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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kartan, eleverna och läraren : En undersökning av geografiundervisningen kring kartor och rumslig uppfattning och dess digitala inslag. / The map, pupils, and the teacher : A study of the geography teaching about mapping and spatial perceptionand the implement of digital elements.

Darius, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
Geografin, kartan och vårt samhälle blir alltmer digitaliserade. Vi lever i en globaliserad värld och kan ta del av stora delar av världen genom våra olika digitala hjälpmedel hemma från soffan. Regeringen tog år 2017 fram en digitaliseringsstrategi som även innefattar skolan och i läroplanen går att läsa att undervisningen i skolan ska ha olika digitala inslag. Det digitala är oftast en självklarhet för många yngre barn idag och genom olika digitala spel möter de digitala kartor i sin vardag redan i tidig ålder jämfört med tidigare generationer. Samtidigt tyder samhällets utveckling på att barn rör sig allt mindre självständigt i sin närmiljö vilket kan påverka deras förmåga till rumslig uppfattning och därmed att förstå kartan. Genom tiderna har mycket olika forskning gjorts för att undersöka barns relation till kartan och förmåga för det abstrakta tänkandet. Forskning som görs kring barn och deras förhållande utgår vanligen från Piagets stadieteori eller det sociokulturella perspektivet som bottnar i Vygotskijs tankar kring hur lärande sker i det sociala samspelet med hjälp av olika redskap. Dock saknas det i stor utsträckning forskning kring digitaliseringen och geografiämnet.   Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur lärare för årskurs 1–3 i Falköpings kommun undervisar kring kartan och rumslig uppfattning samt vilka digitala verktyg som används i denna undervisning. Ytterligare ett mål med undersökningen har varit att ta reda på hur lärarna ser på sina egna geografiska ämneskunskaper, pedagogiska kunskaper inom geografi samt digitala kunskaper i förhållande till geografiämnet med utgångspunkt i ramverket TPACK.   Resultatet visar att lärare i de lägre åldrarna i denna studie i mycket stor utsträckning jobbar främst med fysiska kartor och jordglober i sin geografiundervisning kring kartan. Det framgår även att i jämförelse med området kartan tycker lärarna att området rumslig uppfattning är ett mer komplext och utmanande undervisningsområde. De digitala verktyg som används i geografiundervisningen används främst under lärarledda genomgångar och resultatet visar att lärarna önskar och anser sig behöva fortbildning för att kunna arbeta mer digitalt på bästa sätt i geografiundervisningen. / Geography, the map, and our society are becoming increasingly digital. We live in a globalized world and can participate in large parts of the world through our various digital appliances, from the couch at home. In 2017, the government of Sweden, developed a strategy for digitalization that includes the school system, and the national curriculum also stipulate that teaching in schools must include different digital elements. For many younger children today, the digitalization is part of their everyday life and through various digital games they encounter digital maps from an early age. At the same time, the development of society indicates that children are more limited and move around much less independently in their immediate environment than previous generations. This can affect their spatial perception ability and thus also affect their understanding of the map. Historically the research examining children's relationship to the map and their ability for abstract thinking is extensive. Research in this field, children and their relationship and understanding of maps, is usually based on Piaget's stage theory or the socio-cultural perspective that is rooted in Vygotsky's theory of learning through social interaction with the help of mediating tools. However, there is a lack of research on digitization and the subject of geography. The purpose of this study has been to investigate how primary school teachers in grade 1-3 in Falköping municipality teach about the map and spatial perception. In addition to this what digital tools are used in this. Another goal of the study has been to explore teachers' own view of their subject knowledge concerning the areas of geography previously mentioned, pedagogical knowledge and technical knowledge based on the TPACK. The results show that the primary school teachers in this study to a very large extent work mainly with physical maps and globes in their geography teaching concerning the map. It also appears that the teachers in the study perceive the area of spatial awareness abilities to be particularly complex and challenging to teach. Another finding of the study is that the digital tools used in geography teaching are mainly used during teacher-led reviews. The results also show that teachers identify both a wish and need for further training to be able to integrate digital tools in the best way in geography teaching.

Bibliotek i Umeå stads medieplanering kring tv-spel

Beckeman, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
This paper aims to examine the various practices employed by libraries in the city ofUmeå in regards to the collection development of their video game selection.In addition to directly examining this process, it will also seek to develop anunderstanding of how different factors impact it, such as technical aspects, ageratings, genres, and game platforms. The study was conducted using both aqualitative and quantitative method, using interviews to gather insights fromlibrarians and a variety of statistical sources to build an image of the contents of thelibrary. The results indicated that the collection development endeavors were bothless frequent and needed compared to the book collections, in great part due to thelimited size of the selection. It was also found that the collections that did exist weregreatly influenced by the library patrons that engaged with them, with the cataloguemostly mirroring the demand in proportion, with the outlier of Nintendo Switchgames. Finally, a potential issue regarding the future of video game acquisition wasraised due to the evolving digital market potentially rendering library servicesobsolete or too expensive. In conclusion, this study found that unless the videogame market drastically shifts course from its digitalization the services librariesprovide in regards to this medium has to adapt to stay relevant to public interests

Framgångsfaktorer och hinder för kommunikation med strokepatienter inom ambulanssjukvården : en litteraturöversikt / Factors that facilitate and hinder the communication with strokepatients in the ambulance service : a litterature review

Holm, Oscar, Lidin, Max January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är ett tidskritiskt tillstånd som kan medföra kommunikationssvårigheter. Stroke delas generellt in i två kategorier; blödning eller tromb. En blödning kan uppstå efter trauma eller att ett kärl spruckit av annan orsak. En tromb bildas någonstans i kroppen som sedan färdats med blodbanan för att slutligen fastna i ett av hjärnans blodkärl. Beroende på var i hjärnan blödningen eller tromben sitter uppvisas olika symptom. Kommunikationen med strokepatienter kan påverkas negativt av flertalet variabler. Vid stroke kan symptom som afasi, dysfasi och dysartri framträda och leda till svårigheter för ambulanspersonalen att förstå vad patienten vill förmedla. Förutom dessa faktorer påverkar även ambulanspersonalens kompetens, engagemang, den fysiska miljön och språkförbristningar kommunikationen med strokepatienter. Således är kunskap om dessa faktorer viktiga i arbetet för att kunna finna vägar för en god kommunikation. Syfte: Att belysa framgångsfaktorer och hinder för kommunikation mellan ambulanspersonal, sjukhuspersonal och strokepatienter. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturöversikt med en systematisk metod och en integrerad analys genomfördes. Resultat: Resultatet visade att faktorer såsom personcentrerad kommunikation främjade kommunikationen mellan ambulanspersonal och strokepatienter. Digitalisering samt samarbete mellan ambulans och akutsjukhus främjade kommunikationen mellan ambulanspersonalen och sjukhuspersonalen. Tillika visade resultatet att digitalisering, akuta situationer och språkförbristningar kan inverka negativt på kommunikationen mellan ambulanspersonal, sjukhuspersonal och strokepatienter. Slutsats: Faktorerna som främjar kommunikationen mellan ambulanspersonal och strokepatienter är personcentrerad kommunikation, omvårdnad och säker vård. Digitaliserade kommunikationshjälpmedel, samarbete samt standardiserad och strukturerad kommunikation var framgångsfaktorer för kommunikation mellan ambulanspersonal och sjukhuspersonal. Dock kan digitalisering hindra omvårdnaden inom ambulanssjukvården och hindra kommunikationen mellan ambulanspersonal och sjukhuspersonal. När den tekniska utrustningen inte fungerat har det lett till längre behandlingstider och en längre tid till intervention. / Background: Stroke is a time-critical condition that can cause communication difficulties. Stroke is generally divided into two categories; bleeding or thrombus. Bleeding can occur after trauma or when a vessel has ruptured for another reason. A thrombus forms somewhere in the body which then travels with the bloodstream to finally get stuck in one of the brain's blood vessels. Depending on where in the brain the bleeding or thrombus is located, different symptoms are displayed. Communication with stroke patients can be negatively affected by several variables. In stroke, symptoms such as aphasia, dysphasia and dysarthria can appear and lead to difficulties for the ambulance personell to understand what the patient wants to convey. In addition to these factors, the competence of the ambulance personnel, commitment, the physical environment and language deficiencies also affect communication with stroke patients. Thus, knowledge of these factors is important in the work to be able to find ways for good communication. Purpose: The aim was to highlight factors that promote or hinder communication between ambulance personnel, hospital personnel and stroke patients. Method: A structured literature review with a systematic method and integrated analysis was conducted. Result: The results showed that factors such as person-centred communication promoted communication between ambulance personnel and stroke patients. Digitization and cooperation between ambulances and emergency hospitals promoted communication between the ambulance staff and the hospital staff. At the same time, the results showed that digitalisation, emergency situations and language deficiencies can have a negative impact on communication between ambulance personnel, hospital staff and stroke patients. Conclusion: The factors that promote communication between ambulance personnel and stroke patients are person-centred communication, nursing and safe care. Digitized communication aids, collaboration and standardized and structured communication were success factors for communication between ambulance personnel and hospital staff. However, digitization can hinder nursing in ambulance healthcare and hinder communication between ambulance- and hospital personnel. When the technical equipment did not work, it led to longer treatment times and a longer time to intervention.

IRL to URL: Digitalization in the live music scene during and post-COVID-19 : A platform-driven study of the live music scene and its approaches

Fernández, Valeria, Gerasimova, Boyana January 2022 (has links)
As the strict lockdowns during the global COVID-19 pandemic made the world more digital, nearly every industry was affected. The music industry in particular had already been going through many changes, though maybe none of them as big so far—musicians were restricted from performing "in real life" and had to think out of the box. Thus, coming to life virtual concerts and festivals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the transition to a digital live scene has been handled in the live music industry during the pandemic, and what the experiences of Generation Z and Millennials have been with specific video streaming platforms. To find the answers to these questions, a mixed-methods approach was taken, combining semi-structured qualitative interviews and an online questionnaire. The study provides an insight into what approaches music industry professionals took in handling different aspects of the changing world of concerts, both in terms of technical aspects and in the general shift that the music community experiences. Moreover, it provides an insight into users' preferences for streaming platforms, together with their respective advantages and flaws. More generally, a deeper understanding of what people perceive as gains and losses from the digitization of live events is also provided, with a look into the potential future of concerts.

Att arbeta och kommunicera på distans : Splittrad verksamhet, motivationsproblem och minskad informell kommunikation

Biörklund, Karin, Persson, Peter January 2022 (has links)
Arbete hemifrån är inget nytt koncept men under covid-19 pandemin har distansarbete ökat i hög utsträckning under en relativt kort tidsperiod och blivit normaliserat till ett vardagligt arbetssätt. Det finns fördelar med distansarbete, exempelvis arbetsro och mindre resor, men det existerar även utmaningar. Kommunikation på distans har upplevts som en utmaning för många chefer och organisationer. Men hur påverkar egentligen distansarbete verksamhetsstyrningen med hänsyn till utmaningarna med kommunikation? Det har påvisats att det vid distansarbete existerar mindre utrymme för informell kommunion i organisationerna och kan påstås leda till verksamhetsstyrningskonsekvenser. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur informell kommunikation påverkas vid distansarbete och vad detta kan få för konsekvens för verksamhetsstyrningen. Med hjälp av 15 semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer med chefer eller personer med liknande ansvar, påvisar studien att minskning av informell kommunikation försämrar information, relationer, distraktion och motivation inom verksamheter. Studien lyfter även fram tre faktorer som påverkar att informell kommunikation minskar. Det existerar en risk att relationsbanden som binder samman verksamheten splittras när utrymmet för social interaktion genom informell kommunikation försämrats. Detta kan påverka förutsättningarna för hur chefer kan styra medarbetare till gemensamt uppsatta mål och strategier när den informella kommunikationen blir försämrad vid distansarbete. / Work from home is not a new concept but during covid-19 pandemic has remote work widely been increased in a relatively short period of time and been normalized as a common way of working. There are benefits with remote work, for example for most a quiet place to work and less work travels, but there are also some challenges. However, communication at a distance has been experienced as a challenge for many managers and organizations. But how does remote work affect management control regarding the challenges with communication? It has been suggested that remote work give less room for informal communication to occur in organizations and that it can be argued that it may lead to management control consequences. The purpose of the study is to understand how informal communication at remote work and what the consequences of this will be for the management control. The study, with 15 semi-structured qualitative interviewers with managers or individuals with similar responsibilities, indicates that a decrease of informal communication decreases information, relations, distraction, and motivation within organizations. The study highlights three factors that contribute to the decrease of the informal communication. There is a risk that the bond of relations that hold the organization together loosens when social interaction through informal communication decreases. These conclusions may be argued to affect the prerequisites for managers within an organization to manage the personnel towards common goals and strategies when informal communication decreases during remote work.

Sustainability of the firm through digitalization : The impact of digitalization competencies on the firm’s sustainability in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)

Koltunovych, Kateryna, Lalipour Dizaji, Vahid January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: This master thesis aims to investigate the SMEs' perceptions about digitalization and sustainability of the firm and distinguish the factors that affect them. Furthermore, it illustrates how the SMEs’ digitalization process is linked to their sustainability.  Theoretical approach: This master thesis is based on the previous research and literature on SMEs’ digitalization and sustainability of the firm. Additionally, it proposed a conceptual model that links SMEs' digitalization process to their sustainability. Methodology: This research followed the qualitative method in which the data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with eight SMEs. These SMEs are located in Sweden, France, and Iran. However, the responses were analyzed based on the secondary analysis method. Findings: The study's findings demonstrate that digitalization affects an SME's sustainability through growth, competitiveness advantages, value creation, internal efficiency, and saving costs. Regardless of where SMEs are located, they mostly have the same perception of digitalization and insufficient knowledge about the firm's sustainability, and mainly the same factors affect their digitalization process and sustainability. Practical implications: The results of this study could provide a perspective on adopting the new technology by SMEs. It could inspire SMEs to increase their digitalization capability by adopting new technologies to ensure long-term sustainability in their organizations. It also sheds light on confusing the firm’s sustainability with SDGs, which SMEs must investigate. Originality/Value: This study adds to the digitalization and sustainability of the firm literature by investigating SMEs' perceptions about digitalization and firm’s sustainability, factors that influence the digitalization and sustainability process of the SMEs and examining how SMEs' digitalization processes are linked to their sustainability

“The effects of Digitalization on students’ learning experience after the rise of the Covid-19 Pandemic” : A Qualitative study on institutional and student behaviours because of disruptive digitalization after the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Shaikh, Asher, Nikooherafmaher, Sahebe January 2022 (has links)
Digital technology has had an increasing impact on higher education and shifted the way of teaching and learning in a fundamental way. The outbreak of Covid-19 urges higher education to shift from traditional learning to digital learning and this made a big change in the education system and the way education is being delivered to students worldwide. Universities and higher education institutes had to use various digital platforms with numerous capabilities and approaches to facilitate learning. In their shift towards digitalized online platforms, higher education institutions ignored important aspects of digitalization in perspective with student’s learning experience. Therefore, this research is going to implement an exploratory aim to define the features and comprehend how higher education can expand student’s learning experience via digitalization by implementing and maintaining dynamic essential technologies in their system in future to expand student’s learning experience. Our finding shows that digitalization does have an impact on the learning experiences of students, and students are getting more reliable on these technologies and wish to continue their studies in a hybrid manner.

Ledarskap i en hybridmiljö : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares syn på en framgångsrik ledare i en hybrid arbetsgrupp

Borg, David, Sundvall, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how employees apprehend leadership qualities to develop an effective, cohesive and communicative workgroup in the hybrid environment. By using the employee’s perspective, it will help us to elucidate what a successful leader is in the hybrid environment. Method: We have conducted a case study with a qualitative and abductive approach. The empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with eight different employees who work in a company's customer service and works or has worked in a hybridenvironment. Empirical data has also been collected by using the company's internal documents. To examine the collected empirical data, a thematic analysis has been used. Conclusion: This study indicates that the leader of a hybrid workgroup seems to need functional qualities to integrate several areas while the relational ties it together in a different way. One of the studies' conclusions is that employees perceive different components in each area that are important to elaborate efficiency, cohesion and communication in the hybrid environment, and to do this the study shows that different leadership qualities are important. Another conclusion in the study is that the leadership quality to organize will manage the three areas simultaneously and can in theory be seen as the most important to possess for a successful leader in the hybrid environment. The study also empirical indicates that the leadership qualities of being socially competent, responsive, plainness and determined which only handles two areas simultaneously are important for a leader to be considered successfulin a hybrid environment. The conclusion shows that the leader doesn't always have to develop the three areas simultaneously to be perceived as successful.

Digitalization and Entrepreneurial Orientation : An exploratory study of digitalization in Swedish SMEs

Lempinen, Petrus, Rylander, Vincent January 2022 (has links)
Digitalization has changed the business environment for all businesses, whether large or small. As the multitude of digital solutions for the business world continuously develop and evolve, investigating how companies can better take advantage of digitalization is crucial for gaining and retaining competitive advantage. The current research field regarding digitalization is rather novel and has been heavily focusing on how digitalization can improve businesses, and which technical solutions may work best for companies. Thus, switching the focus and studying how companies can improve their digitalization presents an alternative perspective for the current research. As the research field has stressed the importance of studying digitalization within SMEs due to the lack of knowledge and know-how in smaller companies, we examine digitalization in the context of SMEs. In order to examine aspects that may be beneficial for digitalization, we chose to use entrepreneurial orientation as a lense. Entrepreneurial orientation considers a set of characteristics resulting in a level of entrepreneurship in all sizes of companies, and it is found to improve business performance. In order to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework regarding entrepreneurial orientation and digitalization, the following research question was formed: How is the digitalization of Swedish SMEs facilitated by Entrepreneurial Orientation? For gaining a comprehensive understanding on how digitalization is implemented to the business models of SMEs in Sweden, and how entrepreneurial orientation facilitates the implementation of digitalization, our theoretical framework is built upon three theories: entrepreneurial opportunities; digitalization; and entrepreneurial orientation. The construct used for observing entrepreneurial orientation consists of five elements: proactiveness, risk taking, innovativeness, autonomy and competitive aggressiveness. The study was conducted in Sweden through semi-structured interviews. The data was collected from small- to medium sized companies that all had implemented digitalization in their business models and were mature. The interviewees were all in managerial positions in the firms, either as CEOs or COOs. The semi-structured interviews resulted in rich data that provided us with insights in terms of digitalization, how digitalization is implemented to the business models of SMEs, and how the elements of entrepreneurial orientation play a role in this implementation. The results indicated that digitalization begins by making smaller changes to business models (e.g. adopting business systems). Gradually, the existing systems are completely replaced by digitalization, and the companies move on to exploring digitalization in terms of new products and services. In this process, entrepreneurial orientation has a facilitating effect through i.a. higher levels of risk taking, emphasis on being early in adopting new solutions, improved productivity and efficiency through innovativeness, and increased trust for employees to make decisions and to perform projects autonomously. The only element that did not show any clear indications in terms of digitalization was competitive aggressiveness, as SMEs do not use digitalization directly as a source of competitive advantage, but rather as a way to improve other aspects in their business models and thereby gain competitive advantage.

Hur har digitaliseringen påverkat redovisningskonsulters arbete under covid-19-pandemin? / How has digitalization affected accounting consultants work during Covid-19?

chammas, patrik, Bahrami, Sina January 2022 (has links)
The work of accounting consultants has and will continue to evolve in connection withdigitalization. Sweden, alongside other countries, initiated a lockdown to minimizeCovid-19’s spread of infection. Despite having to work from home, accountingconsultants were able to perform their jobs without hindrance because of theprofession’s digitalization opportunities. The purpose of this study is to investigatehow digitalization has affected accounting consultant’s work during and after thepandemic, a qualitative research method in the form of interviews will be used toachieve the study’s purpose. The empirical material is based on twelve semi-structuredinterviews with accounting consultants in Stockholm city. A structured process of opencoding was adopted for the thematic analysis.The study’s results show that accounting consultants who were affected by thepandemic, tend to have a positive attitude towards the digitalization of their work.There are however some disadvantages such as the loss of socialization and the threatof possible technical difficulties. The conclusions drawn from the study’s results arethat the benefits of digitalization in this field of work outweigh the disadvantages, andthat an accounting consultant’s work will in the future consist more of economiccounseling as opposed to performing accounting services.

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