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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anthropogenic plant nutrients as fertiliser

Muskolus, Andreas 20 May 2008 (has links)
Nachhaltige Landbewirtschaftung impliziert ausgeglichene Pflanzennährstoffflüsse ohne die Abhängigkeit von Düngern aus nicht erneuerbaren Quellen. Stickstoff, Phosphor und Kalium aus der menschlichen Nahrung werden in Mitteleuropa im Allgemeinen in Schwemmkanalisationen gesammelt und dabei mit Schadstoffen vermengt. Neuartige stoffstromtrennende Sanitärsysteme ermöglichen die Bereitstellung von Humanurin und Fäkalien zur Verwendung als Düngemittel. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden praxisrelevante Aspekte der Verwendung von Düngemitteln anthropogener Herkunft untersucht. Die in Gefäß- und Feldversuchen in Berlin Dahlem ermittelte Ertragswirkung zeigte, dass Urin in dieser Hinsicht äquivalenten Mineraldüngern grundsätzlich gleichwertig ist. Bei sehr hohen Konzentrationen kam es abhängig von der Pflanzenart zu Depressionseffekten, welche vermutlich auf den Salz- und Ammoniumgehalt von Urin zurückzuführen sind. Unter Freilandbedingungen traten diese Effekte nicht auf. Bodenbiologische Auswirkungen von Düngerapplikationen sind entscheidend für die Abschätzung ihrer langfristigen Bodenfruchtbarkeitserhaltung. Sowohl in Labor-versuchen als auch im Freiland zeigten sich Regenwürmer durch menschlichen Urin aus Trenntoiletten deutlich beeinträchtigt. Die Ursache der Schädigung konnte nicht geklärt werden. Von einer langfristigen bodenfruchtbarkeitsreduzierenden Beein-trächtigung wird jedoch nicht ausgegangen. Mikrobielle Enzymaktivitäten im Boden wurden im Freiland durch Urinapplikation nicht beeinflusst. Für die Praxis wird empfohlen Urin während der Ausbringung einzuarbeiten, da die Tiere dann weniger mit der Flüssigkeit in Kontakt kommen. Da es ein umweltpolitisches Ziel ist, die Ammoniakemissionen der Landwirtschaft zu minimieren, wurden diese nach der Urinausbringung im Freiland gemessen. Auf Grund der sehr geringen Trockensubstanzgehalte von Humanurin emittierte deutlich weniger NH3 als üblicherweise nach Ausbringung von Schweine- oder Rindergülle. Verbraucherumfragen bestätigten eine hohe Bereitschaft pflanzliche Nahrung, welche mit Urin als Dünger erzeugt wurde, zu kaufen und zu verzehren. Praktizierende Landwirte reagierten dagegen deutlich reservierter. Die Ausbringung von Urin aus Trenntoiletten kann im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft grundsätzlich empfohlen werden. Es besteht aber weiterer Forschungsbedarf. / Sustainable agriculture implies balanced nutrient flows and independence from fertiliser made from non renewable resources. In Europe, plant nutrients excreted by humans are commonly collected in water borne sewage systems and thus mixed with potentially harmful substances. Novel segregating sanitation techniques can collect separated urine and faeces in a form which enables their use as fertiliser. In the presented thesis selected aspects concerning the use of anthropogenic plant nutrients relevant to farming were investigated. Pot and field experiments indicated that equal yields can be gained if urine instead of mineral fertiliser is applied. Very high concentrations of urine led to reduced growth, presumably caused by the presence of ammonium or salt. However, this was not found under field conditions. Soil biological effects caused by the application of a fertiliser must be considered when assessing its long term contribution to soil fertility. Laboratory experiments as well as field investigations showed that human urine application severely affects earthworms, however, the harmful components were not identified. The results suggest that the effect is of short term only. Soil microbial enzyme activities were not influenced by urine fertiliser. For farming practice it is recommended to inject or incorporate urine to prevent earthworms from coming into direct contact with the infiltrating fertiliser. Gaseous ammonia loss was measured after urine application on fields as reducing harmful emissions from agriculture is a goal of European environmental policy. Because of the very low Dry Matter contents of urine, far less ammonia was emitted to the atmosphere than usually occurs after application of cattle or pig slurry. A consumer acceptance study showed a general high public willingness to accept urine as fertiliser even if used on crops for food production. The reaction of farmers was mainly reserved as a result of the present legal regulations in Germany. Within the context of sustainable agriculture the use of human urine as fertiliser can be recommended. Further research is necessary, especially concerning any effects resulting from residues of pharmaceutical substances contained in human excreta.

Estudo da utilização de padrão interno em determinações multielementares por espectrometria de absorção atômica com atomização eletrotérmica e detecção simultânea / Study of the use of internal standard for multielement determinations by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry with simultaneous detection

Correia, Paulo Rogério Miranda 23 July 2004 (has links)
Um estudo sistemático a respeito da utilização de padrão interno em determinações multielementares por espectrometria de absorção atômica (ETAAS) foi desenvolvido. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de melhorar a precisão e a exatidão dos resultados analíticos, que são obtidos na análise de fluidos biológicos. O pré-tratamento dessas amostras foi simplificado e reduzido a uma única etapa de diluição com surfactante (Triton X-100) e ácido (HNO3). Conseqüentemente, a complexidade da solução diluída de amostra, a ser introduzida no tubo de grafite, apresenta uma elevada quantidade de concomitantes que podem provocar interferências químicas. A seleção preliminar dos elementos a serem testados como padrão interno considerou a semelhança de parâmetros físico-químicos relacionados com o processo de atomização. Desta forma, Ag, Bi, In e Tl foram testados como padrão interno para a determinação simultânea de Cd/Pb em sangue e urina, enquanto Bi, Ge, In, Sb, Sn e Te foram os elementos selecionados para a determinação de Mn/Ni/Se em soro sangüíneo. A melhoria da qualidade dos resultados analíticos obtidos na determinação simultânea de Cd e Pb em sangue foi observada quando Ag foi utilizada como padrão interno, na presença de NH4H2PO4 como modificador químico. Verificou-se uma melhoria na exatidão dos resultados obtidos para Cd e Pb, após a correção com padrão interno. Por outro lado, os resultados obtidos na análise de urina não foram corrigidos por nenhum dos elementos testados. Os melhores resultados para a determinação simultânea de Mn, Ni e Se foram obtidos com a utilização de Bi, Sn e Te como padrão interno. Entretanto, verificou-se que a correção de todos os resultados não seria viável com o uso de um único padrão interno. O melhor desempenho nos testes realizados na presença de soro sangüíneo foi obtido com Bi, que melhorou discretamente a precisão dos resultados obtidos para Se. Desta forma, a padronização interna visando a determinação simultânea de Mn, Ni e Se não foi eficiente. A padronização interna em ETAAS, com a finalidade de melhorar a precisão e a exatidão dos resultados analíticos, é uma estratégia tão complexa, quanto os efeitos interferentes que se pretende corrigir: são necessários mais estudos para compreender melhor como a utilização de uma condição de compromisso afeta os processos de atomização, bem como mais informações a respeito das interferências físicas e químicas causadas por amostras complexas, analisadas por ETAAS após uma simples etapa de diluição. Deve-se considerar com especial atenção o modificador químico e as temperaturas das etapas de pirólise e de atomização empregadas, que são parâmetros críticos para o desempenho de um elemento como padrão interno. / A systematic study involving the use of internal standard for multielement determinations by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry was developed. The main objective of this work was evaluate the possibility of improving precision and accuracy of the analytical results for biological fluids. The sample pre-treatment was reduced to a single dilution step with surfactant (Triton X-100) and acid (HNO3), increasing the amount of concomitant introduced into the atomizer. The preliminary selection of the elements to be tested as internal standard considered the resemblance of physico-chemical parameters related with the atomization process. Thus, Ag, Bi, In and Tl were tested as internal standard for the simultaneous determination of Cd/Pb in blood and urine, and Bi, Ge, In, Sb, Sn and Te were the selected elements for the determination of Mn/Ni/Se in blood serum. The correction of the results obtained for the simultaneous determination of Cd and Pb in blood was achieved when Ag was used as internal standard, in presence of NH4H2PO4 as chemical modifier. An improvement for the accuracy of the results was observed for both analytes after their correction with the internal standard. On the other hand, the results obtained for the urine analysis were not corrected by using the tested elements. The best results for the simultaneous determination of Mn, Ni and Se were observed when Bi, Sn and Te were used as internal standard. However, the correction for the results for all analytes was not possible by using only one internal standard. The best performance in presence of the serum was obtained for Bi, which improves slightly the precision for the Se results. Thus, the internal standardization for the simultaneous determination of Mn, Ni and Se was not efficient. The internal standardization in ETAAS, aiming the improvement of precision and accuracy of the analytical results, is a strategy as complex as the interference effects to be corrected: more studies are required in order to better understand how the adoption of a compromised condition disturbs the atomization processes, as well as to get more information about the physical and chemical interference caused by complex samples, analyzed by ETAAS after a single dilution step. The chemical modifier and the selected temperatures for the pyrolysis and atomization steps are critical parameters for the performace of an internal standard and they should be carefully considered.

Desenvolvimento de cálculos dosimétricos para pacientes com câncer diferenciado de tireoide com terapia com 131 I (Nal) precedida de rec-hTSH e correlação entre dose absorvida e efeitos deletérios da radiação no organismo humano / Radioiodine dosimetry in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer in therapy using 131I (NaI) preceded by rec-hTSH and correlation between absorbed dose and deleterious effects of radiation on the human body

Gonzalez, Julia Armiliato 09 December 2013 (has links)
Pacientes com câncer diferenciado de tireoide (CDT) são submetidos à tireoidectomia e usualmente necessitam de tratamento adjuvante para ablação do tecido tireoidiano remanescente. Para ocorrer uma captação de radioiodo adequada, é necessário elevar os níveis de TSH através da suspensão da reposição do hormônio tireoidiano (T3 ou T4), o que gera um quadro clínico de hipotireoidismo. Como alternativa, o TSH humano recombinante (rec-hTSH) foi desenvolvido e com seu uso, não é necessário suspender a reposição do hormônio, impedindo, assim, os sintomas observados quando da suspensão deste. O objetivo deste trabalho foi calcular a dosimetria para os restos tireoidianos e demais órgãos de 22 indivíduos com CDT, dos quais 11 pacientes receberam a terapia com 131I (grupo A) sob estímulo endógeno com supressão da reposição hormonal, e os outros 11, receberam o radioiodo precedido de rec-hTSH (grupo B), na vigência de hormonioterapia substitutiva; e comparar os resultados dosimétricos com os possíveis efeitos deletérios da radiação. A partir da metodologia do MIRD e dos softwares MIRDOSE-3 e OLINDA, foram calculadas as doses absorvidas para a região da tireoide e para o corpo inteiro. Com um detector Geiger-Müller foram realizadas medidas de taxa de exposição durante a internação para cálculos de meia-vida efetiva (Teff) e foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas para verificação de aberrações cromossômicas. As doses absorvidas médias para o corpo inteiro obtidas foram de 0,96 ± 0,23 Gy para o grupo A e 0,44 ± 0,21 Gy para o grupo B. Os valores de Teff também foram menores para o grupo B (11,2 ± 1,9 h) quando comparados aos do grupo A (13,9 ± 2,4 h). A análise citogenética mostrou a presença de vários tipos de aberrações cromossômicas estruturais. O cromossomo dicêntrico foi o mais frequentemente encontrado e pode ser considerado o melhor indicador de dano por radiação ionizante. As diferenças entre os valores de aberrações encontradas para os dois grupos não foram significativas, com o número de células afetadas relativamente pequeno, não causando danos severos durante o tratamento. A obtenção de doses e Teff menores para os pacientes do grupo B está de acordo com o descrito na literatura. O clareamento renal do radioiodo é mais rápido com o rec-hTSH (conforme observado com a dosimetria interna), mas a captação e consequente ablação ocorrem em taxas similares (como se observa pela análise citogenética). Portanto, com os resultados obtidos, o rec-hTSH se mostrou uma ferramenta útil ao dispensar a suspensão do hormônio tireoidiano, mantendo a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e auxiliando para uma menor irradiação dos tecidos extratireoidianos / Patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) are submitted to a thyroidectomy and usually require adjuvant therapy to ablate the remaining thyroid tissue. In order to have an adequate uptake of radioiodine, it is necessary to increase TSH levels by thyroid hormone withdrawal, which leads to a hypothyroidism state. As an alternative, the use of recombinant human thyroid stimulating hormone (rec-hTSH) may prevent the hormonal therapy withdrawal; therefore avoiding the hypothyroidism symptoms. The aim of this study was to calculate the dosimetry for thyroid remnants and total body of 22 individuals with DTC, of which 11 patients received 131I (group A) under endogenous stimulus, and the other 11 received 131I preceded by rec-hTSH (group B), and compare the dosimetric results with the potential harmful effects of radiation. Using the MIRD methodology and softwares MIRDOSE-3 and OLINDA, the absorbed doses were calculated for thyroid region and total body. Measurements of the exposure rates were made with a Geiger-Müller detector during the hospital stay, in order to calculate the effective half-lives (Teff), and blood samples were collected to verify chromosome aberrations. The average absorbed doses to the whole body obtained were 0.96 ± 0.23 Gy for group A and 0.44 ± 0.21 Gy for group B. Teff values were also lower for group B (11.2 ± 1.9 h) when compared to the results of group A (13.9 ± 2.4 h). The cytogenetic analysis showed the presence of various types of structural chromosome aberrations. The dicentric chromosome was the cytogenetic abnormality most frequently found and is considered to be the best indicator of ionizing radiation damage. The differences between the values of aberrations found in both groups were not significant, being the number of affected cells relatively small, causing no severe damage during treatment. The smaller doses and Teff obtained from the patients in group B are in agreement with the literature. The renal clearance of radioiodine is faster with rec-hTSH (as seen with the internal dosimetry), but the uptake and subsequent ablation occur at similar rates (as observed by cytogenetic analysis). Therefore, according to the above mentioned results, it is possible to observe that rec-hTSH is an useful alternative to the endogenous stimuli, while maintaining the patients\' quality of life and helping to reduce irradiation of extrathyroidal tissues

Etude métabolomique par résonance magnétique nucléaire de pathologies associées à la signalisation thyroïdienne chez la souris / The application of metabolomics by high field nuclear magnetic resonance to study thyroid signalisation pathologies in mice

Boumaza, Houda 08 March 2019 (has links)
La métabolomique par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) permet d’étudier laréponse métabolique globale d’un système biologique à un stimulus ou un événementphysiopathologique (maladie, manipulation génétique, etc.). Cette discipline connaît un essorimportant dans la recherche clinique et biologique, et constitue ainsi un outil à fort potentielpour la découverte de biomarqueurs de maladies, et l’étude de la fonction des gènes.Cette thèse est dédiée à l’application de la métabolomique par RMN à hauts champspour l’étude des pathologies associées à la signalisation thyroïdienne chez la souris. L’objectifglobal est d’identifier des biomarqueurs spécifiques liés aux différentes maladies hormonales :l’hypothyroïdie et la maladie génétique émergente résistance à l’hormone thyroïdienne due àune mutation au niveau du récepteur TRα1 (RTHα). Cette dernière est particulièrementdifficile à diagnostiquer à cause du manque de marqueurs biochimiques et de symptômesspécifiques à cette maladie. De plus, elle présente des similitudes avec l’hypothyroïdie auniveau symptomatique. Des modèles murins de RTHα et de l’hypothyroïdie ont été analysés,et l’investigation a été menée sur l’urine et le plasma sanguin dans le but de différenciermétaboliquement ces maladies et d’identifier des biomarqueurs spécifiques à RTHα. Dessignatures métaboliques liées à chaque maladie ont été identifiées dans l’urine et le plasmasanguin. Cinq métabolites qui varient de façon significative ont été identifiés dans l’urinecomme étant liés à la maladie RTHα : trimethylamine, dimethylamine, isovalerylglycine, Nacetylglucosamineet la choline. Dans le sang, ce sont les lipides insaturés qui varient de façonsignificative chez les souris mimant la maladie RTHα. / Metabolomics by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) allows studying the metabolicresponse of a global biological system to a stimuli or a physiopathological even (diseases,genetic modifications, etc.). This discipline is growing especially in the clinical and biologicalfields, and represents a strong potential tool to identify biomarkers related to diseases, andstudy the function of genes.This thesis is dedicated to the application of metabolomics by high field NMR to studythyroid signalisation pathologies in mice. The main goal is to identify biomarkers related tothe emerging genetic disease called resistance to thyroid hormone due to a mutation in thyroidhormone receptor TRα1 (RTHα). This disease is particularly difficult to diagnose because ofthe lack of biochemical markers and specific symptoms. In addition, it presents commonfeatures with hypothyroidism in term of symptoms. Mice models of RTHα andhypothyroidism were analysed, and the investigation were driven on urine and blood plasmain order to differentiate metabolically theses diseases and identify biomarkers related toRTHα. Metabolic fingerprints related to each disease were identified in both urine and bloodplasma. Five metabolites vary significantly in the urine of RTHα mice: trimethylamine,dimethylamine, isovalerylglycine, N-acetylglucosamine and choline. Unsaturated lipids varysignificantly in the blood plasma of RTHα mice.The impact of thyroid hormones (TH) and the thyroid hormone receptor TRβ on theliver metabolism were also studied in the present manuscript through NMR-basedmetabolomics. A mouse model, with a specific knock-out of TRβ gene in hepatocytes (LTRβ-KO), were used to study this question. To understand the function of TH mediated by TRβ,the liver metabolic response to TH, obtained from liver aqueous extracts and intact livertissues, TRβKO and wild-type mice were compared. The results suggest the presence ofdirect and indirect effects of thyroid hormones on the liver metabolism.

Sorption, degradation and transport of estrogens and estrogen sulphates in agricultural soils

Scherr, Frank January 2009 (has links)
The fate and behaviour of estrogens in the environment are of concern due to the compounds’ endocrine disruption potential. Estrogens, namely 17β-estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and estrogen sulphates, i.e. 17β-estradiol-3-sulphate (E2-3S) and estrone-3-sulphate (E1-3S) excreted by livestock constitute a potential source for estrogen contamination in the environment. A method was developed to separate and quantify the hormones by high-performance-liquid-chromatography (HPLC) and ultraviolet detection (UV). A combination of dichloromethane (DCM) and dicyclohexylamine hydrochloride (DCH·HCl) gave recoveries from 97.3 to 107% for E1-3S extraction from aqueous solutions. The recoveries from soil samples ranged from 80.9 to 95.2% (E2-3S), and from 86.3 to 91.7% (E1-3S), respectively. Results of batch sorption studies showed that Freundlich isotherms were nonlinear (N ≠ 1) with Kf values ranging from 34.2 to 57.2, and from 3.42 to 4.18 mg¹-N LN kg⁻¹ for E1, and E1-3S, respectively, indicating the sorption affinity of E1-3S was about an order of magnitude lower than that of E1. The hydrophilic sulphate group of E1-3S possibly shielded the compound from hydrophobic interactions with the soil organic matter and allophanic clay minerals that were proposed as sorbents for E1. Contraction of clay minerals, “salting out” and competitive sorption of artificial urine constituents were likely to have been responsible for observed changes in Freundlich parameters when artificial urine was used as mediator matrix. Plotting the effective distribution coefficient as a function of hypothetical exposure concentrations facilitated the comparison of the sorption behaviour of both compounds as influenced by the mediator solution. The results emphasized that using the CaCl₂ matrix might result in false inferences for the sorption behaviour of these compounds in a dairying environment. The four hormones rapidly degraded in the agricultural soils under aerobic conditions, and the majority of the compounds degraded > 50% within the first 24 hrs. Soil arylsulphatase activities were directly correlated with degradation rate constants of the estrogen sulphates. Estrone was identified as a metabolite of E2 and E1-3S, and these three compounds were observed as metabolites of E2-3S. Single-first order (SFO) and double first-order in parallel (DFOP) kinetics were used to model the degradation and metabolite formation data. The results showed that the DFOP model was in most cases better able to predict the parent compound degradation than the SFO model, and also enabled to estimate accurate degradation endpoints. ER-CALUX® analysis revealed the formation of estrogenicity during E2-3S degradation, which could partly be explained by the formation of the metabolites E2 and E1. Transport studies with E1-3S and E1 showed that the transport and retention of both compounds were significantly influenced by the mediator matrix. While no breakthrough curves (BTCs) were recorded during hormone application in CaCl₂ (10 mM) both hormones were detected in the leachate when applied in artificial urine. Rate-limited sorption processes were proposed for the delayed arrival of the hormone BTCs compared with a conservative bromide tracer. Intense colouration of the leachate during the artificial urine experiments suggested the hormones were likely to be moved by colloid-facilitated transport. Furthermore, the detection of residue hormone and metabolite concentrations implied that degradation of E1-3S and E1 was hampered by urine constituents such as glycine and urea.

An investigation of the association between toxin producing staphylococcus, biochemical changes and jaw muscle pain.

McGregor, Neil Roland January 2000 (has links)
Objectives: To assess the expression of the symptoms of jaw muscle pain and its association with alterations in biochemistry, other symptoms and the carriage of staphylococci. Methods: Three different study populations were assessed. The first was selected and examined by the author and consisted of 43 pain and 41 age and sex matched controls. The second was a study of CFS patients who were blinded to the author and the author subsequently examined the associations between jaw muscle symptom reporting and the standardised biochemistry measures. The third study was also blinded to the author but included an investigation of staphylococci and certain cytokine and biochemistry measures. Results: The three studies clearly establish an association between the carriage of toxicogenic coagulase negative staphylococci and the expression of jaw muscle pain in both males and females. These associations were homogeneous and were found whether the patients were selected on the basis of having jaw muscle pain or selected from within a population of patients selected on the basis of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The studies associated the changes with variations in biochemistry and these were in turn associated with symptom expression within the jaw muscle pain patients. These biochemical alterations included the dysregulation of immune cell counts, cytokines, electrolyte and protein metabolism. These symptoms and biochemical changes were associated with pain severity and illness duration and staphylococcal toxin production. From the data a model was developed which shows the mechanisms involved in the development of chronic pain in the jaw muscles. Conclusions: The carriage of toxicogenic coagulase-negative staphylococci were found to be associated with the expression of jaw muscle pain and the alterations in biochemistry associated with these symptoms.

Nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emission from grazed grassland: upscaling from lysimeters to farm

Dennis, S. J. January 2009 (has links)
Irish agriculture is becoming increasingly regulated, with restrictions on fertiliser application rates and stocking rates to reduce nitrate (NO₀⁻) leaching losses. However these regulations have been, to date, based on minimal field research. The purpose of this study was to determine the actual leaching losses of nitrate from Irish dairy pasture at a range of stocking rates, and to investigate the effectiveness of the nitrification inhibitor DCD at reducing nitrate leaching losses where these are deemed excessive. In grazed pastures, a major source of leached nitrate is the urine patch, where a high rate of N is applied in one application. This trial recorded the losses from urine and non-urine areas of pasture separately. Nitrate leaching losses from three soils were recorded using lysimeters at Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, over two years. Total nitrate losses were higher from the freely drained Clonakilty and Elton soils than from the heavy Rathangan soil. Mean nitrate losses from urine patches ranged from 16 - 233 kg nitrate-N / ha⁻¹, and were reduced by up to 53% when DCD was applied. DCD also reduced peak and mean nitrate-N concentrations in many cases. In addition, DCD halved the nitrous oxide (N₂O) emission factor on the Rathangan soil, caused increases in pasture N content, and increased herbage yield in some treatments. The distribution of urine patches under dairy grazing was recorded using GPS at Kilworth, Co. Cork. Cows were also found to deposit 0.359 urine patches per grazing hour. A model was produced to predict field-scale nitrate leaching losses from dairy pasture at a range of stocking rates. At 2.94 cows per hectare, the highest stocking rate, annual field N loss was below 34 kg nitrate-N ha⁻¹, mean drainage N concentrations were below 5.65 mg nitrate-N L⁻¹ (the EU drinking water guideline value), and the worst-case-scenario autumn peak concentration did not exceed 21.55 mg nitrate-N L⁻¹ (above the EU Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) but below the World Health Organisation (WHO) drinking water limit). DCD reduced total annual field N loss by 21% (a conservative estimate), and also reduced mean and peak nitrate concentrations. Provided fertiliser application rates are at or below 291 kg N ha⁻¹, and based on current legislative values for drinking water quality, this trial does not support any blanket restrictions on the stocking rate of Irish dairy farms. However where particularly high water quality is required, DCD shows potential as a useful tool to achieve low nitrate concentrations.

Designing Sustainable Wastewater Management : A case study at a research farm in Bolivia / Hållbar avloppsvattenhantering på demonstrationslantbruket Ceasip i Bolivia

Roxendal, Tara January 2012 (has links)
Sustainable sanitation and wastewater management are of increasing importance around the world while certain resources are becoming scarcer and therefore more valuable. The lack of proper wastewater management causes problems and the degradation of some resources. Increasing urbanization in peri-urban areas puts extra stress on the need for finding and implementing sustainable solutions to prevent ground- and surface water contamination. The study aimed to design a more sustainable wastewater management at the farm Ceasip located in the peri-urban area of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Due to the lack of proper wastewater management on the farm, Ceasip was a likely contributor to the contamination of the groundwater. Of the farm’s different wastewater sources, this study focused on the domestic wastewater and its possible reuse in agriculture. The prioritized sustainability criteria were to prevent groundwater contamination, reduce water usage and recycle nutrients. First various wastewater management options were identified. Next these were evaluated according to the different sustainability criteria previously mentioned. In order to determine a management option, data and information were collected and processed regarding water flows, water quality, physical conditions as well as sustainability criteria within environment, technology, socio-culture, health and economy. Results of the present conditions for Ceasip showed various characteristics, like small water flows, high nitrogen and fecal coliform concentration and clayey soils, from which suitability of different treatments was determined. Urine separation was deemed appropriate for Ceasip to increase the recycling of nutrients as well as reduce the nitrogen levels in wastewater. Treatment ponds and leach fields were designed as two wastewater treatment alternatives. For Ceasip to implement and manage water and wastewater sustainably through one of the mentioned alternatives could have a positive impact for the farm and environment, as well as serve as an example to employees, visitors and other establishments. / El saneamiento y gestión sostenible de las aguas residuales es de creciente importancia en los tiempos modernos. Los recursos naturales son cada vez más escasos y valiosos. Mas aún, la falta del manejo adecuado de aguas residuales es causa importante de la degradación de los recursos restantes. La creciente urbanización en las zonas periurbanas acentúa la necesidad de encontrar e implementar soluciones sostenibles en el manejo de aguas residuales. En estas zonas dicho manejo (colección y tratamiento de aguas residuales) es deficiente. Como consecuencia se percibe una contaminación continua de las aguas subterráneas en estas condiciones. El objetivo del estudio realizado fue diseñar un sistema de gestión de aguas residuales más sostenible para la granja Ceasip ubicada en la zona periurbana de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. El estudio se enfoca principalmente en el manejo de las aguas residuales domésticas y su posible reutilización en la agricultura. Sin embargo, cabe mencionar que las aguas residuales en la granja Ceasip provienen también de otras actividades. Para el concepto de sostenibilidad de este proyecto, son prioritarios los criterios de prevención de la contaminación del agua subterránea, la reducción del consumo de agua y el reciclaje de nutrientes. La metodología de estudio consistió en varias etapas. Después de una extensa revisión de la literatura existente diferentes opciones de gestión fueron evaluadas de acuerdo con los criterios de sostenibilidad antes mencionados. Para hacer una elección de un tratamiento adecuado, se realizaron compilaciones y procesamiento de datos con respecto a los flujos y la calidad de aguas, las condiciones geomorfológicas, climáticas así como la evaluación de algunos parámetros ambientales, sociales, técnicos, económicos, y de salubridad. En las condiciones actuales, los resultados de las evaluaciones de la granja, resaltaron aspectos críticos sobre los que se propusieron algunos tratamientos alternativos; por ejemplo el aumento en el reciclaje de nutrientes así como la reducción de los niveles de nitrógeno en las aguas residuales. La separación de la orina se consideró de gran importancia para la gestión apropiada de las aguas residuales de Ceasip. Al final se sugirieron dos posibles alternativas para el diseño del tratamiento de aguas, la utilización de lagunas o de lechos filtrantes con arena, cuya contribuiría positivamente tanto como para el entorno local y el personal de la granja así como para la comunidad en general, sirviendo como ejemplo para otros establecimientos. / Hållbar sanitet och avloppsvattenhantering är av ökande vikt runt om i världen. Resurser blir allt knappare och mer värdefulla medan bristen på hållbar hantering även skapar problem och degradering av återstående resurser. På grund av den ökande urbaniseringen är grundvattnet i städernas periferier speciellt utsatt eftersom avloppsvattenhantering saknas där. Syftet med denna studie är att designa en mer hållbar avloppsvattenhantering för gården Ceasip i peri-urbana Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. I nuläget saknas en lämplig lösning på gården. Av de olika typerna av avloppsvatten på gården, fokuserar denna studie främst på avloppsvattnet från hushåll och möjligheterna att återanvända det inom jordbruket. För hållbarhetskonceptet i uppsatsen, prioriteras följande kriterier: skydd av grundvattnet, minskning av grundvattenkonsumtion och näringsåtervinning. En litteraturstudie gjordes över olika avloppsvattenhanteringsalternativ som sedan utvärderades enligt hållbarhetskriterierna. För att bestämma det mest lämpliga hanteringsalternativet, samlades data och information om vattenflöden, vattenkvalitéer, klimat, geomorfologi och även för miljö, teknik, hälsa, ekonomi och kultur. Resultaten från sammanställningen visade på olika egenskaper från vilka lämplig hantering bestämdes. För att öka återvinningen av näringsämnen och minska kvävekoncentrationerna i avloppsvattnet, visade det sig vara lämpligt att använda urinsortering. Två behandlingsalternativ designades, och det föreslogs antingen behandlingsdammar eller förstärkta infiltrationsanläggningar. Då någon av dessa alternativ tillämpas på Ceasip skulle man även kunna påverka lokalt och regionalt genom att sätta ett bra exempel.

L-FABP und H-FABP als neue prognostische Biomarker für den Beginn einer Nierenersatztherapie im Falle eines akuten Nierenversagens / L-FABP and H-FABP as new prognostic biomarker for the initiation of renal replacement therapy in case of acute kidney injury

Datta, Rabi Raj 14 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation of the association between toxin producing staphylococcus, biochemical changes and jaw muscle pain.

McGregor, Neil Roland January 2000 (has links)
Objectives: To assess the expression of the symptoms of jaw muscle pain and its association with alterations in biochemistry, other symptoms and the carriage of staphylococci. Methods: Three different study populations were assessed. The first was selected and examined by the author and consisted of 43 pain and 41 age and sex matched controls. The second was a study of CFS patients who were blinded to the author and the author subsequently examined the associations between jaw muscle symptom reporting and the standardised biochemistry measures. The third study was also blinded to the author but included an investigation of staphylococci and certain cytokine and biochemistry measures. Results: The three studies clearly establish an association between the carriage of toxicogenic coagulase negative staphylococci and the expression of jaw muscle pain in both males and females. These associations were homogeneous and were found whether the patients were selected on the basis of having jaw muscle pain or selected from within a population of patients selected on the basis of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The studies associated the changes with variations in biochemistry and these were in turn associated with symptom expression within the jaw muscle pain patients. These biochemical alterations included the dysregulation of immune cell counts, cytokines, electrolyte and protein metabolism. These symptoms and biochemical changes were associated with pain severity and illness duration and staphylococcal toxin production. From the data a model was developed which shows the mechanisms involved in the development of chronic pain in the jaw muscles. Conclusions: The carriage of toxicogenic coagulase-negative staphylococci were found to be associated with the expression of jaw muscle pain and the alterations in biochemistry associated with these symptoms.

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