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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kryptid på schemat : En artikelserie om Solåkrabyn

Björkman, Emma January 2007 (has links)
På Solåkrabyn utanför Järna bor och arbetar psykiskt funktionshindrade vuxna. Den socialterapeutiska inriktningen gör att alla ska ha sysselsättning utifrån sin egen förmåga. I Madelene Knutströms Trädgårdsgrupp är sysslorna årtidsanpassade. Just nu förbereds det för inför julmarknaden, men Afram hinner ändå leta efter småkryp.

Bærekraftig eksport av frukt og grønt fra Kroatia : Sustainable export of fruit and vegetables from Croatia

Østgård, Jon Steinar, Reite, Bjørn, Slåttsveen, Wiggo January 2006 (has links)
Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven i Innovation Management, har vært å klargjøre de ulike faktorene som har påvirket prosessen med å få til eksport av frukt og grønnsaker fra Kroatia til Skandinavia, og mer konkret fra Erdut kommune i Øst-Slavonia til COOP Norge. I kapittel tre har vi beskrevet relevant teori som belyser fagfeltet som er omhandlet i denne oppgaven. Siden det har manglet sekundærdata som beskriver antall gårdsbruk, produkter som dyrkes, tilgjengelig teknologi, bruk av sprøytemidler og lignende, har vi gjennomført undersøkelser som beskriver situasjonen og potensialet for eksport fra regionen. Disse undersøkelsene ble gjennomført sammen med lokale partnere. I tillegg gjennomførte vi to eksperimenter for å se om personell og produksjonsprosessen kunne levere den kvaliteten som markedet og kundene krevde . Disse eksperimentene ble mulige ved at COOP Norge kunne delta aktivt som en krevende og kompetent kunde i denne fasen av prosjektet. Begge eksperimentene avslørte til dels store avvik fra kundens krav. Det ble derfor iverksatt to kvalitative undersøkelser blant de lokale produsentene, representanter fra lokalt næringsliv, og våre lokale partnere i området. Hensikten med denne kvalitative undersøkelsen var å finne årsakene til leveringsproblemene og prøve å finne strategier for å få til gode leveranser i framtida. Disse dataene ga oss relevant informasjon om årsakene til problemene og identifiserte kritiske suksessfaktorer for videreføring. Eksperimentene viste at eksport av frukt og grønt fra dette området ga omlag den dobbelte inntjeningen av tilsvarende leveranser til det lokale markedet. Selv om dataene er begrenset i denne undersøkelsen, så opplever vi at de faktorene som ble tatt fram i denne undersøkelsen kan være relevante for tilsvarende prosjekter andre steder i denne regionen. Basert på våre funn og den teoretiske drøftingen har vi kommet fram til følgende anbefalinger for å håndtere eksportprosjekter av frukt og grønt fra denne regionen: - Dersom eksportprosjekter som dette skal lykkes, er det etter vår mening viktig at en krevende kunde deltar aktivt i prosjektet, og blir tidlig involvert. Dette for å kunne beskrive marked og markedskrav og spille en aktiv rolle i å utforme viktig detaljer og påvirke utviklingen av verdikjeden . - Opplæring av nøkkelpersonell er viktig både for å endre mentale bilder og for å få introdusert nye arbeidsmetoder som er kritiske for å få til god kvalitet. - For å styre disse to faktorene er det viktig å få på plass en lokal, sterk og kompetant prosjektleder. Nøkkelen er å finne en person som har evnen til å lede i en god balanse mellom transaksjons- og transformasjonsbasert lederskap. Prosjektledelsen trenger å involvere og motivere produsenter, men samtidig må de være i stand til å intervenere når det er nødvendig å korrigere prosessen (stoppe aktiviteter som har negativ effekt og holde et sterkt fokus på riktig sortering, pakking og kvalitetskontroll) - Introdusere et system for sporbarhet og visuell kontroll slik at alle produsentene kan identifiseres og knyttes direkte til de leverte produktene. Hensikten er ikke hovedsakelig kontroll, men for å kunne skape en læringsarena og drive kompetanseutvikling. - Prosjektet som dette der de gamle mentale bildene blir utfordret og må erstattes av nye, vil alltid trenge tid til å modnes og utvikles. Det er derfor viktig å ikke undervurdere tidsaspektet samt legge vekt på tett oppfølging og tilrettelegging i tidlige faser.

Matte med attityd : Hur påverkar lärarnas attityd och undervisningsmetod elevernas inställning till matematik?

Eldstål, Linda, Fröberg, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att söka samband mellan lärares inställning och undervisningsmetoder och elevernas inställning till ämnet matematik. Vi använde oss av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder i vår undersökning. Vi genomförde en enkätundersökning bland elever i år tre och år fyra vid två olika skolor samt intervjuade deras lärare.   Resultatet av undersökningen visade att där läraren inte är bekväm i ämnet utan bara använder sig av matematikboken i undervisningen, tycker inte eleverna att matematik är särskilt roligt. Däremot i de klasser där läraren inser vikten av en varierande matematikundervisning och ett varierat arbetssätt, tycker eleverna att matematik är roligt. Detta visar att det är viktigt att variera undervisningen och behålla en pedagogisk professionalism där man förbiser sina egna åsikter för elevernas bästa.

Forest Conservation and People’s Livelihoods: Explaining Encroachment on Zambia’s Protected Forest Landscapes - The Case Of Mwekera National Forest, Kitwe, Copperbelt

Shitima, Mwepya Ephraim January 2005 (has links)
Forest Conservation and People’s Livelihoods: Explaining Encroachment on Zambia’s Protected Forest Landscapes - The Case Of Mwekera National Forest, Kitwe, Copperbelt Abstract The conflicts between conservation objectives and the livelihood needs of local communities are intricate and difficult to resolve and yet the success of any conservation effort hinges on their solution. This is particularly true in forest conservation in Third World countries like Zambia, where rural populations depend directly on forest resources, which are in many cases protected. Forest reserves in Zambia have undergone drastic changes over the years due to encroachment by such human activities as agriculture, charcoal burning and even settlements. This has led to the deforestation of most of them including Mwekera National Forest in Kitwe on the Copperbelt province. The Forest Department has attempted to involve the people in the management of these resources in a bid to redress the trend. But the fundamental causes for the encroachment and deforestation are not clear. This study was focused on unearthing the underlying causes of encroachment and the subsequent deforestation of Mwekera National Forest. This was done through a qualitative ethnographic approach employing individual interviews, focused group discussions, observations and pictures of relevant phenomena. The target groups included the forest communities living in and around Mwekera National Forest as well as government forestry officials at both local and national levels. The study was based on nature-culture theory, knowledge systems theory as well as the participatory approach. The study reveals that macro-economic policies such as privatisation of the mines has undermined people’s livelihoods while the inefficient and bureaucratic land delivery system made “vacant” protected forest land an attractive option. The policy contradictions between the forest sector and other sectors such as energy, agriculture and land have not helped matters. Organisational constraints on the Forest Department such as its inadequate human, financial and other resources coupled with the delay in its transformation to a more autonomous Forest Commission have not secured protected forests. Its old centralist management approach has made participation by local people difficult to effect despite being provided for under new forestry policy and law. This has meant that decisions made by officials lack meaningful involvement and support of the local people, thereby seriously hindering effective forest protection. Herein lies one major cause of encroachment.

Aquaculture: A Tool for Sustainable Development in Uganda. : A Case Study of Kigoowa Catholic Women’s Association in Kampala District.

Aganyira, Kellen January 2005 (has links)
Abstract Global aquaculture production has grown rapidly and is now among the fastest growing food production sectors in many countries.Introduced over the past 50 years or so,aquaculture in Africa has gone through different levels of growth. The desirability of aquaculture has been due to unreliable and unsustainable use of natural waters for capture fisheries. Due to the country’s concern, the government of Uganda has promoted aquaculture before for nutritional values. However, current policy initiatives that call for collective actions are geared towards commercial aquaculture development. This work focuses on several aspects of aquaculture development in Uganda viz; past,present and future, potential, reared fish species, benefits, constraints and these are reflected in the policy and institutional arrangements with in the sector. This work has been undertaken with the aim of providing in detail the possible ways and means for sustainable utilization of aquaculture outcomes. Emphasis has been on how members of Kigoowa Catholic Women’s Development Association (KCWDA) have been empowered through group formation and aquaculture activities. This work also analyses the dynamic gender relations that exist in resource ownership, access and use in Uganda and the implications thereof to aquaculture growth and expansion. Included are the possible options vulnerable people especially women undertake to sustain their livelihoods and those of their families and the community as a whole. The information in this work is discussed in line with the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework. It therefore aims at providing an additional reference text on the subject and in the context of aquaculture. Details about certain concepts, policies and principles, nature of the sector and supportive literature on various issues are discussed.

Hastighetsmätning av kolvrörelser i pneumatiska cylindrar

Norén, Magnus January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate different methods do measure velocity of pistons in pneumatic cylinders at Bosch Rexroth Teknik AB. Through information of velocity the adjustment of a cylinders damping can be done easier. A future transducer will be used by salesmen, service personnel and customers. This requires a sensor that is easy to apply and use. It is also desirable that the sensor is cheap. A number of possible methods to measure velocity have been presented. In general, the requirements above have been difficult to fulfill. In almost all pneumatic cylinders, magnets are mounted on the piston. Magnetic sensors are then used for proximity sensing to detect its extreme positions. A similar way can be used for velocity sensing. Assume that two magnetic sensors are placed on a fixed distance between each other, along the pistons direction of motion. The time to travel between the sensors is an expression for the velocity of the piston. One way to solve the problem has been chosen and the accuracy of this method has been verified. This has been done under the assumption that the errors due to mounting is neglected and that the direction of sensitivity is idealistic.

Projekt Lister : Överhalning av en hjälpmaskin

Burman, Jonas, Friberg, Magnus January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRAKT Det här är en sammanfattning av den formella delen av vårt projektarbete. Under hösten 2007 och våren 2008 har vi på uppdrag av Egon Nilsson överhalat en hjälpmaskin ombord på Calmare Nyckel. Maskinen var i stort behov av en renovering, det läckte både kylvatten och smörjolja på olika ställen. Det har varit mycket väntetid på reservdelar eftersom maskinen är ovanlig och tillverkas i England. Mot slutet av arbetet råkade vi på bekymmer med vattenläckage i smörjoljan som gjorde att jobbet blev försenat några veckor. Läckaget lagades och maskinen provkördes. Resultatet blev bra, maskinen fungerade och gick som den skulle. Under arbetets gång har vi försökt i möjligaste mån följa de instruktioner som finns i instruktionsboken. När man genomför ett projektarbete av den här typen, skall all dokumentation rörande projektet redovisas. Materialet som presenteras i den här sammanställningen är upplagt enligt följande. Inledning till ämnet och projektet vilket följs av avsnitten projektprocessen och resultat. Till denna dokumentation har vi bifogat, arbetsdagbok och offert. / ABSTRACT This is a summary of the formal part of our project. During the autumn of 2007 and spring 2008 we have done an overhaul on one of the auxiliary engines onboard Calmare Nyckel. The assignment was given from Egon Nilson. The engine was in bad shape, lubrication oil and coolingwater was leaking from several cylinders and thereby in big need of a service. There have been some waiting time during the order of new parts because of the rare engine type which are British and therefore all the parts had to be ordered from England. At the end of the project we discovered some difficulties with coolingwater leaking in to the oil sump, this causing further delays finishing the project. The problem were solved and at the test run the engine run satisfactory. During the project we have as far as possible followed the manual and other instructions available. During a project like this it is important that all documentation of the project is shown. The materials that are shown are presented with an introduction followed by the process and the result. To this documentation we have attached a working diary and quotations.

Hur nedkylda paket påverkar energianvändningen : – En studie av Posten Logistiks paketnätverk / How cooled packages affect energy usage : – A study of Posten Logistik’s package network

Stiller, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
När paket transporteras vintertid kommer dessa att kylas ned av den låga utomhustemperaturen. Vid ankomst till sorteringsterminalen kommer paketen ha antagit en lägre temperatur än den i terminalen. Under tiden som paketen hanteras i terminalen kommer deras temperatur att stiga på grund av den högre inomhustemperaturen. Detta medför ett ökat uppvärmningsbehov i terminalen vilket således bidrar till en ökad uppvärmningskostnad och miljöpåverkan.   Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram en modell som beskriver energiflödet under transport och sortering för att kunna beräkna storleken på det ökade energibehovet som uppstår i paketterminalerna vintertid då nedkylda paket hanteras. Energibehovet skall sedan sättas i samband med den extra uppvärmningskostnad och miljöpåverkan som paketen ger upphov till. Syftet har sammanställts i fyra frågor.   Hur kan paketens temperatur i paketnätverket beskrivas matematiskt? Hur stort är det extra energibehovet som uppstår då nedkylda paket värms upp i Posten Logistiks paketterminaler? Vilken är merkostnaden för terminalernas extra energibehov? Vilken miljöpåverkan medför det extra energibehovet?   För att nå fram till ett resultat har teorier och samband inom värmeöverföring använts. För att skaffa kunskap inom området har därför en del kurslitteratur studerats. Viktig kunskap har även inhämtats mer praktiskt genom studiebesök, intervjuer och informationsmöten med sakkunniga personer. Telefonkonversationer och E-postkorrespondenser har även varit viktiga för informationsinhämtningen. En serie temperaturmätningar utfördes för att visualisera problemet och få en bild av ett pakets temperaturförändring i distributionsnätverket. Testmätningar utfördes för att verifiera att de vetenskapliga modellerna var applicerbara på det aktuella problemet. Därefter utfördes mätningar i verklig miljö, dels i terminalerna, men även under transport.   Efter de första mätningarna ansågs ”Lumped Capacitance Method” vara tillräcklig för att beräkna paketens temperaturförändring. Detta konstaterande ändrades dock när paket av olika material användes till temperaturmätningarna. Slutsatsen blev att en mer avancerad modell, som tar hänsyn till paketens värmekonduktivitet, bör användas för att beräkna paketens temperaturförändring. Då en sådan formel används kan en temperatur som ligger nära verkligheten beräknas för paketen. Tyvärr har materialparametrarna varit svåra att beräkna då någon tydlig statistik över paketens innehåll inte finns att tillgå.  Det extra energibehov som uppstår då nedkylda paket värms upp i Posten Logistiks paketterminaler kommer att skilja sig åt avsevärt beroende på materialsammansättningen. Samma sak gäller för merkostnaden och miljöpåverkan för det extra energibehovet. Därför är rekommendationen att utföra en mer omfattande studie av paketens innehåll. De största kunderna kan exempelvis uppmanas att presentera statistik över sina försändelser och hur de är paketerade. / Packages that are transported during winter will be cooled by the low temperature outside the transport carriage. When arriving to the sorting terminal the packages will have a lower temperature compared to the air inside the terminal. During the time the packages reside in the terminal, the packages will increase in temperature. This will cause an increased need for heating which in turn leads to a higher cost and environmental effects.   The aim of my degree project is to present a model that describes the packages’ energy flow during transportation and time in the terminal. I will then calculate the need for increased heating during winter because of the packages. The result will be described in increased heating, cost and environmental effects. The aim can be summarized in four questions.   How can the packages’ temperature within the package network be described mathematically? How does the need for heating increase due to the cold packages in Posten Logistik’s terminals? How does the cost increase due to the packages? What are the environmental effects?   I have studied course literature to achieve sufficient knowledge in the area and I have used theories and correlations in heat transfer to reach the aim. Information in the more practical area has been collected during visits, interviews and meetings with experts. Telephone interviews and E-mail conversations were also important. A series of temperature measurements were made to visualize the problem and to get a picture of the temperature changes of the packages within the distribution network. Some test measurements were made to verify that the scientific theories were applicable on the problem. Later, measurements were made in the real setting, i.e. in the terminals and during transportation.   After the first measurements it seemed like Lumped Capacitance Method was sufficient to calculate the temperature variation of the packages. That statement was changed when packages with different materials were used in the temperature measurements. The conclusion was made that a more advanced formula, one that takes the packages’ thermal conductivity into consideration, was needed to calculate the result. With the advanced formula a temperature of the packages can be calculated that is close to reality. Unfortunately, the material parameters of the packages were difficult to calculate when no obvious statistics of the contents of packages is available. The level of increased heating due to the cold packages in Posten Logistik’s terminals will differ if the materials in the packages changes. The same thing happens to the cost and environmental effects. Therefore the recommendation is to perform a study of the content of packages. The largest customers could be asked to present statistics over their postal items and used wrapping.

Automatiserad viktkontroll av formsprutade detaljer / Automatde Weight Control of Injection Molded Details

Hall, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Arbetet utfördes på Sura Magnets, ett företag i Söderköping som bl.a. tillverkar formsprutade plastbaserade magneter. En av deras produkter kallad ”10 mm:aren” tillverkas genom formsprutning. Varje skott ger 6 detaljer. Problemet de har är, att ofyllda skott kan tillverkas. För att undvika att dessa ofyllda detaljer når kunderna, gör man en manuell avsyning, vilket är ett väldigt tidskrävande arbete. Syftet med arbetet var att tillverka en automatiserad utrustning som via vikt kontroll ska avskilja de kasserade skotten. Efter att ha införskaffat information om problemen, genererades ett antal koncept för att lösa dessa. Efter att ett koncept blivit valt, konstruerades en automatiskviktkontroll mekaniskt och elektriskt. Därefter tillverkades ett PLC program för att styra utrustningen. Dessvärre hann inte alla detaljer till utrustningen tillverkas, så den har inte kunnat testas i praktiken. Detta överlåtes till Sura Magnets att utföra. Hoppas att konstruktionen kommer att utföra det avsedda arbetet på ett tillfredställande sätt. / The assignment was executed at Sura Magnets, a company located in Söderköping, which among other things manufactures injection moulded plastic based magnets. One of their products, called “10 mm:aren", are produced through injection moulding. Each cycle produces 6 details. Their problem is that during the injection moulding process some incomplete details can be manufactured. To prevent these incomplete details from reaching their customers, they have to manually check all produced details, which is a wary time consuming task. The purpose of my assignment was to manufacture an automated device that, through weight control, separated the cycles that contained incomplete details from the ones that didn’t. After gaining some knowledge about the problems, a number of concepts were generated to solve these problems. when one of the concepts was chosen, an automated weight control was constructed both mechanically and electrically. Then a PLC Program was constructed to run the device. Unfortunately all the details to complete the device weren’t manufactured because of time shortage, so the device hasn’t been tested in the field. The assembling and testing of the device are left for Sura Magnets to complete. I hope that the device will perform the task it was designed for with satisfying results.

A Long Forgotten Jewel : Branding and Imaging of a destination

Duborija, Marco, Mlivic, Aida January 2009 (has links)
The tourism industry is constantly growing and is one of the most expansive industries today. The tourism industry generates many jobs which in they turn generate revenue for the destinations. But in order to take part of this revenue, destinations must first attract the tourists. This is done with destination imaging and destination branding which means that the image and the brand of a destination are playing a significant role. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different aspects of imaging and branding of a destination. In what way they are affecting a country, what impact they have and how they can be manipulated. Terms imaging and branding are of great importance especially for post war countries that have a negative past. Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country that until recently was associated with war. To change their image Bosnia and Herzegovina should first distance themselves from their negative past. This thesis has a deductive approach which means that the research is based on different forms of literature and interviews. The conclusion of this thesis is that a destination can change their past, from something negative to something positive. But in order to this, a lot of hard work is required.

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