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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


簡婉筠 Unknown Date (has links)
當今企業無不認為「人才是企業最大的資產」,而企業間搶奪人才之人才戰爭隨著人才供給的減少越演越烈,然而多數企業對於人才只有一模糊概念,但在對人才沒有明確定義下,企業也無法從事人才管理的活動,遑論藉由人才產生企業本身之競爭優勢。 對於人才之定義,學界及業界始終未有一定論,本研究嘗試藉由關於人才及人才管理之文獻探討歸納出學界及業界對於人才之定義分類,共可分為以下三類:一、能力說,具有高績效及高潛力的人即為人才;二、職位說,人才是位居要職的人;三、全員說,在企業中人人都是人才。並且闡述此三種定義背後之支持理論以及中心思想。 接著,奠基在此三種分類上,尋找相對應之個案進行驗證,能力說之驗證個案為奇異電子(General Electronic,GE);能力說之驗證個案為日本工具機製造商天田株式會社(Amada);全員說之驗證個案則為搜尋引擎龍頭Google。除了分別驗證三種人才定義之可行性外,本研究發現企業採取不同人才定義有其營運情境,並且企業會隨發展階段不同而選擇不同的人才定義,同時設計相對應之人才管理作法。企業可運用本研究之結論,檢視自身營運情境及需求選擇合適的人才定義,並搭配適當之人才管理作法。 關鍵字:人才、人才定義、人才管理


江進發 Unknown Date (has links)
這個研究是利用類似輔導情境的實驗方法,從特質與處理交互作用的觀點,探討輔導員的聲望與受輔者的人格特質對受輔意願的影響。實驗的自變項有三:聲望(分學歷聲望、經歷聲望、控制組等三種)、權威性人格(分權威,非權威二種),內外控取向(分內控、外控二種)。依變項是受輔意願,包括求助意願、坦露意願、了解感受、真誠感受、可信感受、助益感受與關切感受七個項目。 研究的假設有七: 1.輔導員聲望的不同不會顯著的造成受輔意願的差異。 2.權威性的受輔者和非權威性的受輔者在受輔意願上無顯著的差異。 3.內控的受輔和外控的受輔者在受輔意願上無顯著的差異。 4.輔導員的聲望與受輔者的權威性人格對受輔意願沒有顯著的交互影響作用。 5.輔導員的聲望與受輔者的內外控取向對受輔意願沒有顯著的交互影響作用。 6.受輔者的權威性人格與內外控取向對受輔意願沒有顯著的交互影響作用。 7.輔導員的聲望與受輔者的權威性人格,內外控取向對受輔意願沒有顯著的交互影響作用。 實驗的方法採用 3 ×2 ×2多因設計。108名男性受試者和120名女性受試者係自18班高二學生當中選取。取樣時,以修訂F量表分數的上、下各33%劃分權威、非權威,以洛特內-外量表分數的上、下各33%劃分外控、內控。實驗處理的進行是讓受試者聽一段輔導晤談錄音。學歷聲望組,輔導員被形容是個學歷高,頭銜好的輔導者;經歷聲望組,輔導員被描述為經驗豐,表現好的輔導者;控制組,則無任何有關輔導員聲望的描述。 研究的結果依假設的次序,分述如下: 1.男生部分,在真誠感受、可信感受、助益感受與關切感受上,學歷組高於經歷組;而在真誠感受與助益感受上,控制組也高於經歷組;其餘各項,聲望的主要影響均未達顯著的水準。女生部分,聲望對受輔意願的影響均未達顯著的水準。 2.男生部分,在關切感受上,權威組高於非權威組;其餘各項,權威性人格的主要影響均未達顯著水準。女生部分,在真誠感受上,權威組高於非權威組;其餘各項,權威性人格的主要影響均未達顯著水準。女生部分,在真誠感受可信感受上,權威組高於非權威組;其餘各項,權威性人格的主要影響,則未達顯著水準。 3.男生部分,內外控取向對受輔意願的主要影響,未達顯著水準。女生部分,在助益感受上,內控組高於外控組;其餘各項,內外控取向的主要影響則未達顯著水準。 4.不論男生部分或女生部份,聲望與權威性人格對受輔意願的交互作用效果,均未達顯著水準。 5.不論男生部分或女生部份,聲望與內外控取向對受輔意願的交互作用效果,均未達顯著水準。 6.男生部分,在求助意願與坦露意願上,外控權威組高於外控非權威組,內控非權威組也高於外控非權威組;其餘各項,權威性人格與內外控取向的交互作用效果,則未達顯著水準。女生部分,權威性人格與內外控取向對受輔意願的交互作用效果,均未達顯著水準。 7.男生部分,在可信感受上,學歷外控權威組高於經歷內控權威組和經歷內控非權威組;其餘各項,聲望與權威性人格、內外控取向的交互作用效果,則未達顯著水準。女生部分,聲望與權威性人格、內外控取向對受輔意願的交互作用效果,則均未達顯著水準。 針對上述的研究結果,研究者分別加以解釋和討論,並對未來的研究,提出建議。


楊熙 Unknown Date (has links)
自從進入研究所以來,筆者無時不在想,究竟應該研究甚麼問題來結束這三年的學業。因為自己對新理論特別感到興趣,在選修課業時乃特意先修「政治發展」,旁聽新興「國家建立問題」,繼而選修「東南亞各國政府」。蒙江師炳倫張師文蔚刻意教誨,遂決定探索新興國家面對的困窘而與我國有關者:華僑問題。華僑問題以東南亞地區最為嚴重,而東南亞各國中,又以印尼政情最為複雜,因此筆者決定以印尼華人作畢業論文。經營年餘,共得約十萬言有餘。下筆之先,曾經先參看艾里斯。柏格(Elins Berg)著民主政治與多數決(Democracy and the Majority Principle)及江師炳倫著政治變遷與下級商人(Political Change and Pariah Entrepreurship)二文,獲取一些理論方面的指引。全文分緒論、敘述、分析、解釋、結論等五章。 第一章:緒論,又分為四節,分別解釋論文的性質、範圍、取材,與處理材料的方法。 第二章:印尼華人的遭遇。分十節。敘述問題產生的背景及十九年來華人所遭受的各種慘況、拘禁、迫遷、禁營、苛捐、殘殺、驅逐等。 第三章:印尼華人遭遇的分析。分五節。從國籍問題、印尼政爭、經濟難局、社會背景、意識形態五個方面,探究為甚麼印尼華人會有這種遭遇。寫這一章時,費時最多。 第四章:理論解釋與政策估測。分三節。試從許多理論架構推斷印尼華人的遭遇,是否理所必然。是全文的重心。前一章的分析,正可作此推斷的驗徵。 第五章:結論。分二節。第一節就第三章的分析與第四章的解釋,推論華人如何繼續在印尼生存下去,其決定性的因素是什麼?第二節論述筆者研究海外華人問題的一點綜合的心得。 本文雖然是筆者選讀政治發展與東南亞政府二課程的直接結果,但在觀念上則企圖運用多學科訓練,借問題處理方式探求問題的真象。全文以歸納法為主,以演繹法為輔,層層推論。在橫的方面,本文涉及一、華人與印尼政府之間的關係,二、華人與印尼人之間的關係,三、華人與其祖國之間的關係三個大問題。在縱的方面,又舉出三個核心問題:一、華人是否會同化為印尼人?二、華人是否有助於印尼的現代化?三、中國如何維護華人的利益?逐步加以分析辯難。唯作者才疏識淺,初次習作,疏漏之處自難避免,尚祈諸位師長繼續教誨。 在寫作期間,每有疑難,或向師長請益,或就專家教正,或學長問難,或與同學駁辯,皆有斷於筆者澄清觀念,獲益匪淺。而江師炳倫幾度審視章節,披閱初稿,張師文蔚予筆者二年往復辯難的機會,高委員長信容許筆者往東亞研究所□□□所講授華僑問題課程,易師君博、馬主任樹禮、區先生鉅龍、鐘先生廣興,熱心提供資料,羅師孟浩、朱師堅章釋疑解惑,楊師日青、李師偉成、張師煥卿勗勉關切,特此申誌感謝之忱。三年間,呂師春沂時時鼓勵關懷,更使筆者銘感肺腑。

臺北市戶政人員工作壓力、工作滿足與工作績效關係之研究 / Research on the relationship between work stress, job satisfaction and work performance: A Case study of household registration officers of Taipei city

翁源泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討臺北市各區戶政事務所戶政人員工作壓力、工作滿足及工作績效之關係。除應用文獻探討法,建構本研究架構與研究假設,並採用問卷調查法,內容包含工作壓力量、工作滿足量表、工作績效量表與戶政人員個人背景資料等四部分之問卷為研究工具,採全面性普查方式實施問卷測試,問卷總共發出650份,回收547份,回收率84.15%,有效問卷為529份。其以SPSS for Windows 12.0為處理分析資料的工具,分別以描述性統計分析,t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及迴歸分析等方法,敘寫結果分析及提出結論與建議。 本研究結果顯示: (一)在工作壓力方面:以「組織外部」及「個人因素」構面的壓力程度最高。另在個人背景與工作壓力上,不同戶政人員在年齡、職位及服務年資上有顯著差異存在。 (二)在工作滿足方面:以「工作事件」構面滿足程度最高。另在個人背景與工作滿足上,不同戶政人員在婚姻、職位、官等及服務年資上有顯著差異存在。 (三)在工作績效方面:以「任務績效」構面表現程度最高。另在個人背景與工作績效上,不同戶政人員在年齡、婚姻、職位、官等及服務年資上有顯著差異存在。 另外,對於工作壓力與工作績效及工作滿足與工作績效上有顯著關連性存在。最後,則根據研究發現提出改善及建議,供主管機關訂定相關管理措施之參考,以達到降低工作壓力及提高工作滿足與工作績效之目的。 / This essay treats of the relationship between work stress, job satisfaction and work performance of all district household registration officers in Taipei City. Besides using literature review to conduct the framework and hypotheses, this research adopts the investigation method of questionnaire which contains scales of work stress, scale of job satisfaction, scale of work performance and personal background information of household registration officers, and uses the comprehensive general way to conduct this questionnaire. 650 questionnaires were sent out and 547 retrieved. The retrieving rate is 84.15%. The effective questionnaires are 529. Adopting SPSS for Windows 12.0 to analysis materials. Using descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise regression analysis to analyze the data and address conclusions and suggestions. The result of study shows: ⑴Work stress: “Outside organization” and “personal factor” made the highest work stress. Regarding personal background and work stress of different officers of household registration it shows significant difference in age, position, and service seniority. ⑵Job Satisfaction: “Work incident” made the highest satisfaction. Regarding the personal background and job performance, different officers of household registration show significant difference in marriage positions, officer and service seniority. ⑶Work performance: “Task Performance” made the highest performance. Regarding the personal background and work performance, different officers of household registration show significant difference in age, marriage, position, officer and service seniority. Both work stress and job satisfaction have significant correlation with work performance. Finally, according the results of this research, improvements and suggestions are presented to give the competent authorities to make the relevant rules to reduce work stress and increase job satisfaction and work performance.

個人電腦與網通產業ODM的比較與分析 / A comparison between computer and networking industries - The case of ODM models

林育駐, Lin, Albert Unknown Date (has links)
個人電腦與網通產業ODM的比較與分析 / A comparison between computer and networking industries – The case of ODM models By Albert Lin, 林育駐 The OEM or ODM business model has been playing a critical role in the history of Taiwan’s industrial development. The business model has evolved, and has eventually been applied, most successfully on the personal computer (PC) industry. In the past decade, the personal computer industry has become the backbone for Taiwan’s information technology (IT) industry, whereby Taiwanese ODM suppliers provide design and manufacturing services to world-class, famous brand name manufacturers like Dell Computer or Hewlett-Packard, to name just a few. Compared with the personal computer industry’s beginnings, the networking equipment industry was initiated a bit later and flourished at its peak before the internet bubble in the beginning of this century. There are quite a few differences between the nature of the personal computer industry and the networking equipment industry in terms of operation of their ODM business models. For instance, the personal computer market is now becoming very saturated and mature with an excessive number of competitors in the industry. Meanwhile, the networking equipment market is still growing with products with various new features, or applications created by the increasing demand of broadband and wireless from the general public. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the differences when adapting Michael Porter’s five forces model frame work, and from its assessments in understanding the attractiveness level among the two industries that make them what they are today. From the assessment by Michael Porter’s five forces’ frame work in terms of threat of entry, threat of rivalry, threat of suppliers, threat of buyers, and threat of substitutes, a conclusion was drawn that the networking equipment ODM industry is more attractive than the personal computer industry.

國片閱聽眾之動機與滿意度研究 / Audience for local-made films in Taiwan

賴正翔 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本論文研究主題為「國片閱聽人」,想要了解觀賞國片的閱聽人的觀賞動機、是否獲得滿足等;本研究的研究方法,採取「調查法」與「深度訪談」法併行,先詢問一般國片閱聽眾,之後再依據調查結果,以滾雪球方式,尋找深度訪談受訪者。 根據本研究調查發現,國片閱聽人觀賞國片的頻率以半年一次最多,而觀賞動機與觀賞後的滿意度都不強,研究並發現觀國片的頻率高低,不會影響對國片的滿意度。研究結果可以解釋近年來國片票房不佳的現象。 雖然國片閱聽人對國片觀賞動機與滿意度都不佳,但透過交叉分析,本研究發現有一群國片的「核心觀眾」,這一群核心觀眾觀看國片的頻率為至少每二個月看國片一次,而他們對於國片的觀賞動機與滿意度,都普遍高於非核心觀眾。 根據本研究發現,這一群國片的核心觀眾的人口變項為,三十歲以下、職業為學生、大眾傳播與藝術相關工作者;對於國片觀眾觀賞動機與滿意度普遍高於非核心觀眾,他們對國片也普遍有比較多的想法。 本研究進一步進行深度訪談後發現,國片閱聽人對於觀賞國片動機不強與滿意度不高的原因包括,「國片得獎不一定好看」,看國片不能讓閱聽眾有「放鬆」的感覺,無法融入劇情中,「會覺得很失望」,「沒有聲光效果」及「畫面不夠美」等。   閱聽人對於國片的建議,則包括「導演功力」與「劇情表現」再加強、「行銷與宣傳」也相當重要,「明星制度的培養」、「政府的角色」、「產業結構的變革」等,都是受訪者認為,當前國片環境需要有的改變。  根據上述研究結果,本研究向國片業者提出建議,國片業者在策劃與開拍電影響,應針對學生、三十歲以下的主力族群,走向年輕化、更接近市場的核心;而國片觀眾中也有為數不少的大眾傳播行業與藝術行業的背景者,因此,也應就行銷角度,就這二類職業背景的閱聽眾,進行市場調查,以拍出符合他們動機與滿意度的國片。並搭配包括口碑、人際行銷,與其他的行銷工具,才能讓國片在市場上立足。 / Thesis Abstract This paper is mainly dealing with the subject on " Audience for local-made films in Taiwan" and trying to find out the reasons why people go to the local-made movies, and how they felt about the movies afterwards. Such study is approached in two ways—general questionnaire and in-depth interviews with individuals. After the general questionnaire, in-depth interviews with selected individuals from questionnaire results are proceeded. This study indicates that most people go to a local-made movie once every six months. They often find the movies uninteresting and not worth watching, either. Moreover, the questionnaires reveal that even one goes to a local-made movie more frequently is not necessarily more satisfied . Such results imply the unpopularity and the unsuccessfulness of the local movie industry. Although the general public is not quite satisfied with local-made movies, there is a specific group of moviegoers who are often more supportive and they go to a domestic movie at least once every other month. This supporting group of domestic movies primarily consists of students majoring in mass media or arts. Most of them are under the age of thirty. They also have more thoughts and ideas about domestic movies. In deeper investigations of this study, we generalize the following reasons why people dislike domestic movies: “an awarded movie is not necessarily worth watching,” “domestic movies are not relaxing enough,” “the plots are not easy to relate to,” “it’s disappointing,” “the sound effects and the pictures are not as attractive as foreign movies,” and “the picture is not well-filmed.” Moviegoers suggest that the domestic movie directors to improve their directing skills, plots, and advertisement/propaganda. Furthermore, the training of the actors , the role of the government, and the innovative changes of domestic film industry are the main point of views from the interviewees. In conclusion, analyzing all questionnaires and interviews , we suggest those who associate with domestic movie industry, in terms of filming and playwriting, aim at younger population, and those who associate with media and arts as well. In marketing, more surveys will help the movie associates understand the trends of the market and film better , and hopefully obtain a better reputation for local-made movies in Taiwan.

人力資源諮詢營運計畫 / HR consulting business plan

王理查, Vries, Richard de Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源諮詢營運計畫 / None

一個以代理人為基礎具有分散式認證授權服務的安全性電子交易環境 / An Agent-Based Secure E-Commerce Environment with Distributed Authentication and Authorization Services

李英宗, Lee, Ing-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究計畫的主題在於研究代理人的可信度管理,首要的目標是建立一個以代理人為基礎的安全式電子交易環境。以目前的情況來看,唯有代理人的觀念及技術來執行電子商務仲介者的角色,利用軟體代理者具有自主性,及適時反應等特質,提供服務時的效益和彈性,再輔以適當的安全性管理及深入的可信度探討,電子商務才可能被具體應用到人類實際日常生活上。在作法上除了採用FIPA的規格作為代理人系統平台的實作標準,延伸XML/RDF來便利代理人的建構與溝通,更進一步結合X.509及SPKI/SDSI兩種類型憑證的優點,導入分散式認證授權的觀念,並透過RBAC的控管,形成多重代理人系統的安全架構。配合相關的信任策略及商務模型,以期完成建構一個以代理人為基礎可信任安全式電子交易環境的目標。 / This thesis describes an agent-based secure E-Commerce environment with distributed authentication and authorization services. The previous researches about security issues in agent-mediated E-commerce do not solve the problems of deals with strangers. We merge role based access control (RBAC) concept for adapting the certificates to different business models or new content-based network. Several types of agent delegation mechanism based on our role certificates and some considerations about how to achieve agent trust management with policies both in logics and practice are presented. Finally, We will demonstrate a scenario on FIPA OS system by using agent communication language (ACL) and content language (CL) encoded by XML and XML/RDF.


鄭偉靜 Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸人蛇集團仲介人口走私之研究 / A study of Cross-Strait human trafficking by human smuggling organizations

賴學帥 Unknown Date (has links)
由於各國對移民、入出境政策以及相關的管制措施,產生合法移民與入出境的人流,也因而產生非法移民及入出境的情形。而在非法移民當中,「人口販運」之情形是一種極端。人蛇集團在整個偷渡的過程更扮演催化劑的角色,他們為謀取販賣與質押人口的暴利,甚至親自經營色情行業,或配合色情業者需求,強迫賣淫和勞動為目的而販運男、女、及兒童,其規模及人數在大陸地區日益擴大,經營方式及走私手法也不斷創新。並且利用各種場合搜尋適當女性,運用各種方法將其運送來台或至他國,本研究主要是藉由蒐集人蛇集團「人口販運」及「人口走私」之具體個案,以瞭解人蛇集團販運人口之現況,探討兩岸人蛇集團形成的因素及其組織結構與販運流程,研擬防制策略,提出具體可行辦法。 / Because of the immigration policies and related management measures of all the countries, human flows including legal and illegal immigrations are created. Among cases of illegal immigration, “human trafficking” cases are at the extreme. Human smugglers play the role of catalysts in processes of stowing away. They sell humans for huge profits. Some of them even run sex-related businesses by themselves or cooperate with the pornography industry to make male, female, and child stowaways into prostitutes. The number of victims and the scale of these businesses have been growing in Mainland China. And there are more and more creative measures to run business and to smuggling humans. They look for suitable women in all kinds of places and send them to Taiwan or other countries through all kinds of channels. This study aimed to explore the current status of human trafficking by human smuggles and discuss the causes of human smugglers, structures of their organizations, and processes of selling humans through the case study of “human trafficking” and “human smuggling” cases, in order to develop prevention strategies and propose possible workable solutions.

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