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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


徐惠美 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 人事行政業務攸關公務員的權利義務與整體福利,在法令規章繁複及知識爆發的時代,要以有限的人力服務大多數人,又需兼顧服務品質的要求下,亟需尋找「創新」與「執簡御繁」的管理方式,以減少蒐集相關專業知識的時間、用對處理方式及縮短處理流程。 新一波的管理趨勢—知識管理,就是把組織中的各類生活知識做有系統的整理、排比、儲存、運用與擴散,適時地將正確的知識給予有需要的成員,以幫助其採取正確的行動 增進組織績效的持續性過程。這樣的過程包含了知識的創造 、確認、收集、分類儲存、分享取用、使用改進與淘汰等步驟。易言之,知識管理就是以組織中知識的產生、轉換、創造、分享與管理流程為主的管理方式。這種管理方式的內涵與處理人事業務所欲追尋的管理內涵相符合。 是以,本研究首先析論知識管理理論、知識管理與訓練發展的關係及知識管理在訓練發展上的應用;並透過深度訪談探討人事機構的實際運作是否充分發揮知識管理的精神;繼而提出如何以融入知識管理精神的人力資源訓練發展來改善之建議,供主管機關、學校人事機構及後續研究之參考。 / Abstract Personnel Administration focuses on the rights,Obligations and overall welfare of the public officers. In an era when the laws and decrees regulations becoming complicated, and the range of knoeledge widens to an accelerating pace, personnel administration seeks to serve a great number of people with limited human resources, while giving due consideration to both service and quality. The management skills of “creativeness” and “to manage many with just a few” are sought after in order to reduce the time needed to collect related special knowledge, to solve the problems with the right method, and to cut short procedures of handling various affairs. The new trend of management, “knowledge management”, is to systematically sort out, arrange and compare,store,use and expand all kinds of knowledge in daily life, and transmits the right knowledge to people who need them at the right time.It is an ongoing process to help people take the right actions to increase the achievement of the whole organization. This process includes the various steps of creation, confirmation, collection, classification, storage, sharing, application, improvement and elimination of knowledge. In other words, knowledge management is a management method that concentrates on the production, transference, creation and sharing of knowledge within the organization as well as the procedures of management. The content of this kind of management method is in accordance the kind of management method that personnel management is looging for. Therefore, this research discuss knowledge management theory, the relatios between ”knowledge management” and “ training and development”, knowledge management how could be applied to “training and development” firstly. In addition, this research will probe into the working of personnel offices through un-depth interviews of Hsinchu County’s junior high schools’ personnel officers. This research will sum up with the suggestions of the applications of knowledge management in “training and development” to offer as reference for the personnel offices of related institutions and schools and for follow-up researches.

公務機關人事人員角色定義幅度對組織公民行為影響之研究 / A Study of the Effect of Personnel Officer’s Role Definition on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Sector

張芳琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於研究公務機關人事人員的角色定義幅度及組織公民行為,瞭解人事人員對自身工作角色界定的認知及組織公民行為的表現程度。藉由文獻探討及運用量化統計分析方法探討公務機關人事人員的角色定義幅度與其組織公民行為間之關聯性,瞭解其角色定義幅度影響組織公民行為的程度。 本研究以行政院所屬各機關暨地方政府人事機(關)構人員為研究對象,有效問卷413份,問卷回收後以敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行資料分析。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要研究發現如下: 一、公務機關人事人員能認同並表現出較傳統人事管理以外更多元的角色,並有逐漸轉向員工貢獻管理角色之趨勢。 二、公務機關人事人員在組織中能表現出良好的組織公民行為,尤其能致力於維持人際上的和諧。 三、性別、年齡、工作年資、婚姻狀況、現任職務、服務機關隸屬在角色定義幅度上有顯著差異。 四、年齡、工作年資、婚姻狀況、現任職務在組織公民行為上有顯著差異。 五、公務機關人事人員角色定義幅度與組織公民行為之間有中度至高度相關。 六、角色定義幅度「策略夥伴」對組織公民行為「敬業」、「樂群」並無顯著預測力。 七、角色定義幅度「行政管理專家」對組織公民行為「敬業」之預測力最大。 八、角色定義幅度「員工關懷者」對組織公民行為「樂群」、「守分」、「忠誠」、「熱心」之預測力最大。 九、角色定義幅度「變革推動者」對組織公民行為「敬業」、「忠誠」、「熱心」無顯著預測力;在「樂群」、「守分」具有顯著的負向預測力。 最後,根據研究結果,提出建議供人事主管機關及人事人員管理實務上之參考。 / This study focuses on the topic of public personnel officers’ role definition and organizational citizen behavior in public sector. We use statistical methods to analyze the relationships between personnel staff’s role definitions and organizational citizenship behavior. This study collects 413 samples from agencies of local government and central government: Executive Yuan. We use descriptive statistics, t test, oneway ANOVA and pearson correlation to analyze the raw data which this study collected. The main statistical results are below: 1.Public personnel staff could recognize and perform an extra role beyond traditional personnel management. 2. Those public personnel staffs who have more organizational citizenship behavior than the other ones in public sector committed highly to maintain interpersonal harmony. 3.There is significant difference among gender, age, years of service, marital status, current position, service agency on role definition. 4.There is significant difference among age, years of service, marital status, current position on organization citizenship behavior. 5.There is mid to highly correlationship between personnel officer’s role definition and organizational citizenship behavior in public sector. 6.The subconstruct strategic partnership of role definition does not predict significantly on those subconstructs of sportsmanship and interpersonal harmony . 7.The administrative expert has the greatest predictive ability on sportsmanship. 8.The employee advocate does significantly predict on sportsmanship , conscientiousnesss, loyalty and altruism. 9.The change agent has no obvious predictive ability on sportsmanship, loyalty, altruism, and has significantly negative effect on interpersonal harmony and conscientiousnesss. Finally, the research conclusions will provide practical suggestions to personnel directors in public sector.

基層人事人員離職因素之研究-以司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構為例 / A Study on Turnover Factors of Junior Personnel Officers in the Judicial Institutions of Taiwan

陳貞秀, Chen, Chen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
對於組織而言,雖然人員的流動是一種正常現象,但是過高的離職率反倒會對組織產生不良影響。以司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構為例,雖然其內部遷調機制尚稱完善,但相較於2008年至2012年行政機關薦任(派)以下公務人員平均離職率6.53%,司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構基層人事人員2008年至2012年之平均離職率仍高達11.29%。 為了解上述基層人事人員高離職率背後所隱含的原因,本文以質的研究方法,運用文獻探討法及深度訪談方式,探究司法院人事處暨所屬人事機構基層人事人員之離職因素,以期找出問題所在並提出對策。 / For the organization, the movement of persons is a normal phenomenon. However, the high turnover rate actually adversely affects the organization. Take Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions for example. Despite their internal mechanism for transfer is acceptable, the average turnover rate of Junior Personnel officers in Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions is still as high as 11.29% from 2008 to 2012, while the average turnover rate of Junior Personnel officer in The Executive Yuan is only 6.53% in the same period. In order to find the reasons of high turnover rate of junior personnel officer in Judicial Personnel Office and its subordinate personnel institutions, I used qualitative research method, documentary Analysis and depth interviews in this thesis. By doing so, we may identify the problem about this issue, come up with strategies to deal with them.

我國人事人員訓練與陞遷結合問題探討 / Research on the integration of personnel staff training and promotion of Taiwan R.O.C

沈慧珍, Shen, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
公務人員之訓練應逐步成為陞遷的必要條件,且與國家人才儲備密切配合,始得相得益彰,現行訓練種類多樣,惟部分信度與效度或似不足,難以達成訓練功效,切合機關用人需求。Kirkpatrick所提出的四層次訓練評鑑成效模型,是在評估中最廣為人知的理論,而「評鑑中心」符合其中「行為層次」評鑑所要求的「測量受訓者將所學運用到實際工作的程度」,且鑒於其重要構面「核心職能」的養成,實為近年來我國人事人員培訓之重點。故將本研究聚焦於「評鑑中心」與「核心職能」二大區塊,並以2011年度「科長級人事人員研習班」為個案研究對象。 本研究旨在探討人事人員訓練與陞遷結合問題,而公務人員陞遷法已明文列舉訓練應為陞遷之評比項目,又現行實務運作上,得以陞任評分標準表呈現。所以,本研究首先發現在「訓練」這個部分,絕大多數人事機構以參加學習時數折算成績,似無法直接反映某項能力,且受訪者咸認為該項目是不重要並會影響業務之推動,導致占陞遷配分比例過低,推究其原因是對於目前訓練成效的質疑。建議目前以透過調整評比內容為優先考量,未來則可統一規劃人事人員陞任評分標準表,以達具信度與效度之訓練成果。 其次,在瞭解研究對象對於導入多元評鑑發展人事職能之認同度方面,主要發現對於中階主管而言,訓期的長短與型態,是相當重要的,分散式訓練著重課程規劃,集中式則要落實職務代理。此外,訓練之目的應為提昇人事人員素質,增進行政效能,尤其若要與陞遷結合,為避免浪費訓練資源或流於形式,應先區隔受訓者之業務屬性、適時回饋並建立追蹤機制。 最後,因目前人事人員職務的晉陞,一方面並未強制規定陞任人員必須經歷何種訓練,另一方面,因不重視訓練,以至於與陞遷未能有效結合。建議落實訓練與陞遷結合於相關法規的修訂,且考量以職能為導向的評鑑訓練儼然已是趨勢,未來應全面啟動以核心職能為基礎之評鑑中心,並將結果導入人事人員陞任評分標準表。

非主管人事人員工作壓力與因應策略之研究:以行政院主計總處人事處為例 / The Work Stress and Coping Strategies of the Rank-and-file Personnel Staff : A Case Study of Personnel Department in Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan

林以捷, Lin,Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以行政院主計總處人事處之非主管人事人員為研究對象,主要目的在探討行政院主計總處人事人員工作壓力之來源類型,並提出紓解行政院主計總處人事人員工作壓力之具體因應對策。本研究主要研究方法為質化研究之文獻分析法及深度訪談法,並以行政院主計總處人事處8位非主管人事人員作為訪談對象,透過分析訪談資料,獲致研究結論如下: 一、行政院主計總處人事人員感受到相當程度之工作壓力。 二、行政院主計總處人事人員工作壓力來源類型可分為三種:(一)與組織有關之工作壓力(二)與工作本身有關之工作壓力(三)與個人有關之工作壓力。 三、行政院主計總處人事人員會綜合使用「問題焦點因應策略」及「情緒焦點因應 策略」。 四、行政院主計總處人事人員在處理與組織、工作本身有關之工作壓力時,會綜合使用「問題焦點因應策略」及「情緒焦點因應策略」;處理與個人有關之工作壓力時,會單獨使用「問題焦點因應策略」。 五、行政院主計總處人事人員可運用適當因應策略紓解工作壓力。 根據以上研究結論,本研究提出建議,以供實務參考。 關鍵字:人事人員、工作壓力、因應策略 / This study takes the Rank-and-file Personnel Staff in Personnel Department of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan as the object to discuss what types of work stress they face and post the coping strategies. It mainly apply Qualitative Research’s Document analysis and In-depth Interview to analyze interview data of 8 Rank-and-file Personnel Staff of Personnel Department in Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan. 1.Staff in Personnel Department of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan are under certain degree of work stress. 2.There are three types of work stress:A. Organization-related、B. Work-related、C.Person-related. 3.Staff in Personnel Department of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan multiply apply strategies of 「Problem-focus Coping Strategies」and 「Emotion-focusCoping Strategies」 4.Staff in Personnel Department of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan multiply apply strategies of 「Problem-focus Coping Strategies」and「Emotion-focus Coping Strategies」to deal with Organization-related and Work-related work stress;individually apply「Problem-focus Coping Strategies」to deal with Person-related work stress. 5.Staff in Personnel Department of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan are able apply coping strategies to release work stress. According to the conclusion, the essay is advised for reference to actual situation. Keywords:Personnel Staff,Work Stress, Coping Strategies


陳淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化競爭壓力下,「策略性人力資源管理」、「核心能力」、「能力模式」等概念的提出,使人力資源管理遭遇競爭力提昇的挑戰。本研究首先探討70年代至90年代人力資源管理面臨的演變與發展,其次探討策略性人力資源管理領域的重要議題-核心能力。另一方面藉著國內外對策略性人力資源管理、核心能力之推動經驗,進一步探討我國公務機關推動策略性人力資源管理及核心能力之情況與困境。 最後,在策略性人力資源管理典範下,歸納人力資源管理人員之新角色與職能,再透過深度訪談方式瞭解人事人員認為應具備那些核心能力及檢視其實際上具備之核心能力,並對二者間能力之落差應如何培育與加強提出建議。 本論文除以文獻分析進行了解外,並以深度訪談法及實地觀察法 作為本文研究之途徑;研究對象以曾任或現任行政院農業委員會暨所 屬機關人事機構之人員為主。希望藉由本研究,建立人事人員應具備 之核心能力項目,作為加強個人能力及生涯規劃之依據,同時希望將 所研究之成果提供人事主管機關作為未來推動人事人員核心能力培 訓、規劃、遴選用人策略之參考。 / During the last few decades of globalization pressure , several concepts such as strategic human resource management, core competence, and the competency model have emerged within public organizations that have forced new and improved ways to face human resource management challenge. By focusing on these trends while reviewing the evolution and development of human resource management from the 1970s to the 1990s, when the role of core competence in human resource management was a topic of much exploration,this study investigated the experiences of promoting the concepts of core competence and the competency model in Taiwan. Based on the reviewed studies, this research further investigate the issues and status of processed core competence and competency in public agencies. Finally, recommendations for improving human resource management in public agencies were proposed. The present study held in depth interviews with human resource personnel from the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan to understand their views concerning the level of core competence personnel should have compared to that which actually existed. By using this in-depth interview research method , the study aimed to gain recommendations from the participants that might enhance core competence levels in order to fill the gap between the participants’ perspectives and the reality they faced. The results of this paper found that human resources personnel feel a need to have core competence that enhances individual core competence as well as career development. To this end, heads of personnel departments hope to provied educational opportunities that advance their core competence related to training, planning, and hiring strategies in the future.

警察機關非主管人事人員工作壓力之來源及其解決對策:以內政部警政署人事室為例 / The Solution to the Job Stress Source of the Non-executives Personnel Officer in the Police Organization:The Case Study by National Police Agency Personnel Office

杜俊澤 Unknown Date (has links)
警察機關雖以警察人員為主要組成分子,然就功能及角色區分,可分很多類別,並都有其重要性,也都會有工作壓力,壓力來源也不同,警察機關人事人員雖具警察人員身分,惟卻係以簡、薦、委等官等任職,同時具有一般公務人員職務屬性,本質上具有雙重角色,也因此形成工作職場角色衝突,在自身職涯規劃也會因此不同,而其他警察人員對於警察機關人事人員認知也不同,但警察機關人事工作極其重要,所以其定位是特殊而難取代。 警政署人事室是警察機關重要人事機構,不僅具有一般警察機關人事機構性質,也具有培育未來人事主管功能,與一般警察機關人事人員相比,其被賦予責任與工作較艱鉅,所面臨工作壓力也不可等量齊觀,有必要針對此特殊職務進行研究,同時不僅以工作壓力相關文獻探究,也輔以組織行為相關理論做論證,以更明瞭該室任職成員所面臨工作壓力及來源為何,同時基於組織診斷觀點,提出相對應解決對策或建議。 本文研究係採質化方法,並且以深度訪談方式取得陳述,就所得相關資訊可發現,該室所屬人事人員確實面對工作壓力,其來源有長官期待、自我要求、工作時效等等,也會一併產生相關身心反應,其解決對策主要有提升工作效率、尋求相關資源幫助及轉移焦點等等,在組織行為呈現較不容易有負面因素出現,但基於該機關屬性使然,也不排除存在相關可能性。 對於該室建議則針對幫助成員時間控管、完善在職訓練、主管發揮有效領導功能、促進組織非正式成員間互動等四點,以幫助其可更有效面對工作壓力,避免造成過度負面影響,後續研究方向則希望延伸至各警察機關人事主管、警察機關初任人事人員、不同警察機關人事人員間不同工作壓力比較以及警察機關內部不同組室人員,發揮本研究實質貢獻。

評鑑機制與陞遷發展之研究:以「專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班」為例 / The study of assessment and promotion:Practices and Results in the Advanced Capacity Training Workshop for Personnel Staffs as Senior Officers

趙宗悅, Chao, Tsung Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,政府積極推動退休年金制度改革、組織改造、員額精簡及考績法修正案,隨之而來便是一波波退休潮;中階主管的大量退離,接踵而來的便是人才接軌的問題。行政院人事行政總處意識到人才落差及人員異動頻繁對機關產生的負面影響,並希望專員級人事人員於陞任主管前即具備擔任主管人員所需之核心職能,爰自2012年起針對人事人員開辦專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班,基於人事體系具有「人事一條鞭」任免權較易統籌辦理的特性,因此,有較大的機會得落實將評鑑機制與陞遷發展作適度結合。 專員級人事人員進階職能培訓專班之評鑑結果如同考績及獎懲等人事資料記錄著當事人之工作表現及能力,同時對於後續之陞遷發展,亦將產生一定程度之影響,就人事人員來說,參與評鑑無疑是一項充滿壓力之挑戰。該專班自2012年開辦迄今,已邁入第5年,行政院人事行政總處於辦理期間對於專員人事班參訓人員之薦送遴選方式及評鑑內容均逐年進行滾動式修正,惟似乎仍有調整之空間。本研究主要是希望回歸到源頭,期透過訪談方式,瞭解學員對制度之看法,再就訪談資料進行分析研究,進而提供政策調整之參考。

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