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It’s not just about birds: the other negative space in Alfred Hitchcock – cinematic dream vernacular and the phenomenology of fearEvans, Tara Jane 22 August 2013 (has links)
Foundational to almost any Hitchcock film is the idea of the voyeur: the (un)natural inclination to want to look upon the private, obscene, and potentially grizzly instances in other peoples’ lives. Such inclinations are typically satiated in secret and subsequently denied as something we desire. The voyeuristic act may be connected to narcissism in that we are seduced by our own fears and inner hells projected onto the watched ‘other.’ This kind of projection not only perpetuates our sense of denial of what are our own inclinations, but it also precipitates the potential for de-humanization and feelings of emptiness in that we detach from ourselves. The phenomenological paradox to such detachment is that the more we insist we are safe and self-enclosed here while the ‘other’ remains at bay there, the more we are convinced that we know ourselves and are connected to ourselves, when arguably, we couldn’t be more detached from ourselves and our humanity. And by not really knowing ourselves as well as we thought – as we might infer from a kind of ‘doppelganger’ or ‘doubles’ reading of Strangers on a Train, for example – is how fear is born, both in a Hitchcock film and in life generally. How then, might we come to truly know or face our fear if estrangement would seem an inherent quality to our very experience of it?
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Exploring Organizational Identity as a Potential Process : A multiple case study on employee-oriented companiesAbildgaard Nielsen, Søren, Köhler, Florian January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore organizational identity as a potential process. Design/Methodology/Approach: We applied a qualitative method and followed an inductive approach that was applied to a multiple-in-depth-case study for which we conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 members of two organizations, the Swedish consulting company REACH and the Swiss digital agency WONDROUS. Following a narrative approach, both for structuring the empirical findings, as well as conducting the analysis, we used over 16 hours of interviews to create company narratives and subsequently analyzed them in multiple steps in the fashion of a narrative analysis. Findings: Based on our empirical findings and the empirical analysis, we developed a conceptualization, the Flux Model. We contribute to the existing body of literature by proposing that the Flux Model visualizes the dynamics of how organizational members socially construct organizational identity on the premise of their own (self-)perceptions. By presenting the different parts of the model and their multiple layers, the process of how organizational identity is continuously becoming is illustrated. Research Limitations/Implications: The scope of our study is restricted to the two case companies in question. If our abstractions from the cases in form of the Flux Model help to better understand the process of organizing, managers become liberated to make deliberate choices about their organizations’ identities. For research this means an even tighter connection to individual psychology and a deepening of the perspective that organizational identity can not only be viewed as something companies have. Originality/Value: Out of skepticism towards the usefulness of viewing organizational identity as a process, we applied a symbolic interpretivist perspective and allowed for the possibility that we might not find a process after all. The primary value of this study we believe to be found in the extensive presentation of empirical data, together with our narrative analysis and our conceptual contribution (the Flux Model).
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The power of negativity and its functioning in the metafictional text through five works : vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire, John Barth’s Coming Soon!!!, Graham Swift’s Waterland, Robert Coover’s Gerald’s Party and Don DeLillo’s White Noise. / Le pouvoir de la négativité et son fonctionnement dans le texte métafictionnel à travers cinq œuvres : pale Fire par Vladimir Nabokov, Coming Soon!!! par John Barth, Waterland par Graham Swift, Gerald’s Party par Robert Coover et White Noise par Don Delillo.Bouraoui, Jihene 27 October 2012 (has links)
La thèse se donne comme objectif l’appréhension des catégories de la négativité dans le texte métafictionnel en tant qu’une force libératrice et transformatrice qui, à la fois, assure la survie du texte malgré son aspect fragmentaire et multidirectionnel, et pousse le lecteur à s’engager dans une quête de l’insensé et du paradoxal qui n’embarque pas sur le nihilisme ‘négatif’, mais aboutit plutôt à la découverte de la face cachée constructive de la négativité, qu’est l’autocréation. Pour mener un tel projet, un assemblage littéraire de cinq œuvres disparates- Pale Fire par Vladimir Nabokov, Coming Soon!!! par John Barth, Waterland par Graham Swift , Gerald’s Party par Robert Coover et White Noise par Don Delillo- sert de terrain propice au travail de la négativité qui consiste essentiellement à démystifier et détruire des systèmes clos d’origine métaphysique et construire de nouveaux systèmes de valeurs, sans aucune prétention ou aspiration à la transcendance et la suprématie. Pour comprendre l’économie d’un tel texte, on va suivre trois étapes dont chacune correspond à une partie de la thèse : « L’éthique du texte métafictionnel », « L’esthétique du texte métafictionnel » et « La politique du texte métafictionnel ». La première partie s’engage à dégager l’ensemble d’impératifs éthiques qui mettent en œuvre la force de négativité. La deuxième partie s’engage à étudier les techniques de narration et d’écriture mises en œuvre pour activer les impératifs éthiques. La troisième partie s’engage à explorer la faisabilité et les limites des principes que l’on peut se construire en s’appropriant la négativité du texte. Le processus mis en œuvre dans les trois parties de la thèse est marqué par un combat perpetuel qui démontre l’aspect fallacieux et artificiel des construits et prouve, paradoxalement, notre incapacité de s’en passer pour exister. / The dissertation addresses the challenge to think the power of negativity and its ultimate constructive objective. It launches an enterprise, both at the textual and extratexual levels, that requires the individual to destroy and create at once, without any pretention to establish an everlasting system that dictates the encoding and decoding of thoughts and perception and management of cognitive, bodily and everyday life needs. Such an enterprise is based on the consideration of a literary assemblage of five novels: Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire, John Barth’s Coming Soon!!!, Graham Swift’s Waterland, Robert Coover’s Gerald’s Party and Don Delillo’s White Noise. It demonstrates that the text is governed by an economy that does not embark on « negative » nihilism; it is rather an economy that transforms the unproductive forms (abyss, loss, spectre, madness, excess, death) into a capacity for resistance and a creative departure. It is an economy that sustains the text and prevents it from collapsing, through a set of ethical imperatives, a poetics of self-creation and a politics whose objective is not to resolve the paradoxes underlying the text. Throughout the three part of the dissertation, there is a continuous struggle to unveil the constructs and to explain the rationale behind our unavoidable need for them to keep going.
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La pensée conquise : contribution à une histoire intellectuelle transnationale des femmes et du genre au XXe siècle. / The conquered thought : contribution to a transnational history of women and gender in the XXth centuryGianoncelli, Eve 12 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les processus de constitution – problématiques – de femmes comme intellectuelles au XXe siècle. Pour ce faire, trois cas, nés vers 1900, sont étudiés : l’artiste et écrivaine proche des avant-gardes en général et des surréalistes en particulier dans le Paris des années 1920-1930 Claude Cahun, la journaliste martiniquaise du Paris colonial de ces mêmes années et figure militante et intellectuelle importante de la Martinique d’après-guerre Paulette Nardal ; et enfin Viola Klein, juive tchèque exilée en Angleterre et pionnière oubliée de la sociologie féministe. Cette étude repose sur une analyse conjointe de la trajectoire et de la production culturelle de chacune de ces femmes. Il s’agit de comprendre comment leur expérience intellectuelle s’enracine dans des processus de prise de conscience de soi en tant que sujet renvoyé à l’altérité, femme, mais aussi sujet racialisé, qui déterminent les formes d’entrée dans la pensée. Cette thèse rend également compte du positionnement complexe, dedans/dehors, de ces femmes par rapport aux mouvements (le surréalisme pour Cahun, la culture noire en général et la négritude en particulier pour Nardal), et disciplines (la sociologie de la connaissance et du travail pour Klein) « dans » lesquels elles s’inscrivent et ce qu’elles y apportent ainsi que la pluralité des formes de pensée et d’engagement qu’une telle position liminale révèle. Il s’agit enfin d’interroger le processus de diffusion et de réception des oeuvres et des idées, dans lequel les logiques d’invisibilisation et d’oubli, mais aussi de redécouverte, jouent un rôle fondamental. Ce dernier point ouvre sur une réflexion relative aux logiques (nationales, disciplinaires, idéologiques) de construction du savoir. Cette thèse, interrogeant le devenir sujet des femmes et ce que peut lui faire la postérité, se propose ainsi de contribuer à une histoire intellectuelle transnationale des femmes et du genre. / This thesis analyzes the problematic ways in which women were able to become intellectuals in the XXth century. The cases of three women, born around 1900, are here studied. The artist and writer close to the Avant-Garde in general and the Surrealist movement in particular in the 20s and the 30s Claude Cahun; the Martinican journalist of colonial Paris in those same years Paulette Nardal, an important intellectual and activist figure in Post War Martinique after 1945; and last but not least, Viola Klein, a Czech Jew, exiled in Britain, and a forgotten pioneer of feminist sociology.This study is based upon an analysis of both the itinerary and cultural production of each of these women. It aims to understand how their intellectual experience is rooted in processes of self-awareness – as subjects who have to deal with otherness, as women, but also as racialized subjects – which shape the way in which these women intellectuals come to thought and commitment. This thesis also examines the complex position, Inside/Outside, of these women in relation to the movements and disciplines they join (Surrealism for Cahun, Négritude for Nardal, Sociology of Knowledge for Klein), the contribution they make to these movements and disciplines, and the plurality of the forms of thought and commitment such a liminal position entails. The aim is to question the ways in which works and ideas are spread and received – a process in which “invisibilization”, oblivion, but also rediscovery play a major part. This last idea opens up a reflection about the conceptions (national, disciplinary, ideological) pertaining to the construction of knowledge.
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The art of maintaining a successful marriage in the Seventh-Day Adventist ChurchTembo, Lysant Molly Langwell 08 1900 (has links)
Making a successful Christian marriage is a major challenge that faces the Seventh Day Adventist church (SDA Church) of Malawi. The colonial government of Nyasaland (Malawi) created weak marriages, promoting high divorce rates by its own practices during its era, which have remained to this day. The failure of secular marriages endangers the success of SDA Christian marriages.
Little has been done by the Church to educate its members concerning successful Christian marriage. This study focuses on educating the church to deal with the problems that cause marriage failure in the SDA Church. The Malawi government is another tool that the church could use to address marriage failure. I have used the Bible, and scientific research methods to suggest workable solutions for Christian marriage. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)
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[pt] A dissertação propõe explorar a fertilidade do pensamento perspectivista para refletir sobre modos de experimentação e produção de escritas contemporâneas e, num sentido mais amplo, arte. Para tanto, o presente estudo concentra-se em procedimentos que ocorrem nestas manifestações os quais podemos chamar de exercícios perspectivistas – experimentos artísticos que mobilizam temas caros ao perspectivismo de todos os matizes, na atenção que estes costumam dar a devires entre natureza e cultura, humano e não humano, sujeito e objeto, matéria e sentido e tantos outros. A reflexão proposta concentra-se na obra de Nuno Ramos – escritor e artista visual. Aqui, seus trabalhos são abordados como escritas contemporâneas do quase. A noção de quasidade é uma categoria perspectivista crucial para o pensamento filosófico da multiplicidade e dos devires (em especial, Nietzsche e Deleuze). Tais filosofias informam, em larga medida, a antropologia de Eduardo Viveiros de Castro em suas reflexões sobre a vida e o pensamento dos povos ameríndios, reflexões que esta pesquisa busca também incorporar. A partir do território descrito e por meio de uma prática ensaística, tomam-se como ocasiões especialmente favoráveis para a investigação um livro (Junco) e uma instalação (Monólogo para um cachorro morto). Tais fazeres artísticos mostram que escritas do quase são persistentemente buscadas por meio das relações entre linguagem, arte, corpo, pensamento e ação. Tais procedimentos são estudados como processos que potencializam pontos de vista, multiplicidades e devires. A dissertação é composta de capítulos autônomos, porém complementares, e permite diferentes percursos de leitura. / [en] This dissertation sets out to explore the fruitfulness of perspectivism in reflecting about ways of experimentation and production in the expanded field of literature and art today. In order to do so, it focuses on some procedures that, recurring in these contemporary manifestations, might be called perspectivist exercises – artistic experiments that mobilize themes so dear to perspectivisms of all hues, in their attention to becomings between nature and culture, human and not human, subject and object, matter and sense, and many others. The study concentrates on the works of writer and visual artist Nuno Ramos, addressed here as instances of contemporary writings of quasi. The notion of quasi-ness is a crucial perspectival category to the philosophical thought of multiplicity and becomings (Nietzsche and Deleuze). Such philosophies largely inform Eduardo Viveiros de Castro s anthropology as found in his works on Amerindian people s lives and minds, a body of reflections that this study also seeks to incorporate. From the described territory and through an essayistic practice, this dissertation takes the installation Monólogo para um cachorro morto and the book Junco as specially favorable occasions for reflection. Such artistic doings show that a writing of quasi is persistently sought by the exploration of relations between language, art, body, thought and action. These procedures are studied as processes that potentiate perspectives, multiplicities and becomings. The autonomous, though complementary chapters, of the dissertation allow for multiple directions and sequences of reading.
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Effek van dagsorg op die wording van die kind / The effect of daycare on the becoming of the childVan Zyl, Erna 07 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / The child's becoming is influenced by the education situation as a whole. The mother-child
relationship plays a crucial role to the child's becoming, hence the initial bonding between
mother and child is considered all-important. All further becoming is based on the motherchild
Another factor that influences becoming is the family situation, with specific reference to the
father. Because the family functions in the context of a particular society, the shift of
emphasis in the modem family and social factors cannot be discounted in the discription of
Becoming takes place in conjunction with learning, development and maturation. These
processes are differentiable but inseparable. The different domains of becoming and
development, namely the affective, cognitive, normative, physical and social, form the
overall context within which the child is investigated.
An adequate educational environment leads tot the child's adequate becoming. At the centre
of any adequate educational environment is the educator acting as mediator between child and
learning content. Both the primary and the secondary educational situation should comply
with the requisites for adequacy.
An empirical investigation was undertaken in accordance with ideographic research methods.
The status of overall becoming and development in children who had been subjected to
different types of daycare was determined in relation to the education situation as a whole,
which is why both the primary and the secondary educational situation were drawn into the
This research has produced the finding that daycare does not necessarily harm the child's
becoming. The overall educational situation must be considered at all times. Daycare has
a recognisable influence on the child's becoming, but the mother-child relationship is the most
decisive factor for the child's becoming. / Kinderlike wording word deur die opvoedingsituasie as totaliteit belnvloed. Die moederkindverhouding
speel die allerbelangrikste rol by kinderlike wording. Daarom word die
aanvanklike binding tussen moeder en kind baie hoog aangeskryf. Alie verdere wording word
geskoei op die moeder-kindverhouding.
Die gesinsituasie, met spesifieke verwysing na die vader, is verdere faktore wat wording
belnvloed. Omdat die gesin binne 'n bepaalde samelewing funksioneer, kan die
klemverskuiwing van die moderne gesin en die samelewingsfaktore nie buite rekening gelaat
word by die beskrywing van wording nie.
Wording vind sy neerslag in samewerking met leer, ontwikkeling en ryping. Hierdie
begrippe is onderskeibaar, maar kan nooit geskei word nie. Die verskillende domeine van
wording en ontwikkeling, naamlik die affektiewe, kognitiewe, normatiewe, fisieke en sosiale
domeine, vorm die totaliteit waarbinne die kind beskou word.
'n Toereik:ende opvoedingsmilieu gee aanleiding tot toereikende wording by die kind. Midde
'n toereikende opvoedingsmilieu staan die opvoeder as bemiddelaar tussen die kind en die
inhoud. Die primere sowel as die sekondere opvoedingsituasies behoort aan die vereistes van
toereikendheid te voldoen.
'n Empiriese ondersoek is aan die hand van die ideografiese navosingsontwerp onderneem.
Die wording en ontwikkeling van kinders vanuit verskillende tipes dagsorg is bepaal. Die
wording en ontwikkeling van die kind in totaliteit word in aanmerking geneem. Wording
word dan in verband gebring met die opvoedingsituasie in sy totaliteit. Daarom is die
primere sowel as die sekondere situasies by die ondersoek betrek.
Hierdie navorsing bevind dat kinderlike wording nie noodwendig negatief deur dagsorg
beinvloed word nie. Die totale opvoedingsituasie van die kind moet telkens in berekening
gebring word. Dagsorg oefen wel 'n invloed op kinderlike wording uit, maar die moederkindverhouding
is die mees bepalende faktor by kinderlike wording. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Nas tramas da pedagogicidade, a emergência do pedagogo-bricoleurRaic, Daniele Farias Freire 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Daniele Farias Freire Raic (danielefreire.uesb@gmail.com) on 2016-01-05T14:39:56Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
Nas tramas da pedagogicidade, a emergência do pedagogo-bricoleur (2).pdf: 2234852 bytes, checksum: c767a913c62a79f308793d54d7f3ff6c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2016-01-07T14:36:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Nas tramas da pedagogicidade, a emergência do pedagogo-bricoleur (2).pdf: 2234852 bytes, checksum: c767a913c62a79f308793d54d7f3ff6c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-07T14:36:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Nas tramas da pedagogicidade, a emergência do pedagogo-bricoleur (2).pdf: 2234852 bytes, checksum: c767a913c62a79f308793d54d7f3ff6c (MD5) / Este trabalho discute os movimentos de composição do Ser pedagogo nos fluxos de sua pedagogicidade. Entende que os pedagogos são afetados e agenciados nas composições de si cujas experiências são entendidas como intensidades, pedagocidades, no devir-pedagogo. Entende o devir em seu puro devir, em contínuos movimentos de eterno retorno, nos processos de diferenciação e diferençação e, neste sentido, posiciona-se em oposição à identidade do pedagogo. Embora entenda que a formação do Ser pedagogo não está restrita à formação acadêmica em Pedagogia, reconhece que sem ela também não seria possível a formação do profissional pedagogo. Argumenta que a formação do pedagogo está imbricada ao currículo, sobre o qual se discute as perspectivas do currículo-decalque, prescritivo, e do currículo- mapa,rizomático, bem como sua correlação. Apoia-se na bricolagem metodológica e traz como dispositivos de investigação o Ateliê das Memórias, as Entrevistas, os Mapas de Vida, as Cartografias-narrativas e as Narrativas Escritas. Os dispositivos foram interpretados a partir de uma abordagem da filosofia da diferença, sem, contudo, presumi-la em sua exegese. O texto
está escrito à maneira de uma Colcha de Retalhos, contando com a participação de seis (06) pedagogos, identificados, à livre escolha, por nomes de tecidos. As interpretações produzidas sugerem a emergência do pedagogo-bricoleur, aquele que cria e inventa suas práticas cotidianas em suas maneiras de fazer, como contínuo aprendiz de si e da profissão. / ABSTRACT This paper discusses the composition movements of the Pedagogue in flows their
pedagogicities. It understands that teachers are affected and promoted in the compositions of themselves and whose experiences are seen as intensities, pedagocities, in the becomingpedagogue
process. It understands becoming in its pure becoming, in continuous movements
of eternal return, through the processes of differentiation and differentiaction, and in this sense, stands in opposition to the pedagogue’s identity. Although it understands that the formation of
the Pedagogue is not restricted to academic training in pedagogy, it recognizes that without it forming the professional pedagogue would not be possible neither. It contends that the
formation of the pedagogue is embedded into the curriculum, about which the prospects of the prescriptive, decal-curriculum and rhizome-like, map-curriculum are discussed, as well as their
correlation. It relies on methodological bricolage and brings as data producing devices the Memories Workshop, the Interviews, the Life Maps, the Cartography-narratives and the
Written Narratives. The devices were interpreted from an approach of the philosophy of difference, without, however, assuming it in his exegesis. The text is written in the manner of a
Patchwork Quilt, with the participation of six (06) pedagogues, identified in a free choice by tissue names. The produced interpretations suggest the emergence of the pedagogue-bricoleur, who creates and invents their everyday practices in their ways of doing as a continuous learner
of themselves and the profession.
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O Pré-Figurativo: diferenciações de um liame musical / The Pré-Figurative: differentiation of a musical bondPedro de Albuquerque Araújo 19 May 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A questão que move esta dissertação é a noção do liame composto a partir do encontro entre duas redes conceituais: o método de ensino musical Pré-Figurativo, de Hans-Joachim Koellreutter, e o pensamento sem imagem, de Gilles Deleuze. Tais conceitos são tomados, aqui, como Multiplicidades em que um é constituído pelo outro, e vice-versa. Trata-se, no caso do ensino musical pré-figurativo, de um método que não se utiliza de modelos prévios e por isso coloca o pensamento em devir e, do pensamento sem imagem, a maneira como tal movimento da produção desse devir-pensar se desterritorializa sendo capaz de delinear algo que ainda não existe, mas que pode existir. Isso caracteriza uma zona de vizinhança, uma espécie de telhagem (tuilage), ou timbragem (no sentido musical do termo), como num telhado mesmo, em que as telhas se recobrem apenas em partes o existir no outro e pelo outro simultaneamente, o que permite que se diga de um devir-outro. O que é um quase outro, mas que não se efetiva no outro ou como outro. Contudo, é com o advento desse liame, ou desse fazer borda, como diria Deleuze, que a música, como ato de criação, acontece, se produz, se autoproduz. / We work here with the notion of bond, composed by the meeting of two conceptual nets: the pre-figurative method of music education, by Hans-Joachim Koellreutter, and the thinking without an image, by Gilles Deleuze. These concepts are taken as multiplicities, one being constituted by the other and vice versa. In the case of pre-figurative, we have a method that does not use previous models and because that takes thinking as becoming; and thinking without an image is a deterritorialising movement designing something that still does not exist but that can exist. That characterized an area neighborhood, a kind of roof, or a tone (in a musical sense), like a concrete roof, in which the tiles to recover only in parts the existence in the other and for the other simultaneously, which allows it to be said of a becoming-other. What is almost another, but it is not another or like another. Its starting from this bond, or this edging, as Deleuze would say, that music, as an act of creation, happens, or is produced.
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Um monge no divã. O adolescer de Guibert de Nogent (1055-1125?): uma análise histórico-psicanalítica / A Monk on the couch: the becoming adolescent of Guibert de Nogent (1055-1125?) - a historic-psychoanalytic methodDavid Léo Levisky 26 November 2004 (has links)
Este estudo retrata o adolescer de Guibert de Nogent, monge da região de Beauvais, norte da França, que viveu entre 1055-1125, aproximadamente. Utiliza-se de um método histórico-psicanalítico com o objetivo de tentar analisar o texto autobiográfico e o contexto vivido por Guibert, durante sua infância e a transição para a vida adulta. Toma-se como pontos de referência para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o conhecimento adquirido pela psicanálise contemporânea sobre o processo adolescente e o contexto histórico da Idade Média, séculos XI-XII. Tendo por base a metapsicologia psicanalítica proveniente de Freud, e de alguns dos seus seguidores, e os conhecimentos da história social, oriundos de Bloch, Vernant e outros, procura-se compreender os aspectos inconscientes e as interferências recíprocas entre sujeito psíquico e cultura. Estuda-se as condições de nascimento e de desenvolvimento, o processo educacional, a entrada na puberdade, a crise e a elaboração do processo adolescente até a vida adulta, dos quais se pode extrair os conteúdos componentes das estruturas e dinâmicas existentes entre as pulsões, o ego e o superego. Analisa-se as interações entre o desenvolvimento do sujeito psíquico e as incorporações provenientes das características do meio familiar, social, afetivo, religioso, cultural, preconizadas e exercidas pelo domínio da Igreja dentro do regime clérico-feudal. Parte-se do estudo particular de um caso para se propor algumas considerações gerais sobre o adolescer na Idade Média. Evidencia-se dois objetivos principais nesta investigação histórico-psicanalítica. O primeiro, tentar definir a existência da adolescência como fenômeno intrínseco do desenvolvimento humano e seus conflitos, durante a construção da identidade adulta e em relação à cultura. O segundo, tentar criar uma metodologia através da interface histórico-psicanalítica, capaz de contribuir para a compreensão da construção do sujeito psíquico em suas relações com os fatos e processos históricos, e que levam em consideração o individual e o coletivo, o psicofísico e o ambiental, o texto e o contexto, o homem e sua cultura. / This study analyses the becoming adolescent of Guibert de Nogent, monk from the Beauvais region, north of France, who lived around 1055-1125. A historic-psychoanalytic method was used, having in mind the analysis of the autobiographic text and the context within which Guibert lived his childhood and his transition to adulthood. The up to date psychoanalytic knowledge about the process towards adolescence and the historic context in the Middle Ages, centuries XI-XII, are the reference points adopted for the development of the present work. The basis for understanding the unconscious aspects and the reciprocal interference between the psychic subject and the culture is the psychoanalytic metapsychology originated with Freud and some of his followers, and from the social history by Bloch, Vernant and others. It is possible to extract the contents from the dynamic structures components which exist between the drives, the ego and the superego by analyzing the conditions of birth, the development, the educational process, the entering into puberty, the crisis and the development of the adolescence process until the adult life. The interactions between the psychic subject and the influences originated from the characteristics of the family, social, affective, religious and cultural environment, imposed and executed by the dominance of the Church within a clerical-feudal regime are analyzed. The study of this one case leads to general considerations about the adolescence process during the Middle Ages. Two main objectives come out from this historic-psychoanalytic research. The first aims at the definition of the existence of the adolescence as intrinsic phenomenon of the human development and its conflicts along the construction of the adult identity and in relation to the culture. The second intents the presentation of a new methodology by means of the historic-psychoanalytic interface, able to contribute to the understanding of the building up process of the psychic subject in relation to the facts and the historic processes, which takes into consideration the individual and the collective, the psychophysic and the environment, the text and the context, the man and his culture.
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