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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bærekraftig eksport av frukt og grønt fra Kroatia : Sustainable export of fruit and vegetables from Croatia

Østgård, Jon Steinar, Reite, Bjørn, Slåttsveen, Wiggo January 2006 (has links)
<p>Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven i Innovation Management, har vært å klargjøre de ulike faktorene som har påvirket prosessen med å få til eksport av frukt og grønnsaker fra Kroatia til Skandinavia, og mer konkret fra Erdut kommune i Øst-Slavonia til COOP Norge.</p><p>I kapittel tre har vi beskrevet relevant teori som belyser fagfeltet som er omhandlet i denne oppgaven.</p><p>Siden det har manglet sekundærdata som beskriver antall gårdsbruk, produkter som dyrkes, tilgjengelig teknologi, bruk av sprøytemidler og lignende, har vi gjennomført undersøkelser som beskriver situasjonen og potensialet for eksport fra regionen. Disse undersøkelsene ble gjennomført sammen med lokale partnere.</p><p>I tillegg gjennomførte vi to eksperimenter for å se om personell og produksjonsprosessen kunne levere den kvaliteten som markedet og kundene krevde . Disse eksperimentene ble mulige ved at COOP Norge kunne delta aktivt som en krevende og kompetent kunde i denne fasen av prosjektet. Begge eksperimentene avslørte til dels store avvik fra kundens krav. Det ble derfor iverksatt to kvalitative undersøkelser blant de lokale produsentene, representanter fra lokalt næringsliv, og våre lokale partnere i området. Hensikten med denne kvalitative undersøkelsen var å finne årsakene til leveringsproblemene og prøve å finne strategier for å få til gode leveranser i framtida.</p><p>Disse dataene ga oss relevant informasjon om årsakene til problemene og identifiserte kritiske suksessfaktorer for videreføring.</p><p>Eksperimentene viste at eksport av frukt og grønt fra dette området ga omlag den dobbelte inntjeningen av tilsvarende leveranser til det lokale markedet. Selv om dataene er begrenset i denne undersøkelsen, så opplever vi at de faktorene som ble tatt fram i denne undersøkelsen kan være relevante for tilsvarende prosjekter andre steder i denne regionen.</p><p>Basert på våre funn og den teoretiske drøftingen har vi kommet fram til følgende anbefalinger for å håndtere eksportprosjekter av frukt og grønt fra denne regionen:</p><p>- Dersom eksportprosjekter som dette skal lykkes, er det etter vår mening viktig at en krevende kunde deltar aktivt i prosjektet, og blir tidlig involvert. Dette for å kunne beskrive marked og markedskrav og spille en aktiv rolle i å utforme viktig detaljer og påvirke utviklingen av verdikjeden .</p><p>- Opplæring av nøkkelpersonell er viktig både for å endre mentale bilder og for å få introdusert nye arbeidsmetoder som er kritiske for å få til god kvalitet.</p><p>- For å styre disse to faktorene er det viktig å få på plass en lokal, sterk og kompetant prosjektleder. Nøkkelen er å finne en person som har evnen til å lede i en god balanse mellom transaksjons- og transformasjonsbasert lederskap. Prosjektledelsen trenger å involvere og motivere produsenter, men samtidig må de være i stand til å intervenere når det er nødvendig å korrigere prosessen (stoppe aktiviteter som har negativ effekt og holde et sterkt fokus på riktig sortering, pakking og kvalitetskontroll)</p><p>- Introdusere et system for sporbarhet og visuell kontroll slik at alle produsentene kan identifiseres og knyttes direkte til de leverte produktene. Hensikten er ikke hovedsakelig kontroll, men for å kunne skape en læringsarena og drive kompetanseutvikling.</p><p>- Prosjektet som dette der de gamle mentale bildene blir utfordret og må erstattes av nye, vil alltid trenge tid til å modnes og utvikles. Det er derfor viktig å ikke undervurdere tidsaspektet samt legge vekt på tett oppfølging og tilrettelegging i tidlige faser.</p>

Problemlösning : - att välja strategi

Granli, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Abstract By finding out the pupils' choice of strategies for problem solving, we as teachers, can get a better understanding of their way of thinking, and thus also help them develop in their learning of mathematics. In a classroom environment where several different strategies could be found, the pupils' learning is facilitated as they, with the help of classmates, find positive and negative attributes of different kinds of strategies. The pupils are, in other words, each other's resources, rather than competitors. The main point is that the classroom environment, as well as the role of the teacher in the classroom, are both key elements for good mathematics learning. In order to increase the understanding of the pupils' choice of learning strategies, a survey was performed based on two school classes, one third grade and one six grade class at the same school. Both classes received the same mathematical problem to work with, and the strategies observed were analyzed and compared. The results show that the pupils' choice of strategies in the two grades did not differ significantly.

Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK

Hagman, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it’s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events. The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed. They are: 1. Do the pupils get education and informed about the safety? 2. Is there one staff educated in safety questions and that have the main responsibility for the safety? 3. Do the parents consider that they get enough information about the safety? 4. Is there demands on reporting if there has been an accident and for insurance purpose? 5. Is there access to safety equipments (helmet and vest) and does the pupil use them? 6. Have the riding schools taken part in Konsumentverkets work on safety? 7. Do the riding schools use Ridsportförbundets safety directives? The conclusion is that both Kil and Färjestad have a good safety work at their riding schools overall. There are although some deficiencies when it comes to the information about safety to parents and pupils.

Generationsskifte i familjeägda aktiebolag : Särskilt arv och testamente

Elfström, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
Det är naturligt att det flera gånger under ett företags livstid sker generations- och ägarskiften. Genomförandet av ett sådant skifte är en stor och krävande procedur som kräver noggrann planering och god framförhållning. Det handlar om stora summor pengar och ibland ovärderlig kunskap som skall förvaltas vidare av en kommande generation. De bör tidigt sättas in i företagets verksamhet för att underlätta den dag då skiftet väl sker. Tyngdpunkten i denna uppsats har lagts på oplanerade generationsskiften och särskilt efterlevande makes arvsrätt vad gäller arv av andelar i familjeföretag. Syftet är att visa på de fördelar och nackdelar denna metod har vid generationsskifte samt visa på svagheter i gällande lagstiftning. Ett planerat skifte under företagarens livstid är att föredra och det finns då ett antal olika metoder att tillämpa, som gåva och andelsbyte, intern aktieöverlåtelse, underprisförsäljning och testamente. De har alla sina fördelar och nackdelar. Det är dock ingen självklarhet att det finns någon i den yngre generationen som är intresserad att ta över familjeföretaget under företagarens livstid. Då kan försäljning till utomstående vara ett alternativ, något som bör planeras lika noggrant som ett vanligt generationsskifte. Emellertid kanske inte ett skifte sker medan företagaren är i livet, av olika orsaker, och det blir då istället de legala arvsreglerna som sätter in. Att vänta och inte planera skiftet av företaget, utan låta det gå i arv, är något som inte bör ske. Verksamheten sätts i en osäker sits. Leverantörer, kreditorer och anställda påverkas av situationen. Genom att upprätta testamente kan företagsledaren styra och bestämma lite mer, bland annat om vem eller vilka som skall få andelar i företaget. Även annan egendom kan tas upp i testamentet och en ekonomisk rättvisa kan då skapas inom familjen. Arv kan ”botas” genom användandet av testamente. Arvsreglerna är utformade så, att den efterlevande makan ärver före gemensamma barn och det gäller även enskild egendom. Det har ingen betydelse om barnen fått aktier i företaget och är mer lämpade än den efterlevande makan att ta över. Då inget generationsskifte skett innan ägaren avlider, blir det arvsreglerna som sätter in, oavsett omständigheterna. Finns särkullbarn med i bilden resulterar det i flera ägare till aktierna, vilket kan leda till interna konflikter beträffande makten i företaget. / For natural reasons, an alternation of generation and owners happen several times during the lifetime of a company. The realization of such distribution is a large and demanding procedure. One has to do careful and advance planning. A change of generations involves large sums of money and in most cases invaluable knowledge that the next generation can administer. In order to facilitate the alternation, the younger generation should at an early stage familiarize themselves with the business. The main focus in this thesis is non-planned successions and especially the right of inheritance for the surviving wife regarding inheritance of shares in family businesses. The purpose is to show both the advantages and the disadvantages when using this method in a change of generations, and to show the weaknesses in the existing legislation. A planned succession during the lifetime of the company owner is recommendable and there are a few different methods one can apply, such as gift and exchanges of shares, internal transfer of shares, sale of shares for a price below market value and a will. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. However, it is not a matter of course that someone in the younger generation is willing to take over the family business during the lifetime of the company owner. An alternative in that situation is to sell the company to an external buyer, something that should be planned as carefully as a succession of generation within the family. Nevertheless, for different reasons a change of generation may not happen while the company owner is alive and in those cases the law system regarding legal inheritance will occur. A non planned succession puts the whole business in an insecure situation full of risks. Suppliers, creditors and employees are all affected by the situation. By drawing up a will, the company owner can control and decide who will inherit shares from the family business. Other properties, such as a summer house or profit from the business, can also be brought up in the will. By doing that a fair economic devision can be done. In other words, the use of a will can remedy the consequences of inheritance. The law system regarding legal inheritance says that the surviving wife inherits, both martial property and private property, before joint children. It is of no importance that the children are more suitable to take over the business. When no alternations of generations have taken place during the lifetime of the company owner, the rules of legal inheritance will occur, irrespective of the circumstances in each case. However, children to the deceased outside the marriage can cause internal conflicts when it comes to the power over the company.

Responses to reduced industrial metal emissions : An ecotoxicological study on Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca, Aves)

Berglund, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Metals have been used by humans for thousands of years, and this has resulted in increased concentrations in the biosphere. The environment around point-sources, such as mines and smelters, are of particular concern, as metals may accumulate to high concentrations, and potentially reach levels toxic to the local flora and fauna. This thesis focuses on the effects on pied flycatcher populations of two such point-sources, a lead mine and enrichment plant, and a sulfide ore smelter. Mining activities at the lead mine ceased in 2001 and pied flycatcher populations were assessed before and after the closure. At the sulfide ore smelter, pied flycatchers were studied during the 1980s. Since then, the metal emissions to air from the smelter (e.g. arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, lead and zinc) have been greatly reduced (by 93 – 99%). Pied flycatchers from these two contaminated environments differed in their responses to reduced atmospheric deposition. At the mine site, nestling responses reflected the reduced atmospheric deposition and less lead accumulated in their tissues. However, lead levels were still high enough to cause negative effects on blood status (δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase [ALAD], hemoglobin [Hb], hematocrit [ht], and mean cell hemoglobin concentration) and reproduction (reduced clutch size, increased mortality and reduced breeding success), as was observed when the mine was in operation. Along the pollution gradient away from the smelter, nestling concentrations reflected the metal load in the soil pool, accumulating over time, rather than the atmospheric deposition. This resulted in only a minor response to decreased metal deposition (slightly reduced liver lead concentrations at 3.5 – 90 km from the smelter). This suggests that in environments with highly polluted soils, decreased inputs of atmospheric metal deposition have only minor impacts, and recovery from contamination should not be expected within decades. The high metal concentrations in the vicinity of the smelter contributed to poorer blood status (ALAD, Hb and ht), induced oxidative damage and defenses, and decreased reproduction (increased mortality and reduced breeding success). There were only minor improvements in blood and reproductive variables at 3.5 km from the smelter. / Metaller är grundämnen som inte kan bildas eller förstöras av människan. De förekommer i mineraler i berggrunden och finns överallt på jorden. Människans användning av metaller har dock medfört att de återfinns i högre halter i miljön än de annars skulle gjort. Trots att metallerna kan spridas och transporteras långa sträckor med luftmassorna, är det främst kring källorna, såsom metallindustrier, man kan hitta metaller i tillräckligt höga halter för att orsaka skada på växter och djur. I denna avhandling presenteras undersökningar av hur svartvit flugsnappare (Ficedula hypoleuca) påverkas kring två metallindustrier i norra Sverige. Det ena är en numera nedlagd blygruva med anrikningsverk i Laisvall, där vi studerade populationer av svartvit flugsnappare före och efter att industrin stängdes. Det andra är smältverket Rönnskärsverken, utanför Skelleftehamn, som varit i drift sedan 1930-talet. I föroreningsgradienten från smältverket studerades effekter av 20 års kraftigt minskade metallutsläpp till luften som följd av förbättrade reningstekniker. Resultaten kring industrierna visar att fåglarna svarade olika på de minskade metallutsläppen. Kring blygruvan minskade halterna av bly i flugsnapparungar med samma takt som nedfallen (mätt i mossa) och bytesdjuren (myror). Däremot, kring smältverket, var fåglarna fortfarande exponerade för höga halter av de giftiga ämnena arsenik, kadmium, kvicksilver och bly, på i princip samma nivåer som 20 år tidigare, trots att utsläppen minskat med 93 – 98%. Orsaken till detta tros vara skillnader på föroreningsgraden i markens översta lager, mårskiktet. Vi kunde visa att flugsnapparna kring smältverket främst fick i sig metallerna från marken, som efter flera årtionden med utsläpp från industrin innehöll mycket höga metallhalter. Detta kan förklara att fåglarna trots att utsläppen var låga, fortfarande var utsatta för stor metallexponering. Det snabba svaret på minskad metallspridning (bly och zink) som flugsnapparna vid blygruvan visade, antar vi berodde på att mindre mäng metaller fanns i marken. Trots minskningen var metallhalterna i fåglarna vid gruvområdet fortfarande tillräckligt höga för att, liksom vid smältverket, påverka fåglarnas hälsa. De uppvisade bl.a. låga blodvärden och tecken på oxidativ stress. Vidare var ungdödligheten förhöjd, vilket ledde till lägre häckningsframgång. Slutsatsen är att markens innehåll av metaller har stor betydelse för återhämtningsförloppet för svartvit flugsnappare efter minskat metallnedfall, och att en relativt snabb återhämtning kan förväntas i områden med något lägre metallhalter i mårskiktet, medan återhämtning i områden där marken är kraftigt förorenad inte kan förväntas förrän efter flera årtionden, även om nedfallet upphört nästan helt.

The acoustics and performance of DJ scratching, Analysis and modelling

Falkenberg Hansen, Kjetil January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis and modeling of scratching, in other words, the DJ (disk jockey) practice of using the turntable as a musical instrument. There has been experimental use of turntables as musical instruments since their invention, but the use is now mainly ascribed to the musical genre hip-hop and the playing style known as scratching. Scratching has developed to become a skillful instrument-playing practice with complex musical output performed by DJs. The impact on popular music culture has been significant, and for many, the DJ set-up of turntables and a mixer is now a natural instrument choice for undertaking a creative music activity. Six papers are included in this thesis, where the first three approach the acoustics and performance of scratching, and the second three approach scratch modeling and the DJ interface. Additional studies included here expand on the scope of the papers. For the acoustics and performance studies, DJs were recorded playing both demonstrations of standard performance techniques, and expressive performances on sensor-equipped instruments. Analysis of the data revealed that there are both differences and commonalities in playing strategies between musicians, and between expressive intentions. One characteristic feature of scratching is the range of standard playing techniques, but in performances it seems DJs vary the combination of playing techniques more than the rendering of these techniques. The third study describes some of the acoustic parameters of typical scratch improvisations and looks at which musical parameters are typically used for expressive performances. Extracted acoustic and performance parameters from the data show the functional ranges within which DJs normally play. Unlike traditional musical instruments, the equipment used for scratching was not intended to be used for creating music. The interface studies focus on traditional as well as new interfaces for DJs, where parameter mappings between input gestures and output signal are described. Standard performance techniques have been modeled in software called Skipproof, based on results from the first papers. Skipproof was used for testing other types of controllers than turntables, where complex DJ gestures could be manipulated using simplified control actions, enabling even non-experts to play expressively within the stylistic boundaries of DJ scratching. The last paper describes an experiment of using an existing hardware platform, the Reactable, to help designing and prototyping the interaction between different sound models and instrument interfaces, including scratching and Skipproof. In addition to the included papers, studies were conducted of expressivity, description of the emotional contents of scratching, DJ playing activities, and the coupling between playing techniques and sample. The physical affordances of the turntable, mixer and samples, as well as genre conventions of hip-hop, are assumed to explain some of the findings that distinguish scratching from other instrumental sounds or practices. / QC20100729

Residual Stresses and Strains in Cross-linked Polyethylene Power Cable Insulation

Olasz, Lorant January 2006 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is modeling of the manufacturing process of high voltage power cables with the aim of predicting residual stresses and strains in the cable insulation. The studied material is cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE), which at room temperature is a semi-crystalline viscoelastic solid. Above the crystallization temperature the material exhibits a rubber type behavior due to the crosslinks. An extensive set of uniaxial tensile relaxation tests were used for the mechanical characterization of XLPE. These experiments were complemented by pressure volume temperature experiments as well as density and crystallinity measurements. Based on the experiments, initially a linear and later a non-linear viscoelastic power law model was formulated, incorporating temperature and crystallinity dependence. The non-linear model is based on the Schapery formulation. Evaluations of the model were performed with additional uniaxial experiments. These included comparisons between predicted stress responses and measured values during relaxation tests with transient temperature histories, during two step relaxation experiments and during uniaxial tests with constant strain rate loading. The initial modeling work focused on the prediction of residual stresses which develop during the cooling stage of the manufacturing process. As the constitutive model incorporates temperature and crystallinity dependence, the mechanical problem is coupled to the heat transfer and crystallization problems. Calculations were performed for a vertical manufacturing line. The effects of a viscoelastic material model are illustrated by a comparison to a stress state predicted by a thermo-elastic material model. A final study concerns the modeling of the residual strains in the insulation. It was found that strains originating at cross-linking of the molecules play a signifi- cant role for buildup of residual strains. Calculations are performed for the same vertical process line as before. Good agreement was found between predicted and experimentally obtained residual strains. Based on the residual strain state an estimate is made for the upper limit of shrink-back of the cable insulation. / QC 20100915

Anpassningar till ekonomiska svängningar bland aktörer inom mötesindustrin : med konferensanläggningar i Stockholm och Göteborg som exempel

Truskauskaite, Alina, Wojtczuk, Ann-Sofi January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Tyst kunskapsöverföring vid personalomsättning : En studie om hur en organisation arbetar med att ta tillvara på den tysta kunskapen

Håkansson, Rickard, Kreppenhofer, Denise January 2009 (has links)
I dag är det inte längre resurser som till exempel kapital, mark, maskiner och teknologi som är de viktigaste tillgångarna för organisationer, utan snarare individers intellektuella resurser så som kunskap. Detta har blivit en av de viktigaste ingredienserna i konkurrensen mellan organisationer. Studiens syfte var att få en djupare förståelse för hur organisationer kan arbeta med att underlätta överföringen av den tysta kunskapen vid omsättning av personal. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer har vi gjort en studie inom en svensk kommunal förvaltning. Resultatet visar fyra olika tillvägagångssätt som används för att behålla den tysta kunskapen inom förvaltningen; överlappning, öppen stämning, utvecklingsgrupp och mentorskap.

Sista generationens renskötare?

Engström, Christine January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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