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名古屋大学構内広葉樹二次林の純生産量只木, 良也, TADAKI, Yoshiya, 平野, 綾子, HIRANO, Ayako, 参鍋, 秀樹, SAN-NABE, Hideki, 河口, 順子, KAWAGUCHI, Junko, 平泉, 智子, HIRAIZUMI, Tomoko, 星野, 大介, HOSHINO, Daisuke 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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プラズマディスプレイパネル用電極材料の二次電子放出利得改善に関する研究 / プラズマ ディスプレイ パネルヨウ デンキョク ザイリョウ ノ ニジ デンシ ホウシュツ リトク カイゼン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ本山, 靖 23 January 2008 (has links)
学位授与大学:京都大学 ; 取得学位:博士(工学) ; 学位授与年月日:2008-01-23 ; 学位の種類:新制・論文博士 ; 学位記番号:論工博第3983号 ; 報告番号:乙第12159号 ; 整理番号:25705 ; 請求記号:新制/工/1424 / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(工学) / 乙第12159号 / 論工博第3983号 / 新制||工||1424(附属図書館) / 25705 / UT51-2007-T886 / (主査)教授 橘 邦英, 教授 石川 順三, 教授 鈴木 実 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当
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社會價值與人口變遷之經驗研究:以台灣女性為案例 / A Study of Social Values and Demographic Change: Empirical Evidence and the Implications for Taiwanese Women紀小薇, Torie Gervais Unknown Date (has links)
儒家思想長期影響了臺灣的性別角色以及家庭價值觀。然而儘管儒家思想持續影響, 生育率仍下降至低於人口替代率,晚婚或不婚,男性與女性就讀大學的百分比幾乎相等而職場上與公家機關的女性比例亦有提升。其中一個解釋的角度便是台灣也正跟隨歐洲的腳步,歷經第二次人口轉型。如果台灣的人口轉型是與歐陸價值體系的轉型有所關連,那麼台灣女性勢必可以從中得到更大的自由去選擇他們的人生道路以及達到性別平等。本研究的目的便是企圖找到與此論點相關的證據以及探討這種人口轉型對於女性有什麼意義。我將運用「多元邏輯式回歸方法」(multinomial logistic regression)來分析1985到2015年之間問卷的交叉數據(cross-sectional data)以及2011年由中研院主導的台灣社會變遷調查計畫中所做的家庭調查,試圖在價值導向與家庭型態當中找出潛在關聯性。在回歸分析法當中,證據不足以顯示台灣正在歷經第二次人口轉型,然則,這些證據卻足以證明台灣社會當中的價值轉變。除了數據分析,本論文也試圖融合對台灣女性的深入訪談進行研究,探討伴侶型態與不同生命歷程選擇的成因和影響。訪問數據顯示一部份的社群確實正在經歷人口轉型,其餘則不然。再者,這些女性描述了在追求自我的路途上,職場與家庭之間做出平衡的困難。最後,本研究總結台灣的性別平等之路仍須更多努力。 / Confucianism has long influenced gender roles and family values in Taiwan. Yet despite Confucianism’s continued influence, fertility rates have dropped below replacement level, marriage is being postponed or rejected, percentages of men and women attending university are roughly equal, and women’s participation in the workforce and the government has increased. One proposed explanation is that Taiwan is following in the footsteps of Europe and undergoing the Second Demographic Transition. If Taiwan’s demographic changes were connected to similar value shifts as in Europe, women in Taiwan would benefit from greater freedom to choose their own life course and greater gender equality. This research sought to determine if there is evidence to support that Taiwan is undergoing the Second Demographic Transition and what the implications are for women. Cross-sectional data from 1985 and 2015 general questionnaires and the 2011 family questionnaire of the Taiwan Social Change Survey was analyzed for a potential link between value orientation and household type using multinomial logistic regression. In regression analyses, evidence did not support that Taiwanese society as a whole is experiencing the SDT, though evidence did support value shift over time. Survey data was supplemented with in-depth interviews with Taiwanese women to determine the reasons behind and impact of their union formation and life course choices. Interview data suggested that some sectors of society are undergoing the SDT while others are not. Furthermore, women reported gender equality and difficulty balancing their work and family life as barriers to following their desired life courses. Finally, this research concludes that further efforts are required to attain women’s freedom and equality in Taiwan.
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半導体量子細線における非平衡電流ゆらぎ西原, 禎孝 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18818号 / 理博第4076号 / 新制||理||1586(附属図書館) / 31769 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 / (主査)教授 小野 輝男, 教授 倉田 博基, 教授 島川 祐一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Iron-based Polyanion Cathode Materials for High-Energy Density Rechargeable Lithium and Magnesium Batteries / 高エネルギー密度リチウム及びマグネシウム二次電池用鉄系ポリアニオン正極材料の創製MASESE, TITUS NYAMWARO 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19071号 / 人博第724号 / 新制||人||174(附属図書館) / 26||人博||724(吉田南総合図書館) / 32022 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科相関環境学専攻 / (主査)教授 内本 喜晴, 教授 田部 勢津久, 准教授 藤原 直樹 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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高速クラスター粒子の配向と構造が二次イオン放出に及ぼす効果に関する研究村瀬, 龍 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23890号 / 工博第4977号 / 新制||工||1777(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科原子核工学専攻 / (主査)教授 斉藤 学, 准教授 土田 秀次, 准教授 松尾 二郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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ホウ素中性子捕捉療法における新規薬剤探索のための即発ガンマ線二次元検出器の開発岡﨑, 啓太 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第25284号 / 工博第5243号 / 新制||工||1998(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科原子核工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 浩基, 教授 堀 順一, 准教授 土田 秀次 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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二次擔保債權憑證之評價及其風險衡量-條件機率獨立模型 / The Valuation and Risk Measure of CDO-Squared under Conditional Independence陳嘉祺 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主旨在評價二次擔保債權憑證。在條件獨立機率的假設下,我們使用factor copula的方法去刻劃違約事件間的相關係數,並提供了一個有效率的迴圈演算法去建構損失分配。本方法同時考慮違約數目及違約位置,同時亦可解決重疊性的問題。本文所建構的是Hull and White(2004)的延申模型。我們也對各參數作敏感度分析,以求得其對分券價差的影響。文中亦主張一些風險衝量指標,以量化重疊性的程度等風險議題。 / In this paper we address the pricing issues of CDO of CDOs. Underlying the conditional indepdence assumption we use the factor copula approach to characterize the correlation of defaults events. We provide an efficient recursive algorithm that constructs the loss distribution. Our algorithm accounts for the number of defaults, the location of defaults among inner CDOs, and in addition the degree of overlapping between inner CDOs. Our algorithm is a natural extension of the probability bucketing method of Hull and White (2004). We analyze the sensitivity of different parameters on the tranche spreads of a CDO-squared, and in order to characterize the risk-reward profiles of CDO-squared tranches, we introduces appropriate risk measures that quantify the degree of overlapping among the inner CDOs.
Hull and White (2004) presents a recursive scheme known as probability bucketing approach to construct conditional loss distribution of CDO. However, this approach is insufficient to capture the complexities of CDO².
In the case of the modeling of CDO, we are concerned for the probabilities of different number of defaults upon a time horizon t, e.g., the probabilities of 3 defaults happened within a year. With the mentioned probabilities, we can then calculate the expected loss within the time horizon, which enables us to figure out the spreads of CDO.
However, in the modeling of CDO², an appropriate valuation should be able to overcome two more difficulties: (1) the overlapping structure of the underlying CDOs, and (2) the location where defaults happened, in order to get the fair spreads of CDO².
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網際網路合作學習環境中學習互動型態與認知風格對學習效果之影響--以二次函數之教學為例 / The Learning Effects of Different Interactive Learning Styles and Cognitive Styles in the Internet Collaborative Learning Environment --With the Instruction of Quadratic Functions as an Example黃淑玲, Huang, Shu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
二、 在網路學習環中,不同認知風格的學生在個別學習效果上有差異存在在網際網路個別學習環境中,內控組的學習成效顯著優於外控組。即在網際網路學習環境中,採用個別學習策略,具外控取向特質的學習者,學習成效不佳;而具內控取向特質的學習者,有較佳的學習成效。
四、 網際網路合作學習互動歷程為個人建構、群體澄清、知識重構、群體重構的認知改變模式在網際網路合作學習互動歷程中,個人先形成自我的知識概念,並將個人建構的基模公開呈現與他人分享,當個體的認知概念間產生差異時,合作群體間即產生質疑,並提出澄清,經澄清後合作群體彼此協商,重構知識、統合意見並產生共識,即成為合作小組的認知概念。
五、 同儕模式的網際網路合作學習方式缺少高支持性鷹架結構以同儕為基礎的網際網路合作學習環境中,因學生的先備知識不足及溝通技巧的缺乏,容易產生錯誤概念的學習及習得片斷的知識。是以,針對年齡小或能力低的學習者所設計的網際網路合作學習課程,教師的參與討論與互動是必要的,以能提供學習者高支持性鷹架結構。
六、 在網際網路合作學習環境的互動歷程中,外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者研究中發現外控取向學習者佈題的行為多於內控取向學習者,內控取向學習者解題的行為多於外控取向學習者。
六、應加強國家整體網路基礎建設,使能改善網路教學品質,提高學習成效。 / The Purpose of this study is threefold. One is to explore how to design a quadratic function internet curriculum in the internet computer-based collaborative learning environment, based on constructivism. Second, learning effects of different learning styles and cognitive styles in the internet collaborative learning context are analyzed through empirical research methods. Third, the students' cognitive modes and other relative factors in the collaborative learning interaction process, as well as the students' frequent error types in learning quadratic functions, are identified and analyzed through qualitative research methods.
The research methods adopted in this study include the development of learning software, empirical research methods, questionnaires, interviews, and content analysis. The researcher first developed and assessed the "internet curriculum of quadratic functions", and selected 60 second graders of a junior high school as research subjects, according to the students' learning and cognitive styles, and categorizing them into the group of internal locus of control with individual learning, the group of external locus of control with individual learning, the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning to implement teaching experiments. After the experiments were finished, the research conducted a written test, questionnaire surveys, and interviews.
Besides, the students' dialogue data on Bulletin Board System was collected and analyzed. Based on the analysis results of this study, the main conclusionsare as follows:
1. Internet collaborative learning environment facilitates students learning the concepts of quadratic functions. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, interactive web pages provide visualized collaborative learning context, assist learners to transform algebraic representation into geometric representation, and give learners opportunities to compare and rethink in different conditions about the relations of algebra and geometry in quadratic functions. All of which have been proved to have concrete learning effects.
2. In the environment of the internet learning, individual learning effect differences exist among students of different cognitive learning styles. In the environment of the internet individual learning, learning effects of the external control group are better than those of the internal control group. In other words, learners with external locus of control, using individual learning strategies do not have good learning effects. However, learners with internal locus of control have better learning effects.
3. In the environment of the internet learning, there is no significant differences among students with different cognitive styles. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, the learning effects among the group of internal locus of control collaborative learning, the group of external locus of control with collaborative learning, and the group of mixing internal-external locus of control with collaborative learning show no significant differences. This study shows collaborative learning help improve the learning effects of learners with external locus of control, and ease the impacts of cognitive styles on learners.
4. The interaction process of the internet collaborative learning is a cognitive revolution of individual construction, group clarification, knowledge reconstruction, and group reconstruction. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, individuals form self knowledge concepts, and shares their self-constructed sckema with other people. When individual cognitive differences occur, there will be questioning, clarifying, negotiating, reconstructing the knowledge, integratingopinions, and reaching common agreements, which will become the cognitive concepts of the collaborative group.
5. Peer collaborative learning on the internet lacks highly-supportive scaffolding structures. In the context of peer collaborative internet learning, it is easy for students to learn incorrect concepts and incomplete knowledge content, owning to their insufficient prior knowledge and communication skills. Therefore, in designing the internet collaborative learning curriculum for young or incompetent learners, it is a must to involve the teachers to join the discussion and interaction, in order to provide learners highly-supportive scaffolding structures.
6. In the interaction process of the internet collaborative learning, learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. The study finds that learners with external locus of control have more problem posing behaviors than those with internal locus of control. On the other hand, learners with internal locus of control have more problem solving behaviors than those with external locus of control.
Based on the research results, this study proposes the following suggestion for the reference of teachers, educational media designers, education admonitions, and future researchers:
1. Discipline experts, education experts, internet engineers, computer programmers, art designers should cooperate to develop the internet curricula which meet learners' needs more perfectly.
2. Different internet teaching strategies should be provided based on learners' characteristics, in order to make the constructed internet curricula meet learners' needs more perfectly.
3. In the environment of internet collaborative learning, syllabus design should be mainly on discussing situations, sharing knowledge, and solving problems, in order to facilitate collaboration effects.
4. It is better to set the internet interface design standards and evaluation indexes to provide a basis for the internet curricular development.
5. In the environment of the internet collaborative learning, teachers should attend students' discussions when needed, functioning as scaffolding support.
6. National Information Infrastructure should be improved to have higher internet learning quality and thus to enhance learning effects.
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"満洲国"の技術員・技術工養成の諸施策に関する研究 : --戦時下の技術員・技能工養成に関する原正敏の研究を語る--佐々木, 享, Sasaki, Susumu 22 November 2009 (has links)
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