépôt. / The homogeneous discharge controlled by dielectric barrier at atmospheric pressure and their applications are a promising field of activity because of their advantages in contrast with the low pressure processes, especially for the on line treatment of large surface without pumping system. The physics of these discharges as the thin film properties obtained are well established with low frequency sinusoidal (<200 kHz) and radiofrequency excitation (13.56MHz). This is what is explored in this thesis aimed to find and explore new modes of homogeneous DBD and maximizing the power to optimize the deposition rate while maintaining quality thin layers. To achieve this goal, an original device has been developed varying the excitation frequency from 100 kHz to 18 MHz. The frequency increase on this range have many consequences. In an Ar-NH3 mixture, the discharge regime becomes successively a glow (GDBD) then Townsend (TDBD) around 250 kHz then RF-DBD from 3 MHz. The electrical and optical measurements that have been done show that the average power of the homogeneous discharges increases by a factor of 30 between GDBD regime and RF-DBD regime (up to 35 W/cm3) while the breakdown voltage is reduced by a factor 6. These observations coupled to the discharge emission spectra indicate that the electron density increases by several orders of magnitude while their energy decreases. These results are due to a change of the ionization mechanism with a dominant role of the secondary electron emission at the cathode in low frequency regime (GDBD and TDBD) while the volume ionization is dominate in RF-DBD. Both transitions between GDBD-TDBD regimes and TDBD-RF-DBD are studied. The first is related to the ion transit from the anode to the cathode which becomes longer than the half-period. In consequence, the cathode fall is not formed. The second transition is related to ions and electrons trapping which depends on the applied voltage, the value of the inter-electrode space and frequency.These discharges regime are compared to Nanopulsed repetitively discharge (NPR-DBD). The conditions leading to a homogeneous discharge are found. In homogeneous regime the maximum of the discharge power is 17 W/cm3 which is 17 times higher than for a low sinusoidal voltage for the same frequency. It is obtained for a repetition frequency of 30 kHz with a 10 ns voltage pulse. Hydrogenated silica and silicon nitride thin film obtained from SiH4 with GDBD, RF-DBD and NPR-DBD were studied. In all cases, the deposition rate is defined by the discharge power. The increase of the discharge power with the frequency increases the deposition rate from 30 nm/min to 90 nm/min. However with the use of silane at room temperature, nanoparticles are formed in RF regime when the discharge power is high. The amplitude modulation allows to prevent the formation of powders. AS far as the energy injected during Ton is less than 100 μJ. As the precursors are not consumed by the formation of powders, they are available for the growth of the layer thereby doubling the deposition rate compared to the continuous process for the same average power. Increasing the growth rate without powders with the average power requires an increase in the modulation frequency (> 1 kHz) i.e. a short Ton to limit the injected energy. Thus this work has highlighted a new discharge regime, the TDBD in Ar-NH3 and compared the GDBD, TDBD, RF-DBD and NRP-DBD discharge in the same configuration. For the first time, RF-DBD coating have been made and it has been shown that modulation of plasma, although it decreases the discharge power, can significantly increase the deposition rate.

Damage mechanisms in silicon nitride materials under contact loading / Mécanismes d’endommagement des nitrures de silicium sous un chargement de contact

Azeggagh, Nacer 10 September 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur la détermination des propriétés mécaniques à différentes échelles ainsi que les mécanismes d'endommagement des nitrures de silicium denses ou avec différents taux de porosités. Ces céramiques techniques présentent des propriétés mécaniques forte intéressantes : une faible densité, une dureté élevée, une bonne résistance à la corrosion et un faible coefficient de dilatation thermique. Elles sont notamment utilisées dans la fabrication des billes de roulement pour des applications dans les industries automobiles et aéronautiques. La caractérisation du comportement local sous un chargement de contact est donc un enjeu majeur. Les matériaux étudiés ont été obtenus par frittage flash d'une poudre de Nitrure de Silicium avec différents pourcentages d'oxide d'yttrium comme additif. Le contrôle de la température et de la pression de frittage a permis d'obtenir des matériaux denses avec différentes tailles de grain mais aussi avec une porosité résiduelle variable. La première partie de ce travail consistait à caractériser l'influence des conditions d'élaboration (température, pression, pourcentage d'additif) sur la microstructure (taille des grains, compositions ...) et les propriétés mécaniques à l'échelle macroscopique (module élastique, dureté Vickers, résistance à la flexion ...) des matériaux frittés. Des essais de contact de Hertz ont été ensuite réalisés afin d'identifier les mécanismes d'endommagement. L'utilisation de sphères de différents rayons a mis en évidence un important effet d'échelle : des fissures circonférentielles à échelle macroscopique (mode fragile) et des déformations plastique localisées à l'échelle mesoscopique avec des micro fissures distribuées aléatoirement (mode quasi-ductile). Les tests de nanoindentation permettent de solliciter localement les échantillons pour obtenir les propriétés élastiques des courbes force-déplacement. Des méthodes d'identification inverses permettent aussi d'extraire les paramètres d'écoulement. Le comportement non linéaire des céramiques a été modélisé en utilisant une loi bilinéaire où Sy est la limite d'élasticité et K un paramètre d'écrouissage. Afin d'identifier ces deux paramètres, un modèle éléments finis axisymétrique avec une pointe sphérique déformable a été construit sous Abaqus. Le modèle a été couplé à un module d'identification inverse fondé sur l'algorithme de Levemberg-Marquart pour minimiser l'écart (au sens des moindres carrés) entre les courbes expérimentales et numériques. Les simulations avec le code Isaac développé au sein du laboratoire LaMCoS ont permis de suivre d'évolution de la zone plastique lors d'un chargement de roulement. / This work deals with the mechanical properties and damage mechanisms under contact loading of dense and porous silicon nitrides materials. These technical ceramics exhibit a very interesting combination of mechanical properties: low density, high hardness and strength, good corrosion resistance and a low thermal coefficient. They are used in many applications including ball bearings for the automotive and aerospace industries. The characterization of the local behaviour under contact loading is then a crucial issue. Spark plasma sintering technique is used to process silicon nitride ceramics with addition of different amount of yttrium oxide as sintering aid. Controlling the sintering temperature and the applied pressure has permitted to obtain materials with fine, medium and coarse microstructures. In addition, materials with different porosity contents have been obtained. First, we have investigated the influence of processing conditions (temperature, pressure, amount of yttria on the microstructure and mechanical properties at the macroscopic scale (elastic parameters, Vickers hardness, flexural resistance ...). Hertzian contact tests were then performed to identify the damage mechanisms at the surface and subsurface of the sintered materials. The use of indenting spheres of different radii permitted to observe a significant size effect. Brittle mode consisting of surface ring cracks were observed at large scale (macroscopic scale) while localized plastic deformation with microcracks randomly distributed was observed at small scale (mesoscopic scale). Transmission electron microscopy observations of thin foils machined by ion milling were performed to investigate the subsurface damage. Numerical simulations with a code developed internally in LaMCoS laboratory enabled to follow the evolution of the plastic zone under pure rolling conditions. In these simulations, the nonlinear behaviour of ceramics was modelled using a bilinear law where Sy is the yield stress and K a hardening parameter of the ceramic specimen. Instrumented indentation tests were performed using a diamond spherical tip of radius 42 µm. Experimental load versus displacement curves were used as input data for an inverse identification purpose. Levemberg-Marquart algorithm was used to minimize the gap in the least squares sense.

Force measurements using scanning probe microscopy : Applications to advanced powder processing

Meurk, Anders January 2000 (has links)
The object of this thesis is to apply scanning probemicroscopy (SPM) to the field of advanced powder processing.Measurement of interparticle surface forces at conditionsrelevant to ceramic processing has been performed together withthorough studies of powder friction. Surface force measurements between silicon nitride andsilica surfaces in 1-bromonaphtalene and diiodomethane resultedin an attractive van der Waals force in both media for thesymmetric systems and a repulsive van der Waals force for theasymmetric systems. This agreed well with theoreticalpredictions from Lifshitz theory. Measurements in electrolytesolutions between silicon nitride surfaces with a varyingdegree of oxidation showed that silanol groups dominated theinteractions at a high degree of oxidation, whereas theinfluence of amine species became stronger after surfaceetching. Surface charge, surface potential and density ofsurface groups have been extracted from DLVO computer modellingof the experimental force curves. Surface force measurementshave been carried out using a nitrided silica sphere as acolloidal probe, representative for commercial silicon nitridepowders. Adsorption of poly(acrylic acid) above the isoelectricpoint generated a thin polymer layer of an essentially flatconformation. Friction force measurements were attainable via novelcalibration procedures of both the lateral photodetectorresponse and the cantilever torsional spring constant.Combining the method for detector calibration with evaluationof static friction slopes simplified the choice of appropriatecontact mechanics theory to evaluate the friction measurements.Applying the method on friction measurements between ironsurfaces coated with commercial lubricants showed a substantialsurface deformation not seen from the friction force alone. Thenanorheological properties of silica surfaces coated with twodifferent stearic acids have been evaluated from friction forcemeasurements. Steady sliding motion was replaced by highlyregular stick-slip motion at a critical load and velocity. Thestick-slip motion was successfully described and fitted to aphenomenological model. The contact area evaluated fromMaugis-Dugdale theory revealed the contact diameter to be veryclose to the stick-slip periodicity. Friction measurements were carried out between individualspray-dried ceramic granules as a function of binderconcentration and relative humidity. The hygroscopic nature ofthe binder resulted in a higher adhesion force but lowerfriction coefficient with increasing humidity. This effect wasascribed to softening of the binder and a lowering of the shearstrength of the binder rich surface layer on the granules.Comparison of the friction force between two granules and agranule and a hard metal surface confirmed that resistance toflow during the initial stages of powder pressing is dominatedby granule-wall friction and adhesion. Keywords: Atomic force microscope, AFM, SPM, van der Waalsinteraction, DLVO-theory, surface forces, colloidal probe,force curve, friction, adhesion, stick-slip, cantilever,calibration, spring constant, silicon nitride, iron,silica.

Novel Solid Phase Extraction and Mass Spectrometry Approaches to Multicomponent Analyses in Complex Matrices

Amini, Nahid January 2010 (has links)
Analysis of compounds present in complex matrices is always a challenge, which can be partly overcome by applying various sample preparation techniques prior to detection. Ideally, the extraction techniques should be as selective as possible, to minimize the concentration of interfering substances. In addition, results can be improved by efficient chromatographic separation of the sample components. The elimination of interfering substances is especially important when utilizing mass spectrometry (MS) as a detection technique since they influence the ionization yields. It is also important to optimize ionization methods in order to minimize detection limits. In the work this thesis is based upon, selective solid phase extraction (SPE) materials, a restricted access material (RAM) and graphitized carbon black (GCB) were employed for clean up and/or pre-concentration of analytes in plasma, urine and agricultural drainage water prior to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). Two SPE formats, in which GCB was incorporated in µ-traps and disks, were developed for cleaning up small and large volume samples, respectively. In addition, techniques based on use of sub-2 µm C18 particles at elevated temperatures and a linear ion trap (LIT) mass spectrometer were developed to improve the efficiency of LC separation and sensitivity of detection of 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ) metabolites in human urine. It was also found that GCB can serve not only as a SPE sorbent, but also as a valuable surface for surface-assisted laser desorption ionization (SALDI) of small molecules. The dual functionality of GCB was utilized in a combined screening-identification/quantification procedure for fast elimination of negative samples. This may be particularly useful when processing large numbers of samples. SALDI analyses of small molecules was further investigated and improved by employing two kinds of new surfaces: oxidized GCB nanoparticles and silicon nitride.

Novel RF MEMS Switch and Packaging Concepts

Oberhammer, Joachim January 2004 (has links)
Radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF~MEMS) are highly miniaturized devices intended to switch, modulate, filter or tune electrical signals from DC to microwave frequencies. The micromachining techniques used to fabricate these components are based on the standard clean-room manufacturing processes for high-volume integrated semiconductor circuits. RF~MEMS switches are characterized by their high isolation, low insertion loss, large bandwidth and by their unparalleled signal linearity. They are relatively simple to control, are very small and have almost zero power consumption. Despite these benefits, RF~MEMS switches are not yet seen in commercial products because of reliability issues, limits in signal power handling and questions in packaging and integration. Also, the actuation voltages are typically too high for electronics applications and require additional drive circuitry. This thesis presents a novel MEMS switch concept based on an S-shaped film actuator, which consists of a thin and flexible membrane rolling between a top and a bottom electrode. The special design makes it possible to have high RF isolation due to the large contact distance in the off-state, while maintaining low operation voltages due to the zipper-like movement of the electrostatic dual-actuator. The switch comprises two separately fabricated parts which allows simple integration even with RF circuits incompatible with certain MEMS fabrication processes. The two parts are assembled by chip or wafer bonding which results in an encapsulated, ready-to-dice package. The thesis discusses the concept of the switch and reports on the successful fabrication and evaluation of prototype devices. Furthermore, this thesis presents research results in wafer-level packaging of (RF) MEMS devices by full-wafer bonding with an adhesive intermediate layer, which is structured before bonding to create defined cavities for housing MEMS devices. This technique has the advantage of simple, robust and low temperature fabrication, and is highly tolerant to surface non-uniformities and particles in the bonding interface. It allows cavities with a height of up to many tens of micrometers to be created directly in the bonding interface. In contrast to conventional wafer-level packaging methods with individual chip-capping, the encapsulation is done using a single wafer-bonding step. The thesis investigates the process parameters for patterned adhesive wafer bonding with benzocyclobutene, describes the fabrication of glass lid packages based on this technique, and introduces a method to create through-wafer electrical interconnections in glass substrates by a two-step etch technique, involving powder-blasting and chemical etching. Also, it discusses a technique of improving the hermetic properties of adhesive bonded structures by additional passivation layers. Finally, it presents a method to substantially improve the bond strength of patterned adhesive bonding by using the solid/liquid phase combination of a patterned polymer layer with a contact-printed thin adhesive film. / QC 20100617

Force measurements using scanning probe microscopy : Applications to advanced powder processing

Meurk, Anders January 2000 (has links)
<p>The object of this thesis is to apply scanning probemicroscopy (SPM) to the field of advanced powder processing.Measurement of interparticle surface forces at conditionsrelevant to ceramic processing has been performed together withthorough studies of powder friction.</p><p>Surface force measurements between silicon nitride andsilica surfaces in 1-bromonaphtalene and diiodomethane resultedin an attractive van der Waals force in both media for thesymmetric systems and a repulsive van der Waals force for theasymmetric systems. This agreed well with theoreticalpredictions from Lifshitz theory. Measurements in electrolytesolutions between silicon nitride surfaces with a varyingdegree of oxidation showed that silanol groups dominated theinteractions at a high degree of oxidation, whereas theinfluence of amine species became stronger after surfaceetching. Surface charge, surface potential and density ofsurface groups have been extracted from DLVO computer modellingof the experimental force curves. Surface force measurementshave been carried out using a nitrided silica sphere as acolloidal probe, representative for commercial silicon nitridepowders. Adsorption of poly(acrylic acid) above the isoelectricpoint generated a thin polymer layer of an essentially flatconformation.</p><p>Friction force measurements were attainable via novelcalibration procedures of both the lateral photodetectorresponse and the cantilever torsional spring constant.Combining the method for detector calibration with evaluationof static friction slopes simplified the choice of appropriatecontact mechanics theory to evaluate the friction measurements.Applying the method on friction measurements between ironsurfaces coated with commercial lubricants showed a substantialsurface deformation not seen from the friction force alone. Thenanorheological properties of silica surfaces coated with twodifferent stearic acids have been evaluated from friction forcemeasurements. Steady sliding motion was replaced by highlyregular stick-slip motion at a critical load and velocity. Thestick-slip motion was successfully described and fitted to aphenomenological model. The contact area evaluated fromMaugis-Dugdale theory revealed the contact diameter to be veryclose to the stick-slip periodicity.</p><p>Friction measurements were carried out between individualspray-dried ceramic granules as a function of binderconcentration and relative humidity. The hygroscopic nature ofthe binder resulted in a higher adhesion force but lowerfriction coefficient with increasing humidity. This effect wasascribed to softening of the binder and a lowering of the shearstrength of the binder rich surface layer on the granules.Comparison of the friction force between two granules and agranule and a hard metal surface confirmed that resistance toflow during the initial stages of powder pressing is dominatedby granule-wall friction and adhesion.</p><p>Keywords: Atomic force microscope, AFM, SPM, van der Waalsinteraction, DLVO-theory, surface forces, colloidal probe,force curve, friction, adhesion, stick-slip, cantilever,calibration, spring constant, silicon nitride, iron,silica.</p>

Diffraction of Metastable Rare-Gas Atoms from Nanostructured Transmission Gratings / Beugung metastabiler Edelgasatome an nanostrukturierten Transmissionsgittern

Walter, Christian 27 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Influência do teor de silício em filmes finos de nitreto de zircônio depositados por magnetron sputtering reativo / Influence of silicon content in zirconium nitride thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering

Freitas, Flávio Gustavo Ribeiro 19 March 2016 (has links)
Zr-Si-N thin films were deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering to study silicon influence in the structure, morphology and properties such as hardness and oxidation resistance. Six thin films with silicon concentrations from 2.8 to 14.9 at.% were selected. Thin films morphology shows that there are no columnar grains, structure that is commonly observed in films deposited by sputtering. It was identified amorphous and crystalline areas in films microstructure, creating a structure composed by crystalline grains embedded in an amorphous phase, which were characterized by EDS as Zr and Si rich areas, respectively. XRD results indicate ZrN peaks intensity reduction and a broadening increase due silicon nitride segregation to grain boundaries, which is responsible for grain size reduction, that was calculated by Scherrer and reached magnitudes lower than 10 nm. XRD peaks displacement are observed for all samples and it can be explained due formation of a solid solution in which Si replaces Zr atoms in ZrN crystal lattice and due a strong interface between crystalline phase and amorphous one. XPS data reinforce the presence of compounds like ZrN and Si3N4 and it is also possible to infer the formation of a solid solution of Si in ZrN lattice. Oxidation tests were performed at temperatures in the range of 500°C to 1100°C. ZrN film is almost fully oxidized at 500°C, while films with high silicon content maintain ZrN grains stable at 700°C. When oxidized, ZrN films form monoclinic ZrO2 phase, but, in films with silicon addition, the stable phase is the tetragonal one. This happens due ZrN grain size reduction, because tetragonal phase has the lowest surface energy. Oxidation tests results confirm that there is a mechanism acting as diffusion barrier in films, preventing grains coalescence and oxygen diffusion into film structure. This mechanism is a direct consequence of silicon segregation process to grain boundaries, which ensures the formation of a nanostructure composed of ZrN grains embedded by an amorphous Si3N4 layer (nc-ZrN/a-Si3N4), allowing oxidation resistance improvement in at least 200°C. / Filmes finos de Zr-Si-N foram depositados por magnetron sputerring reativo para estudar a influência do teor de silício na estrutura, morfologia e propriedades como dureza e resistência a oxidação. Para tal, foram selecionados seis filmes com teor de Si entre 2,8 e 14,9 at.%. A morfologia demonstra que a estrutura colunar característica dos filmes depositados por sputtering não existe. A estrutura é composta por áreas cristalinas e outras amorfas, na qual os grãos cristalinos estão envolvidos pela fase amorfa, sendo que EDS detectou que estas fases são ricas em Zr e Si, respectivamente. Há redução de intensidade e alargamento dos picos de difração do ZrN, efeito provocado pela segregação do Si3N4 para região dos contornos, fato que propicia a redução do tamanho de grão, o qual foi calculado por Scherrer e atinge magnitude inferior a 10 nm. Os picos do DRX estão deslocados, fato justificado pela formação de uma solução sólida na qual o Si substituiu o Zr no reticulado do ZrN e pela forte interface formada entre as fases cristalina e amorfa. Dados de XPS reforçam a formação de uma estrutura bifásica de ZrN e Si3N4 e mostra indícios de que há uma solução sólida de Si no ZrN. Os ensaios de oxidação foram realizados em temperaturas de 500°C até 1100°C. O filme de ZrN praticamente se oxida a 500°C, enquanto nos filmes com altos teores de silício os grãos de ZrN se mantém estáveis até 700°C. Quando oxidado, os filmes de ZrN formam predominantemente ZrO2 na fase monoclínica, mas, nos filmes com adição de Si há a inversão para a fase tetragonal. Tal fato é fruto da redução do tamanho de grão, pois a fase tetragonal possui menor energia de superfície. Tais resultados ratificam que existe mecanismo atuando como barreira a difusão, o qual impede a coalescência dos grãos e a difusão do oxigênio. Este mecanismo é resultado do processo de segregação do silício para os contornos, o qual assegura a formação da nanoestrutura composta de grãos de ZrN embebidos por camada amorfa de Si3N4 (nc- ZrN/a-Si3N4) e permite aprimorar a resistência a oxidação em pelo menos 200°C.

Měřicí doteky ve strojírenské metrologii / Measuring probe tips in engineering metrology

Böhm, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with measuring touches problems in industrial metrology. Thesis describes adhesive wear and tear which is caused by measuring probes when dynamical measuring is being concluded. Measuring of damaged component made of silumin and its different changes of texture by different measuring probes are evaluated. Measuring touches are made of titanium nitride, silicon nitride, zirconium, bearing chrome steel, ruby, experimental composite material and nanocrystalline diamond.

Obrobitelnost litiny s lupínkovým grafitem pro brzdové díly firmy RENAULT / Characterization of the machinability of cast iron for the RENAULT’s brake discs

Ceyte, Benoit January 2011 (has links)
This document is final report of an expertise project lead for ALPHA Company. The project focuses on the machinability characterization and comparison of various lamellar cast irons metallurgies. The comparison is performed in order to improve the casting process and the cast irons composition of brake and hub disk, to increase their machinability. The characterization of the metallurgies was made by tool life test with measurements of the cutting forces. Hardness and surface roughness measurements were performed too. Several Silicon nitride tools were tested. First an adjustment test has been performed to validate the machining parameters, and the methodology of characterization. Secondly, a reference test on Alpha’s cast iron brought reference data for the comparison of the various metallurgies to be tested. This test has improved the method of characterization. Cutting forces recording appeared as the most relevant and irrelevant measurements such as surface roughness were eliminated from the method. A test performed on a second cast iron showed that it has a lower machinability. Project succeeded to characterize and compare cast irons’ machinabilities, allowing the improvement of the composition by further tests.

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