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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap

Braconier, Emma, Blom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin. Homosexual parenthood is described as “good” as heterosexual parenthood, which is described as the norm. Homosexual parenthood is also described as different with flaws in comparison to the norm and for those flaws the homosexuals have to compensate. With a standpoint in queertheory this shows both how homosexual parents are assimilated and excluded from the norm of parenthood.</p>

All makt utgår från Väst : En kritisk diskursanalys av Afghanistans politiska rekonstruktion

Svensson, Emma January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syften med denna uppsats är att studera vilka normer och värderingar som ligger till grund för rekonstruktionen av Afghanistans regeringsinstitutioner, samt vilka strukturer som gör att dessa normer är de hegemoniska globalt. I mitt analysarbete har jag framförallt använt mig av Norman Faircloughs textnära kritiska diskursanalys och ”Världssamhällemodellen”, där begrepp såsom legitimitet och hegemoni står i fokus. Som analysunderlag ligger ”Afghan Bonn Agreement” samt tre resolutioner från Förenta Nationernas (FN) Generalförsamling.</p><p>Det finns idag tydliga normer som styr vad som anses vara ett legitimt styrelseskick. Komponenter i rekonstruktionsdokument såsom Afghan Bonn Agreement och resolutioner från Generalförsamlingen vilar implicit på vissa specifika normer och värderingar som söker universell täckning. Den hegemon som ger makt och legitimitet till dessa normer är i detta fall framför allt Förenta Nationerna (FN), men även enskilda stater, biståndsorganisationer och institutioner såsom International Monetary Fond (IMF) och Världsbanken när den aspiration som den liberala demokratin har i sökandet efter global täckning.</p><p>Som svar till varför de flesta stater, inklusive diverse mellan- och överstatliga institutioner, är så inbegripna i denna strävan finner analysen i den liberalistiska ”Världssamhällemodellen”. Enligt denna modell är det interdependens, ett ömsesidigt beroende mellan stater som styr den internationella interaktionen. Detta förklara att ”världssamfundet” hjälper till i rekonstruktionen av Afghanistan och skapandet av säkerhet, eftersom fred och stabilitet är en förutsättning för en väl fungerande global handel.</p>

Sweden's Ascending Normative Role in EU? Sweden’s endeavours towards European Conflict Prevention Programme

Bak, Agata January 2009 (has links)
<p>C-level Thesis in International Relations Course.</p>

Varannan vatten - Ett rekommenderat sätt att dricka : en intervjustudie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av fenomenet / Varannan vatten - A recommended way to drink : A interview study on young adults' experiences of the phenomenon

Dahlin, Emma, Hedlund, Christine January 2009 (has links)
<p>Högtider är i Skandinavien förknippade med alkohol och festligheter, detta är en del av vår kultur. Konsumtionstillfällena är få och oftast placerade vid veckoslutet, det är mer accepterat att vara full en fredagskväll är mer än en måndagsmorgon. Beslut från regeringen avser mål och insatser för bland annat användandet av alkohol samt att minska bruket av det. Att begränsa alkoholens negativa effekter har länge varit en viktig fråga för folkhälsan. I och med detta skapades kampanjen <em>Varannan vatten, </em>för att minska berusningsdrickandet i samhället. Detta är en intervjustuide där fyra unga vuxna har tillfrågats om deras upplevelse kring kampanjen <em>Varannan vatten</em>. Studien avser också att undersöka huruvida informanterna anser att kampanjen är ett verktyg för att påverka attityder till berusningsdrickande. Resultatet visar att informanterna upplever kampanjen som positiv och att den utgör en funktion då det finns ett problem kring berusningsdrickande. Dock visade resultatet tecken på informanternas svårigheter att ta till sig budskapet då det enligt dem upplevs motsägelsefullt. Studien kan i framtiden utvecklas till att undersöka hur individerna själva anser kunna förändra attityder och beteenden.</p> / <p>In our Scandinavian culture holidays are associated with alcohol. The occasion for alcohol consumptions are few and often located at weekends. It´s more acceptable to binge drink on a Friday night than on a Monday morning. Resolutions from the Swedish government refers to intoxication drinking and changes in drinking patterns.  The campaign Varannan vatten (every other water) started as a consequence to reduce drinking in society. This study investigates young adults experience of the campaign Varannan vatten (every other water). The study also investigates if young adults consider that the campaign serve a purpose to change attitudes towards intoxicated drinking. Data was collected from four participants, between 20-24 years, who took part in the current interview study. One of the most important findings in this study showed positive attitudes towards the campaign. Participants also saw intoxication drinking as a problem why they saw the campaign as well needed.  It was marked that the announcement of the campaign appeared as misleading and participants had a hard time to adopt its message. Conclusions suggest that future studies develop and investigate individual considerations as reasons for attitudes and behaviors change.</p>

Norm and difference : Stone Age dietary practice in the Baltic region

Eriksson, Gunilla January 2003 (has links)
Stone Age research on Northern Europe frequently makes gross generalizations about the Mesolithic and Neolithic, although we still lack much basic knowledge on how the people lived. The transition from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic in Europe has been described as a radical shift from an economy dominated by marine resources to one solely dependent on farming. Both the occurrence and the geographical extent of such a drastic shift can be questioned, however. It is therefore important to start out at a more detailed level of evidence in order to present the overall picture, and to account for the variability even in such regional or chronological overviews. Fifteen Stone Age sites were included in this study, ranging chronologically from the Early Mesolithic to the Middle or Late Neolithic, c. 8300–2500 BC, and stretching geographically from the westernmost coast of Sweden to the easternmost part of Latvia within the confines of latitudes 55–59° N. The most prominent sites in terms of the number of human and faunal samples analysed are Zvejnieki, Västerbjers and Skateholm I–II. Human and faunal skeletal remains were subjected to stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis to study diet and ecology at the sites. Stable isotope analyses of human remains provide quantitative information on the relative importance of various food sources, an important addition to the qualitative data supplied by certain artefacts and structures or by faunal or botanical remains. A vast number of new radiocarbon dates were also obtained. In conclusion, a rich diversity in Stone Age dietary practice in the Baltic Region was demonstrated. Evidence ranging from the Early Mesolithic to the Late Neolithic show that neither chronology nor location alone can account for this variety, but that there are inevitably cultural factors as well. Food habits are culturally governed, and therefore we cannot automatically assume that people at similar sites will have the same diet. Stable isotope studies are very important here, since they tell us what people actually consumed, not only what was available, or what one single meal contained. We should not be deceived in inferring diet from ritually deposited remains, since things that were mentally important were not always important in daily life. Thus, although a ritual and symbolic norm may emphasize certain food categories, these may in fact contribute very little to the diet. By the progress of analysis of intra-individual variation, new data on life history changes have been produced, revealing mobility patterns, breastfeeding behaviour and certain dietary transitions. The inclusion of faunal data has proved invaluable for understanding the stable isotope ecology of a site, and thereby improve the precision of the interpretations of human stable isotope data. The special case of dogs, though, demonstrates that these animals are not useful for inferring human diet, since, due to the number of roles they possess in human society, dogs could deviate significantly from humans in their diet, and in several cases have been proved to do so. When evaluating radiocarbon data derived from human and animal remains from the Pitted-Ware site of Västerbjers on Gotland, the importance of establishing the stable isotope ecology of the site before making deductions on reservoir effects was further demonstrated. The main aim of this thesis has been to demonstrate the variation and diversity in human practices, challenging the view of a “monolithic” Stone Age. By looking at individuals and not only at populations, the whole range of human behaviour has been accounted for, also revealing discrepancies between norm and practice, which are frequently visible both in the archaeological record and in present-day human behaviour.

Queer = Avvikande eller Queer = Inkluderande? : En queerteoretisk studie på några 9:ors syn på sin sex- och samlevnadsundervisning med fokus på genus och sexuell identitet

Andersson, Marie January 2010 (has links)
This paper describes what some 9th grade students think of their sex education in school, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. I have been using group interviews in two different schools, two groups per school. The result of the students' answers have been analysed on the basis of queer theory focusing on gender and sexual identity. The result of the study shows that the students consider their sexual education to be lacking, especially when it comes to gender, sexual identity, norms and deviation. Another conclusion of the analysis is that a sex education grounded in queer theory would be more inclusive.

EC State aid rules : An analysis of the selectivity criterion

Aldestam, Mona January 2005 (has links)
The application of Art. 87(1) EC to taxes above all is connected to the application of the derogation method, which appears to be part of the selectivity criterion. This dissertation examines the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes, primarily de lege lata, but also de lege ferenda. It begins with an analysis of the relationship among the criteria of Article 87(1) EC and continues with an analysis of the relationship between the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion applied to taxes. Several scholars have criticised the application of the derogation method because of the difficulty of identifying a derogation and of establishing the benchmark against which the derogation should be assessed. In this dissertation both the benchmark and the establishment of a derogation is analysed, partly with reference to the tax expenditure debate that occurred in the subject area of international taxation during the 1970s and 1980s. The selectivity criterion applied to taxes contains an assessment of justification, whereby the selective nature of a measure can be justified on the basis of the nature or general scheme of the system: Therfore the meaning and implications of this assessment are also examined. After all these issues have been examined de lege lata, the extents to which the application of the derogation method and the assessment of the selectivity criterion follow a logical system are discussed and recommendations for eliminating the identified deficiences are put forward.

Från text till batong : om poliser, busar och svennar

Ekman, Gunnar January 1999 (has links)
Det finns en föreställning om att organisationer kan styras av texter. Denna föreställning ligger till grund för hur organisationer i allmänhet styrs, och har fått särskilt stort genomslag i den offentliga sektorn. Polisorganisationen är inget undantag, utan ett bra exempel på en offentlig organisation som är tänkt att styras av texter. Polisers arbete skall styras av särskilt många texter, till exempel lagar, regleringsbrev, verksamhetsplaner och handlingsplaner. En orsak till det är att polisarbete bland annat handlar om att hantera samhällets legitimerade användning av våld. Polisarbetets vardagliga praktik handlar emellertid om att hantera fler krav än de som uttrycks i texter. Förutom i texter ställs krav på polisarbetet också av chefer, poliser och medborgare. Med utgångspunkt i det vardagliga polisarbetet diskuteras i den här avhandlingen hur poliser hanterar många - och ofta motstridiga - krav uttryckta av många kravställare. I avhandlingen argumenteras för att polisarbetet normeras - det vill säga normer som styr den dagliga praktiken formas - i det vardagliga småpratet mellan poliser. I det småpratet undersöks handlingsutrymme och sanktioner kopplade till olika krav och det bestäms hur poliser bör förhålla sig till krav och kravställare. Att polispraktiken normeras i det vardagliga småpratet mellan poliser utmanar den klassiska bilden av hierarkier - där textproducenter med hjälp av texter och chefer antas normera polisarbetet. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap

Braconier, Emma, Blom, Emma January 2009 (has links)
This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin. Homosexual parenthood is described as “good” as heterosexual parenthood, which is described as the norm. Homosexual parenthood is also described as different with flaws in comparison to the norm and for those flaws the homosexuals have to compensate. With a standpoint in queertheory this shows both how homosexual parents are assimilated and excluded from the norm of parenthood.

Varannan vatten - Ett rekommenderat sätt att dricka : en intervjustudie om unga vuxnas upplevelser av fenomenet / Varannan vatten - A recommended way to drink : A interview study on young adults' experiences of the phenomenon

Dahlin, Emma, Hedlund, Christine January 2009 (has links)
Högtider är i Skandinavien förknippade med alkohol och festligheter, detta är en del av vår kultur. Konsumtionstillfällena är få och oftast placerade vid veckoslutet, det är mer accepterat att vara full en fredagskväll är mer än en måndagsmorgon. Beslut från regeringen avser mål och insatser för bland annat användandet av alkohol samt att minska bruket av det. Att begränsa alkoholens negativa effekter har länge varit en viktig fråga för folkhälsan. I och med detta skapades kampanjen Varannan vatten, för att minska berusningsdrickandet i samhället. Detta är en intervjustuide där fyra unga vuxna har tillfrågats om deras upplevelse kring kampanjen Varannan vatten. Studien avser också att undersöka huruvida informanterna anser att kampanjen är ett verktyg för att påverka attityder till berusningsdrickande. Resultatet visar att informanterna upplever kampanjen som positiv och att den utgör en funktion då det finns ett problem kring berusningsdrickande. Dock visade resultatet tecken på informanternas svårigheter att ta till sig budskapet då det enligt dem upplevs motsägelsefullt. Studien kan i framtiden utvecklas till att undersöka hur individerna själva anser kunna förändra attityder och beteenden. / In our Scandinavian culture holidays are associated with alcohol. The occasion for alcohol consumptions are few and often located at weekends. It´s more acceptable to binge drink on a Friday night than on a Monday morning. Resolutions from the Swedish government refers to intoxication drinking and changes in drinking patterns.  The campaign Varannan vatten (every other water) started as a consequence to reduce drinking in society. This study investigates young adults experience of the campaign Varannan vatten (every other water). The study also investigates if young adults consider that the campaign serve a purpose to change attitudes towards intoxicated drinking. Data was collected from four participants, between 20-24 years, who took part in the current interview study. One of the most important findings in this study showed positive attitudes towards the campaign. Participants also saw intoxication drinking as a problem why they saw the campaign as well needed.  It was marked that the announcement of the campaign appeared as misleading and participants had a hard time to adopt its message. Conclusions suggest that future studies develop and investigate individual considerations as reasons for attitudes and behaviors change.

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